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University of Gondar

College of business and economics

School of Management and Public Administration

Leadership and Management

Final Examination (BA Degree Regular Program)

Date: 15/11/2013
Time allowed:1:30 hr
Total Weight: 50%
ID. No._____________________________


1. Your leader listens to employees personal problems and tries to create a positive work
environment by being agreeable, eager to help, comforting, and uncontroversial. This is
an example of:
A. Middle-of-the-road management D. Authority-compliance
B. Team management management
C. Country-club management E. None
2. ____________________, ________________________, _______________________and
__________________are dimensions of transformational leaderships.
3. Which of the following leadership theories expects the leader to continually be concerned
about subordinate motivation?
A. Contingency theory D. Path-goal theory
B. Situational leadership theory E. None
C. Leader-member exchange theory
4. Which one is incorrect regarding to the difference between Management and Leadership?
A. Management relies on control strategies to get things done by subordinates
B. Management acts within established culture of the organization
C. Management is more formal & scientific than leadership.
D. Management is an explicit set of tools & techniques, based on reasoning & testing,
that can be used in a variety of situations
E. None
5. Contingency Theory is concerned with____________________and _______________

A. Traits; situations D. Styles; situations
B. Leaders; followers E. None
C. Leadership; situations
6. The type of leadership which is based on the idea of a transaction between the leader and
the team members.
A. Transformational Leadership D. Managerial Leadership
B. Servant Leadership E. None
C. Charismatic Leadership
7. Mr Abebe has managed the ABC Company for five years. The Management views Mr. Abebe as
a person with special leadership talent, such as intelligence, sociability, and determination. What
approach is management using in assessing Mr. Abebe?
A. Trait Theory D. A and B
B. Situational Theory E. None
C. Contingency Theory
8. _________________is defined as the extent to which a leader is likely to have job
relationships characterized by mutual trust, respect for employees’ ideas, and regard for
their feelings.
9. The following traits are associated with charismatic leadership:
A. Intelligence, self-confidence
B. Physical attractiveness, height
C. Desire for power, desire to help others
D. Self-monitoring, impression management
E. None
10. ____________________________are commonly found at the middle and top levels of
management and often is related to an organization's policy-making activities
Part II: Short Essay Writings (30 points)

1. What is Leadership? List out the characteristics of leadership? List out the types of
followers (5 Points)
2. Consider your favourite teacher. What people-oriented and task-oriented leadership
behaviors did he or she use effectively? In general, do you think students prefer an
instructor who is more people-oriented or task-oriented? Explain your preference. (5
3. Discuss the model of Leadership Effectiveness. (5 Points)
4. What is the difference between Charismatic Leadership and Servant Leadership and discuss
also the positive and negative side of both leadership. (5 Points)

5. What is decision making? Mention the major reasons why do managers make poor
decisions? (5 Points)
6. Discuss the Fiedler's Contingency Model. (5 Points)

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