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Lines and roles: On Governors

The time may have come for clarifying the role and functions of Governors

Signs of a confrontation between Raj Bhavan and the elected government in a State are not
infrequent in the country. The onus often appears to be on the Chief Ministers to avert a
constitutional crisis, as evidenced by Pinarayi Vijayan trying to buy peace with a miffed Governor, Arif
Mohammed Khan, rather than pursue a confrontational course, over several issues in recent times.
One way of seeing these developments is to attribute them to the appointment of those who have
been politically active in the recent past as Governors and the partisan role they play as agents of the
Centre. However, the problems may have to do with the way they understand their own powers.
Constrained by the ‘aid and advice’ clause in their routine functioning, some Governors seem to be
using the discretionary space available to them to keep regimes on tenterhooks. A Constitution
Bench of the Supreme Court laid down in 1974 that the President and Governor shall “exercise their
formal constitutional powers only upon and in accordance with the advice of their Ministers save in a
few well-known exceptional situations” — “situations” also illustratively listed. Yet, there is the
extraordinary situation of some Governors not acting upon requests to grant clemency or assent to
Bills; and, in one instance in Tamil Nadu, a reluctance to reserve for the President’s consideration a
Bill that expressly requires Presidential assent because of obvious conflict with a central law.

Much of the conflict arises due to the Constitution itself. It fixes no time-frame for the Governors to
act, and contains, in Article 163, an unusual power to choose what is in their discretion and what is
not, with the courts being barred from inquiring into whether any advice and, if so, what advice was
given. The Sarkaria Commission on Centre-State relations recommended no change in this scheme,
but it is time it is revisited. While as the ‘lynchpin’ of the constitutional apparatus, Governors indeed
have a duty to defend the Constitution and encourage or caution the elected regime, the impression
that Governors are not obliged to heed Cabinet advice persists in some areas. At a time when
regional political forces are actively seeking to be heard by the Centre, it may be time that the
provisions relating to the Governor’s role are amended. Identifying areas of discretion, fixing a time-
frame for them to act, and making it explicit that they are obliged to go by Cabinet advice on dealing
with Bills can be considered. Regarding Bills, it is clear that the Constituent Assembly passed the
provision for Governors to return Bills for reconsideration only on the express assurance that they
have no discretion at all. In addition, as suggested by the M.M. Punchhi Commission, ending the
practice of burdening Governors with the office of Chancellor in universities should also be
considered. [Practice Exercise]

 Red/blue coloring of words in the sentence indicates subject verb relationship; where ‘Red’
denotes ‘Subject’ and ‘Blue’ denotes ‘verb’.

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1. Lines (noun) – Position, rank challenging, aggressive, provocative

2. Confrontation (noun) – Hostility, conflict,

clash, battle, skirmish -
14. Course (noun) – Route, approach, way,
3. Raj Bhavan (noun) – Raj Bhavan is the path, course of action
official residence of the governor
15. Development (noun) – Event, happening,
4. Infrequent (adjective) – Rare, uncommon, occurrence, incident
occasional, irregular /
16. Attribute (verb) – Ascribe, assign, accredit,
5. Onus (noun) – Responsibility, Burden, attach
obligation, duty /
17. Partisan (adjective) – Biased, one-sided,
6. Often (adverb) – Frequently, repeatedly, prejudiced, Parochial, Opinionated
habitually, regularly

7. Avert (verb) – Prevent, stop, avoid, 18. Constrain (verb) – Oblige, compel; restrain,
forestall, deter, obviate confine, restrict, constrict, inhibit

8. Evidence (verb) – Show, demonstrate,

evince, proof, verify, corroborate, make
19. Aid (noun) – Assistance, help, support,
9. Buy (verb) – Acquire, procure, obtain, get
20. Functioning (noun) – Performance,
Implementation, execution, Performing,

10. Miffed (adjective) – Annoyed, peeved, operation.

displeased, chagrined, bothered, irked,
21. Discretionary (adjective) – Optional,
unrestricted /

11. Rather than (phrase) – Instead of

22. Space (noun) – Freedom, liberty, leeway

12. Pursue (verb) – Follow, engage in, carry

out, take up
23. Regime (noun) – Government,

13. Confrontational (adjective) – establishment, system

Argumentative, Quarrelsome, hostile,

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24. On tenterhooks (noun) – In suspense, 35. Obvious (adjective) – Clear,

nervous, apprehensive, on edge, agitated, understandable, palpable, noticeable,
anxious apparent, evident, observable

25. Lay down (phrasal verb) – Set down, write

36. Article 163 (noun) – Deals with Council of
down, formulate , stipulate Ministers to aid and advise Governor

26. Exercise (verb) – Use, implement, apply, 37. Discretion (noun) – Option, choice,
put into effect preference

27. Well-known (adjective) – famous, 38. Bar (verb) – Prohibit, forbid, stop, restrain,
renowned, eminent, familiar, recognized prevent, restrict

39. Sarkaria commission (noun) – The Sarkaria

28. Illustratively (adverb) – explanatorily, Commission was set up in 1983 by the
elucidatorily, expository central government of India. The Sarkaria
Commission was set up to examine and
29. Act on/upon (phrasal verb) – comply with, review the working of the existing
act in accordance with, follow, go along arrangements between the Union and
with. States in regard to powers, functions and
30. Clemency (noun) – Mercy, leniency,
forgiveness, pity, compassion, kindness 40. Revisit (verb) – Reconsider, reexamine,
reassess, reevaluate, rethink

31. Assent (noun) – Acceptance, approbation,

nod, approval, sanction, consent 41. Lynchpin (noun) – A person or thing vital
to an enterprise or organization; Fulcrum,
32. Instance (noun) – Example, case,
cornerstone, essential, perquisite, kingpin.
occurrence, illustration, occasion, case in
point 42. Apparatus (noun) – system, method,
mechanism, organization, machine,
33. Reluctance (noun) – Unwillingness, machinery
disinclination, foot-dragging, hesitancy
43. Indeed (adverb) – Certainly, actually, in
reality /
34. Consideration (noun) – Thought,
deliberation, reflection, contemplation 44. Impression (noun) – Feeling, Idea, notion,
thought, sense

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45. Oblige (verb) – require, compel, bind, 52. Go by (phrasal verb) – follow, obey, abide
make, constrain, obligate, force, put under by, adhere to
an obligation, ,
53. Consider (verb) – Contemplate, ponder,
46. Heed (verb) – Pay attention to, listen to, ruminate, think
take note of, observe
54. Reconsideration (noun) – Review,
47. Persist (verb) – Endure, continue, carry on, reexamination, reassessment, reevaluation

48. Political force (noun) – Political party 55. In addition (phrase) – Furthermore,
moreover, additionally
49. Seek (verb) – Try, attempt, endeavour
56. M.M Punchhi Commission (noun) – The
Punchhi Commission was constituted by
50. Amend (verb) – Alter, adjust, modify,
the Government of India in 2007 as a
change, correct, make changes Commission on Centre-State relations. It
was chaired by Justice Madan Mohan
Punchhi who was formerly the Chief
51. Explicit (adjective) – Clear, obvious, overt, Justice of India.

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Practice Exercise
Direction (Q1 – Q3): Select the best express synonym of the highlighted words. [Editorial]
1. Signs of a confrontation between Raj Bhavan and the elected government in a State are not
infrequent in the country.
A. Inundate
B. Proprietary
C. Insular
D. Uncommon
2. As evidenced by Pinarayi Vijayan trying to buy peace with a miffed Governor, Arif Mohammed
A. Perturbed
B. Engender
C. Peripatetic
D. Terse
3. Those who have been politically active in the recent past as Governors and the partisan role
they play as agents of the Centre.
A. Strife
B. Prejudiced
C. Congenial
D. Avuncular
Direction (Q4 – Q5): Select the antonym of the highlight word referred in the sentence.
4. One way of seeing these developments is to attribute them to the appointment of those
A. Bureaucracy
B. Arcane
C. Extricate
D. Definitive
5. Some Governors seem to be using the discretionary space available to them to keep regimes
on tenterhooks
A. Dilettante
B. Obligatory
C. Dormant
D. Genteel
Direction (Q6 – Q10): Spot the grammatical error in the given sentence [Answer]
6. The administrator has conclusive (A)/ that it is retailers who are (B)/ responsible for upsetting
(C)/ the city's household budgets.(D) /No Error (E)
7. The assurance, unfortunately, (A)/ remained on paper, (B)/ as neither the centre or the state
initiated steps (C)/ for the development of the backward region. (D) /No Error (E)
8. Sediment deposit along the coast (A)/ may be the primary reason for (B)/ the change in
conditions, (C)/ but a lot more remains to be understand. (D) /No Error (E)
9. A committee will be set up (A)/ to explore the pros and cons by (B)/ a common fee structure,
and will (C)/ take a final decision on it within a week. (D) /No Error (E)

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10. The infection which causes (A)/ gums to bleed and teeth to fall out (B)/ results from the build-
up of (C)/ a particular bacteria that is common to most mouths. (D) /No Error (E)
Cloze test based on Editorial: Kicked out [Answer]
It remains unclear if the IOC indirectly forced FIFA’s hand, but it has ________11__________ the
debate whether athletes should pay the price for the ________12_________ of their political
leadership. The IOC, unlike a few individual sporting bodies, has often sought to shield clean
sportspersons from becoming collateral damage, a position it took in the doping scandal too. It based
the recent ban recommendation on the need to ensure a level playing field, a
________13__________Olympic ideal. If Russians can move freely to sporting competitions while
Ukrainians cannot because of the continuing siege at home, it militates against this principle of
fairness. The toughest strictures were instead reserved for Russian officials, including President
Vladimir Putin, who was _______14_________ of the Olympic Order (the highest award of the
Olympic movement) for violating the Olympic Truce, adopted by the UN General Assembly on
December 2 and in force until March 20, seven days after the Beijing Winter Paralympics ends.
11 A. Vitiated B. Burgeoned
C. Resurrected D. Censured
12. A. Rogues B. Machinations
C. Respites D. Finesses

13. A. Sacrosanct B. Replete

C. Penitent D. Luminous

14. A. Stripped B. Castigated

C. Forgone D. Abhorred

15. Para Jumble based on Editorial: Kicked out

P. and Spartak Moscow’s Europa League contest against Germany’s RB Leipzig.
Q. from its competitions until further notice is the most severe of sporting sanctions imposed
in the backdrop of the Russia-Ukraine crisis.
R. The immediate casualties will be Russia’s Qatar 2022 World Cup playoff match against
Poland this month,
S. World football’s governing body FIFA ejecting all Russian teams, national representatives or
club sides,
T. and a prospective qualifier against Sweden or the Czech Republic,
U. The announcement was coordinated with European football’s controlling organisation
UEFA, making the ban applicable at the continental level too.

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1. D 2. A 3. B 4. C 5.B 6.A 7.C 8.D 9.B 10.D 11.C 12.B 13.A
14. A 15. D [Practice exercise] [Cloze test]
6. (A) conclusive' 'concluded' 'has' V3 औ
Verb 'conclude’ ( , ) V 2
V 3
'concluded' ,
औ 'conclude' Adjective 'conclusive' ( ) ; -

(i) He produced a conclusive evidence.

(ii) She has concluded that nothing is wrong with her car.
ू री बात की 'has conclusive’ के बदऱे 'has come to the conclusion' का प्रयोग भी ककया जा
सकता है ; जैस-े
(iii) She has come to the conclusion that nothing is wrong with her car.

7. (C) ‘or’ के बदऱे 'nor' का प्रयोग होता क्योंकक 'neither... nor का प्रयोग होता है ।

8. (D) 'understand' के बदऱे 'understood' का प्रयोग होगा क्योंकक Passive Voice में To Be + V3
का प्रयोग होता है; जैस-े
a. This letter is to be posted.
b. This house has to be demolished.
9. (B) ‘by’ के बदऱे 'of' का प्रयोग होगा क्योंकक 'pros and cons' का अर्थ 'समर्थन व ववपऺ में तकथ’
होता है और इसके सार् Preposition ‘of' का प्रयोग होता है ; जैस-े
a. She considered well the pros and cons of the case.
10. (D) Plural Noun 'bacteria' के बदऱे Singular Noun 'bacterium' का प्रयोग होगा क्योकक Article
'a' का प्रयोग Singular Countable Noun के पहऱे होता है ।
11. Resurrect (verb) – revive, restore, revitalize, resuscitate
12. Machination (noun) – plots, intrigues, conspiracies, tricks, manoeuvres /
13. Sacrosanct (adjective) – sacred, hallowed, respected, inviolable
14. Strip (verb) – take away from, dispossess, deprive
15. World football’s governing body FIFA ejecting all Russian teams, national
representatives or club sides, from its competitions until further notice is the most
severe of sporting sanctions imposed in the backdrop of the Russia-Ukraine crisis. The
announcement was coordinated with European football’s controlling organisation UEFA,
making the ban applicable at the continental level too. The immediate casualties will
be Russia’s Qatar 2022 World Cup playoff match against Poland this month, and a

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prospective qualifier against Sweden or the Czech Republic, and Spartak Moscow’s
Europa League contest against Germany’s RB Leipzig.
Explanation in English
6. (A) 'concluded' will be used instead of 'concluded' because 'has' takes V 3 for itself
and the V2 and V3 forms of Verb 'conclude' are 'concluded', and 'conclude' The
adjective form of ' is 'conclusive'; like-
(i) He produced a conclusive evidence.
(ii) She has concluded that nothing is wrong with her car.
Secondly, 'has come to the conclusion' can also be used instead of 'has conclusive';
(iii) She has come to the conclusion that nothing is wrong with her car.
7. (C) 'nor' is used instead of 'or' because 'neither... nor' is used.
8. (D) 'understood' will be used instead of 'understand' because To Be + V 3 is used in
Passive Voice; like-
i. This letter is to be posted.
ii. This house has to be demolished.
9. (B) 'of' will be used instead of 'by' because 'pros and cons' means 'argument in
support and opposition' and with it the preposition 'of' is used; like-
i. She considered well the pros and cons of the case.

10.(D) Singular Noun 'bacterium' will be used instead of Plural Noun 'bacteria' because
Article 'a' is used before Singular Countable Noun.

Explanation of other important words

Sr.NO Words Meanings
Q1 Inundate verb To flood; to cover completely with water;
to overwhelm
Proprietary adjective Characteristics of an owner of property;
constituting property
Insular adjective Like an island; isolated

Q2 Engender verb To bring into existence; to create; to ,


Peripatetic adjective Wandering; travelling continually

Terse adjective Using no unnecessary words; succinct

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Q3 Strife noun Bitter conflict; Discord; a struggle or clash

Congenial adjective Agreeably suitable; pleasant ,

Avuncular adjective Like an uncle, especially a nice uncle
Q4 Bureaucracy noun A system of government administration
consisting of numerous bureaus or
offices, especially one run according to
inflexible and inefficient rule.
Arcane adjective Mysterious; known only to a select few ,
Definitive adjective Conclusive; providing the last word ,
Q5 Dilettante noun Someone with superficial knowledge of - ,
the arts; an amateur; a dabbler
Dormant adjective Inactive; as though asleep; asleep

Genteel adjective Refined; polite; aristocratic; affecting , ,

Q11 Vitiate verb To make impure; to pollute
Burgeon verb To expand; to flourish , फ

Censure verb To condemn severely for being something

Q12 Rogue noun Criminally dishonest person; a scoundrel
Respite noun A period of rest or relief
Finesse noun Skillful maneuvering; subtlety; craftiness , ,

Q13 Replete adjective Completely filled; abounding

Penitent adjective Sorry; repentant; contrite
Luminous adjective Giving off light; glowing; bright
Q14 Castigate verb To criticize severely; to chastise फ ,
Forgo verb To do without; to forbear , ,

Abhor verb To hate very, very much; to detest

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