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Imię i nazwisko: __________________________________________________________ Klasa: _________

1  1.11 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie pięć krótkich tekstów. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną
z treścią nagrania.
1 The man is talking about
A buying groceries for one.
B looking for cheap products.
C the food he eats most often.
2 What is true about Sylvie?
A She took part in an online survey.
B She is satisfied with the survey results.
C She enjoys the benefits of convenient food.
3 The advertisement is aimed at people who
A want to prepare meals on their own.
B find it hard to stick to their promises.
C want to see what it’s like being a dietician.
4 What does Vicky do during the interview?
A She is encouraging listeners to order British meals in restaurants.
B She is promoting royal delights that are available in supermarkets.
C She is explaining the origin of some popular British dishes.
5 What kitchen utensils does Mark need to make pancakes?
A a bowl, a saucepan and a plate
B a frying pan, a spoon and a chopping board
C a kettle, a cup and a spoon
__ /5
2 Przeczytaj trzy teksty na tematy związane z jedzeniem. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą,
zgodną z treścią tekstu.
We all love to eat out. It is a perfect way to meet up with family or friends, eat some delicious food in pleasant
surroundings and avoid any of the cleaning and washing-up afterwards. Yet, what we are usually unaware of is that
eating out also has a dark side. According to the findings of a recent study, when we eat out, we are exposing our
body to phthalates. These toxic chemical substances can be found in the plastic equipment which is used to process
and serve food and may be responsible for some serious diseases, including diabetes and cancer. The researchers
discovered that the level of phthalates is 35% higher in people who regularly eat at restaurants, cafeterias, and
fast-food outlets and who, consequently, have more contact with plastic packaging, takeout boxes or heated
containers. What is even more alarming, this level was especially high among young people. Those who consume
most of their food when it has been purchased outside the home had a 55 % higher level of the contaminant than
those teenagers who ate home-cooked meals. In order to avoid exposure to these toxic substances, we shouldn’t
use polystyrene takeaway boxes but should ask for a bio-degradable container instead. If you eat out, take your
own ceramic or silicon container for any leftovers. Avoid processed food, have a meal prepared from locally grown,
natural ingredients.
And, last but not least, prepare food at home as often as possible, limiting the use of plastic utensils
at the same time.
1 Why has the author written the text?
A To make people aware of the risks when they eat out.
B To recommend special boxes for leftovers.
C To inform people about some new research.
2 Which information is true, according to the text?
A Restaurant workers prefer to use polystyrene takeaway boxes.
B 35% of restaurant customers have direct contact with dangerous chemicals.
C Regular contact with plastic equipment increases the risk of getting ill.

© Macmillan Polska 2018. This sheet may be photocopied and used within the classroom.

Hi Meg,
I hope you are fine. You won’t believe it, but Josh and I finally decided to go on the cookery holiday in Italy that
we had always dreamt of! We spent a lovely week in Tuscany, enjoying the regional cuisine and taking part in the
daily cookery classes. The chefs chose some really easy dishes, which are all possible to prepare at home. We rolled
out our own pasta, made delicious sauces and learned to make pizza in a wood burning pizza oven. Our favourite
dessert was panna cotta, but Josh also learnt how to make a lemon pie.
We want to share this amazing experience with our friends, so we’ve decided to throw a Tuscany party.
Will Saturday at 8 pm suit you and Bill? Please do come and enjoy some Italian cuisine with us.
Hope you both can make it.
3 What are Vivien and Josh doing at the moment?
A They are participating in a culinary course.
B They are planning a party at home.
C They are coming back home.
4 During the course, Vivien did not learn
A how to bake a lemon cake.
B how to prepare a pizza.
C how to season a sauce.

Food is something that ought to play an important role in everyone’s life. It has the potential to reflect our origins
or social status or it can reveal the culture that we grew up in. It can both improve or damage our health. For some
people, like my brother, food is simply one basic human need and they would rather give it up if possible and only
exist on pills, like astronauts, in order to save time. For others, including my mum, food is so pleasurable that it
dominates their life. It also serves as a way to discover distant countries and people.
As for myself, food has always been connected with expressing my feelings towards my amazing family. I cook
nearly every day. I feel there is a little bit of me in the dishes I make and the tastes I create. I devote a lot of time
and thought to them. Then we sit around the same table and enjoy our meal. And you? What does food mean to
5 The text is from
A a scientific report.
B a blog entry.
C a private letter.
___ /5
3 Translate the fragments in brackets into English.
1 We have to use some __________________ (jeżyn) for the dessert as there are no more
________________ (malin) in the fridge.
2 Can you buy three ________________ (dojrzałe gruszki), please? I need them for the fruit salad.
3 Use extract of ________________ (surowych buraków) to add some colour to sauces and cakes.
4 (Posyp jagnięcinę) ________________ with some parsley and pepper.
5 My mother’s ________________ (śledzie w śmietanie) are the best in the world.
__ / 5
4 Complete the sentences with the correct words. Some letters have been given.
1 My daughter doesn’t eat meat, so I often serve some t__________d beans for lunch, the perfect pre-cooked source
of protein in meals.
2 If you buy the biggest p__________t of crisps, you get a 10% discount.
3 The restaurant offers a range of vegetarian food from soups and starters to main c__________es and desserts.
4 When the potatoes have boiled, d_________n them in order to make sure there is no water remaining before
5 Spinach tastes b____________d if you don’t season it well.
___ /5

© Macmillan Polska 2018. This sheet may be photocopied and used within the classroom.

5 Complete the sentences with the words in the box. There are two extra words.
about • along • with • before • make • priority • work
1 Yes, I’d go _____________ with that – good idea!
2 I agree with you _____________ making some of our traditional dishes.
3 I’m afraid I have to disagree _____________ you there.
4 I think our _____________ should be the preparations.
5 Do you think it would _____________ if we ordered the ingredients on-line?
___ /5
6 Przeczytaj tekst. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, tak aby otrzymać logiczny i gramatycznie
poprawny tekst.
Huge grocery chain stores and online deliverers are investing (1) ____ money to make customers move from
in-store shopping to online orders. However, in spite of their efforts, there is still one reason why getting the
groceries from conventional shops has still not become a thing of the (2) ____. People prefer to see, touch, smell
and then choose their groceries. Moreover, they have different preferences when buying, for example, fruit and
vegetables. (3) ____ like their bananas to be slightly green, but want their peaches to be ripe and ready to eat,
so they would rather select the product themselves. Another reason that is often forgotten is that online shops
often include a delivery (4) ____. The percentage of customers who have tried online groceries but did not like it is
increasing. It looks as if the online grocery service leaves (5) ____ to be desired.
1 A fewer B more and more C less and less
2 A past B outdated C future
3 A Some B Both C Others
4 A money B charge C cash
5 A little B nothing C a lot
___ /5
7 W zadaniach 1–5 wybierz wyraz, który poprawnie uzupełnia luki w obydwu zdaniach.
1 The leftovers are a few days old and have _____ off.
Have the children _____ through all the biscuits already?
A gone
B done
C made
2 There were about 30 people on the culinary _____.
Mary suggested pork for the main _____.
A class
B course
C dish
3 I’d like to _____ a table for two.
I think you should write a cookery _____ containing all your recipes.
A reserve
B book
C blog
4 My dietician says I should go _____ a diet immediately.
She’s put _____ a lot of weight since last month.
A to
B up
C on
5 I prefer a _____ meal in the morning, just some yoghurt or juice.
Could you switch off the _____ in the dining room?
A delicate
B light
C lamp
___ /5

© Macmillan Polska 2018. This sheet may be photocopied and used within the classroom.

8 W zdaniach 1–5 spośród podanych odpowiedzi (A–C) wybierz tę, która może najlepiej zastąpić zaznaczony
1 Buying healthy food seems to be a big deal to Antony.
A to be important
B to be problematic
C to be doubtful
2 Have you heard that the fast food shop has gone out of business?
A changed the name
B was sold to a chain store
C stopped operating
3 Working in that Italian restaurant during the summer should help you and Tony to bond.
A create ties between one another
B observe the development of yourselves
C provoke rows between each other
4 French cuisine is best known for its great variety of tastes and ingredients.
A large differences in
B monotony in
C similarities between
5 Amelia didn’t feel any sense of belonging to her family until she saw her aunt crying in the doorway.
A didn’t want to meet
B didn’t feel she was part of
C had difficulty finding
___ /5
RAZEM: ___ /40

© Macmillan Polska 2018. This sheet may be photocopied and used within the classroom.

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