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The world is being shaken by the virus called Covid-19 it affects every inch of the

world, it kills thousands of people and destroyed the economy of each country. We are

being locked up in our own houses with the help of the government, but the children can’t

just be in their house without learning anything, so the school implemented the idea of

online class or what you called eLearning. This was a good alternative for face-to-face

classes, you don’t have to talk or do the task personally, you don’t have to submit all the

requirements in your university. Online class helps you to be independent, in online class

groupings is too hard for students that is why individual activities are the most given by

the professors. Before Covid-19 we already have online class but it has a schedule

compare today you will need to use your electronic devices every day, every minute and

every second for the online class.

The first online learning systems were originally set up just for the instructions to

be delivered to students but as 70’s online learning started It become more interactive.

Britain University was smart to take advantage of e-learning, their priority is to teach their

students in distance, the activities and other things that you need in school was sent via

email. After the introduction of internet in our society the tools for e-learning expanded,

MAC is a computer that was allowed an individual to have in the homes in 1980’s, it helps

them to understand and learn easier. The e-learning was heard by everyone and they

acknowledge it as a good technique for teaching and molding the students’ certain skills.

In early 90’s the e-learning was used by several schools, they delivered all the courses

through online and it helps the students to reach the education to them.
E-learning may be a good choice for the distance learning, but the administration

and the schools are having a problem about this, and it’s not just them but especially the

students and the teachers. Here in the Philippines the internet is not as good as the other

country, we pay expensive internet for us to have a better experience but that is not

happening. While students are in class, they encounter slow internet that cause them to

not be able to enter in their class on time, sometimes in recitations or when the teachers

are asking for something their voice will cut up or sometimes, they become disconnected

suddenly. Those are just one of the reasons why we want to explore the effects and the

problem of technical issues that affects the e-learning. We researchers want to pursue

this research and make a contribute in achieving the solution to this problem.

Apparently, some parents want their kids to stop going to classes because of this

problem, they want to but the internet doesn’t let them. According to Globe’s statement,

before 2020. It took them 29-35 permits in order for them to build a one cell tower. Why

are we making it hard for them to build a cell tower? Other countries build a lot in order

for their citizens to enjoy a free and fast internet, why not here in the Philippines? Building

a lot of cell tower and allowing private-sector operators to expand the internet from a

skeleton framework into a country-wide system, and sped up our internet through

relentless competition.

Schools come up with this solution but they didn’t consider the complication that

students can encounter in eLearning, technical issues are just one of the problems that

they are facing right now in eLearning. Right now, that we are in a pandemic signal and

internet is the most important thing and so the problem is. Some parents can’t go to work

anymore and said that their life is important and they should just stay in their house.
Internet is expensive and so are loads for you SIM cards that is why people should work.

I agree with it because we really have an expensive living but you should forget that yes

life is important and so is education.

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