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Omisol, Hyche C.

1 BSA - A

Has Globalization gone too far, not far enough, or has it been heading in the wrong
For me the globalization has been heading on the wrong direction. Maybe it has already been going on
for quite some time now, and still going in the wrong direction, but I don’t believe there is anyway of
stopping it, therefore we must adapt. The fact that it appears to be allowing monolithic monopolies to
take over the entire countries and even continents must be addressed.

Are globalization’s characteristic interactions and institutions exploitative, and, if so, does this
generate moral duties?
When we look at the post-globalization period objectively, we see a sharp increase in poverty,
exhausted resources such as forests and fresh water, increased terrorism, governmental failures,
environmental degradation, and disintegrating civilizations. Certainly, a global society cannot be
realized if dominating groups impose disparities. Poor countries have become poorer while affluent
countries have become wealthier. Institutional failure is clear, as are agreements that were created for
the benefit of multinational corporations. The elites seem to be concerned about moral
responsibilities. It was a deliberate interdependence developed for impoverished nations who might
have earned sufficient riches without the wealthier countries pushing globalization forward. Elites
were planning to exploit another set of rising countries with puppet governments just before the
former USSR and a few other European countries broke apart. Reports from the UN, the World
Bank, and the IMF show the failings of organizations and agreements. We need to investigate the
level of "hidden growth" if any growth has been observed. Moral obligations demand a significant
recompense for the losses suffered by poor countries during the last two decades and a half. A move
for de-globalization was also seen but it faded away

Do well-off peoples have to give up advantages and luxuries for the benefit of the global poor?
For me there are ‘some’ well-off people that give up advantages and luxuries for the benefit of the
poor but only some. Most of them just ignore them.

What practical challenges and constraints do states, and individuals face in responding to their
global moral duties?
Understanding and aligning to the diversity in settings and societies that the moral responsibilities
should be applied are some of the practical obstacles and restrictions that nations and people confront
in responding to their global moral duties.

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