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Soal No. 1
When we came home last night we saw a man ____ to get on our roof.
A. try
B. tried
C. he tries
D. to try
E. trying
Pembahasan :
Bentuk soal menggunakan participle di tengah kalimat dan bermakna aktif pada pria yang
sedang mencoba (a man trying).
Soal No. 2
The first school day is a frightening experience for many children. The underlined phrase means
; an experience ____ many children.
A. that frightens
B. it frightens
C. who frightens
D. which will frightens
E. it is frightening
Frase a frightening experience bermakna aktif. Letak participle dalam soal an experience ____
many children; menunjukkan penggunaan adjective clause dalam kalimat dan bermakna aktif
juga( an experience that frightens many children).
Soal No. 3
Talking excitedly to each other, they forgot to finish the exercises.
The underlined word means ____ , they forgot to finish the exercises.
A. Although they talked excitedly
B. In order that they could talk excitedly
C. Because they were talking excitedly
D. When they had talked excitedly
E. If they talked excitedly
Pembahasan :
Penggunaan participle dalam awal kalimat bermakna because/ as/ since ( karena). Hubungan
antara klausa pertama dan yang kedua menunjukkan hubungan sebab akibat ; Talking excitedly
to each other, they forgot to finish the exercises. Sehingga untuk melengkapi soal diatas klausa
yang paling tepat adalah  Because they were talking excitedly, they forgot to finish the

Soal No. 4
Being an outstanding student in our school, he has been offered a scholarship to study in
The underlined words means ____ of our school.
A. If he is an outstanding student
B. Although he is an outstanding student
C. When he is an outstanding student
D. As he is an outstanding student
E. Before he is an outstanding student
Penggunaan participle dalam awal kalimat bermakna because/ as/ since ( karena). Hubungan
antara klausa pertama dan yang kedua menunjukkan hubungan sebab akibat; Being an
outstanding student in our school, he has been offered a scholarship to study in Australia.
Sehingga untuk melengkapi soal diatas klausa yang paling tepat adalah As he is an outstanding
student of our school.
Soal No. 5
The young man ____ by this Institute are all good university graduates.
A. employ
B. employed
C. to employee
D. employing
E. be employer
Pembahasan :
Penggunaan "by" dalam soal menunjukkan ciri- ciri participe bermakna pasif ( Past participle),
sehingga jawabannya adalah; "involved”.
Soal No. 6
A few days after the interview, I received a letter ____ me a job.
A. has offered
B. offered
C. being offered
D. offering
E. it was offering
Pembahasan :
Penggunaan participle ditengah bermakna aktif ( present participle).  ... I received a letter which
offered me a job. ( beberapa hari setelah interview, saya menerima surat yang menawariku

Soal No. 7
____ by mountains, the city has a cool climate.
A. Be surrounded
B. Surrounded
C. Surrounding
D. Having surrounded
E. It was surrounded
Pembahasan :
Penggunaan "by" dalam soal menunjukkan ciri- ciri participe bermakna pasif ( Past participle),
sehingga kalimat lengkapnya adalah "Surrounded by mountains, the city has a cool climate."
Soal No. 8
The people ____ during the war were mostly young soldiers.
A. killing
B. killed
C. were killed
D. were killing
E. be killed
Pembahasan :
Penggunaan Participle ditengah kalimat yang bermakna pasif yaitu "orang- orang yang
terbunuh" ( the people killed).
Soal No. 9
_____ her mistakes, the stewardess immediately apologized to the passenger.
A. Realized
B. In realizing
C. Realizes
D. She realized
E. Realizing
Pembahasan :
Hubungan klausa yang pertama dengan yang kedua menunjukkan hubungan sebab dan akibat
dengan subjek yang sama yaitu "the stewardess" (Because/ as/ since the stewardess realized
her mistakes, she immediately apologized to the passenger). karena bermakna aktif, maka
bentuk present participle yang digunakan.
Soal No. 10
The accident ____ a bus and two cars took the lives of four people and injured numerous
A. to involve
B. involving
C. to be involved
D. it involves
E. involved
Pembahasan :
Penggunaan participle ditengah kalimat yang bermakna aktif yaitu "kecelakaan yang
melibatkan" ( the accident involving).

This text is for questions 11 and 12.

Mr. Hasan Renaldi

PT Jaya Sentosa

Jl. Hasanudin 73


Dear Mr. Hasan Renaldi,

In response to your letter of December 20, 2015 we apologize for the error in shipment. We are
sending immediately the additional 500 boxes of glossy photo papers, that were not included in
the shipment.

We value our relationship with your company, and we regret the inconvenience. You can be
assured that this will not happen again in the future. We also enclose some catalogues of our
new products.

Sincerely yours,


Manager of order Department

Soal No.11

The purpose of sending the letter is to …

 A) request the paper excluded in the previous shipment.

  B) complete another request from PT Jaya Sentosa.

  C) request more orders of glossy photo papers.

  D) ask for apology for the error in shipment.

  E) enclose some new catalogues.


Membaca surat tentu saja lebih mudah daripada membaca cerita karena kamu pernah
mempelajari penulisan surat dan memahaminya. Lakukan screening terhadap teks yang
disajikan dan temukan tujuan penulis mengirimkan surat tersebut.

Soal No. 12

We know from the text that the first shipment was…

A) not complete.

B) not insured.

C) damaged.

D) wrong.

E) late.


Pertanyaan ini memiliki jawaban yang tidak tersurat, melainkan tersirat pada baris keenam dan
ketujuh teks. Penulis menyatakan bahwa bersamaan dengan surat tersebut, ia juga
mengirimkan 500 boks kertas foto tambahan yang tidak terkirim pada pengiriman sebelumnya.

Soal No. 13

  Rearrange the following sentences into the correct and meaningful paragraph!

1.      Being afraid Maya and Rita sat closely to each other.

2.      What a relief! The shadow was their camp leader doing an inspection.
3.      It was midnight, but Maya and Rita were still awake.
4.      Then, they saw a tall and big shadow outside their tent.
5.      They peeped outside through a small hole in the tent.
6.      Suddenly, they heard a soft voice outside.
7.      After the campfire, all the scouts enter their tents to have a rest, including Maya and

A) 7 – 3 – 6 – 4 – 1 – 5 – 2
B) 7 – 3 – 2 – 5 – 4 – 6 – 1

C) 7 – 5 – 4 – 3 – 1 – 6 – 2

D) 7 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 2 – 1 – 6

E) 7 – 2 – 1 – 5 – 3 – 4 – 6


Lakukan penghematan waktu untuk soal semacam ini. Alih-alih mencoba menyusunnya sendiri
yang bisa saja memakan waktu, cobalah mencoba susunan yang tersedia pada pilihan a hingga
e. Kemudian, pilihlah susunan kalimat yang menghasilkan paragraf paling sempurna dengan
susunan cerita yang jelas dan masuk akal.

Soal No. 14
Rila : Look (A) at my new Ring. Isn't (B) it cool?
Boyke : Yeah, I absolutely agrees (C )with you. It perfectly (D) matches with your finger.
Jawaban : C
Seharusnya "agree" ( Materi Simple Present Tense)

Soal No. 15
There are two big black Japanese motorcycles (A) in the parking area. Mine (B)  is the one who
(C)  has a sticker on the tank.It's easy to identify (D).
Jawaban : C
Pembahasan :
Seharusnya "which" ( Materi Adjective Clause)

Soal No. 16
A plumber fix (A) your plumbs and kitchen sinks (B) while a janitor  cleans school, offices (C),
stores, and other business places (D).
Jawaban : A
Pembahasan ;
Seharusnya  "fixes" ( Materi Simple Present Tense)           

Soal No. 17
Zacky  : Have you got (A) a plan to do this weekend (B)?
Manda  : I'm not sure. I should (C) just be  at (D) home to finish some deadlines
Jawaban : C
Pembahasan : 
Seharusnya ""I'd rather"

Soal No. 18
Manager  : How  (A)  would you like to work for this  project, with your previous team or  (B) a
new team?
Idhay        : I’d rather to keep (C)my old team. We are a solid (D) team.
Jawaban : C
Pembahasan :
Seharusnya “keep”

Soal No. 19
Anna     : Why was (A)Katie angry with you?
Mary : Oh I think she was jealous. She always feels threatening (B) everytime her boyfriend
talks (C) to another girl.
Liza    : That sounds ridiculous (D).
Jawaban : B
Pembahasan :
Seharusnya “threatened” ( Materi participle)

Soal No. 20
Anto   : has Tono finished (A) his research on time?
Bela   : No, If he made ( B) better use of his time, he would have been (C ) more likely (D) to
finish his research.
Jawaban : B
Pembahasan :
Seharusnya had made ( materi if clause)

Soal No. 21
Harry  : Can you describe (A) Naomi?
Jockie : She’s high (B), dark (C)  and (D) beautiful.
Jawaban : B
Pembahasan :
Seharusnya : high-dark and beautiful.

Soal No. 22
My handbag is a black rectangular leather bag (A) with a long tubular strap (B) of the same
material. The bag is about 18” X 12 “ in size(C) with three compartments. The compartment
which (D) a zip in is the centre one.
Jawaban : A
Pembahasan :
Seharusnya “a rectangular black leather bag” ( materi Noun Phrase)

Soal No. 23
Even though (A) my aunt lost (B)  the beauty contest, she is (C)  still the prettier (D) of all the
other contestants.
Jawaban : D
Pembahasan :
Seharusnya “the prettiest” (materi degree of comparison)

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