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KNPC CFP - MAB2 Project

FDH JV Site HSE Manual

HSE General Requirements
Revision No.: O1, 15-Jan-15

MAB2 Project
HSE General Requirements
FDH JV Document Number: P6022MAB.000.51S.004

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Rev Description Date Made Checked Approved

O1 Issue for Client Comment 15Jan2015 C. Dolman M. Ryken F. Erichson

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KNPC CFP - MAB2 Project
FDH JV Site HSE Manual
HSE General Requirements
Revision No.: O1, 15-Jan-15

Table of Contents
PURPOSE ..................................................................................................................................................... 3 
SCOPE .......................................................................................................................................................... 3 
APPLICATION .............................................................................................................................................. 3 
DEFINITIONS ............................................................................................................................................... 4 
1.0  SITE RULES ....................................................................................................................................... 6 
1.1  Critical Rules................................................................................................................................... 6 
1.2  General Site Rules.......................................................................................................................... 6 
2.0  HIERARCHY OF CONTROLS ............................................................................................................ 7 
3.0  POSTING REQUIREMENTS .............................................................................................................. 8 
4.0  PROJECT HSE HANDBOOK ............................................................................................................. 8 
4.1  FDH JV Project HSE Handbook ..................................................................................................... 8 
4.2  Contractor Project HSE Handbook ................................................................................................. 9 
5.0  SAFETY TOPICS ................................................................................................................................ 9 
6.0  SITE HSE MEETINGS ........................................................................................................................ 9 
6.1  Kick-Off Meeting FDH JV / Contractor.......................................................................................... 10 
6.2  Weekly Contractor HSE Area Coordination meeting.................................................................... 10 
6.3  Weekly Contractor Progress Meeting ........................................................................................... 11 
6.4  Monthly Site HSE Meeting ............................................................................................................ 11 
6.5  Site Town Hall Meetings ............................................................................................................... 12 
7.0  WEEKLY TOOLBOX MEETINGS .................................................................................................... 12 
8.0  COMPETENT PERSON DESIGNATIONS ....................................................................................... 12 
9.0  OPERATION OF CELLULAR TELEPHONES ................................................................................. 13 
10.0  PERSONAL JEWELRY .................................................................................................................... 14 
11.0  TOOL/EQUIPMENT MODIFICATIONS ............................................................................................ 14 
12.0  NOISE ............................................................................................................................................... 14 
14.0  RESOLVING HSE CONCERNS AND ISSUES ................................................................................ 16 
15.0  PERSONAL STOP WORK AUTHORITY AND REPORTING .......................................................... 17 
15.1  Overview ................................................................................................................................... 17 
15.2  Responsibilities ......................................................................................................................... 17 
15.3  Conducting a Stop Work Action ................................................................................................ 17 
15.4  Reporting................................................................................................................................... 18 
15.5  Follow-Up .................................................................................................................................. 18 
15.6  Recognition ............................................................................................................................... 19 
15.7  Training ..................................................................................................................................... 19 
16.0  SMOKING REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................................................... 19 
17.0  ADVERSE WEATHER CONDITIONS .............................................................................................. 19 
18.0  BROWNFIELD OPERATIONS LIAISON AND INTEGRATION....................................................... 20 
19.0  ACTION COMMUNICATION AND TRACKING ............................................................................... 20 
20.0  HANDOVER REPORT ...................................................................................................................... 21 
21.0  EXCEPTIONS / EXCLUSIONS ......................................................................................................... 22 
22.0  RESOURCES .................................................................................................................................... 23 
23.0  REFERENCES .................................................................................................................................. 23 
24.0  ATTACHMENTS ............................................................................................................................... 23 

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KNPC CFP - MAB2 Project
FDH JV Site HSE Manual
HSE General Requirements
Revision No.: O1, 15-Jan-15


This document identifies topics that are not contained in a stand-alone document
but are important to a successful and comprehensive Site Health, Safety, and
Environmental (HSE) Plan and program.


This document includes the following major sections:

 Site Rules
 Hierarchy of Controls
 Posting Requirements
 Project HSE Handbook
 Safety Topics
 Site HSE Meeting
 Toolbox Meetings
 Competent Person Designations
 Operation of Cellular Telephones
 Personal Jewelry
 Tool/Equipment Modifications
 Noise
 Resolving HSE Concerns and Issues
 Personal Stop Work Authority and HELP Reporting
 Smoking Requirements
 Adverse Weather Conditions
 Brownfield Operations Liaison and Integration
 Action Communication and Tracking
 Handover Report
 Exceptions / Exclusions


This document applies to all work activities and employees under the control of
FDH JV and its contractors.

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FDH JV Site HSE Manual
HSE General Requirements
Revision No.: O1, 15-Jan-15


The following terms and abbreviations, when used in this document and parts thereof, shall have the
following meanings:
Term / Acronym / Explanation / Definition
Brownfield Areas; Refers to existing KNPC Operational areas that will be governed by KNPC Safe
Work Practices and the Clean Fuels Project FDH JV HSE Requirements
Cell Phone A mobile phone, cell phone, or hand phone is an electronic device used to make
mobile telephone calls across a wide geographic area, served by many public
cells, allowing the user to be mobile.
A mobile phone can make and receive telephone calls to and from the public
telephone network, which includes other mobiles and fixed-line phones across
the world. It does this by connecting to a cellular network provided by a mobile
network operator.
In addition to telephony, modern mobile phones also support a wide variety of
other services such as text messaging, MMS, email, Internet access, short-
range wireless communications (infrared, Bluetooth), business applications,
gaming, and photography. Mobile phones that offer these more general
computing capabilities are referred to as smartphones.
Cell Phone Use Includes phone calls, texting, web searches, manipulating navigation systems,
and other similar operations.
CFP Clean Fuels Project
Competent Person One who is capable of identifying existing and predictable hazards in the
surroundings or working conditions which are unsanitary, hazardous, or
dangerous to employees, and who has authorization to take prompt corrective
measures to eliminate them.
Contractor; All references to Contractor and Contractor employees equally apply to
Subcontractors and Subcontractor employees. Contractor shall ensure that their
Subcontractors are informed of the need to comply with all aspects of these
FDH JV / Company; Fluor, Daewoo E&C, Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI) Joint Venture; for the
purpose of this document ‘FDH JV’ shall substitute to the contractual term
Greenfield Area; Refers to new CFP Block Areas that are fenced away from the KNPC
operational areas and will be governed & monitored by the FDH JV Health,
Safety and Environmental (HSE) Management System up to the Provisional
Guideline; Refers to non prescriptive elements which outline the common standards and
industry accepted codes of practice relevant to a wide range of work areas.
Guidelines include such items as machines, equipment, vehicles, inspections,
HAZMAT, plant and equipment, and procedures / practices associated with
medical and security. Consequently, these ‘Guidelines’ are boundary’s from
within which the Contractor shall develop their Site specific HSE procedures.

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KNPC CFP - MAB2 Project
FDH JV Site HSE Manual
HSE General Requirements
Revision No.: O1, 15-Jan-15

HazCon Hazards in Construction;

A review and evaluation of project overall risk and identification of required
control measures.
HSE Health, Safety & Environmental
KNPC /Owner; Kuwait National Petroleum Company; for the purpose of this document ‘KNPC’
shall substitute the contractual term ‘Owner’
KPC; Kuwait Petroleum Corporation
Mandatory; Refers to specific and prescriptive requirements and practices, normally detailed
in a procedure, which must be complied with during all phases of the Site Work.
May / Should and Signifies an action which is optional.
may / should not;
Off-sites; Refers to any construction areas outside of the defined Refinery Sites or other
defined Project worksite areas
Plan: Plan: Sets out requirements and deliverables which must be achieved /attained,
i.e A detailed proposal or requirement for doing or achieving something.
Procedure: Provides specific instructions to achieve desired outcome, i.e. a series of
actions conducted in a certain order or manner
PTW Permit to Work
Qualified Person One who, by possession of a recognized degree, certificate, or professional
standing, or who by extensive knowledge, training, and experience, has
successfully demonstrated his/her ability to solve or resolve problems related to
the subject matter, the work, or the project.
Shall and shall not / Signifies a mandatory action required by the Contractor.
Must and must not /
Will and will not;
Site; Refers to any work area within the Project Brownfield and Greenfield areas
where CFP work is to be conducted

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KNPC CFP - MAB2 Project
FDH JV Site HSE Manual
HSE General Requirements
Revision No.: O1, 15-Jan-15


This section provides minimum information related to the health, safety and environmental (HSE)
site rules and conduct requirements as applicable to Contractor while working on the Site.
Contractor is responsible for compliance with these rules in conjunction with ‘Site / Area Specific’
standards and procedures during the execution of the Work.

Applicable Site specific policies, rules, and procedures will be generally communicated to all
personnel during the initial safety induction/orientation course and any changes to existing
procedures shall be notified via Site safety bulletins and on-going safety meetings.

Refer to P6022MAB.000.51S.009, Disciplinary Process

1.1 Critical Rules

Individuals, regardless of position, nationality and/or company, shall be removed from the
Site (regardless of the number previous warnings) should they be guilty of the following
HSE violations:

 Driving a vehicle in excess of the stipulated/posted speed limit on the Site;

 Not complying to the 100% fall protection and 100% tie-off policy;
 Placing their life or the lives of that of others at risk (imminent danger);
 Altercation (both parties shall be dismissed, regardless of reason);
 Disregarding barriers (unauthorized access into an area marked as being unsafe or
unauthorized access into a restricted area);
 Violating PTW (permit to work) conditions or performing work without a PTW where
an approved PTW is needed;
 Energizing or de-energizing a power source without proper authorization (PTW);
 Smoking in vehicles, offices and any other unauthorized areas;
 Operating or cause to operate equipment without a valid operator’s license, valid
inspection, color coding and training; and
 Performing activities and operation (where training is a condition precedent and
conducted by Contractor) without the required training as reflected in the color-
coded ID badge.

1.2 General Site Rules

Contractor shall observe the following Site requirements:

 Contractor management must ensure that construction work at the Site is carried out
by competent persons. Competency is established via documented evidence of
knowledge, training and experience and ongoing monitoring to ensure continued
competency compliance.
 Cameras and any other equipment capable of capturing images (still or motion) are
strictly prohibited from the Site unless specifically authorized by FDH JV and KNPC.
Persons suspected of taking photographs, without the correct authorization, may

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FDH JV Site HSE Manual
HSE General Requirements
Revision No.: O1, 15-Jan-15

face severe disciplinary action, including but not limited to, the removal from the Site
and contacting state security officials.
 Intoxicating liquor or drugs (other than prescribed by a medical physician) shall not
be allowed on the Site. Persons suspected of being influenced by either drugs or
alcohol shall not be permitted entry to the Site and may face severe disciplinary
action, including but not limited to, the removal from the Site.
 Firearms and weapons shall not be permitted. Persons suspected of carrying,
transporting or using firearms and weapons shall not be permitted entry to the Site
and may face severe disciplinary action, including but not limited to, the removal
from the Site.
 FDH JV and/or Contractor shall not enter the KNPC’s designated offices, control
rooms, crib rooms, toilets, amenities buildings or workshops except as instructed or
authorized by KNPC.
 Gambling, horseplay and fighting shall not be permitted. Persons found gambling,
horse playing or fighting shall be removed from the Site and may face further
disciplinary action, by the government authorities.
 Abuse, theft or destruction of another person’s property, is an unlawful offence and
shall be referred to the governmental authorities and / or their designated agency for
disciplinary action. Persons found to have abused, committed theft or to have
destroyed another person’s property shall be removed from site
 Project personnel shall only be allowed to take essential items onto the Site such as
toolboxes, tools, etc. All such items shall be subject to inspection by the KNPC’s
security personnel, upon entering and leaving the Site.
 It is essential that persons wishing to visit the Contractor do so at the Contractor’s
Site office. For a visitor to enter the Site, the Contractor shall apply for a KNPC
Visitor Pass (refer to P6022MAB.000.51S.026, Site Access & Security).
 Failure to adhere to Site safety rules and regulations shall result in severe
disciplinary action and if required by FDH JV and /or KNPC removal from the Site.
 Contractor, if identified as having staff or employees (regardless of classification)
who repeatedly breach the Site HSE rules and regulations, shall face severe
disciplinary action and if required by FDH JV and / or KNPC, removal from site.


Hazards will be controlled by the following hierarchy:

 Elimination
 Substitution
 Engineering controls, where technically feasible
 Administrative controls
 Personal protective equipment (PPE)

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FDH JV Site HSE Manual
HSE General Requirements
Revision No.: O1, 15-Jan-15


The following safety-related notices, forms, and signs must be posted on FDH JV and contractor
information bulletin boards wherever employees normally congregate:

 FDH JV HSE Policy

 Emergency telephone numbers/contact persons
 Critical Site Rules


4.1 FDH JV Project HSE Handbook

The FDH JV Project HSE Handbook will be available for all project employees and visitors at the
commencement of field activities. The contents of the handbook will include as a minimum:

 HSE Policy and Principles

 Employee HSE Responsibilities
 HSE Responsibilities of Supervisors
 General HSE requirements
 Project and industry-specific HSE rules
 Permit to Work System & Awareness
 Fire and emergency response
 First aid
 Accident Investigation and Reporting.
 Personal protective equipment
 Barricades and Signs
 Discipline
 Fitness for work and Occupational health
 General rules regarding specific equipment and work procedures:
 Occupational Health
 Environmental protection
 Security

Refer to:
 Attachment 01 of this document, FDH JV HSE Handbook
 Attachment 02 of this document, FDH JV HSE Quick Handbook for Visitors

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FDH JV Site HSE Manual
HSE General Requirements
Revision No.: O1, 15-Jan-15

4.2 Contractor Project HSE Handbook

Contractor shall provide their project personnel and those of their Subcontractors a ‘Contractor
specific HSE Handbook’ detailing the procedural requirements applicable to their scope of work /

The contents of the handbook will include as applicable, e.g.:

 Handling and Storage of Hazardous Material

 Pollution prevention, Waste Handling and Disposal
 Surface Preparation and Painting
 Excavation
 Lock out / Tag out
 Gas Cutting & Welding
 Handling Compressed Gas Cylinders
 Scaffolding and Ladders
 Electrical Safety
 Hand & Power Tools
 Radiation Safety
 Lifting Operations

The written operating procedures included in the Contractor HSE handbook/manual, give a step-
by-step procedure of carrying out the activities, e.g. pictures of warning signs and hand signals
for use in the operation of cranes.

The handbook should also stipulate the mandatory / optional HSE courses that shall be attended
by each level of contractor employee, and where these courses will be provided.

The first page of the hand book / manual may be perforated and used as a receipt showing that
the employee has signed and received the HSE handbook. Also, space should be provided for
employee’s record on training programs, orientation and safety talks.

Contractor HSE Handbook shall be subject to FDH JV approval.


All management meetings with 5 or more attendees will commence with a safety topic. The topic
will be presented by an attendee nominated by the leader/chairperson or a volunteer. The topic
may be work or home related.


An up to date ‘HSE Meeting Schedules shall be maintained onsite by FDH JV and contractor

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FDH JV Site HSE Manual
HSE General Requirements
Revision No.: O1, 15-Jan-15

The HSE Meeting Schedules shall include the following information as a minimum:

 The type and purpose of the project meetings / events

 The frequency, date, time, and duration of the meeting / events
 The meeting chairperson and required attendees / participants
 The means of action & action owner registration and close out tracking.

Note: It is recommended that meetings are scheduled in such a manner as to ensure site
HSE coverage during construction peak hours.

Note: HSE items to be addressed will be detailed on meeting agenda and action items
arising formally noted on a meeting report (Minutes of Meeting), with responsibility for
action assigned together with a completion date.

Refer to Attachment 03 of this document, FDH JV HSE Communication Matrix.

6.1 Kick-Off Meeting FDH JV / Contractor

Before commencing work on the project contractor management representative(s) and

their Site HSE Lead will attend a meeting with members of the FDH JV Project
Management Team.

This meeting shall be attended as a minimum by:

 The FDH JV Responsible Construction Manager (chairman)

 The FDH JV HSE Manager
 The FDH JV Contracts Manager
 The Contractor Site Manager
 The Contractor HSE Manager / Lead
As a matter of course the Kick-off meeting shall verify contractors understanding and
compliance to the FDH JV Site HSE Plan, and validate FDH JV approval of the
Contractor’s Site Specific HSE Programs/procedures.

6.2 Weekly Contractor HSE Area Coordination meeting

A weekly contractor HSE Area Coordination Meeting will be held.

Participants of this meeting are:

 The FDH JV Responsible Construction Manager (chairman)

 The FDH JV Responsible HSE Manager / Superintendent (chairperson)
 The FDH JV HSE Officers
 The Contractor HSE Manager (Lead Representative)

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FDH JV Site HSE Manual
HSE General Requirements
Revision No.: O1, 15-Jan-15

The purpose of this meeting is:

 Review the coming weeks high risk activities

 to coordinate the MAB2 project HSE activities
 Look-back over the previous week and Look-ahead to the coming week.
 To discuss results of audits, inspections and investigations.
 Identify trends and discuss measures to improve.

6.3 Weekly Contractor Progress Meeting

During the weekly contractor progress meeting, HSE matters shall be the first item on the
meeting agenda and time will be allocated to the FDH JV Responsible Construction
Manager and HSE Representative, to review HSE items associated with the particular

Contractors Site Manager and HSE Advisor will discuss action taken by the contractor
and assign corrective action items to the contractors Supervisors.

HSE Action registration and tracking shall form part of the progress meeting report
(Minutes of Meeting)

6.4 Monthly Site HSE Meeting

FDH JV requires the establishment and continuous, positive function of a Monthly Site
HSE Meeting. The FDH JV Site Manager, in collaboration with the FDH JV HSE Manager
will determine the charter for, and organization of, the Monthly Site HSE Meeting.

The Monthly Site HSE Meeting will be established at the discretion of the FHD JV Site

The Monthly Site HSE Meeting shall be comprised as follows:

 FDH JV Site Manager (chairperson)

 FDH JV HSE Manager/Representative
 Contractor management nominees
 Contractor employee representatives
The project may be divided into several areas. Each area will have an Subsidiary
Meeting that will meet at least monthly. Each subsidiary Area HSE Meeting will be
represented on the Site HSE Meeting.

Examples of Monthly Site HSE Meetings functions include:

 Act in an advisory capacity.

 Create and maintain an active interest in Site HSE and assist in reducing work
injuries, work-related illnesses, environmental impacts, and hazards.

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FDH JV Site HSE Manual
HSE General Requirements
Revision No.: O1, 15-Jan-15

 Consider measures for the training and education in, and promotion of, HSE
management and make recommendations in relation to those measures.

 Review standards, rules, and procedures relating to HSE that are to be carried out
or complied with at the workplace and suggest enhancements.

 Review the circumstances surrounding work injuries, work-related illnesses, and

environmental workplace incidents and make such recommendations as considered

 Review site inspection and audit results and make recommendations to correct
unsatisfactory levels of performance.

 Initiate programs aimed at raising and maintaining interest in the workplace HSE

 Maintain records of meetings including any recommendations.

A record of attendees and of matters discussed will be kept for all the Monthly Site HSE
Meetings. The chairperson of each meeting is responsible for maintaining records and
distributing records to members of the meeting and posting on project HSE notice

6.5 Site Town Hall Meetings

These meetings are held primarily to celebrate Milestones and other HSE achievements.
They may also be used to Kick-off Project wide HSE initiatives and programs.


Refer to Practice P6022MAB.000.51S.005, Training and Orientation.


Contractor Site Managers must designate Competent Persons and Qualified Persons when
required, and document the designation using Form HSEF0310, Competent/Qualified Person
Designations. Competent Persons must be designated when the following activities are part of
contractor’s project construction scope (this list is non-exhaustive):

 Aerial lift trainer

 Asbestos
 Cadmium
 Compressed air (tunneling)
 Concrete and Masonry Construction (lift slab operations)
 Demolition

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HSE General Requirements
Revision No.: O1, 15-Jan-15

 Excavation, trenching, shoring

 Working at Height / Fall protection
 Ionizing radiation
 Ladders (portable)
 Lead abatement
 Lifting and rigging
 Roof work safety monitor
 Scaffolds
 Barricades and temporary flooring
 Steel erection
 Hot Work
 Motor Vehicles and Mobile Equipment
 Powder-actuated tools
 High pressure cleaning operations
 Workshop equipment

Note: Contractor personnel assigned to the project in a supervisory role shall hold the
required competencies and shall be designated as a ‘competent supervisor’ by the
respective contractor site manager.

Note: Qualified Persons must be designated for the following:

 Crane maintenance and repair persons

 Motor vehicle and equipment maintenance and repair persons

 Fall protection system design

 Hoisting and rigging (personnel platform design)

 Scaffold design

 HSE management and supervision personnel


Use of Cellular phones on the project shall be strictly controlled. Contractor shall be required to
request and receive FDH JV approval for the use of cellular phones by designated and authorized
contractor representatives; this shall also apply to all visitors, delivery drivers, and third parties
under the contractors control / supervision.

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HSE General Requirements
Revision No.: O1, 15-Jan-15

Cellular phones that must be hand-held to the ear to hear/speak must not be used by the vehicle
operator for any reason, including texting, while operating any vehicle — whether motorized or
not — be it heavy construction equipment (dozer, pan, etc.), light vehicles (car or pickup truck), or
4-wheelers or bicycles. In an emergency or where a call must be made or answered using this
type of phone or texting is required (or similar) of any kind by the vehicle operator, the operator
must pull off and stop at a safe location. It is recommended that vehicle operators not answer an
incoming call; but, after safely pulling over, dial the person back.

“Hands-free,” voice-operated or speed-dial phones with a speaker or single earpiece capability

may be used by the vehicle operator, with discretion, depending on an assessment of driving
conditions and FDH JV approval. Even with the voice-activated, hands-free devices, long or
extended phone conversations while driving are discouraged.

Note: Texting, MMS, accessing the internet, gaming, photography, or similar “uses” are
prohibited while the vehicle is running

Note: Heavy construction equipment operators must not operate/use a cellular phone in any
mode while the equipment is running.

Note: Kuwait has laws in force prohibiting use of hand-held cellular devices by the operator of a
vehicle in motion


Finger rings, bracelets, necklaces, and dangling-type jewelry (such as earrings) may not be worn
whilst on the project construction site. Dangling earrings are defined as an earring that extends
outside of or below the earlobe perimeter.

Exception: Medic alert bracelets or necklaces.

Electrical engineering, maintenance electrical employees, or other classifications performing as

primary duties electrical work in panels or on high-voltage systems must not wear any type of
metal wristband.


No modifications or additions that affect the capacity or safe operation of tools or equipment may
be made without the manufacturer’s written approval. If the manufacturer does not approve
modifications or changes, written approval from a registered professional engineer may be
considered. If such modifications or changes are made, the capacity, operation, and
maintenance instruction plates, tags, or decals must be changed accordingly.

12.0 NOISE

Noise is any unwanted or damaging sound, which has the potential to cause noise induced
hearing loss. Hence activities which generate time weighted averages (TWA) of noise levels in
excess of 80db (A) shall require specific noise control counter measure plans.

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HSE General Requirements
Revision No.: O1, 15-Jan-15

Contractor shall conduct noise surveys in order to develop tailored counter measures in
accordance with this 80 db (A) rating.

Excessive noise shall be reduced as far as practical by controlling the generation of noise at the
source by either limiting the length of the time the person is exposed to the noise (reducing the
TWA), or by reducing the capacity of the machine to generate excessive noise levels (damping
or baffling etc)

While PPE is seen as the last level and therefore least effective, control measure, it is understood
that hearing protection shall be used extensively through the Site.

Where a person is required to wear hearing protection, they shall be trained in the principles of
hearing conservation and in its application.

Refer to P6022MAB.000.51S.049, Hearing Protection.


HAZMAT and HAZCHEM shall, for the purposes of the project, be defined as any workplace
substance (liquids, gases, powders, fibers, chemicals) which can be inhaled, ingested, or come in
contact with the skin or eyes and which have the potential to cause injury by way of its chemical,
physical or toxicological properties or has the potential to harm the environment.

HAZMAT and HAZCHEM shall include material and chemicals which contain, asbestos,
isocyanides, synthetic mineral fibers such as glass fiber, rock wool and ceramic fibers and any
material containing PCB’s.

Contractor shall maintain HAZMAT and HAZCHEM register containing copies of MSDSs for all so
classified material used on Site. Contractor shall use an electronic record and MSDS producing
system such as Chemalert ( for the effective management
of all HAZMAT and HAZCHEM quantities within their Scope of Work.

HAZMAT and HAZCHEM shall not be brought onto the Site without written Approval from FDH JV
and KNPC.

The MSDS shall be made available to all end users of HAZMAT and HAZCHEM, in which the
affected employees shall be instructed on the relevant material and chemical safe handling,
application and disposal.

Contractor shall store, use, contain, remove and dispose of HAZMAT and HAZCHEM in
accordance with the MSDS, and the relevant Kuwaiti laws.

Employees who are required to use HAZMAT/HAZCHEM shall comply with the manufacturers
MSDS and all relevant OSHA standards concerning its transportation, use, storage, containment
and disposal.

However, as a minimum, contractor is to address the following:

 Contractor shall assess all HAZMAT and HAZCHEM, using the manufacturers MSDS.
When and where possible, Contractor shall reduce any potential risk or hazard by either

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HSE General Requirements
Revision No.: O1, 15-Jan-15

replacement (less hazardous), reduction in strength (dilution) or containment (sealing of

operational area).

 Persons required to wear PPE shall be trained in its use and be fit tested accordingly.

 Ventilation equipment shall be used when welding in workshops, confined spaces and
during welding of stainless steel and galvanized materials. In addition, respiratory protection
for the protection against welding fumes shall be used in confined spaces.

 Contractor shall not allow welding on painted or chemically treated surfaces.

 No angle grinding shall be carried out on material which contains asbestos, synthetic
mineral fibers (glass fiber, ceramic fibers, etc) and polyurethane or on any piping or vessel
lagging, plastic, rubber or any other synthetic material.

 Respiratory protection shall be worn in those areas designated by the contractor in

accordance with the required Job Safety Analysis (JSA).

Refer to P6022MAB.000.51S.052, Hazardous Material


All project employees will be given the opportunity to voice concerns and issues without fear of

Project employees should discuss HSE issues and concerns with their immediate supervisor, as
the issues and concerns become apparent. These discussions may take place during prejob
briefings, formal or informal walkthroughs, safety meetings, or may be a scheduled meeting with
the supervisor.

Project employees may contact FDH JV Project HSE at any time to discuss HSE concerns. Such
concerns may be provided orally, or in writing using Form HSEF0275, Hazard Elimination
Program (HELP) Form. Project employees may request confidentiality or anonymity, which will be

Personal stop-work authority is granted to and implemented as required by project employees

and supported by all levels of project supervision and management. (Contractor employees have
stop-work authority in any imminent danger situation, unless their employer grants them full stop-
work authority.)

Resolution of employee HSE concerns will be communicated to the employee(s).

If disagreement exists between the employee and the supervisor as to whether or not a hazard
exists, or if there is disagreement over what rectification measures should be taken, the process
shown in Attachment 04 of this document, Reporting and Resolving HSE Issues Flowchart, will
be followed:

 During the course of the resolution process an employee may be reassigned to other duties
not affected by the reported hazard.

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 Contractor shall ensure FDH JV HSE is informed of all hazard observation as part of the
STA process, and immediately informed of hazard observations with a significant incident
 Should a resolution not be agreed to, the issue/concern should be elevated to the next level
of management or notify the HSE Representative.


15.1 Overview

All project employees, including site visitors, have the authority to stop any task or
operations where concerns or questions regarding the control of HSE risk exist.

No work will resume until all stop work issues and concerns have been adequately

Any form of retribution or intimidation directed at any individual or company for exercising
their authority as outlined in this program will not be tolerated, and may be cause for
disciplinary action.

Actions taken in response to someone exercising their stop work authority should be
consistent with Section 15.0 (Resolving HSE Concerns and Issues) above.

15.2 Responsibilities

Persons in the following roles have responsibilities in support of this program:

 Project employees are responsible for understanding their authority to stop work
when warranted, support the stop work actions of others, and properly report all stop
work actions.

 Forman/Supervisors are responsible to create a culture where stop work authority

(SWA) is exercised freely, honor requests for stop work actions to resolve issues
before operations resume, recognize proactive participation, and ensure that all stop
work actions are properly reported with required follow-up completed.

 Site Managers must establish the clear expectation to exercise a stop work action,
create a culture where SWA is exercised freely, resolve stop work conflicts when they
arise, and hold those accountable that choose not to comply with established SWA
expectations and requirements.

 HSE, in support of line management, is responsible for monitoring compliance with

the requirements of this program, maintenance of associated documents, processes
and training materials, identification of trends, and sharing of lessons-learned.

15.3 Conducting a Stop Work Action

When a person identifies a perceived unsafe condition, act, error, omission, or lack of
understanding that could result in an undesirable event and chooses to exercise their
authority to stop work, the following steps will be followed.

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1. Where safe to do so, immediately notify any affected person(s) who may be at
immediate risk.

2. Notify the supervisor as soon as possible. If the affected person(s) are not in
immediate risk, the stop work action should be coordinated through the

3. Stop work actions should be initiated in a positive manner by briefly introducing

yourself, and stating your intent to stop work and the reason for doing so.

4. If necessary, stop associated work activities, remove person(s) from the area,
stabilize the situation, and make the area as safe as possible.

5. All parties must discuss and gain agreement on the stop work issue.

6. After careful consideration, a determination will be made either to proceed as-is

or to take action to resolve the issue to all affected persons’ satisfaction before
re-starting the work.

7. If the issue cannot be resolved immediately, work must be suspended until

proper resolution is achieved. When opinions differ regarding the validity of the
stop work issue or adequacy of the resolution actions, the FDH JV Site Manager,
or appointed delegate, must be called upon to make the final determination.

Positive feedback will be given to the initiator and affected employees regarding
resolution of the stop work issue.

15.4 Reporting

Reports of stop work actions will be reviewed by supervisors in order to:

 Measure participation
 Determine quality of actions and follow-up
 Trend common issues and identify opportunities for improvement
 Facilitate sharing of learning’s
 Feed recognition programs

Note: Supervisors shall be required to promote the use of HELP cards amongst their
team members, and where beneficial assist the employee in filing out the HELP

15.5 Follow-Up

Stop work actions that cannot be addressed to the satisfaction of all involved persons
before resuming work and require additional investigation or follow-up will be handled
utilizing existing project procedures for incident investigation and follow-up.

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15.6 Recognition

Line supervisors are encouraged to positively recognize employee and contractor

participation in the program. At a minimum, each line supervisor will informally recognize
individuals when they exercise their authority to stop work or demonstrate constructive
participation in a stop work action.

15.7 Training

Employees must receive Stop Work Authority training before initial assignment. The
training must be documented on Form HSEF0269, Training/Education Attendance Log,
including the employee name, date of training and subject.


Smoking shall only be permitted in designated smoking areas. Each designated smoking area
shall be authorized by FDH JV and KNPC.

Smoking outside these designated smoking areas shall result in severe disciplinary action,
including immediate removal from the Site.

A Site or Area wide no smoking policy may be implemented during phases when combustible
material such as hydrocarbon based products have been introduced.

Smoking areas shall not be located in outdoor locations as follows:

 Close to windows and doors

 Close to air intakes
 Other openings that may allow airflow into the building(s)
Smoking tobacco is prohibited in vehicles and equipment associated with the project site.

Smoking shall not be permitted during emergencies. Carrying of matches and lighters into the
Hazardous Areas is prohibited.

Refer to P6022MAB.000.51S.031, Rest, Eating, Sanitation and Accommodation Facilities


Contractor must establish a process to receive “adverse weather condition” warnings, and to
communicate actions to employees on the project site areas. Weather warnings may be issued
by FDH JV, KNPC and the authorities.

Project/site areas subject to rain, sand storms, wind, or other adverse weather conditions must
address the protection of employees and equipment in pre-job safety planning documents,
including area-specific requirements.

Refer also to P6022MAB.000.51S.032, Working in Heat.

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When work is undertaken in live or operational environs of facilities, it is critical that proposed
work is scheduled, coordinated, and approved by all parties concerned. The parties should
include the following:

 KNPC operations team

 FDH JV leadership team, including but not limited to:

 Construction Manager

 HSE Representative

 Superintendents, inspectors, and engineers

 Contractor leadership team

 Subcontractor leadership team

 Emergency personnel, including but not limited to:

 Emergency services representative(s)

 KNPC emergency services / operations representative

The above persons must schedule regular meetings in order to schedule and coordinate plant
operations and vessel movements.

Refer to KNPC Document HSE-TSSA-05-1118, HSE Guidelines for Contractors.


A single Action Tracking Register is considered best practice as this eliminates multiple action
lists, potential duplication of actions and improves tracking.

Action items arising from KNPC / FDH JV / Contractor HSE management shall be communicated
and tracked by means of a central Action Tracking Register. Contractor shall be required to
provide and maintain their own Action Tracking Register as accepted by FDH JV.

This central FDH JV Action Tracking Register shall be maintained up to date by the FDH JV HSE
Manager, or designee, and be distributed weekly to all relevant parties including FDH JV and
Contractor Project Management.

All relevant HSE Actions shall be recorded in the Action Tracking Register. In the case of Audits
where actions are recorded in reports, they shall be transferred to this register for tracking. The
Output Register shall have the capability of filtering (produce specific listings) of the following.

 Source
 Status

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 Action Owner
 Due date
Typical sources of actions are:

 FDH JV and Contractual HSE requirements

 KNPC HSE requirements
 FDH JV HSE Programs and Improvement Plans
 Incident Investigation Outcomes.
 KNPC, FDH JV and Contractor Site HSE Audits, Inspections and Reviews.
 HAZID in Construction Studies (HAZCON).
 Contractor Management / Site Team / HSE Meetings.


Supervisors must report the current day’s activities and outstanding issues to their replacement
supervisors if they have not been able to correct the hazard or issues themselves.

A handover report should include the following as applicable:

 Time on and off site  Employees accounted for

 Progress (forecast and actual)  HSE issues unresolved

 HSE issues resolved  Ongoing hot work

 Permits issued  Medical services – if any

 State of emergencies – if any  Equipment issues unresolved

 Equipment issues resolved  Area report general

 Area report (specific)

Once presented and understood, the handover report will be signed off by both supervisors.
Copies will be maintained in the applicable management office.

The oncoming supervisor then becomes responsible for resolution of outstanding or unresolved
issues during his shift. If disagreement on the safety of the workplace exists between supervisors
during the handover, the next higher manager will resolve the issue/assign responsibilities before
work commences, if possible.

During the course of the next higher manager resolving handover issues, employees may
complete alternate duties in areas not affected.

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Should a resolution not be achieved by the next higher manager, he/she should elevate the issue
to his/her manager, and so on up the chain-of-command.


In the unusual circumstance where a safety requirement or assignment is not feasible,

inappropriate for the specific and unique situation, or presents a greater risk to the employee, a
written justification for exclusion may be submitted to the supervisor responsible for the work and
the HSE Representative for review.

A written justification from a contractor requires additional approval of the assigned contracts

Once the justification is approved, the exclusion is included in the Job Safety Analysis (JSA),
Form HSEF0100, or Safety Task Assignment (STA), Form HSEF0101, as applicable, and all
affected employees are informed during a prejob briefing. The prejob briefing is documented in
accordance with Procedure P6022MAB.000.51S.019, Pre-Task Planning/ Risk Analysis.

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Related Courses (*Denotes Course under development)

HSET103* Field Assessment Safety Guidelines


Document ID Document Title

P6022MAB.000.51S.005 Training and Orientation
P6022MAB.000.51S.009 Disciplinary Process
P6022MAB.000.51S.019 Pre-Task Planning/Risk Analysis
P6022MAB.000.51S.032 Working in Heat.
P6022MAB.000.51S.049 Hearing Protection
P6022MAB.000.51S.052 Hazardous Material (HAZMAT/HAZCHEM)
HSEF0100 Job Safety Analysis
HSEF0101 Safety Task Assignment
HSEF0269 Training/Education Attendance Log
HSEF0275 Hazard Elimination Program (HELP)/Near Miss/Unsafe Condition Reporting
HSEF0310 Competent/Qualified Person Designations


No. Document No. Attachment Title

01 P6022MAB.000.51S.004a01 FDH JV HSE Handbook

02 P6022MAB.000.51S.004a02 FDH JV HSE Quick Handbook for Visitors
03 P6022MAB.000.51S.004a03 FDH JV HSE Communication Matrix [HOLD]
04 P6022MAB.000.51S.004a04 Reporting and Resolving HSE Issues Flowchart

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HSE Handbook

Safety Booklet




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Paste Picture

Name : ………………………………………………………………

Employee No. : …………………………..........................................

Department : ………………………………………………………..

Designation : ………………………………………………………..

Mobile No. : ………………………………… Office Tel. No. : ………………………………

Emergency Contact Person Name & Mobile No. :


Blood Group : …………………………..

Date of Issue : ……………………...........Serial No. : ………………………………

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Fire 888

EDC 1111

MCC 1222

RCC 1333


CLINIC 1306/1303/1304

SECURITY 2121/3262573


Shift Safety Engr. 1800

Project Manager

Safety Manager (FDH) +66 98 838 6325

Head office

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My Safety Promise
I am fully aware that an accident is to simply unfortunate to
me and my family, but also to my company. So I promise to
do my best to make a practice of the below safety
regulations for my own safety, my colleagues, my family and
the company.

 I promise to wear Personal Protective Equipment


 I promise to abide by job standard procedure

 I promise to make a practice of the checking safety of

my workplace

 I promise to keep in house order, such as traffic


 I promise to follow safety directions given by


 I promise to observe safety rules at all times because I

am responsible for my own safety

Signature: ________________ Date: ________________

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Everyone and anywhere who works for, or on

behalf of FDH JV / Subcontractor, are
responsible for their safety and the safety of
those around them. Protecting people and the
environment isn’t just good policy, its good

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1.0 Safety Goals and objectives:

Systematic, safe and enthusiastic work can lead an organization to
the park and achieve Zero accident Task. Our Company has
dedicated to carry out to the best to obtain the safety milestone.

The following points are to be remembered:

 Supervisor shall conduct tool box talk every day on the job
associated hazard.
 Safety inspection / audit should be carried out to find unsafe
act / condition and ensure that all requirements are fulfilled.
 All accidents, near misses and dangerous occurrence should
be reported and investigated. Reporting and analysis of the
accidents will help to prevent recurrence of such incidents.
 Worker should not start his job without proper knowledge, he
should consult supervisor for advice.
 Adhere to follow the safety signs and posters etc., Placed in
refinery premises as a warning for personnel of the exiting
 Provide and enforce employees to wear the Personnel
protective equipment appropriate to the job.
 Safety training program to be conducted for employees to
refresh the awareness of safety.

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2.0 General HSE requirements

 Employees shall carry their gate passes all the time.

 Workers shall wear mandatory PPEs all the time while they
are at job site.
 Mobile phones, pagers, cameras are not allowed
 Match boxes, lighters, etc are strictly prohibited
 Preparation or eating of any food inside the process areas is
strictly prohibited.
 Smoking is allowed in designated areas only.
 Always maintain good housekeeping and don't litter any waste
except in designated areas in the dumpsters.
 Bringing or carrying any type of weapon is strictly prohibited
(exempted for authorized security personal).
 Bringing or using any type of illegal drugs, alcohol, narcotics is
strictly prohibited.
 Fighting, abusing and horse playing is prohibited.
 Report all types of accidents, incidents/near-misses regardless
how minor they are.
 Obey all safety instructions and respect all safety and traffic

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3.0 Permit to Work System & Awareness


 Hot Work
 Cold Work


 Confined Space Entry

 Excavation
 Electrical work

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4.0 Fire and emergency response

 Fire / Explosion
 Toxic gas release.
 Release of flammable gas / oil & potential fire.
 Toxic / flammable gas release from
neighboring industry
 Medical Emergencies – Personnel injury and
 Security threats
 Natural Disasters
 External Emergencies

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Fire and emergency response

In case of emergency:
 Raise alarm

 Internal Reporting for all incidents: Emergency

telephone ‘888’
 External Reporting for environmental incidents:
23884000 (Call Received at MAB – EDC)
 Stop work when alarm is sounded

 Turn off all equipment

 Do not run stay calm

 Walk quickly to assembly


 Await instructions

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Site Emergency Siren

Alert - broken tone

Danger* - wavy tone

All Clear - continuous tone *Wait for instructions

(Evacuation / shelter-in-place)
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For every major accident there are about 600 near miss incidents prior to it. Reporting
and investigation of these incidents and sub-standard act, sub-standard conditions can
help in investigation and preventing a major accident in the refinery.

Near Miss Reporting -

Who - Any FDH JV employee can report a near miss.

What - An incident which did not result in any damage but had the
potential to cause damage to people, assets or environment.
When - Immediately on spotting a near miss incident.
How - Inform the asset supervisor and fill the SHE improvement
Where - Near miss report to be dropped in the near miss report box
available at all control rooms and buildings or send it to
Safety Section.
Why - Reporting a near miss helps in investigating and correcting
the situation. Also reporting a near miss may win you
appreciation and gift.

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6.0 Incident reporting and Investigation

 All incidents regardless of nature or consequences

shall be reported to FDH JV.

 Submit investigation report within 24 hours of


 Incidents will be subjected to detailed investigation

dependent upon severity.

If in doubt- Report it!

*How to report (5W 1H)
1. Here is ---- (location)
2. This is --- accident (kinds of accidents, such falling,
fire, etc)
3. Explain surrounding conditions (first aid / treatment )
4. My position and Name is ---
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7.0 Personal protective equipment

 Basic PPE (Hard hat, Safety glasses, Safety boots /
 Personal Protective Equipments (PPE) must be worn
ALL the time while at work site.
 Never wear improper or damaged PPE
 PPE is issued for your protection –wear them ALWAYS


 Ear Plugs
 Ear Muffs
 Dust Masks
 Respirators and Breathing
 Safety Harnesses


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8.0 Barricades and Signs

Warning Barricades

 Offer no physical protection

 Less than one work period or shift duration
 Generally made of tape, rope and clip style scaffolding

Protective Barricades
 Provide physical protection from the hazard
 Intended for long period
 Guardrails or cables

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9.0 Electrical Safety

Main Effects of Electrical Hazards

 Electrical flash over

 Electrical shock
 Electrical burn

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9.1 Electrical Hazards

 Loose connection
 Poor earthling and bonding
 Faulty or damaged wiring equipment
 Lack of protective devices, e.g Fuse,ELCB and GFCI
 Overloading of power sockets, wiring and equipment
 Lack of safe work procedures and practices
 Failure to use proper PPEs and tools

9.2 Electrical Safety precautions to be followed:

 Only competent electrician shall attend electrical issues
 Pre use and periodic inspection shall be conducted on
all electrical system
 Only approved electrical apparatus to be used
 Always use proper rating/standard electrical devices
 Written procedure and checklist to be followed (LOTO)
 Electrical safety awareness and training is to be
 Use of proper PPEs.

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10.0 Lock out Tag out (LOTO)

 Lock out and tag out procedure is implemented to

prevent injury due to unexpected energization of the

 Procedure covers the following energy sources i.e.,

Electrical, Mechanical, Hydraulic, Pneumatic, Chemical
and thermal etc.

 No work shall be carried out on energized equipment

without isolation

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11.0 Hand and Portable Power Tools


 Use of damaged hand tools (mushroom head, loose,

splintered or cracked handle, sprung jaws etc.)
 Hazards of flying particles or pieces from damaged
 Unguarded hazardous moving parts of power tools
 Damaged insulation or improper joints/connections of
wire or cables
 Failure to use PPE or use of improper PPE
 Untrained employee using or repairing power tools
 Tripping hazard due to blocking of way by air hoses or
 Spark generation by tools while working

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11.1 Hand and Portable Power Tools

What should you do?

 Check the tools before use for any damage

 Impact tools like hammers, chisels, wedges etc. must

be kept free of mushroomed and splintered ends.

 Tools with wooden handles that are loose, splintered or

cracked shall not be used

 Use only double insulated power tools

 Never operate any power tools unless you are trained

 Always keep electric cables away from water, oil, heat

and sharp edges

 Do not leave the cables or wires in walkways, wherever

possible they must be carried overhead

 Always wear eye protection and other required PPEs.

 None sparking tools should only be used in hazardous


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12.0 Fire prevention

Preventing the Fire

 Best difense against a fire is preventing it

 Do not overload electrical socket

 Do not use tools with damaged electrical cords

 Always use proper rating/standard electrical devices

 Smoking only at designated area.

 Store flammable materials in approved safety


 Do not run electrical cord across doorways, under


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12.1 Fire Extinguishers

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13.0 Excavation

Hazards of excavation

 Cave-ins, i.e., Sliding of the mud and sand

 Falls in to the trenches and excavations

 Exposure to toxic or irritating or flammable gases

 Incidents involving vehicles and other equipments

 Unstable adjacent structures

 Excavated material falling on workers

13.1 Excavation Protective systems:

 Sloping this involves cutting back the trench wall at an

angle inclined away from the excavation.
 Shoring helps support trench and excavation walls to
prevent movement of soil. Timber and hydraulic
systems are the most commonly used supports to
shore up walls. Both types must be designed by a
professional engineer.
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HSE General Requirements
Attachment 01

13.2 Excavation Prefabricated support systems

(e.g., trench boxes and shields), which can prevent soil
cave-ins. Trenches and excavations must be inspected
daily for hazards and as conditions change before workers
enter them. This must be done by a “Competent person”.
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FDH JV Site HSE Manual
HSE General Requirements
Attachment 01


Confined space entry is not something to be taken lightly and not something to do on an
impulse, even if the impulse is to save a life. E.g. Control room basements, cable trench
excavations which is deeper than 1.2 meters.
Before entering any confined space, observe the following:-
 Have an entry authorization authorizing you to proceed.
 Obey the instructions contained on the authorization, e.g. wearing PPE etc.


 Gas test shall be done before entry and periodically as per requirement.
 Ensure positive isolation (blind with tag) as per the blind list.
 Ensure availability of an attendant all the time.
 Isolate electrical equipment with provision of multi lock.
 Never attempt to rescue anyone unless you are trained for rescue.
 Use appropriate personal protective equipment.
 person detailed for rescue service is available, equipped with breathing apparatus
set along with a rescue plan (for critical entries)
 Provision of ventilation and communication facilities at site.
 Wear appropriate respiratory protection.
 Display all warning signs and associated permits & authorization at the entrance.

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FDH JV Site HSE Manual
HSE General Requirements
Attachment 01


Follow the following guidelines during crane operation:
 Never use or allow the use of any crane, which is not in perfect working condition or
with damaged parts etc.
 Check ground condition and swing radius area before setup the crane.
 Only authorized persons shall operate cranes.
 Test all safety devices of crane before use. Check all safety latches on hooks.
 Obey signals from authorized rigger only, to avoid confusion.
 All lifting devices shall have valid Third party certificate.


 Never exceed the safe working load of the crane. Remember to add the weight of
the lifting tackle on to that of the load.
 See that the load is free and properly slung before lifting.
 Try the load by lifting slightly and that there will be no excessive swinging because
the lift is not vertical
 If the load does not ride properly, lower it and have it re-adjusted.
 Lift and lower gently, marking sure the load is clear of obstructions.
 Never leave a load suspended for any length of time or unattended.
 Observe all site safety and operating procedures.
Barricade the drop area with tape etc.
 Report any defects immediately.
 Restrict use of crane in nighttime and high wind.
 Third party inspection certificate should be
maintained with crane.
KNPC CFP - MAB2 Project
FDH JV Site HSE Manual
HSE General Requirements
Attachment 01

16.0 Scaffolding
The accidents to workers are due to fall from a
height or scaffold collapses show clearly the
importance of properly constructed and maintained
ladders and scaffold.

16.1 Scaffolding hazard

 Fall from elevation
 Scaffold collapse
 Bad planking Struck by falling tools or debris

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HSE General Requirements
Attachment 01

16.2 Scaffolding General Requirement

 Scaffold shall be erected by only competent scaffold
 Green and red scaffold tags are used to inform/warn
users about the readiness or status of the scaffold
 Tags shall be displayed access points at eye level.
 Scaffold shall be re inspected at least every seven days
or after every modification/alteration/adverse whether
Inspection: Check for base, standard ledger, ties,
braces, couplers, boards, guardrails, toe boards and
KNPC CFP - MAB2 Project
FDH JV Site HSE Manual
HSE General Requirements
Attachment 01

17.0 Ladders

Portable ladders selection

 Aluminum ladders shall conform to BS 2037

 A ladder shall be of proper length for the job to be
 Wooden ladders shall not be used in hazardous area
 Metal ladders, wooden ladders with metal reinforced
stiles and ladders which are wet, shall not be used near
live electrical equipment
 Ladders shall be examined before use for cracks or
split stiles, missing, broken, loose or damaged rungs

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HSE General Requirements
Attachment 01

18.0 Manual material handling

Simple things to do before and during the lift/carry:

 Remove obstructions from the route.

 For a long lift, plan to rest the load midway on a table
or bench to change grip.
 Keep the load close to the waist. The load should be
kept close to the body for as long as possible while
 Keep the heaviest side of the load next to the body
 Adopt a stable position and make sure your feet are
apart, with one leg slightly forward to maintain
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FDH JV Site HSE Manual
HSE General Requirements
Attachment 01

19.0 Handling of Compressed Gas Cylinder

 Always store cylinders in a well ventilated area, away
from the source of heat and out of direct sunlight
 Flammable gas cylinders should be stored separately
 Empty and full cylinders to be labeled and stored
separately vertical position with cap on.
 Secure cylinders in place with chain or clamp
 Cylinders shall not be used as rollers or supports

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HSE General Requirements
Attachment 01

20.0 Welding and Cutting

Main Hazards associated with welding and cutting are:

 Burns  Gaseous fumes

 Fire  Heat stress
 Chromium in fumes  Light and heat
 Electrical hazards radiation
 Eye hazards

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HSE General Requirements
Attachment 01

21.0 Discipline

Disciplinary Observation

 All HSE rules and regulations must be followed

 Violations shall be dealt according to the following

Infringement system:
 Verbal warning : First time offender
 Written warning : Second time offender
 Dismissal from the site : Third time offender

“Three Strikes and You're out”

22.0 Fitness for work and Occupational health


 All the employees shall undergo pre-employment and

Periodic medical Examinations

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HSE General Requirements
Attachment 01


 Fork lift operators

 Crane operators
 Emergency response personnel
 Food handling personnel,
 Personnel working in confined space
 Respirator users

General rules regarding specific equipment

and work procedures

 Regularly and thoroughly maintain equipment

 Ensure that hazard correction procedures are in place
 Ensure that everyone knows how to use and maintain
personal protective equipment
 Make sure that everyone understands and follows
safe work procedures
 Ensure that, when needed, there is a medical
program tailored to your facility to help prevent
workplace hazards and exposures.

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FDH JV Site HSE Manual
HSE General Requirements
Attachment 01

23.0 First Aid and Medical Services

Every employee has to report any injury without delay

to his supervisor. Also every victim must be taken to
clinic immediately. Perhaps the first aid can save the
life of a victim before the doctor’s service is obtained.

23.1 The first aider must strive to:

 Prevent loss of blood
 Maintain breathing (if needed artificial respiration to
be provided).
 Prevent further injury.
 Re assures the patient.
 Get immediate medical assistance.
 Keep calm. Do not get excited.
 Be confident and optimistic that the victim will be
 Do not do more than necessary.
 Do not delay in administering artificial respiration
when it seems necessary.
 First Aider should ensure that he himself is not getting
into trouble.

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HSE General Requirements
Attachment 01

23.2 First aid Nearest Clinic & First Aid Center

 FDH JV Site Clinic ( For first aid or medical request

approval )
 Shuaiba Clinic or for Normal situation
(Operation time; 7:00 AM – 1:00 PM)
 Adan Hospital for Emergency and Overtime
(Operation time; 24 hour)

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HSE General Requirements
Attachment 01

24.0 Environmental protection

24.1 Waste Segregation & Color Coding

Hazardous Non-Hazardous

Oily Sludge Metal / Wooden Waste

Canteen / Glass / Plastic Waste
Other Non-Hazardous Waste

Asbestos Spent Catalyst

Oily / Chemical
Waste / Other

Spent Catalyst
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FDH JV Site HSE Manual
HSE General Requirements
Attachment 01

25.0 Security

 Do not touch.

 Stop work immediately.

 Make a note of the position of the unexploded

Ordnance or suspect object.

 Inform Fire station of the discovery immediately.


 FDH JV emergency No :
 FDH Medical No :
 FDH HSE Manager : +965-512-57999
 POLICE / Rescue :
 Fire Station :

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for Visitor



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FDH JV Site HSE Manual
HSE General Requirements
Attachment 02

All visitors to FDH shall notify the correspondent FDH HSE Department prior
to arrival.

Visitors should notify their host if they need to remain on site after normal
business hour.

 Short –term visitors shall be accompanied by their host and must
temporary badge.
 Long – term visitors shall wear an identification tag to their host at
visit end.

 Designated parking location parked the vehicle, which marked as
visitor vehicle.

SAFETY (PPE, Escort)

 Visitors are to be issued the correct PPE prior to visiting the site.
 All visitors shall be escort by FDH JV host at all times when
accessing the site.


 Visitor shall report an accident, illness, near miss or safety hazard
to their host

 Visitor should determine if emergency medical assistance is need
Call 888 or their immediate Supervisor.

 Smoking is prohibited undesignated area of site and inside the
 Only allowed in designated smoking shelter.

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HSE General Requirements
Attachment 02

(1) Call on 888

If visitors think they smell a peculiar of unfamiliar odder:

Call the Safety Department …………….

Call / contact the host department secretary

Wait in visitor office for instructions.


If threating weather that may cause injury is approaching :

- Visitors should move to safe havens

- Follow HSE guide procedure.

- Do not evacuate yourself decision follow the evacuation route.

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KNPC CFP ‐ MAB2 Project
FDH JV Site HSE Manual
HSE General Requirements
Attachment 03

HSE Communication Matrix
Communication Purpose Attendees Frequency / Lead Verification
FDH JV Orirentation To provide all SITE PERSONNEL with the All Personnel Before allowed FDH JV Orientation
required FDH JV HSE Management Program to work at the Questionnaire
Information and Rules to be followed on the Project
Site. Worksite

FDH JV Visitor To Provide visitors with the Critical HSE Site Visitors Before being KNPC / PMC / Orientation
Induction information required to ensure site visitor allowed Visitor FDH JV Questionnaire
safety Time Access to
the Project

FDH JV Abridged To accommodate persons that shall be To be Before being FDH JV Orientation
Induction performing specialty work activities on the determined and allowed One Questionnaire
PROJECT for a period of less than one week agreed specific Time Access to
to the type of the Project
specialty Worksite

Contractor Induction To provide all SITE PERSONNEL with the To be Before allowed Contractor Registration
required Contractor HSE Work Instructions determined and to work at the
and Management Program Information and agreed specific Project
ensure introduction of new personnel to their to the type of Worksite
supervisor, foremen, and work team. work activities

HSE Kick-Off To verify HSE Management System FDH JV and One time per FDH JV Minutes of
Meeting arrangements and organisational alignment Contractor Site Contract Before Meeting
prior to Contractor Site mobilisation. and HSE mobilisation to
Management site
(KNPC as

pre award HSE Kick- To verify understanding of HSE Management FDH JV, One time per FDH JV Minutes of
off Meetings System and organisational requirements prior Contractor, Site Contract Before Meeting
to Contract Award and HSE mobilisation to
Management site
(KNPC as

Progress Meetings Address HSE progress and close out FDH JV Site & Weekly Minutes of
action(s) taken by Contractor. Discuss HSE Site HSE Meeting
issues and assign corrective action items to Manager,
HSE Action
the Contractors Management Team. Contractor Site
& Site HSE

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HSE General Requirements
Attachment 03
HSE Coordination Ensure the Site HSE coordination between FDH JV HSE Weekly Minutes of
Meeting the FDH JV and Contractor Site HSE Management & Meeting
Departments Contractor HSE
(KNPC as

C t t Collective
C ll ti meetings
ti held
h ld with
ith allll Contractors
C t t FDH JV and d FDH JV C
di ti
Coordination performing work to ensure Site coordination of Contractor Area Log
meetings construction activities. Management
including HSE
(KNPC as

Contractor HSE Ensure the Contractor HSE coordination Contractor & Contractor Minutes of
Coordination between the Contractor and their Sub Sub Contractor Meeting
Meetings Contractors Site HSE Departments Management &
(FDH JV as HSE Action
required) Register

Contractor Progress Address HSE progress and close out Contractor & Contractor Minutes of
Meetings action(s) taken by subcontractor(s) Discuss Sub Contractor Meeting
HSE issues and assign corrective action Management &
items to the Sub Contractors Management Supervision.
Teams. (FDH JV as HSE Action
required) Register

Pre-start Team Identify and communicate to Site Personnel All Personnel Daily Contractor Team Brief
Briefs the task steps to be completed, the hazards performing Site Report
and risks associated with the task, and the / Project
safe work practices that are to be applied. Construction
Work Activities
(FDH JV as

Contractor Weekly Discuss with Site Personnel work related HSE All Personnel Weekly Contractor Toolbox Topic
Toolbox Talks (TBT) topics relevant to their scope of work, and performing Site Supervision and Attendance
deal with the regulatory and statutory / Project Record
requirements concerning general HSE issues Construction
that may be encountered in the course of Work Activities
those activities. (FDH JV as

HSE Celebrations Held primarily to celebrate Milestones and All Site FDH JV and
other HSE achievements, and may also be Personnel (as Contractor
(Townhall Meeting) used to Kick-off Project wide HSE initiatives appropriate)
and Programs. E.g. Award Ceremonies.

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HSE General Requirements
Attachment 03
Notices, Distributes & Circulars
HSE Messages Communicate / Distribute / Capture Project All Site FDH JV and Bulletins / Hand
and Industry HSE Best Practice which are Personnel Contractor outs / Email
identified / developed / received during the

Incident Alerts and Communicate / Distribute / Capture All Site Following a FDH JV and Bulletins / Hand
Learning s PROJECT and Industry Incident Alerts and Personnel Project Incident Contractor outs / Email
Learning’s which are identified / received
during the project

Induction Booklets / Provide induction contents reference for All Site Following the FDH JV and
Hand outs WORKSITE PERSONNEL who have Personnel Completion of Contractor
completed an induction. A Induction
Training Booklets / Provide training course contents reference for All Site Following the FDH JV and
Hand outs WORKSITE PERSONNEL who have Trainees Completion of a Contractor
completed a training course. Training
Site Visitor Provide HSE Critical information reference, All Site Visitors Following the FDH JV / PMC /
Instruction Cards including but not limited to; Emergency Completion of a KNPC
Arrangements & Numbers, Critical HSE Rules Visitor
and Arrangement, etc Induction
Surveys and Determine and verify correct implementation All Site FDH JV and
Feedback of the HSE Management System Programs Personnel Contractor
Sign & Notice Visual Publish Critical HSE Rules and All Persons in FDH JV and
Boards Regulations, and Site HSE Promotions and and around the Contractor
Current Developments Site Area’s

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P6022MAB.000.51S.004 - HSE General Requirements
Attachment 04


HSE Issue Raised by Employee or Employer

Issue Not Resolved

Supervisor and
Issue Resolved HSE Representative
No Further Action Discuss Issue

Issue Not Resolved

Supervisor and HSE

Issue Resolved Representative Discuss
No Further Action Issue with Site Manager

Issue Not Resolved

Issue Referred to HSE

Issue Resolved
No Further Action

Issue Not Resolved

Other Duties may be


Issue Not Resolved

Site Manager Must Contact HSE

Representative Who Will Do One of the
1. Resolve Issue
2. Issue Directive
3. Notify theFDH JV HSE Manager.

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