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1. Using 'Tutelage' study the National Cyber Security Strategy of Bangladesh 2014
and solve the problems given in exercises.

1. Section 17-38 of Digital Security Act 2018 describe various Cyber related
offences. Please give at least one example for each kind of offences mentioned in
section 17-38 of Digital Security Act 2018. Please give due references, if it has
been taken from any electronic or print media.

1. Title: ….. …….

Mr. 'A' used the user name and password of another person 'B' (without
authorisation – therefore without right) in order to access computer system of
'XYZ company'. He then made copy of digital maps on a removable disc, finally he
deleted the digital maps on the hard disc. (Ref. Nil).

Punishment reference:
According to Section.... of the Digital Security Act 2018, 'A' made an offence of ....
, for which he can be punished for.....years... fine... or both.... for the first time. For
second time or repeated offence, he can be jailed for .... years, or fined for... or
both as per section.. of Digital Security Act.

As per Section... of Digital Security Act, the offence is cognizable, bailable and

2. Title: DB arrests 3 members of fraud gang who swindle Tk 10-15 lakh every

Detectives arrested three members of a fraud gang that swindled crores by running
an overseas job scam and other honey trap methods. "This gang used to swindle
around Tk 10-15 lakh every day by duping gullible people," said AKM Hafiz
Akhter, additional commissioner (DB) of Dhaka Metropolitan Police.
They have been active for the past six months and cheated crores of money. A
team of detectives of Lalbagh Division arrested the three during a raid in Dhaka's
Kalyanpur area yesterday following a complaint of one Hossain Ali Tonmoy.
Tonmoy reportedly was duped for a job in Canada and lost Tk 8 lakh to the gang.
The arrestees are Kabir Hossain, Shamsul Kabir, and Yeasin Ali. Detectives
claimed to have recovered 257 chequebooks of different banks and 234 debit cards
during the drive.
The arrestees told the detectives that they are paid employees of the gang run by a
"boss" who is still out.
Hafiz Akhter said the gang used to look for clients laying honey traps on social
media. They contacted their targets and befriended them on social networking sites
first, gaining trust gradually.
They used other tactics from time to time, including lottery wins, gifts from
abroad, overseas jobs, etc. They established trust by chatting with their targets over
a few months.
After convincing their target, they collect the money through the bank accounts
showing different causes. Gang members later deposited the money to the "boss".
The arrestees claimed he used to earn 25,000 to 30,000 per month, Hafiz said,
adding they are looking for the "boss" and other members of the gang. (Ref.

Punishment reference:
According to Section.... of the Digital Security Act 2018, 'A' made an offence of ....
, for which he can be punished for.....years... fine... or both.... for the first time. For
second time or repeated offence, he can be jailed for .... years, or fined for... or
both as per section.. of Digital Security Act.
As per Section... of Digital Security Act, the offence is cognisable, non-bailable
and compoundable.

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