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NAME _______________ DESIGNATION______________
DEPARTMENT____________________ GENDER______________

Tick the appropriate answer.

1. Do you know about Biomedical waste generation and legislation?
□ Yes □ No □ Not sure

2. What agency(ies) regulate(s) waste management in Health Care Facilities?

□ State □ Private □ Do not know

3. Do you think it is important to know about the BM waste management and legislation?
□ Yes □ No □ Somewhat

4. Which statement describes type of BM waste:

□ Materials that may be poisonous, toxic or flammable and do not pose disease-related
□ Waste that is saturated to the point of dripping with blood, or body fluids contaminated
with blood.
□ Waste that does not pose a disease-related risk.

5. According to WHO (hospital waste management), waste should not be kept beyond:
□ 48 hours in winter and 24 hours in summer

□ 72 hours in winter and 48 hours in summer

□ 24 hours in winter and 12 hours in summer

6. Do we require a separate permit to transport the BM waste?

□ Yes □ No □ May be

7. Do you know about color-coding segregation for BM waste?

□ Yes □ No □ Not sure
8. Do you follow color-coding for BM waste?
□ Yes □ No □ Sometimes

9. Is the waste disposal practice correct in your hospital?

□ Yes □ No □ Don’t know

10. Is this in practice in your hospital to aware the staff about the health waste
□ Yes □ No □ Not sure

11. Objects that are contaminated with human blood or he objects which has sharp ends
(scalpel, needles, broken test tubes, slides etc.) are consider as biomedical waste. How
should these objects be disposed of?
□ Black bags □ Yellow bags □ Sharps container

12. Do you re-cap a used needle?

□ Yes □ No □ Sometimes

13. Infectious biodegradables (extracted tooth, human tissues, membranes, cotton dressing,
etc.) are disposed of in.
□ Yellow □ Red □ Don’t know

14. Infectious non-biodegradables (gloves, IV set, syringes, nylon sutures, etc.) are disposed
of in.
□ Yellow □ Red □ Don’t know

15. Can inappropriate BM disposal cause health hazards?

□ Yes □ No □ Don’t know

16. Biomedical waste disposal is an institutional problem and extra burden?

□ Yes □ No □ May be

17. Excess mercury or scrap silver amalgam are disposed of in.

□ Drain □ General garbage □ Water/ Glycerin

18. Decontamination/ disinfection can reduce chances of infection.

□ Yes □ No □ Not sure
19. How do you manage chemical waste in your hospital?
□ Dilute the chemicals and drain it through sewerage pipes.

□ Drain it directly in the river/ sea.

□ Don’t know

20. What do you do with the lead foils used in the x-ray films?
□ Collect separately and dispose in the local waste collection body.

□ Dispose along with regular waste of the clinic to local waste collection body.

□ Do not dispose and give away with patient’s x-ray film packet.

□ Given for recycling.

21. Which of the following is the universal symbol for biohazard?

□ □

22. How often do you recycle?

□ Everyday □ Every week □ In every 2 days

23. Is there any major changes in the BM waste due to Covid-19?

□ Yes □ No □ Don’t know

24. Hospital waste disposal can contaminate soil and water resources?
□ Yes □ No □ Can’t say

25. Is it challenging after covid-19 to manage the BM waste?

□ Yes □ No □ May be

26. Who will be responsible in the spread of infectious diseases caused due to improper
practices of BM waste?
□ Government □ Hospital/ Clinic □ Can’t say
27. Should the government put a ban on the hospitals which do not follow the hospital
waste management guidelines?
□ Yes □ No □ May be

28. First thing to do after in-contact with the contaminated needles.

□ Rush to the nearest hospital.

□ Check symptoms or wait for symptoms to appear.

□ Do not pay attention towards it.

29. Why is it important to wear latex gloves while examining the patient?
□ To prevent transfer of germs/ viruses.

□ To prevent the contagious diseases (HIV, Hepatitis etc.)

□ Its patient’s right to be examined with the clean hand.

□ All of the above.

30. The bags of BM waste imprinted with the biohazard symbol in your hospital?
□ Yes □ No □ Not sure

31. Are there any charts on the hospital waste disposal in your hospital?
□ Yes □ No □ May be

32. How often your hospital arranges hospital waste management programs?
□ Very often □ Every year □ In every 5 years

33. Do you think It is a difficult job to segregate the waste according to the color-code?
□ Yes □ No □ May be

34. What are the safety measures to handle biomedical waste?

□ Wear safety gloves to avoid any wound.

□ Bags should be handled carefully to transport through a trolley.

□ Bags should be imprinted with the biohazard symbol.

□ All of the above.

Note: This information is required for the study purposes only.

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