Slovak Spectator 1720

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Vol. 17, No. 20 Monday, May 23, 2011 - Sunday, May 29, 2011 of this issue

Highways boss fired
Transport Minister Ján
Figeľ fired National High-
way Company boss Alan
unrest over
Sitár on May 12, shortly
after allegations that he had
approved overpriced pur-
'no' for Paluda
chases of training and con-
Spectator staff

Transpetrol leak
Leaked US diplomatic cables JUST AS tension within the coalition was
suggest the US government rising as a result of the fraught selection
advised Slovakia on its re- of the next general prosecutor (though
purchase of Transpetrol, that somewhat eased after a vote on May
but former economy minis- 17; see main story), another disputed
ter Ľubomír Jahnátek has nomination has generated yet more
disputed the reports. trouble. The post of the head of the Na-
pg 3 tional Security Office (NBÚ), Slovakia’s
main security vetting agency, remains
vacant despite the fact that Freedom and
OPINION Solidarity (SaS) has already proposed two
candidates. Observers warn that contin-
The Radičová Code ued failure to fill the post could prompt
Political conspiracy theories NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen visited Slovakia on May 19. At a press conference at the Foreign Af- more tension and risk further reducing
have a certain irresistible fairs Ministry he made statements directed at Russia, saying he hopes for good relations with that country and trust among the coalition parties.
charm and Smer boss Robert wants cooperation between Russia and NATO on the latter's missile defence shield project. While in Bratislava, It had seemed that nothing stood in
Fico is not the kind of politi- Rasmussen met Slovak government representatives including Prime Minister Iveta Radičová (above) . Photo: ČTK the way of the most recent SaS nominee,
cian who can resist them, Supreme Court judge Peter Paluda. As
especially when they guar- well as his long record as a senior judge,
antee widespread publicity.

pg 5
Radičová stays as he has served as Slovakia’s representative
to the EU's justice organisation, Eurojust,
and is a staunch critic of controversial
Supreme Court head Štefan Harabin.
As well as SaS, two other parties in the

Working in Austria
As of May 1, Slovaks are no
longer restricted from
working in Austria and
Trnka fails again four-party coalition, Most-Híd and the
Christian Democratic Movement (KDH),
had said they supported his nomination –
and Prime Minister Iveta Radičová, of the
Slovak Democratic and Christian Union
Germany. But analysts DOBROSLAV Trnka, the former secure his victory. Trnka made no (SDKÚ), said Paluda was an acceptable
warn that many hoping to general prosecutor whose bid to immediate comment after the candidate for her as well.
work there lack good Ger- retain his position has been sup-
BY BEATA BALOGOVÁ vote but Fico encouraged him to
man or other needed skills.
Spectator staff See NBÚ pg 9
ported by the opposition Smer once again challenge the conduct
pg 6 party, failed to secure the job in of the secret ballot at the Consti-
a secret ballot of MPs on May 17. structed how to vote, despite in- tutional Court. The May 17 ballot

Glimmers of hope
The Slovak economy is
By rejecting Trnka, whose previ-
ous term as general prosecutor
elapsed on February 2 this year,
dividual ballots supposedly being
confidential. Smer leader Robert
Fico claimed that a strategy,
was a re-run of a previous secret
vote held in December which was
ruled unconstitutional by the
showing clear signs of re-
covery. This has been reflec-
ted in the labour market
ruling coalition MPs apparently
heeded a threat by Prime Minis-
ter Iveta Radičová to resign if
which he dubbed ‘Radičová’s
Code’, had been used to influence
the voting of coalition MPs.
court after a challenge by Trnka.
“The government in its pro-
gramme defined its goals as being
likely victims
and in more business for
human resources compan-
ies, say HR industry ex-
Trnka, about whom she has ex-
pressed strong reservations, were
to prevail.
Trnka, the only candidate,
won the support of 70 of the 150
deputies present; 17 voted against
to increase the trust of citizens in
the rule of law, increase the en-
forceability of law, and fight
found buried
perts. While the ruling coalition cel- him; 29 abstained from voting against corruption and cronyism,” THE SWISS citizen whose call to police
pg 7 ebrated the outcome of the vote, and there were 34 invalid votes. A Radičová said in a statement. led to the apprehension of an alleged
calling it good news for Slovakia, simple majority of MPs present – cannibal in eastern Slovakia earlier this
Smer alleged that MPs were in- 76 – would have been necessary to See VOTE pg 2 month may not have been the man’s first
CULTURE intended victim.
Evidence left behind by the
Books about Slovakia
Owen R. Johnson reviews
another clutch of recent
GDP growth nears pre-crisis levels ‘cannibal’, whose story shocked Slovakia
and attracted media attention world-
wide, led Slovak police on May 17 to a
academic works focused on Fund (IMF) predicted that the Slovak “We assume that growth has woodland grave containing the remains
Slovakia and its historical economy will be among the fastest again been fuelled mainly by for- of two people who they believe were
development. BY BEATA BALOGOVÁ growing economies of the European eign demand,” Boris Fojtík, an probably his previous victims.
pg 11 Spectator staff On May 10 an undercover team
Union over the next two years. analyst with Tatra Banka, stated,
Slovakia’s GDP grew by 3.5 per- adding that large investments swooped on an area near Kysak, a village
SLOVAKIA will continue crossing its cent year-on-year in the first quarter are also in the pipeline for Slov- near Košice, after learning that a local
man was planning to kill and eat a Swiss
SELECT FOREX RATES fingers for continued economic of 2011, similar to its pace during the akia and that these investments
citizen with whom he had made an on-
€ benchmark as of May 19 vigour in its biggest trading partner, final three months of 2010. On a sea- will likely be positive items when
line pact. The police operation was not a
Germany, which surpassed expecta- sonally-adjusted basis, the Slovak the detailed report on GDP
CANADA CAD 1.38 HUNGARY HUF 267.97 tions by recording 4.8 percent GDP economy grew by 1.0 percent from growth is released. complete success: the suspect, later re-
CZECH REP. CZK 24.47 JAPAN JPY 116.83 growth in the first quarter of 2011. the last quarter of 2010, the Slovak Ľubomír Koršňák, an analyst vealed to be Matej Čurko of nearby Sokoľ,
RUSSIA RUB 39.94 POLAND PLN 3.93 While still slightly lagging German Statistics Office reported in its flash with UniCredit Bank Slovakia, was armed and both he and a police of-
GREAT BRITAIN GBP 0.88 USA USD 1.43 growth, Slovakia also generated some estimate released on May 15. Though noted as well that “Slovakia’s most ficer were seriously injured in the ensu-
very optimistic economic numbers – the Statistics Office has not published significant business partners have ing shoot-out. The suspect died of his in-
close to the rate of growth registered detailed information on the strongest been doing well.” juries two days later.
before the financial and economic growth areas, economic experts do
crisis. The International Monetary not expect any big surprises. See UP pg 4 See BODIES pg 3
2 May 23 – 29, 2011 NEWS

Highways chief fired

Radičová commented
BY BEATA BALOGOVÁ that in politics and the man-
Putin visits Slovakia, meets PM Spectator staff agement of the state it is not
enough to enforce laws: offi-
HIGH on the agenda in the Prime Minister Radičová cials’ conduct must also have
talks between Slovak Prime also raised the issue of the QUESTIONABLE procurement an ethical dimension, the
Minister Iveta Radičová and ‘invitation letter’ sent to Mo- practices have led to the dis- SITA newswire reported. She
her Russian counterpart scow in 1968 and said that missal of National Highway added that in the current
Vladimir Putin on May 13 were Putin understood her argu- Company (NDS) boss Alan post-crisis period, with the
supplies of Russian natural ments and is willing to Sitár. Transport Minister Ján ongoing effort to save public
gas and the ‘letter of invita- provide specific documents, Figeľ fired him on May 12 money, funds should have
tion’ sent in 1968 that led to if they exist, to Slovakia. The shortly after the minister and not been handled in the way
the Warsaw Pact invasion of prime ministers also dis- several media outlets received they were by the NDS.
Slovakia, the SITA newswire cussed the broad-gauge rail- anonymous whistle-blowing The NDS had said earlier
reported. way project that is under letters that described al- on May 12 that it was about
Radičová reported that consideration, nuclear en- legedly overpriced purchases to cancel some of the deals
Putin gave assurances there ergy and its future, of training and consulting and orders, except those per-
will be no repeat problems Slovakia’s cyclotron centre services that had been ap- taining to the construction
with Russian natural gas sup- and military technologies proved by Sitár for the state- Alan Sitár Photo: TASR of highways which had been
plies and that he considers the and licences. run firm. approved before the
diversification of natural gas During his brief visit to Prime Minister Iveta Sitár, who was shown the four governing coalition amendment to the law on
supply routes to be very im- Bratislava Putin also lobbied Radičová praised Figeľ’s move door without being offered parties, said that he re- public procurement became
portant in preventing a simil- a meeting of the Interna- and said that sacking Sitár was any pay-off, said he was dis- peatedly checked complaints valid on April 1, 2011. The
ar situation to that which oc- tional Ice Hockey Federation a difficult but correct decision. appointed and defended the pertaining to the purchase of amendment made public
curred in 2009. The prime in favour of his country's bid Figeľ’s predecessor, Ľubomír deals in question. external services and “despite procurement rules much
ministers also spoke about the to hold the Ice Hockey World Vážny, a Smer nominee, said Figeľ, who is also the lead- the fact that it was in line tighter.
Druzhba crude-oil pipeline Championship in 2016. Rus- the recall did not solve any- er of the Christian Democratic with the law, I did not con-
and other new energy routes sia was later given the right thing within the NDS. Movement (KDH), one of the sider it ethical”. See NDS pg 5
under preparation. to hold the competition.

Nurses present petition to parliament VOTE: Fico urges return to court

NURSES and midwives wear- mands of the Slovak people,”
ing black gathered in front of Levyová stated, as quoted by Continued from pg 1 “The deputies respected the stricter drawal from the secret ballot, would still
Slovakia’s parliament build- the TASR newswire, adding measures and the vote really was have the support of the whole coalition
ing on May 17 to draw MPs’ that she found Sulík's beha- “Change in the management of the secret,” the Christian Democratic in a public vote to select a general pro-
attention to the working viour to be arrogant. prosecution is one of the key steps to ful- Movement’s (KDH) Pavol Hrušovský secutor. KDH boss Ján Figeľ said that
conditions and low salaries of Viliam Novotný, the fil these obligations and thus also in- said, as quoted by the SITA newswire. He Čentéš could be one of the nominees for
medical staff. A petition titled chairman of the parliament’s crease the quality of life of citizens for a added that there could be no doubt about the joint candidate, but KDH MP Pavol
'If we don't care about health committee, also met healthy and just Slovakia.” the vote which would justify a challenge Abrhan told Slovak Radio that Čentéš’
ourselves, who will care for the representatives and as- In a surprise move just before the on the grounds that it had violated par- decision to withdraw his candidacy
you?', signed by 240,000 sured them that their situ- vote, the ruling coalition’s nominee for liamentary rules. from the secret ballot meant he had lost
people over the past two ation would definitely be the post, Jozef Čentéš, announced on The chairman of the Slovak Demo- Abrhan’s trust.
months, was presented to taken seriously, the TASR May 13 that he would not run in the cratic and Christian Union (SDKÚ), Dzurinda on May 18 said that he
Speaker of Parliament newswire wrote. Novotný secret vote. He explained his move by Mikuláš Dzurinda, said he was satisfied could not say if Čentéš would continue
Richard Sulík. said MPs understand the de- saying that the vote had been linked to that parliament had fulfilled the re- to be the joint candidate of the ruling
Mária Levyová, the pres- mands of nurses and mid- allegations of MPs being blackmailed quirement defined by the ruling of the coalition.
ident of the Slovak Chamber of wives and will make suffi- and bribed and that he did not want to Constitutional Court. “What I recorded in my head is a
Nurses and Midwives (SKSPA) cient efforts to make sure be part of it any more. He rejected the wide agreement among the ruling coali-
told journalists that the that the petition does not end notion that anyone had influenced his Fico spies ‘Radičová’s code’ tion that our joint candidate is Dr
nurses were very disappoin- with parliament only ac- decision. Čentéš,” Dzurinda said as quoted by
ted with Sulík's reaction. She knowledging it and doing “All coalition clubs and one faction SITA. “The SDKÚ respects this
said Sulík started the meeting nothing more. The complications marked their ballots in such a way that it agreement.”
by telling the nurses that the The demands in the peti- was possible to control how each club
bus they had travelled in was tion include, for example, an Complications around the secret bal- voted,” Fico said, describing what he Mesežnikov: Čentéš has a chance
blocking the access road to the increase in the hourly wage lot emerged after the ruling coalition called ‘Radičová’s code’.
parliament building. from the current rate of €4.50 failed on December 2 to have Čentéš se- According to Fico, 18 deputies marked Parliament has meanwhile broken a
“It isn't possible to react per hour or less, and for re- lected as general prosecutor after at least their ballots diagonally, which corres- presidential veto over a change to par-
so light-heartedly to the de- tirement at the age of 58. six coalition deputies used the anonym- ponds to the number of Freedom and liamentary rules that makes it possible
ity of the secret ballot to vote with the Solidarity (SaS) deputies. The Ordinary to select the prosecutor via a public vote.
opposition Smer party in favour of People faction marked their votes as both “I expect the coalition will need a
Alcohol and cannabis use surveyed Trnka. Trnka missed out on reselection ‘against’ and ‘abstain’, he said. Members few weeks for the coalition to either
by just one vote on that occasion, and the of the Most-Híd party, according to Fico, confirm Čentéš as their candidate or to
STUDENTS at primary girls admitted to having tried disloyalty of the coalition MPs opened marked their ballots horizontally, and select another,” Grigorij Mesežnikov,
schools are drinking alcohol cannabis. Slovakia first par- the door to speculation about a plot to deputies of the KDH voted against Trnka. president of the Institute for Public Af-
more often than in past ticipated in the research unseat the prime minister, who had Fico concluded by saying that SDKÚ MPs fairs think tank, told The Slovak Spec-
years and a significant study in 1993-1994. promised to resign if Trnka were chosen. abstained, SITA reported. tator. “After all these experiences and
number of 15-year-olds ad- As many as 74 percent of The ruling coalition has gone to con- Fico also said that one extra deputy the circumstances of the secret vote,
mitted that they had the respondents who were siderable lengths to turn the previously marked his or her ballot in the same which have indeed been very bitter and
smoked cannabis and that it age 11 said they had not been secret ballot method used to select the way as the SDKÚ. He alleged that the unpleasant, the coalition should learn
is not difficult to obtain in prevented from buying alco- general prosecutor into a public, recor- mechanism employed was only work- from what has happened and make a
Slovakia. These are some of hol because of their age. ded vote. But the Constitutional Court, able provided Čentéš did not run and very fast decision about a joint candid-
the findings from an inter- The authors of the study in a decision published on April 20 in re- that if he had remained in the race the ate, Čentéš or someone else.”
national study researching stated that alcohol consump- sponse to a case brought by Trnka, ruled deputies would have not been able to Mesežnikov believes that Čentéš still
the behaviour of pupils aged tion was a risk issue in the that his constitutional rights had been use ‘Radičová’s code’. has a chance.
11, 13 and 15, the TASR population of pupils and that violated during two of the parliament- Smer has called for Trnka to turn “It would be good for them to elect
newswire reported. gender differences in alcohol ary votes last year. again to the Constitutional Court, with the new general prosecutor fast and
This particular study was consumption and tobacco According to the court, the violation Fico suggesting that Trnka should seek a not let Fico turn to the Constitutional
part of the Health Behaviour use had nearly disappeared. happened when deputies revealed how preliminary decision that would ban an Court with his nonsense statements,”
in School-aged Children (HB- “Four years ago there they had voted in the secret ballot, by open vote on the job until a ‘regular’ Mesežnikov said.
SC) project conducted in col- were gender differences, photographing their ballots or openly secret ballot is held. Otherwise, the Constitutional Court
laboration with the World now there are none,” said declaring whom they had supported. By The Smer boss has expressed voci- might again do the same thing and order
Health Organization’s Re- Andrea Madarasová Gecková doing so, the court found, the deputies ferous opposition to a public vote for the the secret vote to be repeated, he said.
gional Office for Europe. of the Košice Institute of So- violated the basic principles of the secret general prosecutor post, describing it as “It was a very scandalous ruling that
It collected data from ciety and Health, who ballot and thus Trnka’s rights. As a res- ‘undemocratic’ and even going so far as the Constitutional Court issued, but I
over 4,000 respondents in the headed the HBSC research ult, despite a law passed in the interim to suggest that if he were president he believe that they could do it again,” said
three age categories in Slov- team in Slovakia. to make future votes public, MPs held would refuse to appoint a candidate se- Mesežnikov. “So the coalition shouldn’t
akia. According to the study, another secret ballot. lected by means of an open vote. waste time and should elect a general
one fifth of the Slovak boys Compiled by Spectator staff The ruling coalition declared that the Meanwhile doubts emerged about prosecutor immediately after the new
and one tenth of the Slovak from press reports May 17 vote had been regular and secret. whether Čentéš, following his with- voting rules become effective.”
NEWS May 23 – 29, 2011 3

Germany and Austria Did US advise

over Transpetrol?
open their doors – at last WikiLeaks
reports US aided
but Jahnátek said he also re-
fused that offer, Sme wrote.
Jahnátek also told Sme that
he was monitored by US
opening of its labour market Slovakia in secret agents to find out
BY MICHAELA due to a lack of skilled labour buying shares whether he wanted Slovakia
TERENZANI in some sectors and regions. to own the shares or wanted
Spectator staff to sell them to the Russians.
Austria and Germany
BY MICHAELA Jahnátek also told Sme
embrace immigrants
TERENZANI that pressure came from the
SLOVAK citizens are now able Spectator staff Russian side as well during
to work in Austria and Ger- Austria is in need of the negotiations to buy the
many under the same condi- skilled workers, mainly due Transpetrol shares.
tions as local workers after to its aging population. The AN OIL expert from Texas “Jahnátek is clearly ap-
the two countries opened opening of the labour market reportedly gave advice to preciative of the input
their labour markets on May 1 will enhance the opportunit- the Slovak Economy Min- provided by Hellman and
to citizens from eight mem- ies for Austrian companies to istry and former minister will continue to look to him
ber states in central and east- recruit qualified workers. It Ľubomír Jahnátek while the and the US Embassy for in-
ern Europe, including Slov- is estimated that around country sought in 2006 to formation as he faces the
akia. Citizens can now apply 20,000 to 25,000 people from repurchase 49 percent of the challenges to the deal in the
for a job in Austria and Ger- the eight member states will shares of Transpetrol that coming weeks,” the dis-
many without requiring a seek employment after the were owned by an arm of patch, as released by
work permit. Reactions in opening of the labour mar- the Yukos company, accord- WikiLeaks, states.
Austria and Germany to the ket, according to Austrian ing to diplomatic dispatches The US Embassy in Brat-
new freedoms have been Ambassador to Slovakia published by Wikileaks. islava chose not to comment
mixed: some worry that Markus Wuketich. “Advisor Steve Hellman on the dispatches published
workers from the east will “Workers from new EU was present throughout the by WikiLeaks. The
flood their labour markets; countries and Slovakia in negotiations and provided embassy’s press attaché,
while others rejoice, saying particular are welcome to critical technical and stra- Chase Beamer, told the
that Austria and Germany are Austrian companies, since tegic information to the GOS Pravda daily that it is no
in need of a fresh source of Qualified health-care professionals are wanted in Austria. they are mostly very skilled negotiating team,” wrote secret that the US paid at-
highly qualified labour. Photo: Sme
and have a good command the US Embassy in Bratis- tention to energy security
Austria and Germany of German,” Ambassador lava, in a dispatch that was issues and also provided
were the last two ‘old’ EU Wuketich said, adding that first published by McClatchy consultancy to its allies, but
countries to fully open their Romanian and Bulgarian cit- Czech Republic, Poland, Slovak employees can be Newspapers. added that his response was
labour markets to members izens, who will see restric- Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, found mainly in the spheres According to the cable, not directly linked with the
who joined the union in 2004. tions lifted in 2014 – allowing Estonia and Slovenia – who of tourism, industry, med- Hellman estimated the information released by
They maintained labour mar- workers to move more easily already work in Austria and ical care, agriculture and price of the shares at $120 WikiLeaks.
ket restrictions for the max- throughout member states. Germany illegally will legal- construction. million. The embassy noted The Russian government
imum period of seven years The German and Austrian ise their status. He said that the general in the cable to the US State charged Mikhail
on eight of the 10 countries media and observers did not Observers have stated that response to the opening of Department that Jahnátek Khodorkovsky, the principal
including Slovakia that expect the end of the trans- fears of a big influx of mi- the labour market in Austria was careful not to disclose in Yukos Oil, with fraud in
entered the EU in its biggest ition period to have a dramat- grants into the two countries is positive, with the excep- how high he could go with 2003 and began liquidating
enlargement. The only two ic impact on the situation in are unjustified and said that tion of smaller companies in Slovakia’s offer but that the company, with the state-
2004 entrants that did not the labour markets in their Austria and Germany have in the border regions who sources at the Finance Min- owned Gazprom acquiring
face restrictions were Cyprus two countries. The biggest fact lost out by keeping their seem to be concerned about istry had revealed that many of Yukos’ assets, caus-
and Malta. change will most likely be the markets closed for the max- competitors from the ‘new’ Jahnátek had authority to ing concern in the US that
The lifting of restrictions fact that tens of thousands of imum possible transition EU countries. spend up to $120 million. Russia might have complete
finally establishes a single EU citizens of the eight member period. Indeed, as early as In reaction to the pub- control over all gas supplies
labour market – except for states affected – Slovakia, the 2007 Austria allowed a partial See OPEN pg 9 lished cable, Jahnátek to Europe, SITA wrote,
denied any cooperation with adding that the United
the US in buying the Trans- States was interested in pre-

BODIES: PC data leads police to grave petrol shares from Yukos and
described the dispatches as
“absolute nonsense”, the
venting this.
The Sme daily explained
that if Russia acquired the
Continued from pg 1 from Snina. She had been missing since ing the body – and subsequently eaten Sme daily reported. shares of Transpetrol it
September 2010 and the Slovak media over a period of time. “It looks as if the US Am- could have stopped the
The injured policeman had recovered had previously reported a possible con- The intended victim was supposed to bassador was building a good planned connection to
sufficiently by May 17 to be removed nection between her and Čurko. arrive in Kysak by train, wearing clothes position at his own foreign bring oil from the Caspian
from an artificial ventilator and to start The Sme daily reported on May 13 previously agreed on with his would-be ministry,” Jahnátek said area and that if Russia had
communicating, the TASR newswire re- that Uchnárová had psychological prob- killer. Slovak police swapped the Swiss about the cables, as quoted control over the pipeline in
ported. However, he remained in a seri- lems and had attempted suicide in 2008. man for an agent, who then went to meet by Sme. Slovakia it would be very
ous condition. She apparently made a connection with the suspect near Kysak on May 10, as He did state that during a unlikely to let competing
Information from Čurko’s computer, her murderer after she publicly an- agreed. The agent carried a transmitter to visit to the US he met an Un- oil flow through it. Sme ad-
which was seized by police from his nounced on the internet that she wanted allow other officers to track him. der Secretary of the State ded that the Slovak part of
house after he was apprehended, allowed to die, Sme wrote. The shoot-out occurred when a police Department who offered as- the Druzhba pipeline has a
the police to locate an improvised altar The identity of the bodies will be con- team attempted to arrest the suspect. The sistance with the Yukos ne- strategic significance for
with a candle, plus various tools such as firmed by DNA analysis. man, who possessed four legally-held gotiations but insisted that the flow of oil from east to
clamps, ropes and a mattock, in wood- firearms, pulled out a gun and threatened he had refused the help. He west, whether it is Russian
land near Kysak. Nearby they discovered Detained man died in hospital to shoot the agent; in response, police also said that he knew Hell- oil or Caspian oil, as the
a shallow grave containing two sets of snipers opened fire, hitting him several man because he had ar- Slovak part of the pipeline
female human remains, the president of Slovak police were notified about the times. Despite his injuries, he returned ranged a meeting several will be linked to a planned
the Police Corps, Jaroslav Spišiak, told a planned cannibalism by Interpol. The fire and managed to shoot one of the po- times and wanted to be pipeline running to
press conference on May 17, as reported Swiss man, who had expressed a desire to lice team members before being subdued. present at the negotiations Schwechat in Austria.
by the TASR newswire. be killed and subsequently eaten, found a The injured 37-year-old officer’s condition
“We have identified a grave in which willing accomplice in Slovakia through had stabilised by the evening of the shoot-
we have found the remains of two female the internet and arranged a meeting to ing, although he was reported to be in a
bodies, buried and covered with plastic carry out the plan, but lost his nerve critical condition. According to hospital
wrapping,” Spišiak said, adding that the shortly before travelling and reported the spokesperson Jaroslava Oravcová, his in-
bodies were missing some parts that plan to Swiss police. juries required urgent surgery and he was
match the body parts depicted in images Police officers then tracked the e- later placed in the department of anaes-
which Čurko had sent by e-mail to mail communication between the thesiology and intensive medicine.
Switzerland. would-be human flesh-eater and the Čurko was shot five times, suffering
Swiss man. According to Spišiak, the wounds to several internal organs, as well
Girl from Snina might be among dead Swiss agreed to be killed in woodland. as to his arms and face. After being admit-
The would-be cannibal was supposed to ted to hospital he underwent five hours of
One of the bodies was found naked drug him, stab him in the heart and then surgery but died of his injuries on May 12.
while the other was partly clothed. The quarter him. His remains were to be hid-
latter matched the description of a miss- den – laced with pepper in order to mask By Michaela Terenzani
ing 20-year-old girl, Lucia Uchnárová, the scent and prevent animals from find- with press reports Ľubomír Jahnátek Photo: Sme - Peter Žákovič
4 May 23 – 29, 2011 BUSINESS / NEWS

Business calls for more

Cabinet approves tax shake-up
changes to Slovakia’s system
ance levy is 19 percent for
employees, 13 percent for
Labour Code changes
of taxes and mandatory self-employed persons and 10 ally terminate when an em-
payroll levies were approved percent for people working ployee reaches retirement
by the coalition cabinet at its via work contracts, the TASR
BY BEATA BALOGOVÁ age, saying this would im-
session on May 18. newswire wrote.
Spectator staff prove the employment oppor-
The measures include a A total of 99.5 percent of tunities for young people. The
so-called super-gross salary employees are expected to be BUSINESSES do not hide their organisation is also suggest-
and reduction in payroll better-off due to the changes. enthusiastic opinions about ing that there be a reduction
levies for social insurance However, the changes will the Labour Code that was in in the time period for advance
and health insurance for take more from self-em- place in Slovakia in 2007 before announcement of vacation
some employees. The tax-ex- ployed people who earn more it underwent some significant shutdowns to three months
empt base is also proposed to than €4,823 per year; their changes under the govern- so that companies can react
be reduced from 19.2 times number is projected to be ment of Robert Fico. Although more flexibly to their current
the minimum subsistence 180,400. the modifications proposed by business situation.
level to 18 times. In monet- The Civic Conservative the government of Iveta PAS stated in its release
ary terms, this means the Party (OKS), whose four MPs Radičová are moving the La- that even though the pro-
tax-free base would be €200 sit in the parliamentary bour Code closer to what busi- posed changes in the layoff
less in 2012. caucus of Most-Híd, is not in nesses call a ‘flexible law’, the notice period will moder-
The mandatory health- total agreement with some Business Alliance of Slovakia ately reduce the costs of lay-
care levy is proposed at 9 per- provisions of the proposal (PAS) insists that the current offs of long-service employ-
cent, except for the disabled and. It says it is ready to draft, which was adopted by ees, employers will still be
who would pay half the rate. challenge the new rules in the cabinet on April 28, does obliged to pay two-thirds
The proposed social insur- parliament. not go far enough. more than they did in 2007,
The German-Slovak when employees were lim-
Chamber of Commerce (DSI- ited to only three months’
Malženice power plant fired up HK) is also calling for addi- Labour Minister Jozef Mihál Photo: Sme salary when laid off.
tional changes to the Labour PAS wrote that the notice
REPRESENTATIVES of the tainable electricity genera- Code even though the cham- lated to the layoff of employ- “Especially in smaller and period and the length of pay-
Slovak government, regional tion exclusively from renew- ber said the draft revisions in- ees; the amount of overtime medium-sized companies, the ing severance in most OECD
and local political officials able energy resources and clude some modifications work permitted; and the au- interests of employees are of- countries is shorter than it is
and representatives of the highlighted the importance of that its members appreciate. thority of representatives of ten represented by a works in Slovakia, adding that the
E.ON energy group officially efficient facilities like the Slovakia’s trade unions are employees in managerial de- council or other persons of changes in the revision
opened a new combined-cycle Malženice power plant that opposed to most of the pro- cision-making. trust,” Halt told The Slovak would move Slovakia towards
power station in Malženice generates power from a fossil posed changes, arguing that Markus Halt, the spokes- Spectator. “The wording of the the level of protection in oth-
near Trnava on May 16. fuel with as low as possible they will cause a decline in man for DSIHK, said that the law does not grant these insti- er OECD countries but it
The power plant was burden on the environment. the economic and social revision to the Labour Code will tutions the same authority would not match countries
symbolically fired up by Eco- The Malženice power status of employees. bring some improvement in when agreeing, for instance, such as the United States,
nomy Minister Juraj Miškov, plant is regarded as one of “Despite the fact that as the hiring and firing process as on flexible working time.” New Zealand, Great Britain
Environment Minister József the most advanced in Europe many as 140 provisions of this well as the introduction of flex- Halt also said his organ- and Australia, which are
Nagy, Jorgen Kildahl, a from a technical point of law are changing, the revision ible working time accounts. isation would also like to see a characterised by low levels of
member of the management view in its category, boast- does not have the potential to He added, however, that cap of 12 monthly salaries on employee protection during
board of E.ON Energie AG, ing an efficiency of more bring the level of flexibility to German investors still want wage compensation ordered layoffs but have lower levels
and Konrad Kreuzer, the than 59 percent. This high the labour law which was further changes, such as by courts. of unemployment.
chairman of the board of figure is achieved by simul- there before 2007,” PAS said in more equal treatment of trade “The long proceedings at “Slovakia has its own pos-
E.ON Slovensko. taneous use of gas and steam a news release. unions and other employee courts often result in unjusti- itive experience with how a
“The €400 million in- turbines. The alliance called on representation institutions, fiably large severance pay,” flexible labour code inspires
vestment by E.ON represents The power plant has an members of parliament to as his organisation believes Halt said. growth in employment and
the largest energy invest- installed capacity of 436 MW focus on three key areas dur- the current text in the The chamber also pro- the economy,” PAS wrote.
ment in Slovakia realised by and can generate up to 3 bil- ing the forthcoming parlia- amendment gives trade uni- poses that an employment
the company in recent lion kWh of electricity per mentary debate: costs re- ons more privileges. contract should automatic- See CODE p g 9
years,” said Kildahl. year, sufficient to cover the
Minister Nagy noted in average annual consump-
his presentation that Slovakia
is too far from securing sus-
tion of 600,000 to 900,000
households. GDP: IMF predicts strong growth
Continued from pg 1 turn to pre-crisis levels thanks to strong data from district labour offices, on the
Moody’s confirms Slovakia's A1 rating foreign demand. contrary, indicated more layoffs in com-
Mária Valachyová of Slovenská “Nevertheless, we do not have any parison to the previous quarter.
MOODY’S Investors Service to take several measures Sporiteľňa bank added that the strong great illusions about domestic Fojtík expects that quarter-on-
confirmed Slovakia’s rating towards fiscal consolida- German growth was to a certain degree consumption,” Sadovská added. “Unem- quarter GDP growth for the rest of the
of A1 with regard to its for- tion, such as reducing pub- associated with a revival in the construc- ployment in the first quarter remained year could be even stronger than in the
eign obligations and do- lic sector wage costs by 10 tion sector which “at the end of the year high and thus it did not allow Slovaks to first quarter, and that it could even be
mestic currency on May 17 percent in 2011, limiting had been stalled by unfavourable become spendthrift.” supported by higher consumption by
and added that the outlook waste in public procure- weather” and for that reason growth in Koršňák commented that the households, which should be less con-
is stable. ment, freezing public in- that sector was even faster at the begin- government’s austerity programme has cerned about unemployment.
The SITA newswire re- vestments and increasing ning of this year. contributed to a reduction in consumer The IMF predicted that Slovakia’s
ported that Moody’s an- the overall effectiveness of “Partly it is a one-time impulse,” confidence and has delayed a recovery in economy will grow by 3.8 percent over
nouncement came in reac- public sector expenditure. Valachyová said, while adding that other domestic consumption. the full year and by 4.2 percent in 2012,
tion to plans by the gov- aspects of German growth remain very “We expect that government spend- while predicting average economic
ernment of Iveta Radičová Compiled by Spectator staff strong and that this is good news for ing has also recorded a drop and that the growth in the eurozone at 1.6 percent in
Slovakia since Germany takes 20 percent savings measures within public admin- 2011 and 1.8 percent in 2012.
hk}ly{pzltlu{ of Slovakia’s exports. istration have an anti-growth effect on Koršňák’s bank has not modified its

Koršňák commented that reviving GDP,” Koršňák wrote. earlier prediction of 3.1 percent GDP
investment by domestic companies has According to Koršňák, GDP growth growth in 2011.
also probably made a contribution to GDP has been accompanied by some growth Valachyová’s bank is projecting GDP
New (16.000 m²) growth. in domestic employment, which re- growth of 4 percent for 2011, driven by
in sections
“This [development] is suggested by gistered 1.6-percent year-on-year strong foreign demand and further in-
loans that the banking sector provided to growth in the first quarter and a 0.6-per- vestments in Slovakia.
non-financial companies, which at the cent improvement from the last quarter Sadovská at Poštová Banka is predict-
beginning of the year showed increasing of 2010. ing that GDP growth for the whole year
tendencies; the year-on-year growth ac- Valachyová said that the preliminary will hit 3.7 percent.
Existing (6.000 m²) celerated to almost 4.0 percent,” Koršňák labour market numbers were surpris- “Overall it will be slower growth than
rented wrote in a UniCredit release. ingly favourable, noting that the 0.6-per- last year when the economy grew by 4
NEW INDUSTRIAL HALLS IN VRÁBLE Eva Sadovská, an analyst with
Poštová Banka, said that industrial pro-
cent quarterly growth was registered
despite layoffs in the public sector and
percent,” Sadovská said. “The reason be-
hind this year’s growth will be continu- duction in Slovakia has managed to re- fewer seasonal jobs. But she added that ing foreign demand.”
OPINION / NEWS May 23 – 29, 2011 5
QUOTE OF THE WEEK: “Only extraterrestrial creatures could make this up.” The Radičová Code
The KDH’s Pavol Hrušovský reacts to allegations by Smer leader Robert Fico that POLITICAL conspiracy theor- This theatre of the absurd only lose its sharpness but
the coalition had used a code to monitor the secret vote on the general prosecutor. ies do have a certain irresist- shows perfectly why an open, also implant a feeling of in-
ible charm and Smer boss recorded vote is a much bet- stability even in people who
Robert Fico is not the kind of ter method in Slovakia’s cur- consider the prime minister
Radičovej kód politician who can resist
them, especially when an
elaborate plot can secure what
rent political atmosphere,
when MPs try to turn it into a
virtue when they say they
the main reason why they
would, for example, support
the SDKÚ, the party that in
it. The ballots have been des- he desires as much as power: voted in a secret ballot in the many ways still treats her as
BY LUKÁŠ FILA SLOVAK WORD troyed. And coalition MPs
seem determined not to dis-
widespread publicity.
The ‘Radičová Code’ is not
something of an outsider,
who just by some strange co-
Special to the Spectator cuss their methods of voting a cryptic message from a incidence happened to be-
in public. The prime minister secret society revealing the come the party’s most popu-
IT’S BEEN another great week was probably not involved in genesis of political power in lar (and trusted) face in the
for conspiracy fans. The police devising the mechanism, and Slovakia but rather Fico’s eyes of the Slovak public.
claim to have discovered ac- maybe truly rejected any rig- theory on how the ruling co- Nevertheless, this saga of
tual victims of the alleged ging, as she has asserted in alition managed to keep four choosing the country’s next
cannibal, while some ques- her public appearances. or so members of parliament prosecutor is not yet any-
tion not only his guilt but also But when dealing with the from casting their ballots for where close to its end. The
the actions of the police who dark world of conspiracies, the re-selection of Dobroslav next chapter, which has just
failed to catch him alive. The one can never forget the truth Trnka as general prosecutor, started, might bring some
census is getting under way, expressed by former US sec- as some had done in Decem- further surprises: the ruling
propelling a wave of e-mails retary of defense Donald ber 2010. Prime Minister Iv- coalition might for some
likening the project to the Rumsfeld: “We know there eta Radičová threatened to reason again fail to give un-
activities of the communist- are known knowns; there are resign if Trnka were to win a animous support to their an-
era secret police and warning things we know we know. We subsequent vote, offering nounced, joint candidate –
of possible abuses of personal also know there are known many reasons why he was no that is, of course, if the four
data. National hockey team Americans went to Iraq be- unknowns; that is to say we longer suitable for that im- BY BEATA BALOGOVÁ parties can still agree that
coach Glen Hanlon was cause of oil. In fact, leaving know there are some things portant post. Spectator staff they will have a joint candid-
sacked, leading to a national aside Hitler and Elvis living we do not know. But there are So what is the Radičová ate. Some coalition voices are
hunt for his successor. Ac- on a common island, extrater- also unknown unknowns – Code? According to Fico, it is already questioning whether
cording to information from restrials wandering the globe, the ones we don’t know we eighteen ballots marked way they had previously it should continue to be Jozef
WikiLeaks, the US secretly and freemasons running the don’t know.” And for through diagonally, re- agreed or that they had not Čentéš, who in a last-minute
advised Robert Fico’s govern- world economy, Fico has Radičová, the secret voting portedly by MPs from the broken their solemn agree- move withdrew his candid-
ment on how to buy back probably at some point mechanism is either a known Freedom and Solidarity party ment while voting under the acy. The parties are now
shares in Transpetrol, and presented as plausible every known, or a known unknown. while the MPs from Most-Híd cloak of anonymity. faced with the knotty ques-
thus prevent deeper Russian imaginable conspiracy. There is little chance of it be- invalidated theirs with hori- What has changed since tion of what to do next.
involvement in the country. But this time is special. ing an unknown unknown. To zontal marks. The Ordinary the December vote when at It is also highly unlikely
Then add the main foreign For once, Fico is almost cer- put it simply – she most likely People MPs ticked both the least four ruling coalition that this was the last appear-
news – the amorous adven- tainly right. Going into a knows the voting was not ‘abstain’ and ‘against’ boxes MPs must have voted along ance by Dobroslav Trnka on
tures of IMF boss Dominique secret vote without some sort fully secret. One has to won- on the ballot while MPs from with Fico’s Smer to return the political stage. If he fol-
Strauss-Kahn. of checks would have been in- der how all this complies with the Christian Democratic Trnka to the prosecutor’s of- lows Fico’s advice he might
In this atmosphere it sane. Unfortunately for him, the code Radičová values the Movement (KDH) actually fice for another seven years? again challenge the May 17
seems almost inevitable that he will never be able to prove most. The code of ethics. voted against Trnka and MPs Perhaps those MPs who vote in the Constitutional
the main event on the do- from the Slovak Democratic thought at that time that Court, which might then
mestic political scene would and Christian Union (SDKÚ) they could make some polit- once again order another
be shrouded in secrecy. The abstained. Since Speaker of ical bargain if Radičová curtain call in the secret-bal-
selection of the general pro- Parliament Richard Sulík resigned have now realised lot melodrama.
secutor had the potential to made sure that all the ballots that they would have lost How much easier
bring down Iveta Radičová’s were shredded, we cannot even more than Slovakia’s everything would be if the
government. In the end, it expect a symbologist from first woman prime minister. Slovak political elite were to
survived – but only, says Fico, Harvard, or even the Slovak The result of the May 17 follow just a few simple rules:
thanks to the Radičová code. Academy of Sciences, to fur- vote, however, has not given first, those who enter power-
Fico’s theory is that coalition ther unravel the mysteries of the members of parliament ful public positions should re-
MPs marked their ballots to the Radičová Code. more integrity or turned cognise that a point can come
enable mutual control of who Though Pavol Hrušovský, them into better public ser- when it is one’s time to leave
voted how. Now, in the past the caucus chair of the Chris- vants. What might change in the political stage; and
the Smer leader has come up tian Democratic Movement, the future though is that second, the acts of MPs
with his fair share of conspir- responded that Fico’s theory Radičová might become should match their words,
acy theories – the swine flu could “be made up only by ex- much more careful about us- negating the need for a veil of
was a product of pharmaceut- traterrestrial creatures,” Fico ing the threat of resignation anonymity when making a
icals companies, the beating remained confident that the as a tool to push through decision in parliament that
of Hedviga Malinová was an mathematical calculations what she thinks is right for will fundamentally affect the
attempt by Hungarians to underpinning his theory her government. If used too country’s ethical standards
bring down his government, MPs voting on the general prosecutor. Photo: SITA were irrefutable. frequently this tool will not for the next seven years.

NDS: Official defends training firm

Continued from pg 2 The questioned “You can peruse these orders Kotula said, as quoted by J ÁN PAL LO - Publisher
training on the NDS website. We’re Sme.
Sitár specified that the highly disillusioned about Vážny, the previous min- B E ATA B AL O G OVÁ - Editor - In - Chief
cancelled orders related to On May 10, Figeľ con- this.” ister, said the recall of Sitár J AM E S THO M S O N - Assistant Editor
coaching and education of firmed that he had received The training sessions did not solve anything since, D O NAL D S PATZ - Assistant Editor
J ANA L IP TÁKOVÁ - Staff Writer
employees of the NDS, media an anonymous letter in were to have taken place at a he claimed, it is Kolník, M IC H AE LA TER ENZANI - Staff Writer
consultancy, as well as con- which disaffected NDS staff five-star hotel in Dunajská Figeľ’s adviser, who in real- ZUZANA V IL IKOVS K Á - Staff Writer
sultancy for the forthcoming pointed to what they Streda located in a historical ity manages the ministry. D O M INIK A UH R ÍKOVÁ - Staff Writer

merger of the NDS and the claimed were overpriced building, which according to Vážny said Figeľ would LAYOUT, WEB & IT
Slovak Road Administration. purchases of training and Sme, belongs to backers of install a more obedient per- TATIANA ŠTR AUC HOVÁ - Graphic Designer
Nevertheless, Sitár de- consulting services for the another ruling coalition son in the post, SITA repor- TO M Á Š PAL L O - Online Publishing
fended the procurement of state-run firm, the TASR party, Most-Híd. ted. Vážny also refused to
training and coaching ser- newswire reported. Figeľ Ján Kotula, a KDH nom- describe the recall as a radic- SALES - FINANCES
B EATA F OJ TÍKOVÁ - Sales Executive
vices from training firm said he would seek an ex- inee, has been named the in- al step, suggesting that Sitár M AR TINA Š M ATL ÁKOVÁ - PR and Marketing Manager
FranklinCovey, arguing that planation from Sitár. terim head of the NDS. He had planned to quit the NDS M AR TA F UK AS OVÁ - Advertising Assistant
it had garnered positive ref- “Please find enclosed also serves as deputy chair- anyway. TO M ÁŠ K EL L EY - Circulation Manager
erences within the private copies of 17 orders from the man of the board of directors The Transport Ministry The Slovak Spectator is an independent newspaper published every Monday by The Rock, s.r.o.
sector, the Sme daily repor- [NDS] general director and of the highway company. rejected Vážny’s claims, Subscriptions: Inquiries should be made to The Slovak Spectator’s business office at (+421-2) 59 233 300.
Printing: Petit Press a.s. Distribution: Interpress Slovakia s.r.o., Mediaprint-kapa s.r.o., Slovenská po‰ta a.s.
ted. his colleagues. They repres- Kotula said that he was dis- stating that Figeľ acted in Mail Distribution: ABOPRESS. EV 544/08. © 2010 The Rock, s.r.o. All rights reserved. Any reproduction
in whole or in part without permission is prohibited by law. The authors of articles published in this issue,
One of the tutors en- ent would-be work worth satisfied with the operation line with ethical standards represented by the publisher, reserve the right to give their approval for reproducing and public transmission
gaged to provide the coach- €309,203, which is an in- of his predecessor. and commenting that the of articles marked ©The Slovak Spectator, as well as for the public circulation of reproductions of these articles,
in compliance with the 33rd article and 1st paragraph of the Copyright Law. Media monitoring is provided
ing was Minister Figeľ’s credible Sk9.315 million,” “He had installed new approach of the previous by Newton, IT, SMA and Slovakia Online with the approval of the publisher. Advertising material contained herein
is the responsibility of the advertiser and is not a written or implied sponsorship, endorsement or investigation of such
main adviser, Marián read the anonymous methods, which are unsuit- management, i.e. under commercial enterprises or ventures by The Slovak Spectator or The Rock s.r.o. ISSN 1335-9843.
Address: The Rock, s.r.o., Lazaretská 12, 811 08 Bratislava. IâO: 313 86 237.
Kolník. whistle-blowing letters. able for such a company,” Vážny, was not comparable.
6 May 23 – 29, 2011

HR experts see promising BUSINESS FOCUS Next issue:
developments in 2011

Slovak labour market may face PRIVATE

a lack of qualified employees & CORPORATE FINANCE


Slovaks eye work in w•’‰ˆ––Œ’‘„–

Austria and Germany hnvêl˜•’“ˆê–­•­’­
According to Sirota, the
Poor knowledge presence of Austrian and {’–—>‹’ê©
of German German companies operating
in Slovakia has significantly
could hinder contributed to building {ˆ®êФ¢¡ÂªÃê¢ê¥¤¤¡ê¨ª¨¢±ê¨£
their success awareness and knowledge
about the qualities of the Slov-
ak labour force, which is no
longer viewed as something
BY JANA LIPTÁKOVÁ hnv¾iyh{pzsh}hê hnv¾iyuvê hnv¾|ryhpulê hnv¾}pluuh
unknown or unclear.
Spectator staff “And the fact that tens of SP90478/4

thousands of Slovaks have

already been working in Aus-
THE OPENING of the Austri- tria and Germany has also
an and German labour mar- built awareness about the
kets on May 1 was long anti- Slovak labour force,” said
cipated but it appears that Sirota. “For example, the res-
lifting this last barrier to (al- Companies want workers with expert skills. Photo: ČTK ults of a survey conducted by
most) fully free movement of Trenkwalder Personaldienste
labour within the European “Austria and Germany man companies in finding of Austria among 395 Austrian
Union will not have any sig- [already] had their labour qualified labour in Slovakia as companies in February 2011
nificant impact on the Slovak markets open for all wanted well as the interest of Slovaks indicated that over 40 percent
labour market. Those Slovaks professions,” Michal Páleník in finding jobs in these two of the surveyed companies
who wanted to work in either of the Employment Institute, countries. The Slovak arm of already employ workers from
of these two countries had an employment think tank, Manpower said the interest of eastern EU member countries.
probably already found a told The Slovak Spectator. German and Austrian com- Almost one half of the re- SP90558/1

path to do so, while insuffi- “So, all of those for whom panies in Slovak workers has spondents did not rule out
cient language skills are there was demand are an upward trajectory. admitting workers from these
likely to continue to act as a already working there. Sim- The Slovak arm of Trenk- countries in 2011 and of these, personnel solutions
barrier to mass migration by
Slovak workers.
plification of administrative
procedures and the opening
walder currently has about
450 job offers from companies
almost 50 percent were inter-
ested specifically in Slovaks.” ctive IT Professionals
Assessment systems

Some Austrian and Ger- of other positions will cer- in Austria and Germany and According to the experi-
man employers have said they tainly help others to get em- about 500 Slovaks seeking ence of Trenkwalder, Austrian Mgr. Rastislav Klempa
would like to fill their vacan- ployed in Germany or Aus- jobs in those countries. and German companies are Executive Director & Senior Personnel Consultant
cies by hiring qualified Slovak tria, but I do not expect that “We expect that we will be especially interested in quali-
workers and some Slovaks there will be a lot of those able to place, via our sister fied workers with a technical Mobile: +421 911 766033
have also been eyeing this op- employees. I estimate them companies, about 1,000 Slovak focus: IT experts, certain Email:
ACTIVE Personnel Solutions, s.r.o. SKYPE: activeps_klempa
portunity with high expecta- at some thousands.” workers annually in these kinds of industrial workers Kutlíkova 17 (budova Technopolu) Tel: +421 2 6828 6709
tions but it seems that differ- Personnel and recruit- markets,” Luboš Sirota, the and also health-care staff. 852 50 Bratislava Web:

ences in supply and demand ment agencies confirmed the head of Trenkwalder in Slov-
may limit both expectations. interest of Austrian and Ger- akia told The Slovak Spectator. See JOBS pg 8

Slovakia to issue EU Blue Cards

the Interior Ministry wrote in a news re- its working-age population projected by IVENTA Slovakia
Migration of skilled lease. The card will be valid for three demographers for the coming decades
● Executive Search Management Consulting s. r. o.
● Search & Selection 811 09 Bratislava, Jakubovo nám. 13
workers seen as a cure years and can be renewed for another poses severe risks for its economy, labour ● Assessment & Development tel.: +421/2/57 37 37 11
three years. An applicant for a Blue Card market and public finances.”
for an aging population must have already been offered a so- Kahanec believes that immigration
● Media Services

Employer Branding
called highly-qualified job, must possess can significantly alleviate these prob-
the required qualifications, and must lems, not only directly through the in-
BY JANA LIPTÁKOVÁ have a work contract or a written coven- flow of young and highly-motivated eco- Wien – Linz – Salzburg – Graz – Praha – Bratislava – Budapest – Bucuresti – Zagreb
Spectator staff ant from a specific employer. nomic migrants but also by creation of SP90576
If adopted by parliament, Slovakia new jobs for Slovak citizens.
will start issuing the Blue Card as of July “In particular, high-skilled immig-
SLOVAKIA, like other European coun- 1, 2011. The administrative fee for a Blue rants can fill in bottlenecks in the labour
tries, faces an aging society and is start- Card is slated to be €165.50, with a renew- market and thereby buttress the eco-
ing to look beyond its borders to fill in al fee of €99.50. To be eligible for a Blue nomy and increase demand for the do-
Amrop Slovakia, Jenewein Slovakia, FIPRA Slovakia & EPPP ink Tank
gaps in its labour force. To create a more Card a migrant’s agreed upon salary must mestic labour force,” said Kahanec. Štefanovičova 12, 811 04 Bratislava, Slovak Republic
unified structure for work migration the be at least 1.5 times the average salary in Kahanec added that from the labour tel./fax: (+421-2) 5443 6001-4
European Union has developed a system Slovakia. The national average monthly market perspective the primary objective
of Blue Cards to allow skilled workers to salary last year was €769 so the monthly of Slovakia’s migration policy should be
more easily obtain entry to EU countries. salary for a Blue Card migrant should be to facilitate immigration, integration,
Slovakia is now taking action to transpose about €1,150 or higher. and naturalisation of skilled migrants,
the EU’s legislation into its national laws. noting that this could include immigra-
The Slovak parliament will discuss a draft Slovakia’s aging population tion of well-educated workers but also Human Capital – Management Consulting – Government Relations
revision to the country’s law on illegal students who come first to study but who
work as well as an amendment to the law “With an aging population and a very could then stay to work. SP90574
on foreigners staying in Slovakia at its low fertility rate, Slovakia has a serious Some labour market experts believe
current session that opened on May 17. demographic problem,” Martin Kahanec, that issuing the EU Blue Card will help to t’•ˆê†’‘—„†—–ꉒ•êoyꆒ“„‘Œˆ–ꆄ‘ꅈꉒ˜‘‡ê
“The Blue Card will enable foreigners scientific director of the Central draw more experts to Slovakia – but oth-
from third countries [those outside the European Labour Studies Institute ers are not so sanguine. Œ‘ê—‹ˆê’‘Œ‘ˆê…˜–Œ‘ˆ––ꇌ•ˆ†—’•œ
EU] to live and work in Slovakia,” Natália (CELSI) in Bratislava, told The Slovak
Hattalová from the press department of Spectator. “The significant shrinkage of See CARD pg 8
BUSINESS FOCUS May 23 – 29, 2011 7

HR experts see promise FOCUS short

ing an increased interest in
BY JANA LIPTÁKOVÁ new workers on the part of our
Spectator staff partner companies. Compared Lack of qualified people predicted
with the same period of 2010
our performance has in- IN SPITE of the still-high price of those who already
creased by 38 percent. The in- unemployment rate, the have a job,” said Luboš
THE SLOVAK economy is crease oscillates from some Slovak labour market may Sirota, from the Slovak arm
showing clear signals of recov- tens up to some hundreds of face a lack of qualified la- of Trenkwalder.
ery and this has been reflected newly-filled positions, de- bour within a short time, ÚPSVAR data confirm
in the labour market and in pending on the individual the Trenkwalder personnel the structure of people who
more business for companies companies. But this reflects agency warned in late April. are currently without a job.
that are active in executive especially the current start-up It based its concerns on the “The growing economy,
search, personnel audits, con- of manufacturing companies, long average period – cur- after taking up current re-
sultancy, temporary employ- which are returning to full rently exceeding one year – serves, will encounter the
ment and other fields of hu- production after a period of re- which job seekers spend re- same problems it faced in
man resources. But represent- duced orders. gistered with job offices, the recent past – a lack of
atives of firms in this business Firms are beginning to hire again, say experts. Photo: TASR With regards to anticip- the SITA newswire wrote. appropriate labour,”
say the nature of their work ated developments, we see an Based on data from the warned Trenkwalder.
has changed from before or rect and ethical way as well as Executive search is now increasing interest in quali- Labour, Social Affairs and Moreover, the local educa-
during the economic crisis. the ability to find also those used especially when chan- fied workers and experts. This Family Office (ÚPSVAR), the tion system is unable to sat-
The Slovak Spectator people who protect their pri- ging top managers but also for means that companies are average period of registra- isfy increased demand for
spoke with seven executives vacy and avoid such media managers in various divisions. welcoming the possibility to tion was 13.81 months in qualified workers by sup-
of HR firms: Igor Šulík, man- will be of key importance in Thus far, companies had been get workers who are ‘ready’; on March. Compared with the plying enough quality
aging partner of Amrop Slov- the success of consultancy filling managerial positions the other hand, that does not same period of 2010 this graduates.
akia consultancy company; companies in finding leaders. internally but this was not al- play in favour of recent gradu- represents an increase of Simultaneously, it is
Ján Menkyna, founding part- The second trend, which I be- ways the best solution. Com- ates who have not yet had the almost one month. unrealistic to expect the
ner of Menkyna & Partners lieve will determine the near- panies are gradually ending chance to obtain the necessary The group of people situation to change in the
Management Consulting; term development of person- policies of saving and optim- practical experience. who are gradually losing coming months.
Mariana Turanová, managing nel consultancy, will be the ising. They really need the ap- Erik Hudák: The interest working habits is expand- “The inflow of new
partner of Target Executive increasing interest [of clients] propriate people and must find of companies is growing. ing, according to Trenk- graduates will worsen the
Search in Slovakia; Dana in services with a higher ad- replacements at certain posi- Moreover, prior to the summer walder. There is therefore a situation of those who
Blechová, country manager of ded value. tions, something they did not holidays companies are also danger that when graduated from schools last
Iventa Slovakia Management Ján Menkyna: The situ- do even before the crisis. They interested in finding short- Slovakia’s economy starts year and have not yet found
Consulting; Ľuboš Sirota, ation in executive search is dif- have all learned that econom- term replacements. Compared growing in earnest firms a job,” Sirota said, adding
chairman of the board of dir- ferent from business sector to ic growth is not a permanent with the crisis period, the will have problems finding that companies will prefer
ectors and CEO of Trenk- business sector. For example, phenomenon and that man- number of leased people is in- suitable employees in spite fresh graduates to those
walder in Slovakia; Erik the manufacturing sector was agers who have occupied creasing. of the high number of job- who have failed to succeed
Hudák, sales manager of the hit hardest by the crisis but their posts for many years less people. in the labour market so far.
Slovak arm of Manpower; and here we have registered a without any tangible results To read all the comments made “The bad structure of
Peter Paška from Proact spontaneous restart. On the must be evaluated more real- by these and other HR experts, unemployment in Slovakia Compiled by Spectator staff
People Slovensko. other hand, there are sectors istically and in some cases please go to will gradually increase the from press reports
which were less affected by the must even be replaced. After
The Slovak Spectator (TSS): crisis and changes are happen- the crisis companies are look- hk}ly{pzltlu{
How do you perceive devel- ing only now. Here I would ing for optimal solutions.
opments in the current la- put, for example, the pharma- This is why companies are
bour market and particu- ceutical industry, which was strengthening their local
larly in the executive actually not hit by the crisis in management and replacing
search segment? How has any significant way but is now expats. We expect that a lot of
the situation changed in reflecting some systemic companies will be looking for 11. september 2011
comparison with the period changes which the health- the most appropriate people
before the economic crisis? care sector is facing, as well as and that will increase de-
What do you expect next in development and research. mand for the services of exec-
the recovery of Slovakia’s Consequently, we perceive a utive search companies.
economy? bigger crisis in the pharma-
Igor Šulík: Consultancy ceutical industry now than TSS: How would you assess
companies are reporting a during the global crisis. the current interest of com-
more significant demand for Mariana Turanová: De- panies in Slovakia in person-
their services now than during velopments are favourable for nel leasing? How has the
the crisis. Companies have firms active in executive situation changed in com-
gradually restarted their in- search. Companies are again parison with the crisis peri-
vestments while simultan- searching for managers and od?
eously beginning to look for experts. They are creating new Ľuboš Sirota: The situ-
enhancement of their teams, positions which they need to ation has radically changed
even though it is still not pos- fill with people with specific when compared with the crisis
sible to talk about the dynamic experience and managerial period. This is because em-
movements in the labour potential. They are unable to ployers in Slovakia, contrary to
market that we witnessed be- find such people via classical, western EU countries, were
fore mid 2009. passive recruitment, such as quickly getting rid of agency
Simultaneously, it is ne- ads and database search and workers, because cutting la-
cessary to point out that what that is why they need our ser- bour in this way was cheapest
is expected from job applic- vices. Reports about the for them. The low flexibility in
ants has changed. The ability planned economic growth as labour legislation in Slovakia

Join us!
to act in a changing environ- well as concrete investments, was also responsible for this.
ment, to face unexpected for example those announced However, since mid 2009 this
events, to anticipate and elim- by Volkswagen and Honey- trend has turned around and
inate potential risks – these well, are creating a positive Slovak companies have begun
are some of the evaluation cri- atmosphere. to take back terminated agency
teria which employers are us-
ing to analyse potential can-
Dana Blechová: Move-
ment is already visible in the
workers. The reason is that
during the crisis they realised
Under the slogan HR for Children. THANK YOU! we will
didates for managerial and labour market, with previ- that this form of employment run to help children in Slovakia.
leadership positions. ously vacant positions now be- enabled then to react flexibly Each of our steps will give a feeling of security to a child in need.
In my opinion the human ing filled and some companies to their production situation
resources and recruiting in- taking on new staff. The latter and the development of orders. Each euro we receive we will be donated to the Children‘s Safety
dustry faces two fundamental trend we see especially in As a consequence, the number Line, which has been helping children for 15 years.
challenges. The first is the manufacturing companies as of agency workers has more
swift arrival of social media well as in so-called shared ser- than tripled. Currently, within
and social networks, where in- vice centres. Firms that have Trenkwalder, the number of
formation about job applic- orders and sound results are leased people working full-
ants is relatively easily avail- more courageous when mak- time exceeds 3,000. Media partners:
able. Thus, the ability to work ing decisions, as well as in Peter Paška: During the
with these networks in a cor- making changes. current time we are register- SP90566/1
8 May 23 – 29, 2011 BUSINESS FOCUS

JOBS: Mismatch in skills is a problem

Continued from pg 6 leaving exam,”
Burianová, spokesperson for
Lucia tria from Slovak applicants for
the positions of bricklayer and
ifications and it does not ap-
pear that the opening of the
FOCUS shorts
Sirota believes that Slovaks Profesia, told The Slovak Spec- bricklayer helper, waiter, Austrian and German labour
can find jobs in those countries tator. “The second most numer- shop assistant, painter-decor- markets will be a miraculous
also in the administration, con- ous group of applicants looking ator, assistant cook as well as cure for this problem. 45 applicants for every job
struction or trade sectors. for a job abroad are those with in services in hotels. But “People with higher as
Erik Hudák, sales manager completed secondary education Trenkwalder reported that the well as lower qualifications JOB offices offered fewer than (ÚPSVAR). Of Slovakia’s eight
of the Slovak arm of Manpower, but without the school-leaving demand for labour from these have a chance [to get a job], 9,000 vacancies in March, regions, Trnava reported the
confirmed a growing interest exam. On the other hand, the countries focuses more on but it is unrealistic to expect while the number of job most vacancies – almost
by companies in Germany and most desired group of workers specific qualified positions in that too many Slovaks will be seekers marked a record level 1,900. The fewest vacancies
Austria of employing Slovak are those with completed uni- manufacturing and service hired in those countries,” of over 390,000. There were were reported by those re-
workers, noting that the versity education, and they sectors which require fluent said Páleník of the Employ- therefore around 45 unem- gions with the highest un-
biggest interest is in qualified make up less than one tenth of language skills. ment Institute. ployed people for each avail- employment rates: Banská
workers, IT specialists, welders the job applicants.” Sirota stated that there Hudák of Manpower agreed able job in Slovakia, the TASR Bystrica (744 vacancies) and
and skilled craftsmen as well as Trenkwalder currently re- are some huge qualitative dif- that the inability of many newswire reported. Košice (581 vacancies).
auxiliary workers in the con- gisters about 500 job applicants ferences between demand Slovaks with low qualifications At the end of March va- During March, the num-
struction industry and employ- for positions in Germany and and supply. to speak German decreases the cancies numbered 8,760, ac- ber of new vacancies was 1,713,
ees in the tourism sector. Austria and a survey it conduc- “The problem is that even likelihood that they can get a cording to the Labour, Social while 4,762 vacancies were
When comparing the re- ted among job applicants con- though we have enough can- job in Germany or Austria. Affairs and Family Office filled during the same month.
quirements that German and firmed a general interest in didates for a given position, “Unless they speak the
Austrian companies expect finding a job abroad. the applicants do not speak language at a level adequate for
from Slovak workers against “As many as 50 percent of the language at the required a given work position, they Slovakia’s youth facing joblessness
potential employees from other the respondents would like to level,” Sirota said, adding that must reckon that an Austrian
countries, both Sirota and apply for a job in Germany, employers are interested in or German employer would THE NUMBER of young people (92,200), followed by the 40 to
Hudák emphasised that know- Austria or Switzerland,” said highly-qualified manufactur- only be satisfied with leading without jobs in Slovakia re- 49-year-old group (84,600).
ing German well is generally a Sirota, adding that the highest ing positions using CNC such people via team leaders mains high. At the end of Prešov and Košice Regions
necessity but that the IT sector, interest is in Austria. “With re- [computer numerical control] who are Slovaks who speak March, people aged between topped the chart for the
dominated by English, might gards to Austria and Germany, machines, welders, electri- German; for example, one 20 and 29 made up the biggest highest numbers of unem-
be an exception. we register the highest interest cians and other skilled jobs. team leader leading 10 workers group of jobseekers – 111,100, ployed young people, with
“In general, foreign com- in unqualified work positions “These positions are, in terms who do not speak German,” i.e. almost 30 percent of all 24,400 and almost 21,000 in
panies are, contrary to Slovak in the sectors of manufactur- of suitable candidates, quite Hudák said. jobseekers, who numbered the 20 to 29-year-old category,
companies, less willing to lower ing and service, in which difficult to fill. On the other Sirota thinks that a more than 390,000 people, the respectively. On the other
their requirements on employ- 100-percent knowledge of the hand, if candidates spoke the person’s chance of landing a job SITA newswire reported, cit- hand, Bratislava and Trnava
ees and Austrian and German language is not required.” language, certainly German or in Germany or Austria depends ing data from the Labour, So- Regions reported the lowest
companies are not an Poor knowledge of the Austrian firms could motivate on the exact position that a cial Affairs and Family Office youth unemployment, with
exception,” said Sirota. German language is a sore them better financially [than worker seeks but that language (ÚPSVAR). The second most almost 5,100 and almost 8,400
“Equally, foreign companies lay spot. A survey conducted by Slovak employers].” skills and good qualifications numerous group of jobseekers young people searching for
more stress on the psychologic- Trenkwalder among 1,504 re- Sirota said he expects that are almost always necessary. were people aged 30 to 39 jobs, respectively.
al profile of an employee, espe- spondents in Slovakia showed in the future employers from “Most employers from
cially in the service sector.” that of 625 respondents who these countries will ‘overpay’ these countries primarily need
answered the question about for suitable, experienced em- qualified labour with sufficient Young Europeans seek work abroad
Interest and demand their language level for the ployees and that will push language skills,” Sirota said. “A
are not aligned country in which they want to employers in Slovakia to in- survey by Trenkwalder among ACCORDING to the latest ‘Youth on the Move’ strategy,
work, just over half said that crease wages for these posi- 395 Austrian companies Eurobarometer survey, 53 was published on the eve of
The experiences of these they were only able to make tions here and that some do- showed that 42.9 percent of percent of young people in the 2011 European Youth
personnel companies thus far themselves understood and mestic employers might have those interested in labour from Europe are willing or keen to Week between May 15 and 21.
show a mismatch between only 19 percent said they had to look for certain kinds of la- newer EU member countries work in another European The survey highlighted a
demand in the German and mastered the language. bour from abroad. had a need for experts and 31.1 country, but lack of money huge gap between the wide-
Austrian labour markets and “This clearly indicates that percent for language skills. discourages many of them spread desire of young people
the supply available from the language barrier is slowing Low qualifications Only 14.3 percent of these from taking a first step to- to work abroad and actual
other countries. down Slovaks in searching for not needed companies put savings on wards doing so by spending workforce mobility: less than
“Applicants who declare an jobs abroad,” Sirota stated. costs as the reason for employ- part of their education 3 percent of Europe’s working
interest in a job abroad have Trenkwalder in Slovakia Slovakia suffers from high- ing labour from abroad. Thus, abroad. The survey, conduc- population currently lives
mostly completed their second- registered the highest interest er levels of unemployment lower qualifications are a ted in the context of the outside their home country.
ary education with the school- in jobs in Germany and Aus- among people with lower qual- strong constraint.” European Commission’s Compiled by Spectator staff


CARD: Doubts over who will seek one

Professional MBA Continued from pg 6 tion policy, suggesting that Slovakia
should issue its own ‘White-Blue-Red’
that teacher to earn more than 1.5 times
the average salary in Slovakia. “
Part-time with blocked modules in Vienna. “The target group should be highly- Card that would attract skilled immig- Kahanec added that this logic can be
Taught in English by top international professors and experts. educated experts. These will also pre- rants to work, live and possibly natural- applied to many other positions such as
Business core plus specialization options including: sumably have high salaries,” Michal ise in this country. physicians or younger workers in general.
› Banking Páleník of the Employment Institute, an “Given the weak position of Slovakia “It is precisely such young and skilled
› Energy Management employment think tank, told The Slovak in the global competition for skilled people that can help alleviate Slovakia’s
› Marketing & Sales Schola rs le! Spectator, adding that establishing the workers, the ‘White-Blue-Red’ Card demographic and labour market
› Finance & Controlling now ava il card’s technical conditions is important should stipulate relatively mild challenges,” Kahanec stressed, and that
› Project & Process Management
because the card should be not abused to conditions,” said Kahanec. “For ex- is why he has proposed the ‘White-Blue-, T: +43-1-313 36-4816 fill standard work positions. “It is also ne- ample, a university degree and an ad- Red’ Card.
cessary to have in mind the lives of family equate job in Slovakia should suffice. In
members of Blue Card holders. They this way, the market would also solve Few migrants in Slovakia
should also have the possibility to get a the question of which jobs should be
job here so the family can fully integrate filled by immigrants.” The share of migrants and their fam-
into society.” Since the Blue Card is targeted only ilies in Slovakia’s population of 5.4 mil-
Kahanec perceives the Blue Card as a at highly-skilled immigrants, Kahanec lion is less than 1 percent according to
commendable initiative on the part of the understands the reasons for the re- the results of a survey focusing on work
EU but views its potential success in quirement that a Blue Card applicant migration conducted by the Institute of
Slovakia as questionable. must earn more than 1.5 times the aver- Public Affairs among a sample of 350 re-
“The Blue Card has been watered age salary in Slovakia, but thinks it is too spondents in 2010 and 2011. Migrants
down under pressure from EU member limiting. with a university degree dominated
states and now it offers only fairly limited “In particular, it can be expected to se- among those surveyed, accounting for
options for potential immigrants,” said lect precisely those immigrants that have 47 percent.
Kahanec. “For example, it does not a high earning potential and are in all like- Based on statistics released by the La-
provide for a transparent and straight- lihood quite skilled,” said Kahanec. bour, Social Affairs and Family Office
forward transition to citizenship. Also, it “However, I find this threshold too re- (ÚPSVAR) in January, there were almost
stipulates too high a threshold for the strictive for many occupations. Imagine a 18,200 foreigners working in Slovakia at
minimum eligible earnings.” young teacher who would like to come to the end of 2010. This was an increase of
To attract the required workers who Slovakia to teach mathematics at a high 3,000 compared to the end of 2009, the
could fill bottlenecks in the Slovak la- school. Such a person in my view clearly SITA newswire reported. Romanians are
bour market, Kahanec thinks the coun- qualifies for the special regime offered by the largest group, numbering over 2,900,
try should adopt its own targeted migra- the Blue Card. But one can hardly expect up 538 compared with 2009.
NEWS May 23 – 29, 2011 9
NBÚ: Sulík dismisses 'pseudo-reasons' OPEN: Austria
Continued from pg 1

But on May 11 the SDKÚ

in his blog entry from May 15
entitled ‘The time has come
for a change or we will not give
fears dumping
parliamentary caucus poured up Paluda’. Continued from pg 3 often exceeds the normal
cold water on Paluda’s “The prime minister being wages of Slovak workers.
chances by voting to oppose slapped in a live broadcast by But he noted that the Foreign companies active in
his candidacy. people of her own party is Austrian labour market has the Austrian labour market
something I cannot get used never actually been closed to are also obliged to observe
Reasons for the ‘no’ to,” he wrote. workers from Slovakia and Austrian national holidays
Galko said he is con- other ‘new’ EU member and Austrian rules for vaca-
SDKÚ MPs initially failed vinced that the current situ- states during the transition tions for workers.
to explain their objections to ation is harming the whole period, as there were legal Social and wage dumping
Paluda, causing more bad coalition and called on his ways to be admitted to work could also occur in Austrian
blood among the parties dur- coalition colleagues to put in Austria. He said that companies employing work-
ing the tense mid-May run-up their cards on the table. 90,000 people from the eight ers from new member states
to the secret vote on the gen- “If someone wants to countries were legally em- who seek to take advantage
eral prosecutor in which break this government and ployed in Austria in 2010, of the fact that foreigners
Radičová’s future as prime rule with [opposition party] whereas the number of might not be well informed
minister was at stake. Peter Paluda Photo: Sme - Tomáš Benedikovič Smer” then they have to de- workers from the ‘old’ EU about their rights.
After their meeting, clare it openly and not countries (the pre-2004 EU15) Companies who violate
SDKÚ caucus leader Jozef The final reason had her as saying after her party through intrigues and amounted to about 101,000. the rules can face fines of up
Mikuš refused to specify any already been cited in media had rejected his nomination. games, he said. Further west, the Ger- to €50,000, or double that if
reasons for his MPs’ decision, reports. However, Paluda The only other member of the Mesežnikov agreed that man government reports a the offence is repeated.
stating only that it would himself responded to that SDKÚ who is known to have the present situation, if it con- yearly inflow of 100,000 to After the Austrian gov-
‘not be appropriate’ to make claim in a brief interview supported Paluda during the tinues, might increase tension 140,000 immigrants from the ernment passed AVRAG, the
public statements on the with the Sme daily by asking: caucus session is another among the coalition partners eight countries, despite the chairman of the Slovak par-
matter in order not to harm “What kind of managerial former judge, now an SDKÚ and break the trust between transition period; these liamentary committee for
Paluda’s name. skills had Mr [František] MP, Jana Dubovcová. them. He noted that the SDKÚ numbers are not expected to European affairs, Ivan
“It is as if someone poured Blanárik?” The opposing opinions often takes a strange stance on change significantly after Štefanec, wrote an open let-
a bucket of dirt on you and you Blanárik, the outgoing within the party have once personnel issues. the market opens up, the ter to the Austrian Ambas-
cannot say anything,” Paluda NBÚ boss, was an alleged again provoked debate about “If there are disqualifying SITA newswire reported. The sador to Slovakia to request
reacted in an interview with former agent for the commun- the cohesion of the SDKÚ and factors [for the candidate], co- majority of immigrants to his assistance in breaking
the Sme daily. ist-era military intelligence the prime minister’s position alition partners of course have Germany come from Poland. down the barriers that he be-
Political analyst Grigorij agency and stepped down within her own party. Even the right to veto the Estimates of the scale of lieves the bill imposes for
Mesežnikov of the Institute from his NBÚ post under in- Defence Minister Ľubomír nomination,” he said. “But in future migration vary wildly Slovak companies.
for Public Affairs (IVO) said tense media pressure after re- Galko, an SaS nominee, hinted Paluda’s case there was noth- in Germany, the Financial Štefanec said that the law
the SDKÚ’s stance was not le- ports about his past were re- at problems within the SDKÚ ing like that.” Times reported. While the introduces inappropriate
gitimate. Such decisions published earlier this year. European Commission ex- administrative barriers for
should be explained, he said. pects no more than 100,000 foreign, including Slovak,
“They shouldn’t now be
surprised if their candidates
in the future don’t win the
SaS accepts only one reason

Responding to the SDKÚ

CODE: Days off extra people to come to
Germany each year, the
German government puts
employers, and that it inter-
feres in free contractual rela-
tionships, including wage-
support of the remaining list, SaS leader Richard Sulík Continued from pg 4 The draft revision would the figure at 140,000. But the related ones, between an
three coalition partners,” he said that he could accept only automatically entitle em- Institute for the German employee and his or her em-
noted, adding that at least an the first of its reasons, and An employee’s probation- ployees who are aged 33 and Economy in Cologne be- ployer in Slovakia in the case
internal explanation would called the remaining three ary period would remain un- older to 25 days of annual lieves there could be an ini- that the employee is sent to
be sufficient. "pseudo-reasons". But he con- changed at three months un- holiday leave. tial surge of up to 800,000 Austria on business.
On May 19 the SDKÚ fi- firmed that SaS would no der the proposed revision, ex- Employees who have more in the first two years. “The only effect of this
nally decided to explain its longer insist on Paluda’s can- cept that a period of up to six worked for a company for at Markus Halt, the measure is the negative sig-
decision. It gave four main didacy, as it had previously months would be allowed for least one year but less than spokesperson of the Slovak- nal that in the united
reasons for opposing Paluda: said it would. managerial staff. The draft five years would continue to German Chamber of Com- Europe – even now, after
his statement that he would Echoing Mesežnikov’s amendment would also intro- have the existing layoff no- merce, said that in Germany seven years of ‘testing’
look into revoking previ- comments, Sulík said SaS duce so-called shared posts, tice period of at least two there is a lack of skilled la- membership has elapsed –
ously issued security clear- would not rule out using its making it possible for an em- months. bour in the technical and all [members] are still not
ances; his decision to sue the right to veto other coalition ployer to divide work usually Employees who have medical professions. equal,” Štefanec wrote.
Judicial Council for lost parties’ candidates in future. designated as only one job pos- worked for a company for at “Among several meas- Štefanec has also been in
earnings over then-justice ition between two employees. least five years but less than ures the country wants to touch with the European
minister Štefan Harabin’s SDKÚ divisions The proposal would also 10 years would be entitled to fill the gap also by recruiting Commission over the mat-
decision to recall him from give an employer the option at least a three-month notice labour from abroad, in par- ter and says that the find-
Eurojust; SaS’s method of Unlike the majority of the of negotiating a combination period; those with 10 but less ticular from central and ings of the EC have proved
announcing Paluda’s can- SDKÚ caucus, Radičová says of severance pay and layoff than 20 years of service would eastern Europe,” Halt told several times in the past
didacy, i.e. going direct to she still considers Paluda an notice period with an em- receive at least a four-month The Slovak Spectator. Ac- that most barriers in this
the media rather than brief- acceptable candidate. ployee and would eliminate notice period; and those with cording to him, the most area are ineffective.
ing its coalition partners in “I consider him a prin- the employer’s legal obliga- 20 or more years of employ- frequently sought profes- Ambassador Wuketich
advance; and what the SDKÚ ciple-driven person and [the tion to provide laid off em- ment would have at least a sionals from Slovakia and its said that Austria’s objective is
said was Paluda’s lack of rejection] does not change my ployees with both notice and five-month notice period, the neighbours in Germany are to secure its traditionally high
managerial experience. attitude at all,” SITA reported severance pay. SITA newswire reported. doctors and craftsmen. social and labour standards
for both Austrian and foreign
C LASSIFIEDS Austria’s tactic workers. He maintained that
REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE 1. Pri ces o f cl assified ads it is legitimate under EU regu-
(according to no. of words) Prior to opening its la- lations and said the act is only
NEW.....for..... RENT: Family Home Rent: bour market – a move it one step towards supporting
For Sale in Bernolakovo ● Up to 20 words - € 10
• 1-2-room apartments – Vajnorská, new house, Bratislava III, ● Up to 50 words - € 20 could not avoid after the these goals. There have also
• L-shaped living, dining, kitchen
● Up to 70 words - € 30 seven-year-long maximum been workshops and joint
Ružinov, Karlova Ves... • 5 bedrooms, 2 full bathrooms + WC located in a quiet street, with
• 3-4-room apartments – Drotárska, ● Up to 100 words - € 40
• House 260m² + Garage 49 m² + Lot 5.4a 6 rooms, 3 bathrooms,
● Up to 150 words - € 60
transition period had projects between the Austrian
downtown, Ružinov,Koliba, Bôrik... • 6 years old garage for 2 cars, garden
• family houses – Koliba, Bôrik • Sprinkler system, automatic gate
elapsed – the Austrian gov- Public Employment Service
area, Polus area, Horský park, • Custom-built with 40cm block with grill. Addit ional opt ions ernment, however, took and the Slovak Labour, Social
Ružinov... • Located in beautiful new subdivision ● Logo or picture insertion + €7
Bold or capital bold letters + € 0.3/word
measures to prevent what it Affairs and Family Office to
• Near golf course Price: 1800 EUR + E ●, 0905 659156, • Reduced price 265,000 € ● Box + €3 called social and wage provide information about 0903 234 999, 0903 471 999 ●
Box with shading + €7 dumping, in the form of the the functioning of the Austri-
Call 0904-363-747
C 3655 C 3677 C 3675 Anti-Wage and Social Dump- an labour market, he said.
2. Prices for business
classified ads (according to size): ing Act (AVRAG). “With a view to good re-
ENGLISH LANGUAGE WORSHIP 1 /48 page (43 x 44 mm) € 25
According to this law, all lationships with our neigh-
Bratislava International Church foreign employees are en- bours we have launched ex-
1 /24 page (43 x 92 mm) € 50
or (91 x 43 mm) € 50 titled to the minimum wage pert talks on labour market
Sundays, 9:30 at historic Small Lutheran Church 1 /12 page (91 x 92 mm) € 100 or the wage set by the collect- questions also with the Slov-
(Maly evanjelicky kostol) in central Bratislava Take your ive treaty, which in practice ak side that are to continue,”
(near Hodzovo namestie); on Lycejna at
intersection with Panenska 26/28. chance ●
Frequency discounts:
3x - 10x 5%
means that companies from Ambassador Wuketich said,
Children's Sunday School provided. and place your ● 11x - 19x 7,5% Slovakia who hope to enter adding that on May 9 the
classified advertisement. ● 20x and more 15% the Austrian market and Austrian Federal Minister of
Everyone Welcome. For information call:
Information at 02-5443-3263 02 / 59 233 311, seek new orders will have to Labour and Social Affairs met
Web Site: or e-mail: Prices do not include value added pay their employees the Aus- his Slovak counterpart to tax (VAT 19%)!
trian minimum wage, which discuss the matter.
C 3573
10 May 23 – 29, 2011 CULTURE
Duelling counts of Pezinok Western SLOVAKIA
slovenského priateľstva /
Spring Concert of Japanese-
Slovak Friendship – This event
organised by the Japanese
Embassy and the local Aca-
demy of Performing Arts
brings two outstanding Ja-
panese opera singers, tenor
Keitaro Mizufune and soprano
Kazuki Ohara, performing Ja-
panese songs plus arias from
operas by Tchaikovsky,
Dvořák and Smetana, as well
as the song Pieseň o rodnej
zemi by G. Dusík and P. Brax-
Starts: May 26, 19:00;
Dvorana music hall, Zochova THE TWO current exhibitions at the Danubiana Meulensteen
THE TOWNS of Pezinok and counts. And what exactly reputation had been harmed. 1. Admission: free (it advisable
to book tickets in advance). Art Museum in Čunovo, near Bratislava, present the works of
Svätý Jur in the Small happened? Peter refused, however, and Hungarian artist Ilona Keserü Ilona, in Colour - Joy - Picture (an
Tel: 02/5980-0101;
Carpathians belonged for In 1399, Peter gained the the whole dispute was appar- extract from which is pictured above), and Slovak artist Rudolf
three centuries to the ently resolved through an Sikora, in At Last Man Knows. Both exhibitions in the gallery,
families of the Counts of oath.
Bratislava which is focused on contemporary visual art, represent a mutual
Svätý Jur and Pezinok. In this postcard from l LIVE MUSIC: Thierry and creative dialogue. Until June 12, they can be seen Tue-Sun
However, at the end the 1920s, the oldest Friends – A versatile musician 10:00-20:00, on the ‘Island of Art’ near Vodné dielo/ Waterworks
of the 14th century, Pezinok church – dedic- who hails from Africa, Thierry Čunovo. For more information, please call 02/6252-8501; or go to
Moravian margraves Jošt and Pezinok Castle back from the ated to the Virgin Mary – can Ebam has become a well- Photo: Courtesy of Danubiana
Prokop seized control of Svätý Moravian margraves for Juraj be seen. The two counts were known figure on the local mu-
Jur and Pezinok – and the for 4,000 golden ducats. He among its donors and Juraj I sical scene. His concerts, vary-
ing from African percussion Starts: May 28, 17:00; On- Admission: free. More info:
counts sought to get their did not pay the money back, is buried there. His Gothic pieces to reggae, are a feast of drej Nepela Ice Stadium, Od-
properties returned. however, and denied that he epitaph belongs among the good atmosphere and relaxed, bojárov 9. Admission: €14-
A duel almost transpired had given any promise to do oldest monuments preserved friendly fun. €44. Tel: 02/5203-3321; www. Central SLOVAKIA
between Juraj II from the so. Moreover, he threw down in the church. Starts: May 27 20:00; Hlava
Pezinok line and Peter II from the gauntlet and challenged XXII music bar, Bazová 9. Ad- Žilina
the Svätý Jur line of the Peter to a duel because his By Branislav Covan mission: €5. More info: Bratislava l LIVE MUSIC: The Kofola l EXHIBITION: Mo(nu)ment Sessions - The Burning Hell,
hk}ly{pzltlu{ Part II – In this, the second Phoebe Kreutz – Burning Hell,
Bratislava part of a profile exhibition by a Canadian band playing di-
l CLASSICAL MUSIC: Večer Milan Vagač, the art student verse musical styles who pre-

piesní / Evening of Songs - Si- addresses the issue of the viously performed at the 2009
mona Eisinger, Bernadette statue in public space. Vagač Pohoda Festival, is supported
Bartos – Eisinger, a young pi- wanders through Bratislava’s by US singer Phoebe Kreutz.
anist and coloratura soprano streets, pulling a statue pedes- Starts: May 24, 20:00; Stan-

<J>9:'%&& who hails from Slovakia but

now sings in Vienna, will join
forces with pianist Bartos to
tal behind him on a string,
discovering new contexts and
uses for it on his way.
ica Žilina-Záriečie, Závodská
3. Admission: €3-€4. Tel: 041/
perform works by G. Mahler, Open: Tue-Sun 14:00-19:00
E. Křenek, A. Zemlinsky and R. until June 5; Galéria 19, Laza- Liptovský Mikuláš

Wg^c\hndji]Z[daadl^c\ide^Xh/ Strauss.
Starts: May 25, 18:00; Moz-
art Hall of Austrian Embassy,
retská 19. Admission: free. Tel:
l EXHIBITION: Písmenkovo –
This exhibition for children, or-
ganised by the Buvik publishing
Ventúrska 10. Admission: free. house, shows what magic and
●  AVWdjg8dYZX]Vc\Zh Tel: 02/5464-1337;
www. Kúty
dobrého jedla / Festival of
intriguing things can be done
with písmenká, i.e. letters of
the alphabet, in a playful way.
Bratislava Good Food – The second year of Open: Tue-Sun 10:00-17:00
● I]Z\gdl^c\^bedgiVcXZ l SHOW ON ICE: Hviezdny
ľad / Starry Ice – A troupe of
this successful festival brings
even more attractions for
until June 18; Liptovská
galéria P. M. Bohúňa, Tranov–
 d[[dgZ^\caVc\jV\Zh former world champions in
figure skating and current
children, a non-stop cinema, a
cultural programme and fun
ského 3. Admission: €0.50-€1.
Tel: 044/5522-758; www.
professionals, including into the small hours; includ-
Alexei Yagudin, Ilya Aver- ing forgotten local delicacies,
●  IgV^c^c\igZcYhX]Vc\Z buch, Irina Slutskaya and oth-
er familiar names, comes to
world cuisine, and more.
Starts: May 28, 10:00-
offer a spectacular show. 02:00; Radlinského Square. Prešov
● HdX^VacZildg`h l MODEL CAR RACE: PKP R/C
Drift Cup, Round 4 - “Asphalt
 "VcZlidda Revenge” – This race for 1:10
scale radio-controlled model
! cars is special for being held
on a tarmac surface.
● L]d hl]d^c=G Starts: May 28, 9:00-19:00;
ABC Leisure-time Centre.
Admission: free. More info:
● JeYViZYXdciVXih

 [dg`ZnXdbeVc^Zh^c=G Košice
Motýle / Butterflies – An exhib-
THE SPRING Jazz Days continue with a concert on May 29 in ition of exotic butterflies
Nitra’s synagogue by Austrian band Hot Pants Road Club presents various insect species

DG9:GCDL (above); the Slovak winner of TV’s Superstar contest Katka

Koščová; and the young, recently discovered Slovak talent
Vanda. Hot Pants Road Club is an eight-member funk-blues or-
from all over the world; visitors
can follow the emergence of
butterflies from their cocoons.

Eg^XZeZgXden/í) chestra which has already put out 10 albums. Katka Koščová has Open: 9:00-17:00 until Ju-
ne 30; Exposition Green-
shifted her repertory from pop to jazz and chanson. Admission
house, Mánesova 23. Admis-
will be a symbolic €1. For more info not only about this concert sion: €2. Tel: 055/2341-667;
;dgbdgZ^c[dgbVi^dck^h^illl#heZXiVidg#h`$egdYjXihdgXdciVXi but about the whole spring series, please go to
Photo: Courtesy of BJD By Zuzana Vilikovská
djgX^gXjaVi^dcYZeVgibZci/ )'&%'*.'(((%%!X^gXjaVi^dc5heZXiVidg#h`
N A M E D A Y M A Y 2 0 1 1
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Weather updates and forecasts from across Slovakia Îelmíra Ela Urban Du‰an Iveta Viliam Vilma
can now be found at
May 23 May 24 May 25 May 26 May 27 May 28 May 29

A Slovak’s name day (meniny) is as important as his or her birthday. It is traditional to present friends or co-workers with a small gift,
In cooperation with the Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute such as chocolates or flowers, and to wish them Všetko najlepšie k meninám (Happy name day)
CULTURE May 23 – 29, 2011 11
English-language academics Books in English
writing about Slovakia, Part III now available
ak and Czech politics in their The Color Purple. Alice Limitless. Alan Glynn.
BY OWEN V. JOHNSON independent states (see re- Walker. Phoenix Paper- Faber and Faber, 2011 re-
Special to the Spectator view in The Slovak Spectator, backs, 2004 re-edition. edition (previously pub-
Aug. 9), Nadya Nedelsky, in The winner of the lished as The Dark Fields).
her book “Defining the Sov- Pulitzer Prize for Fiction in The idea seems so attract-
ereign Community: The 1983 and the National Book ive and pioneering: imagine
THE DIVISION of Czechoslov- Czech and Slovak Republics” Award, this is the life story of a drug that made your brain
akia nearly two decades ago in- (University of Pennsylvania Celie, a young black girl born function to its full potential,
to Slovakia and the Czech Re- Press), takes a longer histor- into poverty and segregation allows you to pick up a for-
public has contributed to the ical perspective in an at- in the American South who eign language in a single day
publication of an increasing tempt to understand why the endures a series of blows be- or spot stock-market pat-
number of original English- Czech and Slovak states fore meeting Shug Avery, a terns... Eddie Spinota comes
language academic books by chose different definitions of singer across

authors that focus on Slovakia. sovereignty when the old and such a
The Slovak Spectator Czechoslovakia split and magic- pill; but
brings the third part of Owen what that has meant in the maker, while
Johnson’s series reviewing ensuing years. from its be-
several academic books about “The Czech Constitution whom she learns how to take nefits materialise quickly, so
Slovakia. employs a civic model,” she control of her own destiny, do certain side-effects. And
notes, “founding the state in free herself of her traumatic when he decides to find other
*** the name of ‘the citizens of past and reunite with her users of the drug, he soon dis-
Few people living in Brat- Owen V. Johnson Source: Sheila Lalwani the Czech Republic,’ while loved ones. The book was covers that they are all dying
islava today can imagine what the Slovak Constitution uses made into a film directed by – or dead. This book was re-
the city was like a century cidental Nationalism” (Lon- versions of language questions the more exclusive ethnic Steven Spielberg and starred cently turned into a film star-
ago, when the population was don & New York: I.B. Tauris). in “Talk of the Nation: Lan- model and speaks in the Whoopi Goldberg (as Celie), ring Bradley Cooper, Abbie
predominantly German, the Slovakia was part of Hun- guage & Conflict in Romania & voice of ‘the Slovak Nation.’” Danny Glover and Oprah Cornish and Robert De Niro.
political leadership was Hun- gary two hundred years ago Slovakia” (Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell Nedelsky, an associate Winfrey.
garian, and Slovaks made up when Hungarians started to U. Press). professor of International Idioms and Phrasal
less than one-fifth of the city’s undergo a national awakening. “The book speaks to the Studies at Macalester Col- The Lost World. Arthur Verbs; Advanced. Ruth
inhabitants. The city was Hungarian-speakers tried to as- power of domestic majority lege, received her PhD in Conan Doyle. Oxford Gairns and Stuart Redman.
most often called Pressburg, similate the country’s non- and minority actors in making political science from the World’s Classics, 2008 re- Oxford University Press
its German name. Hungarian populations but its democracy work under condi- University of Toronto in edition. 2011.
Pieter C. van Duin, an in- Slavs adhered to a multi-ethnic tions of continued nationalist 2001. She is currently work- This classic adventure A handbook for both the
dependent historian of Dutch and multi-lingual idea of the competition,” the author ing as co-editor with Lavinia story could have been called classroom and self-study
origin, has written a book state where citizens could freely writes. “By focusing on do- Stan on a two-volume Encyc- a fantasy, had it not been enhances the vocabulary
that focuses on a key period of use their native languages. mestic majority and minority lopaedia of Transitional written in 1912 before that and use of idioms, fixed
that change, “Central These Slavs willingly re- political elites and parties as Justice, under contract with genre was established. The phrases, similes, proverbs
European Crossroads: Social cognised themselves as Hun- the key agents of change, this Cambridge University Press. tale of a scientific expedition and sayings for use in
Democracy and National Re- garian citizens who spoke Pan- book contributes to a more Nedelsky uses six of the headed by Professor Chal- presentations, discussion
volution in Bratislava (Press- Slav and Czech dialects. This balanced understanding of the nine chapters in the book to lenger that sets out to ex- and elsewhere. It is recom-
burg), 1867-1921” (New York: directly contradicts the tradi- way international and do- show the different ways in plore a mysterious plateau in mended for intermediate,
Berghahn Books). tional story that Slovak nation- mestic actors work together to which Czechs and Slovaks the Amazon rainforest re- upper-intermediate and ad-
The author is most inter- al leaders founded or re-foun- move multiethnic societies have understood nationhood mains witty, enthralling and vanced learners.
ested in the first three years ded the Slovak nation. To do beyond cultural division.” over the course of six differ- attractive a hundred years
after the founding of this he bridges the gap between Csergo delineates how the ent governing systems in a on. The adventurers find This column is a selection by The
Czechoslovakia in 1918, in par- linguists and historians. Vladimír Mečiar-led govern- century and a half, and how themselves trapped in a Slovak Spectator of English-
ticular how the new adminis- Linguists recognised that a ment of newly-independent it contributed to their differ- world lost in time, inhabited language books recently released
tration folded the city into the Slovak language could not Slovakia supported the concept ing definitions of sover- by dinosaurs and ape-men. in Slovakia; it does not represent
new state and how the various have been created in the 18th of an ethnically defined Slovak eignty. In turn, she applies Their situation forces them an endorsement of any of the
populations responded to this or 19th century, but somehow nation. Slovaks and Hungari- that understanding to com- to fight for survival. This edi- books selected. The column is
process. He devotes special at- believed there was a primordi- ans opposed to him joined to- pare how Slovaks have tion is complete with ex- prepared in cooperation with the
tention to the social democrat- al Slovak nation. Historians, gether to develop a more inclus- treated the Hungarian planatory notes and explores Oxford Bookshop Bratislava,
ic movement in Bratislava. on the other hand, knew that a ive definition of what it means minority in Slovakia and the work’s cultural contexts. located at Laurinská 9.
The author read extens- Slovak nation could not have to be Slovak when they came to how the Czechs have treated
ively from the newspapers of been created in the 18th and power democratically in 1998. the Roma minority in the
the time to recreate the events 19th centuries, but somehow “This is an elegant and Czech Republic.
and people’s reaction to them, believed a Slovak language had empirically rich comparative While she acknowledges Bratislava’s Galéria Z turns 15
and draws on extensive aca- always existed. study,” notes Professor Valer- that the politics of the na-
demic research in Czech, Slov- According to Maxwell, ie Bunce of Cornell, one of the tional and socialist govern- ONE OF the three galleries Kompánek, Viera Kraicová,
ak, English, German and Hun- Ľudovít Štúr, who codified a leading specialists in the US ments in Slovakia have located in the Zichy Palace Rudolf Krivoš, Andrej
garian to discern long-term dialect of central Slovak in the on eastern European politics. differed from liberal gov- in central Bratislava is Rudavský, Miloš Urbásek,
developmental trends. mid 19th century, saw it only “Perhaps her most important ernments since 1993, Nedel- Galéria Z, which this year Rudolf Sikora, Vladimír
Van Duin’s previous work, as reflecting the spoken argument is that struggles sky argues that even though celebrates its 15th birthday. Gažovič and Rudolf Fila and
in addition to several articles speech of part of the Slavic na- between elites and parties the liberals are more tolerant The gallery, which special- Czechs Věra Janoušková,
on the period he studies here, tion. Thus he saw it as a dia- representing the majority of minorities, they have not ises in contemporary art by Jiří Kolář, Dalibor Chatrný
also includes an article on con- lect, not a language. versus the minority kept the offered a more coherent de- both Slovak and foreign and Radoslav Kratina.
temporary ethnic develop- This dual loyalty to a Slov- national question alive, while fence of how minority rights artists, is the dream-come- The gallery's concept is
ments in Slovakia, but also ak identity and a larger iden- contributing to the process of and civic equality relate to true of local artist Viktor not narrowly defined, al-
studies on national and ethnic tity persisted in different form democratic development.” the principle of ethnic sover- Hulík. Galéria Z’s first public though geometric and con-
development in South Africa after the creation of “Csergo’s contributions are eignty. The ethnic model of- exhibition opened on March structivist tendencies pre-
in the eighteenth century. Czechoslovakia in 1918, ex- extremely valuable and should fers less support for civil and 28, 1996, Hulík recalled. It vail. The methods and tech-
“An exceptional book plains Maxwell. The over- be taken seriously by both minority rights than the was made possible with the niques exhibited are even
about the history of social whelming majority of Slovaks scholars and policymakers civic model does. support of the capital’s Old more diverse. One of the
democracy in Slovakia and, in were loyal to both a Slovak na- working on issues of European “Nedelsky's conclusions Town district and Agentúra gallery’s main achieve-
a broader geographic context, tion and a Czechoslovak state. integration and the complexit- challenge much analysis of Artlines, and in fact all the ments is its international
central Europe,” said veteran He calls this a theory of “mul- ies of multilingual and mul- the region, which tends to gallery’s financial resources summer event Socha a ob-
historian Hans Renner of the tiple and simultaneous na- tinational political com- explain ethnic politics by fo- have been secured through jekt (Statue and Object),
University of Groningen. “The tional loyalties.” munity more broadly,’ writes cusing on post communist sponsorship. which places artworks in
range of sources and literature Maxwell, a historian, Nadya Nedelsky. “Her clearly factors, especially the role of Over the past 15 years, direct contact with audi-
used is most impressive.” political scientist and lin- written and detailed account opportunistic political 134 exhibitions have presen- ences – in streets, gardens
guist, lectures in the School of the zigzagging paths of lan- leaders,” rather than looking ted 1,497 artists from 33 and other outdoor locations
*** of History, Philosophy, Polit- guage regulation in education, at historical factors, her pub- countries. The most recent, in Bratislava – so that people
Alexander Maxwell writes ical Science and Internation- public spaces and government lisher says. “Looking ahead, a commemorative one, fea- who normally do not visit
about how language helped to al Relations at the University is the most comprehensive Nedelsky offers crucial evid- tured works by 36 renowned galleries see the power of
create a Slovak identity, but of Wellington, New Zealand. treatment in the English-lan- ence that nationalism may artists who had previously art. Since 1996, the event
not in the way Slovak nation- guage literature. remain strong in Slovakia exhibited in Galéria Z, in- has grown from a modest
alists have told the story, in *** *** and the Czech Republic, even cluding personalities who local activity into a huge in-
his book “Choosing Slovakia: Zsuzsa Csergo, a political Following the comparat- in the face of democratisation helped shape local art such ternational exposition.
Slavic Hungary, the scientist at George Washington ive pattern of Kevin Deegan- and EU integration, and is an as Slovaks Milan Paštéka,
Czechoslovak Language & Ac- University, studies modern Krause, who examined Slov- important threat to both.” Jozef Jankovič, Vladimír Compiled by Spectator staff
12 May 23 – 29, 2011 FEATURE

AROUND SLOVAKIA compiled by Zuzana Vilikovská from press reports

for track
ON MAY 11,

1966 a spe-
cial train
from Uzhgo-
rod in the
Tigers in Bratislava USSR to Haniska, near
Košice, with a government
delegation. It was the in-
BRATISLAVA The mother of the augural journey on the first

Zoo and its triplets is five-years-old Shil- broad-gauge railway track
employees are ang, who came to Bratislava built in Czechoslovakia.
happily wel- from the zoo in Cora-Lisieux, The 95 kilometres of track
coming three France in October 2006. were opened 45 years ago
cubs born to The father of the off- primarily to transport iron
the zoo’s protected white ti- spring, all of which are fe- ore to what was then called
gers (Panthera tigris). male, is Achilles, nine years the Eastern Slovak Steel-
“The newborns are healthy, old, who came to Bratislava works (VSŽ), but is now
viable and their mother is tak- several weeks after Shilang. known as U.S. Steel Košice,
ing care of them excellently,” “Nature made Shilang a the TASR newswire wrote.
Miloslava Šavelová, the zoo’s mother for the third time The countries of the
chief, told the TASR newswire now, this time with former Soviet Union
in early May. triplets. Achilles is separ- The exhibition of studio wedding portraits in Malinová. Photo:TASR mostly use broad-gauge
Despite one cub’s initial ated from the family as it is railways – as do Finland,
problems gaining weight, usual in natural environ- Spain and Portugal and
when it had to be fed substi-
tute milk from a bottle, their
growth has otherwise been
ments that the male does
not help in taking care of
and raising the cubs,”
Marriage portraits celebrate many Asian countries –
with a width of 1,520 mil-
limetres. Czechoslovakia,
very good. Šavelová stated.
Slovakia’s 'month of love' along with another 60 per-
cent of the world, uses
standard-gauge tracks of
MEMBERS of taken in a studio, while wear- ised, a popular trend before 1,435 millimetres.

the Union of ing their wedding attire. the advent of colour photo- The need arose to build
Women of Eva Benková, the chair of graphy. The oldest photograph the broad-gauge track when
Slovakia (Únia ÚŽS Malinová, told the TASR was from the 1930 marriage of iron ore began to be trans-
žien Slovenska, newswire that many couples Florián Schön, a Malinová res- ported from the Soviet Uni-
ÚŽS) in the tended to frame and hang ident. Several people also on to the Košice steelworks,
town of Malinová prepared an their portraits in a bedroom as offered unframed, smaller known then as VSŽ.
exhibition of historical wed- a memory of their big day and portraits from their weddings. The broad-gauge line
ding portraits to mark to commemorate their love. Local visitors reportedly begins in Uzhgorod, then
Slovakia’s “month of love” at Benková said she was inspired spent a lot of time in friendly crosses the border at the
the beginning of May. not only by her own wedding quarrels attempting to guess village of Maťovce before
Malinová, in the Horná Ni- photo but also by the portraits the identity of those in the continuing directly to the
tra region, has regularly hos- of marital bliss taken of her photographs. The exhibition steelworks south of Košice.
ted an exhibition of handi- mother and grandmother and turned out to be a testimony to Construction of the
crafts or needlework in May thought it would be nice to an older period and an inter- track commenced on
for almost 50 years but this show off her old photographs esting historical display not March 16, 1964, and trial
year photographs of newly- to others. She added that she only about people but also operation of the railway
weds were added to the event. had no idea how successful the about fashion – about the started on May 1, 1966.
Though the tradition idea would be among other wedding attire of brides and As the track was built
seems to have changed its residents. grooms in changing periods. very hastily, numerous
form now, in days past almost Almost 50 portraits were Benková said the exhibition flaws later surfaced and
every married couple ordered offered, mostly black and was a great success and thinks services have, on occasion,
an official portrait by a profes- white, made in period studios. it should be repeated from had to be suspended for
sional photographer, often Some of them had been colour- time to time. critical repairs.

Would you like a church in Kvetnica?

THE BUILDING of the dia but the head of Seniorpark, Adela place for government propaganda docu-

Church of St Helen in the Dovalovská, posted a statement on ments and bulletins for the next 40 years.
A white tiger cub in action. Photo:SITA Poprad suburb of Kvet- Seniorpark’s website. The church began to hold Roman
nica, which is owned by “Not everything said by a priest dur- Catholic masses again after 1989. Church
Seniorpark, a non-profit ing a mass in church is the naked truth. members from Kvetnica and Poprad re-

Austrian cops nab organisation that oper-

ates a seniors’ home in the town, will be
donated to any organisation that will
Thus, I decided as a human being, as a
citizen, as a believer, to donate the
church to a foundation, religion, civic as-
constructed the church and furnished it
anew in the 1990s. At that time the own-
er of the building was the Institute for

high-speed Slovak maintain the church’s original purpose.

The Poprad Roman Catholic parish
had signed a 15-year agreement to rent
sociation, or non-profit organisation that
acts in compliance with moral and ethic-
al principles, does not manipulate, lie,
Respiratory Diseases. Later, ownership
of the church building changed hands
several times until it subsequently went
AT THE end of April a Slovak the Austrian APA newswire the church from Seniorpark at an annual hurt intentionally, connive, and that to Seniorpark.
driver, aged 24, had his wrote. The speed limit on cost of a single symbolic euro last Au- helps selflessly. Because a church should Seniorpark said it would form a
driver’s licence confiscated Austrian highways is 130 gust, and Anton Opatovský, the adminis- not be a place of hatred and a cradle of committee to evaluate potential owners,
by Austrian police after he kilometres per hour. trator of the parish, told the SITA news- evil, it should in no case be demolished who have been asked to state three reas-
was clocked driving at 230 The “road pirate” was re- wire that he had no idea why Seniorpark and it must serve believers who are not ons why they should be chosen, and to
kilometres per hour on a quired to leave his licence had now terminated the lease and an- under the influence of envy and malice, I specify their goals and set out how the
highway near Salzburg. with the officers and was al- nounced an open competition to donate decided to donate it, instead of liquidat- building will be used.
The driver’s Chevrolet lowed to continue his trip – the church building to another organisa- ing it,” the statement reads. The non-profit also stated that any
was monitored by an un- to Switzerland – as a passen- tion, adding that his parish would seek to The Church of St Helen was built in future owner must agree not to assign
marked police car and his ger, after posting bail. The obtain ownership of the building. 1910 and consecrated by the Bishop of ownership of the building to anyone else
speed ranged between 210 identity of the speeder was Representatives of the non-profit or- Spiš. It served as a place of worship until for 50 years and to then return it back to
and 230 kilometres per hour, not released. ganisation made no comment to the me- the early 1950s when it became a storage Seniorpark.

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