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Dade -27/1»/203 me

tham'nadion Rol) n0. 200
335/0 43 -

Na me Pe/am - A hons. (Hrskoy)

UPc 1231/34 7
rHe Poysey -
Rite of Noodwn West-f

)The 6 Centuny wa C
a me hen
Nhen the
and tea chi'ngs
9// Jelgt0n8 Cme Unde
greo9t metunt Jerutiny, As 9 eult
thMe was a ag reat divsoon fro om the 0 .
Lnant oman Co thal,'c CKuch hrch
nedn ay th e pro Fosfant RfaymaAon 2 he

Reto me t e
un epe hen do me people bag9n to 9yestivn
8ome oXhe e a chiog3 the tholc Chrch
an to Challenge the fhayrty o the Pape.
b e gn h emahy 5/2 a a propst

a9au n8t bus es the Chwy ch he Suppo

tey lesi desire fe Hefanm daye Clled
he Retormqtdn fook pla ce t'n the 16 cemtuy
athe tRao the tS a y Centuy becatwe q
the dmbinaAon o threo thn t he rihhd

Eraty , the Pape cy reacheo 6e loeoest edptha

unpopu l a ' t y ad the e n y the centuny
and the beginning the ' 6 " Centtry.
time hen
frecioe the
.Second yy. th' d
Second ay

Nas producing ye^ew eful

the Re nas's conce
werpon Crtrc'cm, Ohle n n troducron
Vlas mesns
PIoVIfed a

the printia Pres

Comm uorcetd
uld nd longey pend upon
Dhrrdly, the
poli'ticol cceptonee Con Con cept
ha to
A*tol 6 o
unvejsolism n d ne
grodh nU0o 4ates
9in8t he

1à bndidereol
he I s Century
he Refom ation
ent, po li acoa/, Sou a
e lrgro Mo v e
the CusKeae
a/'so le
e Co nomiC eson

thaf challenge the do mi'n3nCe

Cothoc chwich CorrcpAon
he chwroh to eform i
Acd been
an ye
On the aed,è
e d èvaf
m i n 4tea) Wes fer
long befone catholle
Chcurch do
the Roman al1 ehrrstiqn of
ewmepe n
Wo leaa
ea enoyed dbUn d a n t

e Chwch
Enepe fs
deea/ evils A a / c r e bt in to
Pouerd, denge
Creg fed
Phe en asss9n ce lo sia ethe
Since pe op/e ve
a onau'ty. Cc r tic 3e
the churcA, they 6egan
feu'th n
fal'th Chounch%
wo1shi gani2a brbn the
he hsolu* power- no
0pe e r CA0ye
appon o/ Cenymen Ph
yndrves. PAe
k e yen
Chtur ch hao fs Cotut ox wbice. P
Chwch r'crals dere ree from State lauw
he J9ope Ph the J t u
Un ons So kihgs nleye adai'ting fo"" hante
tge hem&eves re c rom the po pe. Same
Ch tuy ch eachys Aa
oe Co me
Many edple ounol Cuych þra
Chce fych ay he ale t'ndgen re
un acceptable

he &chi'Sm tn chunch i'n the s Cenuny louw-

enet %
E prestge . OnsAa of One Pop,
Popes began to be ele cted one by the

the talion Candin-

Cayoino the
a l , p echivety. fhr undeymhea he pre
Pepe peèple ost Aath ye veen ce
a the holy hs Hhuton.
9he oh t h e Refoymo H'o n a back
tn the Hgh l l e ze wih the s'3e
toidn8 n a money economy. PAr les 2d bnes
thot all on n veg eo h
develop ment
Xe fom atdn
e Conemy Led e u'se or
Firsty money
kr'n Who c/osh es orth t%e Popes ovey (ontro
kinp Chhowvch axes.
8econdly the 1epla cement l a nd 6aeo
Nih money eConomy leof reia vm ben
btuy e b the. chujchtn s e s p ep 9#tdn
Öoth thes fo cfons deyrouuy Tamoge A e

Chuwrch lenol t
epvfa tion nd helpe Du/g
dhr k
Ztuste_ efenodax y
heav y nluen Leuthey '3 Profo3terat Kefo-
heav ce

En the pot'Ha! Side, he church Aacd reue atty
Come cito ont'ct N t d3tote uleaespeci-
yal the /ly oman £mpers)4. Poro ful
M Naychs Cholleng ed the chwch ad the Supr

podey tn £unope .

any leao/er Vre

d eo)
the Uley n cAa//2nged
pope as ereg DTOCe 4n g
Ar's uthoy
IWeye e laus dy the CAnc Wea'6 k
J e oy)aton
Powe eo a0rth the

Ae cA n
fe tes fhey anted u

the pope '3 t'h fen nato go ght othe

king 3 à tc elena eo/ the Re førmaib n moVement.

clengy me Weye tvo/ves/ tin tnmo)a/ prattic
heye fene, pesple fuu'th c the chupch minimided.
he ehu7ch colle cLecl teX es o duties rom
Co 0)no n pesple .?hat money das Jeot out g?

he emeng fn ce
midolle clasyes
ojm a fiy
r e a t ly Cant:hutcd h the
the f
he mddle clo sses brOhsdeo agan3t the
el aas
min ance the chuych beCo tue
clo SSes nd
la gty (onêrdlleolb the phen
dmin Jeed lange y o thcii 1
fhey drckeo 1he ayh son3,
mey who an8-
ch g , laoy o Co8 e r

nle the midale Class an dwene ndt

A:l h'ng b asso cb te Wh hem. ?he middl

Clases Wanteo h free the chuwch trem
Centr ealth y aySto Cra
y cw hcA oohed
G6LD ubon them 4 tan@ y tle 5o
thein indenes
She Refe)matton tway soposs/ble because
the tech no leg r'Cal 1hno Vahon Such as
the prinéing Pres. 94
rep lo ced the pain kin
Pro CeSs D Copyi m an uscripts 6 Aand
he Tpri'nted onta Catulo easrly Bprea t
eay yelgt0 uy efomens .

Snivduo atempts fo 1efama wee. l6o

made. doho hlyci (13 2q-13)
St tesl that he Be 88/e he So/e
auhor y. He SHessed the 18/e oy fesT5 a
Gool to evenyone.
1e eshads-
ree t o
redd tn the eean
Ateo aAn Luthez'
(o mmu Dn
Ses.teo penstnal
Ceneuy. 11e
Gsol N'm ihis hed h e mpestan ce
Int Bib/e n o
f to
rons lale o (he
Sacra monbs
Fngts that
Si9nr'Cont factoss
Cne he
ty h e
t h e Ca ue he Aumanm InlhrCCh
enarsSan ce a s re/a trd
as ela
imes WAr'Chb
Crea Fcel SSye a radical
h pea chec/
the e
op Supr
hese days
dos he challe nge
cwit t h e protes-
Profes -

cy t h t
kave be en Untzioa-
tant refo matidn udould
ka b/e wrth dut the Cont1butos oy fenavtsa
hce humani'sm Phe
Phe Stalian Re naissa n c e
t bimes tnante a de-emphasis
emphas/2'ag eculai'm
reion while
A ChuncA eaes
àn t'nolividual's m Gmo ng

Prinbog bress focilu tofes
the dpre
Aumanid s oy the
Cr'ic,2eod the
chcureh ano
Re nais So n ce
the Catholic
guasrò ned the valr'dtyy o
exFun Chcsm n ned tr9n8la1ons the
B ble undeym in eg Catholic authoy
human iGE
Uli'c Pong Wa tatned ay
we asmu
breoc6en he
eol on of the Grec leo Testa ment
Sohn Caluin mlay th lu en ced dy uman-

tro4 Mus.
8 Spe Ciol the corng
Ae Marti'n Luthes yeAO ma t
uman t's uneol many mo napthi'e n

PotCaU entangle men h ine vito 6ly ercakel
he Vy i ' n9na'al demqnd
4 d a tA

me thac ey eo &o meef theye WhiCh Creattd

Ehe bi teyes t hosAA n prov/ded the
immed ia te ba CAgtound to the Refojmaton
nGenmany n 15/7.
34 Gncludes thot the Refonm ation Coula bee
ovement that y
uCrbed ay r 6 uy
Chunch 8y fome. H invo/
aga/nut Ehe
dire cAed ang
veo 9 yevo/t against the a #honty
chran hunch th Rome ah
Pr'o ciple ox
he Refomat'on was
he pope
the CorrupHon qb wey t t
also asn st
L Sacromenh
Chunch, monaHCIS m
chuN Ch 6tAala
a well a tn
ks e nce h e Pop e in tempana/

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