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Week 1

 What is the logic model? Why is it an important model for grant writers to understand?

A logic model is a graphic depiction that represents the shared relationships among the resources,
activities, outputs, outcomes, and impact for your program. Therefore, depicting the relationship
between your program’s activities and its intended effects. Logic models are typically broken down into
4 sections: Inputs, resources consumed by the program. Activities, explains what your program will do to
get results. Outputs, measureable program activities. Outcomes, the benefit your program will bring as a
result of the program activities. Furthermore, logic models help to clearly communicate the goals of an
organization and what the organization does to funders.

 Why would granting organizations think a needs statement is important? Why would a needs
statement be important for the grant seeker?

Needs statements are required, because the statement presents facts and a storyline to support the
need for a project or program. By establishing the rationale for a project by clearly identifying the gap or
issue within a specific community. Hence, by explaining to a funder what the community requires or is
lacking by identifying issues. Also, the needs statement is an opportunity used to educate the funders
and proposal reviewers about community needs that the nonprofit organization seeks to change.
Therefore, demonstrating the need for understanding of community issues by addressing the need.
Week 1


This proposal will address our organizations current issues within the community concerning the recent
spike in burglaries, thefts, and fraud schemes directed at business. The proposal will describe common
grant types and identify possible sources for our organization. Thus, identifying federal funding agencies
that can possibly fund our organizations request. Hence, by providing strategies our organization plans
to implement during the development of the proposal. Lastly, presenting a logic model for our
organizations grant-funded project.

Describe common grant types and identify possible sources for your proposal

The four respective grant types associated with law enforcement are competitive funding, formula
funding, continuation funding, and pass-through funding. Competitive funding also referred to as
discretionary funding evaluates the reviewer or reviewers, and is funded solely on the merit of the
applicant(s) application. Formula funding are typically issued to pre-determined applicant(s), and funds
are distributed to eligible entities based on applicants meeting basic requirements. Continuation funding
is a funding that is offered to current applicant(s) that have previously received funding from the year
prior. Pass-through funding is funds given by the federal government and the disbursement of funds are
sent to eligible jurisdictions determined by the state. A grant suitable for the grant-funding proposal
would be one offered by the Department of Justice. The DOJ offers opportunities in which would
support the group’s overall goal of providing safety and security for their respective community.

Identify funding agencies that could possibly fund the grant

Under the Department of Justice our community qualifies for the Antiterrorism and Emergency
Assistance Program (AEAP) up to $50 million surpassing the $300,000 suggested. Through this particular
program, the (AEAP) offers assistance to the community suffering from mass violence. The (AEAP)
program fits the formula grant formatting in which our organization must apply through an application
process. After submission of the application to the Office for Victims of Crime (OVC), the (OVC) will
contact the state in which then the funding will be allocated to our organization in order to secure our
community safety and security. Furthermore, by our organization contacting local Juvenile departments
and law enforcement agencies we will have the opportunity to address if the issues are adult or juvenile
delinquency driven. Lastly, other programs that offer assistance in which our organization seeks are
provided: Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA), Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS), National Institute of
Justice (NIJ), Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP), and the Office of Justice

Provide teamwork strategies you might implement when developing the proposal

Teamwork strategies that will help our organization reach our goals are: Measuring, Target, Source, and
Frequency. Our organization is measuring the cost to fund a crime prevention program that will target
the protection of local business in the community and overall safety for its citizens. Our organizations
target is providing the public safety and security by implementing a crime prevention program in which
targets delinquent youths and adults. The sources in which our organization will attempt to receive
funding from is the Department of Justice, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, other
federal entities associated with public safety. Frequency relates to how well our organization will meet
targeted budgeting, are we meeting realistic goals, are we altering original goals in order to meet
change, and lastly reporting issues that are affecting the overall goal of the organization.


The organization summarized four commonly used grant types for their particular issue faced in their
community. By the organization identifying their issue the source that can potentially fund the
organizations crime prevention project was identified as AEAP and the OJJDP. Thus, through these two
programs the organization will have the opportunity to provide safety and security by curving
delinquent behavior with the OJJDP and approach crime prevention with adults with the AEAP federal
program. Therefore, the organization submitted a logic model in which addresses the organizations
implementation of goals using a four step process: measuring, target, source, and frequency.




Logic Model
Program: Crime Prevention
Goals: Improve community
member’s abilities to find,
evaluate, and provide
community awareness.
INPUTS Activities 
What we invest What we do Who we reach Why this project:
Short-term results
 Staff  Conduct  Victims  Awareness
 Neighborhood watch workshops and  Agencies and  Knowledge
 Money meetings community-  Attitudes
 Research Findings  Trainings based  Skills
 Materials  Deliver services organizations  Aspirations
 Equipment  Work with  Decision-  Motivations
 Technology media makers  Crime
 Partners (law prevention
enforcement) Data
Week 2

 What are three ways to measure the success of a program that you could include in its

Three ways to measure the success of a program are surveys, focus groups, benchmarking an
assessments. Starting with the financial aspect, a project profitability or cash flow must show an
organizations improvement in various ways. Two ways an organization can measure financial gain is
by total cost of goods sold or cost per unit measure. Either option is dependent upon how the
organization operates. Assessment tools are a detailed document with the organizations logic. When
organizations implement new improvements suggested by the assessment tool, organizations
typically improve overall. Focus groups provide organizations with the ability to interact with
interested parties in which their perception and opinion are critical to the prolong success of the

 Why do you believe measuring the success of a program is an essential part of grant writing?

Measuring success of a program is essential due to the fact that this information allows funders to
determine whether or not to continue sending funds to an organization. If an organization fails to
meet goals and are unsuccessful funders typically will not invest their funds with the organization.
So, program evaluations are vital to organizations that intend to keep funder(s) funding their
Week 2 Individual

Imagine that you are employed by one of the following:

 The social services division of a state or city government

 A citizen action committee made up of community members

 A police or fire department

 A school or educational organization (public or private)

Develop a 1,050- to 1,400-word needs statement and management plan that will be part of a proposal
for a fictitious, grant-funded project of your choosing on behalf of your agency or organization.
Include the following sections in your submission:


The proposal provided is for the Blanktown Police Department requesting an additional 15 officers to
combat the recent influx of narcotic sales and distribution in their community. In their proposal they
have described the characteristics of their agency. Thus, provided possible funding sources in which give
the Blanktown Police Department will grant funding for manpower and equipment. Hence, by providing
a needs statement in which identifies the specific issue the project will address. Therefore, by providing
a management plan in which describes the responsibilities of the requested officers for the Blanktown
Police Department.


The Blanktown Police Department, has served the community of Blanktown for 115 years, and is
experiencing a high influx in narcotic sales and distribution within the community. As a result of the
influx in narcotic sales and distribution, the Blanktown PD is understaff to due to the increase of officers
responding to calls pertaining to substance abuse in which results to fewer officers on the street.
Narcotic sales and distribution in the community has reached a point in which public safety is at risk.
Research shows that increasing manpower to combat narcotic distributing sites with investigative
methods will improve the public safety risk.

Problem Statement

In the response to the recent distribution of narcotics in our community, the Blanktown Police
Department is submitting this proposal for the increase of funding to provide an increase in public safety
officers for our community. After a recent survey, narcotic distribution sales have increased from 15% to
30% in a 30 day span. Within the last 15 calendar days, 2 distribution sites have been discovered by our
undercover units. Crime has also elevated in this sector ranging from car break-ins to home burglaries.
Thus, from investigative work conducted by detectives at the Blanktown Police Department there is
reason to believe the elevation of these crimes are connected to the increase in narcotic sales. So,
abandoned homes in the sectors are being turned into (stash) houses for individuals to sell narcotics.
Hence, there is a probability of more narcotic distribution sites in the community, but with the current
staff our department is not able to enforce the increasing drug sales in our community. Therefore, the
department is requesting an additional 15 officers in order to enforce our zero-tolerance stance against
narcotic distribution in our city. It is with high hopes, funding will be favorable towards this effort in
order to serve and protect our citizens.


The objective of the request for additional officers is to reduce the increase in criminal activity in the
sector and lower narcotic sales and distribution in the area. By reducing the current percentage of
distribution sales using crime prevention techniques, our community will be at a lesser risk of
victimization. The following will information will be provided for desired applicant: a position summary,
job description, education requirements, and experience required.

Position Summary

 Under close supervision, the Police officer will execute safety and security of the community
and public service activities. This position enforces all civil and criminal laws of the State of
Texas and McLennan County.  When directed to the Police officer will assist other agencies
(e.g. McLennan County Sheriff’s Department, Texas Highway Patrol, University Police, etc.)
to protect the citizens of McLennan County and anyone traveling through McLennan
County. This position affects the economic and social wellbeing of the citizens of McLennan
County (McLennan County, 2021).

Job Description

 Enforce the laws of the city.

 File reports

 Make arrests

 Maintain knowledge of procedures and law

 Operate city vehicles

 Prolong standing and sitting

 Lift twice your body weight


 High School Diploma

 Must be certified peace officer in the state of Texas (none probationary status)

Experience Required

 Minimum 1 year law enforcement experience

 Current valid driver’s license (safe driving record)

 Administer CPR and first aid

 Be able to work independently and make independent judgment calls

 Knowledge of law enforcement guidelines and criminal investigation methods

 Analyze issues and provide alternative solutions

 Provide your own firearm and duty belt. Cuffs and equipment will be issued by department.

Officers that are selected for employment with the Blanktown Police Department will receive 120 hours
of advanced training in homicide investigation, narcotics investigation, SWAT techniques, and other non-
lethal force techniques.


A possible source for funding is the Department of Justice $42 Million in which to combat illegal
manufacture and distribution of methamphetamine and opioids. The program that fits Blanktown issue
is the Department of Justice Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS Office). In previous
years the COPS office funded the Anti-Heroin Task Force Program (AHTF) directly for approximately 3
years with $29.7 million in grant funding to support state-level law enforcement agencies in their
investigation efforts against activities related to substance abuse and distribution of narcotics. The AHTF
and CAMP funding has a tremendous impact on state investigative and seizure work.  During the five
month period between October 2019 and February 2020, current AHTF grantees reported the seizure of
over $4 million in cash and 1,213 firearms.  Similarly, for CAMP, grantees reported seizures of more than
$7 million in cash and 1,577 firearms (The Depart, 2020). The Blanktown Police Department intends to
submit an application to the DOJ’s COPS office in order to secure funding for the additional tactical
officers, equipment, and training for three-years.



 Salaries and Wages

Tactical Officers
$45,000 x 15o x 12y $8,100,000


 Duty Belts $1,200

 Cuffs $600
 Tactical Classes $18,000

Project Total: $24,359,400

The fifth-teen tactical officers being requested projected salary for one-year. This will be the standard
employee rate for the City of Blanktown Police Officer employment.

The equipment funding requested for the Blanktown Police Tactical officer will be determined by
completive bidding from organizations within the community to control cost. The funding from the
Department of Justice would greatly impact not only the Blanktown Police Department but also the
citizens of Blanktown. The money from the grant would allow for 15 new officers. The money would also
help with training for these officers. Pervious grant recipients have shown great success after receiving
the money from the Department of Justice. This is very hopeful for our department. 


 McLennan County. (2021).  Current Job Openings  .


 The Depart. (2020).  Department of Justice Announces $42 Million to Combat Illegal Manufacture and
Distribution of Methamphetamine and Opioids.

 What is the main purpose of the Organizational Background Statement? Why do you believe it is

The main purpose of the organizational background statement is to ensure that audience (potential
funders) of the statement understands the creditable and vital roles of the organization in which
they intend to fund. The organizational background statement in a sense is a resume of their
accomplishments with previous projects and provides insight showing how the organization has
impacted their community. Also, the organizational background statement allows the organization
to highlight how well they’re managed, financial stability, meeting community needs, and how well
they have provided essential services to the community. Therefore, I believe this information is
vitally important because; the statement ensures the audience understands the intentions of the
organization, how well the organization interacts with the community, and highlights their stability.

 What role do strong writing skills play in grant writing? What are some resources or tools you
believe could help you improve your writing skills?

The role grant writers play is being effective persuaders to the readers to obtain funding for their
organization. Therefore, strong persuasive writing skills sell your organization to funders by convincing
the reader that they have identified an issue and have a plan to solve the issue. Skills associated with
improving writing skills are time management, ability to follow instructions, and research.
Week 3 Group

Review the Audit of the Office of Justice Programs Correctional Systems and Correctional

Alternatives on Tribal Lands Program Grant Awarded to the Eight Northern Indian Pueblos Council
Ohkay Owingeh, New Mexico by the Office of the Inspector General, and then discuss the audit
results with your team.

As a team, write a 350- to 700-word evaluation based on your team's discussion of the audit. Your
evaluation should include three things that the grantee did correctly and three things that they did
incorrectly in their proposal.

Inadequate record keeping

ENPIC initial expenditures for the fiscal year were within budget, but after the grant end date there
were expenditures of $10,443. The ENPIC encountered some indirect cost associated with their
budget totaling $10,215 but did not request a Grant Adjustment Notice (GAN) in which is required
by the OJP Financial Guide. Therefore, illegally the ENPIC charged indirect cost under the grant and
received reimbursement of the $10,215 through the grant. So, this incident raised suspicion of the
unallowable $10,215 that was unbudgeted. Hence, which raised further concern when ENPIC
applied their personnel cost to satisfy their agreement under Grant Number 2009-ST-B9-0077 in
which ENPIC could not provide documentation for the personnel cost of $69,572. So, ENPIC could
not verify their personnel’s salary in which is a direct violation of the OJP Financial Guide Special
Condition 13. Lastly, ENPIC applied for land valuation because the alternative treatment facility
would-be built-in Taos, New Mexico; but did not provide the value of the land with the lease.
Furthermore, ENPIC shows a pattern of not providing or maintaining adequate records per the OJP
Financial Guidelines and is constantly required to remedy unsupported matching allocations.
Week 3 individual

Assume that you are a member of a city-wide task force appointed by your mayor for the purpose
of addressing the issue of homeless persons in your area. You have been tasked with developing a
grant or foundation-funded proposal for a project to assist homeless persons in your community.

Develop a project timeline that lists the following:


The project timeline will address issues with homelessness by, outlining the responsibilities of the
individuals working to assist the homelessness individuals. Thus, by explaining the tasks, goals, and
duties assigned to assist the homelessness. Identify possible avenues in which funding sources can
provide assistance tailored to the homeless program. Henceforth, providing projected dates in which
each part of the implementation of the grant will occur.

The persons responsible for the project and their job titles 

In response to the surge of homelessness in our City of Blanktown, Mayor Brown intends to submit a
proposal to reduce the surge of homelessness in the City of Blanktown. Mayor Brown’s proposal request
to the Emergency Solutions Grants Program (ESG), will provide our community with the initial funds in-
order-to assist with operations with our local law enforcement, social workers, community shelter
personnel, employment assistance agencies for the homeless, mental health staff and housing authority.
The ESG program ensures programs operating funds that can quickly stabilize communities suffering
from an influx of homelessness individuals who need assistance. The ESG is funded by the United States
Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) in which appropriates funds rapidly to
communities who apply and qualify.

 Law Enforcement

The strategy that will be used by our local law enforcement agency is to enforce new laws
regarding homelessness. Blanktown Police Officers will escort the individual to the nearest
shelter that will provide shelter for the individual until services can be rendered. Therefore,
Blanktown Police Officers will assist in directing the homeless population to resources instead of
to jail.

 Social Workers and Mental Health

Social workers will assist local law enforcement by: directing the homeless population to
resources that the City of Blanktown will be funded by ESG. Also, social workers and assist
homeless with finding mental assistance as well as determining and assisting with the
individuals mental health issues. Hence, by engaging the individuals and their families at the
street level.
 Community Shelter Personnel and Housing Authority

Individuals working at the community shelter will assist individuals by giving the homeless a
temporary place to stay until permanent housing becomes available. The shelter will provide
meals three times a day as well as providing basic necessities. Also, community shelter
personnel will assist in the process of finding homeless individuals with resources. The housing
authority will place emphasis on rapidly finding individuals in need and their families’
permanent housing.

 Employment Agencies

The role of the individuals are to assist homeless individuals with locating qualifying jobs,
assisting with obtaining an identifications card, and help with training individuals that are able to
move into the working sector. This may include providing suitable clothing for individuals to
attend interviews.

Tasks and goals

The City of Blanktown has developed goals and intends to implement funds gained through the
Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG) Program to provide the homeless with safety and security. The
framework provided outlines similar programs in which have shown progress in their effort of reducing
homelessness and providing individuals with other alternatives other than living on the street.
Therefore, the City of Blanktown plan to work with the local community in effort to connect the
homeless population to different resources to integrate the homeless population back into society.

 Strategic Goals

Increase community participation and contributions to the ease the burden on funding. This will
ensure the City can budget appropriately and accurately. Use resources to ultimately end
homeless by methods of prevention to ensure homelessness is brief and non-recurring.
Incorporate practices at the national and local level that are proven to be the best approach by
improving assistance with establishing suitable services to meet the needs of the homeless
individual(s). Furthermore, by highlighting yields to effectiveness will ensure data collection and
performance measurements are emphasizing the outcome(s) warranted by program facilitators.

Projected dates when each part of the implementation of the grant will occur  

In the City of Blanktown the reason for the influx of homelessness for individuals and their families were
caused by the recent closure to a respectable automobile plant. Though these individuals have found life
to be difficult at this moment Mayor Brown and the City of Blanktown community intends to help with
the burden these individuals are suffering from with the implementation of projected dates in which the
grant will help subsided to bring homeless individuals the help they deserve.
 The first 60 days

The City of Blanktown will have received funds from ESG to fund their program to reach homeless
individuals and their families. By receiving the initial start-up funds the City of Blanktown can start the
process of renovating their current shelter to suit the needs of increased number of homeless
individuals. Hence, local community business have offered to contribute to the program with providing
bedding and necessities in-order-to keep cost down. Also, this will ensure that law enforcement, social
workers, and mental health workers have the time to focus on training and new procedures with
escorting individuals to the temporary shelter. Furthermore, this will be the appropriate time to gather
data about the homeless population. So, the best possible solutions can be tailored to fit this specific
group of homeless individuals.

 120 days

At the 120 day implementation of the plan: Blanktown Police Officers assisted by social service workers
are directing an escorting individuals to the community shelter. Community shelter personnel are
assisting the homeless individuals with bedding, meals daily, and resources. The Housing Authority, is
processing individuals based on their family size, dynamic, and mental health in-order-to find
appropriate housing for them.

 240 days

At 240 days into the plan: Mayor Brown and city officials reassess their initial plan to determine if their
process is working. Also, this gives them the opportunity to fine tune their program for discrepancies. A
survey will be conducted to gather information on how the homeless population think these new
implementations are working and if there is anything else that can be done to help the cause. Research
will be done also to see how many homeless people were connected to different jobs.
This project timeline help identifies key people and the time necessary to implement the new program
put into place after receiving the ESG. The people that are essential to implement this program are law
enforcement, social workers and mental health workers, community shelter personnel and housing
authority and employment. These people will help integrate the homeless population into society. The
timeline identified the timeline to phase in this new program. 


Donald, J., & Grubbs, S. (2021). Housing Affordability and Homelessness in Texas. Fiscal Notes,  (),.

The Department of Housing Affairs. (2020).  Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG)

Week 4 Individual

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you answer the following questions:
 What are the benefits of an evaluation plan?

 What are the differences between a process evaluation and an outcome evaluation?

 What are the types of budgets used in grant funding? Why are these types of budgets used?


The following will identify, the benefits and purposes of an evaluation plan. By explaining why the
evaluation plan dictates the programs future success or failures. Thus, by providing information for
whom the evaluation plan will benefit. Therefore, explaining the differences between the process
evaluation and an outcome evaluation. Thus, discussing the types of budgets used in grant funding.
Lastly, identifying the types of budgets used.

What are the benefits of an evaluation Plan?

An evaluation plan is simply another tool used to measure the future or current success of a proposed
program that is pursuing funding. The program officer should ensure that their evaluation plan aligns
with their program and funders interests. The benefit of an evaluation plan is that the program officer
can be transparent by providing the goals of the program in writing. Also, the evaluation plan allows for
inputs and projected outcomes from staff, in which potential funders and program officer(s) can
prioritize and develop realistic goals and a timeline for the program. Thus, enhancing goals, providing
opportunities to allocate funds, and identifies what is working and not working for the program.
Furthermore, the evaluation plan benefits both the program officer(s) and potential funders of the
program. Therefore, the evaluation plan answers the question that potential funders may have for the
future performance of a program.

What are the differences between a process evaluation and an outcome evaluation?

The process evaluation merely outlines what the program can offer and how the program is being
implemented. An example is: are the services of the program offering assistance to the community.
Process evaluation is another tool measure the response of the program, and also helps identify early
issues for which implementation for new practices can be rectified by program officer(s). Thus, providing
early insight into why certain goals were not achieved. The outcome evaluation helps identify whether
or not the program has reached its intended goals by determining their effectiveness. An example is:
testing the hypothesis by observing conditions before and after to identify if the change was credible or
desirable. Henceforth, the importance of outcome evaluation helps identify the objectives impact of the
program and measure the future course of the program. Therefore, the outcome evaluation is a
measurement that assess the growth or decline of a program by testing its hypothesis.

What are the types of budgets used in grant funding? Why are these types of budgets used?

The two types of budgets that are associated with grant funding are cost reimbursement funding
agreement and fixed price funding agreement. The cost reimbursement funding agreement is simply a
reimbursement of the actual cost related with the project. Meaning that line items and expenses must
be approved through the funding, and anything spent outside of the expenditures list is unauthorized.
So, items not listed in the initial grant proposal cannot be budgeted in at a later date. Therefore, items
and expenses will need pre-approval before funds can be spent on purchasing such items. While budget
adjustments are sometimes made after the grant award, this can be a lengthy process. It’s best to be
certain that implementation, continuation, and phase-down costs can be met with the budget you
submit with the proposal. Consider costs associated with leases, evaluation systems, hard/soft match
requirements, audits, development, implementing and maintaining information and accounting systems,
and other long-term financial commitments. (US Department of Justice, 2021). Fixed price funding
agreement, the funder agrees to submit an agreed upon amount of funds for the support of the
program. So, the program receiving funds from the funder will need to keep cost down, because
acquired outside of the projected funds will result in overhead for the program resulting in negative
equity. Therefore, leaving the project officer(s) responsible for the overages occurred if they exceed
their projected budget.


With the evaluation plan program officer(s) can evaluate their programs by writing down their goals and
ensure their plans align with funding policies in order to obtain funds from potential lenders. By
program officer(s) being transparent this allows staff and other program participants to submit their
inputs for an agreed upon outcome. Therefore, this method enhances individuals coming up with
realistic goals that the program can reach. Process evaluation and the outcome evaluation are
measurements that describe what the program offers, how well the program implements itself, and
finally tests the hypothesis by observation in which measures the future course of the program. Grant
funding budgets are two methods in which funders contribute their funds to programs in which need

US Department of Justice. (2021).  Grants 101.

In-kind services and contributions are valued at their fair market value or at their actual cost. In other
words, they are valued at what you would pay for them if they were not donated.

Week 4 Group
Imagine that you are seeking a $50,000 grant for the purpose of improving the processing and
examination of DNA evidence collected pursuant to criminal investigations in your local police
department. There are many DNA samples awaiting processing, and the funding is meant to help
improve the process. The grant funding period is one year (12 months).

Create a budget for your program. Include a spreadsheet detailing your budget, as well as a 350- to
700-word explanation for how you decided to allocate the funds in your budget.

With the budget of $50,000 for improving the processing and examination of DNA evidence collected
our group decided to approach the issue by upgrading the current DNA machine and providing
compensation for overtime accrued by personnel staff. The decision was made to upgrade the DNA
machine, because the Rapid DNA machine can process and return a sample within an hour and a half
and is 85% percent more efficient without human intervention but, when assisted and manned Rapid
DNA machine has a 90% percent success rate. Thus, shifting our attention to training our personnel and
interns. So, ongoing training for staff and interns to be proficient with the Rapid DNA machine was
considered into our budget. Personnel staff will have the opportunity to earn overtime to sustain the
processing and examination process. Interns will not have the same opportunity granted to them as
personnel staff, but will receive competitive compensation for their efforts for the improvement of
processing DNA samples ran through the Rapid DNA Machine.
Week 4

 Why is it important to include overhead costs in a grant budget?

Project Overhead refers to the costs of a project that a company incurs indirectly also called indirect
costs. These expenses cannot be directly attributed to one project, but instead are costs related to
running the company and therefore apply to all projects the company completes. Accounting for
overhead is important for budgeting purposes but also for determining how much a company must
charge for its products or services to make a profit. Examples of overhead expenses to account for
are costs to run the business, including rent, insurance, and utilities. Operating expenses are
required to run the business and cannot be avoided.

 How does a budget narrative relate to the actual budget? How would you prepare to write
this type of narrative?

While the budget table gives the total cost for each category of the budget, the budget narrative
gives the item by item breakdown for each category and shows the calculations used to derive the
costs. The budget narrative serves two purposes: it explains how the costs were estimated, and it
justifies the need for the cost. From a funder’s perspective, the budget narrative explains how you
will spend its investment and shows that you did your research to ensure that the project costs are
reasonable and well thought out.

The following will identify, the benefits and purposes of an evaluation plan. By explaining why, the
evaluation plan dictates the programs future success or failures.  Thus, by providing information for
whom the evaluation plan will benefit. Therefore, explaining the differences between the process
evaluation and an outcome evaluation. Thus, discussing the types of budgets used in grant funding.
Lastly, identifying the types of budgets used.

What are the benefits of an evaluation Plan?

An evaluation plan is simply another tool used to measure the future or current success of a proposed
program that is pursuing funding. The program officer should ensure that their evaluation plan aligns
with their program and funders interests. This is done by identifying the measurable outcomes of the
grants. The benefit of an evaluation plan is that the program officer can be transparent by providing the
goals of the program in writing. With the goals of the program identified, it is easier to create a path to
success for the program.  Also, the evaluation plan allows for inputs and projected outcomes from staff,
in which potential funders and program officer(s) can prioritize and develop realistic goals and a timeline
for the program. This allows funders to know exactly where their money is going. Thus, enhancing goals,
providing opportunities to allocate funds, and identifies what is working and not working for the
program. Furthermore, the evaluation plan benefits both the program officer(s) and potential funders of
the program. Therefore, the evaluation plan answers the question that potential funders may have for
the future performance of a program. There are two kinds of evaluation plans: process evaluation and
outcome evaluation. These two evaluations differ because they aim to evaluate two different factors. 

What are the differences between a process evaluation and an outcome evaluation?

The process evaluation merely outlines what the program can offer and how the program is being
implemented. A process evaluation is done before a program is implemented. An example is: Are the
services of the program offering assistance to the community and what kind of assistance is being
offered. Process evaluation is another tool measure the response of the program, and also helps identify
early issues for which implementation for new practices can be rectified by program officer(s). The
process evaluation is done while the programing is still operating or at the end of the program. Thus,
providing early insight into why certain goals were not achieved. The outcome evaluation helps identify
whether or not the program has reached its intended goals by determining their effectiveness. An
example is: testing the hypothesis by observing conditions before and after to identify if the change was
credible or desirable. Henceforth, the importance of outcome evaluation helps identify the objectives
impact of the program and measure the future course of the program. Therefore, the outcome
evaluation is a measurement that assess the growth or decline of a program by testing its hypothesis.
Though both evaluations are very important to a program, the outcome evaluation helps keeps the
program running successful.

What are the types of budgets used in grant funding? Why are these types of budgets used?

The two types of budgets that are associated with grant funding are cost reimbursement funding
agreement and fixed price funding agreement. The cost reimbursement funding agreement is simply a
reimbursement of the actual cost related with the project. Meaning that line items and expenses must
be approved through the funding, and anything spent outside of the expenditures list is unauthorized.
So, items not listed in the initial grant proposal cannot be budgeted in until a later date. Therefore,
items and expenses will need pre-approval before funds can be spent on purchasing such items. While
budget adjustments are sometimes made after the grant award, this can be a lengthy process. It’s best
to be certain that implementation, continuation, and phase-down costs can be met with the budget you
submit with the proposal. Consider costs associated with leases, evaluation systems, hard/soft match
requirements, audits, development, implementing and maintaining information and accounting systems,
and other long-term financial commitments. (US Department of Justice, 2021). This type of grant
funding is not ideal, because this mean that the program in need of the grant will have to front the
money. In most cases, people request grant money to help with expenses that they won’t normally be
able to afford. This will make it hard on the before requesting funding. An alternative option to a cost
reimbursement budget is a fixed price budget.  Fixed price funding agreement, the funder agrees to
submit an agreed upon amount of funds for the support of the program. So, the program receiving
funds from the funder will need to keep cost down, because acquired outside of the projected funds will
result in overhead for the program resulting in negative equity. Therefore, leaving the project officer(s)
responsible for the overages occurred if they exceed their projected budget. This kind of budget
requires a lot of work and detailing. The project officers will have to correctly access the amount of
money needed for item. Every factor has to be accounted for such as cost for shipping and handling,
installing different things or implement different things for the program and other fees that may be
associated with trying to implement different programs.  If the program is in desperate need of money,
a fixed budget will be the best option.            


With the evaluation plan program officer(s) can evaluate their programs by writing down their goals and
ensure their plans align with funding policies in order to obtain funds from potential lenders. By
program officer(s) being transparent this allows staff and other program participants to submit their
inputs for an agreed upon outcome. The evaluation also allows for funders to see draw a direct line form
the funding to where the money is going. Therefore, this method enhances individuals coming up with
realistic goals that the program can reach. Process evaluation and the outcome evaluation are
measurements that describe what the program offers, how well the program implements itself, and
finally tests the hypothesis by observation in which measures the future course of the program. Grant
funding budgets are two methods in which funders contribute their funds to programs in which need
funding.  There are two kinds of grant budgets: fixed price budget and reimbursement budget. If you
need money right away a fixed budget would be the best route for the program. If the program has
extra money laying around and can wait to be reimbursed, a reimbursement budget is a great option.   
Week 5

 What are some ways that you can make your grant easier to review?

Ways that you can make your grant easier to review is to be clear and concise. Review the application
guidelines so, you can meet the qualification criteria the funder is asking for. Write an outline to begin
with so all the information being stated can be clear when delivered. State your mission objective but do
not lose sight of your mission statement by blurring unnecessary information in which can devalue your
proposal. Proofreading and having peer review your proposal will ensure there are no mistakes.

 What would you do if you received notification that your grant was not funded? How would
that affect future attempts to obtain funding from that source? 

Once this information is received, it would be wise to contact the funder to gain insight on why the
proposal was rejected. Other options are to request a copy of the reviewers comment and ask if you’re
able to resubmit your proposal on the next funding cycle. Speaking with the funder(s) after being
rejected may help in the future, because you can find out how to strengthen future proposals for the
same funder or a different funder. Also, seeking ways to strengthen your relationship with the funder for
possible future opportunities.

Week 5 Group
 Create a 700- to 1,050-word outline based on the logic model you created in Week 1. You will outline
content for the following additional proposal sections:

 Executive Summary / Abstract

 Title Page

 Background

 Evaluation

 Conclusion (of grant, not paper)

Week 5 Individual
Create a 1,050- to 1,400-word grant writing guide that highlights the most important parts of the
grant writing process from beginning to end, including submission guidelines and addressing post
grant activities.

Introduction/Cover Letter

 There are 10 elements associated with the process of a grant proposal which includes: The Title
page, introduction, institutional background, problem statement, program goals,
implementation plan, evaluation plan, future funding/sustainability, budget, and extras. The
introduction, abstract, or summary provides a brief overview of the proposal by offering
information about the proposing company, their capability of completing proposed project, and
the method in which the company intends use the funds. So, the introduction answers three
questions by stating who, what, and when. An example of this is: The reason for the submission
of this proposal is to increase the public safety of the City of Blanktown by improving fitness of
law enforcement officers serving with the City of Blanktown Police Department. Recently the
City of Blanktown Police Officers have been suffering from injuries at an higher rate due to lack
of exercise equipment and this issue also proposes a risk to an surge in cardiovascular issues
among Blanktown Police Officers.

Institutional Background

 The institutional background describes the proposing company success and establishes their
creditability to future potential funders. An example of this is: The City of Blanktown Police
Department takes pride in their appearance and physical fitness. Blanktown Police Officers have
been involved in numerous marathons in which they have won consecutively over a 10 year
period in previous years.

Problem Statement/Needs Statement

 The problem/needs statement is the section in which the proposer states their issue to the
funder with data. By doing this the proposer must link their issue to the funding source(s) goals
and priorities by answering two questions: What is the situation and why is it happening? Also,
this information being provided helps and explains the identified problem. Thus, allowing the
opportunity to identify solutions that have already been attempted to avoid repeating
attempted solutions. An example of this is: Consequences suffered by the Blanktown Police
Department are injury prone officers, cardiovascular related issues, and less officers in rotation
due to health and injury issues. After evaluation of officer’s records 2-3 officers have suffered an
injury due to weight issues or suffer from cardiovascular complications. So, when the City of
Blanktown police officers are recovering the Blanktown is at a higher risk for victimization by
criminals. Therefore, the Blanktown Police Department request for fitness equipment; so
Blanktown police officers can improve their overall physical fitness. Thus, by increasing officers
in the field providing safety to the public by enhancing their physical fitness.

Program Goals and Objectives

 Program goals and objectives are the outcome in which the company measures the anticipated
benefits. Simply, gives what the company will expect once granted funding from the funder. An
example of this is: The City of Blanktown aims to reduce cardiovascular related issues by 30% by
the second year of installment of new fitness equipment. By, mandating and scheduling officers
to exercise at a minimum of 3 times a week in which the supervisor will keep this information
recorded. Reduce the time officers are on sick leave due to non-cardiovascular injuries by 20%
percent within the first year of the project start date. By officers regularly weight training to
build their overall physical fitness. A supervisor will keep this information recorded and turn in
the information quarterly to the Department head.

Methods/Implementation Plan

 Explains to the funder how the activities support the achievement of the company reaching
their goals they’ve highlighted in the program goals section. This may include the company
providing a timeline in this section. Time inurement’s can be every 30days, quarterly, and
annually. An example is:
 First 30 Days:
All officers employed with Blanktown Police Department are to be assessed by a doctor of the
departments choosing to screen for cardiovascular related issues.
 45 Days
Basement is cleared of police gear not associated with physical fitness. Vendors deliver physical
fitness equipment to police department.
 60 Days
Officers associated with cardiovascular related issues are re-tapped and assessed by doctor for
 90 Days
Log sheets are turned in for all officers participating in the physical fitness program.
 120 Days
Assessment of program to see if there are any issues or things should be fixed within the

Evaluation Plan

 An evaluation plan is simply another tool used to measure the future or current success of a
proposed program that is pursuing funding. The program officer should ensure that their
evaluation plan aligns with their program and funders interests. The benefit of an evaluation
plan is that the program officer can be transparent by providing the goals of the program in
writing. Also, the evaluation plan allows for inputs and projected outcomes from staff, in which
potential funders and program officer(s) can prioritize and develop realistic goals and a timeline
for the program. Thus, enhancing goals, providing opportunities to allocate funds, and identifies
what is working and not working for the program. Furthermore, the evaluation plan benefits
both the program officer(s) and potential funders of the program. Therefore, the evaluation plan
answers the question that potential funders may have for the future performance of a program.
(Hart, 2021). An example of this is: Blanktown Police Department conducting pre-screenings of
officers enlisting and officers already serving the department. Individuals meeting the criteria for
high risk of cardiovascular issues will be measured monthly by a doctor of the departments
choosing. Converting the basement into a functional fitness room in which in the past has been
a storage for police equipment. With the ability to free up this space funding will not be used to
build or renovate at a different site. Therefore, all equipment suggested can be allocated to this
space without any issues in which provides privacy for officers who do not like to participate in
public gyms. Blanktown Police Department has located two vendors who will help curve the cost
of the purchasing of fitness equipment in which will generate more machines in the future or
serve as maintenance funds for equipment. Fitness machines that will be purchased are weight
machine, stationary bike, rowing machine, and treadmill.


 There are two types of budgets associated with grant funding: cost reimbursement funding and
fixed price funding agreement. Cost reimbursement funding is the company asking for approval
for expenses prior to spending money that is not allocated for the expense. Fixed price funding
agreement is simply the grant in which you apply for is all the funds you will receive, expenses
that occur outside of the projected project are not covered by the funder. Therefore, in the
scenario of the City of Blanktown police Department requesting funds for fitness equipment will
be a cost reimbursement funding agreement, because officers constantly seeing the doctor to
be assessed after so many days the cost will either be higher or lower.


 The conclusion reviews and identifies the most important parts of the proposal, and explains the
importance of how the funder’s money will be spent in detail.

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