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A. Content Standards
The learner demonstrates understanding of: South and West Asian literature as an
expression of philosophical and religious beliefs; information flow in various text types;
reality, fantasy, and opinion in listening and viewing materials; word decoding strategies;
and use of information sources, active/passive constructions, direct/indirect speech, perfect
tenses, and logical connectors in journalistic writing.

B. Performance Standards
The learner transfers learning by composing a variety of journalistic texts, the contents of
which may be used in composing and delivering a memorized oral speech featuring use of
properly acknowledged information sources, grammatical signals for opinion-making,
persuasion, and emphasis, and appropriate prosodic features, stance, and behavior.

C. Grade Level Standards

The learner demonstrates competence through his/her understanding of Afro-Asian
Literature and other texts types for a deeper appreciation of Philippine Culture and those of
other countries.

D. Learning Competencies

At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:

1. Identify the different propaganda techniques;
2. Recognize the type of propaganda used in an advertisement; and
3. Apply appropriate propaganda strategy to promote a product.


Most Essential Learning Competency Q3-W2: Analyzing Intention of Words or

Expressions Used in Propaganda Techniques


A. References
Online Resources:
 English 8_Q3_Mod2_Analyzing Intentions of Words and Expressions Using
Propaganda Techniques v2 2-18-2021.pdf
B. Other Learning Resource:
PowerPoint Presentation, Online Platform, Laptop

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity/Response

Preliminary Activities

Good afternoon, class! Good afternoon, Ma’am!

Do you hear me loud and clear? Yes, Ma’am!

Before we start, see to it that your

microphone is working properly.

Let us all open our microphones and say

“Good afternoon!” Good afternoon!

If you wish to call my attention, just press

your raise hand button or the letter “H” in
your keyboard!

For our attendance, I have here a google

extension that will automatically check the
attendance for today.

First, let me discuss our house rule for today:

 Come to class on time
 Listen attentively
 Attendance is a must
 Sit in a single spot
 Stay on mute unless necessary
 Raise your hands to speak
 Use the chat box to participate
 List notes
 Emulate good values
 Say thanks and be happy!

Is everyone doing good?? Yes, Ma’am.

Make sure that you have a pen and paper or
any means to take note of the important
details we will discuss, and of course a bottle
of water. I hope you’re all set for today, find
a quiet spot so you can stay focused!
Yes, Ma’am.
B. Motivation
(Direct Instruction)
Insert what teaching strategy you are going
to use for every part of the lesson

Before, we proceed with our new lesson, let

me first ask you this.
When you want to buy something, what do you
consider the most?
I consider its brand. / The most important for
me when I buy something is the price. / If
it’s trendy.

Great job! Thank you for your answers.

Now, let’s have an activity on,

also it’s a recap from our lesson last week.

Are you ready class?

Yes, Ma’am

Here’s the code for our quiz and look for the
link in the chat box.

Well done everyone! I hope you had fun with

our simple activity.
C. Lesson Proper
Insert what teaching strategy you are going
to use for every part of the lesson

I have here some videos to show you and I

want you to ready the assignment that I had
given last week, which is all about the four
remaining propaganda techniques. Identify
what technique will be shown based on the
video clip.

(The teacher will play video clips as

examples for name-calling.)

(glittering generalities)


Based from the videos, which of those is
using name-calling technique?
The second one ma’am.

Very good!

Mr./Ms._____ what do we mean by name-

calling based from what you have
researched? This type of propaganda makes use of insulting or
belittling labels resulting in the formation of a
negative opinion or impression about a product,
person, and group.

(Answers may vary)

Can you give another example?

Well done!

Name-calling is a propaganda technique that

links a product or a person to a negative
symbol that creates negative opinions against
the rival product. (use limited words in the

Next, which one from the videos expresses

Glittering Generalities? The third one ma’am.


Mr./Ms._____ what do we mean by the

Glittering Generalities? This propaganda technique uses positive
words to influence a person’s buying

Can you give another example? Answers may vary).

Great answer!

Glittering Generalities makes use of fancy

words that elicit a positive response or
feeling from you.

Next, what about the testimonial technique,

on which video it is used? The first video clip ma’am.

Based from the example what does

testimonial is all about? Advertisers use the endorsements of
influencers, popular personalities, authority
figures or experts in the field to convince
that the product is worth the money.

Very good!

This is propaganda technique in which a

celebrity or influential politician endorses a
product and services.

Mr./Ms._____ can you give another example Answer may vary.

for testimonial technique?


Lastly, what propaganda is the fourth video

clip? The fourth video clip used Transfer.

Great job!
Mr./Ms._____ what does transfer technique all
about? This is a technique of impressing good or
bad qualities of a person, object, product to
another in order to make the second more
acceptable or to shame it.

Very well said!

The advertiser tries to link or associate the

good qualities of the endorser to the product
or service he is endorsing. Moreover, it turns
out that both the model and the product share
positive attributes or qualities that convince
the buyers.

Mr./Ms._____ will you please give an

example for transfer technique? Answers may vary.

D. Post Activity

Independent Acitivity 1:
Now, I have here ten taglines, I want you to
read the following lines and identify the
product it advertises.

1. "You're in good hands."

2. "The choice of the new generation."

3. "Langhap sarap"

4. "Smooth hair that you simply finger


5. "Making ways."

6. "Touching Lives"

7. "It's finger-lickin' good."

8. "Lasts even longer than expensive


9. "Brings out the best in you."

10. “Nakasisiguro gamot ay laging bago”

Very good class! I’m glad that you understand

our topic today. So, let’s give ourselves
a round of applause.

Independent activity 2:
For our second activity, I want you to identify
what propaganda technique is used in each
statement below. Please be reminded of all the
propaganda techniques that we have

1. “Great Leaders start here! No sense of

putting off what you can turn yourself into
better version of YOU. Enroll now at Bright

2. “Let’s turn your weakness into your


3. Vic Sotto endorses a brand of sardines.

What propaganda type opposes this idea?

4. Here’s the good news, you will surely love

our tasty and nutritious 100% beefy burger.

5. A soft drink brand claims its sugar free.

6. Jericho Rosales and Ann Curtis endorse


7. You have a choice, be part of our growing

8. “You can’t be a president if you don’t have
the guts.”- Mayor Rodrigo Duterte. A rebut to
his co-presidential candidate.

9. Manny Pacquiao promotes pain reliever


10. “No MSG, No Additives, Purely Organic.

Try the best-selling seasoning AjiSarap.”

I will give you fifteen seconds to answer each


Answer key:
E. Generalization
Do you have any questions concerning our
topic for today, class? None ma’am.
Alright. To confirm if you really understood
the lesson, fill in the blanks below.

Could you tell me the propaganda techniques

that we have discussed? Ma’am name-calling, transfer, testimonial,
and glittering generalities.

Very good, class!

As a consumer, who buys goods and other
products, what do you think is the
importance of knowing propaganda

Well said, class!

Answers may vary.
I. Evaluation
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity/Response
I will be sending the link of the google form
for another activity, you can submit that until
tomorrow only.

Part I.
Analyze the following advertisements. Then,
answer the questions that follows.
1. What propaganda technique is used in the

A. Bandwagon
B. Name Calling
C. Card stacking
D. Glittering generality

2. What does the phrase: Billions and Billions

served indirectly mean?
A. They have sold over a billion of people.
B. Anyone who tastes it gets a taste of heaven.
C. They have the biggest hamburgers in the
D. Everyone is buying our hamburgers, so
shouldn’t you join the majority?

3. Which of these strategies was not used in the

poster to influence customers?
A. Catchy phrases
B. Popular influencer
C. Bright and colorful pictures
D. Bright and large yellow letter “M”
4. What propaganda technique is used in the
A. Transfer
B. Name Calling
C. Card stacking
D. Glittering generality

5. What does this catchy line suggest: Drink

A. It refreshes us.
B. It commands us to drink it.
C. It strongly forces us to try it.
D. It promises us something better.


6. What loaded word is used to make people

strongly feel the desire to buy the product?
A. Better
B. Drink
C. Things go
D. Coca-Cola

7. What propaganda technique is used in the

A. Transfer
B. Bandwagon
C. Card stacking
D. Glittering generality

8. What strategy is used in this advertisement?

A. Use of symbols
B. Popular endorser
C. Emotional appeal
D. Colorful Illustrations

9. What propaganda technique is used in the

A. Transfer
B. Bandwagon
C. Testimonial
D. Card stacking

10. Which part of the poster creates much desire

to the product?
A. Catchy title
B. Colorful layout
C. Famous endorser
D. Nutritional content

Part II.
List down 10 commercial advertisements that
you have watched or heard. Identify what type
of propaganda techniques were used.

Answer key
II. Assignment
Online selling is very common nowadays especially that we are experiencing the
disruptions brought about by COVID-19 pandemic. Some entrepreneurs use social
media to do their marketing and selling.

Option 1: paragraph
Imagine yourself as a young online seller, think of a product that you would like to
sell. Brainstorm for some ideas about your product by supplying the information

Option 2: Poster

Option 3: Short Video Commercial

(ask the students for suggestions)

Prepared by:
Yangyang, Rowena C.
BSED-English 4th yr
Cooperative Teacher:

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