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Km.39 Cityland Ave., Pulong Buhangin, Sta. Maria, Bulacan



Name of Learner: ____________________________ Name of Section: _________

Date: __________________ Score: _________

1. It connects all your body parts and transmits signals from one part to another.
a. Endocrine System c. Nervous System
b. Respiratory System d. None of these
2. This serves as the main processing center for the entire nervous system.
a. Cerebrum
b. Central Nervous System (CNS)
c. Peripheral Nervous System
d. Spinal Cord
3. The following is the base sequence on one strand of a DNA molecule:
A A T G C C A G T G G T.

If this strand is replicated, which of the following is the complementary strand that is produced?
a. T C G T C C G T C T A G
b. A G C A G G C A G G G T
c. T T A C G G T C A C C A
d. U C G U C C U C U A G A

4. This is a carbon ring structure that contains one or more atoms of nitrogen. In DNA, there
are four of them: adenine (A), thymine (T), cytosine (C) and guanine (G).
a. Deoxyribose c. Phosphate Group
b. Nitrogen Bases d. Amino Acid
5. This is the variety of life forms in a particular ecosystem.
a. Biosphere
b. Biodiversity
c. Stability
d. Population
6. Which of the following causes a decreasing wildlife population in most of the places in our country?
a. loss of limiting factor
b. loss of natural disturbances
c. loss of habitat
d. loss of carrying capacity

7. A person breeds guinea pigs in a cage. After a few generation, the breeder observes that the guinea pigs
are more aggressive towards each other, the young are less healthy and more young guinea pigs die.
What do you think will happen to the population of the guinea pigs?
a. The population will remain the same.
b. The population will increase.
c. The population will decrease.
d. The population is not affected.

8. Cocolisap infestation outbreak has been declared in some parts of the Philippines. The cocolisap feeds
on the sap of the coconut tree and injects toxic enzymes, resulting in discolored leaves and deformed
plant tissues that retard its growth of coconut tree. This, results in a decrease of the survival rate of
coconut trees. Which of the following factors limit the population of coconut trees?
a. Deceases and Parasites
b. Emigration
c. Predation
d. Competition for resources

9. This is a community of organisms that live, feed and interact with the environment.
a. Biosphere
b. Population
c. Ecosystem
d. Community

10. Which of the following statements explains Lamarck’s Theory of Use and Disuse?
a. Body structures develop because they are used extensively
b. Body structures develop because they are not in use
c. Body structures develop because of competition
d. Body structures develop because of mutation

11. Which of the following statements best explains the Theory of Natural Selection?
a. Organs that are not used may disappear, while organs that are constantly used may develop.
b. In nature, the organism with desirable characteristics may survive, while those with weaker traits may
c. Organisms develop desirable structures to survive in a given environment.
d. Acquired characteristics of parents can be passed on to offsprings.

12. According to evolutionists, which is the best test to show the relatedness of two organisms?
a. Similarity in development
b. Similarity in courting behavior
c. Similarity in structure
d. Similarity in genomic DNA
13. Which pairs of animals shows a correct example of homologous structures?
a. Wings of butterfly and wings of bat.
b. Flipper of whale and forelimb of cat.
c. Fingers of human and arm of starfish
d. Tongue of frog and proboscis of mosquito
14. Where can most of the fossils be found?
a. Sedimentary rock
b. Granite rock
c. Lava flows
d. Black soil
15. Which of the following statements DOES NOT describe evolution?
a. Evolution is continuous.
b. Evolution refers to change.
c. The world is stable and unchanging.
d. If there is mutation, there is evolution

16. This functions as organizer and distributor of information for the body.
a.Brain b. Spinal cord c. Spinal nerves d. Cranial nerves

17. This controls activity and thought.

a.Cerebrum b. Cerebellum c. Brain stem d. Spinal cord

18. It is the space between neurons where electrochemical signals pass

a.Stimulus b. Response c. Synapse d. Impulse
19. A chemical substance that controls and regulates the activity of certain cells or organs.
a. Semen b. Hormone c. Sperm d. Ovum

20. A result of excessive secretion of growth hormones

a.Gigantism b. Goiter c. Dwarfism d. Diabetes

21. A result of an abnormal enlargement of the thyroid gland.

a. Gigantism b. Goiter c. Dwarfism d. Diabetes

22. This deposits sperm cells into the vagina during mating.
a. Penis b. Scrotum c. Urethra d. Testis

23. This serves as the site of egg fertilization

a.Ovary b. Oviduct c. Vagina d. Uterus

24. The average length of menstrual cycle for women.

a.28 days b. 14 days c. 30 days d. 35 days

25. This carries sperm and urine out of the body.

a.Vas Deferens b. Penis c. Scrotum d. Urethra

26. The nerve fibers that carry information into and out of the brain stem.
a.Cranial Nerves b. Spinal Nerves c. Sympatheticd. Parasympathetic

27. This releases Thymosin that prevents the body from acquiring diseases
a.Parathyroid b. Thyroid c. Thymus d. Adrenal

28. A boy is running away from danger. What hormone is responsible for the boy’s action?
a.Adrenaline b. Thymosin c. Thyroxin d. Parathyromone

29. A kid is growing taller. What gland is responsible for the girl’s growth?
a.Adrenal gland b. Thyroid gland c. Pituitary gland d. Parathyroid gland
30. What might happen to a person born without a thymus gland?
a.It may lead to goiter b. It may lead to dwarfism
c. It may lead to death d. It may lead to unstable blood sugar level

31. The following are the main functions of the female reproductive system, EXCEPT;
a.Produces female sex cells b. It produces semen
c. Receives sperm cells d. Nourish the new individual

32. Suppose a girl ate too many sweets such as candies and chocolates. How will the hormones from her
pancreas help her body cope with a possible blood sugar level rise above normal?
a.Glucagon is released in response to the low blood glucose level
b. Insulin is released in response to an increase in blood glucose level
c.Oxytocin is released in response to an increase in glucose level
d.Estrogen is released in response to the low blood glucose level

33. What might happen to a person whose nervous and endocrine systems fail to maintain homeostasis?
a.It may lead to various diseases and even death b. It may lead to failure in the functions of other
c. It doesn’t affect the health of a person d. It may lead to increase in blood pressure

34. The following are components of a DNA molecule, except;

a.Ribose b. Phosphate c. Base d. Deoxyribose
35. This carries the information from the DNA to the Ribosomes.
a. mRNA b. tRNA c. rRNA d. RNA
36. This translates the genetic message through protein synthesis.
a.mRNA b. tRNA c. rRNA d. RNA
37. This serves as the site of attachment for protein synthesis.
a.mRNA b. tRNA c. rRNA d. RNA
38. This determines the order of bases in mRNA of amino acids into a protein
a.Translation b. Transcription c. Mutation d. Replication
39. This occurs when a piece of chromosome breaks off and attaches to another chromosome.
a.Deletion b. Inversion c. Translocation d. Mutation
40. This genetic disorder occurs when there is an extra copy of chromosome 21 gained by the human body.
a.Cri du chat b. Edwards Syndrome c. Down’s Syndrome d. Jacobsen Syndrome
41. This describes how varied are life forms in different ecosystems.
a. Ecosystem b. Population c. Biodiversity d. Environment
42. The agency responsible in protecting the natural and wildlife resources.
43. This refers to the group of organisms of the same species that live in a certain area.
a. Environment b. Population c. Ecosystem d. Biodiversity
44. The maximum number of a population an environment can support.
a. Carrying capacity b. Limiting Factor c. Population density d. Population size
45. It occurs when a population approaches its carrying capacity and individual organism leave and
goes to a new area where they can find enough resources for survival.
a. Competition b. Predation c. Emigration d. None of the options
46. This refers to a community of organisms that live, fed, and interact with the environment.
a. Environment b. Population c. Ecosystem d. Biodiversity
47. These are the factors that control the growth of population.
a. Limiting factors b. Carrying capacity c. Predation d. Competition
48. Davao is known for its wide variety of fruits and other plant species that makes it more attractive
to tourists. Which of the following classification of value of biodiversity is described?
a. Direct economic value b. Indirect Economic value c. Ethical/Cultural d. Both a and
49. What is the possible environmental issue that will occur if the river ecosystem dumped with
garbage from illegal and toxic wastes from industries?
a. The river becomes wasteland b. The river becomes a home for organisms
c. The river becomes stagnantd. All of the above
50. A person breeds guinea pigs in a cage. After a few generations, the breeder observes that the
guinea pigs are more aggressive towards each other, the young are less healthy and more young guinea
pigs die. What do you think will happen to the population of the guinea pigs?
a. The population will remain the same b. the Population will increase
c. The population will decrease d. The population is not affected

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