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Somali Certificate for Secondary Education

Sutrject: English
Grade: 12
Exam Year: 2020
Total Marks: 100
Allow'ed Time 2 hours

Please readallthe instructions carefully before atternpting the questions:

r Write your full name, roll number and school name in English on the space provided on your
answer booklet.

r Write all your answers on the answer booklet.Answers on the question paper will not be

Write legibly in dark blue pen only.

Answer all questions as provided in the question paper.

All rough work must be on the answer booklet. Any work outside of the answer booklet will not
be marked.

Adhere to examination regulations and allowed time.

Check that vour examination queston paper hasSjripled p

Page I of 6
Read the passage and anslver the questions that follow correcflv.
Education in Somalia after the revolution

After the october 1969 revolution, Eilucation in Somalia rvas given

a new direction. The revolutionary

goveillment introduced tlie Latin script tor the Somaii

language. In 1972, Somali language was used

for instruction in all primary and secondary schools. This change

was extremely important because for

the first time, the children could go to school and ieam in their
ow.n mother tongue. It was no longer

necessary to spend years learning a new language in orrJer

to receive an education.

The government also started mass literacy campaigns from

1974 to 1975. lnnineteen months, more
than 1'2 million people were taught how to read and write the
Somali language. when the
revolutionary govemment came to power in 1969, 90% of the population was illiterate. The mass

literacy campaign cut this number by over 40%.

In 1975, the revolutionar,v- govenlment also introduced policy'

of free primary education
a and in 1977
the primary system was changed from six
,vears to eight years. As a result of this change, the

enrollment of students in primar-v school (first grade) increasecl

greatiy. rn 1972,the enrollment was
21,000 and it increased to 24,AAA in the next two years reaciring
134.00 0 by 1976.

The large increase in enrollment meant that many more

teachers were needed in the schools. The
government started a teacher training center at Halane
in 1g73 which trained teachers for the primary
schools while the Secondary school teachers were trained
at Lafole college.

Another important stage in the education sector was

the establishment of the curriculum Development

centre for the writing of new courses for the schoc,is.

The cumiculum Development Center was
improved by the governmerlt to de,eiop nerv books for

Page 2 of 6
In questions 1 to 5, choose the cort'ect alternative lbr the following words as used in the paragraph
(2 marks each)
f . instruction means: A. teachi'g B. disorcler c. language D. book

2. Extremely means: A. not very B. quite c. nct q-urite D. very

3. Mother tongue means:

A. tbreign language B. first language c" new ianguage D. second language

4. Illiterate means: A. Edr-rcatecl B. untaLrght C. inftrrmecl ll. literate"

5. Enrollment means: A. teachers B. participgnts C. Lrnemployed D. mrmber joinectr

In questions 6 to 8, choose the correct answer anel write it on fhe ansl"-er booklet (2 marks eaoh).
6. The mass literacy campaigns reduced illiteracy to in Sornalia.
A. 90% B. over 509{, C. under 509,t, -

7. In the year 1973 and 1971, ihe enrolir',rent in prirnary schools w-as
B. 24,000 8.204,000 c,240,fi00 D, 224000

8. Secondary school teachers are hained at

C. Curriculum Development Centre B. I{alane
D. C. Lafoole college D. revolutionary system

FARTB:r Grarnmar (2t) matks)

In questions 9 to 18, select the correct aiternafinur to nU in the lrfanks and write it in the anslyer
(2 rnarks each)
9. Yesterday morning, Ali ... .... to the Somali fituseurl1.
a. go B. went C. llas going D. had gone

10. He felt . .. .... . tired that he fell asleep.

a. Very B, rather tiran C" as D. so

I 1. Wlro always . .... in this street?,.

a. Walked B. u..alk C. rvalks D. rvalking

12. While Ahmed .. ..... the football. he got sleep1,,.

a, watched B. uas rvatching c. l'atch l). watches

13. Somali people used to live in America manli

),ears .

a. ago B. rrefbre c. after D. hereafter

Page 3 of 6
i4. Hoi,l' dicl ,vor"r . .. .. .. to work yesterday?
a. Went B. going C. goes D.go

15. Where r,,6111ir",s" Dirir?

a. Are .8. cio c. did D. were

16. Kisrnayo is . . .. .. .. large cit1,.

a. T'he B.a C. an D. on

PART C: (50 $[ARKS)

In questions tr7 to 21, complete ftrrese sentences *'ith the correct farrn of adjectives given in the
brackets (2 marks each)

17. He is ..... ,.,. thi,r.n his sister. In fact" slre is the.... . ". in the family.. (young I old).

18. I thinl' thatmathematics is the .., ..... subject Itake inth* school. (Diffi*ult).

19, ourne\l/ car is..."" ,... iind ihan the one w'e.iust so!d. (fast,'reliai:le)

20. The Chinese generator is ... " .. .. than the Japanese one. (Cheap),

21. l,ivestock is the$ of cur econo,n),. (irlporiant),

In questions 22 to 26, rearrange the follolving words to make correct sentences i2rnarks marks).
22" Harun r'Bo.csasL.'lltorn i'is.

23. Anci i Hamar / Ahnied ,' School / to ,, Abdi i go .

24. Books / those i' 1'orir iare'?

25. Go /schooll rviien / do /vou i tol)

26. Duhur ldid I pray iprayer / 1,i-,u?

In questions 29 to 38, chcose the correct ansrver from the table below to titrtr fhe Lrlank spaces ancl w'rite
it in the ans\yer booklet.(2 marks each)
Tal1 Ric,h Sick old
Exhausted L'ollapsed Situated Population
Effective Literar:y

27. I felt so .... .... that I rryeirt to :ree mr,. doctor.

Page 4 of 6
28. Mi grandfather is so . . that he cannot work.

29.He is so . that he could buy a hundred cars.

31. The Somali .. is estimated at thirty miltrion"

32. Out government started a mass .. eampaigns in rural areas.

33. There \.vas an earthquake in America last week. Nobody was killed but some houses ...

34. This printer was very .. because it printed a lot of books.

35. I've been playing football for 3 horns. i feel

36. Somalia is .. ... .. .. in the horn of Africa.

In questions 38 to 42, choose the correct question tags and write them in the answer booklet.
(2marks each)
37. You are a student.....
A, are you? B. were you? C. aren't you? D. Is you?

38. A1i isn't a doctcr

A. Is he? B. Isn't he C. was he ? D.wasn't he?

39. Muna goes to the cinema

A. does she? B. didn't she? C. doesn't she? D. did she?

40. I did the homework...

A. did you? B. didn't you? C. don't you? D. do you

In questions 43 to 45nform adverbs from the following adjectivesand write it in the answer booklet.
(2marks each)
Adjectives lLdverbs
41. Quiet

42. Usual

43. Beautiful

Page 5 of 5
Part X): WRITING(20 marks")

choose and write on one of the fouowing topics

in not more than 250 rvorels' (20 rnarks each)

Please defend the staretlent'

1. Education is the backbone of the Somali communily.

2. Technology is important to your school' Please

in somalia is responsible for providing quality

3. The Ministry of Education culture ancl i{igher Ed,"rcation
rnost impcrrtairt activities that it should implement?
education for all the citizens. tr.hat are sorne of the

Remernber to write all of -Your answers on the answer


Page 6 of 5

Sonnali Certi{icate for Srcondary Education

Maaddo: Af Sooma*li
Fasak lz
S. Dugsiyeed; Z8?0
Wadarta Dhibcaha: f00
Waqtiga: Z saacadood

Fadlsn u akhri tilmaamaha si kaadsiiyo leh ka hor inta aadan ka jarrraabin

r Ku qor meelaha u bannaan magaca oo dhammeystiran, roo!lambar
iyo magaca dugsiga.
r l(u qor dhammaan jawaabaha buugga jawaabaha. Jawaabihii ku qoran
meel kale lama saxayo.
r U qor si muuqata, kuna qor qalin leh qad buluug ah.

r lskuday in aad ka jawaabto dhamrnaan su,aalaha imtixaanka.

r Ku qor wax walba oo feegaar ah buugga jawaabaha. Wixiiaan ku qorneyn buugga jawaabaha
larna qiimeynayo.

r Ku toosnow dhammaan shuruucda imtixaanka iyo waqtiga loo xaddiday.

Page I of 6
OAYBTA Fr Goobo-selia {I0}Dhibcood

IfabdhaqankiiCumar Binu-khadnrb (Rc)

Cumar Binu Khadaab waxa uu ku dhashay Makka Al-Mukarrama qiyaastii 5g3

miilaadiga. Cumar waxa uu ka mid ahaa geesiyadii waawe)maa ee Diinta Islaamka kor u qaaday.
Sidoo kale waxa uu ahaa l&alfifkii labaad ee Khilaafadii Islaamka kor u qaaday. Waxa kale oo uu
ahaa Khaliifkii labaad ee Khilaafadii Istaamka ee ku xigay Abuubakar 1ItC); wnxugna Khilaafadii
Islaamka xukumayay muddo dhan toban sano, lix bilood iyo sidded maalmood. Cumar waxa
caan ku +haa karti, codkamimo, geesinimo, naxariis, eex la,aan iyo kala saaridda xaqa

Cumar habeenkii ayuu ku wareegi jiray magaalada uu markaas jcogo, si uu wax uga ogaado
dhibaatooyinka haysta dadwapaha uun& u caawiyo dadka danyarta. Habeen, isaga oo ku jira gaaf-
wareeg' ayuu Cumar maqlay haweeney ofimeysa "oniga iyo Cumar wcwaa noo dhexeqta llaalwy,,.
Cumar !ra;€ ulr ganmcay albaabka $ri$i haweenayda; waana iaga furay. Cumar waxa uu
waydiiyay waxa ay ka cabana3nso; rfiraxa ayaa ugu jawaabtay" Cumsr isaga oa
ffioliWi muslimiinta *h ayuuna fiaga war hcynin". Cunar markaasuu tnnkiisa Egu soo qfiaday
raashin si ayu quutaan.

tlabem ka mid ah habeenada ayuu Cumar waxa uu haweenay kale waydiiyay rtraxa dhariga ay
walaaqaleo ugu jira. Haweeneydii waxa ay ku jawaabtay 'fuaa dhagmaan aan ht sasabaryo
cn"uurta gaaiaanaysdn. Cumar bak$aarkii kaydka Islaamku yril*y ayuu ka soo qaaday bur iyo
salii4 ka dibna casho ay$u rtga kariyay carnrurtii gaajoonaysay illaa uu gacautiisa ku siiyay
ka malli noqdee.

caadilnimadiisa waxa u dheeraa fidintii Dawladda lsfuamka ee madanda uu ka ahaa.

ciidankii Islaamku waxa ay gaadheen dhut badan oo ay ka mid ahaayeen A1*Madaa'in,Basra
Kuufa oo xarumo u noqday ciidankii Islfiamka. Sidaas oo kale, wax& Iaga xoreeyay ciidankii
Roomanka deegaauno ayy'amid ahayeen Suuriya iyo Baytal Ma4dis sanuadkii 63?-63g

Cumar Biau Khadaab waxa uu u dhintay dhaawac soo gaadhay xili uu mustimiinta trlinapy salad
subax; waxana dhawacaas u geystay nin la odhaa jirey Abu Lu'luAlmujuusi oo firlinayay
shirqool ka
dhan ah Cumarl

Fag* 2 of 6
1- Cumar Binu khadaab waxa uu ku dhashay
B- Kuufa T- tr4akka Al-mukaramah J- Basra X- Baytal Maqdis
2- Cumar !\raxa uu dtrrulal badan ka xoreeyay,
B- Roornankii T- Masaaridii J- Faarisiviintii X - Suuriyiintii
3- Cumar waxa uu ahaa:
B- Khaliifkii laad ee Islaamka T- Khaliiftii 2aad eelslaamka
J- Khaliifl<ii 3aad ee Islaamka X- Khalii&ii &adeelslaamka
4- Curuar liabeenkii ayuu ku rvareegi jiray rnagaalada si
B - uu u ogaado irr dadk-u cibaadeysarlayan
T - uu u ogaaclo dhulka la xoreeyey

I- uu wex uu uga ogaadc dhibaatooyinka haysta dadwayaaha

X* uu ugu toosiyo dadka salaadda subax

5 - Isaga oo gaaf rnareegaya habeen ayea waxa uu maqlay

B - ka cabanaysa maamuikiisa,
T *odhanaya aniga iyo abuu b&kar waxa noo drraxeeya curnar-,

J - odhanaya Cumar iyo Ilaaha.rr $/aKa u. ci.haxeeya Ballan,

X - odhanaya ,{niga iyo Cumar waxa noo dhaxeeya aragti.
6 -- Cumar wexa uu haweenaydii waldiiyay
waxa ay albaabka u furtay, T- xaalka sarruufia,
J- sheegashadeeda, X- waxa ay sameyilaysay,
7- Habeen habee*nada ka *id ahayuucurnar wa-vcliiyay
haweenay kale
B - W'axa a3, karrnaysay r - Sababta ay dhariga u walaaqeysay,
J - Nooca dheriga dabka u saarnaa, X - Waxa gacanta ugu jiray.
B - Cumar $/axa uu soo qaaclay bur iyo saliid" kadibna:
B- Qureec ayru Bga sarneeyay T - eado ayuu uga sameeyay
J - Casho ayuu ilga sameeyay X - Shaah ayuu uga sameeyay
9- Magaalooyinkii la xoreeyay waxaa ka mid ahaa:
B- Baynrut T- Al Madaa'in
J- Baqdaad X- Istanbuul

Fage 3 of 6
!tq. .d

i0-Cumar Binu Khadaab waxa la dhaawacay isag+ ot:

B- Kacbadausocda T- Habeenimogaafireegaya

I - Jihaad ku jira X - Cibaado ku jira

Ke soo saar falka kujira weeraha soo socda, kuna qor buuggr jawaabah(2 dhibcood mid walba)'
1)Cali dugsiga aSnru aaday

2)Aqri cashirka laguu dhigay

3)Atmed maanta ayuu imaanaya

4)Faadr.lum* cashirkii ayay diyaarinaysaa

6eli meesha ay ku h*boonyihin meeleeye ;,-aashan: ka, sos, la" ku, kuna qor buugga jawaabaha
{1 dhibic midwalba)
5)Cali waxa uu. .. . . .. tagay furihi giriga .

6)Aabe waa uB ......."socdaa.

7)Faadumo waxa ay .... . ...socatay rvalaaikeed

8)Wiill''tlwaxauu ,.."....macaywiilkaie.

Ka jawaab sutaalaha seo socda:

9 *qor afar ka rnid ah qaybaha naxwaha atka soornaaliga? {4 dhibcood)
10 - qor farqiga u dhexeeya fbl iyo falkaab,mid kastana ka bixi tusaale hoosta ka xariiqan.

(4 dhibcood)

$ASTA "l; Mqrti ivq hfashmaph (?5)dkillcood

U-kalasatr weedhaha sop sqgla Murti ivo lWaekmeah kuna gLqr bu,qsea iaw.4abghs,llg-dtrb}
11 - Ballan waa dayn
12 - Xumbo iy<r xiisaba way dhacaau

13 - Nifl habaarani ma hadhsado

14 - Af wax curay xishoo

15 - Tacbadaa ma tuugsado

Page 4 of 6
tt - .....ha[dhan baa la
18- Aan ........ ........waa aanheshiino
19- .....waa wada indho
2A- Iimaan Allaa

Ilharnmeystir tuducyada gabaygan ka maqan' kuua qor buugga jawacbaha

21 - Caliyoow xusuus kugu dilaa walad xumaadaaye

23 -wax badaa baan sidkaha kuu xayirey xaas walwaailada,e
)a. -

25 - Xadka qabada niman baa gudboo so$ xanroobsadaye


25 - Suugaan....
26 - N{asafcr. ....
27 - Xawda la:ujaray.

?B - Shilin..

29 - Soof.
Isla tloono ereyada isku rnacnaha ah, kuxla qor buugga jawnabaha,(5)dhibcood.
30) Dhalandhool b)Saqdhexe

3llGudid t)Jermaado

32)Kallahaad j)Meel aadid

33)Socdaal x)Guure3tl

34)Caweysin kh)Dharaar socod

Page 5 of 6
$AIBTA KII: CU. SIS. #0)d&ibcood
Ka dooro miil kfl'mid ah raddexda mcwduucee hoos lau qoran, knna qor ouris gaadhaya ugu
yarsfln 300 oo sray:

35.Qiimaha waxbarashaduu leedahay bulshada.

3d.Baarrinimada ilmaha ee waalidka

3l.Xuquuqda dariska ee diinta Islaamka.


Page 6 of 5

Somali Certificate for Secondary Education

Subject: Chemistry
Grade: 12
Exam Year: 2020
Total Marks: 100
Allowed Time 2 hours

Please read al! the instructions carefully before atternpting the questions:
c Write your full name, roll number and school name in English on the space provided on your
answer booklet.

r Write all your answers on the answer booklet. Answers on the question paper will not be marked'

o Write legibly in dark blue pen only.

o Answer all questions as provided in the question paper.

r All rough work must be cn the anEwer booklet. Any work outside of the answer booklet will not
be marked.

o Adhere to examination regulations and allowed time.

Page 1 of 5

choose the eorrect answerand rvrite it in the ans$.el. booklet (10


1. which of the fliilowing t'rrgnnic co,ipo,;nds is unsaturated,l

Ethylcyclobutane 3 -c'thy l-2 -merh1, l- 1 -penrene

2-bromobutane 2 -r:r eth;,I- 1 -ch lorohexane

2" Alkanes have a general farmula of.

a. CnHzn-t tr. CnH:,,o1 c. L.,,1{2,,-2 d.CnHz,

3. Tl.,e oxidation numl]er of Cluomiurn (Cr) in poiassir;nt dicitcrn ate {.K2C.r207) is:
a. +2 b. -r5 U. .TJ .-l +-'\

4. The Chemicai reactir:n in r,vhich heat is released is:

a. Exothermic h. Endotherr*ic c. Isrimeric d, pr.ecipitation

5. To which farnilS,'of organic ccinpoLurc1 cloes cll3CocI{zcI-{3

beiong to:
a. Alcohol b. Aldehyde c. Ketone d. Carboxiriic Acid

6. The general formula of aiclehvtles is:

a. R-CHO b. R-OH c. R-COOH c. R-C0()R

7 . Which of the following is an aliotrope of Carbon:

a. Diarnond b. Sulphur c. Nitrogen d. aluminiurn
8. Identify the Structurc of meth,vlbutanoaie in the crhoices belor.v:
a. CH,COOC2H, b. C.TI TCOOC:II3 c. HCOOC:F{, il. CIH:OC+Hq

9. which of the foilowi,g is the flrst sliniheric organic nrolecule?

a. N&CINO b. C+Hro c. IrlFl+Cll d. (NH2)2CO

10' \&/hat do we cail the compourrds with the same molecular

fbrmuia but rjifferent structures?
a, Isotopes b. Aliotrcpes c. Isomers d. Homologous series

Page 2 of 5
1. The general fon:nula of alkenes is. ,." .

2. Organics acids are also known as .,.

3. The functional group of alcohol is called

4. The combustion reaction of organic compounds produces

rvater and energy.
5' The organic compounds that contain only carbon and
hydrogen atoms are called ...


Answer the following euestions in the answer booklet.
1. a. Define the term o.Allotropes,,
(1 Mark)
b. State the three Allotropes of Carbon?
(3 Marks)

2" Write down the balanced chemical equation for the hydrogenation
of ethene to ethane (3 Marks)

3. Differentiate between the following pairs?

(2marks each)
a. Secondary alcohol and teciary alcohol

b. Carbonyl group andcarboxyl group

c. An aldehyde and ketone

4. what was the first organic compound to be prepgred in the

raboratory? (2 h,{ark)

5. At a given temperature, the reaction CO(g) + H2O(e) l; H2(g) + CO2(g) produces

thefollowingconcentrations atan equilibrium of: [CO1 = 0.200 M;
[H2O] = 0.s00 M; [FI2] :
0.320 M; [CO:J : A.420 M. Find K.
(5 Marks)

6. What do we mean by tire tem ilromatic compouncls?

(1 mark)

7" write the rnolecular flo.rnula for the follorving h-_v,lrccarbons:
(1 Mark each)
pentane I peqigne____j p*n1,n.@eae

8. Explain why are enz,vmes relerred to as oatalysts?

(2 mark)

Page 3 of 5
9. Name the following organic cornpounds: (1 Mark

CH3-CH2-Ci{3 CH: -CI{: -CH2 -C F{:CFI2

cirs -cti? -
ffi . ffi: - cH - c}j:- cli: - cE3
H3S - Ci-l= CH - flt{-*H*-*H?- *}li
d1t3 - {t{3 CI_ir

10" Explain why the oxidation number of group orle elements in the periodic table is always one.
(2 marks)

11. Give the name of the following structure. (2 Marks)

ffi:_** - c.-cu ,ctt2.
12. Draw the structural formula for the following hydrocarbons (lNfark each)

Ethene 2- Butyne 4-meth1'1-2-hex.vne 5*ethyl*3-octyne

13. State the chemical equation for hydrcgenation of propene to form propane (2 marks)

14. Classitl the following moiecules into sarurated and Unsarurated; (1 Mark each)
Pentene Hexane Biitene Heptyne.

15. In the equation below, shorv the oxidizing and leducing ageirts (2 marks)
4.4119 1- 3ozrer 2A12O315

16. Distinguish Lretween endothermic anil exothermic reactions. (2 marks)

17. Categorize the following into endothermic and exotirermic reactions (1 Mark each)
Melting of ice cream Brirning of a paper
Oxidation of carbohr,drates in the body Combustion of fuel

18. Balance the ftrliora,ing chemical equation (1 mark)

* Ilr NH,,",

Page 4 of 5
19. 't,Tsing Boyles 1aw describe the relationship betu,'een volume and pressure. (3 marks)

20. Draw the condensation reaction olt'.r'o glucose nrolecuies to produce a maltose. (2 mark)

2i. Define the term "molecular r.l,eight". (1 Mark)

22. Explain u'hy Aldehvdes and ketones are cailed carbonyi compormds? ( 2 mark)

23. Why is the oxidatiot state of an atom ia the halogen famity -1? (2 mark)

24. Ca\culate the reaction rate ofA(g) + B(g) +C(g)+ D(g), given the ilitial concentrations [A] :
0.10 M and [Bl :0.20 M, and given the reactiorr constant, k:0.0]5 L/rnol's.

25. Describe the process required to ccnved liquid into gas? (2 mark)

26. Define the iolloiving terms: (1 lvlark each)

Oxidizing agent i I{l.bridizalirn I Iscrner

27. State the chernical reactions tirat alkanes underso. (a Mark)

28. Write the common element that compose hydrocarbons. (-l Marks)

Page 5 of 5

Subject: BiologY
Grade: 12

Exam Year: 2070

Total Marks: 100

Allowed Time 2 hours

Pleasereadalltheinstructionscarefullybeforeattemptingthequestions: space provided on your

and schoor name in Engrish on the
o write your fu, name, ro* number
answer booklet'


o Write legibly in dark blue pen only'

in the question paper'
o Answer all questions as provided
Any work outside of the answer
booklet will
the answer bookret.
r Arr rough work must be on
not be marked'
and allowed time'
o Adhere to examination regulations

Page 1 of 6

Choose the correct answer and write it in the answer booklet.

1. Which of the fcrllou,ing nelrrons transmit nerve impulses {iom the central nervous system to
the effector organ?
a. Sensory
b. Motor
c. Reiay
d. Cranial

2. Which of the follorving glands is classif-red for seueting hormone thyroxin?

a. Adrenal glan<i
b. Pituitary giand
c" Thyroid gland
d. Pancreas

3. Choose the tbmaie organ that produee tire ovum.

a. Oviduct
b. Ovary'

c. Uterus
d. Fallopian tube

4. The part of the floi.ver wtrere the poilen grain is prc''duc:ed is called

a. Stigma
b. Petal
c. Anther
d. F'ilament

5. Select the parl of the brain u.hich controls the horneostatic lirnctions

a. Cerebrum
b. Tiralamus
c. H.vpcthalan"lus
d" Pituitary gland

Page 2 of 6
6. Which of the foliowing statements best describes the structltre olthe human sperm?
a. Ovoid head, short treck and nucleus
b. Middie piece, short neck ancl mitochondria

c, Short neck, nucleus a-ncl mitochonclria

d. Ovoid head, shoil neck, middle piece ancl tail

7 . Which of the foilowing traits is identifiecl as an example of continuous variation?

a. Sex
b. ABO blood group
c. Tongue rolling
d. Iieight

8. When a homozygous man fi'om blooC group A marries a woman w'ho is homozygous fi'om

blood group B, the pr:obgbility o1 them producing an offspring of AB blood group is

a. 25%
Lr. 50%
c. 75o/o
d. i 009/o

g. The type of chromosomal mrrtation that occurs when a section of the chromatid break and
fail to reconnect to any otlier chroinatid is called...
a. Duplicatiorr
h. Deletion
c. Inrrersion
d. Translocation

i0" Which of the tollowing glands secretes the Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH)
a. Corpus luteum
b. Adrenai gland
c. Pituitary gland
d. Thyroid gland

Page 3 of 6
paRT B: (10 MarkS)

choose the correct answer" for each of the

blanks below and write it in the &nswer booklet
1. Name two types of reprocluction . . , .. ., ,.anc1

2. Describe the conclition in n'hich the embryo gets

attached to the l,all of.the oyiduct. (2 mrks)
J. The bacteria that causes syphili-r is known as...
. .

4. T'he gene that determines r'l'hetirer a chiid becomes a male or female is located on a
pair of cluomosorne calleci

Answer the follolving euestions in the answer

1. a. Define the term '.Gerretics",
(1 mark)

b. State the two typres of mutation

(2 Marks)

2. Describe the fune'tions of the different parls

of f-e*ale reproducti,e system. (5 Marks)

J. Expiain how irnpulses are passed ft'om recepiors

to eflbctors via the central nenrous system
by drawi*g a w:eil-iabelled diagranr
(4 Marks)

4' Nocturnal animars such as the es,1 are capabre

of seei*g rairry w.elr at night. Analyze the
retinal adaptations af the o,uvi help ir move
at night. (2 Nfarks)

5' Using diagram illtrstratic;n, anallze the

eenetic sloss bsflr,,een a man w.ith triood group
A a*d
a woman q'ith hloocl grotlp B proclr-rcing
ofspring of all the fur-ir biocd groups. (2 Marks)

6' Describe the diflbre,ces between piienoty'pe

ancr (2 Mruks)

7 ' Discuss the effects of oveq:rocructi*n

of th5,roxine on humans. (3 [,Iarks)

8' nitlbrentiate between internal i'ertilization

and external fertilizatio, (2 N{arks)

Page 4 of 6
g- of the chromatids occurs'
tising the diagram below, brietl,v explain hor'v the segregation (2marks)

(1Mark each )
10. Define the following terms:

i. Gestation Period
ii. Aborlion
iii. Ovulation
iv. MenoPause

being outside the body (3 marks)

1 1. Explain the physiological imporlance of the testes

winged with
12. predict the F1 generation producecl fiorn a cross between a purebred long
rvinged and "wo' for vestigial w1nged flies'
vestigial winged flies, Lel stand "w" tor long

(a Marks)

(3 Marks)
13. Sketch and label the male parts of a t-lower'

at a hospital, thus taking the wrong

Mrs. Fatima claims that her chilcl was rvrongiy identified

group A w'hile the baby's blood group is o'

baby. Both Fatima and her hu-sband are b1oocl
Evaluate whether Fatima is justified in her
claim by making a genetic cross using a punnet
(4 Marks)

(2 Mark)
15. Describe any two sex linked diseases'

a hot
16, Describe the reflex action that will iead to the rvithdraw'al of a hand after touching
(5 marks)
(1 Mark)
17. Estimate the irumber of teeth in adult human being'

Page 5 of 6
(1 mark each)
animals into carnivores, lrerbivores and omnivores
18. Classify the following


ii. Human being'

iii. Cat. '.

iv. Rat. "..

v, Goat.
(1 mark)
19. Name the parasite that
causes malaria to hurnans
(2 Marks)
of iiving organisms
20. Discuss any two characteristics

(2 Marks)
strand of this DNA'
possible correction method
ilsulsu,s)r' !^vratr:
Expiain th.e best
zz. Aperson is complaining of short sighter,ness. (3 Marks)
that can be used fbr this problem'
(1 mark)
(3 Marks)
24. Discuss the significance
of meiosis'
('l marks)
cluring pregnallc)- to foetus
25. Describe the role of plrrcenta
continuecl until the ase of '{9. calculate the
at the age of 14 and
26.\fa girl starled ovulation this'
(3 Marks)
of eggs she 1:rocluced

rve1l-designed diagiam for the

female reProductive
27. Draw and label the rnain pans of a (5 marks)

Page 6 of 5

Sutrject: History
Grade: 12

Ex*rn Year: 2A20

T'otul &ilarks: 100

r\llowetl Time 2 hours

please read allthe lnstructions carefully before atten'lpting the
provided on your
c write your ful! narne, rolI number and school name in English on the space
answer booklet.

Ansr'vers on tlie question piiper r'vill not be marked'

o write all vour answers .n the ansv'/er bocklet,

o Write legibly in dark blue pen only'

o question paper'
Answer all questions as prcvided in the
o linv worl'l outsicie of the answe!" bosklet will
All rough work must be on ihe answer bcok:let.
be rnarked.

o Adhere to examination regulations and allowed


Page 1 of 7
History Exam
marks each)
Purt One: Multiple cltoices (10 40):
answer booklet
+etl& </ e*,alt qtJ?Jt ','|s{Ar
Wrife the cowect {ttxswer in the 4dtJl .+Fl rll:r
.lb ,,s *J-:Yl '

1. The first Worlcl r'var started in:

A. 1939 p\ 1\ t .'+ e\ 1Y1 '1

B. 1914 p\ 1\ ' .-: l\ 114 'e

(,. 1918
D. 1920

I during his ruie rvas

2. The capital cit,v for Catiph N{ui:ad
u:I:i a*.-tp cJ3Yl rl/l i'+lll i.i! 'f
A. Ankara
B' Istanbul J;a:i-r .* 6Jill '1

C. Edirne l..l,,j;rr. r fu;-:1 .6

E. BrosP

:J)tJ\ i1.=-:j\ 6l\y'z,e JSJ C
4$Y! CJJJI fl 'i
A. Rritain 'r
B. GetmanY ,.-r:L,Jl ..; Su+:,1
C. ItalY L"a'r UJU+1 e
F. Austria HungarY

ernpire u'as
4. The man r'vho fbunded the Ottomau
'g,t i-1'.^;-11 AIJ)ll t
a. SuleYman sha -'*'3' '

b. Ertugrul J;'J..i-s\ .+ oL,i;l"J-.l

c. MohamoLrd II
_;,,& ': tiE rF 'e
d. Ottoman

J, WlrichoftheloliowingcountriesclidNoTrerrifythetrea-volVersailles?
*Jo slJJ c u,,i"'st ,J:Jl .,, Q\ 'o
A. USA ',cL-
J ri \-.
B. Britain
C. Austr:ia Hungr"v !.,tq-x .+ ;,-iJl *UYJit .1

D. Bulgaria t*:S .a 1'"'^: .e

Page 2 of 7

6. Second World War encled in:
:rb J 4-itill i*JL"lt ','r-lt "'*iil ,1
A. 1939
..1 1ic _,,, a)lft'l
B. 1945
c. i918 p\1\t,.: e\q\A,e
D. i914
: {ir" .sg a*:y;L:i ,J:l i+tll .V
7. The first atomic bomb was dropped at:
A. liagasaki JSJJ .'J.lSt"+ .l
B. Tck.vo nL,l;i.l : S;,0 .6
C, I-Iiroshima
D. )Jcnlandy

8. \\rhich one of'the tbilt-..;i.iiis ccuntries i:: in the five pernianent ruembers of tire tinited Nations?
A. Turkey "d:si.Jl e-Yi +ollr q-r"-ao kl ..r-s.ii o)a d,o fl .A
B. German,v
';jrs ..: '+5; .e FUI .'+ $tLt '1
C. ital-v

D. France
g. The term'*cold "*a1." rel'ers iu iire ri-r'dr.,' \iiricit emelged after the Second \\lorld War between:
r*iK-r +r'Jl L"itJi +Fl 4+'+ r'+ tliLJl +,Fl .:J4! .1

B. Britain and France .Ul:ll d3$t ;*

C. U.S.S.R and Genrnany L-j: SU+-* .+
,rr$J-Jl :L=i)13'6bi^jl aqYll .l
D. France and China
't;=.p; a*-ji .: LrLJl-e.r-q,s;rJl :t"iYl .e

10. The only two Africacou.rrtries that were not colonized are:

a. SoLrthAfiii:a irnd Narnilri,: *-..,

_++y1 JL.,*:-)u'L&;:i J ;u*yi r-:EJ_rr eillA . 't .
b. Sudan and Aigeria

c. Ethiopia and Liberia -nlj+l , ;1:;*r .un lr$jl ?$+ J lr+"r"ti .l

d. Eritrea and Djibouti -sr-q++ j L;-rii .: h *$-: \#Jj+l .E

Page 3 of 7
# uE- +13: $l '
\ \
in Airica is: :d !4Yr
11. The most populated countr'v
a. Niger U!: .t+ ,+* .l
b. Ghana (-:"s.) lL'I; : ! U++ 'e
c' Nigeria
d' Chad
sor'rthern Somaiia is: ajJ'nl ' 12
12. The counfiy that colonized J'*J-Jl r; +r+ drJ'",Jl*"| Cl
A. italY
L*l;s 'u"r UU+t 't
B. Frzutce
C. Belgium
,+,Jl .r e++ .e

D. Rrii:ain
a part'v called: .r".-4 qi Jr'-i u4L"^ Jil+ '13
13. Benito musolini founded

A. Commrxlist .+ €"-?$ 'l

R. Nazi
.J-iaf ;r4: .; 'J+U 'e
C' Fascist

D. Democrat
began irl :-.s 6;"*-SYl ;A$i '14
14. The great depression "r*llJt
A. ItalY ,i-j..+ l.*\'il-\ .l

B. France ;s;Ji ,:\YYl 'r '+U+;'g

C. Britairi
to pou'er in: 'e.- 4*,UJl .f: l'+* {4 J; ' tS
i5. Mohamed Siyaci Barre colne
A. 1959 P1000 '+ '"1969
B. 1q90 ': 31991 '6
c. 1991

D. 1970
diviclecl somaiia into the
follor'ving parts:
l6. The colonists
A. Four 'r'-'i$r .LIYI ;1 'Jt"#l it"Ri-')l # '16
R. Trvo J* r-rg .+ lr"Ol {

C. Five 5
:!j\ J .-r eL,:4l .e
D. Three

?age 4 of 7
' ,,t* P\ia :*!i .17
17. Ftritlei cornrlrii|eci !'i " ' ':
'"+ 30 'i
A. 30 MaY 1945 e1945'!rr 30 31945-e*t"

B' 30 APri\ 1945 e1945 Y.\30 .r 31945 :+s29 'c

C. 29 lune \945
D. l0 Jar-ruar1' 19'15

18. The first prime minisi'er of Somalia r'vas

:t''l( \ijil\ t''-: 'Jli '18
A. Moharned lbrahim Egai
:+^^ z1-- .!r-,Jr.+r .+ jt 'c E!- 29iyl qf ]

B' Ab.lirasak Haji'Flr-rssein

C. Atrdirashicl Ali Sharmaarlie ;L& "tJr.rc a:1 .r,r1" +*sit'+' :e

D. Adan Abdulle Osman

u'as NO f one of the e auses of the flrst world rvar:
1g. which of the folioq,ing
A. The rise of dictatorship Ji :,1,-\.1 !* gs:;y"lu:li -:3iJt ;l^ ,fl .19
:'J::-1 4dlif i-F ri +;,..'r *:i i:::1 t'
B' Imperialism ,.:)r;S:lij *ii',Jl .,,' lJiiiu(Jl .1

C. Arms race
Jc+_r- J,+:tl .r C)*Jl # .l'*il ,g
D. Sarajevo assasslnati'x

20. Mohamed Siyad Rare's go\rerlrl1ent coiiapsed iLi'/

. elr .S;4 iL!* lF i-JS.= ''l^t ' '20
a. 1994 .--' e1994 'l
b. 1991
c. 1992 1993 ": 31992 g
d. 1993
(i+:* 30) 4EnYt iti*Yt iP !i+l
Parl Two: Structured short {utswer
:drr[lJl f'"ill
Answer att thefottawing questions: {3$ mot'ks)
F'anz Ferclinand and his
Austrian cieniancls to Serbia atler the assassination of
1. state tr,vo of the
,*-.J JG r,-r .t,.,..r ..lLL^ i'" j*,1 })l ' \
2 marks) 4:+JfJ i.4r:;.1
:qjLYl 4+i1*J\
..T;;"::i ,;c :}r *i\ L:l*JYl t"'L^jY\ *1 tr J*iil JSrl 'Y

ui the Lcague oiNations rvas f-rnall'v adopted

3. Name the place where the constitution

ll'i:-{iJ\ a^)1 "+-* -: i*;:1 fLLJi eS} f 4 +l #

Page 5 of 7

4 D enne the,, app e as ement us,1,"ff$;

Hlj:*,i:3] Sll] LTl5Tfii'; $'Ttrl .-,;c

(s.Y'L) established? t c"'r'u'ijl ?ir:3 s;)u 'Jr'-'l si^ 'o

5. when was the sornali Youth League -ur*;l

(A'UX S'{,il;s)l :LiYl :!' t+* #l 'i

the African Union
Write down the headquarters of

established? (2 marks) tii-:^]l paYl c-u**l .5i' .V

7. When was the Llnited Nations

g. Name trvo official languages used

in the United *^.lffrl-)i ,;11 auJll .,r u$J Jsil .^
.,.i ^sj,;
of the United Nations? t'r'fr1tii-)u
g. Who was the first secretary General ..,,*-r ,J:1 I ;r '1
10. Name the first president
of the Somali Republic? gJL^#\ a+-u&^.l ':+i3 rJ3l JA

1 1. What does "W'H'O" stand for? (2 marks') t(W'H'O) sl-lslt o"ra -Prii fi '\

r,vho are nrembers of the Commonwealth? (2 rnarks)

12. Name an,v trvo Afiican countries
il-:r-lr$ a*L:'it i;4 iiliiiJl tl$3: p* '\

fighters? (2 rnarllsl .,*F1 J."] ,4.'.
t"J--.,' ,jiluuJl Pl r,r" ."611 5i1 ,
13. State two Solrrali freedom
contiirent of tire \\'orlci? ]t
14. Which is the second largest I ,'* a-L,*
,-,i .1s aJ."
r iriJ[i i-*L^,*1$1 ;;G .,,:ii
'=lt" '
lts inclependence? (2 marks) ttC)!:-l JL"iJ1 ':J' '- t'i'" '

15. When did Somalia attain '5t

Page 6 of 7
Pavt ltpo: -Essa.}' quesli*w.s
ddtill fdil
,'4ilswer {rll the quesiiarus irt ttti'; r$#r', {'-i#;a;ili"lcs7 (^+;l 30):cl!
war up-to 1917?
1. Explain rvhy Ii,S.A. ren:ainerl neutral from parlicipating in the first world "."*'
te1 1 1 rk ,j3 ,s,-eYl q.r"lUlt +Fl ;":=:Jl ;.,t+YiJl cl')S C liLJ . \

2. List lour rnajor organizatiotls r;i the i inited lrJations? (4 nr'ar*r-s)

;-:;^Ji e.)\j Li*,l*Yl ;rl^t,.^li ;,'r <-.+;l JSll .Y

3. Desci:jbe t'rvo 1'elasons lr,il:'tire Lr.5.A. Joineci the Fir-qi World War? (4 marks)
*jr)l" i.,J'*li .+.-)*li Jf q**-rYi l::'i^il i:l+Yil pl^'xy ':*** 'f
4. Discilss trvo calises thal I ed tr-r iir* c$lial,.e of t he Le rtgile oL Naiions? marks )
.;:*:11 f^Yi 4*,:"J1;!4.rl ..,!-l LJ#+' "J* Cii . t
5. Why was the Unite*l Nations established? (4 rnarks) $:s:^ll p"Yi *r,*llrL".t. o

International court of
6. compare and coltrast the respansibilities of the security council and the
justice? {5 marks) J:,.,l 4-*'-J i^Yi -,^i+,":r$i*" dj*l JJt!'1

7. Discuss two causes oltire Second \Vorld War'? (5 marks)

.:u,',lr :,,-*-*i -rj=Jl ,-r-*- Jl ;:t ,"j1 -;'r:--Yl i Li*t1,* js:l .V





Sonnali Ce$ificate for Stcondary Sducntion

Suhject:' GeograPhY/ut:+tt

Exam Year: 202{}

Total Marks: l0S

Allowed Time 2 hours

Please read all the instrustions carefully before attempting the qtlestions:
r provided on your
Write your full naryre, roll nurnber and school narne ln English on the space
answer booklet.

r write all your answers on the a*swer baoklet, Answers on ttre question paper will not be marked'

r Write legibly in dark blue pen only.

* Answer all questions as provided in the question paper"

r will not
All rough work must be on the answer booklet. Any work out$ide sf the answer booklet
be marked.

Adhere to examination regulations and allowed time.

Check that ygiur exsmination Sgestion o.aper tr!$s 5 prirtqd.pare$ exclqdinglhg.cover

Fage 1 of 6
Part one (tuiuttiple Choice) (d0marks
Write the correct awwer in the
answer booklet,
***9t ,s*n eir,,AJt #(+t, nq:
Sornalia has a land area of about; "W
a) 637,657 k{* :-q*j.*ll 4:L* ;:i: .r

b) 677,657 kmz a) 631,657 km2

c) 667,54? l<rrz b) 677dS7 km2
d) 697,657 km2 c) 657,547 kmz

2. The source of River Jubbah d) 697,f57 kr#

and Shebelle is:
a) Kenyan hightands
:o*{:!& J !+ g-re 6;*.v
l+i€ *b.n e.l
b) Erhiopian highlands
c) Djibouti highlands b*$J c,l*in_p ".+
d) Ugaada higlelands ,rr"lr- .it ii* ,g
3. lvlaize was first grown in: l$e.91 citr"ti;ra ,.r

a) Argentfua l# s-x J3Y l:.rJt .t.+; .t

b) Colombia *+-*{.+ .t
ci Mexico "xi+r-1}
*jt_r.* JS.*L .A
d) Brazil
4. Which one ofthe fofiowing
is a laad locked courrtry:
:q6-rli rila U qn:Jt .j;Sf cr q;t . t
a) Somalia "r.5l

b) Djibouti \dlH+..J JL3JI .r

c) Eritrea l:i131 .t'._;rl_tl .€

d) Rwanda
5' Before the i'vention of trre
steam engine" sea vessers
a) Sun power ;plri.riiiJ! J*!lS,iilSj,r,.Jl
Itiil ,!d .o
b) Fl* water
L",,,blt o!^li ,.+ L,,.{,ill4ILL .l
c) Waterpower
d) Wind p$wer Ck-ll .r o!.JtLit.u.6

Page 2 of 6
6" The frrst air ronte was *pe*ed betvreen: ;66X*lS fu.;$t -t j.t"illl 6," .L,i ,1.:f "1
A. Landon and Paris 1.o.r;.r ixLk .q*.J,i _r OriI .l
B. Berlin and Roura
g.:il 3 S{*J* ..+lj+1,,r*_rll.g
C, Paris and Berlin
D. M*scow and London
: CH Jq* tl;S .v
7. The Suez Canal connects the: ";ryx,Jl
d+"il JrJl 3:3*rYl F+il .l
A. Dead sea aad Black sea
B" Mediterrarcan _;.*"!l .p+lt"l l"*-$.lt g4gYl J6$l .!-r
sea and Red sea

C. Red sea arld Black sea "r,5r*Yl fa.+ll3 J,".:.Y! -*+lt .e

D. Arabian sea and Gulf of Eden l,-$.Jl Lle#"Yl .,-+li; +**ll _p+ ..r
8. The least conrmofi type cf urigratian is:
:,** dLJloS;;-rl;It 6i+6ll "A
A" Rural to Rural
B. Rural t* Urtan uln*ltJtA,"&ll ..p *.r+*il .!# forSl Jl !*!,ll L,* i*sit .l

C. Urban to Rural ;l.l*ll *Jl r;t.:ljl r..i" a-.p,alt ..: furlil e ll ',1 11,11
r v
J-r .g-

D. {Jrban to Urban
9. The sua overheads at midday along the tropi* of Cancer;
:q;s O&J,JI -l|:",r-L- LJ*3ll .ul*s .1
a) 23'd Septe&rbsr
bi 22'd December Jrriul YY .,+J*al+"' Yt ,t

c) 2tr't Iv{arch .r*o;L Y ' .6

d) 2l*t June cgo-r Y) I
1CI. The largest Ocean of the world is: CLJicd I.*- J$l .,t .
a) Arctic Ocean
b) Indian Ocean gJtYl&*a" .( Ll*-o .V ,Jffill &rxJl t**.".e .l
ci Atlanti* Ocean Ja3r^ ,r
d) P**ifie Ocean
11. The largest lake in Afriea is:

A. Yictoria :,Fs *.-Fl r-i3 # fur; ;$,1 . t 1

B. Albert 1+-;-9:Si .l
C. Matrawi
uJSl .c,
D. Turkaaa
v|l; a){* ;,r

l;6;S ..r

F*g* 3 nf 6
12' which of the following regrons
of g*rnatria has No coast line?
*) Bckool i f*{i," U SX{dt :i4*iLdJF*lt
dtEyi,#t .I r
b) Mudug
.,l"*Jl.r&+s .: :J.rtl "c: ,jL .+ LiJs .i
c) Galgadud
d) Middie Shabetle
13. The highest mountuiu in Africa is:
a) MountKenya :b*rsi i;JE q# di+ &&i .l r
b) Etgon ,-,r-:+ll .* t+,iS.l
c) Kilimanjaro
d) Ras-dashan
'g;g391 ,: JJL+i.lS .e

14' Ifthe time ia cairo (300 E) is g:00am, what is

the time .in Mogadistrni
a) 10:00arn {-*".,UJt
#A'LJ'J Lg.,* S00 ,"r
,sla e{ ,f ...LIl .iStit . t I
b) 8:00arn .fl{r.t450ti,JeL$Jrr-&ri^ja**r ,irsjs"rar+€
c) 7:00am L'ue $ .r ut+-* 7 .g kU- g
.+ t^+* 10 .!
d) 6:0Sam
t5' which of the folowing regions river.Iubba
does Nor Qow through?
a) Lower Jubba
b) Middle Jubba :t+r+;e, -r*) {+1t$t#rgYrd*
*$ +r .1S
c) Gedo .-&jt l+-* .+ .,ji*Il Lir+ .t
d) Middle Shabefle
I6. The rnost impofiant export sf ,+$J,ll.J*.1.. _:t+.C
Somalia is:
a) Baaana ;t' 6j'illJldLrr, ,:- r,r:lt6iUJtfAt .16
b) Livesrock uiijls;li .+ j*J,_r *tjtlFll "t
c) Fruits &**Yt .r L;;,JrlJ-)*,*li .€
d) Fish
17. The fotlowurg fishing
method is seasonal?
a) ?raps lr3rr.a -.S;J,}S,gt*"!l l.-t *i$ll ,fuLll .17
b) Seining
;l.rrtt&i.,_.;& .+ _xi &;&.f
c) Barrier
d) Giltner Gr-{ll A*-4 ..,
tirt .e

Page 4 *f S
18. The trongest 1l'.,*{ iF 4fii*a is

a) Niger :.;* *:-Sl o;G

"r ,4- *i;.ti .19
b) Nile d$l te ..+ ;+"* s.16i .l
c) Congo
!r+ -re .r -"+*-S -ie, g
d) "Iubba
19. The suffim$r mon$oon rain sallorl "xagayi]" is conrrnon in ti:e region of
a) Sool
:*J$t J-riq al*JtLi.r*ll JlL^Vl.19
b) Bay '*
c) Bakol *!.+, iJ_*.i

d) Banadir Jrq.r Jse.e

20. The largest desert in Africa is

4 Arabian :Ja ls,i3l E:ti s# et;er".,a jSt .20

b) Namibian r;;*j pl--..JCit"7.
.A-- -Lr Jlilt r cl r.:- !
c) Kalahari
.;1'*J1 cl;,.a*o .l .g_,'t$K el.,p.",a .g
d) Sahara

Fart twa: Short ilwwsr questions #clJJlf*ill

Answer the /lowing questions {50 awrks) {{+tr 30) :aib b *t
1. where does River Jubba flo:r into the Indiau ocean ?(2marks) f J,r+rt Jt tr+ ,,,. -* .,1l . \
2. State two regions that River Shabelte flows through? (2marks) .,*f*a
-x-,'**+ -rr dx"*tIl Js:l .y
3. The two rnain rainy seasons in Sornalia r:nars; g.r_a Ll
'rs C,ul,,ag dl*#, # t#_,^jl JG^Y, Li_i .r
4. What are the ffios of agriculture ?{2marks} f& {i_-+ &l*,;lt pt_,$t oaL .1
5. Define fhe term "fisheries',? (2marks)
"dlL*Tl 4*!1. i:- .o
6. List dowa fwo basic types of fish cornmu*ities? (2marksi
.Ar.^^,,Vi rrla3q,* f6i 0^ rililt Jsil .1
7. Mention rwo major tSpes e*e'
of inland fuhing grouf,ds? (2marks)
\-rsriDr rf{*litJl cit4*Yl
g. Define tle term ,.energy,o?
}' ri!*'i} o$l tiisl .v
.tit.tll,-i;e .A

9. Industrialization has a*gative effects sn environment. St*te two ef,fects.

.Lr Lr* d$l tjst .*L t_Hlll {.L lt{crr.-tl _i_s .1

10. -rffrite down any two *rajor sea routes? (2marks) .L{& #rti _Sil .S:l_, &-Jd, j.i.+ll .1 .
I 1. is the sun averhead at midday along the equator? (**ur
lhen f el;$_yl ;"; *1* r,.,s.i,jt ut*Jj .j,s . I \
12. ?here are types population vvu'uo'
'vv*r*$rvrr celtsus. r--*'
List two
-" " of
"^ them.
r .,
.3l"{Lda} etJil cllja , \ T
, i,*$J lJsi .g1s^,rll

Fage 5 of 6
"'.,, llJFtrJpS #i *s 3+$ .,IIi{{JAYI {JJil e* .\ f
14. Define the tentr "internal migration"? (2marks)
aJIi'lJl 6;+eli l^i;e ,1 t
15. Wlaat does mortaliry'refer tc? (2matks)
T*1.A Jl \s
#. rJ -jrr,c,
J t

&lliJt f/$l
Fart tkree: Essay questiafis (30 *tarks)
Answer att tke qaestions in this part, ; '
LJS$:u$bLo *l
l. Sornalia is a land of rolling plains" Explain. r+rna,.ks) . -
;,i*-d:,. !J
Fir.q= p-$Jl J xJt , * ,t J1* r. ^11 . t
V J v J

2. $escribe two fishins metho,ds? :i;yi +* _J aj.r.i. ,^tl +Lyt Jr Jl*it C -p:i .,r

3. Renewabie and non-renewable are the two rnain sotlrces of energy. fompare and contrast? (4marks)
,, , .r-u^:i.ll Jfc ,SlJcllJ U.l5iollfiltll 1.#q..Utr .t
4. Differentiate o-etween Industry and Industrialilation? (4 maiks) I f#u:llr {.oi.iatl .;1 g-}llt* . t

5. Flooding is a common phenomenon in'our country eyery year.',Discuss how this'cblamity can be
prevented, .{,r.*lt ora 1in ar.l}Jl1*i$ ;c .irsi .:i"" dE uitr d eiEta$r;aUi ,:ltil .o

6. IdentiS the countries:that border Somalia in the parts labeled A to'D in th* map below? (4 marks)

-}FT! i.#r jL;.AJi J.y:11 Jri .jt*J.-ili&-* J["J slull

"'r*,i e ^jl I

A, B, C, 1-r

7. There are some severe circumstances which force people to'migrate'frorn',somalia. Explain two
causes? (4 marks) .JL*3JU.1p-,H16j,?dl +l#,1 dJ* d,B$l 5i1 .v
8. Peoptre use fcrests for manypurposes causing desertification in ouf country. Evaluate how we
can discourage people from these practices

# .*+U JSI-}^jl ar lJ#S ,".+," Lras 4-Lqll #J*L,* &-S:*,$ el'ua .A

Qa n*^:$ll *-: J(t-i"il ora i-rt3u,.*irS


Fage 6 of 6

Somali Certificate for Secondary Education

Subject: Physics
Grade: 12
Exam Year: 2020
Total N'Iarks: 100

Allorved Time 2 hours

Please read all the instructions carefully before attempting the questions:
o Write yourfull name, roll number and school name in English on the space provided on your
answer booklet.

o Write all your answers on the answer booklet. Answers on the question paper will not be marked.

o Write legibly in dark blue pen only'

e Answer all questions as provided in the question paper'

r All rough work must be on the answer booklet. Any work outside of the answer booklet will not
be marked.

o Adhere to examination regulations and atlowed tin'le.

PagellT t
Pa rll A : NIfr ltip le-eh oigglQgestion ('10 Ma rks )

choose the correct ansrver and write it in the answer booklet.

1. A motion of an object that regularlv retlrrns to a given position after a fixed time interval is

2. 'fhe maximum ial ene of vibrati mass attached to a 1! atSn equilibrium when at a:

3. Waves transfer:

Molecules Atoms Energl, Mattel

4. Ahmed measures the room temperatlrre duringa sunny da-v using the thenlometer below. The reading of
the thennometer is

-to to eo sp 4* 5P 60 7P ry ry 100 11n

5. All of the four objects A, B, C and D hai e ihe same weight. Which one produces the greatest pressure
on the table?

ffiffi 4

6. Radio Mogadishu broaclcasts on a fiequency of 90il{Hz r,vrth a- speed of 3xL0Bm/s. The wavelength will
:.j:m l l i-rm 2.22m | 4.44 10.10m

nnborn babies (fetuses)' This

7. In hospitals, doctors use tnachinesthat utilize a sound u,ave tbr imaging
type of sound wave is:

Page 2 of 7

sees his,4rer image in a piane min'or because the tnirror

8. A Person

Absorbs iieht Reflects 1ig!! Trar,s,mts"@

'Ihe nature of the lens is:
g. a lens, its print appears larger'
when a newspaper is seen through

10. ldentify the prirnar-v coloum of light'?
Red, b1ue, cYan ffigreen,\'ieEi Gu"* g,*" utffi!..ryggglg

1i. Light is a form oi energy produced

Trallspxl'clll ( hlcct Non-luminons crbject Translucent obiect

Trmrn"* o\iect

i Ctan
Red Creeti

a concave mirtor whose focal

length is 10cm' The
at a distance of 20cm from
13. An object is placed
distance of image is

30ctn 60cm ffi

-2D placeci in contact
focale*gth of the cornbination of two thi* renses of power -5D and
14. what is the
rvith each other?

I ;-;----
lo.::m I i-
into a larger nucleus is known as
15, The process ol carising smail nuclei to stick together
h-usion ,
Page 3 of 7
16. Which of the following abotit the Gamma raf is true?

It carries a positive It carries a negative It is cn It is similar to

charge charge electromagnetic electrons

17. The irnage produced b.v a concave lerts is:

Alrvays l'irtual and Alu,a,vs viriual and Always real Sometirnesreal and
enlarged srnaller sometimes virtual

18. An object placed atZnt tiom a urin'or is shifted b),0.5r-n auar tiorn the miror. \\rhat is the
between the objecl and its it.nage'/

2m 1.,im 5m 3m

of the foliowing describes a change of fiequency?

Echoes i Loudness Beats Pitch

2A. A student i.nvestigates horn, the current in a resisrt-,r varies w'ith voitage. The student plots a graph of
hislher result.

i-rilr: alli:
ir:r I stl



When the potential difference is 4v. the cuitent is:

0.2A 0.3A 0.1A 0.,1A

Page 4 of 7
PARTB: Struetured Questions(60 urarks)

Answer all the questions and write your answers in the answer Lrooklet-
21. Waves

a) The diagram belorv shows transverse wave


b) Find
i) the amplitude of'the wave ' (1 mark)

ii) the frequency of the wave. " ' " ' (1 mark)

c) Differentiatebetweentransverseandlongitudinalwaves '''.. (Zrnarkl) '.--/

is 20H2. what
d) Fatima shakes a rope which forms a wave whose wavelenglh is iOcm and its frequency

e) Diagrams A,B, and C show the behavior of waives


I i
L) I

) )

blanks, and write your answers in the

Use the above table and diagram to complete the following
answer booklet:
i. Ais-..-----
( 1 mark)
ii. B is--------
( l mark)
iii. C is----*--'

( 2 marks)
0 What is the diffbrence between a node and an antinode?

22. Refraction of light:

( 2 marks)
a) What is Snell's law of refraction?

b) The diagram shows an object and its image fonaed by a lens'

i) \\rhat type of lens is shown in the diagram? . '''' '(2 marks)

ii) Is the image real or virtual?' " " "'( 2 marks)

c) An objeet is placed 15cm from a convex lens of a focal length of 10cm. Find the position of the
image. (2
is 30"'
d) A ray of light strikes the surface of a material at an angle of 45o such that the angle of refraction
(2 mark)
Calculate the refractive index of the material..

23. Nuelear physics:

a) Definerheterm*isotopes,, qvar/, d,'i c =arrte "'dfiilrf{tL'Eii6*L'/oo

b) Find the missing value of the follora'ing reactions r

i) 'ZZu --$rn
'ZZu +rh + |He xr"rffi'r,a y'
+ Enersfi!)V!1t
fHe + Y1-?
ii)'tc r + le * ur.rffiZ-/ "'*
t -- 2
c) The graph shorn's hou'' the activity of' f
radioactive sample varies with time.

Tirne (day$)

i) From the graph above, what would the activity of the sample become aftet 6 days?(( 2 marks)
ii) Explain the meaning rtf "half-life" 2 marks)

Use the rvords in the box belorv to tiil the blauks belolv and n rite it on the answer booklet.

cl) W'hich has the most penetrating pou'er? ( 1 marks)

Page 6 of 7

Somali Certi{icate for Secondary Education

Subjecfi Mathematics
Grade: 12
Exam Year: 2{2fi
Totsl Marks: 100
Allowed Time 2 hours

Please read all the instructions car#ully befure attempting the questiom:
t Write your full name, roll number and school name in English on the sBace provided on your
answer booklet.

r Write all your answers on the answer booklet. Answers on the question paper will not be marked.

r Write legibly in dark blue pen only.

r Answer allquestions as provided in the question paper.

r All rough work must he on the answer booklet. Any work outside of the answer booklet will not
be marked

r Adhere to examination regulations and allowed time.

Check that Your ?xamlnatlglr ouestion naper has 5 printed pasFr excludinr the fover pate,

Page L of 6
PARTAT Mukiple Choice O$estions (40 marks)
Choose the corqect a4swer tnd wr4teit in the answer booklet.
1. Choose the number when increased by l2,becomes 20.
7 I 12 1.0

If a card is picked at random from a pack of playiag cards, the probability of getting a king of
1 1 L 4
L3 52 26 13

3. The mode of the following set of data: 4, 9, 3, 7, 5, 6, 7, 8, ? i*:

B 5 4 7

4. Cos(A+B
sinAcasB * cosASin*
sinAcos9 * cosASinB

5. The sum of (3 - ,) + (2 * 3i) is:

5+2i 5-2f 6+3i 2+5r

6. The radius of a circle with an equation of: xz * yz = 25 is:

25 10 ) 15

7. What is the determinant of a given *utoi* = [8 i],

20 4 10 *4

8. The value of limo*2(S; + 4) is equal to

l4 t0 5 11

g. The simplest form *r(S)ai.

I 27 15 L25

Page 2 of 6
10. Calculateff when ! = 3x2 * 5x * 10
6x*5 6s*10 3x*5 6x2+5

I I. State the simplest furnr oi#t#.

cosr * sirux cosxsinx cosx * sinx sinx

tr2. What is the value of,f2s?

I -i 5 i+l

13. State the nu:trber of wavs in v,'hich frvo books cgn be selected from a group of

2{} -25 l5 15

l4. State the focus of the parat,ola vytrrere the equation in y = *L6xz.

16 4

i5. How rlany si.des eioes a p*lygon have if the surn of,its interior angles is 720" l
7 8 sides 6 sides 5 sides

I6' A box con{ains 3 red, 4 blue an<! 3 green beacls. The probability of selecting a blue or red bead at
random will be:

10 5 3 7
7 4 11 10

Page 3 of $
lT. Ifsin A** and cosB =
*, where Aand B are in the 2nd quadraat The value of
sin(A+B) is:

7 L6 65 7
60 65 ?? 72

18. The integration of J df is

dx v Zero x*c

19. If the number of boys is 32S oqt of 500 shrdents, what wi$ be the percentage of girls in the school.
4Aa/o 36o/a 27% 39o/o

20. The derivative of a constant numberf (x) =C, will be

Cx -?c I Zerc c+1

Answer atl of the following qusstions and write your answer in the answer booklet

21. Trigonometry (10 marks)

a) If sinB =; and cosB = 3 then find:

i. sitt?B ...( lmarks)

ii. casLB ( lmarks)

b) Write the difference af sin7A * sin3,4 as a product. ..( 3marks)

c) lJse hatf angle identitytu find the exact value of tan 15" ( 2marks)

d) Calculate the area of a kiangle, two sides of which are 8cm and I lcm and its perimeter is 32cm.
..( 3marks)

Page 4 of 6
22. Complex numbers (10 marlcs)

a) Perform the foliowing operations:

i. (8*')-(4*f) (2 marks)
ii. (3 + 2')2 (2 marks)

b) Use the quadratic Formula to solve xz - Zx * Z=0 (3 marks)

c) Vfrite the conjugate of 3 * Zf ( 3 mark)

23. Probabilify {10 marla}

a) Calculate the following:
i. P(8,3) (1 marks)

ii. c{7,4) (1 marks)

b) A box contains 3 blue, ? green and 11 red balls. What is the probability that *ball selected at
raudom will be red? (2 marks)

c) Find the prabability of gettiag a sum of 7 ancl4 of the firxt aad the second throw of two
( 2marks)
d) If adice is flipped, what is the probability of g*fting:
i. An evea ru.lmber (1 mark)
ii. A numher less thaa 5 (1 rnarki
e) If the probabilify of m:ccess isf. Find the probability of failure? (2 marks)

24. Statistics {15 marks}

a) Find the rnean af B, 5, 14,6,4,12. (2 marks)

b) If you are given a set of data lz, L7,6, g,8,9,16r1s, 10. calculate the;
i. Lower quarrile (el) (2 marks)
ii, Upper euartile
{2 marks)
iii" Range (t mark)

Page 5 of 6
c) Complete the tabie below
(2 marks)
Ciass Frequency (F) Cumu latir.,e frequenc y
30-39 3

4449 I,!

50-59 l4
60-69 6

7A-79 4

i' work cut the cumulative frequency and the median. (2 marks)

d) calculate the vadan*e of the foilowing data: T,

15, !2, 17,2a, 14, g (2 marks)

e) Find the mean ofthe following d*ta:45,21.53,49,50,37,4g,30

( 2 marks)

25. Calculus (lS marks)

a) Evaluate the limits of:

a) Iimx*e iFT (3 rnarks)

b) Find the derivative of each function

a) y:# (2 rnarks)

c) Calculate the equaiicn of the tangent line tc a ! = :r2 at point ptl,4) {3 raarks)

d) E,,,aluaref(3x2 + zx * L)dx (3 raarks)

e) A motheris three times heavier than her

of each. e
daughter and together they weigh ?2kg"Find the weight

f) Fiud the gradienr <if tlie eqrmtion Zx * i*y _ 6 = (). { 2 marks)

Page S of 6

i.lttix;.tt :irtnJt
tZ sui,atl
2020 ;{*u"*ltSt{i*tt
1{}0 :slstt tr+efi
6Lb'L :...d.jt

Flease read a* the instructions

rarefu*y before attempting
the questions:
' Hli,"_rrr;:r:r*.,
roil nurnber and schoor
name in Engrish on the
space provided on your

I write all your answers on the

answer booklet. Answers
on the question paper wi,
not be marked.
r Write legibly in dark blue pen
r Answer all guestions as provided
in the question paper.
r All rough work must be
on the answer booklet. ,:

be marked. Any work outside of the

answer bookret w,,rtot

r Adhere to examination
regulations and allowed

Page I of 5

(4+Ja 20) {3tJl{,rJt :d;!t,".,,i11

I+.*.tt;lr,rrr tdrst3*tr Cr) u!*lF . i+ngr irLil ljt

t,t'ra {.,*1L11 }i.+ C dr .ki" t&. Ell rLlri L^; e"4 nl.,:?l 1{# LFtr r+it*i.l uilil pyl.; iJA- i_pt- ilr"s L#gt
alJiill i egJall Ar^,n gUU-;t dt1-iJ{ 4rll &-}E .dL"+ gi. q **r: crilS La .}}utl l:a {r.ti3 ,t*ll o:* ."riJ.h.r& .b-p*1.9
4lJ"g c-laJl s+ #"t+ uuJt ,i .l*l*lt
,l ,d-litJt iilsi-It rt-eJlains 6:!; -ei ,ar+.bllj e6;t;s113 rgr*.iys ,j*tt
rL*Il Aff d ,i#!l '"'.}hit iF,i: gS".i,p .;1.:*-l +i k . g* Y .:l-e^ Jl klcJ*J ,i ,rorx]s i:tc,j'yi ,k+i.i: lt .r*!r-t p
,''ilill ;glL ruoi;:Jl 'nrjhll dJ" csli ttyi +}.l.i| dd4^i+*Il
hrsg .etJ,gll .,,jhl .ot$l &jJ:J rLJl ...jF :,;r_, ,$.qS_)
q+#!: eii$ioll ltplt 3t.5il & ,srr 4lts d;.Jle q-K,r,",#,Q+il ,5-#tt ,{ .+r,-_r:lr &;slt* .(#s$-i[+lt .*$H1', r.i,l-lr
&tIl{ll G,o+ }3*j j! .fle d6.r! efiitsll il+--r ifu+Jl qtL Juil 4& .fr$jialiJl J.,}+lt i-,-,Jo i+t Jr
"J* ell:llt r,,-+i,&
'*t33iJl -fy us r;lill d *!-!r D.)a o.oJ,i JIW-113 g.g3 rrt34Jl; eUlcl. cruU c,E-f-,rb i..jrrt$ltJ iJb*.-ltqrll
..4;!r + tn-h"t ir ,)Sli-F& ii"J-ja*Jr gedt ljlo +;igr

:il8t J$.-Jl .ta-r*-l edr-[!ill3 rdr]ilJl-e r*l;it]ll5 rsLfu,.ll il* #-l :isJsLll -;ot -.31 .ro rrl.96Jt r.5j$
crol ' d.LLi"ll ,-p gtrl 'ii3u"ill -,pl-Jl .iltJoll crrl=., dlJiill q'it a.J riiliA..rll *;cli.alt .p gs_l
t'lll Jli,ill rr{ eJL-bl 6di-LrtiJl #t*-l ,i$l}Jl ip isiuJt *13,;rlJl i,h,iJ j{+LJt 3LJ} .n.r..J} d ,-,Lii}, ;it;irl ;r,,il-r.
il*lt &t-s al-iii.*t :r.Dla c.r i-Lis^ll rJ6il d!q"s 1-r:1g$ i*-.rf rr. el.ea,Jl ,rE;L i,. 0s.i elJdt g_# r.r" .3'lt
d'rlJlc.Jl alt'r.1'J .,j-ell .-ll-f-t *l+l{o rJ^ dJilti fj.-i!lt dltj,.."Jtplr{i.rl
.r" }+ s"i.Jl{rl* _ri .{:lJdl ,$+.|j,^ril ,l .atJt
.:txioYl ,y }q ot+xsll &lC q,,,"llla-{&11 i.&i} ipli$l erli crtJl+Elt ri .+t+ xstr
3i gr*jr plrrt.',t .:36-/r eDr6i*t
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i'Lil..*ll r:rbl-plt(,lr* +-r,.Jt+ O-ru+.$r L,;I,3j*,"11 po: .ii;jiJt
JiLilitdl gIt or;Lo pt$l crt-i:t ijtW-r*: lt r$;lr
" .4t LiJl *t9AJt f.r3r1,rJc

(dtl+rr 10) rter s &i*tr ljr ip v*t tilll

.*++jl &_.r!ll -i:p .l
!.,+li 3jiI4#,,*iJit.t-{lr oa U .z

# !r++lt ,:-jJill -SJ*.++S .3

..jh+.}+ rlJ{ll,:JI 3r'l.-r -.g,il .4

.&.-Jl rit^i-LJl #.#l e_r$t & .5

fqe+lt diJill JJil \,9 {iiJt a**-tyt et-},} paL"i, qrj .6

flilJj fJi.,*il # 1t_,* l.}i L*iiJ .isj,i^ltj fu.,r.ilt ,:i*ll 0# OJj .7

.4jSl .,:+-dt # i"aL*JliS;,:^lt JtrltLISL_, JSII .g

Page 2 of 5
-l* d.bAl- il d**1 Li+1 .a*.*i,,lll *1;Ll,J1 " aLJl Jrijl J,L,_g -.r" )l5;;*ri.:*,,1a"Ji .9

fi:j^ {l}l} ol + ilrJ! &rJ.6J.l1 r+ u .to

(e!l-s;.:5) q-eyt Jrsr # (;*,,-dl J# L4 i-u*lli,.lS.!',4Jl:i3l liJl rJ^Sl :Su

L i,'14*.ti4*ii .*, ,,'r,^I*Jt

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(:i#/l 'r ' "l*i'*li

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......,........i++LIi "iElJl .r" .4

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ditelt {si.. l"lt ,'*tt^ ,n elSL ri,;l.".,+ ,..!'oll Jl ,.J..".J+,' .l

.r!lt;p *;iL.-* .,ei."io rJ* #;t3l t+;r! &li.: .-,1

(*t-rl5)q"r+Yl Jiir ss r,ii5l;

{+!t d"+tt c.r" &lilt eJii.J .3

.;r;rr!t {+ltJalt'!'xl toll

,lo*.r r*r:allJlrS t+:
l+31l*ldl" LEi .r+,".dlJ!c+:

Page 3 of 5
{.:,,+-r* S)fus+Yf i6,} # qrtil3.}*A"ll ki.i #t rtJ"i}t **--.4
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.aj-*,tt rl"l iFlill li$r ;1,1'1,-**r .=''-?r rt:$+,reil g*

.'r rla.i*ll zr:j *i*}'I;S.s .a*b'llt*lo pe,-rt3ll

.si-rlljJiqJ ."HlL*Jt ,rit d*l*

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Page 4 of 5
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Page 5 of 5

Sonnali Certifieate for Secondary Education

d*"Y"*Yt c#..;!t
12 :."i"ddl
2*2{J ,i*";l.Ut i;-,tt
100 3ciQ,;.rJt t"l"+"
*Usl."" .,'6Sf

Please read ali the instructions carefurlly b-filrtt-*ptire tn- **;;""

o Write your full ftame, roll nurnber and school name in English on
the space provided on
your answer booklet.

o write all your answers on the answer booklet. Answers on the question paper will not

o Write legibiy in dark blue pen only.

r Answer all questiens as provided in the questian paper"

e All rough work must be on the answer boaklet. Any work

outside of the answer booklet
willnot be marked.

r Adhere to examination regulations and allowed time.

check thQt vour examination guestion peqer has 4 printed papes

excluding the cover pase.

Page L of 5
({+* 34) ';p,ri3 Oi+ll :Y;l
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cr .Jsr .3
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#lr* crla :t*iti
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_,rsJ # g**,-lf +,lj+ll ,
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..rJ3i.l .l*.r

;ur tj)t*)ta s; (rJLl el" $.ryri r_rfey, :.,jLt dti .4

.lilt ."r *r*Il .e ap;ll.v , ir:tl .l

Page 2 of 5
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:ra il$t*.{.! J-ptt (.......;U,.tt
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: ir fu35. rl"ie,ilt .g
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: tt p*'rj,$,*.i.iri n :rrJl"i nJ3l oir- -.16
."'1+i -r ".dS # diEr! _A d.$.;irl I ^r( _q.r rlHf pf.r _i

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a*Kls&- a-$l
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t'*"+ altl
fd-# f$ .(s)ircc- ,",rlro uBJitSI3 *li# drlJ fil;iil S5 frl$ r.1. Cr*Jf
.(6) (+l+s osr& {-E uttl3 r.r*d-l *trt ot ..,*l lJL"l-+
"& #+le
Fage 3 of 5
Fage 4 of 5
;HIi'Jl $-i os .. *1, -10
ji;*, q+-i+Yl js* # 1$Yt4Jr*yl LJ€.
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.4i*ii _$t *" *L$yl i,+a,l, Jrc eS .2
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f6-+iiJl 3L^. L .5

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:4i*Jl ol.l_t ,4

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.$* 6:*lj C-r*l ("li;Q 3i l*,i; iJ"]t ..i &.rs: L l;j-13

t {.-bilt*+ S,rCld,.lr ti$ .6

f(q!,SX ai'*.o .il*,,,!I iiii", :l-ll) **r.Jl li$ dh tit .7

(a+;r Z0 ) 4iill :C+ljlf..,ill

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...,......*r ....... .i 11a.* 9 .i..*i. s,-ill Li i,4 .1
I r.rrrlr. .9 J -u, J

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...........ti..............i :kj*r .ei)J isJ*}ll etji .4

{++y tZ) fo-f}l -r,,1. C , !,1(l_r 4i5Yl lli"Tl dc, l".r+l ;Uitt

(Esl3 q;.:)L).L.*l 4iill dle. .1

(,:u+-p)ffu*Il &",#$l4* i.ill51sj #a L^ .2

{6.:r'13 d+-* ltali: ,^}-:L,ll
q nt dC,rll La .3
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aS * Y .:i ,+ il+Jl g" d$!l rur+-x*l q
*ill t+J*il Ol ,rl" L$l qre ii3"-r," ac.L.e,.l d+-l ,.ej,5l 6

(*b-p 4 ) .cJ;t$t * a$"*tt'ia fs- ir#

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