Declaration: Prof. Sidharth Raja Halder Amity School of Business Amity University, Ranchi (Jharkhand)

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OPPORTUNITIES and Hurdles of Indian Toy Industry: A Case Study based on
SWOT Analysis.

Submitted to
Amity University, Ranchi (Jharkhand)

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of

Bachelor of Business Administration
Kumar Kaustubh
Enrolment No. – A36106418035
Under the guidance of
Prof. Sidharth Raja Halder
Amity School of Business


I KUMAR KAUSTUBH, an understudy of BBA 5TH Semester thusly pronounce that the Dissertation
BASED SWOT ANALYSIS." which is submitted by me to Prof. Sidharth Raja Halder Amity school
of business, Amity university, Ranchi (Jharkhand) in partial administration has not been previously
formed the basis for the award of any degree diploma of other similar title of recognition. I further
declare that report is written by me and no part of the report is copied from any source without being
duly acknowledged if it is found to be plagiarized beyond acceptable limit I owe the responsibility
and action can be taken against me as per university rules and regulation.

Amity University, Ranchi (Jharkhand) Date 12 December, 2020

Sign of the student

Kumar Kaustubh

Name of the student- Kumar Kaustubh

Enrollment no- A36106418035


I affirm that work fused in the postulation "OPPORTUNITIES AND HURDLES OF INDIAN TOY
INDIAN IN." put together by MR. KUMAR KAUSTUBH was done under my watch. The
proposition submitted is a record of unique exploration done by scientist.

Prof. Sidharth Raja Halder
(Faculty Guide)


I might want to communicate my exceptional thanks of appreciation to Prof. Sidharth Raja Halder
Sir who gave me the brilliant occasion to do this great venture on the point OPPORTUNITIES AND
likewise assisted me with looting of Research and I came to think about so numerous new things I
am truly grateful to her.

Besides I might likewise want to thank my folks and companions who caused me a great deal in
finishing this venture inside the restricted time period.



On the basis of the report submitted by Kumar Kaustubh student of bachelor of business
administration, I hereby certify that the report “ OPPORTUNITIES AND HURDLES OF INDIAN
Siddhartha Raja Halder, Amity school of business, Amity university, Ranchi (Jharkhand) in partial
fulfilment of requirement for the award of the degree of bachelor of business administration is in
original contribution with existing knowledge and faithful record of work carried out by him/her
under my guidance and supervision.

To the best of my knowledge this work has not been submitted in part or full for any degree or
diploma to this university or elsewhere.

Amity University, Ranchi (Jharkhand)

Date- 12 December, 2020
Signature of guide (Internal)
Prof. Sidharth Raja Halder
Assistant professor
Amity school of business
Amity University, Ranchi (Jharkhand)


1. Introduction 8-9

2. Structure of Indian Toy Industry 10

3. Varieties of Toys Made from Different Varieties of Material 11-12

4. Major Toy Products and Clusters in India. 13-15

5. Major Modern Toy Manufacturing Clusters in India 16

6. Major Challenges to Indian Toy Industry 17

7. Growth of Indian Toy Industry 18

8. Future of Toy Industry in India 19


10. India’s Toy Trade with the World 21

11. Toy Industry in China 22

12. Toy Industry in India vis a vis China 23

13. Major Toy Clusters in China 24

14. Challenges Faced by China’s Toy Market 25

15. Toxicity & Safety of Toys 26-27

16. Safety Standards of Toys in India 28-29


17. Safety Regulations on Import of Toys From China 30

18. SWOT Analysis of Indian Toy Industry 31-33

19. Conclusion 34-35


Toys expect a critical capacity as social priests reflecting 5000 years of Indian turn of events. Toys
manufactured the country over mirror the social assortment of the country. India makes a wide extent
of Toys viz., plastic, mechanical, sensitive/luxurious dolls and animals, prepackaged games, puzzles,
educational games, metal and tin, wood, Battery worked pullback Toys, etc Indian toys are delivered
utilizing arranged unrefined materials like, plastic, wood, versatile, metal, materials, etc Toy Industry
in India has seen a lot of changes over the span of the latest decade with respect to characterizations
of toys, advancement, eye-getting plan and alternate points of view. By and large, Toy territory is a
work genuine industry; it gives immense business events to in excess of 3 million experts of which
women set up around 70% of workers.

The toy business is essentially arranged in close to nothing and house territories, with around 4000
amassing units including small (75%), little and medium (22%) and gigantic (3%) units. The toy
producers are by and large arranged in Delhi, Mumbai, and Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Tamil
Nadu and gatherings across central Indian states. Gathering of toys in India use neighborhood
aptitudes of master talented specialists and creative arranging. Indian toy industry includes enormous
number of indigenous makers and several driving overall associations.

The toy market has two far reaching parcels, for instance, the "planned" piece, which addresses
around 33% of the market, and the "confused" segment. Mother and-Pop shops (in any case called
"Kirana") are primarily "confused" outside the guideline metropolitan centers, and predominantly
chip away at a cash and-pass on reason. The size of Indian Toy industry is about Rs.8000 crores of
which Rs.3000 crores spoke to by composed region while about Rs.5000 crores accounted by the
confused zone. The "organized" territory stores are available in gigantic metropolitan zones –
generally toy strong point stores, for instance, RCS in New Delhi, Hamleys in Mumbai or Prijanka in
Hyderabad. Some colossal MNC toy creating units like Mattel and Funskool have their quality at
critical metropolitan zones in India. Funskool is the greatest toy maker in India with 30% offer,
followed by Mattel (20%), Hasbro (9%), Bandai (4%) and Lego (4%) and Leap Frog (3%) and the
others speaks to about 30%.

The Indian toy industry has exhibited enormous turn of events and expansion potential in the local
market that is evaluated at about US $850 million and it created 0.5 percent of the overall market.
The creating care among watchmen in India joined with growing individual additional money
provoked the improvement of toy market and particularly for informational toys and games that offer
creative mind and lead to the progression of the cerebrum of the child. Additionally, there is epic
interest of Toys under capability program, for instance, Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan run by Government
of India.

As demonstrated by Euro screen study, spending on toys and games in India is set to create at 157%
some place in the scope of 2009 and 2014, much snappier than other Asian countries, for instance,
China (84%), Taiwan (35%), South Korea (33.1%) and Singapore (17.2%). Indian watchmen spend

an ordinary of Rs 250-300 on a toy and this is going up with progressively greater headway driven
generally excellent quality toys and games - from excessive tabletop games and wreck around to
BeyBlades and remotecontrolled planes - enter the market.
Web retailing is transforming into an inexorably more huge scattering channel due to a couple of
reasons. Clients have extending induction to the web and online retailers habitually have better item
to the extent grouping, new dispatches and offer of stamped toys. Despite the way that the online toy
market addresses a straightforward 5%, it is growing rapidly and is presumably not going to affect
the overall premium in the accompanying couple of years. India is making quality toys, which is
unrivaled elsewhere and along these lines, the interest for Indian toys is rising fundamentally.

Components of toy industry changed with the dispatch of the market for Chinese players. Chinese
toys are crushing the Indian toy industry and little and medium producers are essentially almost
breakdown in light of genuine comptetition. Indian toy industry is a ton of in converse interestingly
with China's toy industry. Abusing the advantage of the rough materials and cost of work, China has
become the greatest maker and exporter of toys on the planet. It is evaluated that about 85% of toys
by and large is conveyed in China. According to China Toy and Juvenile Product Association,
China's toy exchanges amounted to US$ 15.7 billion out of 2015.

According to industry body ASSOCHAM, spiraling passages have furthermore decimated India's
local toy makers. In the last 4-5 years, 40% of Indian toy associations have conclusion and another
20% are practically end. To the extent assessing, there is a gigantic opening between secretly made
toys and overall brand name toys. Taking everything into account, secretly made toys still keep a
strong edge in the medium to low end bits of the market and basically corner bargains channels like
the markdown market and autonomously run retailers. Among the close by creators in India about
59% are up 'til now focusing in on the formation of humble and unbranded toys which advances to
the worth tricky Indian customers. Later on it is ordinary that these associations will move towards
stamped toys too to stay genuine with worldwide associations.
With the bringing down of toll deterrents, mellowing of overall trade restricts, the local market is
right now open and the Indian toy industry is standing up to the test from the local wholesalers and
worldwide competitors who import more affordable things essentially from China. Only 20% of the
Indian market is served by Indian toy makers while the rest is served by imported toys from different
countries dominatingly.

Structure of Indian Toy Industry


History of Toys is as old as human progress. Early people made toys from materials found in nature,
for example, rocks, sticks and dirt. In the cutting edge period, toys are produced using a wide scope
of materials, for example, plastic, metal, earth, glass, fabric, woods and so forth Toys unearthed from
the Indus valley human progress (3000-1500 BC) incorporate little trucks, whistles molded like
winged animals and toy monkeys which could slide down a string. Utilization of new materials and
innovations have increased the value of an assortment of toys.

Selling a toy frequently includes offering to three people at the same time, specifically the youngster,
who will utilize the toy, the mother, who is worried about security, space to play, and so on, and the
dad who controls the satchel strings. The objective market for the toy selling firms is working class
and upper pay gathering.

In India, Toys are categorized in four types:-

1. Toys created and delivered by craftspeople
2. Metal toys, dynamic people toys created and delivered by the craftsman’s (talented and semi-
gifted individual)
3. Toys created by the layman or imagined by youngsters themselves for their own one of a kind
4. Factory made toys.

Varieties of Toys Made from Different Varieties of Material


a) Metal Toys: Copper and bronze were the soonest non-ferrous metals which man formed into
devices. References to the projecting of bronze pictures were found in antiquated writings
like the MatsyaPurana. Gujarat and Uttar Pradesh in the north and Tamil Nadu and Andhra
Pradesh in south India are known for their bronze and copper things.

b) Wooden Toys: Workmanship on wood has thrived in India throughout the long term. Dolls
produced using wood are well known. Sikkim is known for its cut items and dolls. Customary
plans are cut on wood and afterward painted for giving the entire article a rich impact.

c) Clay Toys: Terracotta is the most antiquated and unique type of articulation of dirt
craftsmanship. Earthenware puppets in India, running over a time of 3,000 years, have a place
with times both when the utilization of stone in model. In spite of the fact that it is delicate
and deteriorates rapidly, a persistent stream of workmanship all through various phases of
development can even now be found. Ceramics in India has profound strict essentialness.
Dolls of Gods and Goddesses are made of earth during celebrations like Durga Puja in
Bengal and Ganesh Chaturthi in Maharashtra. Additionally well-known are the gram devtas
(town gods) consistently made by nearby skilled workers. Delhi is known for its blue
earthenware which is practically clear. The Jaipur Blue ceramics is considerably more
remarkable with its arabesque.

d) Toys made of Stone: Orissa was customarily known as "Utkal", place where there is
greatness of craftsmanship, due to the huge networks of painters, potters, weavers and
different specialists who were joined to the significant sanctuary edifices. Indeed the craft of
stone cutting in Orissa goes back to Kalinga (past name of Orissa) period. Stone cutting is
completed on sandstone, Nilgiri stone, delicate stone (Kochilla) and serpentine stone. Famous
subjects incorporate the pictures of Hindu divine beings and goddesses and artists. Makrana
in Rajastan produces astounding marble dolls and puppets.

e) Glass Toys: It was the Mughals who found the beautiful capability of glass - the way that
when it is cut, it has the opalescence and the sparkle of a horde precious stone. Glass etchings
from India, sent out to Europe till the sixteenth century, are said to have impacted the
Venetians. Today this craftsmanship has declined however glass things are still important for
regular day to day existence. Saharanpur of Uttar Pradesh makes glass dolls and toys loaded
up with hued fluid called panchkora.

f) Paper Mache Toys: Paper Mache is a nearly new art in India, which has gotten on very well
in numerous pieces of the nation, since the crude material is effectively accessible and cheap.
Kashmir is acclaimed for paper mache make. Kashmir creates probably the most delightfully
handmade paper mache things. Gwalior in Madhya Pradesh makes paper mache toys, while
in Ujjain figures of famous gods are made of this material. Jaipur (Rajasthan) and Chennai
are likewise celebrated for their paper mache makes.

g) Shola-Pith Toys: Figurines of Shola substance are another famous type of workmanship in
specific pieces of India. Shola substance is a herbaceous plant filling wild in boggy and
water-logged zones. This material is utilized in West Bengal for making puppets, aesthetic
beautifications and headgears for gods during celebrations. Specialists of Tiruchirapalli in
Tamil Nadu make momentous propagations of notable sanctuaries in essence.

h) Cloth Toys: The material doll has been in presence for nearly as long as fabric itself. Dolls
were made of fabric in old Egypt and material dolls have been made from that point onward.
They have been more mainstream in certain times of history than others, yet they have never
been failed to remember. The principle purpose behind this is that fabric is the simplest of all
materials for a lady to discover. A mother could generally use in any event an old cloth to
form a doll for her kid. Other than the way that it is consistently accessible, fabric is anything
but difficult to work with and requires for all intents and purposes no instruments.

i) Electronic and Mechanical Toys: With the coming of current innovation, for example,
hardware and mechanics, the toy business additionally has gotten profoundly modern. All
toys whether electronic or mechanical have either instructive or recreational worth or both.

j) Tin Toys: Tin toys are the toys made out of tin metal. Tinplate was utilized in the production
of toys starting during the nineteenth century. The innovation of sheet metal stepping
machines in 1815 considered the large scale manufacturing of reasonable toys. Tin toys were
produced using meager sheets of steel plated with tin, subsequently the name tinplate. Tin
toys were a modest and solid substitute for wooden toys. The toys were initially amassed and
painted by hand. Spring actuated tin toys began in Germany during the 1850s.

Major Toy Products and Clusters in India.

In India, conventional toys can be sorted state insightful as each state has its own strength items.

 Sambalpur in Orissa is one of the various spots in our country eminent for its wooden
toys and dolls. The simul tree fills in abundance in the locale. The town skilled workers
accumulate the wood and cut out a wide extent of appealing toys. Toy making is an
ordinary claim to fame of the carpenters who practice it in their additional time. People
from abroad also come to purchase these amazing toys. In any case, in area market there
is no revenue for such toys. Being fragile, the simul wood reasonable viably to the
expert's engraving. The size and usage of at any rate two mind blowing indigenous
shadings perceive the Sambalpur toys from those of various bits of the country. The
wonderful Sambalpur toys are astonishing illustration of the town carpenter's
craftsmanship ( Puri in Orissa is moreover notable for
paper mache and stone toys. Raghu Gajpur near Puri in Orissa is an achievement place
for a collection of customary toys.

 West Bengal is praised for its earth toys. Soil toys are furthermore made in Jamnagar and
Rajgarh and Krishnanagar in Nadia district and in Shantiniketan. The features of
Krishnanagar toys are that they are particularly sharp and awesome however the toys
from Shantiniketan in Bolpur are sensible. The plans are dominatingly provincial and
have scenes and figures of the nation houses isolated from safe-havens and local animals.
Earth Dolls, Clay Animal Figures, lodges and severe divine beings are commonly made.
Making earth figures incorporate a lot of determining and has been done by hand since
ages. At the point when the molds are made by hand, the toys are dried and thereafter
ended. The ended mud toys are then painted with splendid shadings. This is an acquired
masterful articulation.

 Handmade earth toys of Madhya Pradesh are overall cast in void shapes anyway solid
figures are ordinary. Animal figures like horses, elephants, canines, lions, winged
creatures, deer and bulls fixed on wheels are very standard with adolescents. The figures
are nearly nothing and imaginatively made with the solid figures being more standard
than the unfilled ones. These dolls which are sold in pairs are immaculate top decisions
and when they are dressed generally then not in any way like it. Gwalior, in Madhya
Pradesh makes fabric dolls which are made in an astoundingly standard way by painting
onto them outward appearances which liven up the features. The outfits are generally
made out of paper with boat shaped turbans on their head and are hung in saris made out
of paper with real pearls.

 Tamil Nadu is well known for earthenware toys and the specialty is prospering in
Chennai, Kanchipuram and parts of Arcot area. The art has passed down from age to age
and the craftsmans have a custom of superb workmanship and fine shading. Mud toys are
made in two phases; the first includes mortar of Paris blended in with custard powder to
shape a glue which is dried till it tends to be folded into layers. This is squeezed into the
kick the bucket to get the molds. The crude material utilized is rock earth which in the
wake of being appropriately soaked, is driven into the shape cleaned with French chalk
powder so it very well may be effectively eliminated. It is then dried in the Sun prior to
shading. The work is split between the ones who need the dirt, fold it into layers, and

make the molds and the ones who use brushes to do the colorings that are kept in coconut

 The material and wire dolls of Karnataka are amazingly customary and an ideal bit of
workmanship by the neighborhood specialists. These dolls pass on the conventions of
Karnataka and furthermore a portion of the figures are of Indian legends. Dolls are made
in various examples, for example, wire dolls, delicate dolls, cone dolls and stuffed dolls.
Craftsman first painstakingly bowed the wire to shape the edge of the proposed doll and
the figure is wrapped firmly in fabric and sewed into a 'skin' of earthy colored poplin
material. Planning and enhancement is done once the primary dress is put on the
skeleton. Their hair and make is done cautiously as these things upgrades the excellence
of the dolls.

 The horse and the rider toys of Darbhanga (Bihar) are renowned. Toys are made out of a
wide range of materials, for example, dirt, mud, wood, fabric and so on The creation of
dirt toys and pictures is done occasionally. When the bubbly season is over then the
craftsmen make the vital family utensils. Created pictures are made in various plans.
Bamboo dolls are additionally created in Bihar.

 Crafts people at Ranchi (Jharkhand) make alluring wooden toys which are painted in
overall quite relieving colors. The figures of King-Queen and mother and youngster are
the acclaimed ones. Old maids and housewives make fabric dolls and are sold during the
celebration seasons. These dolls are seen during the merry seasons. Chota Nagpur
likewise has craftsmen who chip away at the wooden toys. The figures which have strict
assumptions wherein the craftsmen invest a ton of energy in making the highlights of
each doll which make them look wonderful. Dark lines are utilized to plot the highlights.

 Toys in Assam are made in the most ethnic and the conventional manner. Specialists of
slopes configuration stick and bamboo toys utilizing their gifted hands and few
neighborhood devices. Figures of Gods and Goddesses, creatures and numerous
legendary figures are made by the nearby skilled workers of Golapara areas and are made
out of dirt. Essence toys are additionally made in this locale.

 Udaipur (Rajasthan) is a significant network for wooden toys. The specialists used close
by wood 'doodhia' which is sensitive and can be finely carved and shaped. The toys are
lacquered and cleaned with leaves of a blooming thorny plant to give them a prevalent
look and addition their life. The immense grouping of toys made in Udaipur join the
truck drawn by a sparrow, kitchen sets, processor, uphold on a stand, gas light,
gramophones, trains, vehicles, jeeps, planes, counting stands, and clock towers. Animal
figures join horses, camels, and elephants. Udaipur is furthermore celebrated for
pantomime dry natural item which look to some degree like the authentic regular items.

 Bassi in Chittorgarh (Rajasthan) district are another noticeable network for wooden toys
where the entire town is busy with wood-cutting and in making wooden things. Jaipur
excessively is entirely remarkable for texture dolls and toys which are generally shaded

and stacked down with waste material. These toys are magnificently upgraded with clear
paper with manner writ colossal on their faces.

 The specialists of Tripura, the bamboo rich state, have made indigenous toys using the
most abundant resource of the state to join the bamboo pop gun. The pop gun conveys a
little pellet which is made of bamboo and is made for the unending juvenile and animal
snares that are used locally. Little bamboo whistles created utilizing little distance across
cum lengths and bamboo woodwinds of different sorts are moreover made which are
used as toys or for capable use. Beside these, Agartala has a custom of making little
animals from bamboo parts.

 Larger amounts of regular toy-creation units work at Chennapatna in Karnataka. There

are nuclear families similarly as plants busy with making toys and favoring things with
the "turned wood" method. Recently, these organizations face the difficult issue of
insufficiency of rough material. The toy makers need to defy the lack of wood just as
don't have the aptitude and exhibiting limit that is relied upon to sell their things.

Major Modern Toy Manufacturing Clusters in India


The high level toy industry in India is a late starter. Till mid 1980's Indian toys were not in a
circumstance to fill in the local market altogether. The toy business in India is pressed prevalently in
the little and house territories, with around 4000 makers through and through. The gathering units are
assembled around Delhi, Mumbai, and northern domain of Punjab, Uttar Pradesh and Haryana,
moreover some in the Southern State of Tamil Nadu and Karnataka and in various bundles across
India's central states. They produce a wide grouping of things going from plastic and metal toys to
electronic things. Winning parts in the toy business are the plastic toys. The Indian toy market is
eventually portrayed by confined thing advancement and irrelevant use on publicizing or brand
building. In the new years some greater units under the organized region have come up also. The
messy/house zone things are regularly low esteemed, their things are for the most part sold in
unassuming networks and commonplace areas. These creators, at the lower esteem end of the market
oblige the premium of lower pay bundle by giving toys delivered utilizing more affordable rough
material for instance reused plastic or tin. At the middle worth reach the messy region gives more
affordable and crude copies of the toys advanced by the enormous firms.

The assembling plant made toy part is getting rapidly inferable from a gigantic, emerging common
laborers in the local economy. A normal 100 million youths having a spot with this average bundle
has broad buying power.

Major Challenges to Indian Toy Industry

• Weights and Measures Act has been a significant reason for bother to the toy
business, directly from producers to the retailers.

• There is a major hazy situation in the Central Excise translation under section
95.03 and part 95.04.

• Most Indian Manufacturers guarantee that they use and make the best quality toys.
In all reports, there are not really any negative comments on Indian producers with
respect to harmful protests.

• Being a disregarded and tiny industry, Toy Industry got a stage thoughtful
treatment from each office. There is an earnest need to redesign the innovation so
that Toy Industry will have a level battleground to rival any semblance of the
greater global players like Hansbro, Ravensberger, Lego, and so forth.

• Lack of International market knowledge.

• The C-structure assortment and accommodation is a repetitive assignment. With

most MSME producers being family run business, the consistence of this law
takes valuable time and energy. This, trailed by deferred appraisals, orders,
resistance corrective charges, and so forth, offers ascend to showdowns and
legitimate/campaigning rehearses.

Growth of Indian Toy Industry

Indian toy industry is reeling under extreme fruition from modest Chinese items. It is pulling out all
stops to bob once again into youngsters' retribution with inventive and better planned toys. As per
Euromonitor Report (2013), activity figures and frill have indicated powerful development of 36% in
2011 inside the conventional toys portion.
• Traditional Toys
Traditional Toys with a value range between Rs 100 and Rs 199 represented most of deals with 45%
offer in 2011. Pre-youngsters between the ages 7 and 12 years were the biggest fragment of buyers
who comprised 43% of the deals in 2011. Authorized toys are turning into a wrath among kids who
by and large spend extended periods watching youngsters' shows and films, for example,
ChhotaBheem, Ben10, Beyblade and so on Euromonitor Report (2013) assessed this fragment to
develop by 9% yearly somewhere in the range of 2011 and 2016.
• Video Games
The computer games market performed in a way that is better than its friends. In this fragment, web
based games are getting progressively famous among young people, yet additionally among grown-
ups matured somewhere in the range of 20 and 30, because of expanding dispensable earnings, web
availability, cell phones and tablets just as imaginative games coming into the market. An ever
increasing number of grown-ups are playing computer games as a breathe easy to ease the expanding
business related pressure. Every one of these components will assist this section with timing a great
development pace of 32% during 2011-16.
• Electronic Toys and Games Research shows that children lean toward electronic toys with
numerous highlights over customary ones. Thus, the majority of the new dispatches in this section
are plays with different highlights. For example, Think way Toys banded together with My Baby
Excels to dispatch the 'Darknight Rises' toy line in India in 2012.The toy, was a hit among
youngsters, additionally included voice acknowledgment, 360 degree flips, pre-recorded discoursed
and significantly more. Euromonitor Report (2013) predicts a development of 22% yearly
development somewhere in the range of 2011 and 2016 for this section.
• Ethnic Toys
As time passed the Barbie doll supplanted the modest earth doll, while Lego replaced basic wooden
structure blocks. Yet, Ethnic toys are arranging a rebound with the assistance of NGOs like Maaya
Organic, Bangalore which has helped the recovery of customary toy making by imbuing statistical
surveying discoveries into the old Indian art of wooden and lac-product toy making. Yet, they are
required to take into account the fare portion instead of mass-market fragments. "Green" toy creators
that utilization reused ecologically cordial material are playing the "non-poisonous yet-savvy" card
and angle to draw the consideration of value cognizant guardians. The toys are relied upon to be
promoted as the following "huge thing" in the Indian toy market.

Future of Toy Industry in India

All through the drawn out Indian middle class has emerged as a huge capacity to manage in the
consumerist world field. The purchasing force of Indian middle class has been seen as
indistinguishable from the entire European market. Considering the retail impact and the changing
usage penchants for the average which favor use of toys as a system for entertainment and tutoring,
the toy business in India is prepared for a huge upward turn of events and for an additionally
encouraging future time.

Regardless of the way that the toy business is fundamentally controlled by plans and allure,
advancement remains the spine for changing over the plans into sensible and appealing things.
Completely securing of development or approving strategies for toy industry doesn't emit an
impression of being sensible. The worldwide available headways are costly and are past the range of
toy makers from the SMEs. Under the WTO circumstance, institutional back up can help handling
issues of excessive advancements, outdated plans, market information and better tooling. Strategy for
sorting out won't be open in this manner forward to the toy delivering associations. Thusly, these
associations may have to place assets into their own arrangement and headway. Present day model
headway methodologies, better instrument room workplaces would be more useful to the toy units.
The business should be honed and updated regularly subject to WTO courses of action and related
possibilities. The toy business needs to develop a culture of advancements and market information.

Setting up of a significant toy units with different periphery more humble toy part creators can be a
fair model for development of Indian toy industry. The more unassuming subordinate units may deal
with parts to greater associations, as per plan and urging of the greater association. The central
association can source extreme advances from abroad in a WTO feasible atmosphere. This will incite
various trades development wherein the central association searches for advancement from an
advancement provider in the made country and besides gives development in parts to its
vendors/supplier associations.

After the use of the US$2.2 million joint endeavor by the National Program of Development of Toy
Industry by the Ministry of Small-Scale Industries, the Toy Association of India (TAI) and the UN
Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), there has been noteworthy improvement in the
quality and plan of things, and extension in toy conveys.


Overall toys and games market is essentially influenced by colossal overall undertakings, which
acknowledge broad economies of scale, in this manner reduce their costs and improve net incomes.
Toy market is depicted by wide-running thing division that serves to weaken the degree of dispute
among collecting units for the most part, and moreover self-destruct buyer power. Due to genuine
degree of thing partition, toys and games market requires limitless information sources, some of
which are development concentrated, as, electronic portions, processors, etc In this segment we
dismember the overall toy market and India's comparable circumstance with respect to toll and
import of various toy things in the new year's. We similarly talk about the toy territory in China and
examples in India's trade with China in regards to different toy things.

In 2014, complete arrangements of generally toy industry have been evaluated at US $85 billion and
are depended upon to get in touch with US $100 billion preceding the completion of 2015. Out of
this $85 billion, 20 billion US $ are inferable from the U.S. market which is the greatest client of toy
market. The toy business bargains itemized an extension of 7% during the year 2015. Recently, the
market has been affected by moving purchaser tastes, with youths picking more refined PC games
and electronic toys. This suggests toys and games producers need to bring out new things reliably,
and revolve around improvement and mechanical movements.

India’s Toy Trade with the World

Toys and games in India saw moderate development in 2015 after a log jam in 2014 and this was
essentially determined by the development in computer games. Customary toys saw delayed to direct
development in 2015 because of diminishing interest and an expansion in the quantity of shoppers
moving from conventional toys to video games. Be that as it may, activity figures and adornments,
and development saw solid development inside conventional toys because of expanding interest for
authorized items and in-store promoting by brands, for example, Lego. The Indian Toy Industry is
relied upon to develop at CAGR of 20% and would be esteemed at Rs. 248.83 billion constantly
2020. Market line gauges expert store deals represented 60% of by and large industry incomes at
nearly $ 1.5 billion. The Indian business is portrayed by-• Fragmentation • Small size of homegrown
makers • Lack of development • Lack of assets to put resources into gear, innovation and promoting
Smart Research Insights predicts development will get more grounded because of urbanization,
growing buyer base and rising pay levels. The Indian toy industry is a blend of homegrown and
global players. These organizations have added to the business somehow and are making an honest
effort to reform the business to put themselves in one of the chief toy enterprises all around the
world. Top parts in the Indian toy Industry incorporate Hamleys, Funskool India, Hanaug Toys and
Textiles, Mattel Toys, Pegasus Toy-Kraft, Zephyr, Chalk and Chuckles, Ok Play India, and some

In this segment, India's fare and import of significant toy items to the remainder of the world has
been examined during 203-04 to 2015-16 with uncommon reference to China. Fare intensity has
been assessed from the exchange proportion for example send out as a proportion of import. It is
significant that during 2003-04 to 2015-16 period sends out from India to World business sectors
have expanded by just about multiple times though imports have expanded by in excess of multiple


History of modern Chinese toy industry dates back to early 1900s. During the last decade and half,
the Chinese toy industry has developed substantially to become the world leader in export of toys.
Toys in the Chinese market can be classified broadly into electronic, mechanical, plastic and wooden
toys. In addition to traditional toys models, licensed toys (movie spin-offs, cartoon characters, etc.,),
dolls, high-tech toys, educational toys, internet compatible toys and toys for adults’ recreation and
entertainment have continued to dominate the market.

According to estimates by London based market research company Euromonitor, the total retail sales
of toys and games in China have increased from Chinese Currency Yuan Rmb71.7 billion in 2010 to
Rmb192.3 billion in 2015, registering an average annual growth rate of 21.8%. Further, the toy
market is expected to reach more than Rmb300billion by 2019. According to the research data, the
average amount spent per child (under the age of 16) on toys is less than US$30 in China while in the
United Kingdom it is US $380 followed by United States with US $ 319. According to Study on the
Competitiveness of the Toy Industry, 2014 by ECSIP Consortium, an estimated 128,000 people are
engaged in traditional toy manufacturing in China.

As urban dwellers’ income increases and quality of life improves, their demands for toys are
beginning to change. There is a shift away from traditional, battery-operated, construction sets and
decorative toys to pioneering electronic toys, intelligent toys as well as upmarket plush toys and
decorative cloth toys.

The toy factories are an important part of the economic boom that has brought many out of poverty
in China. Chinese manufacturers have been innovative and specialize in novelty items.

There are around 226 million children under the age of 14 on the Chinese mainland. The biggest
driver for toy demand comes from the policy change for married couples to have two children. The
National Health and Family Planning Commission predict that the number of newborns will climb to
between 17.5 million and 21 million annually for the next five years. Besides, in view of the stable
economic growth of China, the prospect of the toy market is positive.

Toy Industry in India vis a vis China

An examination by ASSOCHAM (2013) uncovers that solitary 20% of the Indian market is served
by Indian makers and the rest by import of toys from various nations essentially from China and
Italy. India's Toy Industry has a pitiful portion of 0.51% when contrasted with a lot of over 45% of
the world's toy market. China's unbranded, modest toy items have begun flooding Indian toy market.
Unbranded toys don't cling to rules, for example, weight and measures which is compulsory for
indigenous toy fabricating. Many don't print the addresses of makers/shippers, the most extreme
retail value (MRP) or fabricated date. The reasonable Chinese toys have supplanted the marked
Indian toys. It has been assessed that practically 80% of the toy market has been taken over by the
Chinese toys.

The Chinese are offering toys at exceptionally low costs with enormous assortments to browse. They
look alluring and modest, subsequently, inside the range of average citizens. Chinese partners are
selling straightforward toys at 20-25% less expensive than Indian producer. Accordingly in spite of
the fact that the Indian toy market is worth over Rs 10,000 crores, yet the homegrown business is
contributing just 20%. The excess interest is met by Chinese imports. Toy industry contributes
altogether to work levels in China with 7,287 organizations working, 12,388 foundations and
utilizing 635,299 individuals in 2013.

Major Toy Clusters in China

Major Toy Clusters in China China is a major toy producer in the world. It is estimated that about
85% of toys worldwide is made in China. China currently produces and distributes two-thirds of the
multi-billion dollar toy industry’s global demand. The five provinces of Guangdong, Jiangsu,
Zhejiang, Shandong and Fujian, as well as Shanghai, collectively account for 95% of toy sales in
China. Guangdong province, the most important Chinese toy production and export base, represents
70% of toy sales by China. The bulk of toy exports are produced to OEM orders for foreign brands.

Chinese toy manufacturing activity is highly concentrated in Guangdong province in Middle South
China, which accounts for almost half of industry revenue. This is mainly due to many Hong Kong-,
Macau- and Taiwan-funded investors having their factories in the province. This province is also
home to 41.8% of total enterprises and two-thirds of industry employees, and is the largest toy
exporter of China. Jiangsu province and Shandong provinces account for 21.8% and 10.4%
respectively to total industry revenue in 2014.

Trends and growth of export of China’s Toy Market

Capitalizing on advantage of the raw materials and cost of labor, China has become the largest
manufacturer and exporter of toys in the world. The export of China’s toys slowed to some extent,
the export amount realization US $ 15.7 billion, up 10.8% compared with 2011. The export market
of China’s toy manufacturing focuses on OEM (original equipment manufacturer), low proportion of
high creative products, extreme concentration of export markets and the decrease of export profit and
cost. According to Huidian Research, the rising consumption demand brought by the changes of
lifestyle and upgradation of consumption encourage the rapid development of related industries.
Under such background, the toy industry has broad development prospects and especially, the
progress of the urbanization construction and the plan to double the wages inescapably support the
rapid development of the mass consumer goods and become the continuous inspiration to promote
the toy products to release the market demand, which will be the opportunity for the future
development of toy industry in China.

Challenges Faced by China’s Toy Market

China was able to withstand global economic crisis of 2008-09 and had grown consistently over the
years. However, for 2012, it was a year full of challenges and opportunities for China’s toy industry.
On the one hand, the toy industry faced the pressure caused by the fluctuations of raw materials
prices and exchange rate, the rising labor cost and the continuous depressed overseas demand caused
by the European and American debt crisis. On the other hand, it faced the huge development
opportunities brought by the rapid rising of the foreign emerging markets and the continuous
upgrading of the domestic consumption market.

In 2013, the economic slowdown in China did contribute to consumers’ reluctance to increase the
spending on toys and games. Still willingness to spend on toys and games supported double-digit
growth of the toy market. More adult consumers perceived that toys that promote learning skills were
more suitable, which led to dynamic growth in construction toys, scientific/educational toys, arts and
crafts and action figures and accessories. Games and puzzles remained the largest category in
traditional toys and games in 2013, due to a steady consumer base buying poker cards in China, but
games and puzzles had the lowest growth rate in 2013 because of the maturity of this category. Other
categories registered healthy growth in 2013, given that consumers sought products in each category.

Chinese consumers have been more aware of the side effects that unbranded pirated toys can pose. In
traditional toys and games, multinational brands and well-known domestic brands are being chosen
by more consumers, with more of them holding rational attitudes towards valuefor-money products
and putting product safety and product quality ahead of price incentives. In video games,
multinational video game software manufacturers are still pressured by pirated products and
disadvantaged. However, domestic players cope up with pirated software by providing lower price
for digital version products, and therefore, receive positive feedback from consumers.


Toy Safety is the act of guaranteeing that toys made for youngsters are protected, as a rule through
the use of a bunch of security norms. Poisonousness and Safety viewpoints have become a
significant worry among guardians everywhere on the world while purchasing toy items for
youngsters. Toys should be fun and are a significant piece of any youngster's turn of events.
Nonetheless, every year scores of children are treated for toy-related wounds. Stifling is a significant
danger for youngsters in the age gathering of 3 years or more youthful, in light of the fact that they
will in general place objects in their mouths. Toy producers follow certain rules and mark most new
toys for explicit age gatherings.
However, maybe the main thing a parent can do is to oversee play. Here are some broad rules to be
checked while looking for toys:
• Toys made of texture should be marked as fire safe or fire resistant.
• Stuffed toys should be launderable.
• Painted toys should be covered with sans lead paint.
• Art materials should be nontoxic.
• Look for the UL (Underwriters Laboratories) seal on electrical toys. It shows the electrical parts
have been tried for security.

Safety Regulations
Safe toys must be well designed and age appropriate, durable, and non-toxic. Always read labels to
make sure a toy is appropriate for a child's age. Many studies have reported that environmental
hazards are caused by the toxic contents of toys which are mostly made in China. Therefore, quality
measures are required to be set and inspected on regular basis. In India, Bureau of Indian Standards
(BIS) and in USA the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) has clearly formulated the
standards relating to toy safety in terms of their physical form and toxicity. Most of the
manufacturers either not follow safety norms or are completely oblivious of the norms. Guidelines
published by the CPSC and other groups are helpful to make the buying decisions. Child's
temperament, habits and behavior also need to be considered before buying a new toy.

For Infants, Toddlers and Pre-schoolers

• Toys should be large enough at least 1¼ inches (3 centimeters) in diameter and 2¼ inches (6
centimeters) in length so that they can't be swallowed or lodged in the windpipe. A small-parts tester,
or choke tube, can determine if a toy is too small. These tubes are designed to be about the same
diameter as a child's windpipe.

• Avoid marbles, coins, balls and games with balls that are 1.75 inches (4.4 centimeters) in diameter
or less because they can become lodged in the throat above the windpipe and restrict breathing.
• Battery-operated toys should have battery cases that secure with screws so that kids cannot open.
Batteries and battery fluid pose serious risks including choking, internal bleeding and chemical
• When checking a toy for a baby or toddler, make sure it's unbreakable and strong enough to
withstand chewing. Also, make sure it doesn't have:
 Sharp ends or small parts like eyes, wheels or buttons that can be pulled loose.
 Small ends that can extend into the back of the mouth.
 Strings longer than 7 inches (18 centimeters)
 Parts that could become pinch points for small fingers.
• Most riding toys can be used once a child is able to sit up well while unsupported - but check with
the manufacturer's recommendation. Riding toys like rocking horses and wagons should come with
safety harnesses or straps and be stable and secure enough to prevent tipping. • Stuffed animals and
other toys that are sold or given away at carnivals, fairs, and in vending machines are not required to
meet safety standards. Check carnival toys carefully for loose parts and sharp edges before giving
them to your infant.

Safety Standards of Toys in India

The organized segment of the toy industry in India is aware of the safety norms and expectations of
the parents. Ministry of Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) under the National Programme for
Development of Toy Industry (NPDTI) had established a Toy Testing facility at Okhla, New Delhi.
This is to facilitate toy industry to develop and produce toys confirming to National and International
Standards. Technical standards and legislations in the toy field have been written with the aim of
avoiding different types of hazards a toy may cause, taking into account the foreseeable use of the
toys, and bearing in mind the behaviour of children. In this context, Indian Standards (IS) address to
some specific hazards that a toy may present. Based on Indian Standard Specifications of 9873 (Part
I, II and III), a comprehensive toy testing facility had been set up and maintained. The tests
prescribed under the toxicity following safety specifications can be conducted in the centre.
• Safety aspects related to mechanical and physical properties as per IS: 9873 (Part I)
• Safety of Toys: Flammability Test as per IS: 9873 (Part II)
• Safety of Toys: Migration of elements as per IS: 9873 (Part III)
At present, the development and production of Toys conforming to Indian Standard Specifications on
safety is voluntary. But in the recent years, with due awareness, interest in developing new design,
concepts and expanding markets, it would be necessary to consider this. With the growth of Toy
Industry and expansion of market, toy manufacturers and distributors need to pay attention to ensure
that toys are within the permissible level of toxicity and should give due consideration to overall
safety aspects as well. Safety and Toxicity aspect would be one of the most important aspect which
would supervise and advice on the growth and development of this sector. Suitable measures need to
be worked out to motivate toy manufacturers and distributors to take up this as a part of the business
development. The materials used in toys like plastics, paints and fabrics are made up of chemicals
and may also contain added chemicals to impart specific properties such as rigidity, durability,
flexibility or flame resistance.

When children put these products into their mouths, some of these chemicals may enter their bodies.
The chewing, licking and swallowing behavior of children allow the substances, which are not
always chemicals bound to the products, may also be released directly into skin, or into the air that
children breathe. Children’s bodies are more vulnerable to the effects of toxic chemicals. It is widely
accepted that no level of lead or cadmium in the blood should be considered safe for children. Toys
made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) are potentially toxic to children as PVC contains both Lead and
Cadmium. Lead and Cadmium are known poisons, being neurotoxins and nephrotoxins, respectively.
Lead and cadmium compounds act as stabilizers but they readily reach out. They can also be used in
pigments to impart bright colors to toys in order to attract children.

Chewing and swallowing behavior of children is a common source of lead and cadmium exposure.
Lead is not biodegradable. It persists in the soil, in the air, in drinking water and in homes. It only
accumulates where it is deposited and can poison generations of children and adults unless properly
removed. At high levels, lead poisoning causes coma, convulsions and even death. At low levels of
toxicity, it causes reductions in IQ and attention span, reading and learning disabilities, hyperactivity,
impaired growth, behavioral problems and hearing loss. These effects are long term and may be

Safety Regulation on Import of Toys from China

EU and other countries mandatorily regulate the chemical content whereas India and China do not
have such standards. Indian standards are voluntary in nature and no license has been granted for this
standard. Since BIS has not granted any Certification license for toys against the Indian Standard, it
cannot enforce it against manufacturers of toys. The government in January 2009 has put quality
restrictions on toys from China that does not meet international safety standards and norms. But the
restriction was eased later after Beijing questioned the restrictions on the ground that New Delhi did
not put such curbs on toys from other countries. The government has two options either regulate all
toys, both domestic production and imports, or let the order expire and leave the entire market
unregulated. India must provide safe environment to children so that they are not exposed to toxic
chemicals. This can only be achieved by implementing a robust regulatory mechanism and
preventive approach through the use of safe and non-toxic materials. At present India have no
enforceable standards for lead, cadmium and other toxic metals permissible in toys. Toys,
particularly soft PVC toys, which are intimately linked to children’s environment, have not been
investigated as one of the possible sources of lead, cadmium and other heavy metals exposure to

There are some suggestions which can be followed in India for the safety purpose of children. These
safety suggestions are as follows-
1. Brands and manufacturers should actively improve manufacturing processes and product design,
rapidly reduce and ultimately eliminate all hazardous substances, especially toxic heavy metals such
as lead, from their products and production processes. The industry should also disclose information
on chemical ingredients in products.
2. The government should strengthen its supervision over hazardous substances in children's
products. It should adopt a more protective lead concentration limit in children's products and extend
the concept of "total concentration limits" to other heavy metal substances using protective
regulatory limits.
3. Consumers should carefully read product labels and try to identify chemical safety information
before purchasing children's products. Through their inquiries about corporate environmental policy
and product chemical information, consumers can help drive companies to progressively reduce and
ultimately eliminate hazardous chemicals from their products and production processes. Consumers
should also support rigorous regulatory policies to limit the presence of toxic substances in products.



1. Growing enormous homegrown market.

2. Increase sought after because of ascend in the extra cash of homegrown customer.
3. Growing certainty of both-homegrown and worldwide purchasers in the Indian toy industry.
4. Availability of the vast majority of the crude materials.
5. Availability of talented labor at relatively lower cost.
6. Emergence of India on worldwide toy scene.
7. Support structures accessible for acquiring money.
8. Innovation abilities.
9. Less overhead expenses.
10. Wide scope of items.
11. Business intuition of the business visionaries.
12. Manufacturing industry organization and linkages.
13. Pool of help organizations.
14. Capacity to contend under unfavorable conditions.


1. The majority of the toy business is minuscule in size consequently Low Volume of
2. Lack of Research and Development offices.
3. Toy explicit architects not accessible.
4. Fragmented Technical information.
5. Absence of solid and expertly oversaw Toy Industry Associations.
6. Lack of cooperative energy and coordination among different toys producers basic for
Component Approach.
7. Poor cycle ability on account of low innovation, substandard tooling and utilization of
universally useful machines for particular positions.
8. Absence of spotlight on fare.
9. Inadequate specialized abilities especially in electronic toys and computer games.
10. Quality boundaries are not followed.

11. Surface completion and different highlights are poor.

12. Higher creation cost because of absence of economies of scale.
13. Lack of reach/helpless introduction.
14. Insufficient/conflicting seller uphold.
15. Comparatively greater expense of assets.
16. Costly Special Purpose Machines/Very significant expense of unfamiliar advancements.
17. Lack of pride in workmanship.
18. Insensitivity to client needs/helpless channels of client criticism and client grievance
redressal framework.
19. Minimal use on brand building, promoting.
20. Feeble online presence.
21. Lack of expert administration.
22. Reluctance to present new item plans in view of troublesome economies of scale.
23. Imported toys are less expensive in cost, adaptable in highlights, appealing and helpful in
bundling and better in quality.

1. Well evolved market-homegrown just as abroad.
2. Growing homegrown market and purchasing limit.
3. Almost 33% of the populace under 14 years old to extend market.
4. Liberalized economy, "Make or Buy" choices simpler.
5. Low cost fabricating base-empowering key collusions/Potential co-activity with huge clients
and multinationals.
6. Better help from government through Inter-Ministerial Committees.
7. Increasing excess pay of Indian working class.
8. Toys perceived as a superior mode for instruction in a play way strategy.


1. Competition from global players as they began fabricating activities in India.

2. China and different nations corner significant piece of the pie of the developing Indian toy
3. Technology outdated nature is making barricades to fast changes in item plan and
furthermore for acclimating to shopper inclinations.

4. Slow reaction to security and quality principles dependent on global market prerequisites.
5. Toy units broadening to different areas prompting helpless segment base.
6. Shift in market interest to electronic toys in which India doesn't have serious edge.
7. Enhanced brand awareness among Indian shoppers.
8. Children committing more opportunity to PCs/web/contemplates, allowing for games and
9. Increasing worry among worldwide purchasers about quality parts of Indian toys.
10. Low size of activity capacities with Indian producers.
11. With the dissolving of global exchange limits, free progression of Chinese toys got to the
Indian market, having double effect on the neighborhood toy industry.


India has a rich heritage in toys. Toys act as cultural ambassadors reflecting 5000 years of Indian
civilization. The Indian toy industry is estimated to be worth Rs 1,700 crore of which 10%
constitutes organized market and 90% constitutes unorganized market and growing 1520% a year.
According to a Euromonitor study, spending on toys and games in India is set to grow at 157%
between 2009 and 2014, much faster than other Asian countries such as China (84%), Taiwan (35%),
South Korea (33.1%) and Singapore (17.2%). Indian parents spend an average of Rs 250-300 on a
toy and this is going up more and more innovation-driven highend toys and games - from high-priced
board games and play gyms to BeyBlades and remotecontrolled planes - enter the market. Uuntil
now has generated only 0.5% of the global toy market.

Indian toy industry comprises of large number of indigenous manufacturers and a few leading global
companies. The toy industry is mainly based in the small and cottage sectors, with about 4000
manufacturers. The toy manufacturers are mostly located in Delhi, Mumbai, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh,
Haryana, Tamil Nadu and clusters across central states. The toy market has two broad segments- the
“organized” segment, which represents about one-third of the market, and the “unorganized”
segment. Mom-and-Pop shops (also known as “Kirana”) are mainly “unorganized” outside the main
urban centers, and predominantly operate on a cashand-carry basis. The “organized” stores are in the
big cities – mainly toy specialty stores such as RCS in New Delhi, Hamleys in Mumbai or Prijanka
in Hyderabad. Some large MNC toy manufacturing units like Mattel and Funskool have their
presence in India. Funskool Toys is the largest toy producer in India with 30% share, followed by
Mattel (20%), Hasbro (9%), Bandai (4%) and Lego (4%) and Leap Frog (3%) and the others
accounts for about 30%. The online toy market, represents a mere 5% though growing rapidly, is
unlikely to have a major influence on the overall demand in the next couple of years. India is
producing quality toys, which is unmatched elsewhere and therefore, the demand for Indian toys is
rising by leaps and bounds. However, dynamics of toy industry changed with the opening of the
market for Chinese players, Chinese toys are destroying the Indian toy industry and small and
medium manufacturers are almost on the verge of collapse.

Nearly 2000 SMEs have closed so far in the last 4-5 years and about 20% of the toy industries are
on the verge of closure with the rise in imports from China and Italy.

The productivity levels of the sector are estimated in terms of Labour productivity, capital
productivity and total factor productivity during 2008-09 to 2012-13. Average of capital productivity
growth reported negative growth. However, labour productivity growth reported positive growth for

these 5 years at 13.31%. This indicates that increase in capital formation requires to make on
continuous basis to provide impetus for TFPG of Toy Industry in India.




Student Name: Kumar Kaustubh
Enroll No. A36106418035 Program: BBA, Sem-V, Batch: 2018-21
Title: Opportunities and Hurdles of Indian Toy Industry: A Case Study based SWOT Analysis.
NTCC Weekly Progress Report Wk. No: 1 Duration: 6 DAYS
DAYS/ Date Summary

MONDAY Decided the topic

TUESDAY Discussed topic with mentor

WEDNESDAY Completed the registration work of NTCC

THURSDAY Started collecting information regarding my topic
FRIDAY Uploaded the synopsis of the project
SATURDAY Filled the weekly progress report
Kumar Kaustubh/26.12.20
(Student Signature with Date) (Faculty Guide Signature with Date)




Student Name: Kumar Kaustubh
Enroll No. A36106418035 Program: BBA, Sem-V, Batch: 2018-21
Title: Opportunities and Hurdles of Indian Toy Industry: A Case Study based SWOT Analysis.
NTCC Weekly Progress Report Wk. No: 2 Duration: 6 DAYS
DAYS/ Date Summary

MONDAY Searched about the format in which project should be done

TUESDAY Analyze the format

WEDNESDAY Go through my all previous NTCC report

THURSDAY Started working on my NTCC report
FRIDAY Searched few content related to my topic
SATURDAY Searched again to find some relevant data
Kumar Kaustubh/03.12.20
(Student Signature with Date) (Faculty Guide Signature with Date)




Student Name: Kumar Kaustubh
Enroll No. A36106418035 Program: BBA, Sem-V, Batch: 2018-21
Title: Opportunities and Hurdles of Indian Toy Industry: A Case Study based SWOT
NTCC Weekly Progress Report Wk. No: 3 Duration: 6 DAYS
DAYS/ Date Summary

MONDAY Started working on my NTCC report

TUESDAY Collected primary data relevant to my topic

WEDNESDAY Again collected primary data relevant to my topic

THURSDAY Go through all collected primary data
FRIDAY Compared collected primary and secondary data
SATURDAY Selected the relevant primary data
Hrishek keshri/10.10.20
(Student Signature with Date) (Faculty Guide Signature with Date)




Student Name: Kumar Kaustubh
Enroll No. A36106418035 Program: BBA, Sem-V, Batch: 2018-21
Title: Opportunities and Hurdles of Indian Toy Industry: A Case Study based SWOT
NTCC Weekly Progress Report Wk. No: 4 Duration: 6 DAYS
DAYS/ Date Summary

MONDAY Searched for more primary and secondary data

TUESDAY Again, searched for data

WEDNESDAY Prepare a complete note on primary data

THURSDAY Prepare a complete note on secondary data
FRIDAY Go through the pre pages of all my previous NTCC report
SATURDAY Started working on pre pages of my NTCC report
Kumar Kaustubh/17.10.20
(Student Signature with Date) (Faculty Guide Signature with Date)




Student Name: Kumar Kaustubh
Enroll No. A36106418035 Program: BBA, Sem-V, Batch: 2018-21
Title: Opportunities and Hurdles of Indian Toy Industry: A Case Study based SWOT
NTCC Weekly Progress Report Wk. No: 5 Duration: 6 DAYS
DAYS/ Date Summary

MONDAY Discussed about pre pages with my friends

TUESDAY Prepare font page

WEDNESDAY Prepare table of content roughly

THURSDAY Added few more topic on my table of content
FRIDAY Decided all the topic that will be added in my report
SATURDAY Make few changes in my front page
Kumar Kaustubh/24.10.20
(Student Signature with Date) (Faculty Guide Signature with Date)




Student Name: Kumar Kaustubh
Enroll No. A36106418035 Program: BBA, Sem-V, Batch: 2018-21
Title: Opportunities and Hurdles of Indian Toy Industry: A Case Study based SWOT
NTCC Weekly Progress Report Wk. No: 6 Duration: 6 DAYS
DAYS/ Date Summary

MONDAY Started working on main pages

TUESDAY Did only introduction part

WEDNESDAY Prepared the sequence of all the subtopic again

THURSDAY Typed few more pages
FRIDAY Again typed few more pages
SATURDAY Checked all the previous work
Kumar Kaustubh/31.10.20
(Student Signature with Date) (Faculty Guide Signature with Date)




Student Name: Kumar Kaustubh
Enroll No. A36106418035 Program: BBA, Sem-V, Batch: 2018-21
Title: Opportunities and Hurdles of Indian Toy Industry: A Case Study based SWOT
NTCC Weekly Progress Report Wk. No: 7 Duration: 6 DAYS
DAYS/ Date Summary

MONDAY Typed why people are more concern towards private

02/11/2020 Vehicle than public transport
TUESDAY Make few changes in above part

WEDNESDAY Typed few more pages using my collected data

THURSDAY Collected few current data regarding the preowned
05/11/2020 Market
FRIDAY Typed the current data of the growth of preowned
06/11/2020 Vehicle market
SATURDAY Collected few preowned vehicles market data
Kumar Kaustubh/07.11.20
(Student Signature with Date) (Faculty Guide Signature with Date)




Student Name: Kumar Kaustubh
Enroll No. A36106418035 Program: BBA, Sem-V, Batch: 2018-21
Title: Opportunities and Hurdles of Indian Toy Industry: A Case Study based SWOT
NTCC Weekly Progress Report Wk. No: 8 Duration: 6 DAYS
DAYS/ Date Summary

MONDAY Selected few more topics related to this

TUESDAY Typed all the related topics

WEDNESDAY Typed more pages

THURSDAY Typed more pages
FRIDAY Typed more pages
SATURDAY Check all the previous work
Kumar Kaustubh/14.11.20
(Student Signature with Date) (Faculty Guide Signature with Date)




Student Name: Kumar Kaustubh
Enroll No. A36106418035 Program: BBA, Sem-V, Batch: 2018-21
Title: Opportunities and Hurdles of Indian Toy Industry: A Case Study based SWOT
NTCC Weekly Progress Report Wk. No: 9 Duration: 6 DAYS
DAYS/ Date Summary

MONDAY Completed my main pages

TUESDAY Typed subjective of the study

WEDNESDAY Find few error in my main pages

THURSDAY Rectify all the errors in main pages
FRIDAY Again rectify the error
SATURDAY Checked main pages again
Kumar Kaustbh/21.11.20
(Student Signature with Date) (Faculty Guide Signature with Date)



Student Name: Kumar Kaustubh

Enroll No. A36106418035 Program: BBA, Sem-V, Batch: 2018-21
Title: Opportunities and Hurdles of Indian Toy Industry: A Case Study based SWOT
NTCC Weekly Progress Report Wk. No: 10 Duration: 6 DAYS
DAYS/ Date Summary

MONDAY Started working on last pages

TUESDAY Working on last pages

WEDNESDAY Added bibliography

THURSDAY Completed my report
FRIDAY Checked all NTCC report
SATURDAY Again checked the rest part of my report
Kumar Kaustubh/28.11.20

(Student Signature with Date) (Faculty Guide Signature with Date)



Student Name: Kumar Kaustubh

Enroll No. A36106418035 Program: BBA, Sem-V, Batch: 2018-21
Title: Opportunities and Hurdles of Indian Toy Industry: A Case Study based SWOT Analysis.
NTCC Weekly Progress Report Wk. No: 11 Duration: 6 DAYS
DAYS/ Date Summary

MONDAY Checked all the report again

TUESDAY Was not able to work on my report

WEDNESDAY Was not able to work on my report

THURSDAY Checked the grammatical mistakes of every page
FRIDAY Checked the errors
SATURDAY Was not able to work on my report

Kumar Kaustubh/05.12.20
(Student Signature with Date) (Faculty Guide Signature with Date)



Student Name: Kumar Kaustubh

Enroll No. A36106418035 Program: BBA, Sem-V, Batch: 2018-21
Title: Opportunities and Hurdles of Indian Toy Industry: A Case Study based SWOT Analysis.
NTCC Weekly Progress Report Wk. No: 12 Duration: 6 DAYS
DAYS/ Date Summary

MONDAY Checked all the report again

TUESDAY Was not able to work on my report

WEDNESDAY Studied the whole data

THURSDAY Rectified the errors
FRIDAY Gone through my completed report
SATURDAY Submitted the NTCC report
Kumar Kaustubh/12.12.20
(Student Signature with Date) (Faculty Guide Signature with Date)

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