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Học phần, sách giáo khoa, câu hỏi Nâng cấp: dùng th...

Sentence transformation
Thuật ngữ trong học phần này (60)

Bruce likened the situation at work to a family argument

Bruce said that the situation at work

was like a family argument (likened)

liken st to st: chỉ ra điểm giống nhau, so sánh, ví von

When she sold the jewelry at such a lơ prices, she was taken
When she sold the jewelry at such a for a ride

low prices, she was cheated (ride)

take sb for a ride: cheat, deceive sb

What if we make no changes at all for the time being

Suppose we make no changes at all

for the time being (what)

What if = suppose

Rumour has it (goes) that we will have a new manager

It's rumoured that we will have a new

manager (rumour)
Rumour has it (goes) that: người ta đồn rằng

They arrived at their destination save and sound

They arrived at their destination alive

and kicking (save)

Save and sound: an toàn vô sự

At this moment, I only have time to At this moment, I'm preoccupied with mt university thesis

think about with my university thesis

(preoccupied) to be preoccupied: lơ đễnh vì có mối bận tâm trong lòng

Do you have cast/shed/throw light on how Jack made enough

Do you have any idea about how Jack money to buy his new?

made enough money to buy his new

house (light) have cast/shed/throw light: have an idea, soi sáng, rọi sáng
(nghĩa bóng)

My salary is half what I would be in the If I had accepted the job I was offered in January, I would be
job I was offered in January (if) on twice the salary I am now

Sentence transformation
Our boss is intent on not giving us that pay rise

Our boss is absolutely determined not

to give us that pay rise (intent) to be intent on st: có ý định

The value of sterling has fallen There has a considerable fall in the value of sterling in the past
considerably in the past week -> week

Returning from the battle, they didn't have two pennies to rub
Returing from the battle, they had no together

money left (RUB)

not have two pennies to rub together: to be very pool

I was very lucky to escape from that I count myself lucky to have escaped from that crash

I'd thought about it for some time and I'd thought about it for some time and decided to give it a go

decided to try to do something ( A

GO) To give sth a go: to try sth

It was disgraceful that Barbara turned her back on one of her

It was disgraceful that Barbara refused
oldest and closest friends

to help one of her oldest and closest

friends (BACK)
Turn your back on sb/sth: to refuse to help or be involved

The director's bodyguards stood Watchfully standing behind the director was his bodyguards
behind him, watching

> Watchfully

We must think about ways of Thought must be given to ways of improving the transport
improving the transport system

I hadn't realized the full implications of It was not until sometime later that I realized the full
what had happened until some time implications of what had happened

> It was

The police only warned Sally because Sally was let off with a warning because it was her first offence

it was her first offence

> Sally was let Let off: not punish (không trừng phạt)

Sentence transformation
Nobody is to be blame for the match cancellation / the fact
It's nobody's fault that the match was
that the match was cancelled


> Nobody is to
To be blame for: có lỗi về

It's what people eat that betrays their What gives (away) people's social background (away) is what
social background, not their table they eat, not their table manners

> What gives

If it hadn't been for my father's money, we couldn't have

We couldn't have managed without

my father's money

> If it
If it hadn't been for: nếu không nhờ có

The procedure is as follows

This is the procedure (follows)

as follows: như sau (dùng giới thiệu danh sách)

The film fell short of my expectations

The film didn't come up to my

expectations (short)
fall short of: không đáp ứng mong chờ

Generosity is his middle name

He is a generous person (name)

be sb's middle name: là nét đặc trưng của ai

I think his theory stands to reason

I think his theory is logical and clear

stand to reason: reasonable

In the area, Thailand is head and shoulders above all other

In the area, Thailand is much better
countries in football

than all other countries in football

head an shoulders above sb/sth: tốt, giỏi hơn ai/cái gì

He would go to any lengths to win the girl's hand

He would do almost anything to win

the girl's hand (lengths)

go to any lengths to V: bằng bất cứ giá nào để làm gì

I think those tool may come in handy

I think those tool may proved helpful

come in handy: tỏ ra có ích

Sentence transformation
Since their father's death, they have Since their father's death, they have been in the dise straits: lâm
had serious financial problems (straits) vào cảnh thiếu thốn

Jane stands a high chance of being promoted

Jane is very likely to be promoted

stand a good/high chance of: có cơ hội làm gì

John has committed himself to looking after the baby

John has taken it upon himself to look tommorow

after the baby tomorrow (committed)

commit oneself to doing sth: cam kết làm gì

He easily files off the handle

He easily loses his temper (flies)

fly of the handle: mất bình tĩnh

The proposed motorway extension has been a bone of

They've been arguing about the contention for years

motorway extension for years (bone)

a bone of contention: vấn đề tranh cãi, bất đồng

I'm afraid our problems are just I'm afraid our problems are just the tip of an iceberg
beginning (iceberg)

The PM doesn't come across well on TV

The Prime Minister doesn't make a

good impression on TV (across)

come across well: make good impression

The last candidate struck me as a rather inexperienced person

I felt that the last candidate seemed

rather inexperience (struck)

strike sb as: gây cho ai ấn tượng ntn

The band's tour is on the balance

It's uncertain whether the band's tour

will take place (balance)

on the balance: to be uncertain

We are on good term with our next neighbour

We get on very well with our next

neighbour (term)
to be on good term with sb: có mỗi quan hệ tốt với ai

Do you count M as one of your best friends?

Do you consider Michael one of your

best friends? (count)

count sb as: coi ai là gì
Sentence transformation
He admitted the truth in my presence

I was there when he admitted the truth

(presence) in the presence of/ in sb's presence: trong sự hiện diện của ai
cái gì

I heard her use those words many Many's the time that I heard her use those words


> Many's many's the time (that): there have been many times

Owen is a good player but Rooney is Very good as/though Owen is as a player, but Rooney is better

> Very good

The old lady was robbed of her handbag by two men

Two men stole the old lady's handbag

> The old lady

to rob of: cướp đoạt, lấy đi

Attendance at the additional evening Students are under no obligation to attend the addtional
lectures is not obligatory for students lectures


> Students under an (no) obligation to do sth: (không) buộc phải

As a result of the bad weather, there Due to the bad weather some international flights will be
may be delay to some international subject to possible delay

flights (subject)

> Due to the bad weather be subject to: bị

They were very keen to hear the They are all ears to the president's speech

president's speech (ears)

> They be all ears to: chăm chú lắng nghe

The terrorist attack on the Capital The terrorist attack on the Capital Trade Center was a carbon
Trade Center was very much like the copy of the 11/9 attack on the WTO building

11/9 attack on the WTO building

a carbon copy of: dùng để chỉ một người hay một vật giống
> The terrorist attack on the Capital hệt như một người khác hay một vật khác
Trade Center

Customs offcials are stopping more An increasing number of travelers are being stopped by
travelers than usual this week
customs officials
> An increasing

Sentence transformation
In order to make a profit the new No fewer than 2000 visitors a month must visit the new leisure
leisure centre needs at least 2000 centre to make a profit
visitors a month

> No fewer

My decision to get up to dance The moment I decided to get up to dance, the band decided
coincided with the band's decision to to stop playing
stop playing

> The moment

Mr D claimed that hard work was the ...his success to hard work

reason for his success

> Mr D attributed attribute sth to sth: cho là do, quy cho

I learnt a lot of the language simply by I pick up a fair amount/knowledge/bit of the language simply
listening to the other people (fair) by listening to the other people

The film went into inqualidation after...

The film went bankrupt after failing to

win the contract (liquidation)

go into inqualidation: go bankrupt

The terrible scream made my blood run cold

The terrible scream frightened me

make sb's blood run cold: làm cho ai ghê rợn

Could you tell me where you were Could you give an account of your whereabouts last night?
last night? (account)

...gave the false impression that she was...

The journalist pretended that she was

a parent of one of the children (false)

Give the false impression: fail to understand correctly /

> The journalist

Alan worked too hard at the office, ...was result of working too hard at the office
and this led to his illness

> Alan's illness

The disagreement is a storm in a teacup

The disagreement is a lot of fuss about

A storm in a teacup: việc bé xé ra to

nothing (teacup)

Make (kick up) a fuss about (over) sth: làm ầm lên

Sentence transformation
The world press got wind of the story from a government

A government official leaked the story

to the world press (wind) get wind of sth: nghe phong phanh được

Defence alliances are as old as the hills

There's nothing new about defence

alliances (hills)
(As) old as the hills: cũ, cổ lỗ sĩ

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