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Speech Communication

Formative Assessment 2:
Types of Nonverbal
Types of Non-verbal Communication

Physical Characteristics
Body Movements
Types of Nonverbal Communication

Space (Office in their firm)


As you can see, the

the man is asking
why the girl has her
own office. While he
himself only has a
cubicle. And the girl
told him that "As
you said, I am the
best researcher in
the firm."
Types of Nonverbal Communication

Were this type of nonverbal communication effective

in the given scenario?
Space is often associated with social rank and is an important part of
business communication. Who gets the corner office? Why is the head of the
table important and who gets to sit there?
In this specific scenario, the girl has her own office, because she is
important in the firm. "As you said, I am the best researcher in the firm." The
man on the other hand only has a cubicle because he is not that important in
the firm and he is only a newly hired employee.
With all of that, we can confidently say that nonverbal communication
(space) is effective in pointing out the rank of the employees in their office.
Types of Nonverbal Communication

Time (Being late)

As you can see, the
the birthday girl
(Phoebe) is angry at
her friends because
most of them
(Chandler, Monica,
Ross and Rachel)
are hours late and
did not even bother
to call them that
they were going to
be late.
Types of Nonverbal Communication

Were this type of nonverbal communication effective

in the given scenario?
Do you know what time it is? How aware you are of time varies by
culture and normative expectations of adherence (or ignorance) to time.
In this specific scenario, the birthday girl is angry at her friends because
most of them are hours late. Her friends being late would signify that they do
not give importance to the event which is Phoebe's birthday.
With all of that, we can confidently say that nonverbal communication
(Time) is effective in pointing out that Phoebe's friends do not care about the
event as much as Phoebe cherishes them eating together on her birthday.
Types of Nonverbal Communication

Physical Characteristics (Body Posture)

As you can see, the
doctors are having a
meeting about their
hospital. And the
last person that
entered is their
Types of Nonverbal Communication

Were this type of nonverbal communication effective

in the given scenario?
Being comfortable with yourself is an important part of your presentation.
Act naturally and consider aspects of your presentation you can control in
order to maximize a positive image for the audience.
In this specific scenario, the doctor with the glasses was scared because
she became attentive and she then sat properly, when another doctor entered
the room. While talking to the other doctors she (Elis Grey- the doctor that
entered the last) used her presence and confidence. She then exudes power
and authority.
With all of that, we can confidently say that nonverbal communication
(Physical Characteristics - Body Posture) is effective in pointing out the rank
of the employees in their office and in giving authority.
Types of Nonverbal Communication

Body Movements (Heart-attack)

As you can see, the
man who is working
something on his
computer is holding
his chest and he
seems to be in pain.
He then stand up to
drink water before
collapsing in the
Types of Nonverbal Communication

Were this type of nonverbal communication effective

in the given scenario?
Body movements can also substitute or replace verbal messages.
In this specific scenario, we can see that the man seems to have chest
pain and later fell on the floor which let us to the conclusion that he had a
heart attack.
With all of that, we can confidently say that nonverbal communication
(Body movement) is effective in pointing out and/or signifying that the man
had a heart attack.
Types of Nonverbal Communication

Touch (Handshake)
As you can see, the
impersonator shakes
hands differently on
each people. Some
of his hand shakes
are formal while
others are creative.
Others, on the other
hand, received close
hugs from him.
Types of Nonverbal Communication

Were this type of nonverbal communication effective

in the given scenario?
Before giving your presentation, you may interact with people by shaking
hands and making casual conversation.
In this specific scenario, the man gave different ways of handshakes to
each of the people. That could lead us to an explanation that the ones that he
gave formal handshake are his colleagues while the ones that he handshake
creatively are his friends. On the other hand, those that he shared hug which
led us to believe that they are really close friends.
With all of that, we can confidently say that nonverbal communication
(Time) is effective in pointing out the level of closeness between individuals.
Types of Nonverbal Communication

Paralanguage (Sarcasm)
As you can see, the
man that entered
the room was
greeted by the
woman, "Oh, look
who it is my
husband, the apple
of my eye."
Types of Nonverbal Communication

Were this type of nonverbal communication effective

in the given scenario?
Paralanguage involves tone and nonverbal aspects of speech that
influence meaning, including how loudly or softly you are speaking, intensity,
pausing, and even silence.
In this specific scenario, the woman sarcastically greeted the man who
just entered, "Oh, look who it is my husband, the apple of my eye." Her
sarcasm would let us believe that she is not genuine in what she is saying to
the man.
With all of that, we can confidently say that nonverbal communication
(Paralanguage) is ineffective during this situation because it could mislead
and be misinterpreted especially if the man did not know that she is being
Types of Nonverbal Communication

Artifacts (Ring, Veil, and Bouquet)

As you can see, there
are two men
watching a tv, that
look liked a video call.
In the other side we
can see two people a
man and a girl. The
girl is raising her that
in a way that we can
see her ring. She also
has a veil and
Types of Nonverbal Communication

Were this type of nonverbal communication effective

in the given scenario?
Artifacts are forms of decorative ornamentation that are chosen to
represent self-concept.
In this specific scenario, we can see two people a man and a girl. The girl
is raising her in a way that we can see her ring. She also has a veil and
bouquet. The ring, veil, and bouquet would lead us to believe that they just
got married.
With all of that, we can confidently say that nonverbal communication
(Artifacts) is effective in pointing out that the two-person were married at
that moment.
Types of Nonverbal Communication

Environment (House and Work)

As you can see, in
the first scene a man
and a woman just
woke up from a
slumber. In the next
scene you can see
setting is inside a
hospital, wherein
they are wearing
Types of Nonverbal Communication

Were this type of nonverbal communication effective

in the given scenario?
Environment involves the physical and psychological aspects of the
communication context.
In this specific scenario, there are two people in two different settings.
One of the settings happens in a house wherein they are casual with each
other. The next one happens in the hospital wherein the man has a higher
position compared to the girl. Which means that they have to be formal with
each other. But the man failed to do it because he is flirting with her.
With all of that, we can confidently say that nonverbal communication
(Environment) is ineffective because the man failed to be professional to the
woman when they are in a working environment.
Types of Nonverbal Communication

What is your takeaway from this lesson?

Throughout the discussion, I have learned that there are many creative
ways that could help us communicate with individuals with or without the
use of words. Nonverbal communication occurs constantly and
unintentionally, and we can't always avoid it; as a result, other people can
determine our true feelings by seeing our nonverbal cues. Although
sometimes it is our intention to send those types of nonverbal communication
to that our recipient would have a clue of what they are to us socially. I also
noticed that nonverbal communication aids those who are having difficulties
hearing, with the use of gestures like body movement to help them
understand what's being said in a conversation.
That's All Thank

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