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Course code 820517

Course Title: Intelligence and Crime Control

Assignment Topics for Mid-term examination

Drug Abuse &


Submitted To:
Mr. Md. Golam Rasul
MDS()A&R) PSC, Mirpur

Submitted by:
Batch 05, Session 2019-20
Semester 02, sl. No. 13
Drug Abuse &
What is DRUG:
• Drug is any chemical substance that causes a change in an
organism's physiology or psychology when consumed.
Drugs are typically distinguished from food and substances
that provide nutritional support.
• Consumption of drugs can be via inhalation, injection,
smoking, ingestion, absorption via a patch on the skin, In
pharmacology, a drug is a chemical substance, typically of
known structure, which, when administered to a living
organism, produces a biological effect.
• Psychoactive drugs are chemical substances that affect the
function of the Central nervous System, altering perception,
mood, or consciousness. These drugs are divided into
different groups like: stimulant, depressants,
antidepressants, anxiolytics, and hallucinogens. These
psychoactive drugs have been proven useful in treating
wide range of medical conditions including mental
disorders around the world.
• Traditionally drugs were obtained through extraction from
medicinal plants, but more recently synthetic drug are more
commonly used all over the world.

Evolution of Drug Use in Bangladesh

Till 1970 Cannabis smoking, opium swallowing and drinking alcohol.

Till 1984 Mritasanjibani, Cannabis and various alcoholic preparations

From 1990 Heroin, Phensedyl, Cannabis, alcohol

From 2000 Injecting drugs, Heroin, Phensedyl, Cannabis, alcohol

From 2005 Yaba (ATS), Injecting drug, Heroin, Phensedyl, Cannabis,


From 2008 Glue Sniffing, Yaba (ATS), Injecting drug, Heroin,

Phensedyl, Cannabis, alcohol

Factors Contributing To the Drug Problem in


Geographical location in-between Golden Triangle & Golden

Crescent. Use of the territory of Bangladesh for international
drug trafficking both inland & maritime. Rapid rural-urban
migration and expansion of over-populated slums over
population and high rate of unemployment Cultivation of poppy
in Indian Territory near the western and Eastern border
Manufacture of yaba in Myanmar very close to south-eastern
border Lack of healthy recreational facilities Limited social
awareness on adverse effects of drugs

International Drugs Trafficking Routes

Patterns of Drug Abuse in Bangladesh :

 Cannabis and heroin are smoked

 Buprenorphine and pethidine are injected
 Alcohol and phensedyl are drunk
 Yaba (ATS) is both swallowed and smoked
 Sleeping pills are swallowed
 Sniffing/swallowing smell of adhesive (toluene) among
street children is an emerging problem
 Sharing of needles among the IDUs is markedly noticeable

Modus- oparandi of Drug Trafficking in


 Road is commonly used in western and northern border

(heroin, cannabis, phensedyl and Buprenorphine).
 Yaba is smuggled mainly from Maungdaw of Myanmar
through the border of Cox’s Bazaar and Bandarban
 Small quantities of drugs are trafficked through body
 Medium and large consignment of drugs are trafficked
through concealment in commercial commodities.
 Women and street children are engaged in smuggling and
trading drugs.
 Use of courier services is on increase for illicit trafficking
of drugs.
 Slums are common places for storage, distribution and
consumption of drugs.
 Cell phones play a vital role in current drug trafficking and
 Social Media, facebook, Instragram, Viber, twitter now
play vital role for drug trafficking and trading.

Strategical approach to control Drug Abuse

And smuggling:

1. Supply Reduction
2. Demand Reduction
3. Harm Reduction.
The Supply Reduction strategy:

 Licensing
 Monitoring & Inspection
 Intelligence & enforcement
 Crop eradication & destruction of drugs
 Investigation
 Prosecutions and sanctions
 Summary trial of drug offences in Mobile Court

The legislation to supply reduction:

 The Narcotics Control Act, 2018;

 The Narcotics Control Rules, 1999 ;
 The Private Treatment and Rehabilitation Center Rules
 The Prohibition Rules,1950 (still in force as per NC Act
1990) ;
• Important Legislation relating to drugs are:
 The Special Power Act, 1974 (anti-smuggling) ;
 Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2012, amended in
 The Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898 ;
 The Evidence Act, 1872 ;
 The Mobile Court Act, 2009.
 Coast guard act 1995

The Department of Narcotics Control (DNC) is the Nodal

Agency to control the Narcotic Drugs, Psychotropic Substances
and Precursor & Chemicals in Bangladesh. Other law
enforcement agencies empowered to detect and intercept illegal
operations of drugs & Precursor Chemicals and assist DNC are :
Bangladesh Police, Rapid Action Battalion (RAB), Border
Guard Bangladesh(BGB), Coast Gourd, Customs, Drug
Statistics on the Seizure of Drugs By the all
Agencies in Bangladesh
Among all the drugs, YABA has been the most burning issue
during last few years. Both the detection of cases and seizure
of YABA increased tremendously during 2015.During 2008
the seizure of YABA was 36,543 tablets, but in 2020 it was
3,63,81,017 tablets
Demand Reduction Strategy
Prevention through Public awareness Campaign
Education, advertisement, Price Control and Taxation
Control, using social media and Restriction on
Advertisement of Drugs Treatment Rehabilitation.

Prevention Education & Publication:

Harm Reduction strategy:

Detoxification of drug addiction, Abscesses management

Campaign against Injecting drug use Oral Substitution

program for IDUs Programs against HIV/AIDS among the

drug users Cooperation with the NGO’s

Statistics on treatment services

Distribution of patients by Primary reason:

Precursor chemicals
Precursor chemicals are not drug, but ther are used as catalyst to
produce drug. 26 precursor chemicals are included in the
Schedule of Drugs of the Narcotics Control Act, 2018 to comply
with the provisions of Article 12 of the 1988 UN Convention
and they are strictly controlled, Only 8(eight) precursor
chemicals are imported for industrial use. The precursor
chemicals are approved for licit use , but the smuggler use the
chemical for making drugs. There are billion dollar market for
precursor raw materials

The Licit and Illicit use of Precursor

Shortage of trained Law Enforcers, trained Laboratory
personnel as well as modernized equipments. Sharing for
Intelligence and Investigation. Plans of establishing a National
Intelligence Fusion Center Supply of Non-Intrusive Equipments
like X-ray Machines, Yaba detecting machine, Body Scanners
etc. to detect smuggling of drug & Drug related crimes
Shortage of Technical Expertise in identification &
investigation of Drugs & precursor chemicals and new
psychoactive substances Shortage of Risk Management
Experts . Inadequate knowledge on Data /Database Management
Introducing Dope test for identifying Drug abuser. Introducing
Mobile Tracking system to identify drug peddlers, dealers &
abusers. Establishing automation & e-filing. Supply of
Equipment’s & vehicles related to anti-narcotics Campaign e.g.
Short film, documentary etc.
Strong Networking Mechanism of the transnational Drug
Traffickers. The investment of the huge amount of money in
drug business which makes money laundering, human
trafficking, terrorism etc Establish actionable MOUs and
Information Sharing Protocols. To establish similar data
management system among law enforcement departments. Fast
changing Modus Operandi worldwide. Developing National,
Regional & International Intelligence Sharing System to prevent
drug trafficking. Exchange of literature on existing laws, rules,
procedures etc. concerning drug abuse control and on
amendments which may take place in the existing laws in future.
Combat drug trafficking, prevent money laundering and
cooperate in tracing, identification, freezing, seizure and
forfeiture of properties derived from or used in illicit traffic,
following exchange of information.

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