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Table 1.

Performance comparison of ANN Power Transfer Capability of Long

and the neurofuzzy method Transmission Lines with Midpoint
Time ANN Neurofuzzy Method Sited FACTS and HVDC
(%) (%)
1:00 a.m. ~ 6:00 a.m. 4.47 2.33
7:00 a.m. ~ 12:00 p.m. 3.64 2.95 Zhenyu Huang, Boon Teck Ooi
1:00 p.m. ~ 6:00 p.m. 3.29 2.43
Author Affiliation: Department of Electrical and Computer Engi-
7:00 p.m. ~ 12:00 a.m. 2.46 1.81 neering, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec H3A 2A7, Canada.
Abstract: Long transmission lines are required to transmit power
[2] T.M. Peng, N.F. Hubele, and G.G. Karady, “Advancement in the from remote generation sites to the population centers. When transmis-
application of neural networks for short-term load forecasting,” IEEE sion is by ac, the large reactances of the long lines limit the power
Trans. Power Syst., vol. 7, pp. 250-257, 1992. transmissibility. By siting FACTS Controllers or HVDC stations,
[3] V.S. Kodogiannis and E.M. Anagnostakis, “A study of advanced which have strong voltage support, at the midpoint of the lines, the
learning algorithms for short-term load forecasting,” Engineering Ap- transmission distance between voltage supported nodes is halved and
plications of Artificial Intelligence, vol. 12, pp. 159-173, 1999. so is the line reactance. Thus, the maximum steady-state power can be
[4] A.G. Bakirtzis, J.B. Theocharis, S.J. Kiartzis, and K.J. Satsios, twice that of the original lines. Digital simulation comparison of a real-
“Short term load forecasting using fuzzy neural networks,” IEEE istic ac transmission system shows that the gain factor, based on the
Trans. Power Syst., vol. 10, pp. 1518-1523, 1995. steady-state stability limit, is only 1.59 and not 2. This paper reports on
[5] X. Wang, T.Y.C. Wei, J. Reifman, and L.H. Tsoukalas, “Signal analysis undertaken to account for the discrepancy. The analysis shows
trend identification with fuzzy methods,” in Proc. 1999 IEEE Int. Conf. that the distributed capacitance in the original long transmission line is
Tools with Artificial Intelligence, Chicago, IL, 9-11 Nov. 1999, pp. already providing voltage support. For this reason, the voltage support
332-335, 1999. by the midpoint sited FACTS controllers or HVDC stations becomes
[6] L.H. Tsoukalas and T.E. Uhrig, Fuzzy and Neural Approaches in less significant. Furthermore, the FACTS controllers or HVDC stations
Engineering. New York: Wiley, 1997. are inserted at the midpoint through transformers, whose leakage
[7] N. Hatziargyriou, “The CARE system overview: Advanced con- reactances add to the line impedance.
trol advice for power systems with large-scale integration of renewable Keywords: Steady-state stability limit, flexible ac transmission
energy sources,” Wind Eng., vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 57-68, 1999. systems, FACTS, HVDC, voltage source converter.
[8] A.G. Dutton, G. Kariniotakis, J.A. Halliday, and E. Nogaret, Introduction: A goal of research in ac transmission is centered on
“Load and wind power forecasting methods for the optimal manage- how to increase the transmitted power limit to the thermal limit. There
ment isolated power systems with high wind penetration,” Wind Eng., are two motivations for this. The first comes from the difficulty in se-
vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 69-88, 1999. curing the right of way to build new lines so that it is necessary to use
Copyright Statement: ISSN 0282-1724/02/$17.00  2002 IEEE. existing lines to transfer more power. The second arises from the fact
Manuscript received 25 September 2001. This paper is published that new lines will be remotely located because neighborhood energy
herein in its entirety. sources are already exploited. Because the large inductive reactances of
long lines lower the transmissible power limit, these lines operate far
below their thermal limit.
Flexible ac transmission systems (FACTS) and HVDC have been
2002 Transmission and Distribution conceived to approach the thermal limit. The class of FACTS control-
Conference and Exhibition - Asia Pacific lers or HVDC stations based on voltage-source converters (VSC) is ca-
6-10 October 2002, Yokohama, Japan pable of offering voltage support capability. These include the static
compensator (STATCOM), the unified power flow controller (UPFC),
The 2002 Transmission and Distribution Conference and the voltage-source asynchronous dc link (VSC-HVDC). Placing
and Exhibition - Asia Pacific will be held 6-10 October 2002 such a device at the midpoint of a long transmission line, the voltage
in Yokohama, Japan. The conference theme, “New Wave of support capability can be exploited. The voltage phase-angle difference
T&D Technology from Asia Pacific,” focuses on powering between the two ends of the transmission line can be extended from 90
advances in world-wide T&D technology from the Asia Pa- to 180° for STATCOM, UPFC, and VSC-HVDC. As pointed out and
cific region, in line with today’s expanding, diversified, and theoretically proven in [1] and [2], it is possible to transmit twice the
power of the uncompensated line if the voltage is supported at the mid-
transfiguring power systems. The conference aims to fos-
ter technical exchange in the Pacific Rim. The technical Recently, [3] presented results of digital simulations of a high-volt-
presentations and exhibitions will play a significant role for age transmission system with an asynchronous VSC-HVDC link divid-
generating the new wave of T&D technology, and topics of ing the long transmission line into two equal halves. The ratio of the
interest include: equipment innovations pertaining to steady-state stability limits of this system and the original uncompen-
transmission and distribution lines; substations, sated ac system is not 2, but 1.59.
switchgear, transformers, and surge protective devices; in- This paper provides additional insights into the steady-state trans-
sulated cables and cable accessories; system protection fer capability of long transmission lines and re-evaluates the contribu-
and automation; control, communication, instrumenta- tion of midpoint sited FACTS controllers or HVDC stations. The
tion, and measurement; power system analysis, planning, distributed shunt capacitances of long transmission lines have been
neglected in the simplified models by which the gain factor of two had
and operation; and electric power liberalization and new
been derived. Because the distributed shunt capacitances provide
businesses. voltage support in the original uncompensated line, its transmitted
For more information or submissions, contact IEEE/PES power is greater than the 1 p.u. base that had been used in the simpli-
T&D 2002 Asia Pacific Secretariat, c/o International Commu- fied derivation. Thus, the benefit of the additional voltage support
nications Specialists, Inc., Tokyo, Japan, +81-3-3263-6474, from the midpoint-sited FACTS controllers or HVDC stations is not
fax +81-3-3263-7077, e-mail as significant. Furthermore, the FACTS controllers or HVDC stations
are inserted at the midpoint through transformers, whose leakage
reactances add to the line impedance.

IEEE Power Engineering Review, May 2002 0272-1724/02/$17.00©2002 IEEE 51

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Simplified Model Analysis: As is well known, the power transfer
of a transmission line can be evaluated as:

P0 = sin( δ S − δR )
ωlL (1)
Figure 1. Simplified model of the system with FACTS or HVDC
where l and L are the per km series inductance and the length of the line,
(VS , δ S ) and (VR , δR ) are the rms voltages and angles of the sending and
receiving ends of the transmission line. The shunt capacitances are ne-
glected, and the line is assumed to be lossless.
Practically, two transformers should be employed: one at the send-
ing end to boost the generator terminal voltage and the second at the re-
ceiving end to step down the transmission voltage to the load voltage
rating level. Then the leakage reactance of transformer, X T , has to be
taken into consideration. To simplify the analysis, X T is assumed to be
Figure 2. Equivalent- circuit of a long transmission line
identical for these two transformers. Then

VS VR  VS 
P0 = sin( δ S − δR )   =
ωlL + 2 X T
(2)  IS 
 XT  X2  
Following the same assumptions, the system with midpoint-sited − sin βL + cosβL j  ZC − T  sin βL + j 2 X T cosβL 
 ZC  Z C    VR 
FACTS controllers or HVDC stations can be modeled as in Figure 1,  
where the FACTS controllers or HVDC stations are represented as a  1 XT   IR 
 j sin βL − sin βL + cosβL 
two-port black box with the terminal voltage V1 and V2 .  Z C ZC  (6)
Assuming that the FACTS controller or HVDC station to be
lossless, it receives power from the sending end and retransmits the The power transferred through the line is determined by
same power to the receiving end:
P0' = Re( VR I*R )
P1 = sin( δ S − δ1 ) = sin( δ2 − δR ). = sin( δ S − δR ).
ωlL / 2 + X T ωlL / 2 + X T ( ZC − X T2 / ZC )sin βL + 2 X T cosβL
(3) (7)

The maximum steady-state stability power is reached at the point when When the line is medium length or shorter,βL is small. One can sim-
the angle difference is 90°. Since the line impedances are halved, the plify (7) the same as (2).
maximum power is doubled when the voltages V1 and V2 are If the FACTS controller or HVDC station is put at the midpoint, the
well-supported. The ratio of these two maximum powers is 2: line is separated as two equal-length stages. Following the same manner,
the FACTS controller or HVDC station can improve power transfer as
P1 , max ωlL + 2 X T
R1 = = = 2. VS V1
P0 , max ωlL / 2 + X T P1' = sin( δ S − δ1 ).
(4) ZC sin(βL / 2 ) + X T cos(βL / 2 ) (8)

Transfer Capability of Long Transmission Line: Distributed pa- Still, the maximum steady-state limits happen when the sine func-
rameters are often used to model a long transmission line [4], e.g., the tion reaches its maximum, 1, for (7) and (8). The ratio of these two lim-
telegraph model. Its π-equivalent circuit can be obtained as shown in its is not always 2, but the following:
Figure 2. The transformers are also modeled by XT at the two ends.
Using the lossless assumption, the π-equivalent parameters are P1', max ( ZC − X T2 / ZC )sin βL + 2 X T cosβL
given by R2 = = .
P0', max ZC sin(βL / 2 ) + X T cos(βL / 2 ) (9)
sin βL tan(βL / 2 )
ZL = jωlL , YL = jωcL . Effect of Converter Transformers: Sometimes the converter
βL βL / 2 transformer has to be employed to reduce the high voltage rating of the
long transmission line to meet the requirement of the power electronics
where β = ω lc and c is the per km shunt capacitance. equipment. One example is shown in Figure 3 with VSC-HVDC.
Defining ZC = l / c , the voltages and currents of the two ends are As shown in (7), including the converter transformer reactance
determined by the telegraph equation: X T , con , the power equation can be deduced as

Table 1. Steady-state stability limits and ratios

Without VSC-HVDC With VSC-HVDC Ratio
P0 P0' P1 P1′ P1′′
Simplified model 2,389 MW / 4,777 MW / / 2
Telegraph model / 2710 MW / 4,926 MW / 1.82
Effect of converter transformer / / / / 4,622 MW 1.70
Digital test 2,590 MW 4,120 MW 1.59

52 IEEE Power Engineering Review, May 2002

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VS V1 that the improvement in power transmissibility with respect to the
P1' ' = sin( δ S − δ1 ),
( ZC − X T2 / ZC )sin(βL / 2 ) + 2 X T cos(βL / 2 ) (10) steady-state stability limit is by a factor of 2. This improvement comes
from the voltage support capability of the VSC family of FACTS con-
which assumes X T , con = X T for the simplifying reason. At trollers or HVDC stations. This paper shows that the improvement is
δ S − δ1 = 90 °, the ratio is calculated again as only by a factor of 1.59.
The decrement is accounted for by better modeling: telegraph equa-
P1',' max ( ZC − X T2 / ZC )sin βL + 2 X T cosβL tion to represent transmission (18%), leakage impedances of converter
R3 = '
= . transformers accounted for (12%), and line resistances.
P 0 , max ( ZC − X T2 / ZC )sin(βL / 2 ) + 2 X T cos(βL / 2 ) (11) References:
[1] E.W. Kimbark, “How to improve system stability without risk-
Digital Simulation Test: The digital simulation test is conducted ing subsynchronous resonance,” IEEE Trans. Power App. Syst., vol.
by a real-time simulator, HYPERSIM [5], which gives detailed models PAS-96, no. 5, pp. 1608-1619, Sep./Oct. 1977.
of turbine generator, speed governor, exciter, transmission line, trans- [2] B.T. Ooi, M. Kazerani, Z. Wolanski, F.D. Galiana, D. McGillis,
former, etc. and G. Joos, “Midpoint siting of FACTS devices in transmission lines,”
The test system is shown in Figure 3, where a VSC-HVDC, which IEEE Trans. Power Delivery, vol. 12, no. 4, pp. 1717-1722, Oct. 1997.
consists of two voltage source converters serving as power dispatcher [3] Z. Huang, B.T. Ooi, L.-A. Dessaint, and F.D. Galiana, “Ex-
(PD) and dc voltage regulator (VR), respectively [3], is sited at the mid- ploiting voltage support of voltage source HVDC,” in Proc. 2002 IEEE
point of a long transmission line. The line parameters are r = 0.0147 PES Winter Meeting, New York, NY, 2002.
Ω/km, l = 0.0009 H/km, and c = 1.308 ×10 −8 F/km. The leakage [4] J. Machowski, J.W. Bialek, and J.R. Bumby, Power System Dy-
reactance is X T = 7.93Ω for all the transformers. namics and Stability. New York: Wiley, 1997.
Figure 4 and Table 1 give the results of theoretical calculation and [5] Power System Simulator - HYPERSIM: User’s Manual,
digital simulation. P0, test and P1, test are obtained by the numerical fitting DMNU-5700-1.3A, TEQSIM International Inc., Jun. 1999.
of the simulation results. Copyright Statement: ISSN 0282-1724/02/$17.00  2002 IEEE.
From Figure 4 and Table 1, it is shown that the simplified model is Manuscript received 1 September 2001, revised 15 November 2001.
not accurate enough to evaluate the transfer capability of a long trans- This paper is published herein in its entirety.
mission line, thus the telegraph model should be used so as not to
over-estimate the contribution of FACTS controllers or HVDC stations.
Because the line shunt capacitances generate considerable reactive
power to support voltage, the telegraph model gives more power than
that analyzed by the simplified model, whereas the ratio of 2 is reduced Cigré 2002 General Session
by 18%. The longer the line, the more reduction will be expected,
shown by (9).
25-30 August 2002, Paris, France
The converter transformers, when applicable, will reduce the bene- The Cigré 2002 General Session will be held 25-30
fit from the FACTS controllers or HVDC stations, by 12% in this case. August 2002 in Paris, France. For more information,
The discrepancy between the theoretical calculation and the digital refer to the Cigré Web site,
simulation can be attributed to the line resistance, which was included
The preferential subjects proposed by study com-
in the digital simulation model but not in the analysis.
Conclusion: This paper re-evaluated the benefit of FACTS control- mittees and selected by the technical committee for
lers and HVDC stations that are sited at the midpoint of long transmis- the session reflect the dual objective of Cigré: to capi-
sion lines. Previously, using the simplified model, it has been claimed talize on technical knowledge thus making it available
to the largest number, and to meet the expectations of
members facing a constantly changing world in the
areas of technology, environment, finance, and the
opening of markets. Preferential subjects may be
found on the Web,
As technical knowledge can no longer progress in-
dependently of knowledge in other areas, in most of
Figure 3. AC system with midpoint sited VSC-HVDC the preferential subjects proposed all or several areas
of knowledge are associated. Also, a growing number
of topics reflect concerns common to several techni-
cal areas which in the present organization of Cigré
are handled separately. Joint sessions, workshops
and panels increase in number at every Session, and
are a way to meet the need to share knowledge and
experience beyond the borders existing at present be-
tween the various technical fields.
In this light, the Administrative Council of Cigré has
asked the technical committee recently to propose
evolutions in the organization of the technical activi-
ties and in the format of the Paris Sessions. The 2002
session will be a turning point as it will be the last to
be based on the present organization yet at the same
time introducing in form and content the future orga-

Figure 4 Power versus angle characteristics

IEEE Power Engineering Review, May 2002 53

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