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3/22/22, 9:11 PM Oxford University Press | Online Resource Centre | Multiple choice questions

Combe: Introduction to Management

Chapter 8: Multiple choice questions

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Question 1

What tasks does Human resource management involve?

You did not answer the question.

Correct answer:

d) All of the above


HRM involves attracting, recruiting and retaining employees.

Page reference: 265

Question 2

What does Unitarism as a human resource management approach assume?

You did not answer the question.

Correct answer:

c) People in the organisation share the same aims and objectives.


Unitarism refers to 'unity of purpose' and, therefore, requires that people share the same aims and objectives.
Page reference: 270

Question 3

To what does diversity in the workplace refer to?

Your answer:

a) The number of people employed from different ethnic groups.

Correct answer:

d) The range of personal characteristics of employees in an organisation.


Diversity covers a wide range of characteristics ranging from age, gender, religious beliefs, ethnicity etc.
Page reference: 274

Question 4

Which of these is not part of human resource policy?

Your answer:

a) Reward systems

Correct answer: 1/3
3/22/22, 9:11 PM Oxford University Press | Online Resource Centre | Multiple choice questions
d) Suppliers choice


Human resources do not have responsibility for choosing suppliers.

Page reference: 278

Question 5

What is a PDP?

You did not answer the question.

Correct answer:

a) Personal Development Plan


PDP is a Personal Development Plan.

Page reference: 108

Question 6

Which of the following is not included in a job design?

You did not answer the question.

Correct answer:

d) The payment rates for the tasks carried out


Job design does not include information on payment.

Page reference: 282-283

Question 7

Where can formal employee training and education take place?

You did not answer the question.

Correct answer:

d) All of the above


Formal employee training can take place in numerous settings including colleges, training centres or even in the workplace itself.

Page reference: 284

Question 8

What is the purpose of employee relations?

You did not answer the question.

Correct answer:

d) All of the above


Employee relations cover a wide range of issues including workers' rights, and resolving conflicts to effect a harmonious working

Page reference: 285

Question 9 2/3
3/22/22, 9:11 PM Oxford University Press | Online Resource Centre | Multiple choice questions
What is OD?

You did not answer the question.

Correct answer:

b) Organisational development


OD stands for organisational development.

Page reference: 285

Question 10

What is the personnel department in an organisation concerned with?

You did not answer the question.

Correct answer:

d) Staff administration


Unlike HRM, the personnel department are only concerned with the administration aspect of human resources.

Page reference: 265

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