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61 dm dm{f©H$ Ahdmb

&& Vw{P¶m H$m¶m©Mo AI§S> qMVZ hrM Am‘wMr gmYZm &&

61 dm dm{f©H$ Ahdmb gZ 2020-2021

61 dm dm{f©H$ Ahdmb gZ 2020-2021
g§MmbH$ ‘§S>i (2020-2025)

em‘amd {ngmi A°S>. ~mimgmho~ nmQ>rb em‘amd ‘moao CËV‘ gmiw§Io

àem§V Jw§OmiH$a g§nV eodmio gwa|Ð eoQ>o O¶qgJ hmoQ>H$a

aKwZmW Jwad Jmoaj nmaJm§dH$a lr‘Vr X‘¶§Vr AmMao A°S>. gm¡. ^maVr nmQ>rb

{ZVrZ JdmXo AemoH$ {^go ‘mZqgJ nmQ>rb lr{Zdmg Xþd}

H$‘©Mmar à{V{ZYr H$‘©Mmar à{V{ZYr ‘w»¶ H$m¶©H$mar A{YH$mar ‘hmì¶dñWmnH$

61 dm dm{f©H$ Ahdmb gZ 2020-2021

{X gmVmam ghH$mar ~±H$ {b.

1. dm{f©H$ gd©gmYmaU g^oMr gyMZm 2

2. Aܶjm§Mo ‘ZmoJV d ‘hËdmÀ¶m KQ>Zm 4
3. ~±Ho$Mm Vmio~§X, AZwËnm{XV H$O© VaVyX d àJVrMm AmboI 11
4. R>odr, amoH$S> d Jw§VdUyH$ 12
5. H$O}, H$O© dgwbr, AJ«H«$‘ H$O} d Z’$m dmQ>Ur 13
6. Vnerb 14
7. ~±Ho$À¶m àJVrMr dmQ>Mmb 15
8. d¡Ym{ZH$ boImn[ajH$m§Mm Ahdmb 16
9. Vmio~§X nÌH$ 18
10. Z’$m-VmoQ>m nÌH$ 20
11. n[a{eîQ> 22
12. H°$e âbmo ñQ>oQ>‘|Q> 30
13. {heo~ nÜXVrMr ‘m{hVr 31
14. [aPìh© ~±Ho$À¶m gyMZoà‘mUo à{gÜX H$amd¶mMr ‘m{hVr 36
15 A§XmOnÌH$ 37
16. AZwËnm{XV H$O©o d VaVyX 38

61 dm dm{f©H$ Ahdmb gZ 2020-2021 1

{X gmVmam ghH$mar ~±H$ {b.
Zm|XUrH¥$V H$m¶m©b¶ : ^maVr¶ H«$sS>m ‘§{Xa, 3 am ‘Obm, Zm¶Jm§d dS>mim amoS>,
: dS>mim, ‘w§~B© - 400 031.
XÿaÜdZr : 24124743 / 24146371 / 24146478 / 24139707 / 24180417
’°$³g : 9122 - 2418 3319
B©‘ob : /
do~gmB©Q> :

*61 ì¶m dm{f©H$ gd©gmYmaU g^oMr gyMZm *

(’$³V g^mgXm§H$arVm)
¶m gyMZoÛmao ~±Ho$À¶m gd© g^mgXm§Zm H$i{dʶmV ¶oVo H$s, ~±Ho$À¶m g^mgXm§Mr 61 dr dm{f©H$ gd©gmYmaU g^m
‘§Jidma, {XZm§H$ 28 gßQ>|~a 2021 amoOr gm¶§H$mir 5.00 dm. ^maVr¶ H«$sS>m ‘§{Xa, 4 Wm ‘Obm, Zm¶Jm§d dS>mim amoS>,
dS>mim, ‘w§~B© - 400 031 ¶oWo Imbrb {df¶m§Mm {dMma H$ê$Z {ZU©¶ KoʶmgmR>r Video Conferencing (V.C.) À¶m
‘mܶ‘mVyZ Am¶mo{OV Ho$cr OmUma Amho. gXa g^og g^mgXm§Mr à˶j CnpñWVr Ano{jV Zmhr, gXa g^og gd© g^mgXm§Zr
Am°ZcmB©Z (Online) CnpñWV ahmdo, hr {dZ§Vr.
*g^onwT>rb {df¶ *
1) {XZm§H$ 27 ‘mM© 2021 amoOr Pmboë¶m 60 ì¶m dm{f©H$ gd©gmYmaU g^oMm B{Vd¥ËVm§V dmMyZ H$m¶‘ H$aUo.
2) {XZm§H$ 31 ‘mM© 2021 amoOr g§nboë¶m dfm©Mm Ahdmb d d¡Ym{ZH$ VnmgUr Pmbobm Vmio~§X d Z’$m-VmoQ>m nÌH$ dmMyZ
ñdrH¥$V H$aUo.
3) g§MmcH$ ‘§S>imZo {e’$mag Ho$ë¶mà‘mUo Z’$m {d^mJUrg ‘mݶVm XoUo.
4) gZ 2020-2021 À¶m d¡Ym{ZH$ boImn[ajH$m§Zr {Xboë¶m VnmgUr Ahdmbmda {dMma {d{Z‘¶ H$ê$Z Vmo ñdrH¥$V H$ê$U
5) gZ 2019-2020 Mm d¡Ym{ZH$ boImnarjU Ahdmc Xmof-XþéñVrMr Zm|X KoUo.
6) ^maVr¶ [aPìh© ~±Ho$À¶m AmXoemZwgma gZ 2021-2022 H$arVm d¡Ym{ZH$ coImnarjH$mMr {Z¶w³Vr Pmcoda nwT>rc
H$m¶©dmhr H$aUo.
7) gZ 2021-2022 À¶m gmXa Ho$coë¶m A§XmOnÌH$mg d gZ 2020-2021 ¶m dfm©V A§XmOnÌH$s¶ VaVyXrnojm OmXm
Pmcoë¶m IMm©g ‘§Oyar KoUo.
8) g§MmbH$ d ˶m§Mo ZmVodmB©H$ ¶m§Zm {Xboë¶m H$Om©Mr Zm|X KoUo.
9) d¡Ym{ZH$ coImnarjH$m§Zr à‘m{UV Ho$cocr g§e{¶V d ~wS>rV H$O© ¶oUo ~mH$s a³H$‘ g§~§{YV H$O©XmamH$Sy>Z H$amd¶mÀ¶m
dgycrMo gd© A{YH$ma A~m{YV R>oD$Z {Zc}IZ (Write Off) H$aʶmg ‘mݶVm XoUo.
10) Am{W©H$ df© 2021-2022 ‘ܶo ‘m. g§MmcH$ ‘§S>imZo ‘§Oya Ho$coë¶m EH$aH$‘r H$O© naV’o$S> àñVmdmMr Zm|X KoUo.
11) Video Conferencing (V.C.) Ûmao Am¶mo{OV dm{f©H$ gd©gmYmaU g^og AZwnpñWV Agcoë¶m g^mgXm§Mr J¡ahOoar
j‘mnrV H$aUo.
12) ‘m. Aܶjm§À¶m nadmZJrZo ¶oUmao BVa {df¶.
Zm|XUrH¥$V H$m¶m©b¶ :
^maVr¶ H«$sS>m ‘§{Xa, 3 am ‘Obm,
g§MmbH$ ‘§S>imÀ¶m AmXoemZwgma
Zm¶Jm§d dS>mim amoS>, dS>mim, ‘mZqgJ amOmam‘ nmQ>rb
‘w§~B© - 400 031. ‘w»¶ H$m¶©H$mar A{YH$mar
{XZm§H$ : 13 gßQ>|~a, 2021

61 dm dm{f©H$ Ahdmb gZ 2020-2021 2

{X gmVmam ghH$mar ~±H$ {b.

1) dm{f©H$ gd©gmYmaU g^oMo Am¶moOZ Video Conferencing (V.C.) À¶m ‘mܶ‘mVyZ Ho$co OmUma Amho.
2) gd© g^mgXm§Zm dm{f©H$ gd©gmYmaU g^oMr gyMZm nmR>{dʶmV Ambobr Amho. ~±Ho$À¶m dm{f©H$ AhdmbmMr àV ~±Ho$À¶m g§Ho$VñWir
(do~ gmB©Q>) da nmhVm ¶oB©b. VgoM AhdmbmÀ¶m àVr gd© emIm§V CnbãY Ho$boë¶m AmhoV.
3) Á¶m g^mgXm§Zr Amncm E-mail ID qH$dm ‘mo~mB©c H«$‘m§H$ ¶m~m~VMr ‘m{hVr ~±Ho$H$S>o Zm|X Ho$cr Zgoc ˶m§Zr ˶m~m~VMr
‘m{hVr ~±Ho$À¶m ‘w»¶mc¶mVrc ’$moZ H«$. 022-2412 4743 ¶m H«$‘m§H$mda H$idmdr, ˶mZwgma ˶m§Zm Login H$arVm Link
nmR>{dʶmV ¶oB©c.
4) ~±Ho$À¶m {heo~mg§~§Yr A{YH$ ‘m{hVr hdr Agë¶mg AWdm H$mhr {dYm¶H$ ñdê$nmÀ¶m gwMZm H$amd¶mÀ¶m Agë¶mg g^mgXm§Zr
boIr ñdê$nmV ~±Ho$À¶m Zm|XUrH¥$V H$m¶m©b¶mV à˶j AWdm ¶m E-mail ID da {XZm§H$ 20 gßQ>|~a
2021 n¶ªV H$amì¶mV.
5) g^oÀ¶m {Z¶mo{OV doioV åhUOoM gm¶§H$mir 5.00 dmOon¶ªV JUnyVu Z Pmë¶mg g^m VhHy$~ Ho$cr OmB©c d VhHy$~ Pmcocr g^m
˶mM {R>H$mUr Video Conferencing (V.C.) Ûmao gm¶§H$mir 5.30 dmOVm KoʶmV ¶oB©c. ˶m g^og JUnyVu d doJù¶m
gyMZoMr Amdí¶H$Vm amhUma Zmhr. OodT>o g^mgX ~±Ho$Zo ¶m gd©gmYmaU g^ogmR>r nmR>{dcoë¶m A{YH¥$V Link da g^og
CnpñWV amhVrc. ˶m§Mr CnpñWVr JUg§»¶m ‘moOVmZm J«mø Yacr OmB©c.
6) Oa gXa dm{f©H$ gd©gmYmaU g^o‘ܶo Vm§{ÌH$ {~KmS> qH$dm ZoQ>dH©$ g‘ñ¶o‘wio qH$dm Aݶ H$mhr H$maUm§‘wio AS>Wim Amë¶mg
gXa g^m {gpñQ>‘ naV gwé Pmë¶mda ˶mM Web Link Platform da gwé H$aʶmV ¶oB©c.
7) g^mgXm§Zr Or Mm§Jcr a|O d ñnrS> {‘iV Agoc Aem {R>H$mUmdê$ZM g^o‘ܶo ^mJ ¿¶mdm, B§Q>aZoQ> a|O d ñnrS> EH$X‘ H$‘r
Agoc Va g^o‘ܶo ^mJ Koʶmg AS>Wim ¶oD$ eH$Vmo.
8) g^mgXm§Zr {‘qQ>J‘ܶo ~mocV AgVmZm ˶m§À¶m AmOy-~mOyg em§VVm àñWm{nV amhrc, BVa AmdmO ¶oUma ZmhrV ¶mMr H$miOr

61 dm dm{f©H$ Ahdmb gZ 2020-2021 3

{X gmVmam ghH$mar ~±H$ {b.

gÝ‘mZZr¶ g^mgX ~§Yy/^{JZtZmo,

gào‘ Z‘ñH$ma {d. {d.
àW‘V: ~±Ho$Mo g§ñWmnH$-Aܶj ñd. ~m~wamdOr eoQ>o ¶m§À¶m n{dÌ ñ‘¥Vrg {dZ‘« A{^dmXZ H$ê$Z 61 dm dm{f©H$
Ahdmb d ˶mgmo~V {XZm§H$ 31 ‘mM© 2021 AIoaMm Z’$m-VmoQ>m d Vmioo~§X nÌH$ g§MmbH$ ‘§S>imÀ¶mdVrZo AmnUmg‘moa gmXa
H$arV AmhmoV.
gZ 2019-2020 ho ~±Ho$Mo "" hraH$ ‘hmoËgdr df©'' hmoVo ¶m dfm©V ~±Ho$Zo N>moQ>mgm H$m¶©H«$‘ Am¶mo{OV H$aʶmMo R>a{dco
hmoVo na§Vw H$moamoZmÀ¶m H$mimV emgZmÀ¶m à{V~§Ym‘wio gXaMm H$m¶©H«$‘ KoVm Amcm Zmhr.
AmnUm gdmªZm kmV AmhoM H$s, Jocr 3-4 dfm©nmgyZ XoemV Am{W©H$ ‘§Xr gwé Agë¶mZo CÚmoJ joÌmV Anojoà‘mUo
^a^amQ> hmoV Zgë¶mMo {XgV Amho, ZdrZ H$O© dmQ>nmgmR>r Ano{jV Aer H$O©‘mJUr Zmhr, ˶m‘ܶoM H$mo{dS>-19 (H$moamoZm)
{dfmUy ‘hm‘marMm {eaH$md Pmë¶mZo {XZm§H$ 23 ‘mM©, 2020 À¶m ‘ܶamÌrnmgyZ ^maV gaH$maZo XoemV/amÁ¶mV gd©Ì
Q>mio~§Xr Om{ha Ho$cr. ~hþVm§er gd©M joÌm§da à{V~§Y KmcʶmV Amco. ˶mMm n[aUm‘ CÚmoJ-Y§Xo/XiU-diU/~±H$s¨J
joÌmda A{YH$ Pmcm.
~±H$s¨J godm hr A˶mdí¶H$ godo‘ܶo ¶oV Agë¶mZo Vr A{daV Mmcy R>odʶmH$arVm Amnë¶m ~±Ho$Zo à¶ËZm§Mr namH$mð>m
Ho$cr. H$‘©Mmar dJm©Zo ñdV:À¶m OrdmMr ndm© Z H$aVm àmUm§Mr ~mOr cmdyZ emIm§Vrc ~±H$s¨J godm gwé R>odʶmgmR>r A{daV
à¶ËZ Ho$co, H$m¶m©c¶rZ H$m‘mMo Vmg H$‘r H$éZ J«mhH$m§Zm {S>OrQ>c d E.Q>r.E‘. godm OmñVrV OmñV dmnaʶmMo AmìhmZ Ho$co.
Aem n[apñWVrVhr gd© H$‘©Mmè¶m§Zr YmoHo$ nËH$éZ J«mhH$ godoV H$Yrhr I§S> nSy> {Xcm Zmhr. H$mhr H$‘©Mmè¶m§Zm ¶mVyZ H$moamoZmMm
àmXþ^m©d Pmë¶mZo gdmªMrM H$miOr dmT>cr hmoVr, na§Vw Vo gd© ¶mVyZ ~ao Pmco Am{U AmO ~±Ho$À¶m godoV H$m¶©aV AmhoV. H$moamoZm
H$mcmdYrVhr ~±Ho$Zo ì¶dgm¶ d¥ÜXrMr C{ÔîQ>o gmܶ H$aʶmMm à¶ËZ Ho$cocm Amho. ¶m gd© H$‘©Mmè¶m§Mo ""H$moamoZm ¶moÜXo'' åhUyZ
‘r ‘Z:nyd©H$ H$m¡VwH$ H$aVmo. ˶m§Zm nwT>ohr CÎm‘ Amamo½¶ cm^mo Aer àmW©Zm H$aVmo.
Ahdmc dfm©V ~±H$m-~±H$m§VJ©V R>odrdarc ì¶mOXamV KQ> Pmë¶mZo gd© gm‘mݶ J«mhH$ BVa n¶m©¶m§H$S>o AmH${f©H$ Pmë¶mZo
R>odrda Ano{jV d¥ÜXr Pmcocr Zmhr. CASA Deposit dmT>{dʶmgmR>r {deof à¶ËZ Ho$co OmUma AmhoV. ¶mH$arVm H$‘©Mmar
dJm©g à{ejrV H$ê$Z ˶m§Mr H$m¶©j‘Vm dmT>{dʶmMo à¶ËZ Ho$co OmUma AmhoV.
Ahdmc dfm©V ~±Ho$Zo {Z¶moOZ~ÜX H$m¶©H«$‘ {Z{üV H$éZ ˶mMm gVV nmR>nwamdm Ho$ë¶mZo AZwËnm{XV H$O© dmT>rda
{Z¶§ÌU R>odʶmMo à¶ËZ Ho$co AmhoV. H$moamoZm ‘hm‘marÀ¶m nmûd©^y‘rda IMm©da {Z¶§ÌU R>odʶmMm YmoaUmË‘H$ {ZU©¶ g§MmcH$
‘§S>imZo KoD$Z ˶mMr H$mQ>oH$moanUo A§‘c~OmdUr Ho$cocr Amho.
~±Ho$À¶m gd© emIm§Mm ì¶dgm¶ d¥ÜXrMm AmT>mdm KoD$Z ì¶dgm¶ d¥ÜXrda ‘¶m©Xm Agcoë¶m emIm ñWcm§VarV H$aʶmMm
{dMma g§MmcH$ ‘§S>i H$arV AgyZ ˶mda ¶mo½¶ Vmo {ZU©¶ cdH$aM KoʶmV ¶ooB©c.
H$moamoZmÀ¶m ‘hm‘mar‘wio gdmªZm Am{W©H$ JVr XoUmam ~±H$s¨J ì¶dgm¶ nwU©nUo ‘§Xmdcm, CÚmoJ-Y§Xo/XiU-diU
B˶mXtda A{Ve¶ J§^ra n[aUm‘ Pmco, n[aUm‘r H$m‘Jma, ZmoH$aXma ¶m§Zm Amnco H$m‘, ZmoH$è¶m J‘dmì¶m cmJë¶m, ¶m gdmªMm
n[aUm‘ ~±H$s¨J ì¶dgm¶mda hmoD$Z ì¶dgm¶d¥ÜXr ‘§Xmdcr Amho.
Ahdmc dfm©V ~±H$m‘Yrc H$O© ‘mJUrV KQ> hmoD$Z dgycrda {dnarV n[aUm‘ Pmë¶mZo AZwËnm{XV H$Om©V (N.P.A.)
àM§S> dmT> Pmcr, ˶m‘wio ^maVr¶ [aPìh© ~±Ho$À¶m ‘mJ©Xe©H$ {ZX}emZwgma AZwËnm{XV H$Om©da VaVyXr H$amì¶m cmJë¶mZo
n[aUm‘V: ~±Ho$À¶m Z’$m j‘Voda A{ZîQ> n[aUm‘ Pmcm.

61 dm dm{f©H$ Ahdmb gZ 2020-2021 4

{X gmVmam ghH$mar ~±H$ {b.
~±H$m§Zr WH$sV H$Om©VyZ ~mhoa nS>ʶmgmR>r ^maVr¶ [aPìh© ~±Ho$Zo Framework - I AÝd¶o WH$sV Pmcoë¶m H$Om©Mr
nwZa©MZm H$aʶmgmR>r YmoaU R>adyZ {Xco. ˶mZwgma ~±Ho$H$S>o EHy$U 23 WH$sV H$O©Xmam§Zr AO© Ho$co d ˶m§Zm AmnU EHy$U ê$n¶o
35.12 H$moQ>r BV³¶m H$O© a³H$‘oMr nwZa©MZm (Restructure) H$éZ {Xcr. nwZa©{MV H$O© a³H$‘oda {Z¶‘mZwgma 5% BVH$s
VaVyX H$aʶmV Amcr. ˶m‘wio ~±Ho$À¶m Z’$m j‘Voda A{YH$M n[aUm‘ Pmcm.
ZmJar ghH$mar ~±H$m§H$arVm nwT>rc 2-3 df} AmìhmZmË‘H$ AgUma AmhoV, ì¶dgm¶mVrc ‘§Xr, AZwËnm{XV H$Om©‘Yrc
dmT>, KQ>coco CËnÞ, ~Xccocm ~±H$s¨J ao½¶wcoeZ A°³Q>, 1949 d ˶mMo ZmJar ghH$mar ~±H$m§darc n[aUm‘ B˶mXr ~m~t‘wio
nwT>rc H$mcmdYr A{Ve¶ ñnYm©Ë‘H$ Amho.
na§Vw ^maV gaH$maZo d ^maVr¶ [aPìh© ~±Ho$Zo gmV˶mZo Ho$coë¶m Cnm¶¶moOZm§‘wio AW©ì¶dñWog {Z{üVnUo JVr {‘ioc
Agm {dœmg dmQ>Vmo. Amnë¶m gdmªÀ¶m ghH$m¶m©Zo VgoM A{YH$mar/H$‘©Mmar ¶m§À¶m gH«$s¶ ¶moJXmZm‘wio Amncr ~±H$ ì¶dgm¶
dmT>rVrc gd© C{Ôï>m§Mr nyV©Vm AmJm‘r H$mimV H$éZ [aPìh© ~±Ho$À¶m gd© {ZH$fm§Mr nyV©Vm H$aoc ¶mMr ‘cm ImÌr Amho.
g^mgX :-
dfm©a§^r ~±Ho$Mo 27268 "A' dJ© g^mgX hmoVo. AhdmbgmbmV 298 ZdrZ g^mgX XmIb H$ê$Z KoVbo. Va 251
g^mgXm§Zr amOrZm‘o {Xë¶m‘wio df© AIoa g^mgXm§Mr g§»¶m 27315 BVH$s Pmbr. dfm©a§^r ~±Ho$Mo 1087 Zm‘‘mÌ g^mgX
hmoVo. Ahdmbgmbr 466 ZdrZ g^mgX XmIb H$ê$Z KoVbo, Va 565 g^mgX H$‘r Pmbo. df© AIoa Zm‘‘mÌ g^mgXm§Mr g§»¶m
988 BVH$s Pmbr Amho.
¶m AmH$S>odmardê$Z ~±Ho$À¶m g^mgX g§»¶oV {Xdg|{Xdg g‘mYmZH$maH$ dmT> hmoV AgyZ ~±Ho$À¶m EH§$Xa H$m‘H$mOmVrb
g^mgXm§Mm dmT>Vm gh^mJ ho ~±Ho$À¶m {dH$mgmMo VgoM ~±Ho$Mm ^m§S>dbr nm¶m ‘O~yV Agë¶mMo ÚmoVH$ åhUmdo bmJob.
^mJ ^m§S>db :-
Amnë¶m ~±Ho$À¶m A{YH¥$V ^mJ ^m§S>dbmMr ‘¶m©Xm ê$. 35 H$moQ>r Amho. dfm©a§^r dgyb ^mJ ^m§S>db a³H$‘
ê$.25,30,32,400/- BVHo$ hmoVo. Ahdmbgmbr ˶mV ê$.96,79,550/- ^mJ ^m§S>db ê$nmZo O‘m Pmbo. amOrZm‘o {Xboë¶m
g^mgXm§Mr ê$.1,24,60,100/- a³H$‘ naV Ho$br. df© AIoa dgyb ^mJ ^m§S>dbmMr a³H$‘ ê$. 25,02,51,850/- BVH$s
Pmbr Amho.
g§MmbH$ d ZmVodmB©H$ ¶m§Zm {Xbobr H$O} :-
‘hmamîQ´> ghH$mar g§ñWm A{Y{Z¶‘ 1960 Mo H$b‘ 75 (2) ‘Yrb VaVyXrZwgma ~±Ho$Mo g§MmbH$ ‘§S>imdarb gXñ¶ d
˶m§À¶m Hw$Qw>§{~¶m§Zm {Xboë¶m H$Om©Mm Vnerb :-
(ê$n¶o bmImV)
A. dfm©À¶m Am{W©H$ Am{W©H$ df©AIoa df©AIoa
Vnerb gwê$dmVrg dfm©V {Xbobr dfm©V dgwb ¶oUo a³H$‘ WH$sV a³H$‘
¶oUo a³H$‘ a³H$‘ Pmbobr a³H$‘
1. g§MmbH$ .... .... .... .... ....
2. ZmVodmB©H$ 19.47 .... 6.71 12.77 ....
({Q>n : gXaMr H$O} hr {ZdSy>Z Amboë¶m g§MmbH$m§À¶m ZmVodmB©H$m§Mr {ZdS>UyH$snwduMr AmhoV.)
g§MmbH$ ‘§S>i àemgZ {ZVr‘ËVm (Corporate Governance):-
^maVr¶ [aPìh© ~±Ho$À¶m ‘mJ©Xe©H$ VËdmZwgma g§MmbH$ ‘§S>imMr àemgH$s¶ {ZVr‘ËVm ¶mg ~±Ho$À¶m aoqQ>JÀ¶m
ÑîQ>rH$moZmVyZ ‘hËd àmá Pmbobo Amho. Amnbr ~±H$ ˶mMo nmbZ H$arV AgyZ g§MmbH$ ‘§S>i d {d{dY g{‘˶m§À¶m Imbrbà‘mUo
g^m KoʶmV Amë¶m. gXa g^m§Zm g§MmbH$m§Mr CnpñWVr g‘mYmZH$maH$ hmoVr.
61 dm dm{f©H$ Ahdmb gZ 2020-2021 5
{X gmVmam ghH$mar ~±H$ {b.

1. g§MmbH$ ‘§S>i g^m 27

2. H$O© g{‘Vr (H$O© AO© N>mZZr g{‘Vr) 21
3. Am°S>rQ> g{‘Vr 04
4. Jw§VdUyH$ g{‘Vr 11
5. A°goQ> bm¶{~brQ>r ‘°ZoO‘|Q> g{‘Vr 04
6. EH$ aH$‘r H$O© naV’o$S> ¶moOZm gëbmJma g{‘Vr 01
7. godH$ g{‘Vr 02
8. OmoIr‘ ì¶dñWmnZ g{‘Vr 01
9. Am¶. Q>r. g{‘Vr 03

˶mMà‘mUo Ahdmb gmbmV ‘°ZoOa d Am°{’$ga ¶m§À¶m Xa‘hm ì¶dgm¶ AmT>mdm g^m§Mo Am¶moOZ H$aʶmV Ambobo hmoVo.
JìhZ©‘|Q> A°ÝS> Q´>ñQ>r {g³¶w[aQ>rO (Jw§VdUyH$) :-
^maVr¶ [aPìh© ~±Ho$À¶m AmXoemà‘mUo Á¶m àmW{‘H$ ZmJar ghH$mar ~±H$m§Mo IoiVo ^m§S>db 25 H$moQ>r ê$n¶m§À¶mda Amho,
˶m§Zr Net Demand & Time Liabilities (NDTL) À¶m 18.00% a³H$‘ [aPìh© ~±H$ ‘mݶVm àmá JìhZ©‘|Q> A°ÝS> Q´>ñQ>r
{g³¶w[aQ>rO‘ܶo Jw§VdUo ~§YZH$maH$ Amho. VX²Zwgma Amnë¶m ~±Ho$Zo AmVmn¶ªV Mmby gmbMr Jw§VdUyH$ bjmV KoVm EHy$U
ê$.179.67 H$moQ>r BV³¶m ‘yë¶m§Mr åhUOoM 20.43% a³H$‘ {Za{Zamiçm gaH$mar amo»¶mV Jw§VdUyH$ Ho$br Amho.
{heo~ VnmgUr d boImn[ajU :-
A) d¡Ym{ZH$ boImn[ajU :-
d¡Ym{ZH$ boImn[ajH$mMr {Z¶w³Vr H$aʶmMo A{YH$ma dm{f©H$ gd©gmYmaU g^og {Xë¶mZo Amnë¶m ~±Ho$À¶m dm{f©H$
gd©gmYmaU g^oV {XZm§H$ 31 ‘mM© 2021 AIoa H$m¶©aV Agboë¶m gd© emIm§gh gZ 2020-21 ¶m Am{W©H$ dfm©H$[aVm
d¡Ym{ZH$ boImn[ajUmgmR>r boImn[ajH$ åhUyZ ‘o. g§O¶ amUo A°ÝS> Agmo{gEQ>g² ¶m§Mr {Z¶w³Vr Ho$br hmoVr. ˶mZwgma ˶m§Zr
Amnbo boImn[ajUmMo H$m‘ {Xboë¶m doioV nyU© H$ê$Z Amnbm [anmoQ>© gmXa Ho$bm. ˶m§Zr Amnë¶m ~±Ho$g "~' Am°S>rQ> dJ© {Xbobm
Amho. g§MmbH$ ‘§S>img boImn[ajUmÀ¶m AmYmao ~hþ‘mob ‘mJ©Xe©Z Ho$bo.
~) A§VJ©V {heo~ VnmgUr, H$ÝH$a§Q> Am°S>rQ> d {gpñQ>‘ Am°S>rQ> :-
~±Ho$À¶m H|$Ð H$m¶m©b¶mgh gd© emIm§‘Yrb A§VJ©V {heo~ VnmgUr H$aʶmMo H$m‘ ~±Ho$Mo A{YH$mar/H$‘©Mmar ¶m§À¶m
A§VJ©V VnmgUr {Q>‘ ‘m’©$V H$aʶmV Ambo. ~±Ho$À¶m gd© emIm§Mo H$ÝH$a§Q> Am°S>rQ> d ~°bÝg{eQ> H$Ýgm°{bS>oeZ, Q>°³g Am°S>rQ> d
[aQ>Z© g~{‘eZMo H$m‘ ‘o. {XZoe A{ha A°ÝS> H§$nZr ¶m§Zr Ho$co. BÝìhoñQ>‘|Q> Am°S>rQ> ‘o. {‘Zb ndma A°ÝS> Agmo{gEQ>g² ¶m§Zr Ho$bo.
‘w»¶ H$m¶m©b¶mgh gd© emIm§Mo {gpñQ>‘ Am°S>rQ> H$aʶmMo H$m‘ lr‘Vr Aê$Um ‘ohVm, {ggm Am°S>rQ>a ¶m§Zr Ho$bo.

61 dm dm{f©H$ Ahdmb gZ 2020-2021 6

{X gmVmam ghH$mar ~±H$ {b.
dgwbr A{YH$mar :-
dgwbr XmIë¶mda OárMr H$madmB© H$aʶmgmR>r dgwbr A{YH$mar åhUyZ ‘m. ghH$ma Am¶w³V d {Z~§YH$ ¶m§À¶m
AmXoemZwgma ‘hmamîQ´> ghH$mar g§ñWm A{Y{Z¶‘ 1960 Mo H$b‘ 156 AÝd¶o d {Z¶‘ 1961 Mo {Z¶‘ 107 AÝd¶o dgwbr d
{dH«$s~m~VMo A{YH$ma ~±Ho$À¶m Imbrb A{YH$mè¶m§Zm XoʶmV Ambo AmhoV.
A. H«$. A{YH$mè¶m§Mo Zm§d nX
1. lr. AmZ§Xm ~miy eoQ>o ‘°ZoOa
2. lr. CËV‘ ‘mê$Vr am§OUo ‘°ZoOa
3. lr. a‘oe {H$gZ ‘hmOZ ‘°ZoOa
4. lr. g{MZ ~miH¥$îU MìhmU ‘°ZoOa
5. lr. amO {H$gZ nmQ>rb ‘°ZoOa
6. lr. h[a^mD$ AmZ§Xamd ndma ‘°ZoOa
H$‘©Mmar gh^mJ d ‘Zwî¶~i {dH$mg :-
H$‘©Mmar g§KQ>Zm Am{U g§MmcH$ ‘§S>imMo g§~§Y gm¡hmX©nyU© d gwg§dmXrV amhrco AmhoV, ~±Ho$À¶m àJVrV H$‘©Mmè¶m§Mm
‘mocmMm dmQ>m Amho, à{ejrV H$‘©Mmar hr ~±Ho$Mr ‘mc‘Îmm AgVo. à{ejrV H$‘©Mmè¶m‘wio AmYw{ZH$ V§ÌkmZ A§‘cmV AmUyZ
J«mhH$m§Zm Mm§Jë¶m godm-gw{dYm XoV AmhmoV. H$moamoZmMm H$mi AgVmZm XoIrc ~±Ho$Zo AhdmcgmcmV H$‘©Mmè¶m§Zm {X ‘hmamï´>
A~©Z H$mo-Am°n. ~±³g ’o$S>aoeZ VgoM ~±qH$J {df¶mg§X^m©V à{ejU XoUmar ¶ed§Vamd MìhmU {dH$mg àemgZ à~mo{YZr ¶m§Mo
‘m’©$V Am°ZcmB©Z à{ejU XoʶmV Amco.
J«mhH$ godm, gw{dYm Am{U AmYw{ZH$ V§ÌkmZ :-
J«mhH$m§Zm A˶mYw{ZH$ V§ÌkmZmda AmYmarV AÚ¶mdV ~±H$s¨J gw{dYm XoʶmgmR>r ~±Ho$Mo ì¶dñWmnZ gX¡d à¶ËZerc
Amho, ~±Ho$V H$moAa ~±H$s¨J gw{dYm AgyZ ˶mÛmao Amnco g^mgX d ImVoXma ~±Ho$À¶m H$moU˶mhr emIoVyZ ImVo ì¶dhma H$é
eH$VmV, AmYw{ZH$ V§ÌkmZm‘ܶo SMS, ATM (Rupay Debit Card), Internet Banking (View Only), IMPS, Mobile
Banking, RTGS & NEFT, POS B˶mXr gw{dYm {Xë¶m AmhoV. AënmdYrV UPI godo A§VJ©V “Google Pay” godm gwé
H$aʶmV ¶oUma Amho.
gm¶~a go³¶w[aQ>r~m~V :-
~±H$s¨J joÌmV amoO Zd-ZdrZ J«mhH$mon¶moJr gw{dYm CncãY hmoV AmhoV, ~±Ho$V Z OmVm J«mhH$ H$moRy>Zhr Am{U Ho$ìhmhr
n¡emMo ì¶dhma H$aV Amho, na§Vw ˶mVrc YmoHo$hr dmT>co AmhoV åhUyZ gd© ImVoXma, g^mgX ¶m§Zm {dZ§Vr H$aʶmV ¶oVo H$s,
H$moUVohr “Digital Payment” H$aVmZm OTP, Password, CVV B˶mXr~m~V A˶§V JwßVVm amImdr. ~±H$ H$Yrhr
Amnë¶mH$S>o ¶m ~m~tMr ‘mJUr H$arV Zmhr ¶mMr Zm|X ¿¶mdr.
én¶o 5 cmImn¶ªVÀ¶m R>odtZm {d‘m g§ajU :-
^maV gaH$maZo {XZm§H$ 4 ’o$~«wdmar 2020 nmgyZ én¶o 5 cmImn¶ªVÀ¶m R>odtZm {d‘m g§ajU cmJy H$aʶmg ‘mݶVm
{Xcocr Amho. ˶mZwgma Amnë¶m ~±Ho$Vrc én¶o 5 cmImn¶ªVÀ¶m R>odtZm {d‘m g§ajU àmßV Pmcoco Amho.
“ì¶dñWmnZ ‘§S>i” (Board of Management) :-
^maVr¶ [aPìh© ~±Ho$Zo gd© ZmJar ghH$mar ~±H$m§V ""ì¶dñWmnZ ‘§S>i'' JR>Z H$aUo~m~V {ZX}{eV Ho$ë¶mà‘mUo Amnë¶m
~±Ho$Zo ‘m.ghH$ma Am¶w³Vm§Mr ‘§Oyar KoD$Z ~±Ho$À¶m Cn{dYrV ¶mo½¶ Vr gwYmaUm H$éZ ~±Ho$V Imcrcà‘mUo ""ì¶dñWmnZ
‘§S>i'' JR>rV H$aʶmV Amco Amho :-

61 dm dm{f©H$ Ahdmb gZ 2020-2021 7

{X gmVmam ghH$mar ~±H$ {b.

A. H«$. gXñ¶m§Mo Zm§d dJ©dmar

1. gr.E. lr. àH$me aKwZmW nmQ>rc - Aܶj AH$m¢Q>Ýgr d ~±H$s¨J
2. A°S>. lr. ~mimgmho~ amOmam‘ nmQ>rc H$mo-Am°naoeZ d cm°
3. A°S>. gm¡. ^maVr a{dH$m§V nmQ>rc H$mo-Am°naoeZ d cm°
4. lr. aKwZmW e§H$a Jwad ~±H$s¨J d H$mo-Am°naoeZ
5. lr. {H$emoa OJy^mB© ‘mé ‘m{hVr V§ÌkmZ d ‘mZd g§gmYZ
~m~wamdOr eoQ>o nwʶ{VWr :-
~m~wamdOr eoQ>o ¶m§À¶m 29 ì¶m nwʶ{VWrMm H$m¶©H«$‘ H$moamoZm {dfmUyÀ¶m ’¡$cmdm‘wio à{V~§YmË‘H$ Cnm¶¶moOZoÀ¶m
Ñï>rH$moZmVyZ hm H$m¶©H«$‘ gwa{jVVoMo {Z¶‘ nmiyZ ~±Ho$Mo ‘w»¶mc¶ d emIm ñVamda gwa{jV A§Va R>oD$Z nma nmS>ʶmV Amcm.
^mJ ^m§S>dcmdarc cm^m§em~m~V :-
gZ 2019-2020 H$arVm ^maVr¶ [aPìh© ~±Ho$Zo {ZX}{eV Ho$ë¶mà‘mUo Amnë¶m ~±Ho$Zo g^mgXm§Zm cm^m§e {Xcm Zmhr.
na§Vw H$moamoZmMm àmXþ^m©d nwT>o gwéM am{hë¶mZo gZ 2020-2021 ¶m Am{W©H$ dfm©V WH$sV H$Om©Mo à‘mU dmTy> cmJë¶mZo
qH$~hþZm AZwËnm{XV H$Om©Mo à‘mU dmT>co. ¶mMm n[aUm‘ ~±Ho$À¶m CËnÞmda Pmcm.
AZwËnm{XV H$Om©Mo à‘mUmV dmT> Pmë¶mZo ^maVr¶ [aPìh© ~±Ho$Zo n¶©dojr¶ H$madmB©Zwgma (Supervisory Action
Framework) Amnë¶m ~±Ho$g H$i[dë¶mà‘mUo ˶m§Mo nadmZJr{edm¶ cm^m§e Omhra H$aVm ¶oUma Zmhr.

{ZYr ì¶dñWmnZm§VJ©V d¡Ym{ZH$ VaVyX :-

~±qH$J ao½¶wcoeZ A°³Q>, 1949 Mo H$c‘ 18 Am{U 24 ‘Yrc VaVyXtZm A{YZ amhÿZ ~±Ho$Zo Ahdmc dfm©V d¡Ym{ZH$
ñdénmV amImd¶mMr amoIVm (CRR) d VacVm (SLR) ¶m~m~VMr H$Q>mjmZo nyV©Vm Ho$cocr Amho.
H$O© WH$~mH$s d AZwËnm{XV H$O© ì¶dñWmnZ :-
Ahdmc dfm©V ~±Ho$cm ¶oUo Agcoë¶m H$Om©n¡H$s 4.86% H$O} WH$sV AmhoV. Va EHy$U H$O© aH$‘on¡H$s é. 145.13 H$moQ>r
H$O} T>mo~i AZwËnm{XV H$O} (Gross NPA's) H$O© åhUyZ dJuH¥$V H$aʶmV Amcocr AmhoV. Amnë¶m ~±Ho$Zo CËnm{XV VgoM
AZwËnm{XV H$Om©gmR>r, {~ëS>tJ ’§$S> d OZac [aPìh© ’§$S> ‘YyZ H$mhr a³H$‘m di˶m Ho$ë¶m AmhoV. ~±Ho$Mr {Zìdi AZwËnm{XV
H$O} (Net NPA's) 20.14% BVH$s AmhoV. Am{W©H$ dfm©À¶m AIoarg H$moamoZm ‘hm‘marMm gd©Ì n[aUm‘ Pmë¶mZo WH$sV H$O©
dgycr‘ܶo ^anya AS>MUr Amë¶m. ˶mMm n[aUm‘ JVdfuÀ¶m VwcZoV AZwËnm{XV H$Oo} dmT>rda Pmcm. na§Vw ¶o˶m dfm©V ~±Ho$Zo
H$O© dgycrda A{YH$ ^a {Xcocm Amho. Amåhmcm {dídmg Amho H$s, ¶o˶m Am{W©H$ dfm©V AZwËnm{XV H$Om©da Amåhr {Z¶§ÌU
A{^Z§XZmMo ‘mZH$ar :-
1) {X ‘hmamï´> A~©Z H$mo-Am°n.~±³g ’o$S>aoeZ {c., ‘w§~B© Mo Aܶj ‘m. lr. {dÚmYa AZmñH$a ¶m§Mr emgZmZo
‘hmamï´> amÁ¶ ghH$ma n[afXoda Aܶj åhUyZ {Z¶w³Vr Ho$cr. ˶m~Ôc ˶m§Mo hm{X©H$ A{^Z§XZ.

61 dm dm{f©H$ Ahdmb gZ 2020-2021 8

{X gmVmam ghH$mar ~±H$ {b.

2) H$mo-Am°n. ~±H$ Eåßcm°B©O ¶w{Z¶Z, ‘w§~B©À¶m ‘ܶdVu H$m¶©H$m[aUrV ‘m. lr. AmZ§XamdOr AS>gyi, Aܶj, ‘m.
lr. gw{Zc gmidr, H$m¶m©Ü¶j d lr. Za|Ð gmd§V, ga{MQ>Urg ¶m§Mr ’o$a{ZdS> Pmcr. ˶m gdmªMo hm{X©H$
3) ~±Ho$Mo H$‘©Mmar à{V{ZYr lr. {ZVrZ a‘oe JdmXo ¶m§Mr H$mo-Am°n. ~±H$ Eåßcm°B©O ¶w{Z¶Z, ‘w§~B© À¶m ‘ܶdVu
H$m¶©H$m[aUrda g§¶w³V {MQ>UrgnXr ’o$a{ZdS> Pmë¶m~Ôc ˶m§Mohr hm{X©H$ A{^Z§XZ.
^mdnyU© lÜXm§Ocr :-
Ahdmc gmcmV AZoH$ ^maVr¶ OdmZ ehrX Pmco. amï´>r¶ H$m±J«og njmMo Á¶oîR> ZoVo d ‘mOr ‘§Ìr lr. {dcmgamd nmQ>rc
(H$mH$m), ~±Ho$Mo {dÚ‘mZ Aܶj ‘m. lr. kmZoûda dm§JS>o ¶m§Mo chmZ ~§Yy lr. cú‘U ~mnygmho~ dm§JS>o, ~±Ho$Mo ‘mOr g§MmcH$ lr.
AmË‘mam‘ XmXÿ gZwJco, ~±Ho$Mo {dÚ‘mZ g§MmcH$ lr. CÎm‘ A§Vy gmiw§Io ¶m§À¶m ‘mVmolr lr‘Vr em§Vm~mB© A§Vy gmiw§Io VgoM
{dÚ‘mZ g§MmcH$ lr. em‘amd Imem~m ‘moao ¶m§À¶m ‘mVmolr lr‘Vr Vmé~mB© Imem~m ‘moao, ~±Ho$Mo g^mgX d CÚmoJnVr lr.
g§nV cú‘U eodmio, lr. àH$me gmo{Zq‘S>o, lr. {edam‘ XJSy> H$X‘, lr. {dcmg naewam‘ ‘mo{hVo, lr. ^mñH$a eoÅ>r¶ma, lr.
~Ýgr {dûdmgamd, lr. lra§J AmÊUm ‘moao, lr. e§H$a ~miy eoQ>o, lr. {edmOramd ^mD$gmmo nmQ>rc ¶m§Mo XþI:X {ZYZ Pmco VgoM
ZwH$VoM godm{Zd¥Îm Pmcoco ~±H$ H$‘©Mmar lr. lrH¥$îU am‘M§Ð eocQ>H$a d lr. CÎm‘ XÎmm̶ nmQ>rc ¶m§Mo AmH$pñ‘V {ZYZ Pmco.
¶m{edm¶ A{YH$mar, H$‘©Mmar, g^mgX, ImVoXma d R>odrXma ¶m§Mo d ˶m§Mo ZmVodmB©H$ VgoM kmV-AkmV Oo H$moUr BVa
H$maUm§Zr qH$dm H$mo{dS>-19 (H$moamoZm) ‘hm‘mar‘wio {Xd§JV Pmco AgVrc ˶m§À¶m AmËå¶mg {Maem§Vr cm^mdr Aer Amåhr
àmW©Zm H$éZ ^mdnyU© lÜXm§Ocr An©U H$arV AmhmoV.
Am^ma d G$U{ZX}e :-
^maVr¶ [aPìh© ~±H$, {X ‘hmamï´> amÁ¶ ghH$mar ~±H$ {c., ‘w§~B©, {X ‘w§~B© {Oëhm ‘ܶdVu ghH$mar ~±H$ {c., A°p³gg
~±H$, Am¶.S>r.~r.Am¶. ~±H$ VgoM ‘m. ghH$ma Am¶w³V d {Z~§YH$, ‘m. {d^mJr¶ gh{Z~§YH$, ‘m. {Oëhm Cn{Z~§YH$ Am{U ‘m.
ghm. {Z~§YH$ ¶m§Zr Ahdmcgmcr Ho$coë¶m ~hþ‘moc ghH$m¶m©~Ôc VgoM ‘mJ©Xe©Zm~Ôc g§ñWoÀ¶mdVrZo ‘r ˶m§Mm G$Ur Amho.
‘o. {XZoe A{ha A°ÝS> H§$nZr, ‘o. g§O¶ amUo A°ÝS> Agmo{gEQ²>g, ‘o. àH$me nmQ>rc A°ÝS> Agmo{gEQ²>g, ‘o. ‘rZc ndma
A°ÝS> Agmo{gEQ²>g, gZXr coImnmc Am{U lr‘Vr AéUm ‘ohVm, {ggm Am°S>rQ>a ¶m§Zr A˶§V ‘mocmMo ‘mJ©Xe©Z d H$mhr
‘hËdmÀ¶m gyMZm Ho$ë¶m ˶m~Ôc g§ñWm ¶m gdmªMr Am^mar Amho.
{X ‘hmamï´> ñQ>oQ> H$mo-Am°n. ~±³g Agmo{gEeZ {c., ‘w§~B© Mo Aܶj, ‘m. lr. ‘wHw§$X gw§Xacmc H$i‘H$a, ‘w»¶ H$m¶©H$mar
A{YH$mar - ñdmVr nm§S>o, {X ‘hmamï´> A~©Z H$mo-Am°n. ~±³g ’o$S>aoeZ {c., Mo Aܶj ‘m. lr. {dÚmYa AZmñH$a Am{U ‘w»¶
H$m¶©H$mar d g{Md - gm¡. gm¶cr ^moB©a, {X ~¥hÝ‘w§~B© ZmJar ghH$mar ~±³g Agmo{gEeZMo Aܶj - ‘m. lr. H$m{eZmW ‘moao,
‘w»¶ H$m¶©H$mar A{YH$mar ‘m. gm¡. gmoZmcr H$X‘, H$mo-Am°n. ~±H$ Eåßcm°B©O ¶w{Z¶ZMo Aܶj ‘mOr H|$Ðr¶ AW© amÁ¶‘§Ìr ‘m.
lr. AmZ§XamdOr AS>gyi ¶m§Zr doimodoir ghH$ma joÌmVrc ‘hËdmMr AÚmdV ‘m{hVr XoD$Z ‘mJ©Xe©Z Ho$ë¶m~Ôc ~±H$ ˶m§Mrhr
G$Ur Amho.

61 dm dm{f©H$ Ahdmb gZ 2020-2021 9

{X gmVmam ghH$mar ~±H$ {b.

‘m. ghmæ¶H$ {Z~§YH$, ghH$mar g§ñWm, ‘w§~B© nagodm {X ~¥hÝ‘w§~B© ZmJar ghH$mar ~±³g Agmo{gEeZ ¶m§Zr W{H$V H$O©
dgycr g§X^m©V XmIc Ho$coë¶m AOm©da Ëd[aV {ZU©¶ XoD$Z dgycrÀ¶m H$m‘r Oo ‘mocmMo ghH$m¶© Ho$co ˶m~Ôc ˶m§Mo d gd©
A{YH$mar, H$‘©Mmar ¶m§Mo g§ñWoÀ¶mdVrZo ‘Z:nyd©H$ Am^ma.
~±Ho$Mo gd© H$m¶Xo{df¶H$ gëcmJma ¶m§Zr doimodoir H$m¶ÚmMo Oo ‘mJ©Xe©Z Ho$co ˶m~Ôc Amåhr ˶m§Mo Am^mar AmhmoV.
~±Ho$À¶m gdmªJrU {dH$mgmgmR>r ~±Ho$Mo gÝ‘mZZr¶ g^mgX, ImVoXma, R>odrXma d {hVqMVH$ ¶m§Zr ~±Ho$cm doimodoir à˶j d
Aà˶j[a˶m Ho$coë¶m ghH$m¶m©~Ôc g§MmcH$ ‘§S>i ˶m§Mo G$Ur Amho. ~±Ho$Mo H$m‘H$mO àJVrnWmda AmUʶmgmR>r ‘m¶m gd©
ghH$mar {‘Ìm§Zr VgoM kmV-AkmV g§ñWm d 춳Vr ˶mM~amo~a ~±Ho$À¶m gd© A{YH$mar d H$‘©Mmar dJm©Zo KoVcoë¶m AWH$
n[al‘m~Ôc ˶m§Mo Am^ma ‘mZVmo. ¶mnwT>o Cnamo³V ‘mݶdam§Mo d g§ñWm§Mo AgoM ~hþ‘moc ghH$m¶© bm^ob Aer Amem 춳V
H$aVmo. OJ^amV qH$~hþZm XoemV H$mo{dS>-19 (H$moamoZm) ‘hm‘mar‘wio gd©Ì ^rVrMo dmVmdaU {Z‘m©U Pmco Amho. ¶mV ~è¶mM
cmoH$m§Zr Amnco àmU J‘mdco AmhoV. gdmªZr ñdV:Mr d Amnë¶m Hw$Qw>§~mMo gwa{jVVoMr H$miOr ¿¶mdr Ago ‘r ¶mdoir AmdmhZ
~±Ho$Mo g§ñWmnH$ ñd. ~m~wamdOr eoQ>o gmho~ ¶m§Mo {dMmam§er d ~±Ho$er {Oìhmù¶mMo g§~§Y Agcocm J«mhH$ ~±Ho$nmgyZ
XþamdUma Zmhr ¶mMr gmV˶mZo XjVm KoʶmV Amcr Amho. g^mgX ~§Yy ^{JZtZmo, gZ 2020-2021 À¶m Ahdmcmg§~§YmVrc
‘m{hVrMo {ddoMZ ‘r AmVmn¶ªV AmnUmg ¶m ^mfUmÀ¶m {Z{‘ÎmmZo gmXa Ho$co Amho. ¶mZ§Va AhdmcgmcÀ¶m Am{W©H$ KS>m‘moS>r
g§~§YrMo {ddoMZ CXm. ~±Ho$Mm Vmio~§X Am{U AZwËnm{XV H$O© VaVyX, àJVrMm AmcoI, R>odr, amoH$S> d Jw§VdUyH$, H$O}, H$O©
dgwcr, Z’$m dmQ>Ur, gaH$mar AmXoemà‘mUo gd©gmYmaU ‘m{hVr, d¡Ym{ZH$ coImn[ajH$m§Mm Ahdmc, {XZm§H$ 31 ‘mM© 2021
amoOrMo Vmio~§X nÌH$ d Z’$m VmoQ>m nÌH$, ~±Ho$À¶m àJVrMr dmQ>Mmc d AmJm‘r dfm©Mo A§XmO nÌH$ B˶mXtMm Vnerc ¶m
AhdmcmV ñnï>nUo Z‘yX Ho$cm Amho. AmnUmH$S>o gmXa Ho$cocm Ahdmc, Z’$m VmoQ>m d Vmio~§X nÌH$, Z’$m dmQ>Ur Am{U
A§XmOnÌH$ AmnU ñdrH¥$V H$amdo VgoM Amnë¶m gdmªÀ¶m {dûdmgmg àmßV R>acocr Amncr ~±H$ gd© gm‘mݶm§Mm Am{W©H$,
gm‘m{OH$ ñVa C§MmdʶmH$arVm gX¡d Amnë¶m gmo~V amhrc Aer ‘r Z‘« {dZ§Vr H$aVmo.
&& O¶ qhX && && O¶ ‘hmamï´> && && O¶ ghH$ma &&

ñWi : ‘w§~B© Amncm ghH$mar

{XZm§H$ : 13 gßQ>|~a, 2021 kmZoída dm§JS>o (^mB©)

61 dm dm{f©H$ Ahdmb gZ 2020-2021 10

{X gmVmam ghH$mar ~±H$ {b.
* Ahdmb gmbÀ¶m Am{W©H$ KS>m‘moS>r g§~§YrMo {ddoMZ *
~±Ho$Mm Vmio~§X Am{U AZwËnm{XV H$O© VaVyX :-
^maVr¶ [aPìh© ~±Ho$À¶m {XZm§H$ 9 ’o$~w«dmar 1993 À¶m n{anÌH$mà‘mUo CËnÝZ g§H$ënZm, qOXJrMr dJ©dmar, VaVyX d
BVa g§~§YrV ~m~t~m~V AmXoe Omar Ho$bo AmhoV. ˶mà‘mUo ~±Ho$Zo Jobr 28 df} gXa VaVyXr H$mQ>oH$moanUo nmbZ Ho$ë¶m AgyZ
^{dî¶H$mimV AS>MU ¶oD$ Z¶o åhUyZ H$mhr à‘mUmV ¶m gXamImbr OmñVrÀ¶m VaVyXr Ho$ë¶m AmhoV. Ahdmb gmbmH$[aVm
AZwËnm{XV H$Om©gmR>r ê$. 3078.13 bmI BV³¶m aH$‘oMr VaVyX H$aUo Amdí¶H$ hmoVo, na§Vw ¶mgmR>r ~±Ho$Zo ê$. 3300.24
bmI BVH$s VaVyX Ho$bobr Amho.
àJVrMm AmboI :-
Ahdmb gmbmV ~±Ho$Zo Ho$boë¶m àJVrMr Vnerbdma ‘m{hVr Imbr Z‘yX Ho$boë¶m AmH$S>odmardê$Z {XgyZ ¶oB©b.

A. {X. 31-03-2020 {X. 31-03-2021 EHy$U dmT>rMr

H«$. Im˶mMo Zm§d Mo AmH$S>o Mo AmH$S>o dmT> d KQ> Q>³Ho$dmar
1. g^mgX 27,268 27,315 47 0.17%
2. ^mJ ^m§S>db 2,530.32 2,502.52 (-) 27.80 1.10%
3. J§JmOir d BVa {ZYr 5,265.72 6,289.69 1,023.97 19.45%
4. R>odr
H$) ‘wXV R>odr 34,854.64 47,361.92 12,507.27 35.88%
I) ~MV R>odr 14,513.46 16,209.79 16,210.02 11.69%
J) g³VrÀ¶m ~MV R>odr 42.10 42.80 0.70 1.66%
K) Mmby R>odr 3,227.25 3,436.50 209.25 6.48%
M) g§{MV R>odr 1,481.55 1,239.10 (-) 242.45 (-)16.36%
N>) nwZJwªVdUyH$ R>odr 221.28 132.93 (-) 88.35 (-)39.93%
O) X¡Z§{XZ R>odr 76.52 54.15 (-) 22.37 (-)29.23%
P) bInVr R>od ¶moOZm 130.35 155.92 25.67 19.71%
Q>) gmVmam ~±H$ noÝeZ ¶moOZm 78.48 85.78 7.30 9.30%
R>) {H$emoa ~MV ¶moOZm 83.20 79.23 (-) 3.97 (-)4.77%
S>) ~m~wamd eoQ>o ñ‘¥Vr R>od ¶moOZm 87.89 43.89 (-) 44.00 (-)50.06%
T>) ‘§Jb‘wVu R>od ¶moOZm 1.81 1.62 (-) 0.19 (-)10.50%
U) YZdfm© R>od ¶moOZm 3,930.92 90.16 (-) 3,840.76 (-)97.71%
V) hraH$ ‘hmoËgd R>od ¶moOZm 32,289.25 21,106.85 (-) 11,182.40 (-)34.63%
5. ¶oUo H$O© 57,242.56 58,966.38 1,723.82 3.01%
6. Mmby dfm©V {Xbobo H$O© 18,099.57 9,664.29 (-) 8,435.28 (-)46.60%
7. IoiVo ^m§S>db 1,03,910.13 1,03,818.18 -91.95 (-)0.09%
8. Jw§VdUwH$ 33,665.93 33,623.74 -42.19 (-)0.13%
9. {Zìdi Z’$m 619.90 103.62 -516.28 (-)83.28%
10. bm^m§e --- --- --- ---

61 dm dm{f©H$ Ahdmb gZ 2020-2021 11

{X gmVmam ghH$mar ~±H$ {b.
~±Ho$À¶m amIrd d BVa {ZYrVyZ Mmby dfm©V IM© Pmbobr a³H$‘ dJiVm VgoM Mmby dfm©Vrb O‘m Yê$Z Imbrbà‘mUo
EHy$U a³H$‘ O‘m hmoB©b.
A. {X. 31-03-2020 gZ 2020-2021 ‘ܶo
H«$. {ZYr Mr {eëbH$ Pmbobr dmT> d KQ> EHy$U
1 J§JmOir 1,483.38 159.07 1,642.45
2 B‘maV {ZYr 978.00 (-) 750.00 228.00
3 g§e{¶V d ~wS>rV H$O© {ZYr 1,250.24 2,050.00 3,300.24
4 CËV‘ qOXJrdarb VaVyX 500.00 (-) 250.00 250.00
5 Y‘m©Xm¶ {ZYr 23.78 2.50 26.28
6 gd© {hVH$mar {ZYr 40.92 5.40 46.32
7 bm^m§e g‘rH$aU {ZYr 192.46 100.00 292.46
8 hraH$ ‘hmoËgd IM© {ZYr 25.00 0.00 25.00
9 Jw§VdUyH$ Kgmam {ZYr 156.15 0.00 156.15
10 Jw§VdUyH$ MT>CVma {ZYr 190.00 35.00 225.00
11 amIrd {ZYr 397.93 (-)328.00 69.93
12 J¥hH$O© {ZYr 27.86 0.00 27.86
EHy$U 5,265.72 1,023.97 6,289.69

~±H$ ñd{ZYr dmT>rgmR>r à¶ËZerb AgyZ Amnë¶m ~±Ho$Mm Am{W©H$ nm¶m {Xdg|{Xdg A{YH$m{YH$ ^³H$‘ hmoV Amho, ho
AmH$S>odmardê$Z {XgyZ ¶oB©b.
R>odr :-
dfma©^§ r Amnë¶mH$S>rb R>dor ê$.91018.70 bmI BV³¶m hmËo¶m. Ahdmbgmbr ˶mV ê$.977.84 bmI BVH$s KQ> Pmbr Amh.o
df© AIaorg ê$.90040.86 bmImÀ¶m R>dor O‘m AmhVo. JVdfuÀ¶m Vb w ZVo Mmby gmbr R>dor‘ܶo 0.99% BVH$s KQ> Pmcco r Amh.o
Amnbr ~±H$ {S>nm°{PQ> BÝewaÝg H$m°nm}aoeZ ¶m H|$Ð gaH$maÀ¶m g§ñWoMr g^mgX Agë¶m‘wio R>odrXmam§À¶m à˶oH$s ê$. 5
bmImn¶ªVÀ¶m R>odrMm {d‘m ~±Ho$Zo ñdIMm©Zo CVa{dbm Amho. ˶m‘wio Amnë¶m ~±Ho$Vrb R>odrXmam§À¶m Jw§VdUyH$sg ‘moR>o g§ajU àmá
Pmbo Amho.
amoH$S> d Jw§VdUyH$ :-
H$moU˶mhr àH$maMr H$gya Z H$aVm, ~±qH$J ao½¶wboeZ H$m¶ÚmZwgma ¶mo½¶ d Amdí¶H$ VaVr qOXJr ~±Ho$Zo gmV˶mZo
R>odbr Amho. VgoM Ahdmbgmb AIoa ‘w§~B© {Oëhm ‘ܶdVu ghH$mar ~±Ho$‘ܶo ‘wXV R>odrV ê$. 55,91,41,000/- d
eoAg©‘ܶo ê$. 8,60,000/- VgoM ‘hmamîQ´> amÁ¶ ghH$mar ~±Ho$V ‘wXV R>odrV ê$. 50,000/- d eoAg©nmoQ>r ê$. 3,000/-
Am{U Z¡ZH¥$nm {à‘m¶gog gmogm¶Q>r‘ܶo eoAg©nmoQ>r ê$. 1,000/-, AmH$meXrn H$mo-Am°n. hm¡. gmo. ‘ܶo eoAg© 1,250/-,
nwê$fmoËV‘ H$mo-Am°n hm¡. gmo. ‘ܶo eoAg© ê$. 500/-, nmag AnmQ>©‘|Q> H$mo-Am°n. hm¡. gmo. ‘ܶo eoAg© ê$. 2,000/-, dg§V
H$mo. Am°n hm¡. gmo. ‘ܶo eoAg© ê$. 250/-, H$ënVê$ H$mo. Am°n. hm¡. gmo. ‘ܶo eoAg© ê$. 250/- BVH$s Jw§VdUyH$ Ho$br Amho.
¶m{edm¶ Ahdmbgmbr ~±Ho$Zo H|$Ð d amÁ¶ emgZmÀ¶m amo»¶m‘ܶo ê$. 179,67,02,739/- BVH$s Jw§VdUyH$ Ho$br Amho.
gmañdV ~±H$ {b. ‘wXV R>od ImVr ê$. 3,70,00,000/- ˶mMà‘mUo ’$sZHo$Aa ñ‘m°b ’$m¶ZmÝg ~±H$ ‘wXV R>od ImVr ê$.
1,00,00,000/- d Ao¶w ñ‘m°b ’$m¶ZmÝg ~±H$ ‘wXV R>od ImVr ê$. 2,00,00,000/-, ~goZ H°$W{bH$ ~±H$ ‘wXV R>od ImVr
ê$. 34,51,12,000/- d em‘amd {dÇ>b H$mo-Am°n. ~±H$ ‘wXV R>od ImVr ê$. 28,00,00,000/- d Eg.~r.Am¶
S>r.E’$.EM.Am¶ Aën ‘wXV R>od ImVr ê$. 20,00,00,000/- d Am¶.gr.Am¶.gr.Am¶. ‘wXV R>od ImVr én¶o
5,50,00,000/- d Am¶.S>r.~r.Am¶. ‘wXV R>od ImVr én¶o 5,85,00,000/- ¶mà‘mUo df©AIoarg EHy$U Jw§VdUyH$ ê$.
336,23,73,789/- BVH$s Pmbobr Amho.
61 dm dm{f©H$ Ahdmb gZ 2020-2021 12
{X gmVmam ghH$mar ~±H$ {b.
H$O} :-
dfm©a§^r ê$.57,242.56 bmImMr H$O} ¶oUo ~mH$s hmoVr. Ahdmbgmbr 2,462 g^mgXm§Zm nwT>o Xe©{dë¶mà‘mUo
{Za{Zamiçm H$m‘mH$[aVm ê$.9,664.29 bmImMr ZdrZ H$O} XoʶmV Ambr. Ahdmbgmbr ê$. 7,940.46 bmImMr H$O} dgyb
Pmbr. {XZm§H$ 31 ‘mM© 2021 amoOr ê$.58,966.39 bmImMr H$O©o ¶oUo ~mH$s AmhoV.
Ahdmb gmbmV {Za{Zamù¶m CÔoemH$[aVm Ho$bobm nVnwadR>m Imbrbà‘mUo Amho.
A. H«$. H$Om©Mm CÔoe H$O©Xmam§Mr g§»¶m H$O© a³H$‘
1. Q>°³gr, Q´>H$ IaoXr Am{U Q´>mÝgnmoQ>© Y§ÚmH$[aVm 83 12,63,84,000.00
2. Am¡fYmonMma d {ejUmgmR>r 640 5,87,52,200.00
3. BVa {H$aH$moi Y§ÚmÀ¶m {dH$mgmgmR>r 122 41,59,48,439.00
4. b½Z d BVa ‘§Jb H$m¶m©gmR>r 6 14,90,000.00
5. Ka IaoXr d Xþê$ñVrH$arVm 1,596 35,84,51,315.20
6. H$O© ’o$S>rgmR>r 13 26,03,000.00
7. ñd¶§amoOJma 2 28,00,000.00
EHy$U 2,462 96,64,28,954.20
H$O© dgwbr :-
Ahdmbgmb AIoa ê$. 58,966.38 bmI BVHo$ ¶oUo H$O© Amho. ˶mn¡H$s ê$. 2,867.66 bmI BVHo$ W{H$V H$O© Amho
åhUOo W{H$V H$Om©Mo à‘mU 4.86% nS>Vo. JVdfu WH$~mH$sMo à‘mU 4.69% hmoVo. JVdfuÀ¶m VwbZoV WH$~mH$sMo à‘mUmV
dmT> Pmbobr {XgyZ ¶oV Amho.
AJ«H«$‘ H$O} :-
[aPìh© ~±Ho$À¶m AmXoemà‘mUo ZmJar ghH$mar ~±H$m§Zr Amnë¶m H$Om©À¶m 40% H$O© AJ«H«$‘mgmR>r (àm¶mo[aQ>r go³Q>a)
{Xbr Agbr nm{hOoV. ˶mn¡H$s 25% (EHy$U H$Om©À¶m 10% H$O©) Xþ~©b KQ>H$m§gmR>r {Xbr nm{hOoV. Amnë¶m ~±Ho$Zo Ahdmb
dfm©AIoa AJ«H«$‘mgmR>r 69.82% d Xþ~©b KQ>H$m§gmR>r 11.62% H$O} {Xbr AmhoV. [aPìh© ~±Ho$Mo ho C{ÔîQ> AmnU à˶oH$ dfu
nyU© H$arV Ambobmo AmhmoV.
Z’$m dmQ>Ur :-
Ahdmbgmbr ~±Ho$bm ê$. 1,03,59,695.89 BVH$m Z’$m Pmbm Amho. ˶mV JVgmbÀ¶m Zâ¶mVyZ {eëbH$ am{hbobm
Z’$m ê$. 2,000.00 {‘i{dë¶mg EHy$U Z’$m ê$. 1,03,61,695.89 BVH$m Pmë¶mMo {XgyZ ¶oB©b. ˶mMr {d^mJUr nwT>o
Xe©{dë¶mà‘mUo H$aʶmV ¶mdr Aer g§MmbH$ ‘§S>imMr {e’$mag Amho.
A. H«$. Vnerb ê$n¶o
1. J§JmOir {Zìdi Zâ¶mÀ¶m 25% 25,91,695.89
2. {~ëS>tJ ’§$S> 44,00,000.00
3. gmYmaU (General) amIrd {ZYr 22,80,000.00
4. Jw§VdUyH$ MT>-CVma {ZYr 10,90,000.00
5. {eëbH$ Z’$m 2,000.00
EHy$U 1,03,63,695.89

61 dm dm{f©H$ Ahdmb gZ 2020-2021 13

{X gmVmam ghH$mar ~±H$ {b.
‘m. ghH$ma Am¶w³V d {Z~§YH$, ghH$mar g§ñWm, ‘hmamîQ´> amÁ¶, nwUo ¶m§À¶m AmXoemZwgma dm{f©H$ gd©gmYmaU g^oÀ¶m
AhdmbmV N>mnmd¶mMr ‘m{hVr :-
~±Ho$Mo Zm§d : {X gmVmam ghH$mar ~±H$ {b., ‘w§~B©
‘w»¶ H$m¶m©b¶mMm nËVm : ^maVr¶ H«$sS>m ‘§{Xa, 3 am ‘Obm, Zm¶Jm§d dS>mim amoS>, dS>mim, ‘w§~B© - 400 031.
Zm|XUr H«$‘m§H$ d {XZm§H$ : 29737 {X. 15/11/1971
Ama.~r.Am¶.Mo bm¶gÝg H«$. d {XZm§H$ : ¶w~rS>r/E‘EM/386nr/14.04.1984
H$m¶©joÌ : ~¥hÝ‘w§~B©, Zdr ‘w§~B©, R>mUo, am¶JS>, nwUo d gmVmam {Oëhm

‘w»¶ H$m¶m©b¶mg{hV emIm 19

g^mgX {Z¶{‘V 27,315
Zm‘‘mÌ 988
dgyb ^mJ ^m§S>db 2,502.52 bmI
EHy$U amIrd d BVa {ZYr 6,289.69 bmI
R>odr ~MV R>odr 16,343.39 bmI
Mmby R>odr 3,436.50 bmI
‘wXV R>odr 47,361.92 bmI
g§{MV, nwZ:Jw©VdUyH$, g³VrMr ~MV, X¡Z§{XZ, 22,898.54 bmI
bInVr R>od, gmVmam ~±H$ noÝeZ ¶moOZm, {H$emoa ~MV
¶moOZm, ~m~wamd eoQ>o ñ‘¥Vr R>od¶moOZm, ‘§Jb‘wVu R>od
¶moOZm, YZdfm© R>od ¶moOZm d hraH$ ‘hmoËgd R>od ¶moOZm
H$O} VmaU H$O©o 57,113.84 bmI
Om{‘ZH$s H$O} 1,852.55 bmI
AJ«H«$‘ H$Om©Mr Q>³Ho$dmar 69.82%
Xþ~©b KQ>H$ H$Om©Mr Q>³Ho$dmar 11.62%
Jw§VdUyH$ 33,623.74 bmI
WH$~mH$s Q>³Ho$dmar 4.86%
Am°S>rQ> dJ© ""~''
df© AIoa Z’$m 103.62 bmI
EHy$U H$‘©Mmar n¶©dojr¶ H$‘©Mmar 25
BVa H$‘©Mmar 180
IoiVo ^m§S>db 1,03,818.18 bmI

61 dm dm{f©H$ Ahdmb gZ 2020-2021 14

{X gmVmam ghH$mar ~±H$ {b.

1990-1991 13,292 1,10,78,440 2,10,62,174 15,72,85,208 23,43,15,855 4,02,35,250 11,60,64,380 23,58,254 12%

2000-2001 22,510 4,44,11,860 11,66,66,457 95,43,04,353 115,42,86,561 33,65,03,250 43,02,36,975 65,15,885 12%

61 dm dm{f©H$ Ahdmb gZ 2020-2021

2010-2011 30,071 11,67,07,910 15,23,93,025 395,98,76,883 431,65,89,004 152,91,58,275 78,44,75,675 2,43,26,337 8%

2011-2012 24,266 12,43,20,610 16,96,10,940 447,01,69,075 486,72,51,597 157,25,34,750 127,56,95,104 4,00,78,076 10%

2012-2013 24,352 13,35,43,900 20,25,17,595 490,03,12,617 538,45,98,206 172,19,94,225 123,99,92,539 4,55,79,275 10%

2013-2014 24,438 14,05,08,650 21,80,47,703 571,99,96,927 621,90,59,146 258,87,14,121 141,63,04,512 3,53,05,433 10%

2014-2015 24,891 16,31,42,500 22,91,99,408 628,65,06,595 683,64,56,278 228,62,74,250 169,95,67,858 3,11,80,530 10%

2015-2016 25,330 18,24,52,100 24,17,24,016 726,19,46,983 789,40,51,779 256,80,70,836 263,14,30,600 3,28,62,440 8%

2016-2017 26,071 22,63,30,250 26,94,56,199 804,59,73,480 882,43,62,012 283,12,60,284 224,47,09,200 4,74,04,463 8%

2017-2018 26,608 24,14,50,400 33,06,66,349 821,15,09,075 915,41,40,811 247,03,41,267 274,37,29,995 5,73,17,927 8%

2018-2019 27,062 25,21,26,200 44,44,49,448 884,45,98,269 994,55,97,885 279,79,94,857 230,64,93,197 7,41,22,800 8%

2019-2020 27,268 25,30,32,400 52,65,71,664 910,18,70,454 1039,10,12,770 336,65,93,051 190,99,57,164 6,19,85,965 -

2020-2021 27,315 25,02,51,850 62,89,69,427 900,40,85,597 1038,18,18,044 336,23,73,989 96,64,28,954 1,03,61,696 -

{X gmVmam ghH$mar ~±H$ {b.

The Members,
The Satara Sahakari Bank Ltd.
Mumbai - 400 031

Report on Financial Statements

1. We have audited the accompanying Financial Statements of “THE SATARA SAHAKARI BANK LIMITED”, Mumbai
as at 31stMarch 2021 which comprise the Balance Sheet as at31st March 2021 and Profit and Loss Account, and the
Cash Flow Statement for the year then ended and a summary of significant accounting policies and other
explanatory information. The returns of Head Office and 1 Branch audited by us and the returns of all other branches
audited by the concurrent/internal auditors of the respective branches are incorporated in these financial
statements. Key operations of the Bank are automated. With the key applications largely integrated to the core
banking systems it does not require its branches to submit any financial returns. Accordingly, our audit is carried out
centrally at the Head Office based on the necessary records and data required for the purposes of the audit being
made available to us.

Management's Responsibility for the Financial Statements :

2. Management is responsible for the preparation of these Financial Statements that give true and fair view of the
financial position and financial performance and cash flow of the Bank in accordance with the Banking Regulation
Act,1949 (as applicable to Co-operative Societies) the guidelines issued by the Reserve Bank of India and the
Registrar of Co-operative Societies, Maharashtra, the Maharashtra Co-operative Societies Act, 1960, and the
Maharashtra Co-operative Societies Rules, 1961, (as applicable) and generally accepted accounting principles in
India so far as applicable to the Bank. This responsibility also includes maintenance of adequate accounting records
in accordance with the provisions of the Acts for safeguarding of the assets of the Bank and for preventing and
detecting frauds and other irregularities; selection and application of appropriate accounting policies; making
judgments and estimates that are reasonable and prudent; and design, implementation and maintenance of
adequate internal financial controls, that were operating effectively for ensuring the accuracy and completeness of
the accounting records, relevant to the preparation and presentation of the Financial Statements that give a true and
fair view and are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.

Auditors' Responsibility:

3. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit
in accordance with the Standards on Auditing issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. Those
Standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable
assurance about whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement.

4. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial
statements. The Procedures selected depend on the auditor's judgments, including the assessment of the risks of
material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments,
the auditor considers internal control relevant to the Bank's preparation and fair presentation of the financial
statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of
expressing an opinion on effectiveness of the Bank's internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the
appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of the accounting estimates made by
management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements.

5. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our Audit

6. Other matters
In view of the Government imposed lockdown and travel restrictions as a result of continuous spreading of COVID-19
across India, we were unable to physically visit some branches and certain aspects of the year-end statutory audit
have been carried out based on remote access of certain data which has been represented, for our audit purposes, as

61 dm dm{f©H$ Ahdmb gZ 2020-2021 16

{X gmVmam ghH$mar ~±H$ {b.

correct, complete, reliable and directly generated by the accounting system of the bank without any manual
Under the aforesaid circumstances, our audit has duly considered the advisory on “Specific Considerations while
conducting Distance Audit / Remote Audit / Online Audit of Bank under current Covid-19 situation” issued by the
Auditing and Assurance Standards Board of ICAI. We have also relied on alternative audit procedures as per the SAs
to obtain reasonable assurance whether the Financial Statements, as a whole, are free from material misstatement,
whether due to fraud or error.


7. In our opinion and to the best of our information and according to the explanation given to us, subject to our
observations in Audit Memorandum, the aforesaid financial statements together with the Notes thereon give the
information required by the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 (as applicable to co-operative societies), the Maharashtra
Cooperative Societies Act, 1960, the Maharashtra Co-operative Societies Rules, 1961 and guidelines issued by
Reserve Bank of India and Registrar of Co-operative societies, Maharashtra in the manner so required and give a true
and fair view in conformity with the accounting principles generally accepted in India, subject to point No. 12 and 14 of
Notes to accounts.
a) in the case of the Balance Sheet, of the state of affairs of the Bank as at 31stMarch 2021;
b) in the case of Profit and Loss Account, of the profit for the year ended on that date; and
c) in the case of the Cash Flow Statement, of the cash flows for the year ended on that date.

Report on Other Legal and Regulatory Requirements

8. The Balance Sheet and the Profit and Loss Account have been drawn up in Forms “A”and “B” respectively of the Third
Schedule to the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 and provisions of the Maharashtra Co-operative Societies Act, 1960
and the Maharashtra Co-operative Societies Rules 1961.

9. We report that :
a) We have obtained all the information and explanations, which to the best of our knowledge and belief were
necessary for the purpose of our audit and have found to be satisfactory;
b) In our opinion, proper books of account as required by law have been kept by the Bank so far as it appears from
our examination of those books and proper returns adequate for the purposes of our audit have been received
from the branches/offices;
c) The transactions of the Bank which have come to our notice are within the powers of the Bank.
d) The Balance Sheet and the Profit and Loss Account dealt with by this report, are in agreement with the books of
account and the returns.
e) The accounting standards adopted by the Bank are consistent with those laid down by accounting principles
generally accepted in India so far as applicable to Banks subject to disclosure in notes to accounts.

10. As per the information and explanations given to us and based on our examination of the books of account and other
records, we have not come across material instances in respect of the details mentioned in the Rule 69(6) of
Maharashtra Cooperative Societies Rules 1961.

11. We further report that for the financial year 2020-21under audit, the Bank has been awarded “B”classification.

M/s .Sanjay Rane & Associates

Chartered Accountants
Firm Reg. No.121089W
(CA Shyam Kotasthane)
Place : Mumbai
Date : 12/ 08 / 2021 Partner
UDIN : 21100457AAAAZS8627 M. No.100457

61 dm dm{f©H$ Ahdmb gZ 2020-2021 17

{X gmVmam ghH$mar ~±H$ {b.

31 - 03 - 2020 31 - 03 - 2021
Rs. Ps. Rs. Ps.

35,00,00,000.00 AUTHORISED SHARE CAPITAL 35,00,00,000.00

25,30,32,400.00 1 PAID UP SHARE CAPITAL 1 25,02,51,850.00

52,65,71,664.16 2 RESERVE FUND & OTHER RESERVES 2 62,89,69,427.17

9,10,18,70,453.63 3 DEPOSIT & OTHER ACCOUNTS 3 9,00,40,85,596.64

--- 4 BORROWINGS ---



6,39,71,060.55 6 OVERDUE INTEREST RESERVE 13,87,17,586.32

18,03,54,632.00 7 INTEREST PAYABLE 25,80,71,284.00


26,71,65,623.93 9 OTHER LIABILITIES 4 22,67,61,110.74

6,19,89,565.01 10 PROFIT & LOSS ACCOUNT 5 1,03,63,695.89




(Previous Year 50,27,440/-) 36,75,319.00



(Previous Year 37,86,203.44) 53,49,800.82

10,45,49,83,831.22 TOTAL 10,51,72,20,550.76

As per my report of even date attached herewith

For Sanjay Rane & Associates
Chartered Accountants
Firm Reg. No. : 121089W
(CA Shyam Kotasthane)
Place : Mumbai Statutory Auditor
Date : 12 / 08 / 2021 M. No. : 100457
UDIN - 21100457AAAAZS8627

61 dm dm{f©H$ Ahdmb gZ 2020-2021 18

{X gmVmam ghH$mar ~±H$ {b.


31 - 03 - 2020 31 - 03 - 2021
13,47,70,253.00 ON HAND 13,68,17,940.00


80,31,46,264.48 IN CURRENT ACCOUNTS 6 65,57,23,033.96

55,21,449.00 IN OD ACCOUNT 33,20,820.00 65,90,43,853.96


94,34,37,966.48 TOTAL CASH & BANK BALANCE 79,58,61,793.96


3,36,65,93,051.00 4 INVESTMENT 7 3,36,23,73,989.00

5,72,42,55,606.96 5 LOANS & ADVANCES 8 5,89,66,38,268.10

12,64,82,983.10 6 INTEREST RECEIVABLE 9 22,27,99,462.85



6,77,14,041.26 8 FIXED ASSETS 10 6,27,14,073.00


22,55,95,849.42 10 OTHER ASSETS 11 17,62,26,740.85

9,04,333.00 11 COMPUTER SOFTWARE PROGRAMME 3,33,334.00


10,45,49,83,831.22 TOTAL 10,51,72,20,550.76

For & on behalf of The Satara Sahakari Bank Ltd.

61 dm dm{f©H$ Ahdmb gZ 2020-2021 19

{X gmVmam ghH$mar ~±H$ {b.


31 - 03 - 2020 31 - 03 - 2021
65,36,50,162.47 INTEREST ON DEPOSITS 12 63,44,53,280.80
4,67,982.00 INTEREST PAID ON BORROWINGS --- 63,44,53,280.80
14,79,47,102.00 2 SALARIES, ALLOWANCES 13 13,50,22,534.08
8,78,478.00 3 DIRECTOR'S AND BOARD ALLOWANCE 14 10,12,705.00
3,17,22,875.12 4 RENT, TAXES, INSURANCE, LIGHTING 15 3,28,66,504.44
23,42,605.72 5 POSTAGE, TELEGRAM AND TELEPHONE 16 25,02,197.04
11,14,000.00 6 LEGAL & PROFESSIONAL CHARGES 17 7,43,960.00
30,10,000.00 7 AUDITORS FEES 18 29,59,710.00
88,33,286.35 A. DEPRECIATION 19 87,93,418.00
53,47,339.90 B. REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE 73,52,667.97 1,61,46,085.97
35,78,850.05 9 STATIONERY, PRINTING 20 24,99,656.42
3,28,667.00 A. A. G. M. EXPENSES 1,63,257.00
2,94,36,044.25 B. OTHERS 21 2,12,05,613.77 2,13,68,870.77
11,75,569.00 11 LOSS ON SALE OF ASSETS 7,44,714.95
6,43,151.00 12 AMORTIZATION OF PREMIUM OF 2,84,032.00
2,00,00,000.00 A. PROVISION FOR BDDR 6,50,00,000.00
50,00,000.00 B. PROVISION FOR STANDARD ASSET — 6,50,00,000.00
3,50,00,000.00 A. CURRENT TAX 1,80,00,000.00
(2,55,203.00) B. DEFERRED TAX (77,441.00) 1,79,22,559.00
6,19,85,965.01 NET PROFIT CARRIED TO 1,03,61,695.89
101,22,06,874.87 TOTAL 94,38,88,506.36
--- TRANSFER TO BAD & DOUBTFUL DEBT RES. 14,00,00,000.00
6,19,85,965.01 BALANCE CARRRIED TO BALANCE SHEET 1,03,61,695.89

6,19,85,965.01 TOTAL 15,03,61,695.89

As per my report of even date attached herewith

For Sanjay Rane & Associates
Chartered Accountants
Firm Reg. No. : 121089W
(CA Shyam Kotasthane)
Place : Mumbai Statutory Auditor
Date : 12 / 08 / 2021 M. No. : 100457
UDIN - 21100457AAAAZS8627

61 dm dm{f©H$ Ahdmb gZ 2020-2021 20

{X gmVmam ghH$mar ~±H$ {b.


31 - 03 - 2020 31 - 03 - 2021
Rs. Ps. INCOME Rs. Ps.
74,25,17,973.23 INTEREST ON ADVANCES 22 65,69,16,233.99
23,28,32,598.94 INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS 23 22,54,61,659.43
--- INTEREST ON INCOME TAX REFUND 4,399.00 88,23,82,292.42
69,11,672.36 2 COMMISSION, EXCHANGE & BROKERAGE 24 38,31,479.30
2,15,74,400.00 4 PROFIT ON SALE OF SECURITIES 2,49,01,294.00
87,160.00 5 DIVIDEND ON SHARES ---
82,83,070.34 6 OTHER INCOME 25 49,38,716.64
--- 7 EXCESS PROVISIONS WRITTEN BACK 26 2,50,00,000.00

1,01,22,06,874.87 TOTAL 94,38,88,506.36

6,19,85,965.01 NET PROFIT AFTER TAX BROUGHT FORWARD 1,03,61,695.89
6,19,85,965.01 TOTAL 15,03,61,695.89

For & on behalf of The Satara Sahakari Bank Ltd.

61 dm dm{f©H$ Ahdmb gZ 2020-2021 21

{X gmVmam ghH$mar ~±H$ {b.

PARTICULARS 31.03.2021 31.03.2020

Authorised Capital : 35,00,00,000.00 35,00,00,000.00
70,00,000 shares of Rs.50/- each
(previous Year 50,00,000 shares)
subscribed & Paid-up Capital :
50,05,037 shares of Rs. 50/- each
(Previous Year 50,60,648 Shares)
Individual 220508100.00 222524000.00
Others 29222550.00 29987200.00
Co-op Institutions 521200.00 521200.00
Total Share Capital 250251850.00 253032400.00
Statutory Reserve Fund 16,42,45,587.51 14,83,37,824.50
Building Fund 2,28,00,000.00 9,78,00,000.00
Div. Equalisation Fund 2,92,45,911.00 1,92,45,911.00
Charity Fund 26,28,500.00 23,78,500.00
Platinum Jubilee Fund 25,00,000.00 25,00,000.00
Provision for Standard Assets 2,50,00,000.00 5,00,00,000.00
Bad & Doubtful Debts Reserve 33,00,23,826.12 12,50,23,826.12
Benevolent Fund 46,32,090.00 40,92,090.00
Investment Fluctuation Fund 2,25,00,000.00 1,90,00,000.00
General Reserve Fund 69,92,764.54 3,97,92,764.54
Housing Projects Reserve 27,85,748.00 27,85,748.00
Investment Depr. Reserve 1,56,15,000.00 1,56,15,000.00
Total Reserve Fund and Other Reserves 62,89,69,427.17 52,65,71,664.16
Term Deposits
From Individuals 2,20,78,10,407.94 2,30,79,04,712.52
From Societies 4,81,82,86,241.77 5,00,39,22,927.04
7,02,60,96,649.71 7,31,18,27,639.56
Saving Deposits
From Individuals 1,40,35,26,953.95 1,28,29,83,283.23
From Societies 23,08,11,938.64 18,43,34,581.03
1,63,43,38,892.59 1,46,73,17,864.26
Current Deposits
From Individuals 17,60,40,024.74 18,72,94,415.94
From Societies 16,76,10,029.60 13,54,30,533.87
34,36,50,054.34 32,27,24,949.81
Total of Deposits 9,00,40,85,596.64 9,10,18,70,453.63

61 dm dm{f©H$ Ahdmb gZ 2020-2021 22

{X gmVmam ghH$mar ~±H$ {b.
PARTICULARS 31.03.2021 31.03.2020
Payorders Payable 6,01,17,765.80 4,29,39,276.14
Unclaimed Dividend 6,51,497.00 9,88,175.00
Provision for Income Tax 14,05,00,000.00 19,24,00,000.00
Audit Fees Payable 34,35,476.00 24,35,405.00
Staff Gratuity Payable 80,79,140.00 71,36,314.00
Provision for Ex-Gratia --- 82,00,000.00
Provision for Int. Payable on Matured FD's 16,54,936.00 17,89,035.00
Provision for Misappropriation of Funds 21,48,842.00 21,48,842.00
Other Provisions 1,01,73,453.94 91,28,576.79
Total other Liabilities 22,67,61,110.74 26,71,65,623.93
Profit B/F 6,19,85,965.01 7,41,22,800.01
Profit as per Last B/S 3,600.00 2,000.00
6,19,89,656.01 7,41,24,800.01
Less : Appropriation
Reserve Fund 1,54,97,565.01 1,85,31,200.01
Share Dividend --- 1,91,00,000.00
Charity Fund 2,50,000.00 2,40,000.00
Benevolent Fund 5,40,000.00 5,00,000.00
Platinum Jubilee Fund --- 5,00,000.00
General Reserve 72,00,000.00 70,00,000.00
Building Fund 2,50,00,000.00 2,60,00,000.00
Dividend Equilisation Fund 1,00,00,000.00 12,50,000.00
Investment Fluctuation Fund 35,00,000.00 10,00,000.00
Balance C/F 2,000.00 3,600.00
Add : Profit for the year brought from Profit & Loss A/C 1,03,61,695.89 6,19,85,965.01
Profit & Loss Account 1,03,63,695.89 6,19,89,656.01
Reserve Bank of India 21,31,69,187.86 51,64,27,062.48
MSC Bank 4,70,241.24 4,67,777.24
MDCC Bank 59,33,221.79 64,83,357.79
Bank of Baroda 25,947.00 25,947.00
IDBI Bank 23,14,45,974.10 12,70,17,015.71
Oriental Bank of Commerce 8,556.16 8,556.16
Axis Bank 33,75,794.17 27,38,933.17
Saraswat Co. Op. Bank Ltd. 1,24,74,233.21 5,15,86,690.51
State Bank of India 4,81,457.50 4,82,106.50

61 dm dm{f©H$ Ahdmb gZ 2020-2021 23

{X gmVmam ghH$mar ~±H$ {b.
PARTICULARS 31.03.2021 31.03.2020
HDFC Bank 14,821.00 14,821.00
Dombivli Nagari Sahakari Bank 15,07,126.17 8,168.57
RBL Bank Ltd. 76,00,962.00 36,75,817.00
Yes Bank 5,36,35,084.51 3,25,47,884.85
ICICI Bank Ltd. 12,28,02,052.25 6,11,05,140.50
AU Small Finance Bank Ltd. 27,78,375.00 5,56,986.00
65,57,23,033.96 80,31,46,264.48
Central Govt. Securities 64,57,70,141.00 82,30,00,988.00
State Govt. Securities 91,60,10,258.00 86,68,65,813.00
Treasury Bill 23,49,22,340.00 24,14,17,000.00
Fixed Deposits with State & District Co. Op. Banks 55,91,91,000.00 49,69,41,000.00
Fixed Deposits with other Banks 1,00,56,12,000.00 93,75,00,000.00
Shares of Co-op Societies 8,68,250.00 8,68,250.00
Total Investments 3,36,23,73,989.00 3,36,65,93,051.00
Short Term Loans :
of which secured against Govt. & Trustee Securities --- ---
Other Tangible Securities 2,73,84,06,227.50 2,60,86,77,120.58
Personal Sureties with or without
Collateral Securities 1,08,63,375.87 44,60,035.11
(of which Overdue - Rs. 15,93,53,182.17)
(of which NPA - Rs. 69,28,42,209.74)
2,74,92,69,603.37 2,61,31,37,155.69
Medium Term Loans :
of which secured against Govt. & Trustee Securities --- ---
Other Tangible Securities 65,52,29,821.13 70,94,31,829.57
Personal sureties with or without collateral Securities 24,48,32,697.94 24,40,31,989.49
(of which ovderdue - Rs. 3,98,59,669.93)
(of which NPA - Rs. 7,56,52,452.34)
90,00,62,519.07 95,34,63,819.06
Long Term Loans :
of which secured against Govt & Trustee Securities --- ---
Other Tangible Securities 2,24,73,06,145.66 2,15,76,54,632.21
Personal sureties with or without collateral Securities --- ---
(of which Overdue - Rs. 8,75,52,884.06)
(of which NPA - Rs. 68,27,80,686.24) 2,24,73,06,145.66 2,15,76,54,632.21
Total Loans and Advances 5,89,66,38,268.10 5,72,42,55,606.96

61 dm dm{f©H$ Ahdmb gZ 2020-2021 24

{X gmVmam ghH$mar ~±H$ {b.
PARTICULARS 31.03.2021 31.03.2020
On Investments (Including FD Interest) 7,21,51,995.43 5,11,63,527.55
On Standard Assets 1,19,29,881.10 1,13,48,395.00
On Loans & Advances (NPA) 13,87,17,586.32 6,39,71,060.55
Total Interest Receivable 22,27,99,462.85 12,64,82,983.10
Opening W.D.V 86,00,463.00 95,56,070.00
Add : Purchased during the Year --- ---
Less : Depreciation 8,60,046.00 9,55,607.00
77,40,417.00 86,00,463.00
Opening W.D.V 1,05,34,216.00 1,12,89,384.88
Add : Purchsed during the year 3,41,468.00 13,58,827.00
Less : Sold / W. Off 7,85,713.00 3,49,376.00
Less : Depreciation 15,01,232.00 17,64,619.88
85,88,739.00 1,05,34,216.00
Opening W.D.V. 4,32,21,842.00 4,23,87,222.00
Add : Purchased during the Year --- 61,85,832.55
Less : Sold / W. Off --- 8,84,793.00
Less : Depreciation 43,23,978.00 44,66,419.55
3,88,97,864.00 4,32,21,842.00

Opening W.D.V. 41,44,748.00 4,87,61,763.00
Add : Purchased during the Year --- ---
Less : Sold / W. Off --- ---
Less : Depreciation 6,21,713.00 7,31,425.00
35,23,035.00 41,44,748.00
Opening W.D.V. 12,12,772.26 14,95,983.52
Add. : Purchased during the Year 42,37,694.74 6,32,003.66
Less. : Sold / W. Off --- ---
Less Depreciation 14,86,449.00 9,15,214.92
39,64,018.00 12,12,772.26
Total Fixed Assets 6,27,14,073.00 6,77,14,041.26
Prepaid Expenses 5,20,059.00 2,25,821.00
Prepaid Insurance Premium 3,84,709.00 3,64,064.00
Stock of Printing & Stationery 13,91,784.62 16,54,175.00
Deffered Tax Assets 1,07,19,569.00 1,06,42,128.00
Telephone Deposits 2,04,315.00 2,04,315.00
Electric Deposits 4,19,755.00 4,19,755.00
BMC Deposits 13,220.00 13,220.00
Deposits for Premises 51,73,048.00 51,73,048.00

61 dm dm{f©H$ Ahdmb gZ 2020-2021 25

{X gmVmam ghH$mar ~±H$ {b.
PARTICULARS 31.03.2021 31.03.2020
Shetkari Sahakari Sangh - Deposit 80,000.00 80,000.00
PAN Card Security Deposit 10,000.00 10,000.00
IMPS Bill Payment Security Deposit 1,50,000.00 ---
Advance Account 15,00,750.00 25,81,798.86
Advance For Income Tax AY 2015-16 --- 1,31,17,000.00
Advance For Income Tax AY 2016-17 --- 3,10,78,970.00
Advance For Income Tax AY 2017-18 --- 2,50,00,000.00
Advance For Income Tax AY 2018-19 4,19,26,500.00 4,19,26,500.00
Advance For Income Tax AY 2019-20 4,75,00,000.00 4,75,00,000.00
Advance For Income Tax AY 2020-21 3,75,00,000.00 3,75,00,000.00
Advance For Income Tax AY 2021-22 1,50,00,000.00 ---
Other Receivable 21,52,740.00 21,73,055.00
Receivable from SBI 30,31,211.11 ---
Festival Advance --- 5,16,000.00
IGST Receivable 5,18,201.69 3,84,027.42
CGST Receivable 32,71,939.38 19,74,770.73
SGST Receivable 32,75,702.38 19,78,930.73
Pan Card Coupon Stock 2,834.70 8,329.20
TDS on Interest (AY 2016-17) --- 5,995.00
TDS on Commission 857.00 1,173.00
NFS ACQUIRER Receivable 1,94,000.00 6,15,100.00
Receivable from NPCI 1,12,595.97 37,014.48
TDS receivable / Recoverable 23,521.00 19,440.00
TDS on Sale of Property 74,010.00 74,010.00
UPI CR Beneficiary A/c 3,25,931.00 ---
IMPS - PULL Beneficiary A/c 5,29,731.00 97,253.00
Cersai Advance A/c 19,756.00 19,956.00
HDFC Life Insurance Co. Advance A/c 2,00,000.00 2,00,000.00
Total Other Assets 17,62,26,740.85 22,55,95,849.42
Interest on Saving Deposits 4,78,83,493.78 6,00,61,013.15
Interest on Compulsory SB. Deposit 1,27,104.00 1,23,475.50
Interest on RIS 5,70,151.00 64,42,337.00
Interest on Fixed Deposits 29,49,99,837.00 31,89,61,268.00
Interest on Recurring Deposits 1,07,55,634.00 1,01,41,665.00
Interest on Daily Deposit 1,25,281.00 2,09,530.00
Interest on Pension Scheme 6,48,541.00 5,74,427.00
Interest on Lakhpati Thev Yojana 11,86,376.00 10,22,125.00
Interest on Kishor Bachat Yojana 2,63,138.02 3,45,210.82
Interest on Baburao Shete Deposit Scheme 3,08,956.00 7,86,945.00
Interest on Mangal murti Deposit Scheme 1,575.00 9,916.00
Interest on Dhanvarsha Deposit Scheme 15,89,559.00 19,06,74,127.00
Interest on Hirak Mahostav Deposit Scheme 27,59,93,635.00 6,42,98,123.00
Total Interest paid on Deposits 63,44,53,280.80 65,36,50,162.47

61 dm dm{f©H$ Ahdmb gZ 2020-2021 26

{X gmVmam ghH$mar ~±H$ {b.
PARTICULARS 31.03.2021 31.03.2020
Salary & Provident Fund 12,65,53,106.00 12,76,20,052.00
Ex-Gratia --- 1,13,73,493.00
Labour Welfare Fund Expense 11,592.00 8,964.00
Recovery Allowance 20,400.00 19,200.00
Gratuity 80,79,140.00 88,78,903.00
Staff Welfare Expenses 3,58,296.08 46,490.00
Total Salaries, Prov. Fund - Ex Gratia 13,50,22,534.08 14,79,47,102.00
Sitting & Travelling Allowance 10,12,705.00 8,78,478.00
Total Directors And Board Allowanace 10,12,705.00 8,78,478.00
Rent & Taxes 20,70,782.00 24,38,941.50
Deposit Insurance Premium Exp. 1,10,04,310.36 90,30,857.82
Insurance Charges 12,79,472.00 11,80,423.00
Locker rent 1,700.00 5,806.00
Branch Premises Rent 1,08,91,670.00 1,08,06,044.00
License Fees 36,500.00 1,89,511.80
Electricity Charges 23,72,885.08 38,49,454.00
GST Paid 41,53,619.00 42,21,837.00
CGST URD 5,27,783.00 ---
SGST URD 5,27,783.00 ---
Total Rent, Taxes, Insurance & Lighting 3,28,66,504.44 3,17,22,875.12
Postage & Telegram Expenses 64,548.00 3,49,244.90
Telephone Charges 24,37,649.04 19,93,360.82
Total Postage, Telegram & Telephone 25,02,197.04 23,42,605.72
Legal Fees 39,850.00 6,16,500.00
Consultancy Charges 6,71,110.00 4,97,500.00
Legal Fees & Documentation Charges 33,000.00 0.00
Total Legal & Professional Charges 7,43,960.00 11,14,000.00
Internal Audit Fees 13,30,000.00 14,45,000.00
Statutory Audit Fees 14,47,710.00 13,60,000.00
Information System Audit Fees 1,82,000.00 2,05,000.00
Total Auditors Fees 29,59,710.00 30,10,000.00

61 dm dm{f©H$ Ahdmb gZ 2020-2021 27

{X gmVmam ghH$mar ~±H$ {b.
PARTICULARS 31.03.2021 31.03.2020
Depreciation on Premises 8,60,046.00 9,55,607.00
Depreciation on Motor Vehicle 6,21,713.00 7,31,425.00
Depreciation on Machinery 15,01,232.00 17,64,619.88
Depreciation on Furniture & Fixtures 43,23,978.00 44,66,419.55
Depreciation on computers 14,86,449.00 9,15,214.92
Total Depreciation 87,93,418.00 88,33,286.35
Printing & Stationary Expenses 24,49,156.42 28,41,226.05
Calender Printing Expenses --- 2,73,800.00
Advertisement 50,500.00 4,63,824.00
Total Stationery, Printing & Advertisement 24,99,656.42 35,78,850.05
Travelling & Conveyance Expenses 18,53,711.14 15,84,883.16
Subscription 7,23,050.00 7,21,000.00
Court Fee & Stamp Expenses 7,010.00 4,57,137.00
Computer Programme & Development Exp. 52,17,897.00 80,16,798.00
Motor Jeep Expenses 17,84,133.76 18,25,038.64
Election Expenses --- 5,90,110.00
Training Expenses 27,400.00 1,57,200.00
Commission on Daily Deposit 2,33,709.00 4,26,022.50
Miscellaneous Expenses 30,97,223.43 33,60,793.11
CKYC Expenses --- 10,000.00
CTS Service Charges 4,80,954.43 9,37,251.41
Programme Expenses 9,18,300.00 13,91,894.06
RTGS / NEFT Charges 27,773.51 ---
Clearing Courier Charges 45,502.06 6,18,056.22
Security Guard Charges 53,65,772.11 75,34,516.56
Cash Remittance Charges 1,60,095.81 30,292.00
NFS Charges 12,17,844.92 17,49,929.23
Remitter P2A Approved Fee 45,036.60 23,892.36
Cersai Charges 200.00 1,230.00
Total Other Expenditures 2,12,05,613.77 2,94,36,044.25
Interest on Employees Loan 32,60,371.00 20,77,057.00
Interest on Overdrafts 2,22,11,027.00 6,41,83,149.00
Interest on Cash Credit 23,58,23,264.26 23,46,76,663.34
Interest on Gold Loans 1,80,50,259.00 2,25,52,095.00
Interest on Surety Loan 3,06,83,546.92 3,43,22,174.01
Interest on Machinery Loan 63,28,218.00 39,99,381.00

61 dm dm{f©H$ Ahdmb gZ 2020-2021 28

{X gmVmam ghH$mar ~±H$ {b.
PARTICULARS 31.03.2021 31.03.2020
Interest on Housing Loan 8,15,30,322.19 8,52,07,052.16
Interest on Stock Loan 61,114.00 1,85,590.00
Interest on Loan against Land & Building 15,96,19,165.96 18,97,81,609.68
Interest on Educational Loan 8,860.00 13,977.00
Interest on Loan against FDR 2,92,50,076.00 3,31,18,975.00
Interest on Annasaheb Patil AMVM Loan 10,60,651.00 6,47,958.00
Interest on Vehicle Loan 6,30,19,382.66 6,58,92,379.04
Interest on Staff Loans 60,09,976.00 58,59,913.00
Total Interest & Discount 65,69,16,233.99 74,25,17,973.23
Interest On Investment with Govt. Securities 12,72,78,870.43 14,10,17,666.94
Int. Received on FDR with other Banks 9,77,13,681.00 8,97,38,561.00
Int. Received on Money at call & Short Notice 4,69,108.00 20,76,371.00
Total Interest on Investment 22,54,61,659.43 23,28,32,598.94
Bank Commission 37,72,951.21 64,88,419.28
Pan Agency Commission 2,531.55 3,893.70
PMJBY & PMSBY Comission 30,157.00 31,037.00
POS Comission 25,839.54 3,88,322.38
Tatal Commission, Exchange & Brokerage 38,31,479.30 69,11,672.36
Locker Rent 13,45,746.67 11,90,937.00
Service Charges 19,98,883.12 27,84,937.98
Miscellaneous Receipts 8,30,974.61 19,00,914.68
NFS Commission 5,13,801.45 18,63,097.47
MICRO ATM 1,76,160.79 5,30,733.21
POS Machine Rent Received 73,150.00 12,450.00
Total Other Income 49,38,716.64 82,83,070.34
Provision for Standard Assets 2,50,00,000.00 ---
Total Excess Provisions Written Back 2,50,00,000.00 ---

61 dm dm{f©H$ Ahdmb gZ 2020-2021 29

{X gmVmam ghH$mar ~±H$ {b.
Cash Flow Statement for the year ended 31st March, 2021
(Rupees in Lacs)
Currrent Year Previous Year
Net Profit as per P & L Account 103.62 619.86
Add :- Adjustments for:
Depreciation on Assets 87.93 88.33
Loss on Sale of Assets 7.45 11.76
Amortisation of Software Expenses 5.71 7.29
Amortisation of Premium on Investment 2.84 6.43
Provision for Tax 180.00 350.00
Provision for Deferred Tax (0.77) (2.55)
Provision for BDDR 2050.00 200.00
Provision for Standard Assets 0.00 2333.16 50.00
2436.78 1331.11
Less :- Adustment for
Profit on sale of Securities 249.01 215.74
Profit on Sale of Assets 1678.35 0.00
Profit from Operations 509.42 1115.37
Adjustments for
(Increase) / Decrease in Advances (1723.83) 4971.02
(Increase) in Current assets (50.22) (34.06)
(Increase ) in Interest Accrued but not due (963.16) (280.87)
(Decrease) Increase in Deposits (977.85) 2572.72
Increase in Specific Funds 4.02 19.62
Increase in Current liabilities & Provisions 848.22 493.37
Increase in Interest payable on fixed deposits 777.17 566.89
Net cash generated from Operating Activities before tax (1576.23) 9424.06
Income Tax paid 114.77 353.38
Net cash generated from Operating Activities after tax(A) (1691.00) 9070.68


Decrease / (Increase) in Investments 39.35 (5692.41)
Profit on sale of Securities 249.01 215.74
Purchase of fixed assets (45.79) (81.77)
Purchase of Computer Software 0.00 (10.00)
Sale proceeds of fixed assets 0.48 0.65
Net cash generated from Investing Activities (B) 243.05 (5567.79)


(Decrease) / Increase in Share Capital (27.81) 9.06
Dividend paid 0.00 (189.64)
Net cash generated from Financing Activities (C) (27.81) (180.58)
Net increase in cash and cash equivivalents (A+B+C) (1475.76) (3322.30)
Cash and Cash Equivalents at the beginning of the year 9434.38 6112.07
Cash and Cash Equivalents at the end of the of the year 7958.62 9434.38

Cash and Cash Equivalents

(a) Cash on hand 1368.18 1347.70
(b) Balances with banks 6590.44 8086.68
7958.62 9434.38

As per our Report of event date attached CA Shyam Kotasthane For and on behalf of The
Partner Board of Directors
For Sanjay Rane & Associates
Statutory Auditor
Chartered Accountants M. No. 100457 sd/- sd/- sd/- sd/-
Firm Registration No. 121089W UDIN : 21100457AAAAZS8627 (D. B. Wangde) (S. B. Shete) (M. R. Patil) (S. S. Durve)
Place : Mumbai Chairman Vice - Chairman C.E.O. General Manager
Place : Mumbai Date : 12 / 08 / 2021

61 dm dm{f©H$ Ahdmb gZ 2020-2021 30

{X gmVmam ghH$mar ~±H$ {b.
Significant Accounting Policies and Notes forming part of Balance Sheet
as at 31st March, 2021 and Profit and Loss Account for the year ended on that date.
The Satara Sahakari Bank Limited, Mumbai (SSBL) was incorporated in 1960 and has completed its 61
years of providing wide range of Banking & Financial Services including Commercial Banking and Treasury
The financial statements have been prepared and presented under the historical cost convention on the
accrual basis of accounting, unless otherwise stated, and comply with generally accepted accounting principles,
statutory requirements prescribed under the Banking Regulation Act, 1949, and the Maharashtra Co-Operative
Societies Act, 1961, circulars and guidelines issued by the Reserve Bank of India ('RBI') from time to time, the
Accounting Standards ('AS') issued by the National Advisory Committee on Accounting Standards (NACAS) and
Institute of Chartered Accountants of India ('ICAI') and current practices prevailing within the banking industry of
The preparation of the financial statements, in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles,
requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and
liabilities, revenues and expenses and disclosure of contingent liabilities at the date of the financial statements.
Actual results could differ from those estimates. Management believes that the estimates used in the preparation
of the financial statements are prudent and reasonable. Any revisions to the accounting estimates are recognized
1. Accounting Convention:
Financial statements are drawn up in accordance with historical cost convention considering going concern
concept and in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and practices prevailing in the Co-
operative Banks in India except otherwise stated.
2. Revenue Recognition :
Income and Expenditure are accounted on accrual basis except as stated below:
i) Interest on Advances classified as Sub-standard, Doubtful or Loss Assets is recognized on realization. The
unrealized interest in these cases is accounted in Overdue Interest Reserve.
ii) Interest on Fixed Income Securities is recognized on accrual basis in case it is serviced regularly. Income
from Dividend, Commission, Exchange and Locker Rent are recognized as income on receipt basis.
iii) Software Expenses are amortized equally over a period of 3 years and are being shown under Deferred
Revenue Expenditure.
3. Advances:
i) Advances are classified into Standard, Sub-standard, Doubtful and Loss assets in accordance with the
guidelines issued by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) from time to time.
ii) Provision on Advances categorized under Sub-standard, Doubtful and Loss Assets is made in accordance
with the guidelines issued by the Reserve Bank of India. In addition, a general provision has been made on all
standard assets as per RBI circular no. DCBR.BPD.(PCB) MC No. 12/09.14.000/2015-16 dated July 01,
iii) The overdue interest in respect of advances classified as Non-Performing Assets is provided separately
under “Overdue Interest Reserve” as per the directives issued by the RBI.
4. Investments :
i) The Bank has categorized the investments in accordance with the RBI guidelines applicable to Urban Co-
operative Banks. Accordingly, classification of investments for the purpose of valuation is done under the
following categories:
(i) Held to Maturity (ii) Available for Sale (iii) Held for Trading

61 dm dm{f©H$ Ahdmb gZ 2020-2021 31

{X gmVmam ghH$mar ~±H$ {b.
ii) The entire Investment Portfolio for the purpose of disclosure in the balance sheet has been categorized into :-
(i) Government Securities
(ii) Other Approved Securities
(iii) Shares in Co. op. Institutions
(iv) PSU Bonds and Bonds issued by All India Financial Institutions
(v) Certificate of Deposits & Others.
iii) Investments are valued as per the directives issued by the Reserve Bank of India from time to time and in line
with the methodology suggested by Financial Benchmarks India Pvt. Ltd. (FBIL).
iv) Investments classified under “Held to Maturity” category have been valued at acquisition cost. Premium, if
any, on such investments is amortized over residual life of particular investment.
v) Investments under “Available for Sale” category have been marked to market as per RBI directives. While
net depreciation, if any, under each classification has been provided for, net appreciation, if any, has been
vi) Investment under “Held for Trading” category have been marked to market on the basis of guidelines issued
by RBI. While net depreciation, if any, under each classification has been provided for, net appreciation, if
any, has been ignored.
vii) Broken period interest in respect of investment purchased is treated as an item of expenditure under the
Profit and Loss account.
viii) Treasury bills & Certificate of Deposits under all the classifications have been valued at carrying cost.
ix) The shares of Co-operative Societies held by the Bank in respect of ownership premises have been carried
at acquisition cost.
5. Fixed Assets and Depreciation:
5.1 Fixed Assets are stated at their written down value. Cost includes incidental expenses incurred on
acquisition of assets.
5.2 Fixed Assets (except computers) are depreciated on written down value method at the rates prescribed in the
Income Tax Rule, 1961. Computers are depreciated on straight line method basis at 33.33% as per RBI
guidelines, but it is not taken on pro-rata basis.
5.3 Depreciation on fixed assets purchased during the year is charged for the full year, if the assets are
purchased and retained for 180 days or more, otherwise it is charged at 50 % of the normal rate.
6. Retirement Benefits to Employees
6.1 Bank has a separate trust named as “Satara Sahakari Bank Ltd. Gratuity Scheme” and provided a sum of Rs.
80.79 lakhs as annual contribution to the Gratuity Fund on actuarial basis with ICICI Prudential Life
Insurance Co. Ltd. in accordance with the provisions of Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972.
6.2 Bank has a separate insurance policy under “HDFC Group Traditional Plan” As per the actuarial valuation the
existing balance under policy is more than the required fund amount, hence no provision for privilege and
sick leave encashment have been made during the current financial year.
6.3 Bank's contribution to provident fund is accounted for on basis of contribution to the Employees Provident
Fund Scheme, 1952.
7. Income Tax
7.1 Income Tax expenses comprise of Deferred Tax and Current Tax. Current Tax is provided for in accordance
with the applicable provisions of the Income Tax Act, 1961 and Rules framed there under.
7.2 Deferred Tax is recognized on account of timing difference between the book profits and the taxable profits.
The tax effect of timing differences between the book profits and taxable profits measured using the tax rates
and tax laws that have been enacted or substantially enacted at the Balance Sheet date are reflected
through Deferred Tax Asset (DTA) /Deferred Tax Liability (DTL).

61 dm dm{f©H$ Ahdmb gZ 2020-2021 32

{X gmVmam ghH$mar ~±H$ {b.
8. Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets:
A provision is recognized when the bank has a present obligation as a result of past event where it is probable
that an outflow of resources will be required to settle the obligation, in respect of which a reliable estimate can
be made. Provisions are not discounted to its present value and are determined based on best estimate
required to settle the obligation at the Balance Sheet date. These are reviewed at each Balance Sheet date
and adjusted to reflect the current best estimates.
A disclosure of Contingent Liability is made when there is:
i) A possible obligation arising from a past event, the existence of which will be confirmed by occurrence or non-
occurrence of one or more uncertain future events not within the control of the Bank; or
ii) A present obligation arising from a past event which is not recognized as it is not probable that an outflow of
resources will be required to settle the obligation or a reliable estimate of the amount of the obligation cannot
be made.
iii) Where there is a possibility or likelihood of outflow of funds, necessary provisions have been made as per the
RBI guidelines, to meet such contingencies.
iv) Contingent Assets are not recognized in the financial statements. However, Contingent Assets are assessed
1. All the Branches and Head Office are having Core Banking Software and all the books of accounts are
balanced with General Ledger Balance Book.
2. None of the assets have been revalued during the year.
3. Segment Reporting:
The entire operations of Bank are one composite banking business not liable to different risks & rewards,
consequently in the opinion of the Bank, Accounting Standard 17 on Segment Reporting is not applicable to
4. Related Party Disclosure:
The Bank is a Co-operative Society registered under the Maharashtra Co-operative Societies Act 1960 and
there are no related parties requiring disclosure as per Accounting Standard 18 issued by The Institute of
Chartered Accountants of India other than one key Management Personnel, viz. Mr. Mansing Rajaram Patil,
Chief Executive Officer of Bank. However in terms of RBI circular dated 29th March 2003, he being single
party under the category, no further details are needed to be disclosed.
5. Leases :
The Bank has cancellable operating leases and the disclosures under Accounting Standard 19 on Leases
issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India is as under :

31.03.2021 31.03.2020
566.60 677.17
95.32 110.13
363.14 387.93
108.14 179.11
108.91 108.06
--- ---
non cancellable sub lease
--- ---

61 dm dm{f©H$ Ahdmb gZ 2020-2021 33

{X gmVmam ghH$mar ~±H$ {b.
6. Accounting for Taxes on Income:
The bank has accounted for Income Tax in compliance with AS-22. Accordingly, Deferred Tax Assets and
Deferred Tax Liabilities are recognized. The application of Deferred Tax has resulted in a net credit of
Rs. 0.77 lacs to the Profit and Loss account for the year ended 31 March 2021 and the Deferred Tax Asset
(net) of Rs. 107.19 lacs has been shown in “Other Assets”. The major components of deferred tax asset
(DTA) & deferred tax liability (DTL) are as under:
As on 31.03.2020 Reversed For the year As on 31.03.2021
88.09 0.00 0.00 88.09
Provision for BDDR
Depreciation on Fixed Assets 18.33 0.00 0.77 19.10

Net DTA/DTL 106.42 0.77 107.19

7. Impairment of Assets
The Bank has ascertained that there is no material impairment of any of its assets and as such no provision
under Accounting Standard 28 on Impairment of Assets (AS-28) issued by the ICAI is required.
8. (a) Contingent Liabilities
Contingent Liabilities on account of Bank Guarantees, Letters of Credit, Forward Contracts and Bills
under Import LCs are as follows:
31.03.2021 31.03.2020
Bank Guarantees 36.75 50.27
Closing Balance of Amount Transferred to DEAF 53.50 37.86
Total 90.25 88.13
(b) Contingent liability – Others for which the Bank is contingently liable.

31.03.2021 31.03.2020
Opening balance of amounts transferred to DEAF 37.86 27.05
Add : Amounts transferred to DEAF during year 15.64 10.81
Less : Amounts reimbursed by DEAF towards claims 0.00 0.00
Closing Balance of amounts transferred to DEAF 53.50 37.86

9. As per the policy, where there is a possibility or likelihood of outflow of funds, necessary provisions have been
made as per the RBI guidelines, to meet such contingencies.
10. Prior Period Items :
There are no items of material significance in the prior period account requiring disclosure.
11. Moratorium as per “COVID -19 Regulatory Package”.
As informed by the Bank, Bank has given moratorium and Deferment for all loan accounts for the period from
June 1, 2020 to August 31, 2020 as per RBI Notification No. DOR.No.BP.BC.71/21.04.048/2019-20 dated
May 23, 2020 for “COVID -19 Regulatory Package”.
12. Refund/adjustment of 'interest on interest'.
To ease the financial stress caused by COVID-19 disruptions on borrowers and relax the repayment
pressures, Hon'ble Supreme Court, vide order dated March 23, 2021, directed that there shall not be any
charge of interest on interest / compound interest / penal interest for the period during the moratorium from
March 1, 2020 to August 31, 2020 and such interest shall be refunded to the concerned borrowers to be given
credit / adjusted in the next instalment of the loan amount. Based on this judgment, as per RBI circular dated

61 dm dm{f©H$ Ahdmb gZ 2020-2021 34

{X gmVmam ghH$mar ~±H$ {b.
April 7, 2021 i.e. 'Asset Classification and Income Recognition following the expiry of Covid-19 regulatory
package' Bank has assessed the total amount to be refunded to borrowers of Rs. 34.07 Lakh. No provision
has been made for the same as on 31.03.2021.
13. As per RBI Circular No. DOR.No.BP.BC/4/21.04.048/2020-21 dated \August 6 ,2020 i.e. “ Micro, Small and
Medium Enterprises ( MSME) sector – Restructuring of Advances “, during F.Y. 2020-21 Bank has
restructured 11 borrower's 23 MSME loan accounts having O/s Balance of Rs. 3,385.94 as on 31.03.2021.
As per said circular Bank has made additional 5% provision of Rs. 169.30 Lakh on the same on 31.03.2021
and has shown under Bad and Doubtful Debt Reserve.
Other than above Bank has not restructured any account during the F.Y. 2020-21.
14. During the F.Y. 2020-21, Bank has transferred Rs. 1,000 Lakh from Building Fund and Rs. 400 Lakh from
General Reserve Fund to Profit & Loss A/c to augment the desired Bad & Doubtful Debt Reserve (BDDR).
The same was approved by the Board of Directors.

Previous year's figures have been regrouped / rearranged wherever

necessary to conform to the presentation of accounts of the current year.

As per our Report of event date attached For and on behalf of The
For Sanjay Rane & Associates Board of Directors
Chartered Accountants
Firm Registration No. 121089W
sd/- sd/-
CA Shyam Kotasthane (D. B. Wangde) (S. B. Shete)
Partner Chairman Vice - Chairman
Statutory Auditors
M. No. 100457 sd/- sd/-
Place : Mumbai (M. R. Patil) (S. S. Durve)
C.E.O. General Manager
Date : 12.08.2021

61 dm dm{f©H$ Ahdmb gZ 2020-2021 35

{X gmVmam ghH$mar ~±H$ {b.

As per our Report of event date attached CA Shyam Kotasthane For and on behalf of The
For Sanjay Rane & Associates Partner Board of Directors
Chartered Accountants Statutory Auditors sd/- sd/- sd/- sd/-
Firm Registration No. 121089W M. No. 100457 (D. B. Wangde) (S. B. Shete) (M. R. Patil) (S. S. Durve)
Chairman Vice - Chairman C.E.O. General Manager
Place : Mumbai Date : 12 / 08 / 2021

61 dm dm{f©H$ Ahdmb gZ 2020-2021 36

gZ 2021-2022 Mo A§XmOnÌH$
{X gmVmam ghH$mar ~±H$ {b.

H«$. IM© Vnerb gZ 2020-2021 gZ 2020-2021 gZ 2021-2022 CËnÞ Vnerb gZ 2020-2021 gZ 2020-2021 gZ 2021-2022
Mm A§XmOo IM© Mm à˶j IM© Mm A§XmOo IM© Mo A§XmOo CËnÞ Mo à˶j CËnÞ Mo A§XmOo CËnÞ
68,50,00,000.00 63,44,53,281.00 66,00,00,000.00 103,00,00,000.00 88,23,77,893.00 99,00,00,000.00
7,00,00,000.00 3,65,10,613.00 5,00,00,000.00
16,50,00,000.00 13,50,22,534.00 15,50,00,000.00

61 dm dm{f©H$ Ahdmb gZ 2020-2021

11,00,000.00 10,12,705.00 12,00,000.00

4,00,00,000.00 3,28,66,504.00 4,00,00,000.00

15,00,000.00 7,43,960.00 25,00,000.00

25,00,000.00 25,02,197.00 27,00,000.00

35,00,000.00 29,59,710.00 35,00,000.00
1,25,00,000.00 90,77,450.00 1,35,00,000.00

45,00,000.00 24,99,656.00 35,00,000.00

4,00,00,000.00 2,94,66,254.00 3,50,00,000.00

7,00,00,000.00 5,79,22,559.00 7,00,00,000.00
7,44,00,000.00 1,03,61,696.00 5,31,00,000.00

110,00,00,000.00 91,88,88,506.00 104,00,00,000.00 110,00,00,000.00 91,88,88,506.00 104,00,00,000.00

{X gmVmam ghH$mar ~±H$ {b.

{XZm§H$ 31.03.2021 AIoa (ê$n¶o bmImV)
EHy$U ¶oUo H$O} : ê$. 58966.38

4887 44453.63 0.40% d 1% 200.60

107 7632.55 10% 763.26

32 5548.82 20% 1109.76

8 20.53 100% 20.53

6 180.39 30% 54.12

4 10.51 100% 10.51

7 871.79 100% 871.79

- - - -
13 248.16 100% 248.16
177 14512.75 3078.13
5064 58966.38 3278.73
Q>rn : Ahdmbgmbr AZwËnm{XV H$Om©gmR>r ê$. 3078.13 bmI BVH$s VaVwX H$aUo Amdí¶H$ hmoVo. na§Vw ¶mgmR>r ~±Ho$Zo
ê$. 3300.24 bmI BVH$s VaVwX Ho$br Amho. VgoM CËV‘ H$Om©gmR>r ê$. 200.60 bmI BVH$s VaVwX Amdí¶H$ hmoVr. ¶mgmR>r
~±Ho$Zo ê$. 250.00 bmI BVH$s VaVyX Ho$br Amho. VgoM nwZa©MZm (Restructure) H$O© é. 3385.94 À¶m 5% à‘mUo VaVyX
é. 169.30 Ho$cr Amho.

61 dm dm{f©H$ Ahdmb gZ 2020-2021 38

Zm|XUrH¥$V H$m¶m©c¶ : ^maVr¶ H«$sS>m ‘§{Xa, 3 am ‘Ocm, Zm¶Jm§d-dS>mim amoS>, dS>mim, ‘w§~B© - 400 031.
XþaÜdZr H«$.: 2412 4743 / 2414 6371 ’°$³g : 9122 - 2418 3319
B©-‘oc : /
do~gmB©Q> :

Account IMPS-Fund Transfer Manage Payee Deposit Loan

Services Card Services Bill Payment UPI QR Code Positive Pay

~±Ho$Mo H$O©
J¥h IaoXr H$O©, gmoZo VmaU H$O©, d¡¶{³VH$ H$O©, dmhZ VmaU H$O©,
‘mc‘Îmm VmaU H$O©, ‘wXV R>od nmdVr VmaU H$O©,$.ì VmaU H$O©,
ì¶mdgm{¶H$ H$O© d ‘{eZar VmaU H$O©.
~±Ho$À¶m gw{dYm
H$moAa ~±qH$J, go’$ {S>nm°PrQ> cm°H$g© gw{dYm, é. 5 cmImn¶ªVÀ¶m R>odtZm {d‘m g§ajU,
E.Q>r.E‘. godm, Ama.Q>r.Or.Eg./BZ.B©.E’$.Q>r. WoQ> d {dZmewëH$ gw{dYm, ZoQ> ~±qH$J (View Only),
Eg.E‘.Eg. Mr gw{dYm,n°Z H$mS>© gw{dYm, nm°g ‘{eZ gw{dYm, ‘mo~mB©c ~±qH$J,
AmdV© (Recurring) R>od ¶moOZm, {H$emoa ~MV ¶moOZm, gmVmam ~±H$ noÝeZ ¶moOZm,
àYmZ ‘§Ìr OrdZ Á¶moVr {d‘m ¶moOZm d àYmZ‘§Ìr gwajm {d‘m ¶moOZm

61 dm dm{f©H$ Ahdmb gZ 2020-2021

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