Art Appreciation

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op 0 Bunpowos sey J, pO FOB oH "76005 DUE Sp.ONS papual yeu Sarionaseijy peronsv0o ues non POW eu Ut soeid sa pawLEW ose VEU! EsoquowinH ouy Apais AYA ssouysng 03 umog 395 5307 hun * suay unm supunooua Ant ye ui eouaueds® ue | squnooue 4oe8 Wu NOK fy WEI “uLT}OO PUODEE aX UD ‘SUE SOU! AMOK UMOP I "MOted IGE) Bun JO ULATIOD SHy OU UL pevieas 395 5397 “ye anoge pjay Ayeuuou ejdood yeu suogdunsse uo suoneSyuep Kreuunjaid ewos pue ‘sn punore Aaneeq Gulwnsuce fe 642 Jo woneneidde ou) ‘mygnesq ey) 0} SuLEDK sip inode s; uoSse, SIAL, ats iit neces in ue poos 1 yey pueMo) unBup axe sButoq UewNH“uNy B10joq sn s TEU LAL IUaIUCD ‘Ayejo} 29 sanau ued 2u0 *(000z "He08) aus9p 40 s}29I90 nyne=q a10U! YHH9q 89Ie90| ‘au s9ROU GUO SY ‘S9SSoL00xd Amu ‘ano| Kul Jo oalgo out anead YEN lwnysoduiks 24) uy pessnosip ay own 14618010) sodieus oun peu repeueo meonon'y's an ‘oje}¢ “adaun3 ul sedyoqaud so190 Boas uy Ao{snowuoue spuy 'sau0 ‘ayqeyene Ae01 out oF pert St respayjeo @ Jo Bap! esoyy “aud, “910W 0} pasodxe useq BAey OF 1 Spuy 21U96 2u0 o} ays Kuo S| 2gSnUs o} asnsodxe ‘es0ym ou ‘snopsUOGUN 10 ‘Asnopstes—TatyeqA “BIOL ‘S0ve|8dxe PUE BI0Ud 696 0} poou Bu SPU MNS @to “@jd0=d punore ‘SSOUEISU| _BuIMOYsONO en eydseq “onstue ‘hyenveb6 ue eydsep ‘Agetuapun axe yey senjen Jeu ye wesBord (AL euInUOOU € Uo LOR uew ® pue ‘aia prey sty Buunp yPAIBW YUopNYs e “BuOs eyvONe} es ou soy Buynys Uerny ‘Susoou soBeuew yueG ‘SUE ey UM UO|UNUWOD 30} sanjuNOddO ue Jo suo Auews tum sn siuesexd ey YeWY eIgeundsipuY S| 3! nq SUE OK WM OP OF Sue huey fou odoed aug en pune Arewueied& YM SURNOUC HUA Enter suoyduinssy pud uoySnpoyuy :Hy S| }OUM, with their crude instruments, already showcased and manifested earliest attempts at hhave long been exercising what it means to be a human long before he was even aware of his being one. The humenites stand tal in bearing witness to this magnificent 's tasked to participate, if not, totally partake a @ same way that we do now. To them, art only meant using the bare hands to produce something that will be useful to one's day-to-day if * Arsin Medieval Latin came tomean something diferent. of bookeaming, such as grammer oF lai, magic or astology Icwas only during the Renalssance Period thatthe word reacdi \Was inherent in fs ancient form of cra. Early Renaissance artists saw their activities, 3 ‘Assumptions of Art Artis universal. Literature has provided key works of art. Among the most popular ones being taughtin school are the two Greek epics, the liad and the Odyssey. The Sanskritpleces Mahabharata and Ramayana are also staples in this fel. These works, purportedly written before the beginning of recorded recording stories and tales that have been passed on, known, and sung throughout the years. Art has always been timeless and universal, spanning generations and ‘continents through and through: In every county and in every generation, there is always ar. Oftentimes, people man" (Dudley et a, 1960). Human history _has witnessed how man ‘evolved not just physically but also igure 2. Cave Pinas ‘and thoughts. The Galloping Wild Boar found in the cave of Altamira, Spain is one such example. In 1879, a Spaniard and his daughter wploring a cave wien they saw pictures of a and bison. Accor Jers, these paintings were purported t6 be Paleolithic Age, ssands of years before the current era. P Figure ong Adana Adin SLs SY Gazi pin SAO Se Sta NE ere te ae ae ae Se ee renee re “Gidtctrs in the movie Bar Boys thought, kundiman makes one concanzate beter. 3nd that it stayed on because I is liked 3tplece of work will never be obsolete | (1879), enjoyment in the arts belongs to a higher good, one that lles at the opposite | end of base pleasures. Art wil always be present because human beings will always | _ express themselves and delight in these expressions. Men will continue to use art while art persists and never gets depleted. Artis not nature. Inthe Philippines, itis not entirely nove to hear some consumers of local movies: remark that these movies produced locally are unrealistic. They contend that local ‘movies work around certain formula to the detiment of substance and faithfulness to ‘allt ofthe movies. These critical minds argue that a good movie must reflect realty {8s closely as possible. Is that 0? Paul Cézanne, a French painter; painted a scene from realty entitled Well and \Grinding Wheel in the Forest ofthe Chéteau Noir. The said scene is inspired bya real = ‘Comparing the twa, one can see that Cézanne's landscape is quits tferent from the original scene. Cézanne has changed some patterns and details from the way they ‘were actualy inthe photograph. What he did isnot nature. Itis art: One important characteristic of artis that isnot nature, of his reception of nature. Artis man | can be consideree-opposites: What we find io at | present in art op. Movies are not meant to be di diferent parts of the elephant and concluded differently based’ on. * their perceptions. Artis like ach of these men's view of the elephant. tis based on an_ individual’ Sibjebtve experience of nature t_ ‘sot rmaant afer al to accurately ‘Geline what the elephant is. Once this: point has ‘been made, a student of humanities can then ask further questions such as: What reasons might the artist have in creating ‘something? Why did Andres Bonifacio write “Pag-ibig sa Tinubuang Lupa"? What ‘motivation did Juan Luna haye in creating his masterpiece, the Spollariun’? In whatever work of a, one should always ask why the artist made it. What ist that he wants to show? "igure 4 The Sloat ad Bs Men Art iavolves experience. Getting this far without a satistactory definition of art can be quite weied for ‘experience, we mean the “actual says that he has an experience of something's about. When one claims t fli hurt and bouncing back, he in elect claims that he knows the (sometr cyele of loving. When one asserts having experienced preparing a parular recipe, Itnot as factor information but as experience.” * gemeuroune si Aun 2 99 no pnom ysIUe yo PUNY YeYM ISIE UE BION NOK J} “L ‘jaissod se AyBnoi0N: $e 19K Aasioe1d Se suoysenb BumoHO} ty JOMSUY S1HLUO HOM 5,307 “We LAM uono Ut AyDoup 5] OUM soRIooIed & YSoUNEHO} 9q 0) SEU ISIE BUL "UE OU s) ‘|1e4p “eoueuodse yno\ym ‘jeu “SuTIeU JOU ISTE Buy JO UOREDLD e SKEMPE s} Uy UE 1noge uondunsse puco@s eu | “euMBU JOLLA) Bujoq tou iy Aesion) $0} Bundwaye UaAs you ‘eunyeu ‘SUL “oth poved ane ul pu 2qo%6 40} peau sy pue ‘eumjeu Buoq 300 si "ye Buea yBnosg foes rage S6uj90} ‘UOREZIIAD pUue YWo18 s UEU! 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