Dognition Data Set Analysis Plan

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How to turn this structured outline into your own SPAP:

1. Turn the general objective into a SMART goal as if Dognition hired you
2. Add any factors or independent variables that you think need to be addressed, but are currently missing (may want to start a new chart if you are going to add a lot of variables)
3. Fill in the specific fields in the specific data sources you can use to address each independent variable
4. Prioritize the branches of independent variables
5. Describe what graph you would use to assess each independent variable

Increase the number of

Dognition tests completed

Features of the Dogs Features of the Owners Features of Testing Interaction with Technology
Circumstances Dognition and Product interactions

Dognition Speed of Breed Neutered? Previous Personality traits? Demographics Dog History When? Where? How did they learn Promotions? Internet Phone,
Personality game behavioral about Dognition? browser? tablet, or
Dimension? completion? training? desktop?
IV: ? IV: ? IV: ? IV: ?

Breed Breed Knowledge Easily Education Socioeconomic Age Dog Interest in Time Day of Time of Geographic At home 60 Minutes Internet Recommendations? Free start? Operating
group? type? -seeking? bored? status ownership breeding? of year week day location or at show? searches? system?
IV: ?
IV: ? IV: ? IV: ? IV: ? IV: ? IV: ? IV: ? IV: ? IV: ? IV: ? IV: ? IV: ? IV: ?
IV: ?

Purebred # dogs Dogs History Ever bred Within Outside From who? Through what
vs. others? owned owned in buying dogs? USA USA channel?
IV: ?
now lifetime pure-
IV: ? IV: ? IV: ? IV: ? IV: ?
IV: ? IV: ?
IV: ?

Analysis Plan Data Visualization and Communication with Tableau

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