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tea gffi a wh : 5o Efha Ttdi tfl th : 17

Total No. of Questions : 50 No. of printed Pages : 17

Suitabilitv Test- 2020


HTRI - 3:oo qu± (HeFT H¥F t7a t} eneT fl) Ffa5 -50
Time Allowed -3 :00 Hours (Including ls' Que. Paper) Total Marks -50

Instructions :-

I. enPr u¥T 3Tfhi €i mft Hed a 3jq5 iFTiT gi 5R:umazF igiv Tfi ft5FT
All questions are compulsory. All questions shall cany equal Marks.
There shall be no negative marking.
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in the question paper, otherwise he/she should ask for another question
3. gH H¥T qiI * Hrh @ faE7tR@ in 50 € I Ten 3meaRT a t¥ fs wi
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This question paper contain 50 questions. The examinee should verify
that the requisite numbers of questions are printed in the question paper,
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If there is any sort of mistake either of printing or of factual nature in
any question, then out of the Hindi and English versions of the question,
the English version will be treated as standard.

Page 2 of 17

Code of Civil Procedure. 1908

TJHJ. 1- t@ €7iiT 21-T t} ofrfu `tFT qii=" qi= a apT 3Tfitha € ?

Q.No.1 Under section 21-A of cpc, what the expression "former suit" does

F.3F. 2- i3T If ch frm FTa qT= ch tB tQm tS ifeT # 3TTch 3Tfro FT givTUT
fflqltJq gliT 3TFla ffu tin wh € ?
Q. No.2 Write the conditions when objection as to place of suing may be
allowed by any appellate or revisional court?

u.3F. 3- ts aTTin 21 fin 73 ts ctwh erfaiffi giIT an wh IT t5q ed

qi ch a ffl ¥?
Q. No.3 Which are the restrictions on bidding or purchase by officers under
Order 21 Rule 73 CPC?
Page 3 of 17


Ir ffl iTffl €7
Q. No.4 When appellant can urge or be heard, in support of any ground of
objection not set forth in the memorandum of appeal as per Order 41
Rule 2 CPC?
t'T1 <-

tl.a5. 5- ap ffi giv frm fas far qTqian EFfro rfu tFT Hffit]T a -
Q. No.5 State three purposes for which the Court may issue a Commission.

H.ff. 6- i* th a TRfte7fin frm fas 3Tth v5 aTtPra r{iitiici<i, 3Tfro tB fan

qffltFiT ch 3TflF $ 3Tfafca enRI qngFT ed tfr 3T5qfa i fltFaT €-

Q. No.6 Write any two circumstances, in which an appellate Court may allow
to produce additional evidence to a party in appeal.
Page 4 of 17

q.:H5L 7- rd ffirfu 3Tfin fa5ri HTFT ti fat a HtFt]T € 7

Q.No.7 What is the maximum period of detention in case of arrest before

judgement ?

Limitation Act.1963
(Seetion 3, 5 to 14, 27 & 29 Articles 64, 65 & 137)
q.3F. 8-
3TTha nd a rfu e]T, al ffa utii<i8Octci ti chtrRE q5T fan ?
Q.No.8 Which judgement of apex court over-ruled the "Gurdwara Sahib Vs.
Gram Panchayat Village Sirthala and anr. (2014) 1 SCC 669"
judgement, related to declaration of title and restoration of possession
by way of adverse possession?

u.3F. 9- eniT 14 ch aiiL fca wh tPr 3]itRE5 ffi fflT €-

Q. No.9 What are essential conditions for invoking section 14?

Page 5 of 17


SDecific Relief Act. 1963

FjF. io- fan ch F"a ch frm, tlq Tq5 tFTfaET fha th rfu ch fan aft
fflhe qng qT 5a5TT 3Te7qT fin € ffro Ei5 di T3 €, qE wi
ertFrfu ed dS Eq5ET¥ rfu al iai¥1€eci: qfth ed tS fat fa" fin ffl
iTffl €?
Q.No.10 Write any two cases where a person in possession of a particular
article of movable property, of which he is not the owner, may be
compelled specifically to deliver it to the person entitled to its
immediate possession?

H.3F. 11- fafife 3Tgiv 3rfufin # e]itT 38(1) ti 3ife nd tPr en¥EliT trfu ffu
wh ts far alg€tET ffu iFr Hq5f]T -a?
Q.No.11 For which purpose a perpetual injunction may be granted to the
plaintiff under Section 38 (1) of the Specific Relief Act?
tlTI i-
Page 6 of 17

Motor Vehicle Act.1988

HjF. 12- therm 3Tfrm @ eniT 166 i} 3fu HfaiF{ t} ffu 3TTfa te ch a i=iqT
3Tffro q} eeTFflq 3Tfarfu a?
Q.No.12 Which Claims Tribunal has local jurisdiction for an application for
compensation under Section 166 of Motor Vehicle Act?

T.3F. 13- ;g¥€ gdF a aTfro ng i3Prq- a di tfr tffi a ifeT a fflT

Q.No.13 What is the provision for deduction towards personal and living
expenses of a deceased, who was bachelor?

Code of Criminal Procedure. 1973

TLa5.. 14- 3TqiitT tS qT i3T rar€ittti`I. tB ffro 3TTwh S tFeFT dr 3Tife €, a tFeFT tFvi
* fan TTan 3Te7tiT ds ch, tFF dTfas m]T tit fltFm a?

Q.No.14 When any error in stating or omission to state, either offence or the
particular required to be stated in the charge, may be regarded as
Page 7 of 17

H.3F. 15- fflT tlFffl v¥ tap Tra fan 3rfuIr ed wi ffii5€ ia 3ife Tf`fli 3rmff tB
55+/at tB 37rm¥ u¥ vi BF: 3TffroTT # fin ffl flt5aT € ?

Q.No.15 Whether an accused who has been released on bail can be re-arrested
on the ground of addition of new and grave offences against him?

q.3F. 16- t7iiT 319 €.H.H. ti aEa qt:i rfu tFT wh ted HT]q 3Tfafha 3rfuIr tfr
HTFT ed te rmiuT q5T tit fflT dr 3"ha g 7
Q.No.16 What should be the standard of proof required for summoning of
additional accused in exercise of power u/s 319 Cr.P.C?

T.3F. 17- fflT nd tB ch ffiTT ch a qii= TEF in tlF e]iIT 193 t$ 3Trfu rfu
rfu tF¥ titFtFT €? siFan ,cii¢iiqici ch flrfuTffa fro EiiT faT lip fTh a5T
wh Era I
Q.No.17 Whether a Sessions Judge is entitled to issue summon under section
193, after committal of case, cite the decision of Constitution Bench
of Supreme Court?
0_tl {-
Page 8 of 17


H.ff. 18- 3Tfroff rfu Tq q{ 3TtPr@ tB i3qmT t6 ffiT S, fflT 3]tiqiir € ?

Q.No.18 What is exception as to abetment of appeal on the death of appellant?


u.3F. 19- fflT vtF d 3TfaiF He7TT qFi]T RE ch TtF a 3jfir FfaaH # tlThffi fin
ffl flim a ?
Q.No.19 Whether more than one FIR can be amalgamated into a single final


T.3F. 20- fflT vtF 7TTE a 3Tffro a} ai`uiu`It]ui t} a5iqT tS far v5 FiE a 3Tfha tFT
ci,i`<icii<i 3TfRE fin iFT HtFaT € ?

Q.No.20 Whether imprisonment exceeding for a period of one month can be

imposed for arrears of maintenance for more than a month?
Page 9 of 17

Indian Evidence Act. 1872

T:E5i. 21- '-.qv<SH+`ivi^i¥ii te" zFqT € 7

QINo.21 What do you mean by "superimposition test" ?


u.3F. 22- a.F.T. HTRI EEL Hat t@ rfu i rfu ? fflT ®.u.T. eneq t} enm *
iq"Tan j* HfaqEF i3"TquTT 5¥ fltFi]T € ?

Q.No.22 Explain the nature bf DNA evidence in brief. Can court draw any
adverse inference in absence of DNA evidence?

H.3F. 23- €mT 40 qTRI 3Tfrm t} ofdr thi FT tr fife, 3rriIT qT fan giv i ?

Q.No.23 Which previous judgment, order or decree is relevant under S.40 of

the Evidence Act ?
Page 10 of 17

H.a5. 24- 5a iFiqTrm strmiuTT an fs su tfl, fie ri S qB 3Tfhae7T fin Trm €

fS wh Frfu fin iTqT €, a flEqfa Tti fl ePr ?
Q.No.24 When the Court shall presume that a woman alleged to have been
raped has not consented?

H.aF. 25- HmeH 3rfeTh tPr £7iiT 157 tB 3ffi tith ts Ein a ti 5eFT ii¥ziitlcidl
3rfuREF # tiEfe t} fir rfu fgiv ffl an7
Q.No.25 Under Section 157 of Evidence Act, which former statements of a
witness may be proved to corroborate later testimony?

H.a5: 26- qitT 90 t$ 3Tife fan ± t} ri # sqt]iiTliT far ch a rfu fi 3ma¥qtF

ffi ffl a?
Q.No.26 What are conditions under section 90 for drawing presumption in
respect of a document?

u.ff. 27- eneH 3Tfrm t} 3rfu q^Iapcraqi. fflT a ?

Q.No.27 What is admissions under Evidence Act?

Page 11 of 17


•ed fan rfu tS Ewh tfr gait 5T fltFaT € rfe lf ch fflT

F.3F. 28- fflT qltllclq
Ffin a ?
Q.No.28 Whether a Court may itself compare the handwriting of a person, if
yes, what is the procedure?
i)T1 <-

Indian Penal Code. 1860

u:3F. 29- fflT tliciuifiq7 dr fin ZFT 5ian €7iiT 197 €.H.H. EB ai3a ijRT 5T Ti5T € ?

Q.No29 Whether employee of public sector corporation are entitled to

protection u/s 197 Cr.P.C?

I+3F. 30+ z tfl EtqT ed ts feTT c al Btrri tS far 8 al A ¢q7tlicil BIB

iTE3]Igr z ch 8tqT ed ti far c ch stFHitTT € 3fr{ 8 t} set ti
vr`uiiHtlwv c sq 37t7Ti€T ch 5it]T € I 8 3Tqi 3itiiiu ts fir €tqT ts Eu5 d
qu€|^M 81

tfqT A fan i=u€ a ± g7 qfa ti al, ch a €u€ a7 9TTed tB giv

Page 12 of 17

qltrm frm I
Q.No.30 A instigates 8 to instigate C to murder Z. 8 accordingly instigates C
to murder Z, and C commits that offence in consequence of B's
instigation. 8 is liable to be punished with the punishment for
Whether A is liable for any punishment. If yes, with which
punishment. Mention relevant provision under IPC.

I.3F. 31- sfl i=u5 ri frm fan Tq5 rfu, ch Tfae tS rfu giiT edffl Tffi{
sqErfu rfu ted ti 3TqmT ES far aFTfte fin iTtrT a, tri €]iiT 326-T qTTed
t} tTEtT ffi fin iFT HiFt]T €7

Q.No.31 Mention the punishment with which a person convicted for the
offence of voluntarily causing grievous hurt by use of acid, may be
punished under Section 326-A IPC?

q.3F. 32- A, z ch dr in €, 3ife z i* 5T€ i a z 5T e7iT 3ife 3mIrT z EPr ffi

t} fin cnHct\q'cn fin in i

eTTed tfl giv e7iiT tri frm?

Q.No.32 A holds Z down, and fraudulently takes Z's money and jewels from
Z's clothes, without Z' s consent.
Which offence A has committed, if in order to the committing
aforesaid act, A has also voluntarily caused wrongful restraint to Z?
Also mention the relevant Section of IPC including Section under
Page 13 of 17

which aforesaid act is punishable.


u.a5. 33- 12 of t} 5F 3ng tft di a fflTffi Frfu ts far tfqT t{u3 g7

Q.No.33 What is the punishment for gang rape on a woman under 12 years of


fflT A tFT qE qEH iTTEti fa7 offro © €? rfe Ei ch ffu era t} 3fch?
Q.No.34 A makes an attempt to steal some jewels by breaking open a box, and
finds after so opening the box, that there is no jewel in it.
Whether this act of A is punishable under IPC? If yes, under which

u.3F. 35- ch-th TRfie7fan TPrtFT ed ch Hicj`Ifaci di €7

Q.No.35 Which circumstances may justify stalking?

Page 14 of 17


u.3F. 36- a qe# tS rfu 3ffli]tF Ta rfu HTTS i} FFTa fi €7iiT 149 al aiiL tFT? @ fflT
Q.No.36 What is scope and applicability of section 149 in case of sudden and
free fight between two groups ?

Negotiable Instrument Act. 1881

H:#. 37- eTi¥T 138 ti tT8iT irfu th qFi]iT]* F `fed rfu 5T ch fin ffl]T rfu?

QINo37 What amount should be mentioned in demand notice issued u/s 138?

T.3F. 38- €niT 138 t7iTz5Tq fin GTfrm tB 3rfu fife tlT ai7itT 37=5itT ia fin tit
Q.No.38 Which defence may not be allowed in any prosecution under S.138 of
the Negotiable Instrument Act?
Page 15 of 17

The Electricitv Act. 2003 .


Q.No39 Whether the Police officer has power to investigate an offence

punishable under Electricity Act? If Yes, mention the relevant

H.a5. 40- fflT fact qiqif]q ch 3Tqi a fife qT 3TTed q5T Eirraci`iqu ed tfr rfu a

Q.No.40 Whether the special court have power to review its own judgement or
order ?

(ffi fta ri T¥| H5fro 41 ia 50 tS fan nd- ri ofadi +. er=aTi{ at. I)

(Translate the following Hindi Sentences given in Question No. 41 to 50
into English.)
u.3F. 41- EH FFTa ¥ Hieq wh € 3ft{ fafin HiRI a di gfe an €
Page 16 of 17


u.3F. 42- 9`cscii<iiHi ch 3TfRE: qTTth ffl 3Tfrm t} 3Tezma io giiT rfu dr
.,........................ 1 ................,.,,,,,,,,,,

T.a5. 43- ffi ifefr fafha tFT ed fli5i¥ t7T ds fan qfiT rfu

u:H5. 44- -cil<ilciti q5T qE rfu g fs wh tft itl¢!cl<iiicicil tI¥ fa" at I


q.ff. 45- rmPr t} qR"q giiT rfu Qth ap, 3TTftanff al amfae S ffu an
EEfiiTi E i

.............................. I .................,,,,,,,,,,,,

u.3F. 46- qE ifro fin 7m € f$ 3TTatTq5 EiIT fen al rfu tri te rmH Tfi
far TrT a I

I.3F. 47- dr #, pe]q qdi TqTfatR # Iicli<i`{ci € 3Td: TqifaqT tB fin rtii¢iici¢i tfr
arfu 3rfurfu i I
Page 17 of 17


q.a5. 48- fha vyiqiciq qTan @ 5di 5T fafha ed tB far fleFT fflqTan
Tfi a I

u.ff. 49- ¥T¥ 'wh 5TquT` 5T `5¢i`tal`!jqi7 3Te7f€ fin ffli]T 3Tfiffit7fR@ fin iitIT € I


H.a5. 50- # qTTETtTT a fS rfu 3Tq" # <T tFT ed # qErd Offi ffi`TTth a I


ha Tcnqfqplq.flf tB eE/ For valuer use only

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