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HRML5: Tourism Planning and Development

1. The meaning of Planning
2. The Importance and Benefits for Tourism Planning
3. Dimension/ Levels of Tourism Planning
4. Types and Process of Tourism Planning
5. Major Elements in Planning a Tourism Destination
6. Stages of Destination Development


1. Understand the need for tourism planning;

2. Describe the tourism planning approaches and techniques; and
3. Describe the stages of tourism development

Explain the following base on your own understanding:
1. Tourism
2. Planning
3. 5 As in Tourism
4. Tourist
5. Travelers

The meaning of Planning

Developing a framework towards your goal to achieve your target, the intention is to create
something out of nothing that can benefit in the long run.

A part of strategic planning or strategic management is simply focusing on the physical planning
the following are the main focus:
 Long term vision
 Creating a framework for a strategic vision
 Adapting to changes
 Seeking knowledge and entertaining new ideas
 Analyzing action plan for the future
There are things to consider from your short term goal which covers the tactical or operating
planning, the long term plan which covers the strategic planning but it is available to look on the
long term vision.

In reality, though, long‐range planning can be difficult to achieve and is strongly linked to
legislative periods.

Reason for tourism planning:

- Create jobs and collect more taxes
- Tourist satisfaction should be improved
- Keeping up with the trend to boost the economy
- Keeping the locals involve when it comes to developing tourism
- Increase revenue for both private and public office
- Utilizing the local resources that others may find interesting for culture and nature
Element of tourism
Tourism planning and development has some elements that needs to consider:
- Attraction and Activities
- Lodging
- Tourists’ needs and services
- Transportation
- Necessary infrastructure
Creating a strategy for tourism policy and planning
1. Having the aspiration. Being highly motivated, a proper mission or vision for your tourism
industry is a big highlight to have a growth in terms of revenue.
2. Promoting Integration. One of the way to shape up a tourism policy is by focusing on
economy to attract more tourist.
3. Market Driven. As a country, it is a must to keep out country competitive globally in terms of
the market movement.
4. Resource driven. A big factor when it comes to promoting the tourism industry is y simply
offering the things that we already have, such as nature and culture. By promoting this two to
our potential visitors it gives us a chance to share our culture to those people who are interested
to get to know our country.
Consultative. One of the things that should be consider is the acceptability by the locals in terms
of changes.

Levels of tourism planning

International tourism planning. Involves travelling with international transportation service. It
deals with handling different types of tourist spot from other countries also the development of
some tourist attraction.
National tourism planning. The main highlight are tourism policy, infrastructure, tourist
attractions, and lodging.
Regional tourism planning. It has a smaller coverage compare to the national, it also deals with
policies, attraction and lodging.
Local tourism planning. Typically involves the mission and vision of the tourism policy also it is
goal oriented in developing its area.
Process of tourism planning
1. Recognizing and preparation.
2. Having a clear target in terms of setting up some expectation.
3. Checking the survey if there’s an existing data.
4. Creating new surveys
5. Evaluation the data that has been collected
6. Having a temporary policy and guidelines that needs to be reviewed in the long run
7. Asking for improvements
8. Implementing suggestion for the better
9. Monitoring and creating a back-up plan
Major Elements in Planning a Tourism Destination
- Knowing the type of tourism and figures on how it will grow for the destination.
- Conducting research and selecting the best plan for development of the destination
- A comprehensive strategy towards to tourism marketing
- Having a well-documented plan is the key
- Collaboration, and committing to the stakeholders
Stages in Development Planning
1. Knowing the objectives. The stage should be specific when it comes to its goals that is being
supported by the vision and mission.
2. Creating premises.
3. Evaluating alternatives. There is a possibility that the first attempt may fail, it will be wise to
have some back up plan.
4. Resources. This could be any item from manpower to financial status to technology.
5. Implementing task and Plan
6. tracking and evaluation method

1. Discuss the part of strategic planning or strategic management (5pts.)
2. Explain the purpose of tourism planning (5 pts.)
3. Give some direct examples when it comes to Levels of tourism planning (from the name of
the places/country to the activity that is being done for each type of planning) (5 pts.)
4. In the element of tourism. List down your top priority to your least priority and explain why.


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