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1a role demands
2b perception
3c establish the basics for all
4 a and we use the two terms
5c cover a broader view of
6 b organizations have to resist the uncertainties
7d a single use plan
8a there will be an overemphasis
9b the organization mission
10c review results and whether goals are met
11c operational
12b weakness
13d specialized
14b controlling
15d work specialization
16a tall structure
17a organization architecture
18a technical
19d all of above
20c conscientious
21c organizational structure and planning
22a suitability
23b the sender forms a message and decades
24a leadership
25c the prices that companies in one industry


1b attitude
2c brand equity
3c business portfolio
4a commercialization
5b customer life time value
6d stars,dos,cashcow and question mark
7c market nicher
8d all of the above
9b variable
10c value
11a industrial marketing a
12d question mark
13b market development
14b information seeking
15d pull
16d promotion
17c television interview
18c comparative
19a monopolistic environment
20b substitute competition
21a distribution mix
22c intermediaries
23d wholesaler, retailer
24d the process of fixing , adopting and communication
25a marketing research


1c Rs 450,000
2a Rs 252,000
3b positive cash flow of Rs 27,600
4d assests,increase
5b total liabilities increase
6c repayment of a Rs 10,000
7d both b& c
8a cash balance a t the end of the period
9b cash balance at the end
10d decreases in liability
11b goodwill
12a sale of equipment
13a is an adjusting entry
14b credit inventory
15b the dollar amount owed
16b Rs 38,940


1d current assets minus

2b earning on previous interest earned
3c neither of the loans
4c accept all project with positive npvs
5b net present value
6b region EC
7b Point B
8c 13.8%
9a all shares, securities
10d systematic risk
11a fail
12e none of the above
13b if stock A requires return
14c Rs 30.23
15a I only
16b decreases with each payment
17a A premium
18c unsystematic risk
19a A 2% discount is offered
20c there is more systematic


1. the tour operator was using bundle pricing strategy as they are selling all bundle into one price,
bundle pricing is a strategy where companies sell all service or products in one package.

2. high levels of discounts can be applied if necessary to clear unsold stock, reduction of up to 25% off
the initial brochure price are available on some late sales. The impact of discounting on late in a normal
season should be seen in the context operators for the season, all three quarters of all package holidays
typically are sold at or close to the brochure price.

3. pizza hut could apply discrimination pricing strategy by providing option of customization, this option
would avail the price insensitive customers so pizza hut can charge as high they want to. Karachi is a city
where food lover wants quality and taste and are not sensitive about price, pizza hut might be trying to
capture more profit from the willing to pay.

4 package price concepts can be applied by offering deals of buying on packages like it already did pizza
for cold drink is for example for. But if you buy a regular pizza in offer where there is no cold drink then
you have to buy a cold drink separately. Customers prefer to buy in packages.

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