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Name: sonhera sheikh

S.ID: 6606

Course: operation management

Assignment # 2

1. The forecasted demand is summarized in the Following table:

Jan 8 July 39
Feb 15 Aug 24
Mar 31 Sept 16
April 59 Oct 15
May 97 Nov 28
June 60 Dec 47
Total 439
Average demand per month = 439/12 = 36.58 bicycles. The standard deviation of the

monthly demand = 25.67 bicycles.

The inventory plan is based on the following costs and values.

Order cost = $65/order

Cost per bicycle = $102.00
Holding cost = ($102.00) × (1%) × 12 per year per bicycle
= $12.24 per year per bicycle

Service level = 95%, with corresponding Z value of 1.645

Lead time = 1 month

Total demand/year = 439 units of bicycles

2∗total Demand x ordering cost

Q¿ =√
holding cost

Q¿ =√
= 68 units of bicycles.

1. Discuss ROP’s and total cost.

Reorder point (ROP) = Average demand during the lead time (μ)
+ Z × (Standard deviation of the demand during the lead time (σ)) Therefore, (ROP)
= 36.58 + 1.645 (25.67) ≈ 79 bicycles.
Safety stock (SS) is given by SS = Zσ = 1.645(25.67) ≈ 42 bicycles.

Inventory cost is calculated as follows:

Total annual inventory cost =Annual holding cost + Annual ordering cost
Q∗¿(Ordering Cost )
=1/2Q (Holding Cost )+ SS( Holding cost)+(Total Demand )/¿¿

= $416.16+ $514.08 +$419.63+ $1,349.87

A plot of the nature of the demand clearly shows that it is not a level demand over the planning
horizon. An EOQ for the entire year, therefore, may not be appropriate. The students should try
to segment the planning horizon in a way so that the demand is more evenly distributed and
come up with an inventory plan for each of these segments.

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