Alex Olvera - Conspiracy Theory Essay

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Alex Olvera

Mrs. Ramirez

9/11 Conspiracy Theory

November 30, 2021

9/11 was a tragic event that killed thousands of Americans. 9/11 put the

United States into a war that would last 20 years. The 9/11 conspiracy theory is a theory that the

U.S government orchestrated the attack. If the theory is true, why? Why would the U.S

government kill its own civilians? Could it be to start a war? Numerous witnesses came forward

claiming they heard explosions at the bottom of the towers. After the attacks, congress quickly

passed the patriot act. The U.S quickly invaded Afghanistan after the attacks and Iraq two years

later. Some question why the hijacked planes weren’t intercepted by military jets. 9/11 was an

inside job because of no military intervention and explosions at the bottom of the towers before

the planes hit. The U.S government is responsible for the attacks.

Explosions in the lower parts of the buildings are the reason for their collapse. Assistant

fire commissioner Stephen Gregory claimed he saw flashed at the lower level of the building

( The buildings were demolished with explosions because a single plane can not

bring down a 110 story skyscraper. A maintenance worker at the north tower, William Rodriguez

claimed to had heard huge explosions when he was at the lower parts of the building

( The explosions were the result of controlled demolition and the evidence

supports it. Claims made by Steven E. Jones showed that fire from jet fuel could not have

reached more than 1000 degrees celsius . That is not enough heat to melt steel. Steel melts at

around 1550-1990 degrees celsius ( It’s scientifically proven that planes alone

could not have brought the building down because the heat produced was not hot enough to melt
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steel. There are numerous witnesses and science backed evidence that shows planes alone could

not have brought down the towers.

9/11 was an excuse to pass the patriot act for the government to spy on americans. On

may 26, 2011, senator Ron Wyden, said “ I want to deliver a warning… when the American

people find out how their government has secretly interpreted the patriot act, they will be stunned

and they will be angry.” ( The patriot act was an excuse to spy on Americans, even a

senator warned the people about it. The FBI made 53 reported criminal referrals because of

143,074 national security letters. Of the 53 referrals, zero were related to terrorism (

The government didn’t use the patriot act for counter terrorsim, which means it has a different

purpose. The patriot act allows delay notice of when federal law enforcement conducts searches

of homes. In 2010, 3,970 searches were conducted and only 1% were related to terrorism

( For example, you can’t search someone's home without warrants. In conclusion, the

patriot act was used for more than terrorism and the government just wants to spy on Americans.

9/11 was an excuse to invade the middle east. The 19 hijackers are not Afghan nationals.

Even though Al-Qaeda is based in Afghanistan. The hijackers were mostly from Saudi Arabia

( It doesn’t make sense why the U.S would blame Afghanistan when none of

the hijackers were from there. The U.S wanted to invade Afghanistan because of the oil in the

region. 9/11 was a perfect excuse for it. The price of oil dropped in the United states after the

invasion of the middle east. The U.S invaded Iraq in 2003 under the excuse of nuclear weapons

in the region. The U.S didn’t have a good enough reason to invade Iraq and grew unpopular

among the people. In conclusion, there is evidence stating 9/11 was just an excuse to invade the

middle east for their resources.

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There was no military intervention on 9/11 or planes shot down. Military personnel were

doing military exercises on 9/11. Some speculate they were purposely distracted to allow the

attacks to happen ( The military was distracted so there was no interference with

the attacks. NORAD didn’t launch fighters even though it was clear there were multiple plane

hijackings ( Something might have been stopping NORAD from sending planes

to stop the hijacked jets. Air Force jets took off without weapons. If they were to intercept the

planes they would need weapons. If jets took off without weapons that most likely means they

were not going to intercept jets. In conclusion, there should have at least been more military

intervention since New York is near Washington D.C.

In conclusion, through extensive research, 9/11 was most likely an inside job because of

eyewitness testimonies and scientific facts. If we don’t do more research and take this topic

seriously, we’ll never uncover the truth whether it was planned by the government or not.

Eyewitness reports of explosions at the bottom of the towers is the best evidence proving planes

weren’t the only factor. Senator Ron Wyden warned us about the patriot act and how the

government actually uses it. Evidence shows 9/11 was used for war in the middle east for natural

resources. No military intervention only further proves that the government had something to do

with 9/11. 9/11 was a tragic event, but evidence shows the government was probably involved.

“It was the worst day we have ever seen, but it brought out the best in all of us” senator John

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Work cited

“Could Fighter Jets Have Stopped 9/11 Attacks?”, NBCUniversal News
Group, 15 June 2004,

“Surveillance under the Patriot Act.” American Civil Liberties Union,

“Was 9/11 an inside Job?” Eurozine, 21 July 2006,

BobShanahan, Citizen Truth May 15. “The Ultimate inside Job, Part II: 9/11 Was Predicted and
the Truth Is Finally Bubbling toward the Surface.” Citizen Truth, 15 May 2018,

“911 An inside Job! - Unveil the Dark and Hidden Facts.” Worlds Ultimate, 18 May 2019,

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