CT Cardiac/Calcium Scoring Exams

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CT Cardiac/Calcium Scoring Exams

Drop Down Cardiac Calcium Score

These exams are Self Pay $71.00
Verbiage: “These exams are scheduled as cash pay. The cash pay discount is $71.00. Most insurances do not cover this exam. The insurances
that do cover have specific requirements that need to be met. If we bill your insurance and they do not cover this exam, your out of pocket cost
will be higher than our cash pay rate.”
At this point, if the patient insists that they do meet the guidelines required by their insurance company and they want us to bill the insurance
you may proceed.
Please notate that you informed the patient of cash pay cost and that the out of pocket with insurance may be higher.
We should also be informing the patient that this may require authorization and if their insurance denies we will change to self-pay.
This is a NON-Contrast CT Exam to look for Hard Plaque or Calcification in the Coronary Arteries.
We don’t perform cardiac scores for patients with coronary stents or who have had bypass surgery, or if they have history of atrial fibrillation
Can perform on patients with pacemakers
No heart rate requirements, patients will not be turned away due to heart rate
In Arizona all must be scheduled on a 64 slice or higher scanner
For Tucson only, schedule at St. Mary’s
Duration 15 minutes
Preparation No caffeine for 6 hours

Nor-Cal sites:

Santa Clara
So-Cal sites:
San Vicente
Nevada sites:
Las Vegas
Colorado sites:
Texas sites:
Med Center
Florida sites:
Lake Mary
Winter Park 1 & 2
Hunter’s Creek
Ocoee 2
Sand Lake
CT Dual Energy (DECT)
Chandler South
Dobson Village 2
Gilbert Spectrum
Mesa Desert
Paradise Valley
Surprise Stadium Village
If the pt needs color mapping the technologist must reach out to Kevin Oliver to have the color mapping processed on the images

CTA Exams
These are IV Contrast Exams looking at the vascular structure in the body.
These exams may be of the HEAD, NECK, CHEST, ABDOMEN, PELVIS, or EXTREMITIES
Preparation 4 hour fasting exam (nothing solid 4 hours prior water is ok)
These exams do NOT require a Beta Blocker
Schedule on 16 slice or higher
A CTA of the Chest for Angiogram or Aneurysm is not a Coronary CTA.

CT Low Dose Lung Cancer Screening

Some CT Lung Screens may be covered by insurance if they meet the following criteria
Between the ages of 55 and 80 years old (If pt below age 55 book automatically has self-pay)
Currently smoke or have quit in the last 15 years
Have a history of smoking a pack of cigarettes a day for 30 or more years
If the patient answered yes to all of these questions, their insurance may cover their exam.
We need to let these patients know that we will have our PFS department verify their benefits and our Authorizations depart will obtain auth. If
we have any issues we will call them back and let them know. Please inform patient that if we determine that their insurance will not cover the
exam the cost is $129.00.

Drop Down
CT Angio Neck w/wo Contrast w/ 3D Recon
CT Angio Neck w/ Contrast w/ 3D Recon
Needs to have a CTA Head Booked with it
If booking a CTA Head you do not need to have a CTA Neck Booked with it

CT Enterography
CT Enterography is a special type of computed tomography (CT) imaging performed with intravenous contrast material after the ingestion of
liquid that helps produce high-resolution images of the small intestine in addition to the other structures in the abdomen and pelvis.
This exam can be done at select sites, please see CT Grid
Drop Down Enterography
Preparation Nothing solid by mouth 4 hours prior to the exam. Patient may drink water up to 2 hours prior to the exam
Check in time is 45 minutes prior to study due to drinking of the contrast (Patient will be given volumen to drink at 10-minute intervals. Patients
will be drinking three bottles total)

CT Urogram/Pyelogram
Drop Down Abdomen and Pelvic w/wo IVP
Preparation Drink 32 oz. of water within 1 hour of exam. Nothing solid by mouth 4 hours prior to the exam
No oral contrast, check in time is 15 minutes prior to the exam

CT Medacta/Conformis Protocol
Knee and Hip Notate Protocol
All CT scanners except Desert Ridge

CTA Chest DX PE (Pulmonary Embolism)

Needs to be scheduled as STAT

CT Triphase (Three Phase)

Drop Down Abdomen w/wo Contrast
Note accession Triphase

Drop Down Scanogram
No Prep

Super D Protocol/ Super Dimension Protocol

Can be scheduled at any site
Drop Down Chest w/o (Super D Protocol)
No Prep
Duration 15 Minutes

CT Cystograms
Drop Down Cystogram
No Oral or IV
Duration 45 minutes
Patient must have a catheter in place
Email Karen Hocog and cc Lauren Skinner when booked (If for Paradise Valley)
Florida Kissimmee and Ocoee

CT Low Dose Renal Stone

Available on any CT scanner
This requires Oral Contrast
Drop Down Low Dose CT Renal Stone
Preparation None

Cardiology Imaging
If you have a patient that needs to schedule one of these exams highlighted below, please transfer them to Brianna Rodriguez (X5215). Please
move any orders for these exams to the Cardiology PA Folder. Please keep in mind that while Brianna does need to schedule all the CTA
Coronary Artery studies, anyone can schedule patients for Coronary Calcium Scores (Cardiac Scores) so please do not transfer those patients
directly to her.

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