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Passive Filters—Potentialities and Limitations

J. C. Das, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—New topologies for harmonic mitigation and active

filters have come a long way, and these address the line-harmonic
control at the source. These mitigate some of the disadvantages of
passive filters, however, for nonliner loads above 1 MW the passive
filters are an economical choice. This paper discusses two types of
filters: band pass filters and damped filters, which are commonly
applied. The operation of these filters is described with respect to
the design and system limitations. The operating constraints are
then superimposed. The development of this approach shows that
there are design limitations and large system changes or modifi-
cations can result in higher distortion or even damage to filters in
extreme cases. The constraints and limitations that a designer faces
in implementing an effective filter design with modern tools of har-
monic analysis, measurements, and system analysis are discussed.
The paper shows that in most distribution systems it is practical
and economical to implement passive filter designs, provided the
required safeguards are considered.
Index Terms—Filter design, harmonic analysis, passive filters.
Fig. 1. Common types of passive filters, configuration, R–X and Z –! plots.

I. INTRODUCTION called low-pass filter or bandpass filter is most commonly ap-

plied, however, one filter may not be adequate to filter effec-
M OST distribution systems require reactive power com-
pensation to improve the power factor, save demand
charges, or to release additional active power from existing
tively all the troublesome harmonics. Two single-tuned filters
will have characteristics identical to a double bandpass filter.
equipment or for voltage support, i.e., the reactive power The – plot of a second-order high-pass filter (a first-order
support required to arrest the voltage drop on loss of a plant high-pass filter consisting of a series resistor and capacitor is not
generator. The nonlinear loads are increasing, i.e., pulp and used) shows that the minimum impedance of this type of filter in
paper mill distribution systems invariably have adjustable-speed its passband is higher than that of a single-tuned band-pass filter.
drive (ASD) systems, which may form a considerable per- A high-pass filter will allow a percentage of all harmonics above
centage of overall plant load. When power capacitors are used its notch frequency to pass through. This results in large rating
for reactive power compensation, it becomes necessary to turn at fundamental frequency and high losses in the resistor. The
them in to filters to escape harmonic resonance problems with filter is commonly applied for higher frequencies and notch re-
one of the load-generated harmonics It is not uncommon to duction. The composite filter consists of two branches of band-
apply passive filters in the megavar range and filters totaling pass filters and a parallel branch of high-pass filter for higher
some tens of megavars in a large installation may be required. frequencies. This configuration is commonly applied to arc-fur-
An improvement in power factor from 0.85 to 0.9 for a system nace loads.
demand of 100 MVA requires approximately 10 Mvar of The filter types shown in Fig. 1 are generally adequate for
compensation. Passive filters have been extensively used to industry applications. The other filter types are third-order
simultaneously meet one or more objectives and also meet the damped filter and the recently introduced type C filter, applied
requirements of IEEE Std. 519 with respect to total demand to transmission systems. The characteristics of passive filters
distortion (TDD) at the point of common coupling (PCC) are described in [2]–[6]
[1]. Passive filters have also been extensively used in HVDC
systems, arc-furnace installations, and static var compensators II. RELATIONS IN AN ST FILTER
(SVCs) to name a few more applications.
Fig. 2 shows an ST filter in a distribution system and
Fig. 1 shows common types of passive filters, their configu-
Fig. 2(b) shows the equivalent circuit. The filter and the
ration, – and – plots. The single-tuned (ST) filter, also
equivalent Thévenin system impedance are in parallel and the
harmonic current injected at a node through impedance
Paper PID 03–35, presented at the 2003 IEEE Pulp and Paper Industry Con- divides into the filter and the system impedances:
ference, Charleston, SC, June 15–20, and approved for publication in the IEEE
Committee of the IEEE Industry Applications Society. Manuscript submitted (1)
for review June 20, 2003 and released for publication September 24, 2003.
The author is with AMEC E&C Services Inc., Decatur, GA 30030 USA
(e-mail: Where is the injected harmonic current, is the current
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIA.2003.821666 in the system and is the current in the filter. The harmonic
0093-9994/04$20.00 © 2004 IEEE

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Fig. 3. Asymptotes and passband of an ST filter.

(a) unity, typically 0.995, and the corresponding for the system
will be 0.005. The impedance angles of and may be of the
order of 81 and 2.6 , respectively.
This shows that the system impedance plays an important role
in the filtration process. For infinite system impedance, the fil-
tration is perfect; all the harmonic current will flow in the filter
impedance. Conversely, for a system of low impedance, i.e., a
stiff system, most of the harmonic current flows into the system
and little in to the filter. In case of no filtration, all the harmonic
current passes on to the system.
In an ST filter, the inductive and capacitive reactance should
be equal at the tuned frequency

Fig. 2. Lumped distribution system and its equivalent circuit for harmonic where is the tuned frequency in radians. It is given by
voltage across the filter impedance should equal the har-
monic voltage across the equivalent Thévenin’s impedance . If is the reactance of the capacitor or filter reactor at its
tuned frequency

is the equivalent impedance of the utility’s source and the (7)

distribution system as seen from the point of application of filter.
Therefore, gives the quality factor of the tuning reactor

(3) (8)

and It determines the sharpness of tuning. The passband is

bounded by frequencies at which
where and are complex quantities, which determine the (10)
distribution of the harmonic current in the filter and the system
impedance. The equations could have been written in terms of The plot of the impedance is shown in Fig. 3. The sharpness
admittances, too. A properly designed filter will have close to of tuning is dependent on as well as and reducing these

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can reduce the impedance of the filter at its resonant frequency.

The asymptotes are at


The edges of the passband are at 1/2Q and width .

In Fig. 3, curve A is for and , ,
with asymptotes and passband as shown. Curve B is for
, , . These two curves have the same
gives the reactive power output of a capacitor. In the
presence of a filter reactor it is given by

(reactive power without reactor) (12)

where , is tuned frequency, and is fundamental

Thus, the presence of a series reactor increases the reactive
power output of the capacitor. This is so because the voltage Fig. 4. Distribution system for the example with predominantly drive system
drop in the reactor is added to the capacitor voltage and the load.
voltage at the junction of capacitor and reactor rises
At harmonic , the harmonic current divides into the resis-
tance and inductance. The inductive component of the current

The reactive power output of an ST filter tuned to ,
therefore, approximately 4% higher than that without the re-
where is the current through the reactor and is the total
The harmonic loading on the capacitor for a filter tuned to
harmonic current. The harmonic loading is, therefore,
harmonic is given by


and the fundamental frequency loading of the filter reactor is


(15) Fig. 4 shows a simple system, where the six-pulse drive

system load is 77% of the total load. This may not be a very
practical distribution system but interesting from the point
of view of passive filter design and application. When the
nonlinear load is more than 30% of the total load demand, a
The characteristics of a second-order high-pass filter are careful analysis is required for control of TDD.
shown in Fig. 1. It has low impedance at the corner frequency.
The sharpness of tuning in the high-pass filter is the reciprocal A. Step 1: Estimate Harmonic Current Injection
of ST filters This may not always be easy. The harmonic injection spec-
trum will depend upon the following.
(16) 1) First is the topology of the drive system and the har-
monic-producing loads—Six-pulse current converters
The reactor loading at fundamental frequency can be calcu- are common for drive systems and much of the literature
lated assuming that current through the parallel resistor is zero [1], [2], [7], [8] provides estimation of harmonic spec-
trum from these sources. A voltage-source converter with
diode front end may give an entirely different harmonic
spectrum, i.e., the typical values of fifth and seventh

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harmonic current spectrum in terms of fundamental is shown in

Table I.
On a simplified basis, assuming a trapezoidal waveform, large
delay angle, and small overlap angle the harmonic spectrum can
be calculated from the expression


Table I terminates at the 31st harmonic. Harmonic analysis

can be carried out to the 49th harmonic. A small percentage
of noncharacteristic harmonics, i.e., 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc., are also
generated. Their effect is further discussed.
In a running plant, an online measurement of harmonics
forms a reliable basis of study [9].

Fig. 5. (a) Ideal waveform of a six-pulse current source converter. B. Step 2: Conduct Load Flow and Establish Need for
(b) Waveform with commutation angle. (c) Waveform with ripple content. Reactive Power Compensation
(d) Discontinuous waveform due to large delay angle control.
For conducting the load flow study, an estimate of the power
factor of the nonlinear and linear loads is required. For nonlinear
harmonics in this type of converter are 64.5% and 34.6%, loads, the phase angle between the fundamental component of
respectively, as compared to 17.94% and 11.5% in voltage and current is called the displacement angle and dis-
current-source converters. Arc furnaces, switched-mode placement factor is . The power factor is the ratio of total
power supplies, pulsewidth-modulation (PWM) drive power input to total volt-amperes, which considers harmonics.
systems, slip-frequency recovery schemes, and cyclocon- With commutation retard and phase angle the power factor is
verters each have their own harmonic spectrum [1], [2]. given by [1]
2) There is an interaction with the system impedance. This
brings the necessity of specific modeling of a nonlinear
harmonic source with respect to system configuration.
For simplicity, equivalent Thévnine’s impedance can be (22)
derived at the point of harmonic current injection. Reference [1] may be seen for an explanation of symbols and
3) The harmonic spectrum varies with the operation. As an details of this expression. Using this and related expressions,
example, consider Fig. 5 for the input ac waveform to a the operating power factor of the nonlinear load is calculated as
current-source converter. 0.83.
Fig. 5(a) is the ideal textbook waveform, Fig. 5(b) is a wave- The load flow shows a demand of 5.279 MW and 3.676 Mvar
form with commutation angle, Fig. 5(c) with ripple content, and from the 115-kV system, including system losses. A 1200-kvar
Fig. 5(d) is a discontinuous waveform due to large delay angle capacitor bank at the 4.16-kV bus will reduce the reactive power
control. The harmonic injection from each of these waveforms input from the 115-kV source to 2.44 Mvar, and give an overall
will be different. As the delay angle increases, the harmonic gen- power factor of 0.91, approximately.
eration increases, but at the same time the component of fun-
damental frequency current also decreases. A worst case sce- C. Step 3: Ascertain Short-Circuit Level and Load Demand
nario is chosen for the analysis. For the example, a gating angle at PCC
is considered. Then, using the following expression To calculate the permissible TDD, the short-circuit level at
from [1], the overlap angle is 12.25 : the PCC and the load demand over a period of 15 or 30 min is
required [1]. For this example, the 4.16-kV bus is considered as
(20) the PCC, the short-circuit level is 36.1 kA, the load demand
800 A, the ratio , and the permissible IEEE TDD
where and are the system and transformer reactances distortion limits are as shown in Table II.
in per unit on a converter base and is per unit current on a
converter base. D. Step 4: Conduct Harmonic Analysis Study
The harmonic spectrum, ignoring ripple content is calculated It is not the intention of this paper to get into the details
analytically or graphically from [1] and [2] and the resulting of the harmonic modeling of system components and the

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procedures for carrying out the study are discussed in [1]–[3] KVT, IT factors, perform sensitivity analysis, and have varying
and [10]–[16]. In the frequency-domain analysis, the harmonic capabilities of modeling frequency-dependent system compo-
spectrum is ascertained and represented by an equivalent nents.
Norton’s circuit. The harmonic current flow is calculated 1) Harmonic Analysis Without Capacitor Bank: The har-
in small steps, i.e., 2 Hz, covering the entire spectrum and monic current distortion without capacitors is shown in row 2 of
the system impedances are recalculated at each frequency, Table II. The harmonic distortion limits at the 5th, 7th, 11th, and
considering higher frequency effects. During steady state the 13th harmonics exceed the permissible limits and also the total
harmonic currents are considered as being produced by ideal TDD is 19.57% versus the maximum permissible value of 8%.
sources, which operate without repercussion. Fig. 4 shows that This result could be expected, because of a higher percentage of
the nonlinear loads are lumped and this simplified approach nonlinear load
can give rise to errors. It is erroneous to assume that when all 2) Harmonic Analysis With Capacitor Bank: In Step 2,
the harmonics from sources spread out in a distribution system 1200-kvar capacitors are required for reactive power compen-
are cophasial, the most conservative results will be obtained sation at bus 3 in Fig. 4. A capacitor bank is formed from the
[6]. It is necessary that the harmonics are modeled with their individual capacitor cans of certain standard sizes, in series and
appropriate phase angles. The phase angle of the current parallel combinations, i.e., a 500-kV capacitor bank will require
sources are a function of supply voltage and are expressed as 14 series groups of 21.6 kV for a grounded wye connection, the
number of parallel units in each series group depending upon
(23) the required kvar. The formation of banks and the alternative
bank connections are discussed in [17].
where is the phase angle obtained from fundamental fre- Sometimes, a higher than rated voltage is selected on the ca-
quency load flow solution, and is the typical phase pacitor cans: 1) to account for increase in voltage at the junction
angle of harmonic current source spectrum. When there is only of capacitor filter reactor (13); 2) to account for system overvolt-
one source the phase angle of harmonics is not important. ages; and 3) to consider the increase in rms voltage on the cans
The harmonic analysis is conducted using a digital computer- due to harmonic loading.
based commercial harmonic analysis program. Most programs Consider that cans of 200 kvar, rated voltage 2.77 kV, are
will calculate harmonic current flows, harmonic voltages, TDD, selected in ungrounded wye configuration, one series group per

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phase. Then, three cans per phase give a kvar of 450.42 per The resonance is not eliminated; it shifts to a frequency below
phase, i.e., a three-phase kvar of 1351.3 at the operating voltage the tuned frequency and is given by
of 4.16 kV. The capacitive reactance is 12.788 per phase and
the capacitance E F.
The results of harmonic analysis are shown in row 3 of (25)
Table II. The calculated parallel resonance frequency is
822–825 Hz (a step of 3 Hz was used in the calculation),
and the resonance peak has its own value of given by
maximum impedance angle 89.64 , and minimum impedance
angle . Thus, the amplification of 13th harmonic
current is apparent in Table II. The distortion at this harmonic (26)
is 50.5% and the overall TDD . If a voltage–time
curve is plotted, it will be highly distorted. Thus, adding the
2) Add 7th Harmonic ST Filter: The splitting of the
capacitors has increased the harmonic distortion, and a resonant
1350-kvar capacitor bank is tried to form two equal parallel ST
condition exists around the 13th harmonic.
filters, one tuned to as before and the other tuned to
3) Harmonic Analysis With Capacitors Sized to Eliminate
. Table II, row 5, shows that 7th harmonic distortion is
Resonance: Sometimes an attempt is made to size and locate
reduced, while the 5th harmonic current flow increases, giving
the capacitors so as to eliminate resonance. The resonant fre-
rise to increased distortion. This can be expected, as the size of
quency can be placed at a harmonic or its fraction, which is not
the 5th filter has been reduced. TDD exceeds the limits.
generated by the load. The resonant frequency can be estimated
3) Effect of Tuning Frequency: A sharper tuning closer to
from (6), which can be written is more convenient form as
the 5th harmonic is tried and the filter reformed for the same
capacitor size and . The results are shown in row 6 of
Table II. The 5th harmonic distortion is considerably reduced
(24) for the same size of filter bank.
4) Increase 5th Filter Size: As the 5th harmonic is still high,
the 5th ST filter size is increased, formed with 400 kvar of
where is the short-circuit kVa and is the size of the 2.77-kV capacitors per phase. This brings the 5th harmonic dis-
capacitor. tortion within permissible limits, but the 11th and total distortion
From (24), if the size of the capacitor bank is reduced, the is still high; see Table II, row 7.
resonant frequency will shift upwards. A capacitor bank of 1192 5) Add 11th Harmonic Filter: An 11th ST filter formed with
kvar at 4.16 kV (500 kvar per phase formed out of 2.77-kV in- 300 kvar capacitors/phase, , reduces the 11th harmonic
dividual capacitor cans) will shift the resonance to around 900 distortion. Table II, row 8, shows that harmonic distortion at all
Hz. As the load does not generate this frequency, resonance can harmonics is within acceptable limits, but the total TDD is 8.38,
be escaped. The harmonic analysis in row 3 of Table II confirms i.e., slightly higher than the permissible value of 8%.
this. Although the distortion at the 13th harmonic is reduced, the 6) Increase Size of 5th and 7th ST Filters: The 5th and 7th
distortion at a number of lower harmonics exceeds the permis- harmonic filters are reformed with 500 kvar and 400-kvar ca-
sible limits and total TDD is at an unacceptable level of 30.86%. pacitors per phase. The results in Table II, row 9, show that the
Thus, sizing or relocating the capacitors in a distribution system permissible distortion limits are met, throughout the harmonic
rarely succeeds due to the following. spectrum, and total THD at PCC is reduced to 7.3%.
• The resonant frequency will swing with respect to the Thus, a total of 1200 kvar of capacitors per phase at 2.77 kV
switching conditions. are required. This means that installed rating at the operating
• The required reduction in harmonic distortion at all the re- voltage is 2862 kvar, while only 1200 kvar was required for the
quired frequencies can rarely be achieved, especially when reactive power compensation power factor improvement. How-
the nonlinear loads form a considerable percentage of load ever, the design of the filter is not final.
F. Step 6: Consider Detuning Effects
E. Step 5: Design a Harmonic Filter An ST filter is not tuned exactly to the frequency it is intended
1) Form an ST 5th Harmonic Filter: Form a 5th harmonic to suppress. Aging and temperature effects alter the filter reactor
filter by tuning to the 4.7th harmonic. A tuning frequency below and capacitance values. The switching conditions and system
3%–10% of the harmonic to be filtered is selected to consider changes also bring about detuning. The reactors and capacitors
detuning effects as explained in Step 6. From (7), a series reactor for filters are specified to be of close-tolerance components to
of mH is required. Arbitrarily choose the ratio limit frequency drift. For industrial filters the tolerances are,
of the reactor at fundamental frequency. The results of the generally, as follows:
calculation are shown in row 4 of Table II. The 7.25% distortion capacitors: 5% and no negative tolerance;
at the 5th harmonic almost meets the requirements of 7%, and reactors: 2%.
the distortion at the 7th and 11th harmonics and total TDD ex- Also, each phase bank is formed so as to minimize the differ-
ceeds IEEE limits. The parallel resonant frequency is between ences between the capacitance of phases. The same tolerance as
266–268 Hz, and the series resonant frequency is 282–284 Hz. on individual capacitor cans can also be applied to the overall

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assembly of each phase. Unbalances of the capacitance between

each phase give rise to unbalance currents.
Consider that the capacitance of each bank increases by 5%
and that of each phase reactor also increases by 2%. This is quite
a conservative assumption for checking the detuning effects on
the 5th, 7th, and 11th filter banks.
The results of the calculation are shown in row 10 of Table II.
The harmonic distortion at the 5th harmonic and overall TDD
of 11.3% exceed the permissible limits. An obvious solution is
to lower the design values of distortion, so that the increase in
distortion due to detuning is still within the acceptable limits.
This means that the size of the filters should be increased.
An iteration with various sizes shows that the 5th, 7th, and
11th harmonic filters should be formed with 900-, 600-, and
300-kvar capacitors per phase (rated voltage 2.77 kV). The re-
sults of the calculations with no tolerance and with positive tol-
erance of 5% on the capacitors and 2% on the reactors are shown
in rows 11 and 12 of Table II.
Therefore, a much larger size is required following the above
steps. Total three-phase kvar of the filter capacitors at system
voltage of 2.4 kV is 4054 kvar, while only 1200 kvar is required
for reactive power compensation. A filter intended to meet only Fig. 6. Impedance modulus and phase angle of a three-step ST filter of the
the requirements of harmonic distortion control is called a min-
imum filter. In a way, this term can be misleading; the example
illustrates that the requirements of controlling the harmonic dis- 2) On outage of the 7th filter bank, the TDD on all harmonics
tortion require a filter of much larger size than the reactive power and overall TDD of 10.42% is acceptable.
compensation. The converse can also be true. 3) On outage of the 11th filter bank, the overall TDD is 6.38,
The installation of the finally designed filter will make the and acceptable.
overall power factor at the 115-kV side approximately equal to Thus, it is only the outage of the 5th ST filter that is a problem.
unity. An online standby 5th filter can be installed and switched
automatically. This could be a more economical solution, rather
G. Step 7: Consider Outage of One of the Parallel Banks than shutting down the process facility.

Well-designed and protected capacitor filters are practically H. Step 8: Consider the Shifted Resonant Frequencies
trouble free and require little maintenance. However, an outage
cannot be entirely ruled out. The most common outage will be Fig. 6 shows the impedance modulus and phase-angle plots
that of a fuse failure of one of the capacitor cans in a phase. Gen- for final 5th, 7th, and 11th harmonic filters. The shifted frequen-
erally, it is not necessary to trip the entire bank on such an occur- cies are the following:
rence and the situation is alarmed. Depending upon the number 1) 5th ST filter: 260–262 Hz;
of parallel cans per phase, an outage of a capacitor can in one of 2) 7th ST filter: 368–370 Hz;
the phases (each can protected with its own individual fuse) will 3) 11th ST filter: 584–586 Hz.
give rise to an unbalance voltage and increase of voltage on the
remaining cans, which can be monitored. If more than a certain If the shifted frequencies coincide with one of the charac-
number of capacitor cans go out of service, the bank is tripped. teristics, noncharacteristics, or triplen harmonics present in the
For a continuous process plant, shutting down the process be- system, current magnifications at these frequencies can occur.
cause of failure of a filter may not be warranted and the effect The switching inrush current of a transformer is rich in even
on harmonic distortion when one of the parallel filter banks is and third harmonics. As the transformers are switched in and out
out of service must be considered. IEEE Std. 519 allows 50% the harmonic current injections in to the filters will increase, al-
increase in the distortion limits on a short-time basis. This in- though this will last only for the switching duration of the trans-
creased TDD limits during the repair time of the combination formers (approximately 0.1 s). The repeated switching can in-
filter are considered in the following calculations; see Table II, crease the dynamic stresses on the transformers, also. The mag-
rows 13, 14, and 15. nified currents can give rise to large harmonic voltages and ca-
The calculations show the following. pacitor banks could also fail prematurely.
1) On outage of the 5th filter bank, the 5th harmonic distor- The shifted resonant frequencies should be at least 30 cycles
tion is increased to 24.5% and the overall TDD is 24.8%. apart from the adjacent odd and even harmonics. An examina-
This exceeds the permissible 12% overall and 10.5% 5th tion of the above shifted frequencies shows that this criterion is
harmonic TDD. not met in every case.

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When considering detuning, it is necessary to check the ef- circuit and high overvoltages of the order of 3–8 times can be
ficacy of the final filter design for various switching conditions produced [19], [20]. The ratio of these frequencies is given by
of the plant. These can also cause detuning. The filter design, as
discussed, is sensitive to the utility’s source impedance. (31)
I. Step 9: Consider Alternate Filter Design where is the coupled frequency, is the main circuit
It is possible to design a single 5th ST filter to meet the IEEE switching frequency, and are the inductances and
distortion limits, however, this filter will be of much larger size. capacitances of the secondary circuit, and and are the
Similarly, the high-pass filters with different values of can inductance and capacitance in the main circuit. If possible, a
be tried, however, these will be of still larger size, compared to single strategy for location of the capacitors in a distribution
ST filters. Their application is for higher harmonics and notch system should be adopted rather than spreading these out at
reduction [2], [6] multivoltage levels.

J. Step 10: Consider Harmonic Loading of Power Capacitors L. Step 12: Other Considerations
The harmonic loading on the power capacitors is limited and 1) Consider Negative-Sequence Loading of the Plant Gen-
the recommendations of an IEEE standard [18] are as follows. erators, if Present: The harmonics can be particularly dam-
1) Per-unit kvar (calculated on the basis of fundamental and aging to the synchronous generators. The reverse rotating 5th
harmonic currents and voltages) should not exceed 1.35. harmonic and the forward rotating 7th harmonic will produce a
6th harmonic in the generator rotor circuit. Similarly, the har-
monic pair 11th and 13th will produce 12th harmonic. The un-
balance and the negative sequence capabilities of the generators
can be exceeded [2].
2) The rms current including all harmonics should not ex- 2) Consider Q Factor: The ratio of the filter reactor at
ceed 1.8 per unit fundamental frequency determines the filter factor and Fig. 3
shows that sharper tuning can be achieved and passband reduced
with higher s. However, in industrial filter design, it can be
(28) demonstrated that for 20 to 100, the response is undistin-
guishable. Thus, the fundamental frequency active power loss
3) The limits on rms voltage are given by and heat dissipation becomes a major consideration for large
filter reactors. The initial cost of high filter reactors is an-
other consideration and the initial investment needs to be viewed
(29) in terms of energy costs.
3) Consider Presence of Nearby Nonlinear Loads: The
4) , the crest voltage, the sum of randomly occurring utility’s system may serve other customers from the same
voltages (including harmonics but excluding transients), service, which may have nonlinear loads or power capacitors.
which for conservatism may be considered cophasial, These could effect the performance of filters. The utility’s
should not exceed source impedance may exhibit a spiral shape characteristics
with respect to harmonics, rather than being a single-valued
(30) function.
4) Consider All Possible Switching Conditions: It is neces-
sary to consider the filter performance with varying plant oper-
Reference [18] also shows infrequent limits of overvoltages ating conditions and readjust the filter designs.
and currents. A basic flowchart of the ST filters is shown in Fig. 7, although
Most computer programs will calculate the loadings on the it does not show all the iterative processes.
harmonic filters and capacitors and flag overload conditions.
These can be calculated by longhand calculations, also. None of V. LIMITATION AND POTENTIALITIES OF PASSIVE FILTERS
the above limits are exceeded in the final design of the example.
Based upon the above discussions the limitations of passive
K. Step 11: Consider Secondary Resonance filters can be summarized as follows.
In a distribution system, there may exist power capacitors for Potentialities:
reactive power compensation, voltage support, or power-factor 1) Well-designed passive filters can be implemented
improvement. When the system is expanded and more capaci- in large sizes of Mvars of ratings and provide al-
tors are to be added, a secondary resonant condition can be trig- most maintenance-free service (there are no rotating
gered depending upon the size of the existing capacitors, new parts).
capacitors to be added and the intervening impedance. If the sec- 2) These are more economical to implement than their
ondary circuit has resonant frequency close to the switched ca- rotating counterparts, i.e., synchronous condensers.
pacitor bank, the initial surge can trigger oscillations in the sec- 3) A fast response time of the order of one cycle or less
ondary circuits, and these can be much larger than the switched (i.e., with SVC) can be obtained, which is important

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1) Passive filters are not suitable for changing system
conditions. Once installed, these are rigidly in
place. Neither the tuned frequency nor the size of
the filter can be changed so easily. The passive ele-
ments in the filter are close-tolerance components.
2) A change in the system operating conditions can
result in some detuning, although a filter design
should consider operation with varying loads and
utility’s source impedance.
3) The system impedance largely affects the design.
To be effective, the filter impedance must be less
than the system impedance, and the design can be-
come a problem for stiff systems.
4) Outage of a parallel branch can totally alter the res-
onant frequency, resulting in overstressing of filter
components and increased harmonic distortion.
5) The parallel resonance between the system and
filter (shifted resonance frequency) for ST or DT
filters can cause an amplification of the current at
characteristics and noncharacteristics harmonics.
A designer has limited choice in selecting tuned
frequencies and ensuring adequate bandwidth
between shifted frequencies and even and odd
6) Damped filters do not give rise to a shifted resonant
frequency; however, these are not as effective as a
group of ST filters.
7) The aging, deterioration, and temperature effects
may increase the designed tolerances and bring
about detuning, although these effects can be
considered in the design stage.
8) Definite-purpose circuit breakers are required. To
control switching surges, resistor switching and
synchronous closing may be required, although
the filter reactors will reduce the magnitude of the
switching inrush current and its frequency. The
switching surges, their problems, and mitigation
are not discussed in this paper.
9) The grounded neutrals of wye-connected banks
provide a low-impedance path for third harmonics.
Fig. 7. Flowchart for the design of ST filters. Third harmonic amplification can occur in some
cases. (For industrial systems, the three-phase
for correction of flickering voltage dips due to arc capacitor banks are, generally, connected in un-
furnace loads. grounded wye configuration.)
4) Unlike rotating machines (i.e., synchronous motors 10) Special protective and monitoring devices (not dis-
or condensers) power capcitors do not contribute to cussed) are required.
the short-circuit currents. 11) ST or DT filters are not possible to employ for cer-
5) A single installation can serve many purposes, i.e., tain loads like cycloconverters or when the power
reactive power compensation and power-factor system has interharmonics (not discussed in this
improvement, reducing TDD to acceptable limits, paper) [2].
voltage support on critical buses in case of a source 12) The filters can either be switched “on” or “off.”
outage, and reducing the starting impact and voltage Thus, a stepless control of reactive power with an
drop of a large motor [21], [22] increase of load demand is not possible. The filter
6) When a choice is available between active and pas- banks can be switched in and out with voltage, cur-
sive filters, the passive filters are more economical. rent or reactive power control, to avoid generation
No cost data are presented in this paper. of leading reactive power at light loads.

Authorized licensed use limited to: Velammal Engineering College. Downloaded on July 30,2010 at 05:16:44 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

13) The design may require increasing the size of the [11] “IEEE task force on harmonic modeling and simulation of propagation
filters to control TDD (example in this paper). of harmonics in electrical power systems—Part II, sample systems and
examples,” IEEE Trans. Power Delivery, vol. 11, pp. 466–474, 1996.
This may give rise to overvoltages when the banks [12] D. Xia and G. T. Hydet, “Harmonic power flow studies, Part I—For-
are switched in and undervoltage when these are mation and solution,” IEEE Trans. Power App. Syst., vol. PAS-101, pp.
switched out. 1257–1265, June 1982.
[13] , “Harmonic power flow studies, Part II—Implementation and prac-
14) A detuning may be brought into play when con- tical applications,” IEEE Trans. Power App. Syst., vol. PAS-101, pp.
sumers on the same utility’s service add power ca- 1266–1270, June 1982.
[14] A. A. Mohmoud and R. D. Shultz, “A method of analyzing harmonic
pacitors or filters in their distribution systems [23]. distribution in AC power systems,” IEEE Trans. Power App. Syst., vol.
PAS-101, pp. 1815–1824, June 1982.
VI. CONCLUSION [15] Harmonic Power Flow Studies, EL-3300, Project 1764-7, vol. 1, EPRI,
Palo Alto, CA, 1983.
The iterative process of passive filter design was illustrated [16] E. W. Kimberk, Direct Current Transmission. New York: Wiley, 1971.
through a step-by step calculation. There is a need for further [17] Guide for Protection of Shunt Capacitor Banks, IEEE C37.99-1990 (re-
vision of ANSI/IEEE C37.99-1980).
development of harmonic analysis software, akin to optimal [18] Guide for Application of Shunt Power Capacitors, IEEE Std. 1036-1992.
power flow, with user-selectable constraints and resulting de- [19] Power System Analysis, IEEE Std. 399-1990 (ch. 11, Switching Tran-
sign parameters. The industry has faced two distinct situations. sient Studies).
[20] J. C. Das, “Effects of medium-voltage capacitor bank switching surges
The badly designed filters have failed or resulted in operational in an industrial distribution system,” in Proc. IEEE I&CPS Conf., 1992,
problems when the constraints of their applications were not pp. 57–64.
realized. At the same time, large passive filters are admirably [21] , “Shunt capacitor filters for motor starting, load voltage and har-
monic distortion control,” in Proc. IEEE Pulp and Paper Industry Conf.,
in service and have provided years of maintenance-free and Montreal, QC, Canada, 1991, pp. 80–92.
trouble-free operation. The implementation of an overall suc- [22] , “Application of power capacitors to overcome voltage problems
cessful system in a particular situation requires a careful anal- due to reactive power flow,” in Proc. TAPPI Engineering Conf., San
Francisco, CA, 1994, pp. 585–593.
ysis of the specific application, including protection, switching [23] , “Analysis and control of harmonic currents using passive filters,”
overvoltage, and transients, which have been mentioned but not in Proc. TAPPI Preparing for the Next Millennium Conf., Atlanta, GA,
described in detail. 1999, pp. 1075–1089.

[1] Recommended Practice and Requirements for Harmonic Control in
Electrical Systems, IEEE Std. 519-1992.
[2] J. C. Das, Power System Analysis-Short-circuit, Load Flow and Har-
monics. New York: Marcel Dekker, 2002. J. C. Das (SM’76) received the B.A. degree in math-
[3] J. Arrillaga, D. A. Bradley, and P. S. Bodger, Power System Har- ematics and the B.E.E. degree from Panjab Univer-
monics. New York: Wiley, 1985. sity, Chandigarh, India, in 1953 and 1956, respec-
[4] D. A. Gonzalez and J. C. McCall, “Design of filters to reduce harmonic tively, and the M.S.E.E. degree from Tulsa Univer-
distortion in industrial power systems,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Applicat., vol. sity, Tulsa, OK, in 1982.
IA-23, pp. 504–512, May/June 1987. He is currently Staff Consultant, Electrical Power
[5] J. K. Phipps, “A transfer function approach to harmonic filter design,” Systems, AMEC E&C Services Inc., Decatur,
IEEE Ind. Applicat. Mag., vol. 3, pp. 68–82, Mar./Apr. 1997. GA. He is responsible for power system studies,
[6] A. Ludbrook, “Harmonic filters for notch reduction,” IEEE Trans. Ind. including short circuit, load flow, harmonics,
Applicat., vol. 24, pp. 947–954, Sept./Oct. 1988. stability, grounding, and also, protective relaying. He
[7] A. D. Grahm and E. T. Schonholzer, “Line harmonics of converters has authored or coauthored more than 40 technical
with DC-motor loads,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Applicat., vol. 19, pp. 84–93, publications and is the author of Power System Analysis (New York: Marcel
Jan./Feb. 1983. Dekker, 2002). His interests include power system transients, harmonics,
[8] J. C. Read, “The calculations of rectifier and inverter performance char- power quality, protection, and relaying.
acteristics,” J. Inst. Elect. Eng. (U.K.), pp. 495–509, Oct. 1945. Mr. Das is a Member of the IEEE Industry Applications and IEEE Power
[9] R. Yacamini, “Power system harmonics, Part 2: Measurements and cal- Engineering Societies. He is also a Member of TAPPI and of CIGRE, a Fellow
culations,” Power Eng. J., vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 51–56, 1995. of the Institution of Electrical Engineers, U.K., a Life Fellow of the Institution
[10] “IEEE task force on harmonic modeling and simulation of propaga- of Engineers (India), and a Member of the Federation of European Engineers
tion of harmonics in electrical power systems—Part I, concepts models (France). He is a Registered Professional Engineer in the States of Georgia and
and simulation techniques,” IEEE Trans. Power Delivery, vol. 11, pp. Oklahoma, a Chartered Engineer (C.Eng.) in the U.K., and a European Engineer
452–465, 1996. (Eur.Ing.).

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