Caleb Gil - Outline 2

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Directions: Read through all of your 5 resources and pick the four main topics/claims

that you want to discuss in your essay. Write those topics in the main topic boxes
numbered 1-4. Then pull details (ethos, pathos, logos) for each of your paragraphs.
Remember to only include pertinent information to your topic.

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How to write a thesis video
Essay topic:Hollow Earth

Thesis: The ‌government‌‌has never been what we

thought, from the beginning they have been hiding
bizarre secrets from the public. Secrets about
places we've never seen that can advance
technology for the better. ‌The‌‌gm ‌wants‌‌to‌‌keep‌‌
us‌‌from‌‌advancing to stay at the top and have
there family lines rule the poor families forever.‌
‌they‌‌have‌‌been‌‌among‌‌us‌‌for‌ sometime‌‌now,‌‌like‌
or any unknown events. ‌that‌‌leaves‌‌us‌‌to‌‌not‌‌be‌
‌but‌‌not‌‌least‌‌the‌‌way‌‌our system is built, it is not
right and is unfair to many. They can put months
and months into other things, secrets of their own,
some of these secrets can drastically change the
world but are hidden for their own selfish needs.

Main topics for each paragraph

Topic 1 Topic 2 Topic 3 Topic 4
Hollow Earth Government Control The Poles Bermuda Triangle

Paragraph 1 Paragraph 2 Paragraph 3 Paragraph 4

Claim 1 Claim 2 Claim 3 Claim 4

There is a Civilization in The Government controls the The north and south poles The bermuda triangle is
our hollow earth poor by organizing the rich to are entrances to the another cover up for an
the top hollow earth entry to the hollow earth
Evidence 1 Evidence 1 Evidence 1 Evidence 1
When Richard Byrd flew The criminal justice system is Richard Byrd was the first The bermuda triangle has
over the poles he claimed prejudiced against the poor to fly over the poles and still yet to be figured out
to see hovering crafts and people of color for claimed to have seen an and has caused mass
made of metal like instance Eric Garner who entrance to the hollow disappearances to ships
material and when landed was killed in New York city earth civilization. He was and even planes that have
he was informed to say for selling a untaxed later questioned and held never been found…
nothing of what he saw cigarette, was choked to by the government and
there. death by a police officer even also told not to say
after saying multiple times anything to anyone about
that he couldn't breathe. what he saw and to make
up a different story.

Evidence 2 Evidence 2 Evidence 2 Evidence 2

Our government has been They fake all the stuff on the The government keeps us Scientists have also made
in contact with this news about the president From going to the North a theory of their own that
civilization for some time and how they are against and South Poles. There's there is a deep deep
and has used their each trying to compete for only so far you could go unknown trench under the
advanced technology for president , they are already before some areas start to bermuda triangle which is
their own needs. at the top regardless. For become restricted, which where all the boat/plane
Government has been example The food is the stuff they don't tell crashes went, which is a
caught experimenting with corporations all compete you about. They usually huge cover up to ignore
flying saucers in the past against each other and make tell you that Antarctica the fact that it's an
as well, nothing new, just ads against each other has no restricted areas entrance far beyond what
people getting smarter. arguing which one is better and is for human access we could imagine so they
but if you do a little bit of which is false. The further give us simple news.
research they all lead back to you go the more restricted
a couple of people that are the area gets, they are
all working together In a protecting the entrances.
couple of organizations.

Evidence 3 Evidence 3 Evidence 3 Evidence 3

There was a meeting with They're not only using ads The restricted access to Scientists also say there
a man before his death and commercials to do this, areas only leave us to is a gravitational pull
and in this video he they're also using the news believe that they are under the Bermuda
confirmed that when he and making it seem like we hiding something Beyond Triangle, if they're saying
was with government are all against each other in The areas that they are there's a gravitational pull
officials they had to meet our country and use the guarding. and they're saying there's
with these beings and it news to put us all against a trench that doesn't
was his first time he each other when we should make sense it sounds like
described them as tall all really be against them. a bunch of cover-ups On
white beings That almost why we can't find any of
looked Human and spoke the missing crafts that
many languages and have gone missing in the
came in different crafts Bermuda Triangle
then what our best one (another entrance).
would be today.( very
advanced)which leads me
to believe that they are
from the inner earth
obviously they are not
going to look like us if
they're on the different

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