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Ej R.

Agsalda General Botany

BS BIO-1 BIO 5036

Journal No. 2
“The Internal Structure of Leaves”


This observational research activity presents the cross-section and longitudinal

micrographs of Rice leaf (Oriza sativa) and Orange leaf (Citrus X aurantium) that can be found
and study on the Internet. This study also tends to examine/analyze the parts of the internal
structure (cross-section) of the plants, determine and label the parts and functions of the cross-
section. And lastly the study aims to determine the different Phytochemicals present from each
of the sampled specimens.


Plants are essential to life on earth. Either directly or indirectly, they are the primary food
source for humans and other animals. Additionally, they provide fuel, replenish the earth’s oxygen
supply, prevent soil erosion and supply medical compounds.

Many plants are familiar to us, and we can identify and appreciate them based on their
external structures. However internal structures and functions are often overlooked. Understanding
how plant grows and develop helps capitalize on their usefulness and make them part of our every

This observational research study focuses in distinguishing the parts and the functions of
monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous leafs. Sometimes called monocots and dicots for short.
This plants have different form of internal structures but they do have share common
characteristics such as having vascular tissues, epidermis and mesophyll.

Angiosperms, the flowering plants, are the most highly evolved plants and the most
dominant in present times. They are the most diverse group of land plants, with 64 orders, 416
families, approximately 13,000 known genera and 300,000 known species (Byng, J, Christenhusz
2016). The cells of angiosperms are prearranged into different tissues and organs (Curtis et al
1989). The three main organs of flowering plants are roots, stems, and leaves. All the flowering
plants are basically divided into two major groups or classes, the Dicots and the Monocots based
on a variety of the structural appearance. Most of these features can be identified with the naked
eye including, the number of seed leaves, root system, appearance of vascular bundles in stems,
vein arrangement in the leaves and the number of floral parts (Blake et al 2001). While monocots
and dicots are composed of the same tissues (ground, vascular and dermal tissues) the arrangement
of these tissues differs (Curtis et al 1989). In dicots and most monocots, the three tissue systems
(dermal, ground and vascular) are arranged in three layers: the epidermis, the cortex, and the
vascular cylinder (Curtis et al 1989). The epidermis, which covers the entire surface of the root,
absorbs water and minerals from the soil and protects the internal tissues (Curtis et al 1989).

Monocots and Eudicots (formerly called Dicots) are two groups of the flowering plants.
Other groups include the Magnolia family and the Water Lily family. Monocots and Eudicots are
extremely important to our environment and economy as they generate the foods that we eat,
lumber, paper, and biomass for generating biofuels. Monocots are the grains we eat (corn, wheat,
rice, oats) and eudicots are our fruits and vegetables.


Figure 1. Cross-section image of Orange leaf (Citrus X aurantium)

Figure 2. Longitudinal section of Orange leaf (Citrus X aurantium)

CUTICLE The primary function of the plant cuticle is as a water
permeability barrier that prevents evaporation of water from
the epidermal surface, and also prevents external water and
solutes from entering the tissues.
UPPER EPIDERMIS This is a single layer of cells containing few or no
chloroplasts. The cells are quite transparent and permit most
of the light that strikes them to pass through to the underlying
cells. The upper surface is covered with a waxy, waterproof
cuticle, which serves to reduce water loss from the leaf.
LOWER EPIDERMIS It contains the stomata and prevent them to loose too much
water in form of transpiration.
BUNDLE SHEATH A layer or region of compactly arranged cells surrounding a
vascular bundle in a plant. The bundle sheaths regulate the
movement of substances between the vascular tissue and the
parenchyma and, in leaves, protect the vascular tissue from
exposure to air.
XYLEM Xylem is the specialized tissue of vascular plants that
transports water and nutrients from the plant soil interface to
stems and leaves, and provides mechanical support and
PHLOEM Phloem is responsible for transporting sugars, proteins, and
other organic molecules in plants.
AIR SPACE The air space in a leaf allows communication between the
interior and exterior environment of the plant. The air
spaces in a plant are called the stomata and the boundary layer.
PALISADE Palisade cells are a type of parenchyma cells that contain most
PARENCHYMA of the chloroplasts in plant leaves. Given that they are located
beneath the upper epidermis, palisade cells are well positioned
to absorb light required for photosynthesis.
SPONGY PARENCHYMA A layer of cells in the interior of leaves, consisting of loosely
arranged, irregularly shaped cells that have chloroplasts. The
spongy parenchyma has many spaces between cells to
facilitate the circulation of air and the exchange of gases. It
lies just below the palisade layer.
STOMATA Stomata regulate gas exchange between the plant and
environment and control of water loss by changing the size of
the stomatal pore. This stomatal movement is affected by
several environmental stimuli, such as relative humidity, CO2
concentration, and light intensity.

Gajula R. & Rao M. (2018) Oxidants and Phytochemical Analysis of Citrus aurantium (Orange)
Leaf Extract.

The table shows the Phytochemical screening of Citrus aurantium (Orange) leaves
Sl no. Phytochemicals Distilled Methanol Acetone Ethanol
1 Tatins Positive Positive Positive Positive
2 Anthraquiones Positive Positive Negative Positive
3 Flavanoides Positive Positive Positive Positive
4 Alkaloides Positive Positive Positive Positive
5 Terpenoids Positive Positive Positive Positive
6 Saponins Negative Negative Positive Positive
7 Cardiac Glycosides Positive Positive Positive Positive
8 Glycosiddes Negative Negative Positive Negative
9 Reducing Sugars Positive Positive Positive Positive
10 Phlobatanins Negative Negative Negative Negative
11 Steroids Positive Positive Positive Positive
12 Phenolic Positive Positive Positive Positive
13 Amino Acids Negative Negative Negative Negative
14 Proteins Negative Negative Negative Negative
15 Quinones Positive Positive Positive Positive

By the results of the phytochemical screening they conclude that Citrus aurantium leaf
extract gives positive result in compounds with methanol, ethanol, acetone and distilled water but
there is absence of amino acids, proteins and phlobatanins.

Furthermore the results of the preliminary phytochemical screening of the extracts

C.aurantium showed the presence of alkaloids, glycosides, phenols, tannins, saponins and Steroids.
Preliminary organic analysis of drugs helps to undertake further studies on the isolation
and identification of specific chemical constituents. Due to the presence of different
phytochemical compounds of C.aurantium leaf extracts has efficient anti-microbial activity
against different micro-organisms (E. coli, Streptococcus, Salmonella typhi, Bacillus subtilis)

Lastly the phytochemicals in the investigation showed that the plant contains more or less
same components like saponins, triterpenoids, steroids, glycosides, anthraquinone, flavonoids.
Results showed that plant rich in tannin and Phenolic compounds have been shown to possess
antimicrobial activities against a number of microorganisms

Figure 3. Rice leaf anatomy (Cross-section), Oriza sativa (Poaceae).

Figure 4. Rice leaf anatomy (Cross-section), Oriza sativa (Poaceae).

CUTICLE The primary function of the plant cuticle is as a water
permeability barrier that prevents evaporation of water from
the epidermal surface, and also prevents external water and
solutes from entering the tissues.
UPPER EPIDERMIS This is a single layer of cells containing few or no
chloroplasts. The cells are quite transparent and permit most
of the light that strikes them to pass through to the underlying
cells. The upper surface is covered with a waxy, waterproof
cuticle, which serves to reduce water loss from the leaf.
LOWER EPIDERMIS It contains the stomata and prevent them to loose too much
water in form of transpiration.
BUNDLE SHEATH A layer or region of compactly arranged cells surrounding a
vascular bundle in a plant. The bundle sheaths regulate the
movement of substances between the vascular tissue and the
parenchyma and, in leaves, protect the vascular tissue from
exposure to air.
XYLEM Xylem is the specialised tissue of vascular plants that
transports water and nutrients from the plant soil interface to
stems and leaves, and provides mechanical support and
PHLOEM Phloem is responsible for transporting sugars, proteins, and
other organic molecules in plants.
STOMATA Stomata regulate gas exchange between the plant and
environment and control of water loss by changing the size of
the stomatal pore. This stomatal movement is affected by
several environmental stimuli, such as relative humidity, CO2
concentration, and light intensity.
SCLERENCHYMA Plants require cells that are bound together and have a strong
outer layer known as a cell wall. Sclerenchyma cells are
strong, thick cells that provide most of the support in a plant.
They are known to have extremely thick cell walls and do not
participate in many of the other activities of the developing
plant, such as photosynthesis, because their focus is strictly on
support and structure.
BULLIFORM CELLS Bulliform cells are the cell that is spread among the leaf's
epidermal cells.They are essential for water storage. During
stress circumstances, bulliform cells assist to roll leaves to
avoid water loss through transpiration. Therefore, they control
the process of transpiration.
Minh T., Xuan T. (2019) Phytochemical Analysis and Potential Biological Activities of
Essential Oil from Rice Leaf.

Based on the percent peak area of each component, methyl ricinoleate (27.86%) was the
most dominant compound among volatile oil in rice leaves, followed by palmitic acid (17.34%),
and linolenic acid (11.16%), while 2-pentadecanone was the least (2.13%).

Although methyl ricinoleate was found in relatively high concentrations (27.86%) of the
rice chemical profile of essential oil, fatty acids were the most abundant with five components
accounting for 36.49%. Among identified volatile acids, palmitic acid was detected in the highest
amount (17.34%). These compounds were also encountered in the chemical profile of rice
originating from the rice straw (Miyazawa, M. Nagai, S 2008) black, and red rice bran. In their
literature of the study, methyl ricinoleate was reported as an antioxidant compound, which supports
the ethno-medicinal application of Ricinus communis seeds extracts in medicine. Additionally,
this active metabolite has been considered as an important ingredient in the cosmetic industry,
which is used as a plasticizer, lubricant, as emollients, and in skin conditioning or as a fragrance.

As I go through this activity I learned the importance of studying the internal parts of a plants,
especially from the leaves. Distinguishing what is a dicot and a monocot leaf according to their
internal structures and understanding the importance of studying plant anatomy. Studying plant
anatomy allows a student to conceptually integrate organismal structure and function. Further, it
helps to reveal the relationships between structure, function, taxonomy, ecology, and
developmental genetics (Allen S. & Davis C. 2014).

Based on my observations throughout this observational research I draw into some valuable and
notable conclusions about the cross sections of a typical monocot and dicot leaves. My conclusions
are as follows:


1. Both Monocot and dicot leaves contain similar types of dermal, ground, and vascular
tissues/bundles, but they are arranged differently within each type of leaf.

a) Leaf dermal tissue

Both monocot and dicot leaves have an outer, waxy layer called the cuticle that covers the
dermal tissue of the upper and lower epidermis. The cuticle protects the leaf and helps it retain
water. The epidermis, which is located beneath the cuticle, also protects the leaf. It plays a key role
in gas exchange as well, because it contains pores called stomata.

b) Leaf ground tissue

Both monocot and dicot leaf have a type of ground tissue called mesophyll that fills the
area between the leaf’s upper and lower epidermis. The cells in the mesophyll contain numerous
chloroplasts, organelles that carry out photosynthesis, converting light, water, and carbon dioxide
into sugar the plant can break down to generate energy.

c) Leaf vascular bundle

Both monocot and dicot leaves do have vascular bundles which are the xylem and the
phloem that are surrounded by one and more layers of parenchyma cells known as bundle sheaths.
They protect the “veins” of the leaf.

In dicot leaf, the vascular bundle is present centrally. The vascular bundle is conjoint,
collateral and closed which encloses by single-layered bundle sheath. In monocot leaf, the vascular
bundle present parallel in each row. It has collateral and closed vascular bundle, encloses by both
Parenchymatous and Sclerenchymatous bundle sheath.

2. Dicot leave has no Bulliform cells while Monocot leaves do have.

Monocot leaves have bulliform cells. These large, bubble-like cells, located just beneath
the epidermis, are thought to help the leaf bend or fold. This is important because folding the leaf
changes its exposure to light and the amount of water it retains.

3. Arrangement of Stomata

Dicot leaves stomata are present on the lower surface of the leaf
Monocot leaves stomata are present on lower as well as the upper surface

4. Differentiation of Mesophyll

Dicots have palisade parenchyma and spongy parenchyma. Palisade mesophyll cells are
located right beneath the leaf’s upper epidermis. Spongy mesophyll is located below the palisade
mesophyll. While Monocots do not have such differentiations.


Based from the table presented on the phytochemical contents of Orange leaf. The study
Oxidants and Phytochemical Analysis of Citrus aurantium (Orange) Leaf Extract. (2018) Shows
that the chemical compounds that are present from the orange leaves shares common similarities
from chemical that are present from the Orange fruit like saponins, triterpenoids, steroids,
glycosides, anthraquinone, flavonoids. Also the results strengthens that orange leaf can provide
anti-microbial activities against a number of microorganisms.

On the other hand. The Phytochemical Analysis and Potential Biological Activities of
Essential Oil from Rice Leaf. (2019) shows the different essential oils present from the rice leaf.
The results showed that the most dominant compound is methyl ricinoleate (27.86%). Which is a
type of fatty acid methyl ester synthesized from castor oil and methyl alcohol and can be used as
a surfactant, cutting fluid additive, lubricant, and plasticizer.

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