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Parallel operation of passive power filter and hybrid

power filter for harmonic suppression

H.-L.Jou, J.-C.Wu and K.-D.Wu

Abstract: Harmonic pollution has been serious in recent years. Passive filters have been used to
suppress harmonic current conventionally. However, passive power filters have the problem of
resonance. To solve the resonance problem, active power filters and hybrid power filters were
developed. After considering the power capacity and cost, the hybrid power filter is the better choice
for the future. Many passive power filters have already been installed in the industry power systems.
However, the elements of these passive power filters are often destroyed due to the resonance or the
harmonic current injection of a neighbouring harmonic source. To improve the performance of
passive power filters, a small capacity of hybrid power filter is proposed to connect in parallel with the
existing passive power filters. The combined power fdter system, which contains the parallel operation
of existing passive power filters and hybrid power filters, is analysed and simulated. The simulation
results show that the filter performance and resonance problem of existing passive power fdters can be
improved by applying the hybrid power filter.

1 Introduction Owing to the improvement of power electronic manufac-

ture and control techniques, the active power fiter is devel-
Power electronic related equipment has been widespread oped to suppress harmonic current and compensate
recently. The nonlinear load characteristic of the above reactive power simultaneously [4-71. The power converter is
equipment has introduced the problem of harmonic pollu- used in the active power filter to generate a compensation
tion. Harmonic pollution has been very serious in recent current, which is opposite to the harmonic component and
years [l]. It degrades the power quality of the industry reactive power component of load current, to inject into the
power system. To improve the power quality, the harmonic power feeder. Then, the mains current will be sinusoidal
suppression becomes more important day by day. Because and in phase with the mains voltage after applying the
of the consideration of hardware cost, passive power filters active power filter. The active power filter can be regarded
were used to solve the problems of harmonics in industry as a current source parallel with the nonlinear loads.
systems conventionally [2, 31. However, it still has several Hence, the problems of series/parallel resonance can be
problems. The most serious problem is that the seriedparal- avoided after using the active power filter. If the switching
le1 resonance may occur between the system impedance and frequency of the power converter is high enough, the active
passive power filters. This series/paraIleI resonance will
power fdter can compensate all higher order harmonic
result in the amplification of harmonic current and har-
components in industrial power systems. However, the
monic voltage, and it may damage the passive power filters
and neighbouring power equipment. To protect the passive application of active power filters in a practical industry
power fdters from resonance, the tuned frequency of pas- power system is still not wide after considering the cost and
sive power filters is designed slightly away from the domi- power rating of the power converter.
nant harmonic frequency. However, it will degrade the To solve the problems of harmonic and reactive power
performance of passive power filters. The other problem is effectively and practically, the hybrid power filter whch
that the performance of passive power filters depends on combines the passive power filters and power converter has
system impedance. The system impedance is varied with the been published in recent years [S-111. Owing to the use of
variation of power system parameters. Hence, the exact passive power filters, the power capacity of a power con-
evaluation of system impedance is very difficult. Therefore, verter in hybrid power fdters is only about one-tenth of the
the application of passive power filters still has many prob- nonlinear load. Hence, the high power capacity application
lems, although passive power filters are widely used to of the hybrid power filter becomes more practical than that
solve the harmonic problem. of the active power filter. Additionally, the resonance prob-
lem of passive power filters is .solved due to the combina-
0IEE, 2001 tion of power converters.
LEE Proceedings online no. 20010155 In this paper, the combined power filter system, which
DOL lO.l049/ipgtd:20010155 contains existing passive power filters and a hybrid power
Paper fmt received 10th Febnmy and in revised form 5th July 2000
filter, is analysed and simulated. The filter performance and
H.-L. Jou and IC-D. Wu are with the Department of Electrical Engineerin& resonance problem of existing passive power fdters can be
National Kaohsiung Institute of Technology, Kaohsiung Taiwan, Republic of improved by applying the hybrid power fdter. The pro-
china posed power filter system can be used not only in the newly
J.-C.Wu is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Kao Yuan Institute designed filter system but also the power system with the
of Technology, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Republic of China existing passive power filters.
8 IEE Pmc.-Gmer. Trrmsm. Distrib., Vol. 148, No. 1. Jununry 2001

Authorized licensed use limited to: Velammal Engineering College. Downloaded on July 28,2010 at 08:46:02 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
2 Operationtheory a voltage in phase with the fundamental component of the
hybrid power filter current illl(t),and it is represented as
Fig. 1 shows the system configuration of the developed
combined power filter system, consisting of the hybrid %2(t) = b i h l ( t ) (2)
power filter and passive power filters. In this system, the The power converter can be operated as a positivelnegative
passive power filters, used to suppress the harmonic current resistor equal to the value of k, under the fundamental fre-
and improve the power factor in the industrial power quency. Hence, it can absorbiregenerate the fundamental
system, may already be installed before the hybrid power real power. It means that the power converter is operated
filter is applied. The passive power fdters may consist of as an energy converter, which converts the harmonic real
several sets to match the variation of loads. The hybrid power into fundamental real power.
power filter, configured by a power converter and a set of Assuming that the power converter is lossless, its output
tuned filters, is expected to improve the filter performance voItage can be written as
and the resonance problems of the existing passive power
filters. The tuned filters used in the hybrid power filter are v a ( t ) = . ~ a ~ ( +t v) a , ( t ) (3)
to reduce the power capacity of the power converter. In practical applications, the power loss of the power con-
verter cannot be avoided. This loss must be incorporated
into the value of k, simultaneously.
3 Control block diagram
impedonce nonlineor Fig. 2 shows the proposed control block diagram of a
power converter in the developed filter system. The control
block is divided into two parts - the performance improve-
ment block and DC voltage regulation block - to generate
the voltage v,,(t) and v,,(t), respectively. The performance
improvement block is used to improve the resonance prob-
lem of the existing passive power filters and the filter
performance of the overall filter system. It contains a band-
rejection filter and an amplifier. The band-rejection filter
existing possive consists of a bandpass filter and a subtractor in the
power filter
U proposed control block diagram. The band-rejection filter
hybrid power is used to filter out the fundamental component of mains
filter current. The output of a band-rejection filter is sent to an
Fig.1 Sysrein conjguratwn ojcombined powerjlter system
amplifier to obtain v,,(t). The DC bus voltage of the power
converter may fluctuate due to the harmonic real power
The power converter used in the hybrid power filter is a injection for filter performance improvement and the power
voltage-source power converter. The control algorithm of loss of the power converter. The DC voltage regulation
this filter system is composed of two parts, and it will be block is used to maintain the DC bus voltage at a constant
stated in the following. voltage. To fulfil this purpose, the DC capacitor voltage is
compared with the set value and then the comparing result
2. I Filter performance improvement is sent to the PI controller. The output of the PI controller
The power converter of a hybrid power filter is expected to is the fundamental resistor k2. Owing to the use of the PI
protect the passive power filters from harmonic resonance controller, the DC capacitor will be maintained at the
and improve the filter performance. The output voltage desired value (depending on the set value) in the steady
v,(t) of a power converter for this purpose is represented as state. It implies that the fundamental real power generated
w , 131 by the fundamental resistor k2 is equal to the harmonic real
%l(t) = JCliSh(t) (1) power injection and the power loss of the power converter.
The hybrid power filter current is sent to the bandpass filter
where iY,?(l)is the harmonic component of mains current, I1 to extract its fundamental component. The output
and k , is a constant value. Here, the power converter is signals of the PI controller and bandpass filter I1 are sent to
expected to be operated as a harmonic resistor that is in a multiplier to obtain va2(t). Finally, the summation of the
series with the mains impedance at the harmonic frequency. signals v,,(t) and v,*(t) is the desired voltage v,(t) of the
Then, the resonance of passive power filters can be sup- power converter. The desired voltage is sent to a PWM
pressed. Besides, the effective harmonic impedance of modulator to generate the driver signals of power switches
mains is increased, and the fdter performance is also in the power converter. Then, the power converter can
improved. generate the desired voltage.
2.2 DC voltage regulation 4 System analysis
In part A, the power converter is operated as a harmonic
resistor; it will consume real power. This real power will The single-phase equivalent circuit of the proposed fdter
inject into the DC capacitor of a power converter, and then system is shown in Fig. 3. It consists of the existing passive
the voltage of the DC capacitor will rise. To maintain a power filters and a hybrid power filter. In this Figure, the
constant voltage for the DC capacitor, its increased energy power converter is regarded as a dependent voltage source,
must be regenerated to the power system by the power con- and the nonlinear load to be compensated is simplified
verter. Hence, the DC capacitor of the power converter is as a current source. In industrial power systems, the
regarded as an energy buffer to absorb the harmonic real uncompensated nonlinear loads may be distributed in the
power and regenerate the fundamental real power to the neighbourhood of combined power filters. In Fig. 3, these
mains. For this purpose, the power converter must generate neighbouring nonlinear loads are assumed to be a
IEE Proc -Gene1 Tranarn Dutiih , Vol 148 N o I , Jnnucny 2001 9

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mains current
' performance improvement block

ki v,,(tl
Is I t )

hybrid power
I 1 ' I power switches
filter current

DC capocitor

DC voltage regulation block

Fig.2 Control block &gram oj Iybridpuwer filter

harmonic current source (ifif).Then, two harmonic current value, resulting in harmonic current amplification. If the
sources, adjacent nonlinear load and compensating power converter of a hybrid power filter is applied, the
nonlinear load, can be found in Fig. 3. The compensating mains harmonic current can be written as
nonlinear load may result in parallel resonance. The neigh- ZphZhh
bouring harmonic current will result in distorted mains =
voltage, and the distorted mains voltage may result in series
p h hh + Z s h Z h h + Z s h Z p h + k 1 Z p h ZLh
resonance. The effects of adjacent nonlinear loads and
compensating nonlinear load to the combined power filter
system are analysed individually in the following.
The harmonic current flow into the passive power fdter is
derived as
Zphzhh + Z s h Z h h + Z s h z p h + k L Z p h ZLh

The harmonic current flow into the hybrid power filter is

derived as
Fig.3 Equivalent circuit of cotnbinedpowerjlter system

4.1 Effect of compensating nonlinear load

By using superposition theory, the neighbouring harmonic
current source is assumed to be open circuit for analysing
the effect of compensating nonlinear load. Before the
power converter of a hybrid power filter is applied (that is
kl = 0), the equivalent impedance from the viewpoint of a From eqns. 8-10 it can be found that the harmonic cur-
compensating harmonic current source can be derived as rents of mains, passive power filter and hybrid power filter
z p h hh2 s h
depend on the parallel result of zeq and z,/fzphlkl.The term
= (4) Z & z h / i k l , which is parallel with the parallel resonance cir-
ZphZhh +Zshzhh -!r Z s h Z p h
cuit, may be a positive or negative resistor. The system
The harmonic current of mains can be derived as impedance z,, is inductance in general. If Z/,h is capacitance,
the term ~,,~z,,Jk,is an equivalent positive resistor. Other-
zeq .
ish(t) = -ZLh (5) wise, the term z,hz,r/Jkl is an equivalent negative resistor if
zs h z,, is inductance. To avoid the parallel resonance, the
The harmonic current flow into the passive power filter is equivalent positive resistor is required. T h s equivalent pos-
derived as itive resistor is parallel with the resonant circuit, and it
operates as a damper. Hence, zh, is expected to be capaci-
tance. It implies that the tuned frequency of the hybrid
power filter must be larger than that of the passive power
The harmonic current flow into the hybrid power filter is filter. In the resonant condition, the smaller the equivalent
derived as positive resistor is, the larger the damper will be. To obtain
zeq . the small positive resistor, a larger k l or a small Zhh will be
i h h ( t ) = -2Lh (7) expected.
Fig. 4 shows the effects of k , to the mains current, the
From eqn. 4 it can be found that parallel resonance will hybrid power filter current and the existing passive power
occur if the denominator is zero. In this condition, the filter under the nonlinear load current. From Fig. 4 it can
equivalent impedance zec,will be amplified to a very large be found that parallel resonance will occur before the
10 IEE Floc -Gene, Trunsm Disrrrb Vol 14H Nu I Junuory 2001

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hybrid power filter is applied. Parallel resonance will result derived as
in harmonic current amplification between the existing pas-
sive power filters and the mains. Hence, the harmonic cus- (Zhh + kl )Zs/.
i p h ( t )=
rents of mains and existing passive power filters are larger ZphZhh + Z s h Z h h + Z s h Z p h + h Z p h inLh
than the load harmonic current at the resonance frequency. (12)
Fig. 4 also shows that the parallel resonance is suppressed The harmonic current flow into the hybrid power filter is
if k l is applied. It means that the hybrid power filter can derived as
protect the existing passive power filters from parallel reso-
nance. Eqns. 8 and 10 also imply that the zpll must be as
small as possible to minimise the harmonic currents of
mains and hybrid power filter. It means that the tuned fre-
quency of existing passive power filters must be tuned as
near as possible to the dominant harmonic frequency of Because of the term klzp/lin eqns. 11-13, the resonance
load. Nevertheless, the problem of parallel resonance in between the system impedance and the proposed combined
conventional passive power filters can be avoided with the power filter system can also be avoided. However, eqns. 12
use of the hybrid power filter. and 13 show that k , ~ ,appears
~,, in the numerator. It implies
that there is a large circular harmonic current between the
existing passive power filter and a hybrid power filter at the
resonance frequency. In this time, the amplitude of har-
monic current flow between existing passive filters and the
hybrid power filter may be amplified, and its value depends
on kl, z,,~~and qIh.To reduce this circular harmonic current,
eqns. 12 and 13 can be rearranged as

From eqns. 14 and 15 it can be found that the circular har-

monic current can be reduced as the value of z,,l~z~ll,is
increased. It implies that the circular harmonic current can
be decreased by tuning the tuned filter of a hybrid power
fdter far from the tuned frequency of an existing passive
power filter. However, the voltage level and power capacity
of a power converter will be increased if the tuning fre-
01 I
quency of zhh is not near the resonant frequency. Hence, a
200 2LO 280 320 360 L 00 trade-off must be taken.
Fig. 5 shows the effects of k , to the mains current, the
hybrid power filter current and the existing passive power
filter after considering the neighbouring harmonic current.
From Figs. Sa and c it can be found that resonance will
occur before the hybrid power filter is applied (IC,). The
resonance will result in the harmonic current amplification
between the existing passive power filters and the mains.
Hence, the harmonic currents of mains and existing
passive power filters are larger than the load harmonic
current at the resonance frequency. Fig. 5 also shows that
the resonance can be suppressed if a hybrid power filter is
frequency, Hz applied. Unfortunately, a large k l will result in a large
C circular harmonic current between the existing passive
+pmc.v respome
cf combined power ji!ter sysfetn widi vurud~kk, power filters and a hybrid power filter at the resonance
a Mains current frequency. However, the harmonic current of passive
h Hybrid power filter current power filters is decreased effectively by applying the hybrid
c Existing passive filter current
power filter.
From the analysis result above, it can be found that filter
4.2 Effect of neighbouring harmonic current performance will be better under a larger k,. However, the
To analyse the effect of neighbouring harmonic current, the larger kl will result in a larger circular current as the neigh-
compensating nonlinear load is assumed to be open circuit.
bouring nonlinear loads exist. It means that the capacity of
Then, the mains harmonic current can be derived as
a power converter must be increased if a better filter per-
formance is required. After considering the filter perform-
ance and the capacity of a power converter, the value of k l
may be different in different application cases. In other
(11) words, the selection of kl is a trade-off between the filter
The harmonic current flow into the passive power filter is performance and the capacity of the power converter.
IEE ProcGener. Trcmstn. Disrrib.. Vol. 148, No. I , Jfiriuory 2001 11

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5 Simulation results


1 without HPF

2L0 280 320 360 LOO

To verify the performance of the proposed algorithm, com-
puter simulation is made. The combined power fdter sys-
tem used in the computer simulation is shown in Fig. 6.
Both sets of passive filters used in the hybrid power fiter
and existing passive filters are configured as the 5th and 7th
tuned filters. The major parameters used in the simulation
system are listed in Table 1. To consider both effects of
compensating nonlinear load and neighbouring nonlinear
load, the gain kl is selected as 1 .

Table 1: Parametersused in simulation system

Existing passive filter Hybrid power filter Mains

5th tuned 7th tuned 5th tuned 7th tuned Equivalent

filter filter filter filter impedance
L: 1.13mH L: 0.575mH L: 5.lmH L: 2.6mH L: 0.05mH
C25OkF C25OpF C5OpF C5OpF R3m51
R 0.0151 R 0.01R R 0.02Q R: 0.0251

Fig. 7 shows the simulation results of the proposed

combined power filters without neighbouring nonlinear
loads. The compensating nonlinear load is a phase-control-
led rectifier, and its current is shown in Fig. 7a. The total
harmonic distortion (THD) of load current is 25.3 Fig. 7b
shows the mains current. The THD of mains current is
only -3%. Hence, this combined power filter system can
without HPF
suppress the harmonic current effectively. Figs. 7c and d
show the current waveforms of the hybrid power filter and
existing passive filters. It can be found that the current and
power capacity of the hybrid power filter is smaller than
0 that of the existing passive power filters. To observe the
200 2L0 280 320 360 LOO resonance phenomenon, the inductance and capacitance of
frequency ,Hz
C the 5th tuned filter used in existing passive power filters are
Fi .5 Frequency response of combined power filter system with vlariable k, 2.2mH and 125pF, respectively. Figs. 8 and 9 show the
, v i 2 wigMmring nontinem ~ o ~ d simulation results under parallel resonance before and after
n Mains current the hybrid power filter is applied. From Fig. 8 it can be
b Hybrid power filter current
c Existing passive filter current found that the harmonic currents of existing passive power

impedance 1,111


existing passive

hybrid power fi\ter

Fig.6 Simulation .system of combhdpowrj2ter system
I'! I E E Proc.-Gener. TrunJm. Distrib., Vol. 148, No. I , January 2001

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filters and mains are amplified before the hybrid power can suppress the resonance harmonic current of existing
filter is applied. Fig. 9 shows that the resonance current is passive power filters effectively.
suppressed effectively after applying the hybrid power filter.
60 - a

- 60 I a
a 25
80 r

-8Ol I 1 I , I
b 50
10r ?


-1 0 150 160 170 180 190 200
C time,ms

Fig.9 Sirnubtion resldts of combined power jilter umkr paraIIel resomice

(IMains current
h Hybrid power filter current
c Existing passive filter current

150 160 170 180 190 200

time,ms 100r
Fig. 7 Simulation results of coduwdpowerj$er systcm under n o m 1 con-
U Load current
h Mains current
c Hybrid power filter current
-1001 a I
d Existing passive filter current a

150 160 170 180 190 200
-100I l
a b
Q Fig. 10 Sirnulation results of exiitlizg pussive power filter with neighbouring
izonlinear load
a Neighbouring harmonic current
b Existing passive power filter current

100 Q


- 60 I I

-100 a
150 160 170
180 190 200

Fig .,e
Simdation resdts of e-yisfingpassive JIter under parde/ resonance

n Load current -20

h Mains current b
c Existing passive power filter current
To observe the effect of neighbouring nonlinear load e
clearly, the compensating nonlinear load is removed. The 3

neighbouring nonlinear load is a phase-controlled rectifier. - 50

Figs. 10 and 11 show the effects of neighbouring harmonic 150 160 170 180 190 200
current before and after the hybrid power filter is applied. time,ms
From Fig. 10 it can be found that the neighbouring har- Fig.11 Sinzuhtion results of cotnhinedpowerjlter system with neiglhouring
monic current will result in resonance between the existing nonlkur load
power filters and mains impedance before the hybrid power u Mains current
h Hybrid power filter current
filter 1s applied. Fig. 11 shows that the hybrid power filter c Existing passive power filter current

IEE Proc -Gener Tiuiisni Disrrih Vol 148 N o I Junuar v 2001 13

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14 IEE Proc.-Grrier. Trunsrii. Distrih , Vol 148. No. I . Jonuury 2001

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