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Copyright © 1989, Institute for Clinical Science, Inc.

Hematologic Side Effects of Drugs

M IC H A E L M. LUBRAN, M .D ., P h .D .

Harbor-UCLA Medical Center,

Department o f Pathology,
Torrance, CA 90509


Bone m arrow and peripheral blood cells may be adversely affected by

drugs. Although the risk from m ost drugs is very small, m any cases are
rep o rted because of the millions of doses of drugs taken each year by the
population. N eutropenia, throm bocytopenia, hem olytic anem ia, aplastic
anem ia, and macrocytic anem ia are the com m onest effects, in that order.
Aplastic anem ia is rare, b u t very serious w hen it does occur. A dverse
effects may be produced by a direct toxic action of th e drug or its m etabo­
lites on th e bone m arrow or, less often, on circulating cells. Antineoplastic
drugs and ch lo ram p h en ico l are exam ples. M ost drugs p ro d u ce th e ir
adverse effects through an immunological m echanism . The drug m ay act
as a hapten or may affect the im m une system leading to the production of
an tid ru g antibodies and som etim es autoantibodies. H em olytic anem ia
may result. Penicillins may behave in this m anner. Some drugs act on
erythrocytes w ith enzym e defects, e.g. glucose-6-phosphate dehydroge­
nase (G-6-PD) abnorm alities, to produce hemolysis. In m any cases, the
m echanism underlying the adverse effect is unknown. The paper lists the
drugs re p o rte d to have caused som e hem atological adverse effect and
describes the m echanism s in those cases w here they are known.

Introduction related, and the affected cells retu rn to

norm al after th e drug is discontinued;
Many drugs may adversely affect the h o w ev er, in som e cases th e a d v e rse
h e m a to p o ie tic system and p e rip h e ra l effect is irreversible, and the patient may
blo o d cells. T h e p rin c ip a l effects, in die. Serious adverse effects are uncom ­
o rd e r o f fre q u e n c y , a re n e u tro p e n ia , m on, w h en view ed against th e b ack ­
th ro m b o cy to p en ia, hem olytic anem ia, ground of the millions of doses of drugs
aplastic anem ia (and pancytopenia), and taken daily in the total population. Tran­
macrocytic (or megaloblastic) anemia. In s ie n t effects are co m m o n er a n d pass
a d d itio n , o th e r ty p es o f an e m ia m ay unnoticed for the m ost part unless dis­
occur and also m ethem oglobinem ia and covered during som e clinical exam ina­
coagulation defects. A drug may cause tion. The frequency of adverse reactions
m ore than one adverse reaction and may to drugs is thus difficult to determ in e.
act b y tw o or m o re d iffe re n t m ec h a ­ M uch of our knowledge is derived from
nisms. Often, the effect is dose and tim e reports in the literature describing one
0091-7370/89/0300-01X4 $01.20 © Institute for Clinical Science, Inc.

or a sm all n u m b e r o f cases. M any of side-effect of a drug. In the form er case,

th e se re p o rts are an ecd o tal, and it is the toxic effect is dose and tim e d ep en ­
som etim es difficult to be sure th at the dent; in th e la tte r case, it is often not
effect described was caused by the drug dose dependent. Imm unological m echa­
and not by th e illness for which it was nism s r e q u ir e p rio r ex p o su re to th e
given, or by some o th er drug. However, drug. S ubsequent adm inistration of the
a few large scale studies have been p u b ­ drug results in antibody formation, lead­
lished,5,816,17 and the m odes of action of ing to dam age of blood cells. E nzym e
som e drugs on th e blood system have inhibition may be a property of the drug
b een studied. M any countries now col­ and occur in all subjects receiving it (as,
lec t system atically a d v erse d ru g rea c ­ for example, w ith m any chem otherapeu­
tions of all types re p o rte d to th em by tic agents), or th e drug may act on cells
physicians, and th ere are several books g e n e tic a lly d e fic ie n t in an e s s e n tia l
detailing adverse reactions.9,11,15,22 This e n z y m e ( e .g ., g lu c o s e - 6 -p h o s p h a te
paper will describe th e adverse hem ato­ dehydrogenase). A few drugs decrease
logical reactions (excluding coagulation) ab so rp tio n of folate o r B12, causing a
attributed to drugs, gleaned from the lit­ m acrocytic anem ia or m egaloblastosis.
e ra tu re an d , w h e n e v e r p o ssib le , th e A lth o u g h th e a d v e rs e e ffe c t can b e
m echanism s underly in g th e reactions. ex p lained in som e cases, th e cause is
O nly drugs used in th e U nited States u n k n o w n fo r th e m a jo rity o f d ru g s.
will be considered. These idiosyncratic effects are unpredic­
ta b le , c a n n o t b e d e d u c e d fro m th e
A dverse Effects o f D rugs known pharm acological properties of the
d r u g a n d m ay o r m ay n o t b e d o se
D ru g s m ay p ro d u c e th e ir a d v e rs e related. T hey m ay be related to som e
effects through toxicity, by an im m uno­ genetic feature of the patient, e.g., the
logical process, by inhibiting the action patient may be a slow acetylator, b u t in
of im portant enzym es, by decreasing the m ost cases no cause can be found. Idio­
a b so rp tio n of su b stan ces essen tial for syncratic drug reactions affecting blood
n o rm a l h e m a to p o ie s is , o r b y as y e t c e lls a re u n c o m m o n ; n e v e r th e le s s ,
unknow n m echanism s. A w ell-studied b e c a u se o f th e en o rm o u s n u m b e r of
drug, now not often used, is chloram ­ doses of drugs given to the population,
ph en ico l.23 This d ru g s bin d s to m ito ­ they will occur almost inevitably, even
chondria, in h ib itin g th e form ation of w ith th e s a fe s t d ru g s . M o st o f th e
inner m em brane enzym es by inhibiting re p o rted adverse d rug effects rela te to
p e p tid y ltran sfe ra se , n ecessary for the the idiosyncratic behavior of the drug in
form ation of p e p tid e bonds. The toxic one or a very few subjects. H ow ever,
effects of chloram phenicol are caused by th e re are som e drugs w hich p ro d u c e
its action on m itochondria. Bone marrow adverse effects in an appreciable n u m b er
a p la s ia o c c u rs in a b o u t 1 :1 9 ,0 0 0 to of subjects. The following sections will
1 :200,000 c o u rse s o f th e ra p y . M ost describe the various adverse hem atologi­
patients develop a dose-related revers­ cal effects and the drugs causing them .
ible e ry th ro id su p p ressio n , caused by
in h ib itio n of ferro ch elatase, an in n e r Aplastic Anem ia
m em brane enzyme.
The toxic effect of drugs may be delib­ Aplastic anem ia is an occasional com ­
erately sought to suppress abnorm al cell plication of the chem otherapy of cancer.
activity, as in the use of chem otherapeu­ Antineoplastic drugs are usually used in
tic agents, or it m ay b e an u n w an ted com bination to treat cancers and hem a­

tological m alig n a n c ies by in te rfe rin g Tam oxifen, an estrogen antagonist, may
w ith cell g row th a n d division. In th e cause leukopenia or throm bocytopenia.
doses used, rapidly dividing norm al cells Vinca alkaloids (vinblastine, vincristine,
are also affected, including those in the vindesine) and podophyllin derivatives
bone marrow. A selective anemia, n eu ­ (etoposide, teniposide) arrest mitosis in
tropenia, throm bocytopenia, or combi­ m etaphase and stop cell division. T he
nation of these occur regularly d epend­ podophyllin drugs may severely depress
ing on the dose, duration of treatm ent, th e bo n e m arrow ; th e vinca drugs are
and susceptibility of th e p atien t. Less less toxic, causing usually a transient leu­
commonly, aplastic anem ia or pancyto­ kopenia and throm bocytopenia. Asparag­
penia may develop. inase may cause a leukopenia.
Alkylating agents act on DNA, cross- A p la s tic a n e m ia is an u n c o m m o n
linking its strands or breaking them . All result of o th er drugs. Various estim ates
phases of th e cell cycle are affected and exist for th e risk of developing it follow­
all bone m arrow cells may be involved. ing use of certain classes of drugs. The
Alkylating agents include busulfan, car- incidence of aplastic anem ia among sub­
m ustine, chloram bucil, cisplatin, cyclo­ jects taking th era p eu tic drugs is about
phospham ide, dacarbazine, lom ustine, 2.2:1,000,000. M ore than half of th ese
m echloretham ine, m elphalan, pipobro- cases result from drugs and the m ortality
man, thiotepa, and uracil m ustard. is high. F o r in d om ethacin th e risk of
Antim etabolites affect DNA synthesis aplastic anem ia is about 1:100,000, for
by enzym e inhibition or by blocking the p h e n y lb u ta z o n e a b o u t 1:300,000 a n d
synthesis of p urine or pyrim idine com ­ m uch lower for o th er analgesics. The risk
ponents. A zathioprine, m ercaptopurine, is also v ery low for som e a n tith y ro id
th io g u a n in e a re p u r in e a n ta g o n ists; drugs.
cytarahine, floxuridine, fluorouracil are D rugs w ith a relatively high risk for
p y rim id in e a n ta g o n ists; m e th o tre x a te ap la stic a n e m ia in c lu d e a llo p u rin o l,
b in d s to d ih y d ro fo la te re d u c ta s e and ampicillin, chloramphenicol, gold salts,
h y d ro x y u re a in h ib its rib o n u c le o tid e in d o m e th a c in , m e clo fen a m a te, m efe-
reductase. A ntim etabolites may act d u r­ namic acid, m ephenytoin, oxyphenbuta-
ing th e e n tire cell cycle b u t are m ost zone, param ethadione, phenobarbital,
effective in the S phase (DNA synthesis). phenylbutazone, phenytoin, quinacrine,
M ethotrexate inhibits folic acid synthesis trim ethadione. P henytoin toxicity may
and may cause megaloblastosis. be related to a transient antibody forma­
Antibiotic antineoplastic agents affect tion and production of abnorm al T-sup-
DNA and RNA synthesis. Dactinom ycin pressor cells.10 Phenytoin and carbamaz-
and daunorubicin depress all cell types e p in e g iv e ris e to toxic a re n e -o x id e
o f th e bone m arrow ; dexorubicin may in te rm e d ia te m etab o lites, w hich b in d
cause agranulocytosis; m ithram ycin and covalently to m acrom olecules of stem
m itom ycin pro d u ce throm bocytopenia; cells in th e m arrow and lym phocytes.13
bleom ycin does n o t d e p re ss th e bone A bout 70 p e rc e n t of p atients on long­
marrow. te rm p h e n y to in th e ra p y have m ild to
O th e r antineoplastic agents: Procar­ severe abnorm alities of the im m une sys­
bazine inhibits DNA, RNA and protein tem .
synthesis and may cause leukopenia and Low risk drugs, reported in the litera­
a n e m ia . A m in o g lu te th im id e , w h ic h tu re once o r a few tim es include acet­
in h ib its th e synthesis of som e stero id am inophen, acetazolam ide, acetohexa-
horm ones, causes a transient leukopenia m id e , a s p irin , b e n d ro flu m e th ia zid e ,
b u t m ay give a se v ere pancytopenia. benthiazide, captopril, carbamazepine,

carbim azole, chlordiazepoxide, chloro- prothixene, clem astine, dapsone, desi-

quine, chlorothiazide, chlorpromazine, pram ine, doxepin, ethacrynate, flu p h en -
chlorpropam ide, chlorthalidone, chlor- a z in e , f u r a z o l i d o n e , g r is e o fu lv in ,
tetracycline, cim etidine, colchicine, co- ib u p r o fe n , im ip ra m in e , lev a m iso le,
trimoxazole, cyclothiazide, dichlorphen- maprotiline, m ercaptom erin, mesorida-
a m id e , e th o s u x im id e , e th o to in , zine, m ethotrim eprazine, m ethysergide,
e th o x z o la m id e , h y d r o c h lo r o th ia z id e , metronidazole, nifedipine, nortriptyline,
hydroxychloroquine, isoniazid, m epro­ novobiocin, para-am inosalicylic acid,
b a m a te , m e th a m a z o le , m e th a r b ita l, penicillamine, perphenazine, piperaceta-
m ethazolam ide, m ethim azole, methsuxi- zine, procainam ide, protriptyline, quini-
m id e , m e th y c lo th ia z id e , m eto la zo n e, dine, quinine, thiethylperazine, thiorid­
oxytetracycline, penicillin, phenacemide, azine, thiothixene, tocainide, trifluoper­
p h e n s u x im id e , p o ly th ia z id e , p r im a ­ a zin e, triflu p ro m a zin e , trim e p ra zin e ,
q u in e , p r im id o n e , p ro c h lo rp e ra zin e , trim ipram ine, tybam ate. D rugs usually
prom azine, propylthiouracil, pyrim eth­ p r o d u c in g a s e le c tiv e n e u tr o p e n ia
amine, quinethazone, salicylate, strepto­ include amoxicillin, ampicillin, bacampi-
m ycin, sulfacytine, sulfadiazine, sulfa- cillin, capreom ycin, carbenicillin, cefa­
merazine, sulf amethizole , clor, cefadroxil, cefamandole, cefazolin,
sulfamethoxazole, sulfapyridine, sulfasa­ cefotaxime, cefoxitin, cephalexin, cepha-
lazine, sulfisoxazole, sulindac, tolaza­ log lycin , c e p h a lo rid in e , c e p h a lo th in ,
m ide, tolbutam ide, trichlorm ethiazide, cephapirin, cephradine, chlorphenira­
tr im e th a d io n e , tr ip e le n n a m in e , v a l­ m ine, clindam ycin, clofibrate, cyclacil-
proate. lin, dantrolene, dem eclocycline, diaze­
pam , diazoxide, doxycycline, flucytosine,
haloperidol, hetacillin, levodopa, linco-
Agranulocytosis and N eutropenia m ycin, loxapine, methacycline, methyl-
dopa, mezlocillin, molindone, moxalac-
Agranulocytosis may arise through the tam, nafcillin, oxacillin, oxy tetracycline,
toxic action of th e drug on bone m arrow p e n ic illin G, p e n ic illin V, p y r im e th ­
precursors6,7 or by destruction of cells by amine, rifam pin, tetracycline, ticarcillin,
circulating neutrophil antibodies. Some trim ethoprim , valproate, vidarabine,
dru g s d e p re ss su p p re sso r T-cells and
allow th e p ro d u c tio n of au to im m u n e
antibodies by the B-cells.25 Anti thyroid H em olytic Anem ia
drugs may behave in this way. In m ost
cases, th e m echanism is unknow n and D rug-induced hem olytic anem ia may
presum ed to be idiosyncratic. occur as a result of a direct toxic effect on
N eutropenia and agranulocytosis may norm al circulating erythrocytes, on cells
b e p ro d u c e d by th e drugs listed p r e ­ w ith ce rtain enzym e defects, on cells
viously causing aplastic anem ia. A nti­ w ith som e u n s ta b le h e m o g lo b in s, or
n e o p la stic d ru g s a re re sp o n sib le for through an im m une m echanism .
m any o f th e cases o f n e u tro p e n ia ;1 in D irect toxic effects are dose related,
fact, a selectiv e n e u tro p e n ia is m uch have a slow onset, and occur in all sub­
c o m m o n e r th a n a p la s tic a n e m ia o r jec ts. Few drugs are know n to cause
agranulocytosis. Throm bocytopenia may hem olytic anem ia in this way. The best
or may not occur as well. O th er drugs known are phenacetin (which also acts on
producing neutropenia, which may prog­ enzym e-defective cells) and th e sulfones
ress to agranulocytosis, include aceto- used in the treatm en t of leprosy, espe­
p h e n a zin e , a m itrip tylin e , am oxapine, cially dapsone. This drug causes hem o­
brom pheniram ine, carphenazine, chlor- lysis in all subjects, m ethem oglobinem ia

in m any and hem olytic anem ia in a few duce lysis may be form ed by two differ­
on prolonged treatm en t. D rugs which e n t m e c h a n ism s. I n th e h a p te n -c e ll
may b e toxic to erythrocytes, b u t may m echanism , certain drugs given in large
also act by o th e r m echanism s, include doses b in d to p ro te in s o f th e re d cell
cep h a lo th in , ch lo rp ro m a zin e, clem as­ m em brane and act as haptens. Cephalo­
tin e, ethoxzolam ide, h y d ro ch lo ro th ia ­ sp o rin s an d p e n ic illin s m ay p ro d u c e
zid e , in d o m e th a c in , m e fa n a m ic acid, these antibodies. Penicillin is p resent on
m eta xo lo n e, m e th a zo la m id e , m e th y l- th e surface of re d cells of all p a tie n ts
dopa, oxyphenbutazone, phenazopyri- receiving the drug. A bout th ree percent
d in e, p h e n y lb u ta z o n e , s tr e p to m y c in , of p atients on high doses of penicillin
sulfam ethazine. have IgG antibodies, and a small n um ber
E n z y m e d e f e c ts : T h e p rin c ip a l of these patients go on to develop hem o­
enzym e involved in hem olytic anem ia is lytic anemia.
g lu c o s e - 6 - p h o s p h a te d e h y d ro g e n a s e In the im m une complex mechanism,
(G- 6 -PD). These drugs give rise to acute the drugs bind to a serum protein and
episodes of hem olytic anem ia which may com bine w ith th e resulting antibody to
b e dose related, w hen adm inistered to form an im m une complex. This adsorbs
G - 6 -P D d e fic ie n t p a tie n ts . In som e to the surface of the red cell and to other
cases, the condition is self-limiting and cells, e.g., throm bocytes and leukocytes,
disap p ears in a b o u t seven days, even b in d s c o m p le m e n t a n d c a u se s c e ll
though drug adm inistration is continued. destruction. T he antibody is usually IgM
This occurs w hen existing G- 6 -PD defi­ in type. Q uinidine and rifam pin produce
cient cells have been destroyed and the im m une complexes.
newly form ed cells have becom e resis­ An a u to -im m u n e hem olytic anem ia
ta n t to th e drug. T h e e ry th ro cy te s in may be drug-induced. It is believed that
drug-induced hem olytic anem ia caused the drug binds to one o f the blood group
by enzym e deficiency usually show baso­ antigens on the red cell surface, usually
philic stippling and may contain H einz an Rh antigen. The resulting antibody is
bodies. D rugs include chloram phenicol, directed against the blood group antigen;
chloroquine, dapsone, dimercaprol, f u r ­ occasionally, an anti-drug antibody coex­
azolidone, isoniazid, m enadione, nali­ ists . 14 A bout 15 p e rc e n t o f p atients on
dixic acid, nitro fu ra n to in , phenacetin, m ethyldopa and about nine percent on
phytonadione, prim aquine, probenecid, lev o d o p a h av e d e m o n s tra b le a u to im ­
quinidine, quinine, sulfapyridine, sulfi- m une antibodies in th eir sera after treat­
soxazole, sulfoxone. m ent for th re e m onths to a year; about
H em olytic anem ia is seldom caused by one in ten thousand develop hemolytic
d ru g s in th e c a se o f o th e r r e d c e ll anem ia. An a lte rn a tiv e to th e h a p te n
enzym e deficiencies, b u t existing anem ia m echanism is th e suppression of T-cell
m ay b e e x a c e rb a te d . S u lfo x o n e m ay function through an increase of c-AMP in
cause hem olytic anem ia in glutathione lym phocytes, leading to an unregulated
reductase deficiency. production of autoantibodies by B-cells.
U nstable hem oglobins: E xacerbation The autoantibodies are usually of the Rh
of existing hem olytic anem ia m ay occur system . 18 The drug does not act as a hap­
in subjects w ith some unstable hem oglo­ te n , b u t p ro d u c e s its effects via th e
bins, e .g ., H b-Z urich, w hen given the im m u n e system . T h e im m u n e system
drugs causing hemolysis in G- 6 -PD defi­ plays an im p o rta n t ro le in reg u latin g
ciency. norm al hem atopoiesis . 21
D rug-induced im m une hem olytic ane­ Drugs giving rise to antibodies include
m ia : A ntibodies w hich re a c t w ith re d c e fa m a n d o le , c e fo ta x in e , c e fo x itin e ,
cells to activate com plem ent and p ro ­ cephalothin, co-trim oxazole, isoniazid,

levodopa, m efanam ic acid, m ethicillin, crynate, ethclorvynol, ethinamate, eth­

m ethyldopa, moxalactam, nalidixic acid, io n a m id e, flu c y to s in e , flu p h e n a z in e ,
oxacillin, para-aminosalicylic acid, peni­ f u r o s e m id e , is o n ia z id , lin c o m y c in ,
cillin G, penicillin V, quinidine, quinine, m ephobarbital, m eprobam ate, m ethar-
rifam pin, sulfacytine, sulfadiazine, sul- bital, methim azole, para-aminosalicylic
fa m e r a zin e , su lfa m e th izo le , su lfa p y ri- acid, penicillamine, penicillins, phenace-
dine, sulfasalazine, ticarcillin, tolmetin. tin , p h en o b a rb ito n e, p h e n y lb u ta zo n e,
A utoantibodies are found w ith levodopa, p h e n o th ia z in e , p h e n y to in , p r o c a in a ­
m ethyldopa and m efanam ic acid. mide, propylthiouracil, quinidine, qui­
nine, rifam pin, salicylates, stre p to m y ­
T hrom bocytopenia cin, sulfonamides, ticarcillin, tocainide,
trichlorm ethiazide, trim ethoprim , val­
This m ay re s u lt from a d ire c t toxic proate, vidarabine.
effect o f the drug on platelet precursors
in th e bone m arrow or on th e circulating M egaloblastic Anem ia
platelets. D rugs associated w ith aplastic
a n em ia also cause thro m b o cy to p en ia, This may result from adm inistration of
th ro u g h action on m egakaryocyte p r e ­ drugs interfering w ith the absorption of
cursors in the marrow. Low risk drugs folic acid or vitamin B 12 or the m etabolic
may cause a selective throm bocytopenia, functions in w hich th e y are involved.
which is often the only indication of sup­ F rank m egaloblastic anem ia is uncom ­
pression of m arrow activity. R istocetin m on. The usual effect is m acrocytosis,
acts d ire c tly on c irc u la tin g p la te le ts. u n le s s th e p a tie n t is s e v e re ly ill or
L ithium carbonate given for one or m ore u n d e rn o u rish e d and d e fic ie n t in folic
y ears low ers th e p la te le t c o u n t, b u t acid or vitamin B12. In many cases, there
rarely causes p u rp u ra . 2 is no clinical evidence of folate or B 12
T h ro m b o c y to p e n ia m ay also re s u lt deficiency, b u t th e ir concentrations in
from an im m une m echanism . D rug and th e blood are low.
p la te le t com bine and produce an an ti­ Folic acid: Low serum folate concen­
body against the drug. An im m une com ­ tratio n s caused by p oor ab so rp tio n of
plex is form ed w hich is adsorbed non- folate may result from adm inistration of
specifically on to p la te le ts a n d o th e r cycloserine, eth o to in , m e p h o b a rb ita l,
cells. This is referred to as “th e innocent m etharbital, n itro fu ra n to in , phensuxi-
bystander” hypothesis. As an example, mide, phenytoin, primidone. Megaloblas­
valproate depresses the platelet count in tic anem ia m ay occur in a few cases.
about one th ird of th e cases . 3,24 H ow ­ About 50 percen t of patients on ph en y ­
ever, the im m une complex m ay com bine toin have low serum folate co n cen tra­
specifically w ith platelets. The antibody tions and about 30 percen t have red cell
to quinidine com bines w ith th e m ajor m acrocytosis a n d e a rly m eg alo b lastic
g lyco p ro tein com plex on th e p la te le t changes in the bone marrow. A bout one
surface and th e antibody to ticarcillin percen t develop frank m egaloblastic a ne­
com bines w ith a polym orphic p late le t m ia . 4 It m ay take m any years o f d ru g
a n tig e n . 14 D rugs acting by an im m une adm inistration for this to occur. It is not
m echanism include antim ony potassium clear why some patients should develop
ta rtra te, azatadine, brom pheniram ine, th is co n d itio n , b u t d ie ta ry in ta k e of
capreom ycin, captopril, chlorothiazide, folate may be a contributory factor.
c h lo rp ro m a zin e , ch lo rpropam ide, cle­ D ihydrofolate reductase is in h ib ited
m a s tin e , c lin d a m y c in , c lo n a z e p a m , by methotrexate, triam terene, pyrim eth­
deferoxamine, diazoxide, digitoxin, etha- a m in e, tr im e th o p r im . T his is a key

enzym e in folate m etabolism and DNA asso c ia te d w ith a p la stic a n em ia, m ay

sy n th e sis. M egaloblastic a n e m ia w ill p ro d u ce anem ia by d e p re ssio n o f th e
occur if the drug is given for a sufficient bone m arrow or by other means. Isonia-
length of tim e, in high enough doses, zid increases the severity of the anem ia
b u t in practice it is unusual. in p a tie n ts s u ffe rin g fro m p y rid in e -
C ytarabine, flo xu rid in e, flu o ru ra c il responsive hypochrom ic anem ia. Rarely,
(an tim etab o lite antin eo p lastic agents) it may produce a p u re red cell hypopla­
in hibit pyrim idine synthesis; h y d ro xy ­ sia . 19 This co n d itio n m ay also b e p ro ­
urea inhibits ribonucleotide reductase; du ced by chlorpropam ide, co-trim oxa-
azathioprene, m ercaptopurine, thiogua- z o le , p e n i c i l l i n , p h e n y l b u t a z o n e ,
nine in h ib it p u rin e synthesis; su lfo n ­ p henytoin, tolbutam ide. Indom ethacin
amides block the synthesis of folic acid. produces an iron-deficiency anem ia and
All o f th e se drugs cause a low seru m am photericin B a norm ochrom ic, nor-
folate and eventually megaloblastic ane­ mocytic anem ia. O ther drugs which may
mia. produce anem ia, usually hypochrom ic,
V itam in B ,,: Low serum c o n c e n tra ­ include amoxicillin, ampicillin, bacampi-
tions may result from adm inistration of cillin, cyclacillin, cefadroxil, cefazolin,
colchicine, neomycin, para-aminosalicy- cephalexin, cephaloglycin, cephalori-
lic acid, slow release potassium chloride, dine, cephapirin, novobiocin, oleovita­
which im pair absorption of vitam in B12. m in A , vidarabine.

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