CENA, Stephanie Reinne C. Q2W5 Oral Com XI - Leibniz Speech Outline

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CENA, Stephanie Reinne C.


XI – Leibniz Speech Outline

To raise awareness regarding the importance of sex education among the youth.

Specific Purpose:
To encourage the youth to talk about sex education and its benefits.

Sexual Education and Awareness among the growing teenagers.


● Attention Getter:
When was the last time the topic regarding sex and sexuality openly discussed in
an informative forum without kids sweating of the possibility of an adult hearing it?

● Thesis Statement:
Sexual Education matters as it is part of our physical health. It is beyond the
issues of copulation, but the sexual identity and health as well.

● Preview:
The imperativeness of talking about sex education and its benefits.

Point 1:
The Philippines has the most alarming teenage pregnancy rate among ASEAN countries
and an increasing report in HIV cases.
 Supporting Detail:
According to the recent World Bank data, in the Philippines, for every 1000
births, there are an estimated 47 births coming from women from the age range of 15-19
(UNFPA, 2020). At the same time, there was more than a 50% increase in reported HIV
cases from January 2020 to January 2021 (Statista, 2021).

Point 2:
Sex education should not be a taboo topic.
 Supporting Detail:
It should be discussed to enlighten students whom we can protect from deadly
infections like sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancies. It does not
center only on copulation but also on the male and female reproduction system, hygiene,
pre-marital sex, disparities among LGBTQ youth, teenage pregnancy, and sexually
transmitted diseases.
Point 3:
As a Catholic country, sex education would be helpful.
 Supporting Detail:
This will help the youth become more aware of their sexual health, lessen the
sexual danger by shelving sexual activities, diminishing pregnancy and STDs, and
boosting contraceptive usage. This can prevent abortions and problematic marriages,
which can lead to divorce.

● Restatement of the thesis:
Sexual Education matters as it is part of our physical health. It is beyond the
issues of copulation, but the sexual identity and health as well.

● Summary:
With the alarming increase of preventable situations such as teenage pregnancy
and the spread of STD, sex education would be a helpful addition to the curriculum and
provide benefits beyond the sexual grounds.

● Call for action/Closing Statement:

Growing teenagers should start breaking the stigma that sex education is taboo;
talking about it widens the knowledge of individuals regarding the matters and become
more proactive. It is your right to be informed.

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