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PASCO COUNTY COMPLAINT AFFIDAVIT 12 PSO FL.0510000 1 DcPD FL ost0100 NPR PD FL 0510200, 20 FL.0510300 1G _PRPD FL 0510400 1D FHP FL 0279000 Buse comme | 1 | S "22-00066 ce Ee Bierman B tmsamume Somer G cmenamrcause 7 "MM |e sor Oven | O ‘Site Grenmaverrersice|encmeten| O S8ty B smur 2 swnctar 1 oe i woe, Se aa baa es arrears ge [F724 bs Dh 1300 ge fim ww [om ow [vsawew avon fie Valiquette, John, Randall = P (275277. a. esc SS a] W | M [Eee] N | ovvositee7 |” 24 [soe [200 [Medium [Bue | Brown | meckam 5 See. coer | Ey 'V423-476.07-243-0 rote [ime — Pennsyivania | Unted States E)MEVA; © wm» Oumfrowciess Gy mn[promnon Cy mn | SMCS Gy malancwnunion OY mn] aun Oy wn ‘3107 Hlside Drive _NewPortRichey, Flonca 24052” =" ‘Same As Physical a i. ial eS areca wm samepocareceog [| === freer Aggravated Manslaughter of a Child FAXFOQW7 Iw, Fe eee 3 [Fie Pine BSH “A “ERE “YE [Unknown [Fee Se a oe ee A | [roe (coon | ear — ma” Gacces Domestic Reiate| — Bos BEr Bsr atte aren glass cooe ta rece vce aoc Patan ao Coaar 0 Ct hk ln ok REST Ae eS es Soe ee a Paes ace reo et i He ot a a a i a a is Ce A et tH ar = a =r Jess [ow ] [REQUEST FOR MVESTIATIVE COSTE RECOVERY - FS ZT | errereranue [| case NP418 settvesiguvens. 25 x $26.00 «$650.00 He “rn Te EW enor , can] NxZe = = Detective EVCEmpbell "_NP4I8 Spear Tavewedy Cisse TS CLERK OF COURT Pasco Sheriff's Office COMPLAINT AFFIDAVIT CONTINUATION SHEET ae eee pace 2 3_ = REASONABLE GROUNDS TO BELIEVE. AND OOES BELIEVE THAT TMEABOVE ON THE Gh DAYOF Jantary 2022 «AT 1052 WAM. PM. Your Affiant, a detective with the New Port Richey Police Department, investigated a deceased child ‘complaint. Upon my arrival, | discovered Victim, JAMES VALIQUETTE (W-M DOB-11/13/20) deceased in his pack and play style crib. Rigor mortis had completely set in and lividity was consistent with the positioning of the body._A thick milky mucous was seen around the Victim's mouth and nose. There were no obvious signs of injury to the Victim. Defendant is the Victim's biological father and at the time of the Victim's death was in the care and custody lof the Defendant. ANDREA SMARR (Biological mother of Victim) said she placed the Victim in his crib on January 5, 2022, at approximately 10:30 PM. She claimed the Victim was alive and well when she put him down. On January 6, 2022, at approximately 10:50 AM, she discovered the Victim to be deceased In a consent search of the residence, several items were seized of evidentiary value. Several items were indicative of narcotic use (i.e. - small scraps of tinfoil, some. burnt) and actual narcotics (Methamphetamine land Fentanyl. In a further search of the residence, | discovered a video surveillance camera in the living room, orientated [to capture what took place in the living room. In a review of the video, | discovered the Victim had in fact been with the Defendant the night before. At 9:55 PM, the Defendant falls asleep on the floor, which ‘allowed the Victim to roam around the living room unsupervised. At 10:17 PM, the Victim goes between ithe sofa and coffee table and picks up what appears to be a scrap of tin foil from the floor. He places itin his mouth and gets onto the sofa. At 10:22 PM, SMARR walks into the living room, holding in her left hand [a pipe commonly used to smoke methamphetamine. She realizes the Victim has something in his mouth ‘and she quickly removes it. (Continued) Ler. Gf pL _ saazDatwctve E. Campbell NPA = FSOSI0R Rewies Ta) Revewedby Gil6w Ai?) Gan Tazo — CLERK OF COURT Pasco Sheriff's Office COMPLAINT AFFIDAVIT CONTINUATION SHEET ——— PeseNT John Randall Valiquette 122-0065 REASONABLE GROLNGS TO BELEVE AD DOES BELIEVE WATTMEAROYE| ON THE 6h OAY OF Jafuay 2022 «AT ‘1058 AM. COPA Sh the Victim into his im into his crit Victim is still laced in the crib, a e whict == aaa | an os | I) enn ee a [seme ons cs ——— a Revewesby cise rr baw Tazo CLERK OF COURT

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