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Concurrence between Interpupillary Line and

Tangent to the Incisal Edge of the Upper Central

Incisor Teeth jerd_283 318..322



Objective: Dento-facial harmony is essential to obtain adequate esthetics and a successful treat-
ment. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to analyze the existence of polar symmetry,
obtained by two parallel lines, one along the pupils and another along the incisal edge of the
upper central incisor teeth of 102 dental students distributed across five Brazilian
dental schools.
Materials and Methods: One hundred and two students with no missing teeth, who had never
been subjected to any kind of dental treatment, not even orthodontic treatment, were selected
and photographed using a dental eye II camera (Yashica-Kyocera Optics Inc., Somerset, NJ,
USA) with a macro-objective lens of 100 mm and using a scale of 1:10 of the natural size. All
the individuals were positioned parallel to the plane of Frankfurt and to the ground, and were
photographed smiling in order to expose the central incisors. The pictures were transformed
into digital images (1,840 ¥ 1,252 pixels) and analyzed later using Microsoft Office Power
Point 2007 software. Two lines (along the pupils and another along the maxillary incisive
teeth) were drawn, and the inclination obtained was generated by the program itself. Symmetri-
cal cases were classified as “yes” (Y), and the remainder as “no” (N). Cases were also divided
according to gender. Results were statistically assessed by analysis of variance and Student’s
t-test (a = 0.05).
Results: There was a statistically significant correlation between the line parallel with the
pupils and the tangent of the incisal edge of the incisors, irrespective of gender.
Conclusion: Regardless of gender, there is a correlation between the pupils and the tangent
with the incisal edge of the maxillary central incisors.

Despite diversity in individuals, facial and anatomic measurements may aid in the execution
and planning of rehabilitation treatments.
(J Esthet Restor Dent 21:318–323, 2009)

*Postgraduate student, Department of Dentistry, University of Taubate, Taubate, SP, Brazil

Postgraduate student, Department of Dentistry, University of Taubate, Taubate, SP, Brazil

Associate professor, Department of Dentistry, University of Taubate, Taubate, SP, Brazil
Associate professor, Department of Dentistry, University of Taubate, Taubate, SP, Brazil

Associate professor, Department of Dentistry, University of Taubate, Taubate, SP, Brazil


J O U R N A L C O M P I L AT I O N © 2 0 0 9 , W I L E Y P E R I O D I C A L S , I N C .
318 DOI 10.1111/j.1708-8240.2009.00283.x VOLUME 21, NUMBER 5, 2009

INTRODUCTION prosthetic, or restorative treatment, research, and granted the right to

with the objective of obtaining sat- use their images. The students were

T he polar symmetry, or symme-

try in relation to a certain
point, is one of the factors that
isfactory esthetics. One of these
measurements includes the distance
between the pupils and the deter-
males and females, aged from 20
to 25 years old. All individuals
selected for this study were previ-
contribute to facial harmony. Its mination of the medium line.7,8 ously submitted to clinical exami-
application in rehabilitation treat- However, it should be pointed out nation. Those that presented
ments can determine the success or that patients must be compared partial or complete absence of
failure of a natural restoration. with others of equivalent age, teeth; periodontal disease; esthetic
Symmetry is one of the key factors gender, and race, considering the restorations involving the edge of
that contribute to an attractive deviations of normality.9–11 the maxillary incisive teeth;
smile.1 Generally, the human face artificial crowns; and history of
is not symmetrical (disproportion The study of the relationship orthodontic and/or orthopedic
and anatomic deviations can be between the incisors and the appliance use, congenital facial
observed), and this should be taken orbital plane is characterized by anomalies, or facial surgery were
into consideration when a rehabili- the need for a practical approach excluded from the study.
tation treatment is to be initiated.2 for the verification of possible
In dentistry, the use of well-defined facial relationships by a general Obtaining Images
proportions is extremely important clinic dentist. Because most studies After having read and signed the
for the esthetic and function of the report the relationship between the free and informed consent form, all
stomatognatic system.3 During occlusal plane and bipupilary the individuals were positioned par-
prosthesis restoration treatment, plane, this potential new reference allel to the plane of Frankfurt and
dentists endeavor to establish a line could prove useful in the to the ground, and were photo-
relationship between the prosthesis esthetic restorative treatment of graphed smiling in order to expose
being manufactured, and the crani- anterior teeth. the central incisors. One hundred
ometrical and facial ratios of the and two photographs were taken
patients being prosthetically reha- Thus, the aim of the present study using the Dental Eye III (Yashica-
bilitated, with a view to the was to verify facial symmetry by Kyocera Optics Inc., Somerset,
achievement of functional comparing presence (true hypoth- NJ, USA) camera with a macro-
and esthetic harmony in esis) and absence (null hypothesis) objective lens of 100 mm and using
oral rehabilitation. of parallelism between the pupil a scale of 1:10 of the natural size.
line and the tangent of the Images were recorded on 35-mm
Many planes and points of the incisal edge of the maxillary film (Ektachrome ASA/ISO 100,
skull can be used as references for central incisors. Kodak Inc., São José dos Campos,
the confection of dental prostheses, São Paulo, Brazil), and photos were
including the Camper Plane, M AT E R I A L S A N D M E T H O D S transformed into digital images of
Frankfurt Plane, and the orbital One hundred and two students 1,840 ¥ 1,232 pixels.
(both pupils).4,5 Anatomic measure- from five dentistry colleges were
ments are used to evaluate the selected. All subjects signed a Image Analyses
cranio-dental–facial distance6 and document of free and informed The images were visualized using
aid in the planning of orthodontic, consent to participate in the the Microsoft PowerPoint 2007

VOLUME 21, NUMBER 5, 2009 319


Figure 1. Coincidence (A) or absence of coincidence (B) of parallelism between pupil line and the tangent of the incisal edge
of the maxillary central incisors.

Figure 2. Distribution of the results (percentage) according Figure 3. Distribution (percentage) of the results in
to presence (yes) or absence of parallelism (no). relation to gender.

(Microsoft Corp., Redmond, WA, According to inclination of the R E S U LT S

USA) software, magnified three lines, the subjects were classified Results showed that 70.59% of the
times and, using the line tool, two into two groups: individuals that population demonstrated parallel-
lines were traced: line 1, horizon- presented parallelism between the ism, and 29.41% did not demon-
tal, from pupil to pupil; and line lines obtained were included in the strate parallelism. According to
2, horizontal, passing by the “yes” (Y) group, and individuals gender, parallelism can be observed
incisal edge of the upper central that did not present parallelism in 40.28% of men and 59.72% of
incisor teeth (Figure 1). The were included in the “no” (N) women. Statistical difference was
obtained inclination was generated group (Figure 2). The subjects were demonstrated when comparing the
by the program itself. A single also grouped according to gender number of Y and N samples,
person was responsible for (male/female) for analysis based on p = 0.00, as well as the genders.
this process. gender (Figure 3). The correlation of parallelism


320 J O U R N A L C O M P I L AT I O N © 2 0 0 9 , W I L E Y P E R I O D I C A L S , I N C .

T A B L E 1 . N U M E R I C A L D I S T R I B U T I O N O F T H E R E S U LT S O B S E R V E D .
Number of samples (n) % Gender Quantity (n) in each group %
Yes 72* 70.59 Men 29** 40.28
Women 43** 59.72
No 30* 29.41 Men 7 23.33
Women 23 76.67
Statistical significant difference: *p = 0.000 and **p = 0.020.

between genders presented a achievement. However, high levels temporomandibular disorders.14

relevance of p = 0.200. As such, of deviations may be considered Measurements and proportions
the null hypothesis cannot be esthetic alterations. In many were developed in order to evalu-
discarded (Ho) (Table 1). buccal rehabilitation studies, facial ate the cranio-bite–facial distances;
lines are utilized as references. however, it should be emphasized
These anatomic facial distances that patients should be compared
The widespread use of photo- must be analyzed individually in with their equivalents in age,
graphic techniques in dental clinics order to facilitate assembling. To gender, and race, evaluating devia-
provides an important analysis tool facilitate the assembly of the teeth tions of the normality.10 The inter-
that contributes to the results of of a dental prosthesis, the occlusal pupillary distance and its
treatments. The use of computer plane must be associated with the relationship with other anatomical
software for interpretation analysis lobular plane of the ears to facili- structures can be used as a refer-
should be encouraged because such tate the manufacture of the pros- ence in treatments but measured
methods provide excellent condi- thetic apparatus;12 however, in in an individual manner.3,15
tions of work, enhancing the pre- most cases, the ears are not Another anatomical measurement,
dictability and the understanding necessarily coincident with the such as intercomissure distance,
of the treatment by the patient. interpupillary line, and the bizygomatic distance, and interpu-
However, such software requires earbrow can be reoriented to pillary distance, may be used as
training and practice by a compe- coincide with this. Similarly, there an aid in the determination of the
tent operator to obtain results should be proportion between anterior teeth and of the dental
accurately. The PowerPoint the widest part of the nose and arch in oral rehabilitations.11,14,16,17
program was chosen because of its the anterior teeth of the Some authors have suggested a
reduced price, widespread utiliza- superior arcade.13 relationship between the superior
tion, ease of use, and the tool line central incisive and interpupillary
of the software used in this study The use of a correct configuration distance.11,17 Such suggestions for
for verification of parallelism of the anatomical planes is associ- the use of anatomical measure-
among straight lines is sufficient to ated with esthetic excellence, as ments should be repeated in
determine the outcome of the well as a better function of the varied populations to compensate
images for the results. stomatognatic system, because of ethnic differences. Our study was
the relationship that exists conducted in the Brazilian
Facial symmetry itself may not between the craniofacial population, which constitutes a
be a key factor in statistical plane and the presence of miscegenated population.

VOLUME 21, NUMBER 5, 2009 321


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322 J O U R N A L C O M P I L AT I O N © 2 0 0 9 , W I L E Y P E R I O D I C A L S , I N C .

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