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Journal of Applied Microbiology ISSN 1364-5072


Seed-borne endophytic Bacillus velezensis LHSB1 mediate

the biocontrol of peanut stem rot caused by Sclerotium
L. Chen , Y.D. Wu, X.Y. Chong, Q.H. Xin, D.X. Wang and K. Bian
Collaborative Innovation Center of Henan Grain Crops, Henan Collaborative Innovation Center of Grain Storage and Security, Henan University of
Technology, Zhengzhou, China

Keywords Abstract
Bacillus velezensis, biocontrol, peanut,
sclerotia, Sclerotium rolfsii, seed endophyte, Aims: This study aimed to obtain an antagonistic endophyte against
stem rot. Sclerotium rolfsii from peanut seeds, evaluate the biocontrol efficacy towards
peanut stem rot and explore its antifungal mechanism against S. rolfsii.
Correspondence Methods and Results: Thirty-seven endophytic bacteria were isolated from
Liang Chen, Collaborative Innovation Center
peanut seeds, six of which exhibited stronger antagonistic activities against S.
of Henan Grain Crops, Henan Collaborative
rolfsii (inhibition rate, IR of hyphae growth ≥70%). Strain LHSB1, the
Innovation Center of Grain Storage and
Security, Henan University of Technology, strongest antagonistic strain, was identified as Bacillus velezensis. LHSB1
Zhengzhou 450001, China. showed 938% of radial growth inhibition of S. rolfsii hyphae and exhibited
E-mail: obvious antagonistic activity against another six pathogenic fungi of peanut.
Pot experiments showed two different LHSB1 treatments both significantly
2019/1679: received 20 August 2019, revised reduced the disease incidence and severity of stem rot (P < 005) compared to
12 October 2019 and accepted 30 October
the controls, and the biocontrol efficacy reached 626–708%, significantly
higher than that of Carbendazim control (P < 005). Further analyses revealed
doi:10.1111/jam.14508 LHSB1 culture filtrate significantly inhibited sclerotia formation and
germination, caused the abnormalities and membrane integrity damage of S.
rolfsii hyphae, which might be the possible mode of action of LHSB1 against S.
rolfsii. Three antifungal lipopeptides bacillomycin A, surfactin A and fengycin
A, were detected in LHSB1 culture extracts by UPLC-ESI-MS, which could be
responsible for the biocontrol activity of LHSB1 against S. rolfsii.
Conclusion: Our results suggested that the seed-borne endophytic B. velezensis
LHSB1 would be a tremendous potential agent for the biocontrol of peanut
stem rot caused by S. rolfsii.
Significance and Impact of the Study: This comprehensive study provides a
candidate endophytic biocontrol strain and reveals its antifungal mechanism
against S. rolfsi. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that seed-
borne endophytic B. velezensis was used as the biocontrol agent to control
peanut stem rot.

worldwide, and has become increasingly serious in recent

years (Bowen et al. 1992; Le et al. 2012a). In China, stem
Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) is one of the most impor- rot occurs in most peanut-producing areas, with the inci-
tant sources of food, feed and edible oil in the world dence rate ranging from 10 to 50% and yield losses rang-
(Sobolev et al. 2013). But it is very susceptible to many ing from 50 to 100% (Chen et al. 2018a); In central
diseases, especially soil-borne diseases caused by fungi (Le Vietnam, 5–25% of peanut plants were infected by S. rolf-
et al. 2012a). Of these, stem rot caused by Sclerotium rolf- sii (Le et al. 2012b). Disastrously, S. rolfsii is very difficult
sii Sacc. is the most common disease of peanut to control, as it has more than 500 plant hosts and

Journal of Applied Microbiology 128, 803--813 © 2019 The Society for Applied Microbiology 803
Seed-borne endophyte biocontrol peanut stem rot L. Chen et al.

produces amounts of sclerotia which overwinter in the borne biocontrol strain and revealed its action mecha-
soil and causes disease in the following season (Mehan nisms against S. rolfsii.
et al. 1994; Le et al. 2018). Sclerotium rolfsii causes serious
diseases in peanut and many other plants, until now the
Materials and Methods
control methods are limited or not effective (Mehan
et al. 1994; Le et al. 2018). Few resistant cultivars against
S. rolfsii are commercially available (Branch and Brene-
man 2009); applying chemical fungicides causes many Sclerotium rolfsii, Aspergillus niger, Diplodia gossypina and
serious problems such as fungicide residue, pathogen Fusarium oxysporum used in this study were kindly pro-
resistance and environmental pollution (Le et al. 2012b). vided by the Institute of Plant Protection, Henan Acad-
Hence, we are in urgent need of an effective and eco- emy of Agricultural Sciences, other fungi were
friendly control method against S. rolfsii. maintained by College of Bioengineering, Henan Univer-
In recent years, using microbial strains to control S. sity of Technology.
rolfsii has attracted much attention, several strains were
isolated and showed great potential against S. rolfsii in
Isolation of endophytic bacteria from peanut seeds
peanut or other crops by antagonism, mycoparasitism,
plant growth promotion, fungal cell wall degradation or Endophytic bacteria were isolated from peanut seeds by
induced systemic resistance (ISR) (Kishore et al. 2005; referring to the method by Gao et al. (2017) with some
Rakh et al. 2011; Singh and Gaur 2016; Hirpara et al. modifications. Firstly, skinless peanut seeds were surface
2017; Sahu et al. 2019). For example, Pseudomonas mon- sterilized through immersion in 75% ethanol for 3 min,
teilii 9 was reported to decrease the incidence of S. rolfsii 3% sodium hypochlorite for 6 min and 75% ethanol for
up to 455–667% in peanut by producing phenazine-1- 30 s, then rinsed three times with sterile water. The effect
carboxylic acid, 4-diacetylphloroglucinol and pyrrolnitrin of surface sterilization was checked by spreading the final
(Rakh et al. 2011); Trichoderma virens NBAII Tvs12 was rinse water (200 ll) on nutrient agar (NA) plates and
shown to significantly inhibit the infection of S. rolfsii culturing at 35°C for 36 h. Then five sterilized peanut
towards groundnut through antibiosis and mycopara- seeds were mashed aseptically with 15 ml sterile PBS buf-
sitism (Hirpara et al. 2017) and Singh and Gaur (2016) fer, and the mashed sample was diluted and plated onto
revealed that endophytic Actinomycetes reduced the mor- NA plates. After culturing for 48 h, colonies of different
tality (42–75%) of chickpea relying on the antagonistic morphologies were selected to streak on NA plate to
and plant growth-promoting activities against S. rolfsii; check the purity. Then the isolate was maintained on a
Kishore et al. (2005) reported that Pseudomonas aerugi- NA slant at 4°C.
nosa reduced the mortality of groundnut seedlings by 54–
58% by inhibiting the plant cell wall–degrading enzymes
Screening of antagonistic endophytes against S. rolfsii
of S. rolfsii; endophytic Bacillus sp. 2P2 was reported for
its suppressive potential against S. rolfsii by eliciting ISR Plate confrontation method (Shan et al. 2013) was
of tomato (Sahu et al. 2019). employed to screening antagonistic strains against S. rolf-
Plant endophytes can thrive inside plant tissues, there- sii from the endophytes. Briefly, S. rolfsii was precultured
fore, they are of particular superiorities in disease sup- on a PDA plate at 28°C for 5 days. Then a 5-mm-diame-
pression, bacteria colonization, plant growth promotion ter plug taken from S. rolfsii was placed at the centre of a
(Truyens et al. 2015; Afzal et al. 2019). During the past 90-mm-diameter PDA plate, and the endophyte
decades, the isolation and application of biocontrol endo- was inoculated to the same plate with 25 mm away from
phytes from different parts of various plants was widely plate centre. For control treatment, only the S. rolfsii plug
reported (Shahzad et al. 2016; Afzal et al. 2019). How- was placed on the PDA plate. All plates were cultured at
ever, the endophytic bacteria from plant seeds are less 28°C until the fungus in control plate grew to full plate.
reported (Shahzad et al. 2016). In this study, we obtained Antagonistic activity of endophytes was evaluated by the
an efficient antagonistic endophyte LHSB1 against S. rolf- IR, which was calculated using the formula below:
sii from peanut seeds, investigated the effects of LHSB1 ðD  5Þ  ðd  5Þ
on hyphal growth, sclerotial formation and germination IRð%Þ ¼  100
of S. rolfsii, and revealed the effect of LHSB1 culture fil-
trate on structure and membrane integrity of S. rolfsii where D is the diameter of S. rolfsii that grew in the PDA
hyphae. We also evaluated the control efficiency of plate with the absence of endophyte, d is the diameter of
LHSB1 against S. rolfsii under greenhouse conditions. S. rolfsii with the presence of endophyte, the 5 is the
This comprehensive study provided a candidate seed- diameter of the inoculated plug of S. rolfsii. The

804 Journal of Applied Microbiology 128, 803--813 © 2019 The Society for Applied Microbiology
L. Chen et al. Seed-borne endophyte biocontrol peanut stem rot

endophytes showing the stronger antagonistic activity the seeds were subsequently soaked in LHSB1 culture
against S. rolfsii were selected for further studies. broth (5 9 108 CFU per ml) for 30 min, while for other
treatments, the seeds were soaked in sterile water for
30 min instead. Then the seeds of four treatments were
Bacterial identification
transferred to Petri dishes for germinating 12 h, subse-
Morphological analysis, physiological analysis and molec- quently sown in pots containing 150 g of sterilized sandy
ular identification were used for endophyte identification. soil. After sowing for 14 days, peanut seedlings with con-
Morphological and physiological analyses were conducted sistent growth were chosen for pot experiments. Two bar-
according to the previous methods (Chen et al. 2019) ley seeds infected by S. rolfsii were inoculated to the base
and included analyses of cell shape, colony characteristics, of peanut seedlings stem. Then each seedling root was
carbon source utilization, starch hydrolysis, gelatin lignifi- irrigated with 50 ml of respective treatment solutions
cation, glucose fermentation, oxidase reactions and (sterile water for blank control, 1000-fold dilution of
nitrate reduction; molecular identification was carried out 50% Carbendazim for fungicide control, LHSB1 culture
by 16S rDNA sequencing (Chen et al. 2019). Briefly, bac- broth (5 9 108 CFU per ml) for LHSB1 treatment A and
terial DNA was extracted using a commercial genome LHSB1 culture broth (5 9 108 CFU per ml) for LHSB1
DNA extraction kit (Tiangen, Beijing, China), and a pair treatment B) respectively. Each treatment had 10 pots
of universal primers for bacteria (27F, 1492R) was used and repeated in triplicates. All pots were kept at 28°C in
for the amplification of 16S rDNA. PCR was performed a sunlight greenhouse and watered regularly. After
in 25 µl volumes under the following conditions: 95°C 28 days, all plants were uprooted, washed in running tap
for 3 min, 30 cycles at 95°C for 50 s, 568°C for 50 s and water to remove soils and investigated for disease inci-
72°C for 2 min, followed by a final extension at 72°C for dence.
10 min. Then the PCR product was sent to Sangon Bio- The disease severity was graded according to the fol-
tech Co., Ltd. (Shanghai, China) for sequencing. The lowing severity levels, 0 for no stem lesion, 1 for small
sequence obtained was compared for homology with the stem lesion (<25% of the stem circumference girdled), 2
reference sequences in GenBank using BLASTN 2.10.0+, and for moderate stem lesion (26–50% of stem circumference
the neighbour-joining phylogenetic tree was constructed girdled), 4 for large stem lesion (>51% of stem circum-
using MEGA X based on the 16s rDNA sequence. ference girdled) and 5 for dead plant (stem completely
girdled) (Fery and Dukes 2002). The disease incidence
rate (DIR), disease index (DI) and control efficacy (CE)
Bacterial culture
were calculated as follows (Li et al. 2019):
The endophyte was firstly cultured for 48 h at 33°C and n
175 rev min1 in a 500-ml flask containing 175 ml of DIR ð%Þ ¼  100;
Landy medium (Chen et al. 2018b) to obtain the culture P5
i¼1 ðNi  iÞ
broth. Then, bacterial cells were removed by centrifuga- DI ¼  100;
N 5
tion at 4°C and 10 000 g for 15 min, the supernatant was DIck  DIt
collected. Through filtration with a sterile 022-lm mem- CEð%Þ ¼  100
brane, the culture filtrate was obtained and maintained at
4°C for further use. where N is the total number of investigated plants, n the
number of infected plants, Ni the number of infected
plants at a certain severity level, i the certain severity
Pot experiments level, 5 the highest severity level, DIck is the disease index
To evaluate the efficiency of the seed-borne endophyte to in control, DIt = disease index in treatment.
control peanut stem rot, pot experiments were carried
out under greenhouse conditions. Peanut cultivar HY25,
Sclerotia formation and germination inhibition tests
one of the most widely grown cultivars in China, was
used. Four different treatments including blank control To determine the effect of bacterial culture filtrate on
(sterile water), fungicide control (Carbendazim), LHSB1 sclerotia formation of S. rolfsii, bacterial culture filtrate
treatment A (irrigating seedling root with LHSB1 culture was mixed with PDA media in the proportion 1 : 4 (v/v)
broth) and LHSB1 treatment B (soaking peanut seed and before pouring into 90-mm-diameter plates. Equivalent
irrigating seedling root with LHSB1 culture broth) were sterile water mixed with PDA media served as control.
employed. Briefly, peanut seeds were surface sterilized as After solidification, a 5-mm-diameter plug of S. rolfsii
described above, then the sterilized seeds were immersed was inoculated at the centre of the plate and cultured at
in sterile water for 4 h at 28°C. For LHSB1 treatment B, 28°C. After 30 days, mature sclerotia were picked,

Journal of Applied Microbiology 128, 803--813 © 2019 The Society for Applied Microbiology 805
Seed-borne endophyte biocontrol peanut stem rot L. Chen et al.

counted, dried to constant weight under 60°C and endophyte (Chen et al. 2018b). Briefly, bacterial culture
weighed. Each treatment was repeated three times, each filtrate was adjusted to pH 2 by the addition of 6 mol l1
replicate contained 10 plates. HCl. After precipitation overnight at 4°C, the precipitate
To evaluate the effect of bacterial culture filtrate on was collected by centrifugation (4°C, 12 000 g, 15 min)
sclerotia germination of S. rolfsii, bacterial culture filtrate and extracted with methanol three times. Methanol
was mixed with PDA media in the proportion 1 : 4 (v/v) extracts were collected, filtered and evaporated to one-
before pouring into 90-mm-diameter plates. Equivalent tenth under vacuum. Then 5 ll of the above aliquot was
sterile water mixed with PDA media served as control. injected to UPLC system (C18 column, 100 9 21 mm,
The sclerotia were surface sterilized through immersion 17 µm) for separation, monitoring at 205 nm with a
in 75% ethanol for 3 min, 3% sodium hypochlorite for flow rate of 300 ll min1. Water (A) and acetonitrile
6 min, and 75% ethanol for 30 s, then rinsed three times (B), both containing 01% Formic acid (v/v), were used
with sterile water. Then 10 surface-sterilized sclerotia as mobile phases, elution gradient was 95%A/5%B to 5%
were transferred to the prepared plate, the number of A/95%B within 60 min. The following MS operational
germinated sclerotia was recorded and the IR was calcu- parameters referred to the previous study (Chen et al.
lated after 24, 48 and 72 h. Each treatment was repeated 2018b).
three times, each replicate contained five plates.
Statistical analysis
Effect of bacterial culture filtrate on cell membrane
Each experiment was carried out at least three times. All
integrity of S. rolfsii
data were expressed as mean  SD and analysed by one-
Propidium iodide (PI) staining was employed to assess the way analysis of variance at the 5% level. Statistical differ-
effect of bacterial culture filtrate to cell membrane integrity ences between treatments were analysed by Duncan’s
of S. rolfsii (Xu et al. 2019). PI, a red fluorescent nuclear multiple-range test at 5% significance level.
and chromosome dye, is not membrane permeable, mak-
ing it useful to assess cell membrane integrity. Briefly, five
plugs of S. rolfsii were inoculated into a 250-ml flask con-
taining 50 ml of Czapek’s medium. After culturing for
Selection of antagonistic endophytes against S. rolfsii
12 h at 28°C, 10 ml fungal broth was centrifuged for
10 min under 4°C and 7500 g, the hyphae were collected, A total of 37 endophytic bacteria were isolated from pea-
washed twice with sterile water and resuspended with 1 ml nut seeds, six of those showed stronger antagonistic activ-
normal saline. Two hundred microlitres of hyphae suspen- ity in vitro against S. rolfsii (IR ≥70%) (Fig. 1). Among
sion was mixed with 800 µl of enzyme solution containing the six, strain LHSB1 was most effective in suppressing
10% snailase and 10% cellulose. After exposure for 1 h at the radial growth of S. rolfsii hyphae with a 938% IR,
37°C, the hyphae were collected through centrifugation, and exhibited a 20-mm-width inhibition zone against S.
washed and resuspended with 18 ml bacterial culture fil- rolfsii (Fig. 1). Additionally, as shown in Table 1, LHSB1
trate. 18 ml normal saline served as the control. After also exhibited significant antagonistic activity against
exposure for 6 h at 28°C, the hyphae were collected, another six pathogenic fungi which also cause the
washed and resuspended with 1 ml normal saline. For PI destructive diseases of peanut (Pal et al. 2014), indicating
staining, 20 µl PI solution (1 mg ml1) was added to 1 ml LHSB1 has the great potential in the control of peanut
hyphae suspension to staining in the dark for 30 min. fungal diseases.
After that, the hyphae were centrifugated, rinsed and
observed using a confocal laser scanning microscope
Identification of the seed-borne endophyte LHSB1
(FV3000, Olympus, Tokyo, Japan).
The cells of strain LHSB1 are rods, Gram-positive, pre-
sent singly or in pairs, with central spore. On NA plate,
Detection and identification of antifungal metabolites
LHSB1 forms creamy white and surface rough colonies
To explore the antifungal basis against S. rolfsii in the with irregular edge. Strain LHSB1 is chemo-organ-
seed-borne endophyte, an ultra-high liquid chromatogra- otrophic, produce oxidase and catalase, hydrolyse starch,
phy (UPLC, Ultimate 3000; Thermo, Bremen, Germany) gelatin, casein and blood, and produce acids with fruc-
coupled with high-resolution electrospray ionization tose, glucose, maltose, mannitol, mannose, ribose,
(ESI) mass spectrometer (MS, Q Exactive Orbitrap, sucrose. The 16S rDNA sequence of strain LHSB1
Thermo) was employed for the detection and identifica- (1449 bp) was obtained and deposited in GenBank (ac-
tion of antifungal metabolites from the seed-borne cession number MN044879), showing 9972% homology

806 Journal of Applied Microbiology 128, 803--813 © 2019 The Society for Applied Microbiology
L. Chen et al. Seed-borne endophyte biocontrol peanut stem rot

(a) (b)


Inhibition rate (%)





Figure 1 Selection of antagonistic endophytes from peanut seeds against Sclerotium rolfsii. (a) Without the inoculation of LHSB1, Sclerotium rolf-
sii overgrew the PDA plate. (b) In the presence of LHSB1 inoculation, the radial growth of S. rolfsii was significantly inhibited, showing an obvious
inhibition zone between fungal colony and bacterial colony. (c) Six peanut endophytes, showing stronger antagonistic activity in vitro against S.
rolfsii ( ) inhibition rate ≥70%), were obtained. Error bar represents the standard error of means of replicates. [Colour figure can be viewed at]

to Bacillus velezensis strain Y9 (GenBank accession num- that of the fungicide control, reaching 626 and 708%
ber MH394318) and 9993% homology to B. velezensis respectively (P < 005). The results indicated that strain
strain CBv_BE1 (GenBank accession number LHSB1 has great potential to be used as a biocontrol
MH788975). Based on the 16s rDNA sequence, a neigh- agent to control peanut stem rot caused by S. rolfsii.
bour-joining phylogenetic tree was constructed, clearly Incidentally, the biocontrol efficacy of LHSB1 treat-
showing strain LHSB1 was closely related to B. velezensis ment B significantly increased by 208% compared with
strains (Fig. 2). Collectively, the seed-borne endophyte LHSB1 treatment A. It can be inferred that soaking seed
LHSB1 should be identified as a member of B. velezensis. provided an opportunity for the seed-borne endophyte
LHSB1 into the peanut in advance, so as to form early
protection against the diseases. The DIR of LHSB1 treat-
Biocontrol of peanut stem rot under greenhouse
ment B significantly decreased from (608  24)% to
(412  22)% compared to LHSB1 treatment A, thereby
As shown in Table 2, compared to sterile water control verifying the above inference. The result suggested that
and fungicide control, the two LHSB1 treatments signifi- soaking seed with LHSB1 culture broth was useful for the
cantly reduced both the disease incidence and severity of control of peanut stem rot, providing references for the
peanut stem rot (P < 005). The biocontrol efficacy of practical application of the seed-borne endophyte LHSB1
LHSB1 treatment A and B was significantly higher than and disease control.

Journal of Applied Microbiology 128, 803--813 © 2019 The Society for Applied Microbiology 807
Seed-borne endophyte biocontrol peanut stem rot L. Chen et al.

Table 1 Inhibition of peanut endophytic bacterium LHSB1 against Table 2 Biocontrol efficacy of the seed-borne endophytic Bacillus
peanut pathogens velezensis LHSB1 on peanut stem rot

Width of Inhibition Disease

inhibition ratio of radial incidence Control
Pathogen (peanut disease) zone (mm) growth (%) Treatments rate (%) Disease index efficacy (%)

Aspergillus flavus (Aspergillus, 11  2 729 Sterile water control 1000  00 a 766  20 a –
Damping-off) Carbendazim control 686  30 b 414  25 b 459  28 a
Aspergillus niger (Crown rot) 13  1 777 LHSB1 treatment A 508  24 c 317  17 c 626  20 b
Diplodia gossypina (Collar rot) 10  1 706 LHSB1 treatment B 412  22 d 219  13 d 708  15 c
Fusarium oxysporum (Fusarium wilt) 11  2 729
Fusarium moniliforme (Root rot) 10  1 706 Values are the mean  SD. Different lowercase letters in the same
Rhizopus sp. (Damping-off, Rhizopus) 8  1 659 column indicated a significant difference between the treatments
(P < 005).
The width of inhibition zone was measured from the edge of fungal
colony to the edge of bacterial colony.
distributed branching, uniform thickness and even sur-
faces, while the treated hyphae turned to distorted
branching, nonuniform thickness, deformity and obvious
LHSB1 culture filtrate inhibited sclerotia formation and
swelling at the top under the action of LHSB1 culture fil-
germination of S. rolfsii
trate (Fig. 4), indicating LHSB1 culture filtrate caused the
The LHSB1 culture filtrate significantly inhibited the for- abnormalities of S. rolfsii hyphae. Furthermore, PI stain-
mation of S. rolfsii sclerotia (P < 005) (Fig. 3). Com- ing showed that obvious red fluorescence was observed in
pared with the control, the number, dry weight and the the treated hyphae of S. rolfsii, while red fluorescence was
size of sclerotia in the treated group significantly reduced absent in the untreated hyphae (Fig. 4), indicating that
(P < 005), with the reduction rate of 449, 511, and membrane integrity in the treated hyphae was destroyed
307% respectively. LHSB1 culture filtrate also effectively by the action of LHSB1 culture filtrate. Collectively,
suppressed the germination of S. rolfsii sclerotia LHSB1 culture filtrate resulted in the abnormalities of S.
(P < 005), the IR of sclerotia germination at 24, 48 and rolfsii hyphae and destroyed membrane integrity of S.
72 h was 984, 972 and 967% respectively. The IR from rolfsii hyphal, which might be the possible mode of action
24 to 72 h showed a slight decrease, while there was no of the seed-borne endophytic B. velezensis LHSB1 against
significant difference (P > 005). To sum, LHSB1 culture S. rolfsii.
filtrate could significantly inhibit sclerotia formation and
germination of S. rolfsii.
Antifungal metabolites from the seed-borne endophyte
By using UPLC-ESI-MS, three kinds of antifungal
LHSB1 culture filtrate destroyed membrane integrity of
lipopeptides (bacillomycin L, surfactin A and fengycin A)
S. rolfsii hyphae
were successfully found in the culture extracts of LHSB1
Confocal laser scanning microscope observation showed culture broth. As shown in Fig. 5, ions of m/z values
that the untreated hyphae of S. rolfsii showed normally 10215166, 10355329, 10495495 were detected,

98 Strain LHSBI (MN044879)

100 Bacillus velezensis strain Y9 (KY887761)
100 Bacillus velezensis strain WGB4 (KY962348)

73 Bacillus subtilis strain LKM-BL (KR560044)

Bacillus cereus strain P-25 (GU271135)

66 Bacillus megaterium strain LNL6 (GQ181059)

Bacillus coagulans strain NBRC 12583 (NR_041523)

Paenibacillus polymyxa strain IAM 13419 (NR_037006)


Figure 2 Neighbour-joining phylogenetic tree of strain LHSB1. Bootstrap values are shown at nodes. Bar indicates 2% sequence variance. [Colour
figure can be viewed at]

808 Journal of Applied Microbiology 128, 803--813 © 2019 The Society for Applied Microbiology
L. Chen et al. Seed-borne endophyte biocontrol peanut stem rot

100 2·0 recent years due to their unique ability of thriving inside
plant tissues, suppressing plant pathogens, improving
bacterial colonization and promoting plant growth (Afzal

Sclerotia diameter (mm)

Sclerotia dry weight (g)

** 1·5
et al. 2019). Several endophytes have also been obtained
Sclerotia number

from peanut root, stem or leave and evaluated the bio-
1·0 control activities against peanut pathogens (Luduena
et al. 2012; Wang and Liang 2014). Luduena et al.
** **
50 obtained 263 peanut endophytes from root, stem or
0·5 leave, 78% of them inhibited Sclerotinia minor growth
and 3% inhibited Fusarium solani growth (Luduena et al.
2012); Wang and Liang reported an endophytic Bacillus
25 0·0
amyloliquefaciens strain BZ6-1 from healthy peanut

plants, which significantly decreased the disease incidence










of peanut bacterial wilt from 845 to 121% (Wang and





Liang 2014). However, the endophytes from peanut seeds

Figure 3 Inhibition effect of LHSB1 culture filtrate on sclerotia forma-
were less reported. In this study, we obtained 37 endo-
tion. Error bar represents the standard error of means of replicates.
phytes from peanut seeds, and 6 of which exhibited
‘**’ represents significant difference at 005 level. ( ) number; ( )
dry weight; ( ) diameter. [Colour figure can be viewed at wileyonline stronger antagonistic potential against S. rolfsii. Strain] LHSB1, the prominently antagonistic B. velezensis isolate,
demonstrated up to 938% growth inhibition of S. rolfsii
hyphae in vitro, and achieved 626 and 708% of control
corresponding to C14-16 bacillomycin L [M + H]+ as pre- efficacy against peanut stem rot by two different LHSB1
viously reported (Roongsawang et al. 2002), and ions of treatments under greenhouse conditions, which were both
m/z values 10434989, 10575138, 10715314 correspond significantly higher than that of fungicide control
to C14-16 bacillomycin L [M + Na]+; ions of m/z values (P < 005). This study proved that plant seed-borne
9946393, 10086555, 10226712, 10366879, 10507036, endophytic bacteria could be a good candidate resource
10647201 were detected, corresponding to C12-17 sur- for biocontrol strains, utilizing such seed-borne endo-
factin A [M + H]+ as previous reported (Dhanarajan phytic strains offers a feasible and eco-friendly choice to
et al. 2016), and ions of m/z values 10446530, 10626694, control peanut stem rot caused by S. rolfsii.
10726852, 10867016 correspond to C14-17 surfactin A Plant endophytes are reported to suppress plant patho-
[M + Na]+; ions of m/z values 14497831, 14637978, gens and protect plants by multiple mechanisms, for
14778133,14918289, 15058454 were also detected, corre- example, antibiosis by producing various antimicrobial
sponding to C15-19 fengycin A [M + H]+ as previous metabolites (Backman and Sikora 2008; Chen et al. 2019).
reported (Dhanarajan et al. 2016), and ions of m/z values Among these reported metabolites, Bacillus lipopeptides
14997956, 15138109, 15278266 correspond to C17-19 were considered as versatile weapons for plant disease bio-
fengycin A [M + Na]+. control, acting as ‘antagonists’ to inhibit the growth of
Bacillomycin L, surfactin A and fengycin A were both many phytopathogens through their membrane permeabi-
proved to have the strong antifungal activity against a lization, disruption or solubilization (Ongena and Jacques
wide variety of fungi, especially for filamentous fungi 2008; Hazarika et al. 2019). Many research have reported
(Ongena and Jacques 2008; Falardeau et al. 2013; Jiang the excellent antibiosis of Bacillus lipopeptides, for exam-
et al. 2016). The three antifungal metabolites from ple, B. amyloliquefaciens PGPBacCA1 was shown to be
LHSB1 could be responsible for its antifungal activity able to coproduce the lipopeptides surfactin, iturin and
against S. rolfsii. Additionally, the lipopeptides were fengycin, which were responsible for the effective antifun-
revealed to act in a synergistic manner towards fungi, gal effects against S. rolfsii, Sclerotinia sclerotiorum and F.
and the synergistic action effectively enhanced the bio- solani (Torres et al. 2017), while surfactin was proved to
control efficiency against fungi (Ongena and Jacques be responsible for the biocontrol activity of B. subtilis
2008; Luo et al. 2015). It could be inferred that so does SCB-1 against diverse fungi including the genera Sacchari-
LHSB1 act against S. rolfsii. cola, Cochliobolus, Alternaria and Fusarium (Hazarika
et al. 2019). Specially, reports indicated that coproduction
of various lipopeptides in a biocontrol strain may generate
a synergistic effect to increase its biocontrol efficacy, sig-
Plant endophytes have been considered as an excellent nificantly broadening the application potential (Luo et al.
resource of biocontrol strains and bio-inoculants in 2015; Kaur et al. 2017). In this study, we found that the

Journal of Applied Microbiology 128, 803--813 © 2019 The Society for Applied Microbiology 809
Seed-borne endophyte biocontrol peanut stem rot L. Chen et al.

DIC PI Merged



Figure 4 Microscopy analyses of Sclerotium rolfsii hyphae treated with LHSB1 culture filtrate. By using confocal laser scanning microscope, when
under the white light (DIC), the untreated hyphae of S. rolfsii (Control) showed normal distributed branching, uniform thickness and even sur-
faces, while the treated hyphae (Treated) appeared distorted branching, nonuniform thickness, deformity and obvious swelling at the top (black
arrow), indicating the cell membrane integrity in treated hyphae was destroyed by the action of LHSB1 culture filtrate; When under the green
light (PI), the treated hyphae of S. rolfsii (Treated) appeared with obvious red fluorescence, while the untreated hyphae showed absent distribu-
tion of red fluorescence, indicating the cell membrane integrity in treated hyphae was destroyed by the action of LHSB1 culture filtrate. Bar indi-
cates 50 lm. [Colour figure can be viewed at]

endophyte LHSB1 was able to produce three lipopeptides believe that it is necessary to evaluate the above perfor-
bacillomycin L, surfactin A and fengycin A, and under the mances of LHSB1 in the future, so as to further explore
pressure of LHSB1 cultural filtrate, hyphal growth, sclero- its action mechanism and broaden its application.
tia formation and germination of S. rolfsii were signifi- Sclerotium, the special asexual reproductive structure
cantly inhibited, accompanied by the presence of hyphae of S. rolfsii, is the main reason why S. rolfsii is difficult to
abnormalities and membrane integrity damage. We attrib- prevent and control, as it is also the principal overwinter-
uted the results to the antifungal action of the lipopep- ing structure and the primary infection source of S. rolfsii
tides, consistent with previous reports. On the other (Mehan et al. 1994; Le et al. 2018). Once conditions are
hand, reports showed that surfactin can trigger ISR in favourable, sclerotia could germinate, develop to hyphae
peanut plants, reducing the disease incidence and severity and infect the plants (Mehan et al. 1994). Errakhi et al.
of S. rolfsii and providing an enhanced protection against (2009) reported that the Streptomyces isolate J-2 exhibits
S. rolfsii (Rodrıguez et al. 2018). Collectively, according to 100% inhibition of sclerotia germination and 80% inhibi-
the reports and our studies, antibiosis elicited by the three tion of hyphal growth by the action of its culture filtrate,
lipopeptides produced by LHSB1 provided an enhanced while the inhibition of sclerotia formation was not
protection against S. rolfsii in peanut and extensive appli- showed. Li et al. (2019) observed that Penicillium griseo-
cation. Nevertheless, plant endophytes can also protect fulvum strain CF3 could considerably limit the sclerotia
plants against phytopathogens by ISR, plant growth pro- formation and germination of S. rolfsii through the cul-
motion, production of siderophores, ammonia, lytic ture filtrate, the IRs of sclerotia formation and germina-
enzymes, plant hormones or hydrogen cyanide. We tion were 331–663% and 442–100% respectively. While

810 Journal of Applied Microbiology 128, 803--813 © 2019 The Society for Applied Microbiology
L. Chen et al. Seed-borne endophyte biocontrol peanut stem rot

43·26 49·79

8·94 32·57 37·21

1·53 12·53 26·10
7·38 21·09
(a) m/z = 50.00–2000.00
1057·5138 1022·6712
100 100

90 90
80 80

70 70 1036·6879
Relative Abundance

Relative Abundance
60 60 1008·6555

50 1043·4989 50
40 1021·5166 40
1058·6694 46·81
Relative Abundance

100 30 30
20 1049·5495
20 43·26
10 10 1086·7016
0 0
960 980 1000 1020 m/z 1040 1060 1080 1100
50 1000 1020 1040 m/z 1060 1080 1100

12·43 20·31
(b) m/z = 900·00–1100·00
Relative Abundance

70 1491·8289
40 1527·8266
100 30
20 1449·7831
50 1440 1460 1480
1500 1520 1540

43·15 52.10
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55
(c) m/z = 1400·00–1600·00 Time (min)

Figure 5 Detection of antifungal metabolites from strain LHSB1 by UPLC-ESI-MS. (a) The total ion flow spectra of m/z 50–2000; (b) the extracted
ion flow spectra of m/z 900–1100; (c) the extracted ion flow spectra of m/z 1400–1600. The blue ions peaks ( ) in (b) cover the reported
lipopeptide bacillomycin homologues, ions of m/z values 10215166, 10355329, 10495495 correspond to C14-16 bacillomycin L [M + H]+, and
ions of m/z values 10434989, 10575138,10715314 correspond to C14-16 bacillomycin L [M + Na]+ respectively; The yellow ions peaks ( ) in (b)
cover the reported lipopeptide Surfactin homologues, ions of m/z values 9946393, 10086555, 10226712, 10366879, 10507036, 10647201
correspond to C12-17 Surfactin A [M + H]+, and ions of m/z values 10446530, 10626694, 10726852, 10867016 correspond to C14-17 surfactin
A [M + Na]+ respectively; The red ions peaks ( ) in (c) cover the reported lipopeptide Fengycin, ions of m/z values 14497831, 14637978,
14778133,14918289, 15058454 correspond to C15-19 fengycin A [M + H]+, and ions of m/z values 14997956, 15138109, 15278266 corre-
spond to C17-19 fengycin A [M + Na]+ respective. [Colour figure can be viewed at]

Cheng et al. (2019) showed that Selenium can reduce the In conclusion, this study described a seed-borne endo-
pathogenicity of S. sclerotiorum by inhibiting sclerotia for- phytic B. velezensis strain LHSB1 from peanut seeds effec-
mation and germination, the IRs of sclerotia number and tive against S. rolfsi, evaluated its biocontrol efficacy under
weight were 438–546% and 257–423% respectively. greenhouse conditions and revealed its action mechanism.
Herein, we found that B. velezensis LHSB1 could consid- We found that the LHSB1 treatment not only inhibited
erably inhibit the formation and germination of S. rolfsii hyphae growth, sclerotia formation and germination of S.
sclerotia. The inhibition of sclerotia germination could rolfsii but also brought about the abnormalities and mem-
effectively decrease the infection rate of such disease, brane integrity damage of S. rolfsii hyphae. Furthermore,
while the suppression of sclerotial formation could effec- three antifungal lipopeptides bacillomycin A, surfactin A
tively reduce the overall available inoculum of S. rolfsii and fengycin A, were detected in LHSB1 culture extracts
and re-infection rate (Manjula et al. 2004), indicating the by UPLC-ESI-MS. In a greenhouse experiment, applying
great potential of LHSB1 to control S. rolfsii. the LHSB1 treatments significantly reduced the disease

Journal of Applied Microbiology 128, 803--813 © 2019 The Society for Applied Microbiology 811
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