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• It is the branch of science which deals with the study of behaviour of
body in the state of motion under the action of a force system.
• Dynamics can be classified into two streams:
• It is the study of relationship between displacement, velocity,
acceleration and time of the given motion of body without
considering the forces that cause the motion.

• It is the study of relationship between the forces acting on the body,
mass of the body and motion of body.
• It is the study of properties of motion of a body as a particle in such a
away that the forces which cause the motion are mainly taken into
• Change in position of a body with respect to a reference point.
• It is an imaginary line connecting the present position of a body to
the displaced position over a period of time.
• Scalar quantity that measures the actual path connecting the two
locations of the body.
• It is a vector quantity. It is a measure of interval between two
positions measured along the shortest path connecting them.
• Rate of change of displacement with respect to time. V =
• Rate of change of distance travelled by the particle with respect to
• Rate of change of velocity with respect to time. a =
• This law states that ‘everybody continues in its state of rest or of uniform
motion, so long as it is under the influence of a balanced force system’.
• This law states that ‘the rate of change momentum of a body is directly
proportional to the impressed force and it takes place in the direction of force
acting on it.
• This law states that ‘action and reaction are equal in magnitude but
opposite in direction’.

Analysis of kinetic problems of a body in plane motion is done using D’ Alembert’s
Dynamic problem can be converted into static problem by using D’ Alembert’s principle.


• D’ Alembert’s principle is infact an application of Newton’s second law to a moving

body and looking at it from a different angle.
• According to Newton’s second law, the rate of change of momentum is directly
proportional to the impressed force and takes place in the direction in which the force
• Force is directly proportional to the mass and acceleration and unit of force is so
selected that the constant of proportionality reduces to unity.
• Hence, F = ma.
• Instead of single force, if a system of forces acts on a particle the above statement
reduces to;
Resultant force = Mass x acceleration

• French mathematician Jean le Rond D’Alembert proved in 1743 that the Newton’s
second law of motion is applicable not only to the motion of a particle but also to
the motion of a body and looked at the equation R = ma, from a different angle.
• R-ma=0
• The term “-ma” maybe looked as a force of magnitude m x a applied in the
opposite direction of motion and is termed as inertia force.
• D’Almbert’s principle states that the system of forces acting on a moving body is
in dynamic equilibrium with the inertia force of the body.
• Let the body shown in figure 1 be subjected to a system of forces causing the
body to move with an acceleration a in the direction of the resultant.

• Then apply a force equal to ma in the reverse direction of acceleration.

• According to D’Alembert’s principle the system of forces will be in equilibrium.

• The inertia force “–ma “ has no physical meaning, it is only the resistance
offered by a body to the change in it’s state of rest or uniform motion.
• If force and acceleration vectors can be resolved into two rectangular
components along x and y directions for plane motion, then Newton’s
second law can be expressed in scalar form as
• σ 𝐹𝑥 = m𝑎𝑥
• σ 𝐹𝑦 = m𝑎𝑦
• Direction of motion of body is always considered to be positive.

v = u + at
s = ut + ½ at²
v² - u² = 2as
1. A block of 150 N weight is resting on a rough horizontal table. What horizontal
force P is required to move the block with an acceleration of 1.5m/s²? The
coefficient of friction between the contact surfaces µ = 0.2

σ 𝑭𝒙 = m𝒂𝒙
P – F = m 𝑎𝑥
P - µR = x 1.5 ……..1
Substitute R in 1
σ 𝑭𝒚 = m𝒂𝒚 150 W
P – (0.2 x 150) = x 1.5
R–W=mx0 Friction F = µ x Normal reaction R
P = 52.94 N
R=W Weight W = Mass, m x Acceleration due to gravity g
R= 150N
2. A block of 100 N weight is resting on a rough horizontal table. What horizontal
force P inclined at angle 30° is required to move the block horizontally with an
acceleration of 2 m/s² ? The coefficient of friction between the contact surfaces µ =
30° P

σ 𝑭𝒙 = m𝒂𝒙
P cos30 – F = m 𝑎𝑥
𝑊 𝟏𝟎𝟎
Pcos30 - µR = x 2 = x2 F R
𝑔 𝟗.𝟖𝟏
Pcos30 – 0.2R = 𝟐𝟎. 𝟑𝟖 ……..1 Solving 1 & 2
σ 𝑭𝒚 = m𝒂𝒚 P = 42.08 N
R – W + Psin30 = m x 0 R = 78.95 N
R + Psin30 = W
Psin30 + R = 100 ……..2
3. A block of 25kg mass at rest on an inclined plane is pulled up by a force of 175 N
acting parallel to the inclined plane. Determine the acceleration of the block, if the
coefficient of friction between the contact surfaces µ = 0.3
175 N y FBD
175 N


3. A block of 25kg mass at rest on an inclined plane is pulled up by a force of 175 N
acting parallel to the inclined plane. Determine the acceleration of the block, if the
coefficient of friction between the contact surfaces µ = 0.3
175 N y FBD
175 N

σ 𝑭𝒙 = m𝒂𝒙
P– F – W cos75 = m 𝑎𝑥
175 - µR - W cos75 = 25 x 𝑎𝑥 F
175 – 0.3 R – (25 x 9.81) cos75 = 25 x 𝑎𝑥 .....1

σ 𝑭𝒚 = m𝒂𝒚 Substituting 2 in 1,
175 – 0.3 x 236.89 −(25 x 9.81)cos75
R – Wsin75 = m x 0 𝑎𝑥 =
R = (25 x 9.81)sin75 𝒂𝒙 = 1.61 m/s²
R = 236.89N ……..2
4. A 20 kg block rests on a rough horizontal surface over which another block of
10kg mass is placed. A horizontal force P is applied to the lower block. Determine
the maximum force that can be applied without allowing the upper block to slide
backwards over the lower block. Coefficient of static and dynamic friction are 0.25
and 0.2 respectively.


𝐹2 = 0.25R 2
R2 W = 10 x 9.81
𝐹2 = 0.25R 2 R2
20kg P
20kg P

𝐹1 = 0.2R1 R1
W = 20 x 9.81
10kg BLOCK

σ 𝑭𝒙 = m𝒂𝒙
𝐹2 = m 𝑎𝑥
0.25𝑅2 = 10 x 𝑎𝑥
σ 𝑭𝒚 = m𝒂𝒚
𝑅2 - W = 0
𝑅2 = 98.1N
𝐹2 = 24.525N

Therefore, 𝒂𝒙 = 0.25 x 98.1/ 10 = 2.45 m/s²

20kg BLOCK

σ 𝑭𝒙 = m𝒂𝒙
P - 𝐹1 − 𝐹2 = m 𝑎𝑥
P – 0.2𝑅1 - 24.525= 20 x 2.45
σ 𝑭𝒚 = m𝒂𝒚
𝑅1 − 𝑅2- W = 0
𝑅1 = (20 x 9.81) + 98.1 = 294.3 N

Therefore, 𝑷 = (20 x 2.45) + 24.525 + (0.2 x 294.3)

= 132.385 N
5. A 2 kg block rests on a rough horizontal surface having coefficient of friction 0.2.
It is acted upon by a horizontal force of 10N for 5 sec and then it is removed.
Determine how far it would have travelled before coming to rest, assuming the
frictional resistance to be uniform. Also, determine the total distance travelled
starting from rest.

2kg 10N 2kg 10N

𝐹= 0.2𝑅 𝑅
σ 𝑭𝒙 = m𝒂𝒙
Substitute R in 1
P – F = m 𝑎𝑥
10 – (0.2 x 19.62) = 2 x 𝑎𝑥 W = 2 x 9.81
10 – 0.2R = 2 x 𝑎𝑥 ……..1
𝑎𝑥 = 3.038 m/s²
σ 𝑭𝒚 = m𝒂𝒚
Distance travelled in 5 sec starting from
R–W=mx0 rest Velocity at 5 sec,
R = W = 2 x 9.81 S = ut + ½ at² v = u + at
R= 19.62N = 0 + ½ x 3.038 x 5² = 0 + 3.038 x 5
= 37.975 m = 15.19 m/s
• Motion after removal of force
Once the force is removed, the frictional force brings the block to rest.
F = - ma‘ a‘ = decceleration
0.2 x 19.62 = - 2 x a’
a’ = - 1.962 m/s²

Distance travelled by block to come to rest after attaining a max velocity of

v² - u² = 2as
0 – 15.19² = 2 x (-1.962) x s
S= 58.8 m
6. A motorist travelling at a speed of 70kmph suddenly applies break and halts after skidding 50m.
i. Time required to stop the car Direction of
ii. Coefficient of friction between the tyre and road motion

Initial velocity, u = 70kmph = 70 x = 19.44m/s.
Final velocity, v = 0
Distance travelled s = 50m
σ 𝑭𝒙 = m𝒂𝒙
v² - u² = 2as - F = m 𝑎𝑥
0² - 19.44² = 2 x a x 50 - µR = 𝑚 x – 3.779 ……..1
a = - 3.779m/s²
Therefore, t : σ 𝑭𝒚 = m𝒂𝒚
v = u + at
0 = 19.44 – 3.779 x t
t = 5.14 sec 𝑊
Therefore, - µW = - x 3.779
µ = 0.385
*Here, the force causing the motion is not considered
7. A short commuter train consists of 3 coaches, each of 6 ton mass. The friction is 0.5 kN per ton
mass. Determine the tractive force of the train, if it has to attain a speed of 60kmph in 10 sec.
Determine the tension in each of the coupling between the coaches.
Tractive force is the force needed to overcome the resistance caused by friction when two bodies slide or roll on each other

1 2 3

Mass of each coach, m = 6 ton

Tractive force:
Total mass of 3 coaches, M = 6 x 3 = 18 ton
Let P be the tractive force of the train and F be the
Frictional resistance = 0.5kN/ton
frictional resistance,
Frictional resistance per coach = 0.5 x 6 = 3 kN Total mass of
Frictional resistance for 3 coaches = 0.5 x 18 = 9kN train consisting P
of 3 coaches
Initial velocity of train = 0 F
Final velocity of train = 60kmph = 60 x 5/18 = 16m/s. σ 𝑭𝒙 = M𝒂𝒙
t = 10sec P – F = M 𝑎𝑥
v = u + at P – 9 x 103 = 18 x 103 x 1.6
16 = 0 + a x 10 P = 37800N = 37.8 kN
Acceleration a = 1.6m/s²
• Tension in coupling:
Let T1 be the tension in coupling between first and second coach.

σ 𝑭𝒙 = m𝒂𝒙
1 T1 – F1 = m 𝑎𝑥
T1 – 3 x 103 = 6 x 103 x 1.6
T1 = 12600N = 12.6 kN

Let T2 be the tension in coupling between second and third coach. F1 = F2 = F3

σ 𝑭𝒙 = m𝒂𝒙
T2 – F2 – T1 = m 𝑎𝑥
2 T2 T2 – 3 x 103 - 126000 = 6 x 103 x 1.6
T2 = 25200N = 25.2 kN

8. An engine of weight 500kN pulls a carriage weighing 1500kN up an incline of 1in
100. The train starts from rest and moves with a constant acceleration against a
resistance of 5 N/kN. It attains a maximum speed of 36kmph in 1km distance.
Determine the tension in the coupling between the carriage and the engine and the
tractive force developed by the engine. P

1 tanθ =
100 θ = 0.5729° which is very
less… therefore the
inclination is taken as

• Weight of engine = 500kN

• Weight of carriage = 1500kN
• Total weight of train = 2000kN
• Frictional resistance of carriage = 5 x 1500 = 7500N = 7.5 kN
• Frictional resistance of engine = 5 x 500 = 2500N = 2.5 kN
• u=0
Tractive force
• v = 36kmph = 36 x 5/18 = 10m/sec Let P be the tractive force of the train and F be the
• s = 1000 m frictional resistance,

𝑣 2 - 𝑢2 = 2as P

102 - 02 = 2 x a x 1000
a = 0.05 m/s²
Tension in the coupling

F R σ 𝑭𝒙 = M𝒂𝒙
P – F– (W x )= m𝑎𝑥
σ 𝑭𝒙 = m𝒂𝒙 2000
1 P – 10 – 20 = x 0.05
T–F–wx = m𝑎𝑥 w 9.81
100 P = 40.19 kN
T – 7.5 –
15 = x 0.05
T = 30.14 kN
9. An elevator together with passengers weighing 3 tons is supported by a cable. Find the tension
in the cable when the elevator is;
a. Moving upward with an acceleration of 1m/s²
b. Moving upward with a deceleration of 0.5m/s²
c. Moving downward with an acceleration of 1m/s²
d. Moving downward with an deceleration of 0.6m/s²

a. Moving upward with an acceleration of 1m/s²

T b. Moving upward with a deceleration of 0.5 m/s²
Mass = 3 tons = 3000kg
σ 𝑭𝒚 = m𝒂𝒚 σ 𝑭𝒚 = m𝒂𝒚
LIFT T – W = m𝑎𝑦 T – W = m𝑎𝑦
T – (3000 x 9.81) = 3000 x 1 T – (3000 x 9.81) = 3000 x (−0.5)
T = 32430 N = 32.430kN T = 27930 N = 27.930 kN

c. Moving downward with an acceleration of 1m/s² c. Moving downward with a deceleration of 0.5 m/s²
σ 𝑭𝒚 = m𝒂𝒚 σ 𝑭𝒚 = m𝒂𝒚
W W – T = m𝑎𝑦 W – T = m 𝑎𝑦
(3000 x 9.81) – T = 3000 x (1) (3000 x 9.81) – T = 3000 x (−0.6)
T = 26430 N = 26.430 kN T = 31230 N = 31.230 kN
10. An elevator cage of a mine shaft weighing 8kN, when empty is lifted or lowered
by means of a wire rope. Once a man weighing 600N entered it and lowered
with uniform acceleration such that when a distance of 187.5m was covered, the
velocity of the cage was 25m/sec. Determine the tension in the rope and the
force exerted by the man on the floor of the cage.
Acceleration with which the lifted is lowered
s = 187.5m
Force exerted by the man on floor of the cage
Lift u=0
with v = 25m/sec
man 2 2
σ 𝑭𝒚 = m𝒂𝒚
𝑣 - 𝑢 = 2as man 600
600 – R = x 1.66
252 - 02 = 2 x a x 187.5 9.81
R = 498.47 N
a = 1.66 m/s²
Tension in the rope R
σ 𝑭𝒚 = M𝒂𝒚 600 N
8600 N 8600
8600 – T = x 1.66
T = 7144.75N
11. A 75kg man stands on a scale in an elevator. Determine the acceleration of the
elevator when the scale reads;
i. 100kg
ii. 60kg
iii. 0
*The reading on scale is the force exerted by the man on the scale.
This force is equal to the force exerted by the floor of the elevator on the man. (Newton’s
IIIrd law).
i. 100kg
(100x 9.81) – (75 x 9.81)
σ 𝑭𝒚 = M𝒂𝒚 a=
= 3.27m/s²
R – Mg = 𝑀x 𝑎 ii. 60kg
(60 x 9.81) – (75 x 9.81)
R – Mg a= = -1.962m/s²
a= M
iii. 0kg
W (0 x 9.81) – (75 x 9.81)
a= = -9.81m/s²
where, Reaction R =weight of man read on 75
12. A body weighing 1200N rests on a rough plane inclined at 12° to the horizontal. It is pulled up the
plane by means of a light flexible rope running parallel to the plane and passing over a light
frictionless pulley at the top of the plane as shown in figure. The portion of the rope beyond the
pulley hangs vertically down and carries a weight of 800N at its end. If the coefficient of friction for
the plane and the body is 0.2. Find:
i. Tension in the rope.
ii. Acceleration with which the body moves up the plane.
iii. The distance moved by the body in 3 seconds after starting from rest.

12° σ 𝑭𝒙 = m𝒂𝒙
800N T – F – Wcos78 = 𝑚x 𝑎 78° R
B T – µR– Wcos78 =
T – 0.2R – 249.49 = 122.32 x a …….1
σ 𝑭𝒚 = m𝒂𝒚
R – Wsin78 = 0
R = 1173.77 N ……..2

σ 𝑭𝒚 = m𝒂𝒚
800 – T = xa
800 – T = 81.55 x a ……..3
T – 0.2x 1173.77 – 249.49 = 122.32 x a …….1
T – 484.24 = 122.32 a
*Since Block B is moving down, the force T – 122.32 a = 484.24
acting down can be considered as positive
From 3,
-T – 81.55 a = - 800
*Block A moves up the plane with same
acceleration with which block B moves Solving the above equations,
vertically down. T = 673.69N
a = 1.548 m/sec²
13. If m1 = 2kg, m2 = 1kg, θ = 30° and µ = 0.2 for all contact surfaces, for a system shown in figure
below, determine the tensions in the strings and the acceleration of the system. Assume the
pulleys are massless and frictionless and the string is inextensible.

σ 𝑭𝒙 = m𝒂𝒙
W1cos60 – T – F1 = m1x 𝑎
(2x9.81cos60) - T – (0.2 x R1) = 2 x a …….1

σ 𝑭𝒚 = m𝒂𝒚
m2 R1 – W1sin60 = 0
R1 = ( 2x9.81sin60)
R1 = 16.99 N ……..2
Substitute 2 in 1,
T T + 3.39 – 9.81+ 2a = 0
1kg T + 2a = 6.42N ………3
Direction of movement R2

σ 𝑭𝒙 = m𝒂𝒙
T – F2 = m1x 𝑎
T – (0.2 x R2) = 1 x a …….1

σ 𝑭𝒚 = m𝒂𝒚
R2 – w2 = 0
R2 = 1 x 9.81
R2 = 9.81 N ……..2
Substitute 2 in 1,
T - (0.2 x 9.81) - a = 0
T - a = 1.962N ………4
Solving 3 & 4,
T + 2a = 6.42N
T - a = 1.962N

T = 3.448N
a = 1.486 m/sec²
60° 30°

*Block A weighing 100N moves down the

plane with same acceleration with which block
B moves up the plane.
a = 1.9947 m/sec²
W = 100N W = 50N T = 49.6 N
15. Determine the tension in the string and accelerations of blocks A and B weighing 1500N and
500N connected by an inextensible string as shown in figure. Assume pulleys as frictionless and

*In this system, the 1500 N block is connected to a freely suspended pulley, which
passes over a string.
The 1500N block moves down and 500N block moves up.
If 500N block moves up by a distance x, then 1500N moves down by a distance x/2.
Correspondingly , their acceleration will be a and a/2 respectively.


1500 N 500 N

1500N 500N

σ 𝑭𝒚 = m𝒂𝒚
1500 – 2T = m x a/2
1500 – 2T = x a/2
2T + 76.45 a = 1500 ……..1

σ 𝑭𝒚 = m𝒂𝒚 Solving 1 & 2,

T - 500 = m x a
T – 500 = xa T = 642.85 N
T – 50.96 a = 500 ……..2 a = 2.808m/sec² , acceleration of block 500N
14. Determine the acceleration of the system of the blocks shown below. The coefficient of friction at
contact surfaces is 0.15. Also, determine the tension in the string. Take m1 = 75kg and m2 =

Acceleration, a/2
Acceleration, a


Direction of movement

σ 𝑭𝒙 = m𝒂𝒙
-T – F1 + W1cos60 = 𝑚x 𝑎
- T – 0.15R1 + (75 x 9.81cos60) = 75 x a σ 𝑭𝒚 = m𝒂𝒚
…….1 2T – W2 = 50 x a/2
2T – (50 x 9.81) = 25 a
σ 𝑭𝒚 = m𝒂𝒚 2T – 25a = 490.5N ……..4
R1 – W1sin60 = 0
Solving 3 & 4
R1 = 75 x 9.81sin60
T + 75a = 272.29N
R1 = 637.17N ……..2
2T – 25a = 490.5N
T + 75a = 272.29N ………3
T = 249.11 N
a = 0.309 m/sec²
T = 360 N
a = 1.962 m/sec²
14. Two blocks A and B are released from rest on 30° inclined plane, when they 18m apart. The
coefficient of friction under the upper block A is 0.2 and that under the lower block B is 0.4.

a. In what time block A reaches block B?

b. After they touch they move as a single unit, what will be the contact force between them?

Weights of Block A & B are 100N and 80N respectively.

σ 𝑭𝒙 = m𝒂𝒙
W1cos60 – F1 = m1x 𝑎1
(100cos60) - (0.2 x R1) = x a1 …….1

σ 𝑭𝒚 = m𝒂𝒚
R1 – W1sin60 = 0
R1 = ( 100sin60)
R1 = 86.60 N ……..2
Substitute 2 in 1,
50 – 17.32 = 10.19 a1
a1 = 3.2m/sec²
σ 𝑭𝒙 = m𝒂𝒙
W2cos60 – F2 = m2x 𝑎2
F2 (80cos60) - (0.4 x R2) = x a2 …….1

σ 𝑭𝒚 = m𝒂𝒚
R2 – W2sin60 = 0
w2 R2 = (80sin60)
R2 = 69.28 N ……..2
Substitute 2 in 1,
40 – 27.712 = 8.15 a2
a2 = 1.507 m/sec²

In what time block A reaches block B?

Let t be the time elapsed until the blocks touch each other. When the blocks touch
each other,
displacement of block A 𝐒𝐀 = displacement of block B 𝐒𝐁 + 18m
……eqn 4
𝐒𝐀 =𝑢1 t + ½ 𝑎1 t² After they touch they move as a single unit, what will be the
= 0 + ½ 3.2 t² contact force between them?
= 1.6t²
The acceleration will be same.
𝐒𝐁 =𝑢2 t + ½ 𝑎2 t²
= 0 + ½ 1.507 t²
= 0.7535 t² Adding the horizontal equations of
equilibrium of both blocks and equating to
Therefore, common acceleration
1.6t² = 0.7535 t² + 18
t² = 21.26
t = 4.61 sec 100
(100cos60) - (0.2 x 86.6) = xa
(80cos60) - (0.4 x 69.28) = xa
90 - 45.044 = 18.34 x a
a = 2.45m/sec²

Now to find the contact force between the blocks draw the FBD of any of
the block, say Block A and the blocks are moving together with same
acceleration of 2.45 m/sec²
Let P be the contact force induced by block B
on block A,
σ 𝑭𝒙 = m𝒂𝒙
W1cos60 – F1 - P= m1x 𝑎
F1 100
(100cos60) - (0.2 x 86.6) – P = x 2.45
P …….1
P = 50 – 17.332 – 24.97
W1 P = 7.698N

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