Intolerable Acts Lesson Plan

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Name: Tiffani Cline Date:

Subject: Social Studies Topic: The Intolerable Acts

Grade: 4th Length of Lesson:

The Big Idea: What were the Intolerable Acts?

Domain: Social Studies

Cluster: History

Standard: SS.4.14 – Demonstrate an understanding of the conflict between the American

colonies and England that led to the Revolutionary War.
- Explain the political and economic factors leading up to the American Revolution
(e.g. French and Indian War, British Colonial policies, American Colonists early

Specific Objective: The student will demonstrate mastery of the lesson’s standard by being
able to _identify at least 3 facts about the Intolerable Acts____________________ with
___80___% accuracy as measured by __formative assessment__________.

To introduce this lesson, I will begin asking what the students think the term “Intolerable Acts” means.

Once we take a moment to discuss this, I will ask other questions such as “Do you think the colonists were very

happy about these? Do you think Parliament was right to do enforce these acts? How do you think the colonists

are going to react to these? Do you think they will react better or worse to these compared to the Tea Acts?”

After we take the time to discuss these questions, we will jump into the rest of the lesson learning about the

Intolerable Acts.

 Discussion

 Questioning

 Formative assessment throughout the lesson

 Auditory modality

 Visual modality

Materials/Equipment/Technology/Community Resources:
 YouTube: Liberty's Kids 102 - Intolerable Acts (Pilot,Part II) - YouTube
 Smartboard
 Laptop
 Student laptops
 Google sheet secret message activity

Direct Instruction/Warm-Up Activity/Presentation/Model Lesson/Make Connections:

For the direct instruction, I will instruct the students that we will be watching an episode of Liberty Kids

in which they talk about the Intolerable Acts. This will take up the majority of the time for the lesson for a day,

so this lesson will definitely be broken up into more than one day. The next part of the lesson, I will instruct the

students to get out their laptops and go to schoology to get to the link for the google sheets activity. I will

instruct them that they will be taking the answers from the reading that they are doing, and they will be finding

a secret message using the facts from the reading about the Intolerable acts.

Guided Practice:
For the guided practice, we will watch the Liberty Kids on YouTube. We will watch this episode and as

we watch this, we will stop at certain points of the episode and discuss a few different points. This will include

talking about the different points of view that we are hearing from, how the students would feel if they were in

the same situation as the characters, and what they think something might mean. We will do this as we watch

throughout the episode. From there, I will work through the first questions with the students for the hidden

message activity so that the students will have an understanding of what it is that they are supposed to be doing.

Independent Practice:
For the independent practice, the students will work with partners to get the answers for the hidden

message activity. They will work throughout the questions, and as they work through the different questions, if

they put in the correct answers, it will review small bits of the correct answer each time they put in a correct


For the differentiation, I will make this information accessible to all students through the use of multiple

modalities, the use of discussion, questioning, observation and the use of group work in which the students will

have the chance to work through peer collaboration. The lesson will also be broken up for the sake of time and

breaking down the activity as not to overwhelm the students.

Tiered Learners:

Tier 1: These learners will be paired with Tier 2 and Tier 3 learners to allow for some assistance and peer

collaboration between the students. My tier 2 and 3 students can guide these students and help them through the

activity. These students will also be the students that I make my rounds to, to ensure that they are understanding

the task at hand and what it is that we are supposed to be doing.

Tier 2: My tier 2 learners will be paired with both tier 1 and 3 learners. These will allow for peer collaboration

and different understandings of the instructions that have been given to the students. This also gives different

points of views that the students might have had about the instructions. The different abilities

Tier 3: These learners will be paired with one another as well as the lower tier learners in which the students

will be able to assist the different learners with areas that might be having a little trouble with the activities.

These students will also be able to see the way in which their fellow students are looking at and working

through things.

Note: The instructions will be the same for all of the students because it is a secret message activity. The

different tier learners will have to collaborate and work together to the different understandings of what

is to be done for the activity. We may also have different tiers of understanding with the computer and

how to do the online activity as well which could also be a consideration.


In addition to a summative assessment I will formatively assess the students throughout the lesson

through observations, discussions, questioning, and the use of the interactive google sheet assignment.

Wrap-Up (Lesson Closure) /Concluding Activity:

To wrap up the lesson, we will close with a discussion about the different things that the students learned

about the Intolerable Acts. We will take a moment to review what the correct answers for the hidden message

activity was for the students, as well as the different facts that the students learned about the Intolerable Acts

through not only the activity, but the episode that they watched as well.


Intolerable acts secret message activity for google sheets™. Teachers Pay Teachers. (n.d.). Retrieved February
18, 2022, from

Liberty's Kids 102 - intolerable acts (pilot ... - youtube. (n.d.). Retrieved February 18, 2022, from

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