Bio Hacking Presentation SLIDE 2: What Is Bio Hacking?

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SLIDE 2: What is bio hacking?

The term bio hacking consists of two parts: Bio and hacking. Bio stands
for biology and hacking stands for unlocking potentials. The goal of bio
hacking is to become the best version of yourself by using hacks that
improve your physical and mental health. Bio hacking is the art and
science of changing the environment around you and inside you so that
you have full control over your own biology. Bio hacking is the
conscious control of your external and internal environment to maximize
your physical and mental performance across all aspects of life. Bio
hacking follows the principle of personal freedom. That means that you
can decide for yourself how far you want to go and which changes you
consider to be effective for you and which are not.

SLIDE 3: Benefits
Bio hackers see their body as a complex biological system that can be
analyzed, understood and improved. There is no silver bullet, universal
hack for everything or magical bio hacking secrets. A bio hacker focuses
on more than one area and has multiple methods of optimizing. Let’s
assume that two bio hackers want to achieve the same goal, like
improving their mental power, for example. While one bio hacker
considers super foods as the best way to achieve that goal, the other bio
hacker prefers to practice gratitude or starts to meditate on a daily basis.
This makes it abundantly clear that bio hacking offers a variety of
approaches, both physically and mentally, whereby the benefits depend
on the types of hacks you use.


1. BE GRATEFUL- Practicing gratitude is probably not the number one

bio hack you thought of in the first place. Especially because gratitude
doesn’t have anything to do with your biological system. Pause anything
you are doing and concentrate exclusively on one thing, one moment, one
person or one experience for which you are grateful.
This simple trick helps you feel happier, deal with stress more easily and
increase your optimism and overall performance.

2. IMPROVE YPUR SLEEP- Healthy sleep leads to so many positive

changes that we can’t list them here in detail. These include among
others: better well-being, lower risk of getting sick, increased brain
performance, better mood and many more.
3. CHANGING THE DIET- Probably the most complex area to hack in
your life is nutrition. Especially because there is no clear answer to what
is the right nutrition. You have to figure out what works best for yourself,
what you can do in the long run, and above all: with what diet you feel fit
and comfortable.
A healthy and effective form of nutrition helps to reduce fat and in
combination with sports to build muscles. It helps you to become
physically and mentally fit and more efficient and prevents various

4. MEDITATION- Meditation is great for all kinds of situations and a

useful solution for a lot of different goals. With only a few minutes per
day, you can feel significant changes in your body and mind.
The benefits of meditation include a lower stress level, improved sleep,
higher productivity and increased concentration and the best thing about
it: the effects and changes of meditation on the body are scientifically


1. Nutrigenomics: This is described as the study of nutritionally

manipulating the activity of your body. Nutrigenomics is also related to
other sub-categories in bio hacking like sleep manipulation, exercise,
attention hacking, adjusting environmental triggers and stress

2. Do-it-yourself biology (DIYBio): DIYBio is a biohacking subculture

of people who conduct biological experiments and study life sciences
outside of conventional means. It’s a movement that started in the early
2000s. While it’s a fascinating movement, this subset of bio hacking is
focused more on studying and testing unproven science and is often
criticized for having no official oversight.

3. Grinder biohacking: This is a subset of DIYBio that fixates on

technology implants or chemical manipulation of the body. Grinder
attempts to push the limits of technology and the human body to their
limits, practicing body modification to improve their “hardware.” These
are typically very risky techniques that aren’t recommended.


Some forms of bio hacking may be safe. For example, taking certain
supplements or making changes to your diet can be safe. Even some body
mods, like RFID implants, may be safe when overseen by a medical
professional. Some bio hacking methodologies border are unsafe or even
illegal. DIY bio and grinder sometimes center around experiments that
aren’t considered safe or ethical in research facilities. Experimenting on
humans, even if it’s just on yourself, is still generally considered a big
taboo in biology because of the unintended consequences or harm that
can result.


1. DAVE ASPREY- The man who brought you Bulletproof coffee,

maybe the most well-known bio hacker has claimed to have spent over
$300,000 over the past 15 years in an attempt to hack his body. He has
since lost over 100 pounds, lowered his biological age and improved his
IQ score.

2. BEN GREENFIELD- Greenfield has grown an army of followers in

the fitness community thanks to his foray into the biohacking world. He
employs biohacking techniques to break through his and his clients’
fitness plateaus. Greenfield is always exploring new ways to hack the
human body.

3. LIZ PARRISH- Going the more extreme route of biohacking, Parrish

underwent gene therapy in a secret lab located in South America. She was
the first person to use the controversial practice of gene therapy. The
condition she is trying to fit is one that affects us all, aging. She has since
founded the company BioViva to bring gene therapy to her patients.

4. GABRIEL LICINA- X-men power became reality when Licinia

volunteered to have Chlorin e6 injected into his eyes. This substance
found in some deep-sea creatures allowed Licinia to see objects more
than 50 yards away in a dark field.

5. KEVIN WARWICK- Warrick is known for his researching robotics

and combining the latest technology with the human body. His most
famous undertakings include Project Cyborg which involved numerous
experiments from implanting electrodes and chips into his body resulting
in new sensory occurrences, controlled robotic limbs from a distance and
hooked up his nervous system to the internet.

Bio hacking has benefits for all of us but is not necessarily suitable for
everyone. It’s a lifestyle for self-optimizers, analysts, curious people, and
self-testers. After all, it’s not just about improving your sleep or eating
healthier. With bio hacking, you try to improve your whole body and
mind by changing your environment and yourself so that you get control
over your biology. Another important aspect of bio hacking is the way
you optimize yourself: Bio hackers always set a specific goal and
document their bodies before, during and after the bio hack.

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