Lines Rays and Angles Lesson Plan

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Name: Tiffani Cline Date:

Subject: Math Topic: Lines, Rays, and Angles

Grade: 4th Length of Lesson: 45 minutes

The Big Idea: Identifying and drawing points, lines, line segments, and rays
Domain: Geometry

Cluster: Draw and identify lines and angles and classify shapes by properties of their lines
and angles

Standard: M.4.26 – Draw points, lines, line segments, rays, angles, (right, acute obtuse) and
perpendicular and parallel lines. Identify these in two-dimensional figures.

Specific Objective: The student will demonstrate mastery of the lesson’s standard by being
able to _identify and draw points, lines, line segments, rays, and angles____________________
with ___80___% accuracy as measured by _formative assessment___________.

To introduce lines, rays and angles to the students I will begin with probing the students with questions

such as “What is a point? What do you think a line is in math? What do you think we are going to use it for?

Have you ever heard of the word ray? Have you ever heard of a ray? What do we think a ray is used for? What

kind of angles do you guys know about? I will then introduce the students to the PowerPoint in which we will

talk about the different terms that include points, lines, rays, and angles. We will begin by talking about points

and moving our way through the different concepts of the math lesson. This lesson will include being able to

identify and draw lines, rays, and angles. In this power point we will start with a song to help the students

differentiate between what a ray is and what a line is. I will tell the students that we will be watching the video

that we will introduce them to the differences in lines and rays, as well as a song that will also help them with

the different kinds of angles that they will be working with as well.

 Discussion

 Questioning

 Formative assessment throughout the lesson

 Visual and auditory learning modalities

 Teacher modeling

Materials/Equipment/Technology/Community Resources:
 YouTube

 Links to videos:

o Lines and Rays Song - YouTube

o LINES, RAYS, ANGLES Song | Geometry VOCAB Music Video Series (Part 1) - YouTube

o Types of Angles Song.wmv - YouTube

 Smartboard

 PowerPoint for Points, lines, line segments, rays, and angles

 Laptops

 Student white boards and markers

 White board and marker


Direct Instruction/Warm-Up Activity/Presentation/Model Lesson/Make Connections:

For the direct instruction, I will give the students the different terms that we will be working with

throughout the lesson. The main terms will include points, lines, line segments, and rays. I will continue to

lecture through the PowerPoint, working through the different slides. I will discuss that points are a single

location in space that is most times labeled with an uppercase letter. I will then move on to rays in which are a

row of points that start at one point and go on forever in one direction. Then I will move along to lines in which

I will define to them as a straight row of points that goes on forever in both directions. I will then show the

videos that I have set to accompany the key ideas that I will be covering in the PowerPoint.

Guided Practice:
Once I have reached a specific place in my PowerPoint, the students will join me in identifying the

figures that we just talked about. We will go one by one through the figures that I have on the PowerPoint. I will

tell the students which one we are looking at and going to identify, and the students will use their whiteboard

and tell me what the figure is. We have different figures that include a line segment, a ray, a point, a line, and an

angle, so that we include all of the figures that we just discussed. After we have identified the different figures

that were on my slide, we will move on to the next slide in the PowerPoint which instructs the students to draw

the different figures that we are working with. I will model a few examples just to be sure they understand how

to draw the different figures that they will be working with. We will do the drawings the same way we did the

identification activity, in which we will use the white boards for the students to draw their figures and show me

as we do the work, so I can get an idea (formatively assess) where everyone is at in their comfort and ability

with the topic. As we are working through the different guided practice activities, I will continue to ask my

students if they have any questions, or if there is anything I can try my best to explain better to them. During the

guided practice time, I will also model to the students a little dance and song along with YouTube to help

identify the different kinds of angles that they will be working with as well. (Song and dance can be found here:

Types of Angles Song.wmv - YouTube).

Independent Practice:
For independent practice, I will have the students log on to IXL (an online educational platform that

links with our math book, standards, and lessons) to work on their stars (sections that I highlight/mark that pop

up on the students account, that they are aware that they need to work on) that I have assigned to them. These

stars will include the stars titled “Points, lines, line segments, rays, and angles” and “Acute, right, obtuse, and

straight angles”. This platform allows for me to monitor each student as they are working through the stars and

allows me to formatively assess everyone as they work. It will also show me the different places where students
get stuck or if they are having difficulty and allows me to understand who needs a little more attention on the


For differentiation, I will offer the students a few different modalities through the lesson that include

auditory, visual, as well as kinesthetic learning opportunities. I will also be capable of formatively assessing all

of my students and being capable of assisting the students who are in need of it, one on one assistance with what

the activities that we do.

In addition to a summative assessment, I will be formatively assessing my students through discussion,

observations through their white boards, and observations on their IXL work as well.

Wrap-Up (Lesson Closure) /Concluding Activity:

To conclude this lesson, we will have a short review discussion about the different figures that we came

into contact throughout the lesson. We will just take a short minute to talk about what they learned and see if

there are any more questions or anything there might be for me to try and clear up any confusion that might be

left. After we have the closing discussion, I will have the students do one last thing, which will be an exit ticket

for the lesson. I will have the students take a piece of notebook paper with their name on it, and they will give

me an example of a real-life example of a point, ray, line, line segment, or angle. They will turn this exit ticket

into me when they are finished with it.


mccarthyschooljams. (2021, December 24). Lines, rays, angles song | geometry vocab music video series (part
1). YouTube. Retrieved January 22, 2022, from

mkmp64. (2015, December 8). Lines and rays’ song. YouTube. Retrieved January 22, 2022, from

Points, lines, line segments, Rays, and angles lesson. Teachers Pay Teachers. (n.d.). Retrieved January 22,
2022, from

samandybaker. (2012, January 29). Types of angles song.wmv. YouTube. Retrieved January 22, 2022, from

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