A New Active Interphase Reactor For 12-Pulse Rectifiers Provides Clean Power Utility Interface

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A New Active Interphase Reactor for 12-Pulse Rectifiers

Provides Clean Power Utility Interface

Sewan Choi* Prasad N Enjeti' Honghee Lee ** Ira J Pitel**'

*Power Electronics Laboratory **Dept. of Control and Instru. ** *Magna-Power Electronics

Dept. of Electrical Engineering University of Ulsan 85 Fulton st.
TexasA M University Ulsan, Korea Boonton, NJ 07005
College Station, TX 77843-3128 Tel:(0522) 78-2I87 Tel: (201)263-0017
Tel: (409)845-7466 Fa~:(O522)77-3419 F a : (201) 263-1928
F a : (409) 845-6259
E-mail: enjeti@eesunl.tamu.edu

Abstract - In this paper, a new active interphase

reactor for twelve-pulse diode rectifiers is proposed. The
proposed system draws near sinusoidal currents from the
utility. In this scheme, a low kVA ( 0.03 per unit ) active
current source injects a triangular current into an
interphase reactor of a twelve-pulse diode rectifier. The I L o r kVA 1
modification results in near sinusoidal input current with
less than 1%THD. It is further shown that a low kVA,
12-pulse system with an autotransformer arrangement
( kVA rating of 0.18 per unit ) can be implemented with
the proposed modification. The resulting system draws
clean power from the utility and is suitable for powering Rectifier U 1 I I- I Rectifier I
larger kVA ac motor drive systems. Detailed analysis of
the proposed scheme along with design equations is
illustrated. Simulation results verify the concept. Fig. 1 Circuit diagram of the proposed clean power utility
interface Scheme I. Current I, is near sinusoidal in shape
with less than 1% THD.
L Introduction
A number of methods have been proposed to overcome
Large harmonics, poor power factor and high total the presented problems 12-12]. One approach is to use a
harmonic distortion (THD) in the utility interface are standard twelve-pulse converter which r q i r e s two six-pulse
common problems when nonlinear loads such as adjustable converters connected via Y-A and Y-Y isolation
speed dnves, power supplies, induction heating systems, transformers. An interphase reactor is required to ensure the
UPS systems and aircraft converter systems are connected to independent operation of the two parallel-connected three-
the electric utility. In several cases, the interface to the phase diode bridge rectifiers. The operation of the standard
electric utility is processed with a three phase uncontrolled twelve-pulse converter results in the cancellation of the 5th
diode bridge recmer. Due to the nonlinear nature of the and 7th harmonics in the input utility line currents. To
load, the input line currents have si@cant harmonics. For increase the pulse number further to 18 or 24, additional
adjustable speed ac motor dnve systems with no dc-link diode bridge rectifiers along with complicated multiphase
smoothing inductor, the discontinuous conduction of the transformer arrangements become necessary, which adds to
diode bridge rectifier results in a high THD and can lead to the cost and complexity.
the malfunction of sensitive electronic equipment. The
recommended practice, IEEE 519, has evolved to maintain This paper proposes a new three-phase diode rectifier
utility power quality at acceptable levels [ 11. system which draws near sinusoidal input currents from the
three phase electric utility. Two possible ways for
implementation are shown and are called Schemes I and 11.

0-7803-3008-0195 $4.00 0 1995 IEEE 2468

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In Scheme I ( Fig. l), a A - Y isolation transformer of following selctions illustrate the proposed concept in more
0.52 per-unit capacity is employed. The interphase reactor detail.
and the line impedances LsI,Ls2 are designed such that stable
twelve-pulse operation is obtained with equal current 1.5
sharing. A low kVA( 0.03 per unit ) PWM-controlled active
current source, I, is now injected into the secondary winding
of the interphase reactor. It is shown via rigorous
mathematical modeling as well as computer simulations that
the exact shape of I, (Fig. 3 (a)) can be computed to alter the

utility line current I, to a perfect sinewave. It is further
shown that an approximation to the exact waveshape of I, is
a triangular wave (Fig. 4 (a)). Therefore by injecting a -1
triangular shaped current I, into the secondary winding of -0.5
the interphase reactor, near sinusoidal input line currents 0 7T -.-
flow in the utility line with less than 1% THD.
Fig. 2. Switching function Sal for Rectifier I
Fig. 6 shows the active interphase reactor
implementation in Scheme 11. In this scheme, an
autotransformer is employed to obtain 30 degree phase shift
between the two diode rectifiers. Two interphase reactors
A. Analysis of the proposed active interphase reactor -
Scheme I
now become necessary due to the absence of electrical
isolation [12]. The kVA rating of the proposed Fig. 1 shows the proposed active interphase reactor
autotransformer is 0.18 per unit. The resulting input current scheme I for a 12-pulse diode rectifier. In this section,
with thls approach is also near sinusoidal providing clean waveforms are analyzed to determine the relationship
power utility interface. between current I, and input currents I,, Ib and L. With I, =
0, input current I, can be shown to be [2,5],
Both of the topologies shown in Schemes I and I1 result
in h g h performance with reduced kVA components and
offer clean power utility interface suitable for powering
larger kVA ac motor drives. Detailed analysis of the
proposed schemes is discussed.
Equation (1:)describes a 12-pulse input line current with 5th
and 7th harmonics absent and
IL Proposed clean power utility interface - Scheme I 1
Id, :=I --I,
Fig. 1 shows the circuit diagram of the proposed scheme
to shape input line currents. The main transformer has
An active current I, is now injected into the secondary
delta-wye winding ( kVA rating of 0.52 per unit ) with a ,/?
winding of the interphase reactor as shown in Fig. 1. Fig. 8
to 1 turns ratio to maintain an equal per unit voltage. They shows the circuit topology for implementing this scheme.
are connected in such a way that the two diode bridge Analyzing lhe MMF relationship of the interphase reactor,
rectifiers have balanced sets of three-phase voltages with 30 we have,
degrees phase shift. The proposed system is identical to a
standard 12-pulse system except that the interphase reactor
has an additional winding. The additional winding is used to (3)
inject a low kVA PWM current source to shape input line
current. where Npand N,are the numbers of turns of the primary and
the secondaq windings of the interphase reactor. The load
With the PWM current source, I,, disabled (i.e. I, = 0) current Id is,,
the system operates as a standard 12-pulse rectSer providing
cancellation of the 5th and 7th harmonics in the input line I, :=I,, +Id2 (4)
currents, I,, Ib and I,. The active current source I, , when
injected into the interphase reactor (Fig. l), results in near From (3) and (4) we have,
sinusoidal input current with unity input power factor. The


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1 N
I,, = - ( I d ->Ix) Note I, is replaced by I,] ,where I,1 is the fundamental
2 NP rms component of I,. Therefore, equation (12) describes the
exact shape of I, for a given load current Id. Since input
I N power is equal to output power, we have
I --(I, +>Ix)
,‘-2 Np
&VJ,, = V,Id (13)
Fig. 2 shows switching function Sal for phase “a” of where v, = 1.35vuandVL, is the line to line rms voltage.
Rectifier-I shown in Fig. 1. The Fourier series expansion for Hence, from (13) we have,
Sa, is given by,

1 . 1 .
I a,, = 0.7794 I, (14)
- -sln7ot + -smllot+
7 11
Now, for input current I, to be sinusoidal, i.e.,
and for phase “b’ and “c”, the switching functions can be
written as, I, = &I1,,sinot (1‘

s,, = S,,L - 120” (7) Fig. 3 (a) shows the shape of I, for sinusoidal input current.
sc,= S,,L + 120”
B. Simulation results of the proposed approach
Similarly, the switching functions for Rectifier-I1 in Fig. 1
with a 30 degree phase shift are,

Sa, = S,,L - 30’

Sb2 = S,,L - 30”
S,, = S,,L-30°

The input currents for Rectifier I and I1 can now be

expressed in terms of switching functions as,
-1.5 -’!i ................................... ..........................................
(9) 0 7T 27c

0.4 /

Equation (1) can now be modified using ( 5 ) and the

1 .
4 1
switching functions described in (6)-( 10) as,
0 7c 27c
Fig. 3 (a) Injected current I, calculated from (12)
(b) Input line current I,(pure sinusoidal)
Equation (11) illustrates the relationship between I, and
input current I,. For input current I, to be sinusoidal,
The proposed active interphase reactor approach shown
in Fig. 1 is simulated on SABER and the results are
presented in this section. From Fig. 3 (a), it is apparent that
I, is near triangular in shape. Simpllfylng the injected
current I, to a triangular wave shape( Fig. 4(a) ) yelds a near
sinusoidal input current I, ( Fig. 4 (e)). Furthermore,


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generating a triangular injection current I, into the
secondary of the interphase reactor can be accomplished by
means of a PWM-controlled current source (Fig. 9). Fig. 4
(b) and (c) show the respective input currents of the rectifier
blocks I and I1 (Fig. 1) as a .result of the injected current I,.
Fig. 5 (a) and (b) show the dc output voltages Vdl and V,.
Fig. 5 (c) shows the voltage across the interphase reactor.

It should be noted that injecting active current I, ( Fig. 4

(a) ) which is triangular in shape yields near sinusoidal input
currents (Fig. 4 (e) ) of less than 1% THD. The kVA rating
of the injected current is small and is computed in the next

------ ,,I..(.,., U... ,.,.r,,.m I

( I , ii

Fig. 4 Simulation results for the proposed Scheme I ( Fig. 1)

(a) Injected current I, (b) Rectifier I input current I,,
(c) RecWier I1 input current Id (d) Input line current I,
(e) Frequency spectrum of I,


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I,,,, = E=
0.2887 per unit
The rms value of I, can be reduced by adjusting turns ratio
@I between
@& the primary
) and the secondary windings of
the interphase reactor.

From (21) and (22), the kVA rating of the injected current
source, kVAR, can be computed as,

Fig. 5 Simulation Results of Scheme I ( Fig. 1 )

(a) Rectifier I output voltage v d l From (13) the output power for the 12 pulse system in Fir
(b) Rectifier I1 output voltage V, is,
(c) Voltage across the interphase reactor V, = vd2-vdl
Po = V, . I d = 135 perunit (24)
C. kVA rating of the injected current source, I,
Therefore, the percentage kVA rating of the injected current
The line to line rms input voltage Vu and dc output source with respect to the output power becomes,
current Id is assumed to be 1 per unit. The voltage across the
interphase reactor V, ( see Fig. 1 ) can be expressed as,
kVA,, = * 100 (25)
v, = v,, - v,, . = 332(%)
Equation (25) shows that the kVA rating of the injected
Fig. 5 (a) and (b) show the waveshape of vdl and V,. current source I, is a small percentage of the output power.
Furthermore, v d l can be expressed in Fourier series as [3], This demonstrates the superior features of the proposed
scheme to realize a clean power utility interface.

DI. Proposed active interphase reactor-Scheme II

Output voltage V, is phase shifted by 30 degree. By
substituting (17) into (16), V, can be expressed as, In this section, Scheme I1 of the active interphase reactor
implementation is discussed. Fig. 6 shows the propos':t..
nx . nx . n(wt - -1x (18) clean power utility interface implementation wth an
V, =-5.4018V, __ cos-sin-sm autotransformer connection. Fig. 7 (a) shows the vector
1-6J2.18.. n' - 1 l2 12
From (18), the rms value of V, can be computed as, diagram of the delta type autotransformer. The proposed
autotransformer generates two three-phase sets of voltages
(19) displaced +15 degrees from the input supply ( Fig. 7 (a) ).
Vm,ms= 0.1553V, Fig. 7 @) shows the resulting autotransformer winding
The voltage across the interphase reactor secondary winding arrangement on a three-limb core. It has been shown [12]
V, is given by, that the kVA rating of the delta type autotransformer is 0.18
per unit.
V 'v = N Fig. 6 shows the resulting active interphase reactor
implementation with the autotransformer arrangement. A
Then, from (19) and (20) the rms value of V, is,
current source I, can now be injected such that the utility line
current ( I,, Ib and I, ) are near sinusoidal in shape. The
V,,,, = 0.1553VLL2. switching function analysis discussed in section 1I.A can be
NP repeated for Scheme I1 shown in Fig. 6. Input current I, can
be expressed as,
From the results in the previous section, the peak value of
the current I, of Fig. 4 (a) is 0.5 Id for N, / Np = 1.
Therefore, the rms value of I, for a triangular waveshape is,


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section employs low kVA magnetics and is currently
undergoing, active evaluation in the Power Electronics
Laboratory of Texas A&M University.

IV. Implementation of the active current source I.

Fig. 8 shows the circuit topology of the PWM-controlled
active current source for I, in Scheme I. A six pulse
injection ciurrent I, of triangular in shape ( Fig. 4 (a) ) is
generated with a PWM-controlled current source. Fig. 9
shows the block diagram of the P W M current loop.

ReeWiisr II Rectifier I

Fig. 6 Circuit diagram of the proposed clean power utility

interface Scheme I1

Rectifier If 1 1 '-
p--- Rectifier I

Fig. 8 Circuit diagram for implementation of the proposed


I I Amullfier ComDarntor

(b) Fig. 9 Block diagram of the current controlled PWM gating

Fig. 7 (a) Vector diagram of the delta-type autotransformer
signal generator.
connection (b) Autotransformer windings on a three
limb core

VL Conclusion
In this paper a new active interphase reactor for a
twelve-pulse rectifier system has been proposed. It has been
For the triangular-shaped injected current I, of Fig. 4 (a), the shown that by injecting a low kVA ( 0.03 per unit ) active
input line current I, ,expressed as (26), becomes near current source I, into the interphase reactor near sinusoidal
sinusoidal in shape and approximates that shown in Fig. 4 input currents with less than 1% THD can be obtained. It is
further shown that a low kVA twelve-pulse system with the
(e). The clean power rectifier Scheme I1 discussed in this
proposed active interphase reactor can be implemented with


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