Chemical Kinetic Lab Report: Experiment 11

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Chemical Kinetics: Bleaching of Blue Dye #1

This experiment used spectrophotometry, colourimetry, and Beer’s law to evaluate the rate law
and rate constant for the reaction of Blue Dye #1 with NaOCl, or bleach. The rate of change in
the concentration of the bleach and dye were calculated to determine the overall reaction rate
order. The reaction was a first order reaction, which was determined due to the graph of ln[dye]
being a straight line with respect to both bleach and dye.

Chemical kinetics is a crucial component of chemistry used to understand the rates of chemical
reactions. It studies the rates and processes of chemical reactions, and how concentrations of a
substance change overtime. The reaction rates of chemical bleaching is a broadly studied topic,
as an observable change is produced when the bleach reacts with the dye, causing the solution to
change from blue to colourless.

In this study, a Microlab spectrophotometer was used to conduct multiple experiments on the
degradation of Blue dye #1 when 0.40 and 0.80 M NaOCl is added. Afterwards, Beer’s law
colourimetry was done using various concentrations of standard solutions so a graph of
absorbance could be plotted. This was done so the change in concentrations of both the dye and
bleach could be calculated, thus making it possible to calculate the rate law and constant. It is
hypothesised that the reaction between blue dye #1 and bleach will be first order with respect to
both the dye and the bleach.

Experimental Section
To conduct the experiment, 10 mL of blue dye was delivered into a vial using a serological pipet.
It was then placed into a spectrophotometer to determine the analytical wavelength using the
Microlab software, which was 615 nm. After this, 8.0 mL of dye was pipetted into 6 different
vials so six trials could be run. For each trial, the vials then had the magnetic stir bar added,
followed by 2.0 mL of 0.40 M NaOCl. The black lid was immediately placed on the sample and
the measurement started. The reaction time and ln(abs) value at 615 nm was recorded for each
trial. This was then repeated for using 0.80M NaOCl, but with 5 instead. The average ln(abs) was
then calculated for each concentration of bleach once all trials were done.

The Beer’s law colourimetry was determined by creating 10 mL 0%, 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% and
100% standard dye solutions. Using the Microlab software, the graph of absorbance was plotted.
The slope was then used to calculate the concentrations of dye, which were then used to find the
rate law and constant.
Table 1: K’ Value of 0.40 NaOCl Table 2: K’ Value of 0.80 NaOCl

Concentration Average k’ Concentration Average k’

of NaOCl (M) value of NaOCl (M) value
(M−1s−1) (M−1s−1)

0.40 M -0.2880 0.80 M -0.2960

Rate = 0.02304[dye][bleach] Rate = 0.04768[dye][bleach]

Average class k value (0.40 M NaOCl): Average class k value (0.80 M

0.2800 NaOCl): 0.2810

Table 3: Concentration of Bleach in Solution

Concentration Average k value Concentration Average k value
of NaOCl (M) (M−1s−1) of NaOCl (M) (M−1s−1)

0.40 M 0.08 0.80 M 0.16

Table 4: Beer’s Law Colourimetry

Concentration (%) Volume of Dye (mL) Volume of Water Beer’s Law abs

100% 10.0 0.0 1.4932

80% 8.0 2.0 1.2386

60% 6.0 4.0 0.9819

40% 4.0 6.0 0.6831

20% 2.0 8.0 0.3927

0% (blank) 0 10.0 0

Based on the results, the reaction was determined to be first order with respect to both bleach and
dye based on the ln[dye] graph produced by the Microlab software, which was the purpose of
this study. This determination was reiterated by the rate of reaction doubling from 0.2304 to
0.4739 as the concentration of NaOCl doubled from 0.40 M to 0.80 M. Because the reaction is
first order, it can be assumed that when the concentration of the bleach is halved, both the bleach
and dye will decrease at the same rate. This is shown on the attached graph “Absorbance of Blue
Dye #1 vs Time”, as the kinetic plot is linear, and therefore first order. Compared to the class
average, my k value was lower. This is likely due to human error, such as not starting the
spectrophotometer quick enough. The time per 0.40 M trial ranged from 80s to 100s, while the
time per 0.80 M trial all occured at 40s. This increase in consistency is likely due to the increased
skill acquired from doing multiple trials, and learning how to produce an accurate reading. To
account for the learning curve, more trials of the 0.40 were conducted. Although these
experimental findings agree with the hypothesis, the procedure could be refined to further
support the hypothesis. If this were to be repeated, it would yield more precise and consistent
readings due to the skill gained. Beer's law tells us that absorbance is directly proportional to
concentration of the colour species, and so the behaviour of data is the same for absorbance as it
is for the concentration.1

The reaction between blue dye #1 and bleach was determined to be first order, as stated by the
hypothesis. Thus, the rate law is rate = k[bleach][dye]. The objective of the study has been met,
as the experiment conducted was successful.

Kissa, E., Dohner, J.M., Gibson, W.R. et al. Kinetics of staining and bleaching. J Am Oil Chem
Soc 68, 532–538 (1991).

Concentration of bleach in solution:
(0.040* (2𝑚𝐿*10 ))
0. 04 𝑀: −3 = 0. 08 𝑀
(10.0*10 )
(0.080* (2𝑚𝐿*10 ))
0. 08 𝑀: −3 = 0. 16 𝑀
(10.0*10 )
Sample calculation of k’
𝑘' = 𝑘[0. 08]
𝑘 = − 0. 02304 = 𝑘[0. 08]
𝑘 = 0. 288M−1s−1

Kissa, E., Dohner, J.M., Gibson, W.R. et al. Kinetics of staining and bleaching. J Am Oil Chem
Soc 68, 532–538 (1991).

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