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Course: Induction Seminar

Assignment: 15 Feb 2021

• Personal lessons and what concrete actions I may take (500 words)
Title: Climate Change the number one Public enemy; The Induction seminar was an eye
opening experience; it was remarkably structured to suit and reflect the environment in which
we live in today and the challenges businesses and states will face furthermore in the near
future due to major consequences related to climate change.
The Leadership for a sustainable world discussion did bring nearer the reality we face and
create awareness on the future consequences of our daily decision making in corporations.
In our working environment and across industries, the majority of our decisions have
implications on ressources, consumption, audience and clients behaviour.
Quoting Brutland commission “meets the needs of the present without compromising the
ability of future generations to meet their own needs” did ignite in me the thinking process on
how could we ensure that while we satisfy our needs and desires today, simultanouelsy we
are doing it while ensuring that future generations will have enough resources to satisfy their
needs and desires. What we could start with is certainly to protect the finite resources
whether renewable or not and think of what do we need now? what is it that this generation
must have versus what does this generation should have in order to lead a meaningful life
and structure our societies and future.
As for future generations, they will certainly need clean air, clean food, climate conditions
suitable to keep communities safe from floods, fires, poor air quality, to list a few. Therefore
we need to consider the impact of our actions and we surely shouldn’t use more resources
than in the degree of which these regenerate in the same period, we should not produce
more waste than what could be absorbed during the same period and when we exhaust
non-generative resources then we should ensure that we have substitutes...this isn't to say
to what extent we can consume but the red line which we should not cross.
Now as businesses, we need to be aware that these same businesses, ours, are shaping
the era of the anthropocene, where humans became a geological force impacting and
affecting the normal course of the biosphere evolution, destabilizing its cycle and creating
severe deficiencies between its inputs and outputs. Furthermore and as business students,
executives and entrepreneurs we need now, and will need in the future, to educate ourselves
and others around us and create massive awareness on the enormous impact our minimal
actions, when scaled, have on the Biosphere; as it is imperative that we create a collective
understanding and agreement on using reason, awareness, best practices in the aim and
course of preserving the future of next generations and most importantly realigning business
ecosystems with natural ecosystems.
On another hand and being a stakeholder in a Media network, I can notice that Covid 19
has taken massive, constant, global and even is at the epicentre of info and news; in
addition it continues to be at the centre of today’s decisions and states’ actions, whilst
Climate change remains in the back scene, far from short term interest of states and
corporations and seen as an economic roadblock; Therefore daily decision making in
providing climate change with further media coverage is crucial, we need to do more, ask
teams to provide further coverage in daily content on climate change, focusing on how it is
one of the main problems our society is facing, thus requiring actions in both the public and
private sectors and treating it as one of the essential elements to sustain our social structure;
for the central challenge of the 21st century requires radical global cooperation, individual
proactiveness and swift collective acknowledgment of the reality we face and the knowledge
of its details such as a what does a +4 degrees means to our future - quoting former CEO of

Name and Surname: Stephany Joanne

Course: Induction Seminar
Assignment: 15 Feb 2021

AXA Henry de Castries “a 2°C world might be Insurable, a 4°C world certainly would not

Rethinking business models and circular economy

The anthropocene: a fundamentally new era (change in civilization) where man have
decisive impacts on ecosystems • The story of capitalism, corporations and
anthropocene are deeply intertwined (cf. Capitalocene, Jason Moore 2016) • The
challenge of sustainability: learning to manage (i.e. mitigate) our effects
(externalities) on nature and society, to keep within ecosystem limits • A fundamental
(and urgent) transformation of our economic and managerial institutions

rethink economy and management in the context of anthropocene

Population has exploded, nature has been “domesticated” • Resource become

scarce, natural limits are reached • Mankind has a major impact on global ecosystem
dynamics (CO2, pollution, nuclear energy, etc.) • Nature is finite and is to be viewed
as a common “milieu” to preserve. • Economies are highly interdependent
(international division of labor / global village / global value chains) • Business
models need to become circular and limit externalities

Take Make Dispose

Linear economy and the great acceleration
reaching the 100M users, building massively valuable companies

• Impact on my organisation or industry sector and how I can project some changes
(500 words)

Name and Surname: Stephany Joanne

Course: Induction Seminar
Assignment: 15 Feb 2021

• Impact for the EMBA journey (500 words)

Name and Surname: Stephany Joanne

Course: Induction Seminar
Assignment: 15 Feb 2021

Name and Surname: Stephany Joanne


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