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Module 3


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CFLM2 Character Formation 2 DCCP-CCJE LAOAG


As a student you understand character as ‘who you are’ and have a set of core values that shape your
moral identity, the most important of which are trust, fairness, caring and honesty. In criminology, one of its
program goals is to foster the values of leadership, integrity, and responsibility while serving their fellowmen,
community, and country. This module covers all the fundamentals of character formation which includes
leadership, decision-making, management and administration that helps you to have the character and
competence to meet the challenges of globalization in the field of criminology.

At the end of the course topic, this module is expected to:
1. To provide a well-balanced education in liberal orientation and professional background in criminology
such after graduation, you become a whole man who can live in harmony with your fellowmen and
practice your respective professions in conformity with the standards of integrity, work ethics, and in the
spirit of your true professionalism.
2. To furnish enough opportunities to develop your decision-making skills, leadership potentials and
character traits, wholesome living and social consciousness with a deep sense of commitment to national
welfare, and an active involvement in the safety and security of the country.
3. To develop your mental toughness to meet the requirements of the subject, and to provide reinforcement
to maintain your interest in your chosen career in the criminology field.
4. To ensure intellectual training to make you a more dynamic and accessible instrument for promoting
social consciousness; to make the real and effective mechanisms for the advancement of equality among
men, thus serving to remove prejudicial forcers that tend to impede or hamper harmonious local, national,
and international development.

• Class attendance
• Quizzes, Assignment, & Activities
• Class participation
• Major examinations
• Case studies
• Reports

• This module contains several lessons. Instruction are explained with activities and examples. Understand
and internalize the learning outcomes. Read well the contents of each lesson. A strategy is used to let
you learn and improve your learning ability and to develop your higher order thinking skills. At the end of
each module, there is an assessment/examination. Understand and answer it as directed.

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At the end of the topic, you are expected to:
• Know the management and organization concepts
• Understand management or administrative functions and principles
• Enumerate the organizational units in police organizations
• Differentiate Organizational structure from organizational chart
• Identify the organizational principles
• Enumerate the elements of police organization
• Know the highlights of RA6975

Management and Organization Concepts

▪ a group of persons working together for a common goal or objectives
▪ a form of human association for the attainment of a goal or objective
▪ the process of identifying and grouping the work to be performed, defining and delegating responsibility
and authority, establishing relationships for the purpose of enabling people work effectively
Police Organization
▪ a group of trained personnel in the field of public safety administration engaged in the achievement of
goals and objectives that promotes the maintenance of peace and order, protection of life and property,
enforcement of the laws and the prevention of crimes
Law Enforcement Agency
▪ pertains to an organization responsible for enforcing the laws
▪ means to compel obedience to a law, regulation or command
▪ refer to the purpose by which the organization was created
▪ refer to the goals of the organizations
PNP Mission
▪ “to enforce the law, to prevent and control crimes, to maintain peace and order, and to ensure public
safety and internal security with the active support of the community”
▪ an organizational process concerned with the implementation of objectives and plans and internal
operating efficiency
▪ connotes bureaucratic structure and behavior, relatively routine decision-making and maintenance of the
internal order
▪ a branch of the criminal justice system that has the specific responsibility of maintaining law and order
and combating crime within the society
Police/Law Enforcement Administration
▪ the process involved in ensuring strict compliance, proper obedience of laws and related statutes
▪ focuses on the policing process or how law enforcement agencies are organized and managed in order
to achieve the goals of law enforcement most effectively, efficiently and productively
▪ means the act of watching over the work or tasks of the members of the organization to ensure that
desired results are achieved
▪ the process of directing and facilitating the work of people organized in formal groups in order to achieve

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▪ judicious or wise use of resources (manpower, material, money, equipment, supplies, time etc.)
▪ the right to command and control the behavior of employees in lower positions within an organizational
▪ must be viewed in terms of prescribed roles rather than of individuals
▪ a particular position within an organization carries the same regardless of who occupies that position
▪ represents the formal relationship among superiors and subordinates in any given organization
▪ serves as the framework for the flow of authority downward, and obedience upward, through the

Management or Administrative Functions

1. Planning
▪ the determination in advance of how the objectives of the organization will be attained
▪ the process of setting performance objectives and identifying the actions needed to accomplish
▪ working out in broad outline the things that need to be done and the methods for doing them to
accomplish the purpose set for the enterprise
2. Organizing
▪ involves the determination and allocation of the men and women as well as the resource of an
organization to achieve pre-determined goals or objectives of the organization
▪ the process of dividing the work to be done and coordinating results to achieve a desired purpose
▪ establishment of the formal structure of authority through which work subdivisions are arranged,
defined and coordinated for the desired objectives
3. Directing
▪ involves the overseeing and supervising of the human resources and the various activities in an
organization to achieve through cooperative efforts the pre-determined goals or objectives of the
▪ also called leading, the process of directing and coordinating the work efforts of other people to
help them accomplish important task
▪ task of making decisions and embodying them in specific and general orders and instructions
4. Controlling
▪ involves the checking or evaluation and measurement of work performance and comparing it with
planned goals or objectives of the organization, and making the necessary corrective actions so
that work is accomplished as planned
▪ the process of monitoring performance, comparing results to objectives and taking corrective
action as necessary
▪ also called supervising
5. Staffing
▪ the task of providing competent men to do the job and choosing the right men for the right job
▪ involves good selection and processing of reliable and well-trained personnel
▪ filling the organization with the right people in the right position
6. Reporting
▪ the making of detailed account of activities, work progress, investigations and unusual in order to
keep everyone informed or what is going on
7. Budgeting
▪ the forecasting in detail of the results of an officially recognized program of operations based on
the highest reasonable expectations of operating efficiency

Principles of Efficient Management

o Division of work
▪ work specialization can increase efficiency with the same amount of effort

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o Authority and Responsibility

▪ authority includes the right to command and the power to require obedience
▪ one cannot have authority without responsibility
o Discipline
▪ necessary for an organization to function effectively, however, the state of the disciplinary process
depends upon the quality of its leaders
o Unity of Command
▪ subordinate should receive orders from one superior only
o Scalar Chain
▪ the hierarchy of authority is the order of ranks from the highest to the lowest levels of the
▪ shows the vertical hierarchy of the organization which defines an unbroken chain of units from
top to bottom describing explicitly the flow of authority

Organizational Units in the Police Organization

1. Functional Units
a. Bureau
➢ the largest organic functional unit within a large department; comprises of several divisions
b. Division
➢ a primary subdivision of a bureau
c. Section
➢ functional unit within a division that is necessary for specialization
d. Unit
➢ functional group within a section or the smallest functional group within an organization
2. Territorial Units
a. post - a fixed point or location to which an officer is assigned for duty, such as a designated desk
or office or an intersection or cross walk from traffic duty
b. route - a length of streets designated for patrol purposes; also called line beat
c. beat- an area assigned for patrol purposes, whether foot or motorized
d. sector - an area containing two or more beats, routes or posts
e. district - a geographical subdivision of a city for patrol purposes, usually with its own station
f. area - a section or territorial division of a large city each comprised of designated districts

Functions in a Police Organization

1. Primary or Line Functions
▪ functions that carry out the major purposes of the organization, delivering the services and dealing
directly with the public
▪ the backbone of the police department
▪ examples of the line functions of the police are patrolling, traffic duties, crime investigation
2. Staff/Administrative Functions
▪ functions that are designed to support the line functions and assist in the performance of the line
▪ examples of the staff functions of the police are planning, research, budgeting and legal advice
3. Auxiliary Functions
▪ functions involving the logistical operations of the organization
▪ examples are training, communication, maintenance, record management, supplies and
equipment management

Organic Units in a Police Organization

1. Operational Units
▪ those that perform primary or line functions
▪ examples are patrol, traffic, investigation and vice control

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2. Administrative Units
▪ those that perform the administrative functions examples are personnel, finance, planning and
3. Service Units
▪ those that perform auxiliary functions
▪ examples are communication, records management, supplies

Organizational Structure
- the systematic arrangement of the relationship of the members, positions, departments and functions or
work of the organization
- it is comprised of functions, relationships, responsibilities and authorities of individuals within the

Kinds of Organizational Structures

1) Line
- the oldest and simplest kind; also called military
- defined by its clear chain of command from the highest to the lowest and vice versa
- depicts the line functions of the organization
- orders or commands must come from the higher level of authority before it can be carried out
- involves few departments
2) Functional
- structure according to functions and specialized units
- depicts staff functions of the organization
- responsibilities are divided among authorities who are all accountable to the authority above
3) Line and Staff
- a combination of the line and functional kind
- combines the flow of information from the line structure with the staff departments that service, advise,
and support them
- generally, more formal in nature and has many departments
Note: The Philippine National Police follows the line and staff kind of organizational structure.

Organizational Chart
- an illustration in the form of a chart which represents the organizational structure
- the mechanical means of depicting, by an arrangement of symbols, the relationships that exist between
individuals, groups and functional relationships between groups and individuals clearly defined to ensure
accountability and compliance

Organizational Principles

Four Primal Conditions of an Organization

1. Authority
- the supreme source of government for any particular organization
- the right to exercise, to decide and to command by virtue of rank and position
2. Mutual Cooperation
- an organization exists because it serves a purpose
3. Doctrine
- provides for the organization’s objectives
- provides the various actions, hence, policies, procedures, rules and regulations of the
organization are based on the statement of doctrines
4. Discipline
- comprising behavioral regulations

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Elements of Police Organization

1. Unity of Command
- dictates that there should only be one man commanding the unit to ensure uniformity in the
execution of orders
2. Span of Control
- the maximum number of subordinates that a superior can effectively supervise
Factors Affecting the Span of Control:
a. leadership qualities of the supervisors
b. nature of the job and work conditions
c. complexity of task
d. education and skill of the employees
3. Delegation of Authority
- conferring of an amount of authority by a superior position to a lower-level position
4. Hierarchy of Authority
- the relationship between superiors and subordinates
- serves as the framework for the flow of authority downward and obedience upward through the
- represents the formal relationship among superiors and subordinates in any given organization
5. Specialization
- the assignment of particular personnel to particular tasks
Specialization of Jobs (Areas of Specialization)
- the designation of certain activities or tasks as ones that must be performed in a highly
technological, scientific or precise manner
- areas of police specialization include undercover works, crime scene operations, legal advising,
computer work, swat operations and others
Specialization of People (Specialists)
- the designation of particular persons as having expertise in a specific area of work
- signifies the adaptation of an individual to the requirements through extensive training
6. Chain of Command
- the arrangement of officers from top to bottom on the basis of rank or position and authority
7. Command Responsibility
- dictates that immediate commanders shall be responsible for the effective supervision and control
of their personnel and unit

Highlights of RA 6975 – The Department of the Interior and Local Government act of 1990, RA 8551 – The
Philippine National Police Reform and Reorganization Act of 1998 and RA 9708

A. The Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG)

- formerly department of local government (DILG)
- reorganized under RA 6975

Powers and Functions of the DILG

1) Assist the president in the exercise of general supervision over local governments;
2) Advise the president in the promulgation of policies, rules, regulations and other issuances on the general
supervision over local governments and on public order and safety;
3) Establish and prescribe rules, regulations and other issuances implementing laws on public order and
safety, the general supervision over local governments and the promotion of local autonomy and
community empowerment and monitor compliance thereof;
4) Provide assistance towards legislation regarding local governments, law enforcement and public safety;
establish and prescribe plans, policies, programs and projects to promote peace and order, ensure public

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safety and further strengthen the administrative, technical and fiscal capabilities of local government
offices and personnel;
5) Formulate plans, policies and programs which will meet local emergencies arising from natural and man-
made disasters;
establish a system of coordination and cooperation among the citizenry, local executives and the
department, to ensure effective and efficient delivery of basic services to the public;
6) Organize, train and equip primarily for the performance of police functions, a police force that is national
in scope and civilian in character.

Relationship of the DILG with the Department of National Defense (DND)

- under ra 6975, the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) was in charge with external security while
the DILG was in charge with internal security
- under ra 8551, the armed forces of the Philippines are now in charge with both internal and
external security with the PNP as support through information gathering and performance of
ordinary police functions

B. National Police Commission

- An agency attached to the DILG for policy coordination
- shall exercise administrative control and operational supervision over the PNP

Vision of the NAPOLCOM

"We envision the national police commission as a highly dynamic, committed and responsive
administering and controlling body, actively and effectively facilitating the evolvement of a highly professional,
competent, disciplined, credible and trustworthy PNP"

Mission of the NAPOLCOM

"To administer and control the Philippine National Police with the end in view of maintaining a highly
professional, competent, disciplined, credible and trustworthy PNP”

Powers and Functions of the NAPOLCOM

A. Exercise administrative control and operational supervision over the Philippine National Police (PNP)
which shall mean the power to:
1) Develop policies and promulgate a police manual prescribing rules and regulations for efficient
organization, administration, and operation, including criteria for manpower allocation
distribution and deployment, recruitment, selection, promotion, and retirement of personnel and
the conduct of qualifying entrance and promotional examinations for uniformed members;
2) Examine and audit, and thereafter establish standards for such purposes on a continuing basis,
the performance, activities, and facilities of all police agencies throughout the country;
3) Establish a system of uniform crime reporting;
4) Conduct annual self-report surveys and compile statistical data for accurate assessment of the
crime situation and the proper evaluation of the efficiency and effectiveness of all police units in
the country;
5) Approve or modify plans and programs on education and training, logistical requirements,
communications, records, information systems, crime laboratory, crime prevention and crime
6) Affirm, reverse or modify, through the national appellate board, personnel administrative actions
involving the demotion or dismissal from the service imposed upon members of the Philippine
National police by the chief of the Philippine national police;
7) Exercise appellate jurisdiction through the regional appellate boards, over administrative cases
against policemen and over decisions on claims for police benefits;
8) Prescribe minimum standards for arms, equipment, and uniforms and, after consultation with the
Philippine heraldry commission, for insignia of ranks, awards, medals of honor;

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9) Issue subpoena and subpoena duces tecum in matters pertaining to the discharge of its own
powers and duties, and designate who among its personnel can issue processes and administer
oaths in connection therewith;
10) Inspect and assess the compliance of the PNP on the established criteria for manpower
allocation, distribution and deployment and their impact on the community and the crime situation,
and thereafter formulate appropriate guidelines for maximization of resources and effective
utilization of the PNP personnel;
11) Monitor the performance of the local chief executives as deputies of the commission; and
12) Monitor and investigate police anomalies and irregularities.
B. Advise the president on all matters involving police functions and administration;
C. Render to the president and to congress an annual report of its activities and accomplishments during
the thirty (30) days after the end of the calendar year, which shall include an appraisal of the conditions
obtaining in the organization and administration of police agencies in the municipalities, cities and
provinces throughout the country, and recommendations for appropriate remedial legislations;
D. Recommend to the president, through the secretary, within sixty (60) days before the commencement of
each calendar year, a crime prevention program; and
E. Perform such other functions necessary to carry out the provisions of RA. 6975, as amended, other
existing laws and presidential issuances, and as the president may direct.

C. Philippine National Police

- organized pursuant to RA 6975, as amended by RA 8551
- a law enforcement agency under the operational control of the department of the interior and local
government and administrative supervision of the national police commission
- it is an organization that is national in scope and civilian in character, as provided by section
6, article 16 of the 1987 Philippine Constitution:
“The state shall establish and maintain one police force which shall be national in scope and civilian
in character…”
- headed by the chief, PNP, with the rank of director general, appointed by the president and
who shall serve a term of office of four (4) years

National in Scope
- means that the PNP is a nationwide government organization whose jurisdiction covers the entire
breadth of the Philippine archipelago
- all uniformed and non-uniformed personnel of the PNP are national government employees

Civilian in Character
- means that that the PNP is not a part of the military, although it retains some military attributes such
as discipline

Powers and Functions of the PNP

1) Enforce all laws and ordinances relative to the protection of lives and properties;
2) Maintain peace and order and take all necessary steps to ensure public safety;
3) Investigate and prevent crimes, effect the arrest of criminal offenders, bring offenders to justice and assist
in their prosecution;
4) Exercise the general powers to make arrest, search and seizure in accordance with the constitution and
pertinent laws;
5) Detain an arrested person for a period not beyond what is prescribed by law, informing the person so
detained of all his rights under the constitution;
6) Issue licenses for the possession of firearms and explosives in accordance with law;
7) Supervise and control the training and operations of security agencies and issue licenses to operate
security agencies and to security guards and private detectives, for the purpose of their professions.

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Duties and Responsibilities of a Police Officer

1) he shall be ready at all times to perform his duties and obey the lawful orders of his superior officers or
higher authority;
2) he shall be responsible for the efficient performance of his duties and adequate coverage of his beat or
3) he shall cooperate and coordinate with the other members of his relief, district or other division segments
so that their teamwork may ensure continuity of purpose and maximum achievement of the objectives of
the department;
4) he shall be available for duty at all times in case of special needs or emergencies;
5) he shall respond readily and report punctually to all assignments;
6) he shall execute the service program within his area of responsibility providing for prevention of crime,
protection of life and property, apprehension and prosecution of offenders, preservation of peace and
enforcement of regulatory measures;
7) he shall familiarize himself with administrative and operational policies of the department;
8) he shall be in prescribed attire and have the required equipment when reporting for duty;
9) he shall be attentive to instruction and record information given during the briefing or roll-call training and
shall likewise record his activities during his tour of duty;
10) he shall supervise and inspect all public and licensed places within his area of responsibility.

Camp Rafael Crame

- the national headquarters of the Philippine National Police, located in Quezon city

PNP Administrative Support Units

1) Crime Laboratory
- shall provide scientific and technical investigate aid and support to the PNP and other government
investigative agencies
2) Logistics Unit
- headed by a director with the rank of chief superintendent
- shall be responsible for the procurement, distribution and management of all the logistical
requirements of the PNP including firearms and ammunition
3) Communications Unit
- shall be responsible for establishing an effective police communications network
4) Computer Center
- shall be responsible for the design, implementation and maintenance of a database system for the PNP
5) Finance Center
- shall be responsible for providing finance services to the PNP
6) Civil Security Unit
- shall provide administrative services and general supervision over the organization, business operation
and activities of all organized private detectives, watchmen, security guard agencies and
company guard forces

PNP Operational Support Units

1) Maritime Police Unit
- shall perform all police functions over Philippine territorial waters and rivers
2) Police Intelligence Unit
- shall serve as the intelligence and counterintelligence operating unit of the PNP
3) Police Security Unit
- shall provide security for government officials, visiting dignitaries and private individuals
authorized to be given protection
4) Criminal Investigation Unit

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- shall undertake the monitoring, investigation and prosecution of all crimes involving economic sabotage,
and other crimes of such magnitude and extent as to indicate their commission by highly placed or
professional criminal syndicates and organizations
5) Special Action Force
- shall function as a mobile strike force or reaction unit to augment regional, provincial, municipal and city
police forces for civil disturbance control, counterinsurgency, hostage-taking rescue operations and
other special operations
6) Narcotics Unit
- shall enforce all laws relative to the protection of the citizenry against dangerous and other prohibited
drugs and substances
7) Aviation Security Unit
- shall secure all the country’s airports against offensive and terroristic acts that threaten civil aviation,
exercise operational control and supervision over all agencies involved in airport security operation, and
enforce all laws and regulations relative to air travel protection and safety
8) Traffic Management Unit
- shall enforce traffic laws and regulations
9) Medical and Dental Centers
- shall be responsible for providing medical and dental services for the PNP
10) Civil Relations Unit
- shall implement plans and programs that will promote community and citizen’s participation in the
maintenance of peace and order and public safety

General Qualifications for Appointment to the PNP (RA 6975, as amended by RA 8551 and RA 9708)
a) a citizen of the Philippines;
b) a person of good moral conduct;
c) must have passed the psychiatric/psychological, drug and physical tests to be administered by the PNP
or by any NAPOLCOM accredited government hospital for the purpose of determining physical and
mental health;
d) must possess a formal baccalaureate degree from a recognized institution of learning;
- graduate of any four-year course
e) must be eligible in accordance with the standards set by the commission;
- must have passed the board examination given by the profession regulation commission (PRC) or
the NAPOLCOM police entrance examination
f) must not have been dishonorably discharged from military employment or dismissed for cause from any
civilian position in the government;
g) must not have been convicted by final judgment of an offense or crime involving moral turpitude;
h) must be at least one meter and sixty-two centimeters (1.62 m) in height for male and one meter and fifty-
seven (1.57 m) for female;
i) must weigh not more or less than five kilograms (5kgs) from the standard weight corresponding to his or
her height, age and sex; and
j) for a new applicant, must not be less than twenty-one (21) nor more than thirty (30) years of age
Pursuant to ra 9708, “…PNP members who are already in the service upon the effectivity of republic act
no. 8551 shall be given five (5) years to obtain the minimum educational qualification preferably in law
enforcement related courses, to be reckoned from the date of the effectivity of this amendatory act:
provided, furthermore, that for concerned PNP members rendering more than fifteen (15) years of service
and who have exhibited exemplary performance as determined by the commission, shall no longer be
required to comply with the aforementioned minimum educational requirement.”

Examination and Eligibility

The National Police Commission shall administer the entrance and promotional examinations for police
officers on the basis of the standards set by the commission (as amended by ra 8551).

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Police Entrance Examination – taken by applicants of the PNP

Police Promotional Examinations – taken by in-service police officers as part of the mandatory requirements
for promotion
Police officer examination
Senior police officer examination
Inspector examination
Superintendent examination

Police officers, who are licensed criminologists, no longer need to take the police promotional examinations as
part of the requirements for promotion. as PRC board passers, they have already complied with the eligibility

Appointment of Uniformed PNP Personnel

po1 to spo4 – appointed by the regional director for regional personnel or by the chief, PNP for the
national headquarters
insp to supt – appointed by the chief, PNP
sr supt to deputy dir gen – appointed by the president upon recommendation of the chief, PNP, subject
to confirmation by the commission on appointments
director general – appointed by the president from among the senior officers down to the rank of csupt,
subject to the confirmation of the commission on appointments

Kinds of Appointment
1) Permanent – when an applicant possesses the upgraded general qualifications for appointment in the
2) Temporary – when the appointment of an applicant is under the waiver program due to weight
requirements pending satisfaction of the requirement waived

Lateral Entry of Officers

- admission to the PNP with the initial rank of inspector or senior inspector of qualified applicants
belonging to certain professions

Waivers for Initial Appointment to the PNP (RA 8551)

The age, height, weight and educational requirements for initial appointment to the PNP may be waived
only when the number of qualified applicants falls below the minimum annual quota, provided:
1) that an applicant shall not be below twenty (20) nor over thirty-five (35) years of age; and
2) that any applicant not meeting the weight requirement shall be given reasonable time but not to exceed
six (6) months within which to comply with the said requirement;
3) that the waiver for height requirement shall be automatically granted to applicants belonging to the
cultural minorities

Selection Criteria Under the Waiver Program

1) applicants who possess the least disqualification shall take precedence over those who possess more
2) the requirement shall be waived in the following order: age, height, weight and education.
- the upgrading of ranks and/or advancement to a position of leadership

Kinds of Promotion
1. regular – promotion granted to police officers meeting the mandatory requirements for promotion
2. special – promotion granted to police officers who has exhibited acts of conspicuous courage and
gallantry at the risk of his/her life above and beyond the call of duty

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Conspicuous Courage
- courage that is clearly distinguished above others in the performance of one’s duty

Mandatory Requirements for Promotion

1. Educational attainment – applicable in promotion in position
2. Completion of appropriate training/schooling, such as:
Master’s degree - chief superintendent and above
Officers senior executive course (osec) – supt to sr supt
Officers advance course (oac) – chief insp
Officers basic course (obc) – sr insp
Officers’ candidate course (occ) – spo4
Senior leadership course (slc) – spo3 to spo4
Junior leadership course (jlc) – po3 to spo1
3. Time-in grade – the number of years required for a police officer to hold a certain rank before he can be
promoted to the next higher rank
4. Appropriate Eligibility – the required promotional examinations
police officer promotional examination
senior police officer promotional examination
police inspector promotional examination
police superintendent promotional examination

bar and PRC board examination passers (ra 1080)
licensed criminologists (ra 6506)
honor graduates (pd 907)

Except for the chief, PNP, no PNP member who has less than one (1) year of service before reaching the
compulsory retirement age shall be promoted to a higher rank or appointed to any other position.

Pursuant to ra 9708, “…in addition, the institution of a criminal action or complaint against a police officer
shall not be a bar to promotion: provided, however, that upon finding of probable cause, notwithstanding any
challenge that may be raised against that finding thereafter, the concerned police officer shall be ineligible for
promotion: provided, further, that if the case remains unresolved after two (2) years from the
aforementioned determination of probable cause, he or she shall be considered for promotion. in the
event he or she is held guilty of the crime by final judgment, said promotion shall be recalled without prejudice
to the imposition of the appropriate penalties under applicable laws, rules and regulations: provided, furthermore,
that if the complaint filed against the police officer is for a crime including, but not limited to, a violation
of human rights, punishable by reclusion perpetua or life imprisonment, and the court has determined
that the evidence of guilt is strong, said police officer shall be completely ineligible for promotion during
the pendency of the said criminal case.”

Attrition (RA 8551)

- the downsizing of personnel in the PNP on the basis provided by law.
Modes of Attrition
1. Attrition by Attainment of Maximum Tenure
- those who have reached the prescribed maximum tenure corresponding to their position shall be
retired from the service
2. Attrition by Relief
- those who have been relieved for just cause and have not been given an assignment within two (2)
years after such relief shall be retired or separated
3. Attrition by Demotion in Position or Rank

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- those who are relieved and assigned to a position lower than what is established for his or her grade
in the PNP staffing pattern and who shall not be assigned to a position commensurate to his or her
grade within eighteen (18) months after such demotion shall be retired or separated
4. Attrition by Non-promotion
- those who have not been promoted for a continuous period of ten (10) years shall be retired or
5. Attrition by other means
- those who have at least five (5) years of active service shall be separated based on any of the
a) inefficiency based on poor performance during the last two (2) successive annual rating periods;
b) inefficiency based on poor performance for three (3) cumulative annual rating periods;
c) physical and/or mental incapacity to perform police functions and duties; or
d) failure to pass the required entrance examinations twice and/or finish the required career courses
except for justifiable reasons
- the separation of the police personnel from the service by reason of reaching the age of retirement
provided by law, or upon completion of certain number of years in active service
A PNP uniformed personnel shall retire to the next higher rank for purposes of retirement pay.

Active Service
- shall refer to services rendered as an officer and non-officer, cadet, trainee or draftee in the PNP

Kinds of Retirement
1) compulsory – upon reaching the age fifty-six (56), the age of retirement
2) optional – upon completion of twenty (20) years of active service

Retirement benefits
Monthly retirement pay shall be fifty percent (50%) of the base pay in case of twenty years of active
service, increasing by two and one-half percent (2.5%) for every year of active service rendered beyond
twenty years.

Retirement Due to Permanent Physical Disability

A PNP uniformed personnel who is permanently and totally disabled as a result of injuries suffered or
sickness contracted in the performance of his duty shall be entitled to one year’s salary and to a lifetime
pension equivalent to eighty percent (80%) of his last salary, in addition to other benefits.
Should such PNP personnel die within five (5) years from his retirement due to physical disability, his
legal spouse or legitimate children shall be entitled to receive the pension for the remainder of the five year-

Absence Without Official Leave (AWOL)

- failure to report for duty without official notice for a period of thirty (30) days

Missing in Action (MIA)

- Any PNP personnel who, while in the performance of duty or by reason of his being an officer or
member of the PNP, is officially confirmed missing in action, kidnapped or captured by lawless
elements shall be entitled to receive or to have credited to his account the same pay and allowances
to which such officer or uniformed member was entitled at the time of the incident

Creation of Women’s Desk

- provided by ra 8551

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- women’s desk in all police stations shall administer and attend to cases involving crimes against
chastity, sexual harassment, abuses committed against women and children and other similar
- the PNP shall reserve ten percent (10%) of its annual recruitment, training and education quota for
- policewomen shall enjoy the same opportunities in terms of assignment, promotion and other benefits
and privileges extended to all police officers

Participation of Local Government Executives in the Administration of PNP

Operational Supervision
- shall mean the power to direct, superintend and oversee the day-to-day functions of police
investigation of crime, crime prevention activities and traffic control
- shall also include the power to direct the employment and deployment of units or elements of the
PNP, through the station commander, to ensure public safety and effective maintenance of peace
and order within the locality
- refers to utilization of units or elements of the PNP for purposes of protection of lives and properties,
enforcement of laws, maintenance of peace and order, prevention of crimes, arrest of criminal
offenders and bringing the offenders to justice and ensuring public safety, particularly in the
suppression of disorders, riots, lawlessness, violence, rebellious and seditious conspiracy,
insurgency, subversion or other related activities
- shall mean the orderly and organized physical movement of elements or units of the PNP within the
province, city or municipality for purposes of employment

Power of the Provincial Governor

- he has the power to choose his provincial director from a list of three (3) eligibles recommended
by the PNP regional director
Power of the City and Municipal Mayor
- he has the power to choose his chief of police from a list of five (5) eligibles recommended by the
provincial police director
- he has the authority to recommend to the provincial director the transfer, reassignment or detail of
PNP members outside of their respective city or town
- the control and supervision of anti-gambling operations shall be within the jurisdiction of local
government executives

Disciplinary Authorities for Citizen’s Complaints

1) Chief of police
- where the offense is punishable by withholding of privileges, restriction to specified limits, suspension
or forfeiture of salary, or any combination thereof, for a period not exceeding fifteen (15) days
2) City/municipal mayors
- where the offense is punishable by withholding of privileges, restriction to specified limits, suspension
or forfeiture of salary, or any combination thereof, for a period not less than sixteen but not
exceeding thirty (30) days
3) People’s law enforcement board (PLEB)
- where the offense is punishable by withholding of privileges, restriction to specified limits, suspension
or forfeiture of salary, or any combination thereof, for a period exceeding thirty (30) days, or by
A) Breach of internal discipline
- refers to any offense committed by a member of the PNP involving and affecting order and discipline
within the police organization

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Minor offense
- shall refer to an act or omission not involving moral turpitude but affecting the internal discipline of
the PNP, and shall include but not be limited to:
a) simple misconduct or negligence
b) insubordination
c) frequent absences or tardiness
d) habitual drunkenness
e) gambling prohibited by law

Disciplinary Authorities for Breach of Internal Discipline

1) chief of police
- may impose the administrative punishment of admonition or reprimand; restriction to specified limits;
withholding of privileges; forfeiture of salary or suspension; or any combination of the foregoing for a
period not exceeding fifteen (15) days
2) provincial directors
- may impose the administrative punishment of admonition or reprimand; restriction to specified limits;
withholding of privileges; forfeiture of salary or suspension; or any combination of the foregoing for a
period not exceeding thirty (30) days
3) regional directors
- may impose the administrative punishment of admonition or reprimand; restriction to specified limits;
withholding of privileges; forfeiture of salary or suspension; demotion; or any combination of the
foregoing for a period not exceeding sixty (60) days
4) chief of the PNP
- shall have the power to impose the disciplinary punishment of dismissal from the service;
suspension or forfeiture of salary; demotion; or any combination of the foregoing for a period not
exceeding one hundred eighty (180) days

D. Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP)

- created by virtue of RA 6975
- initially composed of the officers and uniformed members of the fire service of the former integrated
national police

Powers and Functions of the BFP

1) shall be responsible for the prevention and suppression of all destructive fires on buildings, houses
and other structures, forests, land transportation vehicles and equipment, ships or vessels docked at
piers or wharves or anchored in major seaports, petroleum industry installations, plane crashes and
other similar incidents
2) shall be responsible for the enforcement of the fire code of the Philippines and other similar laws
3) shall have the power to investigate all causes of fires, and if necessary, file the proper complaints
with the city or provincial prosecutor who has jurisdiction over the case

E. Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP)

- created by virtue of RA 6975
- initially composed by the officers and uniformed members of the former jail management and penology

Powers and Functions of the BJMP

- shall exercise supervision and control over all city and municipal jails; however, the provincial jails shall
be supervised and controlled by the provincial governor within his jurisdiction

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F. Philippine Public Safety College (PPSC)

- created by virtue of ra 6975

Function of the PPSC

- shall be the premier educational institution for the training, human resource development and continuing
education of all personnel of the PNP, BFP and BJMP

Powers and Functions

1. formulate and implement training programs for the personnel of the department;
2. establish and maintain adequate physical training facilities;
3. develop and implement research and development to support educational training programs;
4. conduct an assessment of the training needs of the bureaus;
5. perform such other related functions as may be prescribed by the secretary

G. Philippine National Police Academy (PNPA)

- created pursuant to section 13 of presidential decree no 1184
- a primary component of the Philippine public safety college (PPSC)
- the premier educational institution for future officers of the Philippine national police (PNP), Bureau of fire
protection (BFP) and Bureau of jail management and penology (BJMP)
- upon completion of training, graduates will be conferred the degree of bachelor of science in public
safety (BSPS) and appointed as police/fire/jail inspector


Fyfe, J. J., Greene, J. R., Walsh, W. F., Wilson, O. W., & McLaren, R. C. (1997). Police administration (pp. 467-
78). New York: McGraw-Hill.
Hughes, O. E. (2012). Public management and administration: An introduction. Macmillan International Higher
Roberg, R. R., Kuykendall, J. L., & Novak, K. (2002). Police management. Los Angeles: Roxbury Publishing
Swanson, C. R., Territo, L., & Taylor, R. W. (1988). Police administration: Structures, processes, and behavior.
New York: Macmillan.
Yu, C., & Shuo, D. E. N. G. (2015). U.S. Patent Application No. 14/439,971.

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