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Growing alarms of chemical attack

Vaunted A desperate
invaders make Russia may use
little progress ‘false-flag’ ploy,
at heavy cost o∞cials say
BY G RIFF W ITTE, This article is by David L. Stern,
D AN L AMOTHE, Joby Warrick, Michael Birnbaum,
K ARLA A DAM Ellen Nakashima and Missy Ryan.
mukachevo, ukraine — The
They don’t fully control the United States and its allies have
skies, despite possessing one of intelligence that Russia may be
the world’s most advanced air preparing to use chemical weap-
forces. Their ground assault on ons against Ukraine, U.S. and
the capital has been inching along European officials said Friday, as
for days, with a miles-long convoy Moscow sought to invigorate its
marooned by supply problems. faltering military offensive
And all the while, they are taking through increasingly brutal as-
heavy losses — both in equipment saults across multiple Ukrainian
and personnel, as estimates sug- cities.
gest more dead troops than Amer- Security officials and diplo-
ica suffered during 20 years of mats said the intelligence, which
war in Afghanistan. they declined to detail, pointed
Two weeks after Russian forc- to possible preparations by Rus-
es streamed into neighboring sia for deploying chemical muni-
Ukraine following months of tions, and they warned the
buildup, evidence is mounting Kremlin may seek to carry out a
that the invasion has not gone to “false-flag” attack that attempts
plan — and that Russia’s much- to pin the blame on Ukrainians,
vaunted military may not be the or perhaps Western govern-
formidable force once feared. ments. The officials, like others
“The word I’m hearing from quoted in this story, spoke on the
everybody in the government condition of anonymity because
who is watching this is ‘surpris- of the sensitive nature of the
ing.’ My own word is ‘shocking,’ ” matter.
said Barry Pavel, a former top The accusations surfaced as
Pentagon official who is now sen- Russia repeated claims that the
ior vice president at the Atlantic United States and Ukraine were
Council. “It’s shocking how in- SALWAN GEORGES/THE WASHINGTON POST operating secret biological
competent they are in the basics A woman who gave her name as Katya examines a rifle during a weapons training session this week in Odessa, Ukraine. She said she worked weapons labs in Eastern Europe
of joint military operations by an — an allegation that the Biden
as a dance coach and city guide and had dreamed of one day emigrating. “But not now. Now I feel that my place is here, in my motherland.”
advanced country.” administration dismissed as “to-
That doesn’t mean Russia tal nonsense” and “outright lies.”
won’t ultimately seize Kyiv and Any use of poison gases in
topple the Ukrainian govern-
ment. And it doesn’t mean U.S. tech giants are rewriting Their lives brutally transformed, Ukraine would violate a
decades-old international treaty
Ukraine won’t pay a horrific
price in both military and civil- rules, and Russia is retaliating Ukrainians find hope in unity banning such weapons and
would represent a dangerous
ian casualties, as it continues to turn in Russia’s two-week-old
do daily. BYE LIZABETH D WOSKIN, last week in Europe only. Friday’s BY M AX B EARAK Kharkiv has been saved. Every- military offensive against its
But the stumbling pace of Rus- G ERRIT D E V YNCK decision is a major blow to Rus- AND I SABELLE K HURSHUDYAN thing’s great. There are no more neighbor. Russia, which pos-
sia’s assault since President AND T AYLOR T ELFORD sia’s efforts to sow propaganda occupiers. Everyone can go back sessed vast stocks of chemical
Vladimir Putin ordered troops about the war to international lviv, ukraine — In the first home and keep living their nor- and biological weapons during
into Ukraine late last month — Russia sought on Friday to de- audiences. hours of the Russian invasion, mal lives.’ ” the Cold War, has used outlawed
marked by apparent confusion clare Facebook an extremist or- Meanwhile, the Russian gov- Stas Dikiy joined hundreds of peo- Two weeks later, Dikiy had fled nerve agents in at least two
SEE MILITARY ON A11 ganization and YouTube blocked ernment said Friday it was block- ple crammed into an un- and was sleeping on a rela- SEE WEAPONS ON A10
Russian state media channels ing popular social media app Ins- derground metro station in THE BIG tive’s floor, his life, along
worldwide, an escalation of the tagram, taking further action Kharkiv, Ukraine’s second- PICTURE with every other Ukraini-
Note of defiance: Kyiv orchestra tit-for-tat battle between Silicon against Meta — the parent com- largest city, to shelter from an’s, transformed as the na- Global economy slows: Soaring
performs in city’s main square. A7 Valley companies and Russia as pany of Facebook, Instagram and thunderous missile strikes shak- tion has gone from tense peace to gas prices upset recovery. A14
Iran nuclear talks: New Russian the Ukraine war enters its third WhatsApp — because of reports ing the ground above him. total war at blinding speed. Trade sanctions: U.S., E.U. to
demand halts negotiations. A8 week. the previous day that Facebook “I don’t know how realistic it “This has to end at some point, enforce tariffs, import bans. A16
YouTube blocked the channels temporarily suspended its hate- is,” Dikiy, 22, said at the time, “but right?” he said when reached by
Surviving sanctions: Isolated of Russian state media outlets speech rules to allow posts that I’d like to hear in a few hours some phone Thursday. Ballet: Ukrainian dancers take off
Russia will lean on China. A9 globally after initially doing so SEE META ON A15 news saying: ‘We have survived. SEE UKRAINE ON A12 slippers, put on combat boots. C1

No escape from covid for a Black funeral director ‘Autonomous’ surveillance

Baltimore man tries to draw attention to the inequities in his community — and in his field at border a test for Democrats
BY R ACHEL C HASON radar to feed an artificial intelli-
gence system that can determine
baltimore — There were so Deal made for powerful whether a moving object is an
many bodies in Hari Close’s funer- AI system during animal, vehicle or person, and
al home one day last month that beam its location coordinates to
he arrived to begin embalming
Trump administration U.S. Border Patrol agents.
them at 2 a.m. It was his 61st Al Miller, whose ranch spans
birthday, but he had to get to work. about 50 square miles of deso-
Later that day, the Baltimore BY N ICK M IROFF late West Texas desert and
funeral director counseled the mountains, including Viejo
family of a 13-year-old who had valentine, tex. — The gap in Pass, has three of the towers on
died of covid-19, after weeks on a the mountains here known as his property. “I think they’ve
ventilator. He tried to help them Viejo Pass has been a smuggling made a difference,” he said, add-
navigate their grief even as he corridor into the United States ing the system has “learned”
struggled with his own, thinking for more than a century. In 1918 which objects to disregard, in-
of his grandchildren around the the U.S. Army built an outpost at cluding his truck. “When my
same age. Close phoned a friend to the entrance to the pass to ward pickup goes by, they no longer
vent. Then he headed back to the off Pancho Villa’s raiders, but it watch it,” Miller said.
embalming room, where his work was abandoned long ago. U.S. Customs and Border Pro-
would stretch into the evening. Today the government is tection has deployed about 175 of
As the pandemic enters its third guarding the route with solar- the towers along the southern
year, the nation is edging toward powered “autonomous surveil- border so far, part of a five-year
normalcy. But Close does not get lance towers” whose humming, SEE BORDER ON A6
to move on. MARVIN JOSEPH/THE WASHINGTON POST rotating heads look like Pixar’s
There has been too much death. Hari Close works at a memorial service in Baltimore in December. Covid has hit the Black WALL-E on a pole. The towers use Deportations drop: Levels lowest
SEE PANDEMIC ON A5 community hard, and the pace of work for Close and other Black funeral directors is relentless. thermal imaging, cameras and in history of ICE, report says. A6

In Sunday’s Post Inside

∠∠ The endless siesta THE DISTRICT
In Spain, the sacred Fatal crash at restaurant
Two women died and nine people
afternoon snooze was were injured when an SUV struck a
beginning to fall out of favor, patio in the Chevy Chase area. B1
but for many, the narrowing Spring forward Daylight REAL ESTATE
of the world during the saving time begins at 2 a.m. A banner year for luxury
WILL BYINGTON pandemic has rekindled the Sunday. Before bed, set your
A $48 million sale in the D.C. area
in 2021 set the pace, with the
On the boat again Stars, ancient pleasure. Magazine clocks ahead one hour. “wealth factor” spurring the chase.
virus tests and endless State of surprise A Maryland

buffets do their part as the native finds a range of history BUSINESS NEWS ............................................. A14
COMICS ............................................................. C5
CONTENT © 2022
The Washington Post / Year 145, No. 97

cruise and music industries and environments in lesser- OPINION PAGES...............................................A17
make a return. Arts & Style known state parks. Travel OBITUARIES.......................................................B5
JAMES RAJOTTE FOR THE WASHINGTON POST WORLD NEWS....................................................A7


The Washington Post will no longer

PAC’s contest to meet Trump yields no winner
publish the In Case You Missed It
feature in the Saturday and early- to the fact that the body’s three
Sunday newspaper editions or the
Happening Today feature Monday Small-dollar donors were Republicans have reliably voted
in his favor. That pattern has
through Friday. For all the latest
updates, go to
told one would be picked caused the FEC to deadlock on
to dine with ex-president numerous cases, since the body is
set up such that no party can
control more than three seats —
CO RR E CT I ON S and since four votes are required
BY J OSH D AWSEY for any official commission ac-
The Washington Post is committed to Save America has raised more
correcting errors that appear in the Former president Donald than $120 million from Trump
newspaper. Those interested in Trump’s political group sent at supporters and sometimes sends
contacting the paper for that purpose least 15 emails in recent weeks 10 or more emails a day, touting
offering small-dollar donors the contests, merchandise, events of
Call: 202-334-6000, and ask to be chance to win a coveted prize if the day and other misleading
connected to the desk involved — they gave money: dinner with pitches, such as saying contribu-
National, Foreign, Metro, Style, Sports, Trump in New Orleans last Satur- tions will be matched six times,
Business or any of the weekly sections. day. or that Trump himself is being
Comments can be directed to The “We booked you a plane tick- briefed on the list of donors in an
Post’s reader advocate, who can be et,” one of the pitches said, com- hour. One recent pitch came with
reached at 202-334-7582 or plete with a photo of Trump the subject line “SHIPMENT OR- superimposed in the French DER” but was not in reference to
Quarter, beneath the dangling any shipment.
trademark ferns. “Contribute A recent pitch asked donors
ANY AMOUNT RIGHT NOW to whether they wanted to see
KLMNO be automatically entered to have
dinner with President Trump in

Donald Trump at the Conservative Political Action Conference on Feb. 26. A spokesman for the former
Trump’s new “TRUMP FORCE
ONE” — the former president’s
New Orleans.” president cited an “administrative error” as the reason no one won his PAC’s New Orleans contest. private plane — and to say yes,
For home delivery comments
Another pitch promised a full they had to contribute. Other
or concerns contact us at suite of perks. “We’ll cover your was chosen. James, issued a statement about $3,000. The rules said a pitches give shirts and Trump or flight. We’ll cover your very nice He did not say what the substi- through the Republican National winner would be chosen by Feb. coins for large contributions,
send us an email at hotel. We’ll cover your dinner,” tute prize was, but the fine print Committee saying that winning 28, a few days ahead of the New while some of the pitches come or call the email promised, along with a of the contest rules say the or- was “a dream come true.” Orleans event. from surrogates.
202-334-6100 or 800-477-4679 picture with Trump. “All you ganization can substitute a prize “Our grass-roots and small- Legal experts and former pros- The pitches often include
TO SUBSCRIBE have to do is enter.” of “greater or equal value.” dollar contests are very popular ecutors said the question is Trump, with a beaming smile,
800-753-POST (7678) A third pitch said: “He REAL- The Washington Post asked and are a great way to give whether the author of the fund- and buttons for small-dollar do-
LY wants to meet you, Friend, Save America to provide winners supporters the opportunity to raising solicitations knew there nors. When the button is clicked,
TO ADVERTISE which is why he’s holding (1) spot for other contests it has held, meet with Republican leaders, would never be a dinner with donors can give $5, $10 or more.
Classified: 202-334-6200
on the entry list for YOU only.” which included meeting the for- like the former president,” RNC Trump. If so, the solicitations There is also a check mark that
Display: 202-334-7642 Some of the emails came from an mer president at a rally in South spokeswoman Emma Vaughn could be legally questionable, automatically signs donors up
account labeled “Dinner with Carolina this weekend, meeting said. said Peter R. Zeidenberg, a for- for repeated contributions un-
MAIN PHONE NUMBER Trump” that was set up by the Trump at his palatial Florida club One former Republican Party mer federal prosecutor in D.C. less it is unchecked by the donor
former president’s leadership last year, playing golf with Trump official said the contests are of- and now a partner at ArentFox — a mechanism that has led
TO REACH THE NEWSROOM PAC, Save America. and Georgia Senate candidate ten time-consuming, because Schiff. “If, on the other hand, some to demand refunds.
Metro: 202-334-7300; But no such winner was flown Herschel Walker in Palm Beach, winners have to be vetted and they had planned a dinner but it Many of the donors attracted to New Orleans last weekend, and receiving commemorative logistics can be challenging. But fell through, then that’s definite- by email pitches, Trump advisers
National: 202-334-7410; according to four people familiar memorabilia — such as a football there were RNC winners for ev- ly not a crime.” and Republican operatives say, with the matter. No flight or signed by Trump and Walker, a ery contest, this person said, Renato Mariotti, a former fed- are lower- or middle-class sup-
Business: 202-334-7320; “very nice” hotel was booked. College Football Hall of Famer. even if officials have to go eral prosecutor in Chicago now porters who are die-hard fans of Trump had no individual meet- The PAC declined to comment through multiple participants to at Thompson Coburn, said a the former president.
Sports: 202-334-7350; ing with a small-dollar donor, but said it had selected “more find one who could make it and donor could sue over a prize not Trump’s fundraising for the instead privately greeting only a than 100” winners in the past, pass the vetting. Several other being awarded, but that would be PAC has annoyed some Republi-
Investigative: 202-334-6179; handful of Republican Party do- and some Trump advisers say officials said the contests were unlikely. People motivated to do- cans, who say he is cannibalizing nors who gave large checks, tak- they have met winners at previ- worth the trouble because of the nate to Trump may be unlikely to small-dollar fundraising but not
Style: 202-334-7535; ing pictures with some of the ous events. Some winners have amount of donor information sue by arguing they were de- using the money to benefit the party’s most well-heeled mem- been publicly identified in news they collect and the money they frauded by the former president’s party or other candidates. Ac-
Reader Advocate: 202-334-7582; bers and speaking to a larger stories. raise. tactics, he said. cording to the PAC’s most recent group of donors who each gave “We protect the privacy of The contests are popular for “The obstacles help you under- filings in January, it started the
tens of thousands of dollars. participants, given the hostility attracting small-dollar donors, stand why so many of these year with $122 million and had
TO REACH THE OPINION PAGES The email pitches probably and intimidation tactics often who have fueled Trump’s politi- campaign tactics that seem obvi- distributed roughly $350,000
Letters to the editor: or call
raised a sizable sum for Save used against supporters of Presi- cal rise, with the donors often ously misleading have few conse- among 69 candidates and com-
202-334-6215 America. Some similar contests dent Trump,” Budowich said. The giving $5 or $10 hoping to win a quences,” Mariotti said. mittees.
Opinion: to meet Trump have raised hun- PAC did not answer a question trip. It is unclear how many Meanwhile, the body responsi- The former president’s PAC dreds of thousands of dollars, about how much money the New people gave because of the New ble for enforcing federal cam- has more cash on hand than any
Published daily (ISSN 0190-8286). according to people involved. Orleans contest raised — or how Orleans contest, with the PAC not paign finance law has not been Republican committee or candi-
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to “President Trump has award- winners are chosen and usually reporting new contributions un- inclined to exact consequences. date, and Trump has stockpiled
The Washington Post, 1301 K St. NW, Washington,
D.C. 20071. ed more than 100 prizes to con- notified. til later this year — and the PAC The former president has faced an overwhelming majority of the
Periodicals postage paid in Washington, D.C., and test winners across America, but At the event in New Orleans, does not specify whether dona- no penalties in more than 40 money. He cannot use it for a
additional mailing office.
due to an administrative error in the Republican Party held a sepa- tions came from contests. cases involving him or at least presidential bid, but there are
this individual circumstance, the rate contest for its small-dollar The rules of the PAC’s New one of his political committees few limits on how he can spend
contest winner was not properly donors to meet Trump. The prize Orleans contest said that a win- brought before the Federal Elec- it.
notified for last weekend’s event went to a couple from Mississip- ner would receive a round-trip tion Commission, according to a But Trump advisers say that
in New Orleans. Consistent with pi, an official from the organiza- coach ticket to the event, one review of public outcomes in many of the Republican commit-
the rules of the sweepstakes, a tion said, who were flown to New night of accommodations at a such cases. Some of the com- tees and candidates mimic their
substitute prize will be awarded Orleans to “meet the president hotel, one meal and attendance plaints against Trump were dis- language hoping to do as well as
to the winner,” Trump spokes- and see his speech.” The couple, at the event with Trump, along missed unanimously. Trump — and that he has
man Taylor Budowich said Fri- who asked to be identified only with a photo. The total retail But his undefeated record be- brought new donors to the party
day, when asked why no winner by their first names, Sylvia and value, according to the PAC, is fore the commission owes in part that never gave before.

Judge rejects Trump’s attempt to countersue E. Jean Carroll

BY S HAYNA J ACOBS tan decades prior — an accusa- opportunity [Carroll] may have In a previous decision, Kaplan
tion Trump denies. to present her case against him,” denied the Justice Department’s
new york — A New York judge Allowing Trump’s counter- Kaplan added. request to take the case over from
has rejected a bid by Donald claim against Carroll to proceed Trump’s allegedly damaging Trump’s personal lawyers —
Download The Trump to sue author and colum- “would make a regrettable situa- comments — calling Carroll a liar which would have the procedural
nist E. Jean Carroll on the tion worse by opening new ave- and insisting that he had never effect of ending the lawsuit, be-
Washington Post app grounds that her defamation nues for significant further de- even met her — were made in cause the “sovereign immunity”
Stay informed with award-winning case against him in 2019 was lay,” U.S. District Judge Lewis A. response to allegations in her doctrine generally protects a gov-
national and international news, baseless — a ruling that accused Kaplan wrote in a ruling that was 2018 memoir “What Do We Need ernment employee from liability
PLUS complete local news coverage the former president of causing docketed Friday. Men For? A Modest Proposal.” over actions taken in their offi-
of the D.C. metro area. Create repeated delays to keep a sensi- Carroll’s sole claim of defama- Carroll wrote that Trump, then cial capacity. The 2nd Circuit
customized news alerts, save tive matter from moving closer to tion “could have been tried and a well-known real estate tycoon, Court of Appeals has heard argu-
articles for offline reading in My trial. decided — one way or the other — raped her in a dressing room at ments on that issue but has not
Post, browse the daily print edition Carroll’s lawsuit has also been EVA DEITCH FOR THE WASHINGTON POST long ago,” the ruling said. the Bergdorf Goodman depart- yet ruled.
and scroll through our the Discover held up by the Justice Depart- Author E. Jean Carroll claims Trump’s obstructive actions in ment store in the 1990s after a Carroll is not seeking Trump’s
tab to find stories that interest you.
ment’s bid to intervene as coun- that Donald Trump sexually the Carroll proceeding, which chance encounter. deposition before trial, but she
sel on Trump’s behalf, an effort assaulted her in the mid-1990s. began in a New York state court Trump’s attorney, Alina Hab- has asked for his DNA sample for
Free to download on the App Store
based on the argument that he three years ago, “have had a ba, said in a statement that his comparison to biological matter
and Play Store, subscribers enjoy was acting in his official capacity Carroll. Trump’s remarks were in dilatory effect and, indeed, legal team will prove at trial that found on a dress she said she
unlimited access. as a federal employee when he response to Carroll’s allegation strongly suggest that he is acting “the plaintiff ’s claims have abso- wore on the day of the alleged
made comments disparaging that he had raped her in Manhat- out of a strong desire to delay any lutely no basis in law or in fact.” assault.


NEW MEXICO Rust Movie Productions LLC required Rust Movie Productions home to look for help, Solicitor
and Ryan Smith, the production to “indemnify, defend, and hold David Stumbo said.
Baldwin says not liable company and individual harmless” Baldwin and his Powell, 37, came into 32-year-
for fatal shooting producer named by Baldwin’s company, El Dorado Pictures, old Megan Dinkins’s bedroom on
lawyers, did not immediately from “any loss, damage, liability, Aug. 2 and shot at her and her
Alec Baldwin’s lawyers argued respond to requests for claim, demand, action, cost and children as they slept, Stumbo
in an arbitration demand filed comments. expense” arising from issues with said.
Friday against fellow “Rust” On Oct. 21, Baldwin was inside the production. He then waited for Randy
producers that his contract a church building on Bonanza — Sonia Rao Perkins, 56, to come home from
shields him from financial Creek Ranch in Santa Fe, N.M., his overnight shift at a plant,
responsibility in the on-set death along with others working on SOUTH CAROLINA shooting him three times in the
of Halyna Hutchins, the “Rust,” including Hutchins and back of the head. Perkins still had
cinematographer he fatally shot director Joel Souza. Detectives Life sentence for man his lunchbox slung over his
in October. They also asked the with the Santa Fe County Sheriff’s who killed 3 in home shoulder when police found his
production to cover his legal fees. Office determined from body, the prosecutor said.
The new filing characterizes numerous interviews that A man who shot and killed Powell then used smartphones
his involvement as a producer as assistant director Dave Halls three people in a South Carolina belonging to Dinkins and Perkins
having been on the creative side retrieved a .45 Long Colt revolver home where he was living and to transfer money, investigators
of things, such as casting, from armorer Hannah Gutierrez- then used their smartphones to said. Powell was arrested at a
seemingly in response to lawsuits Reed and announced it was a ROGELIO V. SOLIS/ASSOCIATED PRESS
send himself money for a plane motel in Jacksonville, Fla.
from crew members who alleged “cold gun” before handing it to Deborah Watts, right, and Priscilla Sterling, cousins of Emmett ticket was sentenced to life in Powell pleaded guilty to three
the producers in charge of Baldwin. The gun eventually Till, the Black 14-year-old from Chicago who was abducted, tortured prison Friday after pleading counts of murder and one count
budgets and hiring endangered went off in Baldwin’s hands, and killed in 1955 in rural Mississippi, show a legal document Friday guilty. of attempted murder. He was
lives by cutting costs. killing Hutchins and injuring that is part of their pursuit in seeking a renewed probe of lynching. Jeffery Powell killed his aunt’s sentenced to three consecutive
The filing also shifts the blame Souza. husband, a cousin and his life sentences without parole. He
by stating that “someone is In February, attorneys cousin’s daughter in their never gave investigators a good
culpable for chambering the live representing Hutchins’s family Greenwood home last August. He reason for the shooting, but
round that led to this horrific named Baldwin, among In the filing, Baldwin’s lawyers that he “gave back to the also shot and wounded an 8-year- police think he worried he was
tragedy, and it is someone other numerous other producers and wrote that his only financial production to enhance the old boy who hid in a bathroom about to get kicked out of the
than Baldwin. Baldwin is an crew members, in a wrongful- involvement on “Rust” was the budget.” The document states with his dead sister for several house.
actor.” death lawsuit. $100,000 portion of his own fees that his contract as a producer hours before going to a neighbor’s — Associated Press

Politics & the Nation

VA to recommend hospital closures in major overhaul
would add care, not shrink it
overall. “There will be changes,
New clinics also planned but we are staying in every mar-
in effort to address aging ket,” he said.
Outsourcing of health care for
sites, population shifts veterans has been a top priority of
the advocacy group Concerned
Veterans of America, backed by
BY L ISA R EIN the conservative Koch network.
The group and its allies in the
Veterans Affairs Secretary Trump administration pushed
Denis McDonough on Monday successfully as the Mission Act
will recommend closing hospitals was underway for the commis-
and outpatient clinics from Mas- sion to conduct a systemic review
sachusetts to South Dakota in the of VA’s sprawling network of med-
biggest effort to reconfigure the ical facilities, which employ more
country’s largest health-care sys- than 367,000 health-care and
tem since it was created after support staff at 171 hospitals and
World War I. 1,112 outpatient clinics.
The proposal calls for closing “The veterans health system
three major VA hospitals, Mc- has always had ancient facilities
Donough said this week. While he that were falling apart,” said
did not offer details, the sites are Darin Selnick, now a senior advis-
in Brooklyn; Northampton, er for CVA who led efforts at VA
Mass.; and Chillicothe, Ohio, ac- and later the Trump White House
cording to congressional aides to muscle the commission into
and published reports. the legislation. “You’re wasting
In addition, 174 outpatient money keeping empty beds in
clinics would close, according to empty hallways. The advantage
the Veterans of Foreign Wars, now is you’ll have newer facilities
which was briefed on the plan. closer to where the veteran is,
But VA would replace some of the with equal or better service” —
shuttered facilities with 140 clin- including in the private sector.
ics offering specialty care, two McDonough, aware of the sen-
dozen nursing homes and about a sitivities of the review for VA’s
dozen residential facilities spe- NICHOLAS KAMM/AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE/GETTY IMAGES vast workforce, postponed its re-
cializing in substance abuse is- Secretary of Veterans Affairs Denis McDonough said this week that the plan would meet the “needs of 21st-century veterans, not the needs lease in January, citing the dis-
sues. of a health-care system built 80 years ago.” It’s also expected to set off political wrangling over which VA facilities are affected. ruptions it would cause as the
The effort aims to address a agency battled a surge in corona-
massive shift in the population of ald had moved to close one of the es. Veterans are leaving New Eng- “All across the board, we’re cal therapists, decried what it virus cases.
veterans from the Northeast, clinics, in Hot Springs, but the land, for example, where their embracing the idea that health said would be a dangerous shift The secretary invited several
Midwest and parts of the rural Trump administration rescinded population is projected to drop care has evolved,” McDonough to more private care. former VA secretaries to a lun-
West into warmer locales in the the decision. by 18 percent over the next dec- said, “and VA needs to lead the “Closing VA facilities will force cheon in his office this week in
Sun Belt and Southwest. It also is Details of the plan, some of ade. At the same time, their evolution.” He pledged that his veterans to rely on uncoordinat- advance of the release to inform
meant to advance a realignment which were first reported by the presence in the Southwest is pro- leadership team is “actively work- ed, private, for-profit care, where them of his plans. It was only last
long sought by some VA leaders Military Times, will be formally jected to surge by 25 percent, ing” to keep health-care jobs and they will suffer from long wait week that the White House re-
and conservatives that would released Monday in the Federal without enough facilities to treat predicted that “we’re looking at times and be without the unique leased a list of nominees to the
dramatically reshape a health- Register. Any closures and new them. more jobs over time, not fewer.” expertise and integrated services commission that must consider
care system that serves 9 million construction would be years Part of the push to realign how The plans carry political risk that only the VA provides,” the the proposal.
veterans but has failed to mod- away and must be approved or and where the government-run for President Biden and Mc- union’s national president, Ever- The nine members of the pan-
ernize alongside its private-sec- modified by a new, congression- system cares for veterans is ideo- Donough, who acknowledged ett Kelley, said in a statement. el, known as the Asset and Infra-
tor counterparts. ally mandated commission that logical. The agency already has this week that he was deeply Some veterans groups said structure Review commission,
But the plan also is expected to will hold hearings in affected redirected billions of dollars from uneasy when, shortly after taking they were keeping an open mind once confirmed by the Senate,
set off a politically explosive bat- communities over the next year. veterans’ hospitals to private office, he launched the year-long about the proposed changes will have a year to review the
tle over which of the closures are VA has come under sustained health-care providers in a contro- hospital review, mandated by a “A lot of people view this as a plan, hold hearings around the
ultimately approved and where pressure in recent years for rely- versial transformation that accel- 2018 law. Already opposition to way to shrink VA,” said Patrick country in affected communities
expansions are allowed, akin to ing for generations on a costly erated during the Trump admin- the plan has come from lawmak- Murray, legislative director of the and send its proposals to the
fights over military base closures model of inpatient care while istration; about a third of the ers in both parties, many of Veterans of Foreign Wars. “We White House. Biden can sign off
in the 1990s that devolved into private hospitals turned toward veterans enrolled in the system whom voted for the law, known as knew there were going to be on them and send them to Con-
power skirmishes. Rep. Nicole much more outpatient treatment now are seen by private doctors. the Mission Act, which included closures, but we also think this is gress, or reject them. As with the
Malliotakis (R-N.Y.) organized a as medical advances reduced the The proposals released Monday the review as part of a broad going to be a net gain.” military base closures led by the
rally Sunday in front of the need for hospital stays. are likely to inflame tensions expansion of veterans’ access to Jeremy Butler, chief executive Defense Department, Congress
Brooklyn medical center, which In some places, VA hospital between advocates for more pri- private doctors. The law passed of Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans must accept all of the changes or
under the plan would consolidate wards have empty beds and more vate care and wary unions that Congress by wide margins in both of America and a New York City none. Lawmakers would have to
services with the Manhattan hos- staff than patients on a given fear that care at some facilities parties, but that has not prevent- resident, said that while the city vote to deny the proposals to stop
pital and eventually contract night, and many buildings are so that close would be provided ed lawmakers whose districts has a large population of veter- them; no action means they
with private providers, the con- old that repairing them would instead by non-VA doctors, with could lose service from gearing ans, its VA hospitals are not would take effect.
gresswoman’s office said. cost more than replacing them. the government paying the bills up for a long battle. widely used in part because they VA and the commission must
South Dakota’s Republican The heating system at the Chica- — at a cost to federal jobs. “These are sacred cows,” said face fierce competition from consider whether an existing hos-
congressional delegation prom- go VA hospital is so old and McDonough, previewing his Louis Celli, a former executive world-class private hospitals. pital or clinic serves enough vet-
ised a fight to save three sparsely poorly regulated that during a plan late this week at a Rand director of the American Legion “It’s a long process, and we erans, the projected demand for
used clinics that, if the plan is visit in December, McDonough Corp. veterans policy center, said who now co-hosts a podcast fo- need to think holistically,” Butler care in the coming years, the cost
approved, would close or have said, he was so hot he thought he the shifts would meet the “needs cusing on veterans’ issues with said of the restructuring propos- savings that would result from
services reduced. had contracted the coronavirus. of 21st-century veterans, not the former VA secretary David als. “And we need to stay away closing it or reducing service, and
“I’ll fight like hell to make sure A vacant historic building on the needs of a health-care system Shulkin. “Every lawmaker prides from the ‘This is my city and whether alternatives exist to al-
veterans in South Dakota receive Chillicothe campus has a sapling built 80 years ago.” He called the themselves on having a great big keeping the hospital open be- low VA to continue to carry out its
the care they’ve earned,” Sen. growing through the walls. proposals “an investment in VA, shiny veterans hospital in their cause it’s my city is the only thing mission in the area. The market
Mike Rounds said in a statement VA officials acknowledge that not a retreat” and said 150,000 district.” I care about’ ” mentality. assessments have been ongoing
issued with two other South Da- while the medical needs of older more veterans would have closer The American Federation of McDonough has rejected com- for more than a year, as a private
kota Republicans, Sen. John veterans will grow in coming access to primary care and Government Employees, which parisons of his plan to the fiercely contractor solicited opinions
Thune and Rep. Dusty Johnson. years, much of the system’s health 370,000 more to specialty care represents 280,000 health-care contested base closures of the from local officials and veterans
Former VA secretary Bob McDon- care is offered in the wrong plac- than they have now. employees from doctors to physi- 1990s, saying the VA process groups.

Tex. judge blocks order to investigate gender-a∞rming care as child abuse

his order, she and other manag- both plaintiffs, as well as two
ers were called into a virtual doctors who treat transgender
Abbott’s rule said to have meeting and told not to put children.
‘changed the status quo,’ anything about the investiga- DFPS also held a separate
tions in emails or text messages. hearing Friday where it solicited
caused imminent harm Mulanax said that even in cases public comment on the new
involving serious abuse, she has order. Agency officials said they
always used email and text mes- have opened nine investigations
BY C ASEY P ARKS saging to discuss cases. In that against parents of transgender
same meeting, Mulanax said, her children. Families with transgen-
A Texas judge on Friday issued supervisors told staff that they der children are afraid to testify
a temporary injunction blocking could not label cases involving in public, advocates say, so or-
Gov. Greg Abbott’s (R) order to transgender youth as “priority ganizations such as Equality Tex-
treat gender-affirming care as none,” meaning unnecessary to as solicited volunteers to speak
child abuse. investigate, and that they could on their behalf. Many were in
The decision by Judge Amy not use alternative, less invasive tears, a person who attended the
Clark Meachum stems from a methods to investigate the hearing reported on Twitter, and
lawsuit filed this month by the claims, either. Adri Perez, a policy and advocacy
American Civil Liberties Union, The only other cases treated strategist for the ACLU of Texas,
the ACLU of Texas and Lambda that way, Mulanax said, are told DFPS commissioners that
Legal, an LGBTQ legal advocacy “child death cases” or ones in- one mom reported that her child
group, on behalf of an anony- volving a conservatorship. has begun self-harming because
mous family and a Houston- In a typical case, she testified, they are afraid CPS will take
based psychologist The lawsuit investigators might contact psy- them away from their family.
seeks to block a statewide direc- chiatrists, pediatricians or other This month, Judge Meachum
tive ordering the Texas Depart- doctors for their opinions. “If granted a temporary restraining
ment of Family and Protective they’ve already recommended order to the plaintiffs, but she
Services (DFPS) to investigate these treatments, it is not our stopped short of blocking inves-
parents for child abuse if they position to step in and say they tigations statewide. In her ruling
allow their children to medically are incorrect,” Mulanax said. Friday, Meachum said the gover-
transition genders. The court The governor’s opinion, and nor’s order “changed the status
heard more than seven hours of the DFPS response to it, felt like quo” for Texas families with
testimony Friday before ruling “overreach,” Mulanax said. “It transgender children. His order
against the state. JILLIAN R MCKENZIE
was placing us in a situation that had the effect of creating a new
Courtney Corbello, an assis- Amber and Adam Briggle with their children last year. The Texas family is one of several being the department should not be in. law or agency rule without fol-
tant attorney general for the investigated for child abuse for providing gender-affirming care to their child. We are not qualified to say that lowing the democratic process, a
state, argued that the court can- statements from a doctor and a move Meachum said violated
not “stop a state agency from for child abuse. She hasn’t had doing so, and you don’t want to In a typical investigation, Mu- psychiatrist and other medical separation of powers. Meachum
doing what they are statutorily her child taken from her. Her be,” she continued. lanax explained, an intake professionals is not correct.” also disagreed with Corbello’s
tasked with doing.” Corbello also child is not off of any medica- The plaintiffs called Randa screener or a supervisor like Mulanax said she submitted argument that the plaintiffs do
argued that the plaintiffs did not tions or lacking any sort of Mulanax, a Child Protective Ser- herself contacts the person who her resignation on Wednesday not face imminent harm.
have standing to seek a statewide medical treatment.” vices investigations supervisor reported the abuse and others but plans to keep working until “For example, Jane Doe has
injunction because the agency “It can’t be that all it takes for who said she had resigned be- with “credible information.” Mu- March 31. already been placed on adminis-
has not taken further action the judicial branch to infringe on cause the order upset her. Mula- lanax and her colleagues then “I’ve always felt at the end of trative leave at work and is at risk
beyond an interview. the executive branch’s ability to nax has worked in the Region 7 decide whether to pursue an the day, the department has of losing her job, her livelihood
“All Jane Doe has been subject perform such a critical task in office, which includes Austin, investigation. children’s best interest at heart and her means of caring for her
to is one investigation, one meet- ensuring the welfare of the since 2016. She oversees three Abbott’s Feb. 22 order took and families’ best interest at family,” Meachum said.
ing with an investigator and state’s children is simply to claim investigators, and their office has away that discretion, Mulanax heart,” she testified. “I no longer Meachum said a trial will be
nothing further,” Corbello said. that you’re being investigated by begun investigating three fami- said. In her testimony, she said feel that way with this order.” held July 11 to hear the case on its
“She’s not in the central registry DFPS, by the agency tasked with lies with transgender children. that two days after Abbott issued The court also heard from merits.

At retreat, Democrats tackle messaging to attract voters

House last year, like child care,
In-party tensions grow housing, climate and other social
over decision-making, Leaders of the Progressive,
miscommunication Black and Hispanic caucuses all
respectively announced they
would make executive order rec-
ommendations to Biden that he
BY M ARIANNA S OTOMAYOR could enact unilaterally. It’s an
AND P AUL K ANE acknowledgment by Congress,
but primarily the White House,
philadelphia — At a messag- that little can be done on a
ing retreat this week, House bipartisan basis.
Democratic members were But in the interim, members
coached on how to better con- have begun to realize they should
nect with voters. repeatedly sell the details of
A sitcom showrunner and a multiple bipartisan bills that are
best-selling fiction writer en- on their pathway to becoming
couraged them to tell stories law.
rather than give voters the usual Members, like Rep. Teresa
laundry list of reasons Demo- Leger Fernandez (D-N.M.),
crats should remain in the ma- stressed that the government
jority. funding package included myri-
Three marketing executives, ad community funding projects
including one from Pepsi, urged that touched on planks of the
them to craft their messages like Build Back Better agenda such as
sharp advertisements. And lead- providing money for housing,
ers echoed a new slogan unveiled clean water and more.
by the national party: They can “I think we’re an incredibly
deliver. effective Congress and a very
These buzzy pitches landed on effective caucus because we were
an often-exhausted audience — able to show that as issues come
and a smaller one than anticipat- up, we could resolve those issues,
ed as many members who face and that we could get that a
difficult midterm elections this budget passed that reflects our
fall skipped the two-day gather- JONATHAN ERNST/REUTERS priorities,” Leger Fernandez said.
ing to campaign at home, relay- House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) watches President Biden deliver remarks at the House Democratic Caucus Issues Conference in “We didn’t get everything we
ing their own messages of suc- Philadelphia on Friday. The retreat started later than expected because of last-minute drama that left members upset at leadership. wanted. I didn’t get everything I
cess rather than waiting for a wanted for New Mexico, but boy,
directive by the caucus campaign cally narrow majority, which has states. rough. But you have to have Hakeem Jeffries (D-N.Y.), echoed if you go down that list of what
arm. possibly overshadowed the To fund the government in people who will go in and work that sentiment in his “elevator we were able to do, it is signifi-
The yearly conference, which achievements they had been able time and fend off speculation with their membership, but I pitch” to voters on the difference cant.”
was in-person for the first time to compromise on over the past that their retreat would be can- want to dispel that it affected our between Democrats and Repub- The retreat concluded with
since the pandemic began two year. celed, leadership pulled the coro- conference today,” Rep. Joyce licans: “We care about everyday remarks from President Biden.
years ago, started later than Many Americans have largely navirus aid out, which they Beatty (D-Ohio) said. “Did things Americans. They don’t. We make Pelosi introduced him by telling
expected because of last-minute forgotten Democrats’ solution to hoped to avoid since the stand- happen that if we could do it over life better for everyday Ameri- her members to listen closely
drama in Washington that left combat the pandemic by inject- alone bill will not pass in the it would probably happen the cans. They don’t. We’re getting and saying: “Our message will be
members upset at leadership’s ing roughly $2 trillion into the Senate. same way? Yes. But the resolve is stuff done. They are not.” the message of the president of
decision-making. To many mem- economy a year ago. Biden’s “I would just say that had we what matters.” But with Democrats in con- the United States.”
bers, it felt like it would take bipartisan law that invests an- had a conversation about it, I The “renewal of resolve” be- trol, members have noted that Biden then modeled to mem-
more than a catchy slogan to other $700 billion to reinvigorate think, it would have been very came the slogan that leaders Republicans still have the upper bers how to use storytelling. He
overcome the miscommunica- America’s infrastructure was clear that this was probably not a incidentally decided would de- hand in their attacks, especially told of growing up in Scranton,
tion within their own party, in- marred by ideological infighting strategy that would work and fine the retreat. since voters see and feel the Pa., in a working-class family
cessant attacks from Republi- and was blemished by the failure that we would need to find other Majority Leader Steny H. Hoy- effects of rising costs at the gas where legislative achievements
cans and the worries of their to pass the social spending plank options,” said Rep. Pramila Jaya- er (D-Md.) noted Friday that pump and elsewhere. Maloney were rarely discussed around the
constituents that range from a of his agenda that remains pal (D-Wash.), whose state was Democrats’ resolve was strength- noted that skyrocketing oil pric- kitchen table because those con-
worsening war in Ukraine to stalled. affected by the decision. ened after hearing Maloney de- es have become “a real problem” versations focused on making
rising costs inflamed by infla- And many members boarded The moment was emblematic tail their hefty fundraising war that Democrats would address ends meet.
tion. Philadelphia-bound buses just of a growing frustration among chest and project that redistrict- “with solutions,” though he did “You tell them what the Ameri-
“There’s a lot that we don’t before midnight Wednesday, Democratic members who saw ing won’t hurt the party’s not elaborate on specifics. can Recovery was, they look at
control as much as we would like worried the bicameral and bipar- the seemingly preventable deba- chances in as many states as they In the interim, Democrats you like, ‘What are you talking
to believe we do. What we do tisan $1.5 trillion government cle as another example of leader- had worried. have taken a page from Biden to about?’ Understandably so,”
control is whether we have good funding package filled with bil- ship’s tendency not to consult the But success in the midterms, counter the effects of a foreign Biden said, then listing accom-
ideas, and we get them done, and lions allotted to their own com- rank and file on strategy like this, many Democrats said, would re- war on the United States, stress- plishments he hoped they would
we tell people about them, and munities could be upstaged by according to two members, who quire reflection on how best to ing that a gas hike is a direct share with voters to remind them
we remind them that the other what many considered a pre- spoke on the condition of ano- talk with voters. result from Russian President to “keep the faith.”
side doesn’t,” said Rep. Sean ventable argument had leader- nymity to discuss private deliber- “We need to address the most Vladimir Putin and a small price “I thought we had to unify the
Patrick Maloney (D-N.Y.), who ship communicated what was in ations they had with colleagues urgent needs of the American to pay in comparison to the country because ultimately we
also chairs the Democratic Con- the legislation before hastily try- Wednesday. people. They need to know we’re sacrifices being made by Ukrai- are a democracy and, for it to
gressional Campaign Commit- ing to hold a vote. While the sentiments lingered doing it, and we need to be nians to defend democracy. work, there has to be consensus.
tee. Democratic leaders released into Thursday morning, Demo- fighting like hell every day for While Biden’s stalled Build For a consensus, you’ve got to get
The long-held tensions that the sprawling 2,000-page legisla- crats had already learned keep- the things that matter in people’s Back Better legislation has come a majority. We’ve not been able to
exist among the ranks of a diver- tion Wednesday morning, at ing the focus on their divisions lives. And we need to talk like to symbolize Democratic infight- do that for a lot of the important
sifying Democratic Party have which point members learned would probably hinder their real people,” he told reporters ing and failed goals, members things. That’s why we have to
often defined House Democrats that Biden’s $15 billion ask to pathway of delivering legisla- after noting that Democrats of- hope to still find compromise to continue to maintain our majori-
this term, testing leadership’s combat the coronavirus pandem- tion. ten sound more “preachy” than deliver on a number of promises ty,” Biden said. “If we lose the
ability to smoothly pass legisla- ic would be offset by redirecting “Oftentimes when you’re mak- “empathetic.” that were packed into the legisla- House and Senate, the only thing
tion through the caucus’s histori- from pre-allotted funds to 30 ing sausage, it starts out pretty The caucus’s chairman, Rep. tive package that passed the I’ll have then is a veto pen.”

Democrats look at new increase funding that goes to state

party organizations, especially in
places generally not emphasized

nomination framework because they do not have compet-

itive Senate races or swing state
status in the presidential election.
The organizers of the group,
to two people familiar with the which hopes to grow in size over
meeting who spoke on the condi- the coming months, say the vote
A proposal could end tion of anonymity to reflect pri- later this year on the 2024 nomi-
Iowa’s role as first state vate conversations. nation schedule could be a point
Rosen brought with her a of leverage for their demands.
on the calendar glossy brochure making the case. Besides taking up the 2024
Her office did not respond to a lineup, the committee also briefly
request for comment. discussed whether to continue re-
BY M ICHAEL S CHERER “I am appreciative of the mem- forms to the 2020 cycle that
bers of this committee that are barred party leaders, called su-
Democratic leaders took an- willing to look to the future,” said perdelegates, from casting decid-
other step Friday toward ending Artie Blanco, Nevada’s represen- ing votes at the nominating con-
Iowa’s status as the first state in tative on the committee. “Our vot- vention. Multiple speakers at the
the party’s presidential nominat- ers are diverse not only in race committee said they wanted to
ing process during a sometimes- and economic diversity. We both continue the reform unchanged
contentious meeting that showed have urban and rural communi- in 2024. None spoke in favor of a
clear support for a new path that ties.” return to the old system.
would prioritize more diverse and A leaked DNC staff draft pro- “We don’t need to open up
competitive states. posal, reported Friday by the Des these old wounds,” said Ken Mar-
The meeting of the Democratic Moines Register, also created sig- tin, the chair of the Minnesota
National Committee’s Rules and nificant turmoil before the meet- Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party.
Bylaws Committee came to no ing began, as it laid out a possible As the party struggles to draft a
final decisions, but for the second path whereby all states would CAROLYN VAN HOUTEN/THE WASHINGTON POST
new calendar, leaders will have to
time this year, a majority of speak- have to reapply for their place in A 2020 caucus begins at a Des Moines precinct. A meeting of the Democratic National Committee’s navigate Democrats’ stated pref-
ers made clear their openness to the nominating order, with the Rules and Bylaws Committee signaled a potential change for Iowa in the party’s nominating process erence for state-run primaries.
shaking up the presidential pri- party giving preference to states Other states that might try to
mary calendar to better reflect with diverse electorates and pri- the future success of this proud distant fourth in the Democratic on the day of the caucus every move up their primaries to re-
what speakers described as the mary elections, instead of caucus- Iowa tradition,” he said. caucus count. camera will be there.” place Iowa, like Wisconsin or
party’s values. es. Party Chairman Jaime Harri- “We have to be honest with During the 2008 cycle, both Michigan, have Democratic gov-
“Now is not a time for us as a Iowa’s representative on the son and Committee Co-chair ourselves, and Iowa is not repre- Florida and Michigan tried to ernors and Republican-con-
party to stand on tradition,” said committee, Scott Brennan, ex- James Roosevelt Jr. began the sentative of America,” former jump ahead of the early state trolled legislatures, which could
Mo Elleithee, a member of the pressed outrage at the existence meeting by reaffirming their com- DNC chairman Tom Perez said calendar Democrats had estab- limit the ability of Democrats to
committee, who has been skepti- of the leaked document, which mitment to an open process, with after guiding the party through lished. The party punished those set a new date.
cal of Iowa’s continued place. also discussed adding a fifth state no predetermined outcome, de- the 2020 cycle. states by initially threatening to Nevada Gov. Steve Sisolak (D)
“Now is not a time for us as a party to the early calendar. In recent spite the existence of the staff The Democratic moves could disallow their delegates and later signed a law last year that would
to stand on status quo.” cycles, Iowa has gone first, fol- document. They announced a se- force a split with Republicans. agreeing to seat them with only switch his state’s 2024 nominat-
He proposed a framework that lowed by New Hampshire, Ne- ries of further meetings over the Both former president Trump and half the voting power. Other early ing contest from a caucus to a
would prioritize states that com- vada and South Carolina. coming months to discuss the the Republican National Commit- states also came together to pres- primary and schedule it for the
mit to hold primaries, demon- “I feel like I got whipsawed issue. tee have signaled that they have sure candidates not to campaign first Tuesday in February.
strate general election competi- today, and it is not fair. And it is “There is no prepared resolu- no interest in upsetting Iowa’s in states that were ignoring the Iowa is bound to hold a caucus
tiveness and are demographically not fair to the people of Iowa,” tion floating around out there,” place as the first caucus, leading party rules. under current state law, and New
diverse — three qualifications Brennan said. “I believe that proc- Roosevelt said, before describing some Iowa Democrats to threaten Some Democrats continue to Hampshire state law requires the
that do not apply to Iowa, where ess came about backward.” the staff proposal as an “evolving to move forward with a caucus defend Iowa’s place in the proc- secretary of state to schedule its
about 90 percent of the popula- Iowa Democratic Party chair memorandum.” even if the national party disap- ess. Jane Kleeb, the chair of the presidential primary so that it is
tion is White, the state has trend- Ross Wilburn issued a more mut- The status of Iowa was imper- proves. Nebraska state party, said this the first in the nation.
ed Republican and state law re- ed statement following the meet- iled in 2020 by a botched caucus “The question is how hard is week that she has spoken to sev- New Hampshire’s representa-
quires a party-run caucus process. ing, noting that the caucuses process, which delayed reporting the DNC going to be on candi- eral other voting members of the tive on the committee, Joanne
The meeting came amid in- “have evolved” over the years. of results and infuriated party dates if they set foot in Iowa,” said party who are resisting the shift. Dowdell, made a point of noting
creased jockeying by early pri- “As this process plays out, just leaders, who were already dis- one prominent Democratic strat- “A lot of us do want to protect that her state’s law would contin-
mary states for their place in the as it does every four years, we look mayed by the state’s dearth of egist with Iowa experience, who Iowa and the caucus systems,” she ue to be a factor in the calendar.
order. Sen. Jacky Rosen (D-Nev.) forward to working with the DNC racial diversity, the rightward spoke on the condition of ano- said. “We can’t lose sight of the fact
privately met with some DNC offi- and the Rules and Bylaws Com- drift of its voters and the leftward nymity to speak more frankly. Kleeb was one of about 40 DNC that some states like New Hamp-
cials earlier in the day to pitch the mittee to explore substantive drift of its Democratic caucus go- “They are coming for the media voting members who met Friday shire have laws on the books,” she
idea that Nevada, traditionally changes to the caucuses that ers. Joe Biden lost the state to exposure and the media atten- morning to organize a voting said.
the third nominating state, be- would make them more straight- Donald Trump by 8 percentage tion. The reality is if the Republi- block of members that seeks to
come the first primary, according forward and accessible, ensuring points in 2020, after coming in a cans have a big expensive caucus, change how the DNC is run and to Tyler Pager contributed to this report.


Hari Close oversees a memorial service in Baltimore in December. The pandemic has hit the Black community hard, and it has taken a toll on Close’s physical and
mental health. “Every family that we deal with, we take part of the grief,” he says. “Where is the release for those who have the heavy burden?”

No return to normal for Black funeral directors

PANDEMIC FROM A1 communities in times of need,” he wrote
in a letter to the National Institute of
It’s been concentrated in the mostly Black Allergy and Infectious Diseases. “We are
community he serves, with the Centers for last line of defense for these communities,
Disease Control and Prevention data especially on Healthcare.”
showing that Black Americans have died “Unfortunately,” came a reply from the
of covid-19 at 1.7 times the rate of White deputy director, “Dr. Fauci’s schedule is so
Americans. And it’s haunted the histori- full that we simply cannot add any addi-
cally Black funeral organization he leads. tional commitments.”
While Close counts losses in the Na- Close was hopeful when he connected
tional Funeral Directors & Morticians As- through an old friend with Omar Neal, the
sociation — founded during the Jim Crow former mayor of Tuskegee, Ala., and Ste-
era — in the dozens, the leader of the phen B. Thomas, head of the Center for
National Funeral Directors Association, a Health Equity at the University of Mary-
predominantly White organization, says land, who had gotten recognition from the
he’s not aware of a single member death White House for his efforts to use barber-
from covid-19. shops as vaccine distribution points.
“It’s like someone turned on a faucet FAMILY PHOTO AFFORDABLEPHOTOS.NET SHAWN TROY When they asked Close to join a Zoom
and things were just running over and Covid-19 has haunted the National Funeral Directors & Morticians Association, a historically Black organization founded town hall in March 2021, he agreed.
over and there was no way to turn this during the Jim Crow era, and which Close leads now. Among the nation’s Black funeral home directors who have died of covid It was a “tragedy,” he said, how few
faucet off,” Close said of the death. “We are Jeremiah C. Gaffney, left, of Long Island; Oliver Lomax, center, of Texas; and William Penn Troy of South Carolina. governors included funeral directors in
just had to manage the best we could. Still, the first eligibility category for vaccina-
we don’t know how to manage this pan- tions. Society did not seem to be paying
demic.” After taking a break in his teens — he Over his wife’s protestations and with knows who have died because of covid-19 much attention, he said, even as Black
Deaths in Maryland have begun to worried the hearses were scaring away the coronavirus spreading rapidly in the during the pandemic are a few Black funeral directors and preachers were dy-
abate following a pandemic peak in Janu- dates — he returned in his mid-20s to the South, Close traveled to Mullins, S.C., for directors in his native Alabama. ing. It was scary how many funerals of his
ary. But Close remains deeply worried profession he feels is his calling. Troy’s funeral. He sat in the back of the The disparity was unsurprising to Ste- peers he had attended, Close said, some-
about those most at risk — people who are He was elected to lead the National church for hours, watching as people from phen Kemp, who is Black and a member of times talking over the hosts and then
unvaccinated, with underlying health Funeral Directors & Morticians Associa- across the area paid homage to a man who both associations. Covid-19, he noted, tar- apologizing.
conditions, without good health care. Peo- tion in August 2019, hoping to focus his epitomized the values of traditional Black geted the most vulnerable — people with “I am trying to be polite,” he said. “I am
ple in his community. presidency on growing the organization’s funeral home directors, donating food, underlying conditions, who live in close also a health-care provider as well. Some-
Throughout the pandemic, he has re- membership. Instead, the pandemic hit registering people to vote and paying quarters, who work front-line jobs and times people forget that.”
peatedly — and mostly without success — and the member deaths started climbing. water bills for those in need. who lack access to health care. His funeral He texted a friend afterward, wonder-
tried to draw attention to these jarring Among the first was Jeremiah C. Gaff- And there was Oliver Lomax, a 73-year- home just outside Detroit was so over- ing whether he had been too forceful.
inequities. He’s pleaded for protective ney, a Long Island funeral director whom old leader in the industry from Dallas whelmed in the spring of 2020 that he had Soon after, he got an email from Thom-
gear, for clarity on health guidelines and Close always called for advice on New known in the National Funeral Directors to rent a 32-foot refrigerated truck. as, the professor. He and Neal wanted to
for priority in vaccine distribution. For York cases. But when Close tried Gaffney & Morticians Association for his ability to “It is like two different Americas, and work with Close to try to get the White
officials to recognize the role Black funer- in early May, there was no answer. whip votes who died in December 2020. one doesn’t hear the other’s pain,” said House to recognize Black funeral homes
al directors play in their communities and “He’s on a ventilator, and it’s killing He had known he had wanted to be a Kemp. “It is like yelling in the wind.” as possible distribution points for corona-
help them give out vaccine doses. For him,” Close remembers Gaffney’s sister, funeral director since he was 12, said his virus tests and vaccines. Thomas told
them to see the mounting grief, and to physician Mary Gaffney, saying when he wife Linda Lomax, and opened his own The fight for recognition Close he had watched the Zoom webinar
acknowledge it. got through to her. business in South Dallas in 1989. Lomax The long hours took a toll on Close. 10 times.
That February night, Close was at home Gaffney, a gregarious 65-year-old with always wanted to give people the service There were bouts of breathlessness and “Each time,” he told Close, “your contri-
in his driveway, trying to decompress in a doctorate in economics who was so they deserved, even when their families spells of dizziness so bad he had to sit bution continues to inspire.”
his car, when he got a call from his oldest committed to his work that he slept with could not afford it — often helping out down. He and his longest-tenured em-
son. He had forgotten about his own two work phones under his pillow, had with paying for caskets and having staff ployee, David Hebron Sr., felt their joints The burden-holders
family birthday dinner at Capital Grille. been hospitalized on Easter with covid-19. edit obituaries. hurting after especially long services. Rain had been steadily falling on a
Over steaks and malbec later, he kept The man known for thinking of his staff Most obituaries of members of the Na- “Where,” they asked each other with recent winter morning in Baltimore, but
talking about work. and his clients before himself died May 6. tional Funeral Directors & Morticians As- increasing frequency, “did the years go?” Close still carefully washed the hearses.
“Relax,” Close’s son urged him. “Please He was among at least 41 Black funeral sociation reviewed by The Washington During a regular checkup in January Thinking of the family who had lost their
relax.” directors to die since March 2020 — a Post did not list covid-19 as the cause of 2021, Close’s doctor checked his pulse and matriarch, he wanted his fleet to sparkle.
Close nodded and promised his family: staggering toll for the National Funeral death. Stigma, and sometimes medical determined his heart was beating so As mourners filed into the foyer of the
He was trying. Directors & Morticians Association, uncertainty, meant that many families did quickly he was on the verge of a heart Baptist church, he handed out tissues,
which has about 2,000 members. not want to publicly say the coronavirus attack or a stroke. He needed to get to the enveloped a few tearful women in hugs
‘What about the funeral directors?’ Each time Close learned he had lost killed their loved ones, Close said. hospital, she said, right then. and placed his hand on the shoulders of
When the virus first started spreading, another member, he felt numb. There was Some have told him the truth only in Closelearnedhehadatrialfibrillation,or grieving men. At just the right moments,
Close kicked his staff out of the embalm- 76-year-old William Penn Troy in August, private, he said, even as he has repeatedly AFIB, which could be addressed by a pro- he cracked jokes to make people smile.
ing room. who had been a pillar in his South Carolina tried to make clear: There is no shame. cedure to shock his heart into beating nor- He believes funerals should be more
The phone rang and rang as the dead communityandapersonalmentortoClose. Randy Anderson, the president of the mally. After a successful operation, Close about celebration than sadness, knowing
his Baltimore funeral home cared for When Close heard the news, he called National Funeral Directors Association, felt younger — and newly determined to that at his own one day, he wants an
monthly jumped from 20 to more than 60. Troy’s sons and asked a question he’d which is 10 times as large and has a save as many of his peers as he could. efficient service and upbeat music. But
But Close, then 59, worried his younger found himself repeating again and again: membership that is more than 97 percent He hoped the vaccines would offer the the past two years have often made cel-
employees would not be able to keep “What can I do?” White, said the only funeral directors he way out. ebration feel impossible.
themselves and their families safe. He sent messages to Maryland Gov. The amount of death — among custom-
No funeral directors knew then wheth- Larry Hogan (R), the mayor of Baltimore ers, among colleagues — left him ques-
er the corpses could be carriers for the New coronavirus cases, deaths and and a state senator, asking that funeral tioning at points whether he could contin-
virus, as was the case with Ebola. Even vaccine doses in the U.S., by day 1.2M home directors be included in the first ue to do this work. He made a few appoint-
after the World Health Organization and As of 8 p.m. Friday vaccine-eligibility category. Maryland ments with a psychologist after watching
CDC released guidance saying there was 1M was ultimately in the minority of states, her speak to the association in the spring
no evidence that dead bodies could be Close said, to put funeral directors and of 2021. Close wanted to make sure he was
contagious, Close and many of his peers Total 79,468,973 800K
morticians in that top priority category emotionally strong enough to keep going.
were afraid. 7-day average 36,197 with health-care workers, nursing home In the evenings, he sits outside in his
So between shifts in the embalming staff members and first responders. backyard, smoking a cigar, listening to the
room that sometimes stretched for more 400K Even once the vaccine was available, birds chirp and watching the deer. Some-
7-day avg.
than 12 hours, counseling families and though, many of his members — and his times he stays out there so long he dozes off.
conducting services with suddenly new 200K own staff — did not want to get the shot. It’s one of the only places he feels at peace.
restrictions, Close went searching for gear 0
Part of the problem, he figured, was It’s a balance that he’s still reaching for.
— at Lowe’s, Home Depot, Dollar General. Feb. 29, 2020 Jan. 2021 March 11 that funeral directors had been given such How to absorb families’ grief, day after
Often, there was nothing. limited information from officials day. To stay present, even when staying
Frustrated when he heard Home Depot DEATHS throughout the pandemic that their trust present means danger. How to care for the
had donated their respirators and masks Total 966,120 in the system had been eroded. pandemic’s victims, while also being vic-
to a hospital, Close asked to see a manager. 7-day average 1,311 4K With the media focused on rapidly timized.
“What about the funeral directors?” he 7-day avg.
filling hospital beds, Close said, society “Who eases the burden of the burden-
asked. was not paying attention to where the holder?” he said. “Every family that we
“Oh, my God,” he remembers her reply- bodies of the dead went, or the people who deal with, we take part of the grief. Where
ing. “I never thought about that.” cared for them. is the release for those who have the heavy
Close has had a reverence for the dead 0
So he started writing letters and emails, burden?”
and a determination to celebrate life since Feb. 29, 2020 Jan. 2021 March 11 pleading with officials to speak to his asso- At the funeral on the recent winter
he was a child. Raised in a family that ran a 5M ciation’s members. To the CDC. To Kizzme- morning, he handed out spritzes of hand
Massachusetts funeral home, he buried VACCINE DOSES ADMINISTERED kia Corbett, who led the team behind Mod- sanitizer along with funeral programs. He
dead animals when he found them as a Total 556,397,627 erna’s vaccine. To the nation’s top infec- reminded men to take off their hats, and
7-day average 266,488 3M
little boy, saying a prayer over the make- 7-day avg. tious-disease expert, Anthony S. Fauci. to put their masks over their nose.
shift graves. He was responsible as a 2M “The National Funeral Directors & When one barefaced young woman at
teenager for answering the calls and ar- 1M Morticians Association, Incorporated the church’s door asked whether masks
ranging body pickups, often sleeping at 0 (NFDMA) are African-American busi- were required, he nodded sternly: “For
the funeral home overnight. Feb. 29, 2020 Jan. 2021 March 11 nesses who service the black and brown your protection.”

ICE report shows sharp drop in deportations and immigration arrests

BY N ICK M IROFF said the figure reflects the admin- predecessor’s aggressive enforce- detained 1.7 million border-cross- ICE holds growing numbers of director of the Detention Watch
AND M ARIA S ACCHETTI istration’s efforts to emphasize ment approach and unabashed ers during the 2021 fiscal year, an immigrants at private facilities Network. U.S. officials “don’t
“quality over quantity” by direct- enthusiasm for mass immigra- all-time high. despite Biden’s campaign prom- need to put people seeking asy-
Deportations by U.S. Immigra- ing ICE to prioritize immigrants tion arrests. After taking office, Tom Homan, an acting ICE ise to end the practice. lum in detention, period,” she
tion and Customs Enforcement who pose public safety and na- Biden ordered a “pause” on de- director under President Donald The average daily number of added.
fell sharply last year under Presi- tional security threats. portations that upended the Trump, said the Biden adminis- ICE detainees plunged to about Shah said the government
dent Biden to the lowest levels in The report said ICE arrested agency’s operations and left offi- tration has curbed immigration 19,200 during the 2021 fiscal year, should stop detaining people for
the agency’s history despite re- 12,025 individuals last year with cers grumbling that their agency enforcement inside the United the lowest level since 1999, ac- civil immigration violations, es-
cord-high border crossings, ac- aggravated felony convictions, had been eliminated by adminis- States at the behest of “radical cording to the nonpartisan Mi- pecially those who have served
cording to statistics released Fri- nearly double the 2020 total. The trative means. leftists” who would like to abolish gration Policy Institute. their time for criminal offenses.
day in an annual report. agency highlighted a targeted Since then, Department of the agency. Approximately 11 million un- “We don’t believe anybody should
During the 2021 fiscal year that operation that arrested 495 “non- Homeland Security Secretary “From day one, this adminis- documented immigrants reside be detained,” she said. “What we
ended Sept. 30, ICE recorded citizen sex offenders” from 54 Alejandro Mayorkas has issued tration has pushed policies that in the United States, and the need to do is reduce the system.”
59,011 deportations, down from countries, more than twice the new guidance to officers instruct- have made it effectively impossi- majority have been here for more ICE also deported 34 “known
185,884 in 2020. The lower num- number taken into custody in ing them to prioritize national ble to detain or deport around than a decade, according to the or suspected terrorists,” accord-
bers were partly the result of 2020. security and public safety threats 90% of the illegal aliens currently Migration Policy Institute. Con- ing to the report. But agency
enforcement changes triggered “As the annual report’s data as well as recent border-crossers, in the United States, while at the gressional Democrats have at- officials said during a briefing
by the coronavirus pandemic that reflects, ICE’s officers and special an approach the administration same time releasing tens of thou- tempted to pass a bill that would with reporters that they did not
have allowed U.S. agents to rapid- agents focused on cases that de- says has allowed it to better focus sands of illegal aliens into the make them permanent residents, have additional information
ly expel unlawful border-crossers livered the greatest law enforce- resources on serious criminals. country in the past year,” Homan, but their efforts have stalled in about the known or suspected
under the Title 42 public health ment impact in communities Mayorkas has also met person- now a visiting fellow at the Heri- the narrowly divided Senate. terrorists, nor where they were
code, a procedure that does not across the country while uphold- ally with teams of ICE officers to tage Foundation, said in a state- Advocates for immigrants said taken into custody.
count as a formal deportation. ing our values as a nation,” Tae urge them to use more discretion ment. they welcomed many of the Biden ICE has not had a Senate-con-
But another gauge of ICE en- Johnson, the agency’s acting di- before making an arrest and States such as Texas, Louisiana administration’s early changes, firmed director since the Obama
forcement activity — immigra- rector, said in a statement. adopt a more sympathetic ap- and Arizona have sued over the such as ending the travel ban and administration. Biden nominat-
tion arrests in the U.S. interior — The 59,011 deportations re- proach toward immigrants who new enforcement priorities and increasing the number of refu- ed Sheriff Ed Gonzalez of Harris
also showed a significant drop ported last year were the lowest are not serious criminals and are awaiting court rulings that gees allowed into the United County, Tex., to the position near-
relative to historic averages. Offi- total since 1995, according to have been living for years in the could overturn them. States. But they said the most ly a year ago, but Senate Demo-
cers working for ICE’s Enforce- Department of Homeland Secu- United States. Mayorkas has also stopped de- recent spending bill increases crats delayed his confirmation
ment and Removal Operations rity statistics. ICE, created in Republicans have hammered taining families and withdrew funding for immigration enforce- vote this week after Sen. James
(ERO) made about 74,082 admin- 2003, has more than 20,000 em- the Biden administration over ICE from two county detention ment and complained that Biden Lankford (R-Okla.) said they
istrative arrests during the 2021 ployees in its civil, criminal and the decline in interior immigra- facilities in Massachusetts and has not kept his campaign prom- should investigate unsubstanti-
fiscal year, down from 104,000 legal operations and an annual tion arrests and deportations, Georgia that he said did not meet ise to end privately run deten- ated claims of domestic violence
during fiscal 2020 and an average budget of approximately $8 and blamed the surge of new his standards. He also told Con- tion, which accounts for the ma- against the sheriff. Gonzalez and
of 148,000 annually from 2017 billion. arrivals at the U.S.-Mexico border gress last year that he was con- jority of the ICE system. his wife say the allegations are
through 2019. Biden campaigned for presi- on his more lenient policies. U.S. cerned about the “overuse” of “We really want to see some false.
Biden administration officials dent promising a break with his Customs and Border Protection detention. shifts,” said Silky Shah, executive

Expansion of surveillance technology is test for Democrats

BORDER FROM A1 CBP officials say the autono-
mous surveillance towers are less
deal with Anduril, a California- useful in areas with rugged to-
based security and defense con- pography where the cameras lack
tractor specializing in artificial a direct line of sight. Their range
intelligence systems. CBP offi- is about a mile and a half, less
cials say the Anduril system is the than some of the older, taller
most advanced surveillance tech- fixed tower systems supplied by
nology they have ever placed rival contractors. While Anduril
along the border, calling it a has developed aerial drones that
“force multiplier” that allows the can launch from the tower sta-
agency to detect and intercept tions, CBP has not included drone
more illegal entries without in- technology in its deal, only the
creased staffing. towers.
But the expansion of artificial Ranchers and landowners who
intelligence and powerful sur- don’t want a border wall or an-
veillance tools along the border is other permanent structure on
also a test for the Biden adminis- their property say the towers can
tration, and the Democratic Party function as an effective deterrent.
more broadly, after years of rally- Miller, a county commissioner
ing against President Donald in Jeff Davis County, and a Demo-
Trump’s enforcement policies. crat, said he’s seen foot traffic
Democrats have long professed across his ranch diverted further
a preference for border security west, away from Viejo Pass and
technology over physical barri- nearby Valentine.
ers. But Trump’s border wall proj- “Before they installed the tow-
ect, family separations and other ers, there would often be 6 to 8
crackdown measures generated men walking through the streets
intense opposition to any expan- of Valentine, gathering at the post
sion of enforcement measures office, asking to charge their cell-
among key Democratic constitu- phones, making the employees
encies, led by immigrant activist nervous,” he said. “We don’t have
organizations and civil liberties many of them show up in Valen-
groups. tine any more.”
Dinesh McCoy, a staff attorney Like other ranchers along the
with Just Futures Law, which border, Miller, 71, has lived and
tracks CBP technology programs, worked alongside Mexican cow-
said the towers are “part of a boys and migrant laborers all his
larger militarization of the bor- PHOTOS BY SALWAN GEORGES/THE WASHINGTON POST life, and remains sympathetic to
der.” ABOVE: West Texas rancher Al those who cross in search of a
“There’s been a lot of talk about Miller has three autonomous better life. “These people aren’t
how surveillance is a more humane surveillance towers on his doing anything people haven’t
alternative to a wall, but what we property. “I think they’ve made done for years,” Miller said.
know is that when these technol- a difference,” he said, noting “They’re willing to risk every-
ogies are placed on the border, they that foot traffic has been thing.”
end up forcing people to take even diverted further west and away But the volume of people cross-
more dangerous routes through from his ranch. ing in recent years and the tactics
the desert,” McCoy said. “There is LEFT: Miller’s neighbor Shelly of the smugglers who guide them
an increased correlation between Means feeds chickens on her have taken a toll. Trash and dis-
this technology and more deaths, ranch. Means started the group carded water bottles are littered
as desperate people try to find Concerned Far West Texans across the desert. A distressed
ways into country.” and advocates for more migrant who was left behind by
The Biden administration ap- autonomous towers, as well as a his smuggling guide set fire to a
pears to be leaning toward an military presence, to stop ranch house on Miller’s property
expansion of autonomous sur- smugglers and groups of to call for help.
veillance technology. The admin- migrants moving through her Miller’s brother, Bill Miller,
istration’s original 2022 budget family’s 70,000-acre ranch. who also lives on the ranch, said
proposal did not include new the cameras have helped, but says
funding for the program, but the sector has the most towers, with they have the same limitation as a
omnibus spending package ad- 46, followed by San Diego, with border wall. “If you don’t have
vancing through Congress this 40, and the Big Bend sector, agents to respond, neither one
week includes $21 million in ad- which includes the Valentine does a damn good,” he said.
ditional operations funding for area, with 32, according to the Migrants will continue cross-
the towers and a larger pool of latest CBP figures. The agency ing as long as there is a demand
more than $200 million for bor- has placed three so far along the for their labor, said Bill Miller,
der security technology that can Canadian border. shoveling cotton seed into a
be used to expand autonomous The Anduril system’s main in- trough for his cattle. “It’s like the
surveillance. novation, and most controversial war on drugs,” he said. “In this
Biden officials have not pro- one, is the use of artificial intelli- country, we are the ones creating
moted the Anduril towers or tage at our borders.” charged border surveillance, pledge to build a border wall paid gence, designed to help CBP han- the demand.”
highlighted the partnership with Skepticism toward costly new DHS officials say the autonomous for by Mexico, Democrats argued dle the flood of data reaching its Their neighbor, Shelly Means,
the company, but their official border technologies remains towers do not use facial recogni- the government should invest in command centers from its grow- is less philosophical about the
communications describe the strong among more left-leaning tion software, and the footage advanced technology, not tradi- ing array of sensors, cameras and increase in crossings through her
towers as useful tools for CBP. members of the Democratic Par- they gather is not shared with tional barriers. Trump spent other surveillance tools. land. Last year she started a
Department of Homeland Secu- ty. When CBP’s science and tech- other agencies unless it is the money on both. In 2020, his Anduril’s software platform, group, Concerned Far West Tex-
rity officials say funds appropri- nology division recently promot- subject of a law enforcement in- administration reached a deal Lattice, allows a single operator ans, and said she wants the gov-
ated during previous years will ed its efforts to develop four- vestigation. with Anduril worth up to to monitor multiple camera ernment to deploy more autono-
allow them to increase the total legged drones it playfully called Anduril and its chief executive, $250 million that designated the streams, quickly identifying ob- mous towers, as well as a military
number of towers deployed to “robot dogs,” critics on social Palmer Luckey, are an awkward autonomous surveillance towers jects and providing their coordi- presence, to stop smugglers and
204 in the coming months. media envisioned dystopian partner for the Biden administra- a “program of record,” meaning nates. CBP officials say that al- groups of migrants transiting
Marsha Espinosa, the top scenes of migrant families chased tion. Luckey launched Anduril technology so essential that it lows agents who may not be through her family’s 70,000-acre
spokeswoman at DHS, said bor- down in the desert by heartless with backing from right-wing should receive its own dedicated familiar with the terrain to make ranch.
der security “requires deploying a machines. tech billionaire Peter Thiel, after funding stream. interdictions using GPS coordi- Means and her husband Bodie
variety of resources, infrastruc- “It’s shameful how both parties selling his virtual reality compa- The ASTs, as they’re known at nates instead of navigating off hosted Anthony Bourdain at their
ture, technology, and personnel, fight tooth + nail to defend their ny Oculus to Facebook for $2 CBP, are cheaper to install and landmarks or dispatchers’ spo- home not long before the CNN
consistent with the Department’s ability to pump endless public billion in 2014, when he was 21 move around than the “integrat- ken directions. star’s death, appearing in his
commitment to privacy and civil money into militarization,” Rep. years old. Luckey named his new ed fixed towers,” or IFTs, that the On a recent evening inside a episode “Far West Texas.” She and
liberties.” Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez company after a mythical sword agency has installed near busy control room at the busy Border Bourdain debated the necessity
“Deployments in new technol- (D-N.Y.) said on Twitter, replying from “The Lord of the Rings.” crossing points along the border. Patrol station in Santa Teresa, of a border wall, which Bourdain
ogy over the last 10 years have to images of the robot dogs. He was a donor and supporter The ASTs don’t require electrical N.M., a small team of operators opposed.
dramatically increased our abili- DHS officials say they have no of Trump’s in 2016 and 2020, but hookups and can be relocated watched the Lattice system on a Means said her mother’s near-
ty to interdict narcotics and plans to use the robot dogs in the says his company’s work for the within two hours. Unlike a border bank of monitors linked to multi- by house was broken into last
weapons, disrupt transnational near future, but said they have government is technological, not wall, they don’t permanently al- ple camera towers. After sun- year by smugglers who cleared
criminal and human smuggling demonstrated potential benefits political. ter the Southwestern landscape down, as groups of migrants be- out the freezer and stole guns.
operations, and rescue countless for “high-risk” situations where “Border security is not that nor impede wildlife, so they don’t gin climbing the border wall to The quantity of people passing
individuals victimized by unscru- border agents are deployed in partisan,” Luckey said in an inter- require the same environmental head north, CBP operators spot- through has shattered her sense
pulous smugglers,” Espinosa said remote areas and extreme ter- view. “Most Democrats will agree impact studies or other permit- ted and tracked multiple entries of peace, she said. “I have a gun on
in a statement. “DHS will contin- rain. that we need to know what’s ting procedures involved with simultaneously, sending coordi- the bed next to me every night,”
ue to invest in technologies that While privacy advocates have coming across our borders.” more permanent installations. nates to agents on horseback and she said. “Who wants to sleep like
increase its operational advan- raised concerns about super- When Trump campaigned on a The Border Patrol’s Del Rio all-terrain vehicles. that?”

The World


ABOVE: The Kyiv-Classic Symphony Orchestra plays Wednesday in the Maidan, Kyiv’s central square. The Maidan itself is a symbol of defiance, having been the focal point of revolutions including one in 2014
that ousted a pro-Moscow president. BELOW: Said conductor Herman Makarenko: “Our eastern neighbor says Ukraine hasn’t any culture. We would like to show we have culture, one of the best in the world.”

he war with Russia broke poser saw himself as Ukrainian friends in the orchestra had mes-
up the orchestra. More and spent many years visiting saged him on Facebook asking
than half of its musicians Kyiv and other parts of Ukraine. him to take part in the concert. He
fled the capital. And with “Our eastern neighbor says accepted without hesitation.
that, the music died. Ukraine hasn’t any culture,” said “It’s my duty, it’s my destiny,”
The ensemble was part of the Makarenko, who was dressed all Alyeyev said. “If I can push our
Ukrainian National Tchaikovsky in black. “We would like to show spirits up, I have to do it.”
Academy of Music, whose devel- we have culture, one of the best in Ivan Mikaelov, 33, played the
opment was helped by the famed the world.” flute. He also wanted to contrib-
composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikov- Shortly after 1 p.m., the 20 mu- ute to helping his homeland. So he
sky. He often visited Kyiv in the sicians gathered in the square left his home for the first time and
19th century when Ukraine was with their violins, flutes, clarinets entered an open area, dismissing
ruled by Russia’s czars. During and other instruments. Makaren- his fears of getting shelled. “I nor-
World War II, the conservatory’s ko stood before them clutching his mally stay inside my home, under-
buildings were leveled. conductor’s wand. ground most of the time,” he said.
In this conflict, the musicians A crowd of about 100 people “This is the first time I have come
who remained in Kyiv have en- also gathered, mostly journalists to the Maidan since the war start-
dured shells and missiles landing wearing flak vests and holding ed.”
close to their homes, nights hiding cameras and phones. About Another flutist, Maria Khmelo-
in underground bunkers, days 25 Ukrainians were among them, va, was next to him. The day after
waiting in long lines to stock up on some clutching the nation’s blue- Russia invaded, a residential
food and medicine. Many remain and-yellow flag. Explosions in and building, two streets down from
split apart from their relatives around the center of the city had her home, was pummeled by de-
elsewhere in Ukraine, including subsided in recent days, but most bris from a suspected rocket, in-
some behind Russian lines. Ukrainians still worried about juring several civilians. Khmelo-
They played their instruments spending too much time in open va, dressed in a black hoodie, said
inside their homes or in their areas. her son and parents had fled to the
basements as explosions rever- The concert began with an up- western city of Lviv.
berated in the streets above, keep- lifting Ukrainian composition. But she remained to take care of
ing ready for the moment they
could play together as an orches-
tra again. Kyiv orchestra strikes note Makarenko was moving his wand
rapidly, providing the rhythm to
the ensemble, some wearing win-
her 86-year-old, bedridden grand-
“She’s lying on the bed — she

of defiance in the open air

That day arrived Wednesday. ter beanies. Ukraine’s national an- can’t move,” said Khmelova, who
The very site of the outdoor con- them came soon after, and people has played the flute since she was
cert by the Kyiv-Classic Sympho- waved their flags. Also played was a child. “She’s close to dying.”
ny Orchestra symbolized their de- Beethoven’s “Ode to Joy” and “Li- Khmelova, too, didn’t hesitate
fiance: the Maidan, Kyiv’s central leya,” a ballad by Konstantin to join the concert. “This is coura-
square, the focal point of revolu- Dankevich, one of Ukraine’s best- geous music, perfect for situations
tions including one in 2014 that Musicians perform in city’s main square despite threat of Russian shelling known composers. like this,” she said. “Most Ukraini-
ousted a pro-Moscow president Julian Alyeyev, 46, played the ans have heard of them. They will
and helped define Ukraine’s West- BY S UDARSAN R AGHAVAN IN KYIV, UKRAINE viola. Over a long career, he was a be inspired.”
ern political path. member of many orchestras in Some musicians at the acad-
And the musicians, bundled up Ukraine and had played concerts emy, including students and
in thick coats and jackets, played in the United States, South Korea teachers, have signed up to fight
outdoors despite the constant Kyiv,” Loutsenko said. “We play it station. like Bucha, Iprin and Hostomel, and Montenegro. Five days be- the Russians, joining the nation’s
threat of missiles or bombs falling. under the open sky.” The musicians at the square where the worst fighting is taking fore, he was scheduled to play mostly volunteer Territorial De-
“We are showing our strength As in wars of the past in other performed even as their academy place,” Tymoshenko said. “They with an orchestra in Italy, he said. fense Forces, Tymoshenko said.
through music,” said Louri Lout- parts of the world, music and po- has been gripped by loss, fear and don’t know if their homes still “Because of the war, Putin took Alyeyev was considering pick-
senko, a senior adviser to the acad- etry have become an integral part uncertainty. Two students, a exist. So it’s safer to stay in Kyiv my money out of my pocket,” said ing up a gun as well. But his
emy’s president. of the fight — used in Ukraine for Ukrainian and a Chinese national, than go anywhere else.” Alyeyev with pursed lips, refer- friends who joined the militia or-
As the war neared its third recruitment, to soothe loss and were killed in the Russian bom- Asked whether the orchestra ring to Russia’s president, Vladi- dered him not to risk his life.
week, the 25-minute concert in assuage fear, to remember, and to bardment of Kharkiv, the coun- would play Tchaikovsky composi- mir Putin. “They told me, ‘You must stay at
freezing weather, and nationally stir patriotism. Military chaplains try’s second-largest city, said Mak- tions in the square, Herman Alyeyev’s two children are in home. We will need you after all of
televised, was the latest example sing hymns during sermons at sym Tymoshenko, the academy’s Makarenko, the conductor, shook Bulgaria, and he lives alone in the this is over. We will save your life,
of a cohesive resistance against suspected airstrike sites. At funer- president. Roughly 50 students his head. “We don’t have enough capital. He hears explosions and and you will play music for us
Russia — one that has drawn tens als for soldiers, pastors deliver and junior staff members, he add- musicians,” he explained, adding shelling from his home, he said, after.’ ”
of thousands of civilians to join melodic prayers. And on social ed, remain in the academy’s dor- that in any case the ensemble but has no plans to flee. “I still When the concert ended, the
militias or help support Ukraine media, viral videos include a sol- mitory, waiting out the war in wanted to play Ukrainian music. have dreams that we will keep our audience clapped and some
in other ways. dier singing a Ukrainian folk song their rooms, or the basement For decades, Ukrainians have capital and Ukraine, and that we shouted “Slava Ukraini!”
“This event is to show the entire to a hip-hop beat and a young when the air raid sirens go off. cringed as Russians embraced will kick the Russians out as soon “Glory to Ukraine!”
world that we are not afraid to woman hauntingly playing “What “Some have lost contact with Tchaikovsky as their own. Ukrai- as possible,” he said. Moments later, the air raid si-
have this concert in the heart of a Wonderful World” at Lviv’s train their families, who are in places nians argue that the great com- The day before, some of his rens sounded across the capital.


SUDAN 16 people earlier in the week. Pakistan criticizes India on after Pakistan summoned India’s office as Chile’s president, France to continue air support
The Sudan Doctors Committee missile launch: Pakistan’s envoy to protest. Pakistan said vowing to oversee a political and for Malian troops: France will
At least 19 killed in of West Darfur called on local national security adviser, Moeed the unarmed missile crashed economic renovation of a nation provide aerial military support
Darfur tribal clashes authorities to protect civilians in Yusuf, said it was “highly near Mian Channu, about 310 shaken by repeated massive to Malian troops fighting an
the area from attack. irresponsible” of India not to miles from Islamabad. Experts protests over inequality in recent Islamist insurgency even after its
A medical group said Friday Adam Regal, of the General inform Pakistan immediately of have long warned of the risk of years despite a relatively vibrant counterterrorism mission has
that at least 19 people had been Coordination Body for Refugees an inadvertent launch of a accidents or miscalculations by economy. At 36, Boric is the left, but only where Russian
killed in renewed tribal clashes and Displaced in Darfur, said missile that fell inside Pakistan. the nuclear-armed neighbors. youngest president in the South fighters are not present, the
in Sudan’s volatile West Darfur armed men attacked villages India had said it accidentally American nation’s history — one force’s commander said. After
region in the previous 24 hours. early Thursday and the fighting fired the missile this week Former protest leader sworn in who was only 4 years old when ties with the pro-Russian junta
Violence between Arabs and lasted for hours. He blamed Arab because of a “technical as Chile’s president: Left- democracy returned after the soured this year, France said it
non-Arabs in the same Jebel militias known as the Janjaweed. malfunction” during routine leaning former student leader 17-year military dictatorship of would pull out its 2,400 troops.
Moon area killed at least — Associated Press maintenance, giving its version Gabriel Boric took the oath of Gen. Augusto Pinochet. — From news services

Iran nuclear talks halted amid new Russian demand

switched, with officials turning
their blame toward the United
Sanctions relief sought States.
as a condition for taking A speech by Ayatollah Ali
Khamenei, Iran’s supreme leader,
part in a revived deal on Thursday suggested the nation
was souring on going ahead with a
new deal. He said it would be a
BY L IZ S LY “big error” to bow to pressure
from the United States and other
Negotiations in Vienna aimed powers, adding that it would be
at reviving the Iran nuclear deal unwise to give up Iran’s “advance-
were called off indefinitely Tues- ment” in nuclear science. “Who
day after a last-minute demand by can we turn to in a few years if we
Russia upended what diplomats give it up now?” he said.
had hoped was the final stretch of Comments by former vice pres-
the talks. ident Mike Pence in an interview
The European Union’s foreign earlier this week with an Israeli
affairs chief, Josep Borrell, an- newspaper that a future Republi-
nounced the decision to “pause” can administration would again
the talks in a tweet, citing “exter- withdraw from any revived deal
nal factors” for the break. Negoti- also did not help, said a senior
ators for the seven countries in- Western diplomat, who spoke on
volved have spent most of the past the condition of anonymity to dis-
year huddled in Vienna trying to cuss sensitive subjects.
find ways to revive the 2015 nu- Informal consultations are ex-
clear deal after President Donald pected to continue, negotiators
Trump’s decision to withdraw the say, to include exploring ways to
United States from the agreement finalize the deal without Russia —
in 2018. something that would be compli-
Diplomats said Borrell was re- cated but not impossible. Russia
ferring to Russia’s demand, first is assigned a key role in the deal’s
raised last Saturday, for U.S. sanc- implementation as the country
tions relief to be applied to its responsible for shipping out and
future commercial dealings with JOE KLAMAR/AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE/GETTY IMAGES storing Iran’s excess stocks of en-
Iran as a condition for participat- Iran’s chief nuclear negotiator, Ali Bagheri Kani, center, leaves Coburg Palais in Vienna on Friday after his meeting with Enrique Mora, riched uranium, for which an-
ing in a revived deal. the European Union envoy charged with coordinating the nuclear talks. other destination would have to
A final text for a new agreement be found.
is “essentially ready and on the and the details of a prisoner ex- spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh the Ukraine war by adding a sec- the Iran deal will effectively be- But Tehran has also made it
table,” Borrell said, adding that he change, which could bring free- said on Twitter that he hoped the ond war in the Middle East. come hostage to the course of the clear that Iran feels it can’t risk a
and his team would remain in dom for U.S. and other Western break would create “momentum” “We’re not in that hellscape yet. war, diplomats say. public rift with Russia by turning
contact with all the participants detainees held in Iranian jails. toward resolving the remaining We are just stuck in purgatory,” The deal would herald a return its back on Russia’s concerns and
to overcome the remaining obsta- In Washington, State Depart- issues. “The successful conclusion said Batmanghelidj. to world markets of Iranian oil, aligning with the United States,
cles and finalize an agreement. ment spokesman Ned Price cited of talks will be the main focus of The talks in Vienna had been potentially tempering the price according to a person familiar
But the open-ended pause the complex nature of the final all,” he said. focused on laying out a timetable hikes that have followed the Rus- with the details of the talks, who
could also potentially signal a stages of a negotiation for the Meanwhile, however, the clock to bring the United States and sian invasion of Ukraine and U.S. also spoke on the condition of
break from which there is no re- pause, adding that there are “ex- is ticking on the patience of West- Iran back into compliance with sanctions on Russian oil. Russia anonymity to discuss sensitive
turn, putting to rest any hope that ternal factors that are also inter- ern allies to hold out for an agree- the 2015 deal. Under a new agree- has no interest in seeing the oil subjects.
restoring the deal will be possible. ceding” in the effort to revive the ment while Iran continues to ac- ment, the United States would be price come down and may also The talks, involving diplomats
“It’s certainly serious. If you Joint Coordinated Plan of Action, celerate its nuclear program. Iran expected to lift the harsh new feel it can use the Iran deal as from Britain, France, Germany
lose momentum at this late stage or JCPOA, as the deal is known. has now advanced its enrichment sanctions imposed after Trump leverage in future negotiations and China as well as Iran, the
the dynamics shift in ways that it He said the United States is not and stockpiles of uranium to the withdrew, and Iran would be re- over Ukraine, analysts say. United States and Russia, have
could become impossible to re- prepared to offer Russia any con- extent that it could now only be quired to dial back advances sub- “Vladimir Putin understands been intensive since the begin-
sume the talks,” said Esfandyar cessions on sanctions for the sake weeks away from the threshold sequently made in its nuclear pro- that reviving the Iran nuclear deal ning of the year, and it will also be
Batmanghelidj of the European of reviving the Iran deal, stressing required to build a nuclear weap- gram. means much more to Joe Biden good for the negotiators to take a
Council on Foreign Relations. that the new sanctions on Russia on, and U.S. officials have warned A deal was so close that a podi- than him. Putin does not feel break, diplomats said. The Irani-
A small number of outstanding are “wholly and entirely unrelat- that they will not allow the negoti- um for the final ceremonies had threatened by Iran’s nuclear ad- an and U.S. delegations gathered
differences still to be settled be- ed to the JCPOA.” ations to drag on indefinitely. been erected in the Palais Coburg vancement and Tehran’s isolation in separate hotels, with diplomats
tween Iran and the United States Mikhail Ulyanov, Moscow’s en- U.S. officials have in the past hotel where the talks were held. In has served Russian interest,” said from the other nations shuttling
may also have contributed to the voy to the talks, told reporters that raised the possibility of imple- recent weeks Iran had increasing- Karim Sadjadpour, a senior fellow between them because Iran refus-
deadlock, diplomats said. They the break could not solely be menting a “Plan B” in the event ly signaled its willingness to final- at the Carnegie Endowment for es to engage in direct talks with
include how far the United States blamed on Russia. “There are oth- the talks fail, without specifying ize the arrangement, diplomats International Peace. the United States.
will go in removing terrorism des- ers that need to settle their issues what the plan would entail. The say. Iran had initially expressed ir- Enrique Mora, the European
ignations from organizations among themselves,” he said. options raise from imposing even But the outbreak of the Ukraine ritation at Russia’s unexpected Union envoy charged with coordi-
such as the Islamic Revolutionary Iran was restrained in its com- tougher sanctions to military ac- war has shifted the geopolitical demand and continued to signal nating the talks, said that the
Guard Corps, guarantees regard- ments after the pause was an- tion, potentially compounding backdrop to the negotiations, and that a deal was near. But starting negotiators need to take a pause
ing the lifting of U.S. sanctions nounced Friday. Foreign Ministry the global instability triggered by it is now possible that the fate of Wednesday, Iranian messaging to “maintain a good spirit.”

China’s legislative meeting ends amid worst covid outbreak in two years
BY C HRISTIAN S HEPHERD gating its impact. Science and Technology were Jilin’s capital, Changchun, were and Prevention, announced last provided few signals that a sud-
Chinese Premier Li Keqiang locked in school buildings with- told to avoid unnecessary move- month that Beijing was develop- den shift in China’s approach
China reported its highest did not directly address the out- out basic living necessities. ment, with all neighborhoods im- ing a road map toward “coexis- toward the virus was imminent.
number of coronavirus cases break during his news conference One student described chaotic plementing a registration system tence” with the virus. Over the weekend, Xi urged that
since the early days of the pan- Friday marking the end of the scenes of crying students, many to limit unapproved visitors. Few additional details of the lawmakers must “draw the line”
demic on Friday as the annual annual meeting of the National running a fever, calling teachers The incident reflects a con- plan were announced during the at allowing large-scale coronavi-
meeting of its rubber-stamp par- People’s Congress. Questions are who didn’t know what to do, stant tension in China’s covid legislative session, but Li, the rus outbreaks.
liament concluded, putting in submitted in advance by journal- according to a post on the microb- strategy: an unwillingness to premier, called the pandemic the Zhang Wenhong, a well-known
sharp focus the limits of its “zero ists and handpicked. log Weibo that was forwarded adopt a policy of mitigating the “biggest challenge” the Chinese infectious-disease expert, inter-
covid” policy that aims to keep Asked whether China had a nearly 200,000 times before be- risk of the virus, while accepting economy has faced in his second preted Xi’s remarks as recogniz-
infections as low as possible. road map to reopen its borders to ing deleted. Some were barred that it cannot be eliminated. Chi- term, adding that the govern- ing that — while covid cases will
The National Health Commis- international travel, Li said na- from leaving their dorms to go to na’s policy of curbing nationwide ment has spared no efforts in always remain — the overall goal
sion’s tally of 1,100 locally trans- tional covid policy would react to the toilet. spread is generally popular, but tackling the problem. is still to keep them as low as
mitted coronavirus infections the evolving nature of the pan- Following the outcry, the head the regular instances of extreme He also confirmed that he possible and avoid overburden-
spread across 18 mainland prov- demic and attempt to “ensure of the university’s party commit- local government enforcement would step down from the pre- ing the health-care system.
inces and cities is the greatest normal manufacturing and or- tee was dismissed. The governor are not. miership later this year when his “That way we can use precision
challenge yet to China’s efforts to derly living.” of Jilin province, Han Jun, called In recent months, China has term ends at a twice-per-decade containment to keep people’s
smother the spread of the virus Containment measures aimed for swift containment of the col- begun inching away from its ini- political meeting where Chinese lives as normal as possible,” he
with targeted lockdowns, testing at halting the most recent out- lege clusters, after which 300 tial policy of elimination even President Xi Jinping is widely wrote on Weibo.
and quarantines. China is almost break in the northeastern city of buses carried some 6,500 stu- after the arrival of the more trans- expected to stay on for a third
alone in employing this policy of Jilin drew widespread criticism dents away to centralized quaran- missible omicron variant. Zeng term, breaking precedent. Lyric Li in Seoul and Vic Chiang and
containment rather than pivoting this week after students at the tine facilities in seven cities. On Guang, a government adviser at The six-day set-piece of care- Pei Lin Wu in Taipei contributed to
to living with the virus and miti- Jilin University of Agricultural Friday, the 9 million residents of the Center for Disease Control fully scripted political pageantry this report.

White Australian police o∞cer acquitted in killing of young Aboriginal man

BY M ICHAEL E . M ILLER volunteered for tactical response near the end of the trial, said Walk- Kumanjayi Walker, any presenta-
teams. er was never fully restrained and tion of a weapon by Kumanjayi
darwin, australia — A White As part of one of those tactical still posed a threat. He said he was Walker, he would draw his firearm
Australian police officer was ac- response teams, Rolfe traveled to simply trying to save his partner, and be prepared to use it.”
quitted of murder Friday in the the small town of Yuendumu on who he believed was being Defense attorney David Ed-
killing of a young Aboriginal man, Nov. 9, 2019. Prosecutor Philip stabbed. wardson portrayed the case as
capping a five-week trial that has Strickland argued the officer, then Prosecutors led the jury “flawed” and even politically moti-
captivated much of the country 28, had made it his “sole mission through several slow-motion ex- vated.
with its undercurrents of race, and preoccupation” to arrest aminations of the body-camera “This case is tragic,” he said in
power and inequality. Walker after repeatedly watching footage, including the moments his closing argument. “A young
A jury in the northern city of a video of the teenager brandish- afterward, when Rolfe told his man lost his life, and a young,
Darwin found that officer Zachary ing an ax during a previous arrest partner: “It’s all good. He’s got courageous police officer has been
Rolfe, 30, acted properly when he attempt. Strickland said Rolfe and scissors in his hands. He was stab- charged with the most serious
fatally shot 19-year-old Kumanjayi Officer Zachary Rolfe speaks to Kumanjayi Walker, 19, was his team ignored a plan to arrest bing me. He was stabbing you.” charge known to the criminal law
Walker in the remote Outback the media outside court on fatally shot by Rolfe during an Walker while he was sleeping — a “You said [that] to justify what … without any proper investiga-
town of Yuendumu in late 2019. Friday in Darwin, Australia. attempted arrest in 2019. claim the officers denied — and you had just done, didn’t you?” tion, and that, you might think, is a
Rolfe was also found not guilty of instead went in search of the teen- Strickland asked Rolfe. “Because, disgrace.”
two alternative charges: man- trial for his own death,” she said. nities, which are among the poor- ager. constable, you had gone too far. Edwardson said the blame fell
slaughter and engaging in a vio- “That’s disgusting.” est parts of the country and often They found him inside a rela- You knew you had been too gung- not on Rolfe, who had followed his
lent act causing death. Fatal shootings by police are have been the site of tension be- tive’s house. Walker stabbed Rolfe ho.” training, but on Walker. “He was
The verdict, which came days relatively rare in Australia, a na- tween White officers and Aborigi- in the shoulder with a small pair of “Incorrect,” Rolfe replied. dangerous,” he said. “He was vio-
after a similar police shooting in tion of 25 million people. Six peo- nal residents. scissors. The officer then fired one The prosecutor also said Rolfe lent. And in many respects, he was
Darwin, sparked scenes of sadness ple were fatally shot by officers in Underscoring those issues was shot into the teen at close range. lied when claiming Walker had the author of his own misfortune.”
and joy. Rolfe hugged his parents the fiscal year that ended in June. the stark contrast between the two As another officer wrestled with put his hand on his gun, pointing Some members of the Aborigi-
and shook hands with supporters, But the case dovetailed with grow- young men involved. Rolfe, a deco- Walker, Rolfe fired two more out that Rolfe had never men- nal community at the court could
while Walker’s family and mem- ing concerns over deaths of Indig- rated officer and army veteran, point-blank shots into the teen- tioned it to anyone after the inci- not contain their anger. “When are
bers of the Aboriginal community enous people in custody in a coun- comes from a well-known family ager’s torso, one of which was fa- dent. Rolfe said the reason he we going to get justice!” Ned Har-
wailed and wept inside the court- try still reckoning with race and its in Australia’s wealthy capital. tal. didn’t mention it was that it graves, a Yuendumu elder, shout-
house. colonial past. Walker was an orphan from one of Much of the trial centered on seemed less important than the ed from his wheelchair. “We do not
“Obviously I think that was the No police officer ever has been the nation’s poorest communities body-camera footage of the inci- stabbing. want to see another Black young
right decision to make,” Rolfe said. convicted of murdering an Indig- whose life was marred by misfor- dent and the 2.6 seconds between Strickland sought to portray fella or a girl to be shot.”
He acknowledged that “a lot of enous person in Australia. Some tune and misconduct. the first and second shots. Walker’s death as the result of the Standing in the crowd, Leeanne
people are hurting today.” legal experts and activists saw During the trial, prosecutors Prosecutors conceded that police officer having a single- Caton said she had hoped the trial
Samara Fernandez-Brown, Rolfe’s prosecution as a test for tried to paint Rolfe as a “gung-ho” Rolfe was justified in firing the minded focus on arresting the would be Australia’s George Floyd
Walker’s cousin, told reporters her whether the justice system was officer who wanted to see “action” first bullet. But they argued that teen, which invited confrontation. moment. “The whole country was
family was “deeply disappointed.” willing to take seriously Indig- by serving in the Australian army the second and third shots were “He did not want to cordon and looking at this,” said Caton, an
She said defense attorneys had enous deaths in custody. in Afghanistan, undergoing pri- unnecessary and unreasonable, contain,” Strickland said. “He Aboriginal woman from Darwin.
falsely portrayed Walker as a dan- The trial also provided a rare vate weapons training in the Unit- because they said the other officer didn’t want to negotiate a surren- “This sends a real strong message
gerous person. “They saw only his window for most Australians into ed States and joining the Northern had Walker under control. der. His mind-set was, at that time, to the Aboriginal community
flaws and wished to put him on life in remote Indigenous commu- Territory Police Force, in which he But Rolfe, who took the stand if there was to be any resistance by about macro racism.”

Isolated Russia to lean on

war in ukraine
China, but it won’t be easy LAST DAYS!!
Washington’s Upscale Furniture Warehouse
Russia and China's trade relationship has skyrocketed DANKER IS CLOSING IT’S DOORS...FOREVER!
Substitutes for Western in past decade
buyers, services and Monthly imports and exports reported in U.S. dollars
systems may fall short China exports to Russia China imports from Russia


China and Russia have in re- 6B

cent years worked to reduce their

reliance on Western financial 5B
systems, technology and markets,
motivated by their leaders’ mu- 4B
tual desire to insulate themselves
against the West’s economic pres- 3B
This shared view of the United
States and its allies has deepened
economic links, making China by
far Russia’s largest single trading 0
partner. Now, the Chinese could 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020
be Russian President Vladimir
Source: Trade Data Monitor THE WASHINGTON POST
Putin’s lifeline in isolation: blunt-
ing the force of Western sanctions
imposed over his invasion of SWIFT. A Chinese alternative, the about 70 billion cubic meters of
Ukraine. Cross-Border Interbank Payment annual import capacity in coming
China, despite claiming neu- System (CIPS), was launched in years.
trality, has maintained a pro- 2015 as a core plank of Beijing’s China could also buy more
Kremlin lean and is opposed to efforts to internationalize the Russian oil, which accounted for
sanctions, stating that it will con- Chinese yuan and challenge the about half the value of Russian
tinue to trade with Russia as dollar’s supremacy in global mar- exports to China in 2021.
usual. But questions remain on kets. When Putin visited Beijing in
how far China’s systems are able The CIPS clearing system, February, Russian oil giant Ros-
to cushion the blow of Western which uses the Chinese yuan as neft announced a 10-year deal to
sanctions and how far Beijing is its quote currency, could connect supply 100 million tons of oil to All SAVE

willing to go to help its economic
with Russia’s own version or sim-
ply expand its partner network in
China via Kazakhstan.
But Beijing is also eager to
Must Up To
Many buyers, services and sys- Russia to become a viable alterna- prioritize its own production to Go Now 80%
tems to which Russia has lost tive to SWIFT. improve energy security. In 2021,

access have Chinese substitutes. But CIPS is far smaller, with a the country’s oil imports dropped
But those options often fall short network about a tenth of SWIFT’s for the first time in 20 years, in
when compared with Western 11,000 financial institutions. part because of rising domestic
equivalents and face daunting There is only a single CIPS clear- output.
practical and political hurdles ing center in Russia, the Moscow While discounted barrels will
before they could work as a viable branch of the Industrial and find a home in China, there is
replacement for global systems. Commercial Bank of China, and little urgency for that to happen
Chinese firms and institutions transactions using the messaging as prices soar, Michal Meidan,
may also be hesitant to step in for system would need to be made in head of the China program at the
fear of losing access to interna- Chinese yuan, which has draw- Oxford Institute for Energy Stud-
tional markets, a far more impor- backs because of Beijing’s strict ies, wrote in a recent note, adding
tant source of business than Rus- capital controls that prevent that “overall stock levels are still
sia. large volumes of the currency well above 2019 levels, offering
“Even though China’s govern- from leaving China. China a buffer.”
ment probably wishes to assist Using the CIPS system to trans-
Russia, it cannot shield its com- act with Russian banks would Technology
panies from the potentially crip- also leave Chinese banks open to Cut off from Western technol-
pling punishments for violating American sanctions. ogy and Internet services, Russia
sanctions,” analysts at Gavekal China could serve as a crucial may need to lean more on Chi-

Dragonomics, a research firm, supply of cash to Moscow nese technology. But here, too,
wrote in a recent note.
Here are some of the Chinese
through Russia’s foreign ex-
change reserves. Countries tend
the threat of secondary sanctions
puts Chinese companies in a %*
alternatives that Russia can con-
sider to make up for the financial
to keep some assets in other
currencies offshore to preserve
tricky position.
Greater pressure is now on OFF
services and technologies it has buying power in case their own China-based Huawei’s business ALL
been denied. currency rapidly devalues —
which is what is happening to the
in Russia, as European telecom-
munications suppliers Ericsson IT’S TRULY ACCESSORIES, ALL PRICES
Russian banks are turning to
ruble. Most of these offshore
funds for Russia have been frozen
and Nokia cease deliveries to the
Russia market. Only a handful of THE END OF LAMPS, MIRRORS
China’s UnionPay system as an
alternative to Visa and Master-
by Western countries, but some
13 percent of Russia’s foreign ex-
companies produce the technical
gear that makes up the backbone AN ERA! & PICTURES DURING OUR
While They Last!
card, both of which have suspend-
ed operations in the country.
change reserves, or an estimated
$77 billion, was in Chinese assets
of the Internet, so if sanctions are
not lifted soon, Russia would WE MUST SELL
UnionPay says over 90 percent of
ATMs in Russia are compatible
as of June, according to the Bank
of Russia’s latest figures.
probably need to turn to China’s
Huawei or ZTE for replacement EVERYTHING!
with its cards, 3 million of which parts to keep its Internet opera- SAVE ON BEDROOMS,
had been issued in the country as
of 2021. Russian energy giants’ drasti-
Shifting networks to Chinese BEST SELECTION OF
Several Russian banks have an-
nounced in recent days that they
cally reduced access to Europe
gives them ample motive to ex-
tech is neither cheap nor techni-
will use the Chinese service, with pand their presence in China. and others have so far struggled FINE LEATHER, RECLINERS, TAKE IT ACCESSORIES & MORE!
some giving customers immedi- Nord Stream 2, a planned pipe- to compete with European firms’
ate access to virtual cards so they line that would deliver 55 billion established presence in Russian SECTIONALS, CHAIRS, HOME TODAY! OUT IT GOES
can get to their savings. cubic meters of natural gas per mobile networks. However, the RECLINING FURNITURE No waiting weeks or
Given UnionPay’s widespread
international availability, fewer
year, has been suspended by sanc-
arrival of 5G with new equipment
requirements has created an
AND LOTS MORE! months for your order.
Russian cardholders will be left Among Russian gas giant Gaz- opening. Huawei launched a trial
65 %*
unable to withdraw cash or make prom’s best hopes to replace that network of its faster service in
payments if their banks switch to demand is the Power of Siberia 1, Moscow with Russian mobile op-
the Chinese payment system. (It a Russia-China pipeline that be- erator MTS.
does little to resolve the ruble’s gan deliveries in 2019. The most obvious area where
plunging value or long lines at But the project is significantly China could easily fill the gap left
ATMs.) smaller in scale and remains at behind by Western technology A HUGE DISPLAY OF
The sudden influx of users,
however, is a challenge for Union-
least a year away from reaching
its full capacity of 38 billion cubic
firms is consumer electronics.
The absence of Apple and Sam-
Pay, which remains primarily a
provider for Chinese clients. Only
meters per year. The already op-
erational Nord Stream 1 alone
sung, which account for 45 per-
cent of Russian market share, AREA RUGS
1 percent of its expenditure was delivered 59 billion cubic meters could be filled by Chinese phone
outside China in 2020, according of gas to Europe in 2021. makers like Xiaomi, Honor and While They Last!
to RBR, a consultancy. China is expected to rely more Realme. HP and Dell could be
More pressing for some Rus- heavily on gas while it reduces replaced by the Hong Kong-based
sian banks is their disconnection reliance on coal power before Lenovo, a top seller in Russia.
from the financial information 2030. Two additional Gazprom But according to a report by the
exchange system known as the pipelines to China, one about to Financial Times, Chinese smart-
Society for Worldwide Interbank start construction and another phone shipments to Russia have
Financial Telecommunication, or under discussion, could add fallen since the invasion began as
companies reduce their exposure
in light of the plunging ruble and
Russia's central bank has moved assets out of uncertain business environment.
Western countries Chinese firms may be even
more hesitant to provide critical
Share of Bank of Russia's reserves held in each country technology like high-end semi- SPECIAL SPECIAL
conductors, production of which
is almost entirely reliant on U.S. SALE HOURS SALE HOURS
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ment from the United States. CLOSED WED CLOSED WED
“Most large institutions in Chi-

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na are not willing to take the risk
60 10.0% Japan of falling foul of U.S. sanctions,
16.0% 4.5% U.K. and so any sanction-busting is

U.S. likely to be done by smaller insti-
tutions that have less to lose,” said Visit us online at
Germany Martin Chorzempa, research fel-
low at the Peterson Institute for CASH, VISA, MASTERCARD, DISCOVER
31.2% 12.2% France
International Economics. “Over- AND APPROVED CHECKS ACCEPTED.
20 all, China looks like it’s going to
complain but comply.”
21.7% Other *Discounts are off original and regular prices which may or may not have resulted in prior sales. ALL SALES ARE
11.8% FINAL all merchandise sold “as-is”. No Lay-Aways. Quantities are limited. First come first to save. All prior sales,
Pei Lin Wu and Vic Chiang in Taipei,
special orders and previous discounts excluded. Not responsible for typographical errors. Pictures are for illustration
March 2014 June 2021 Taiwan, Lyric Li in Seoul and Paul
purposes only. See store for further details. ©SFP2022.
Sonne in Washington contributed to
Source: Institute of International Finance THE WASHINGTON POST this report.

war in ukraine

E.U. o≠ers more help for Kyiv but is not ready to fast-track membership
BY E MILY R AUHALA der Leyen said Friday that the E.U. ing an additional 500 million eu- Europe remains deeply divided on “We commend European coun- Lithuania, expressed support for
and Group of Seven countries will ros, or about $545 million, for a the plan, with some countries ar- tries, notably at the borders with the idea, while others, notably the
brussels — European leaders revoke Russia’s World Trade Or- first-of-its-kind effort to finance guing that it goes too far and will Ukraine, for showing immense Netherlands, opposed it. Most
stepped up their effort to isolate ganization benefits and work to the supply and delivery of weap- crush their economies, and others solidarity in hosting Ukrainian seemed content to say little either
Russian President Vladimir Putin suspend its membership rights in ons. The money would still need to casting it as a cop-out and a gift to war refugees,” read a summit way.
and weaken his war effort on Fri- organizations such as the Interna- be approved by heads of govern- Putin. Von der Leyen said the Eu- statement published Friday “Can we open an accession pro-
day, announcing a fourth round of tional Monetary Fund and World ment. ropean Commission was looking morning. The E.U. and its member cedure today with a country at
sanctions, a move to deny Russia Bank. “I am sure the leaders will pro- at ways to limit the impact on states “will continue to show soli- war? I don’t think so,” French Pres-
most-favored-nation trading priv- The E.U. and allies will also vide this money,” Borrell said. consumers and businesses and to darity and provide humanitarian, ident Emmanuel Macron said
ileges and a potential doubling of introduce measures to stop the “And it is going to be immediately prepare for next winter. medical and financial support to Thursday. “Should we close the
funding for military aid to Russian state and its elites from so it flows quickly.” The leaders said surprisingly all refugees and the countries door and say never? That would be
Ukraine. using crypto assets to circumvent The leaders did not appear to little on the issue of refugees. The hosting them.” unfair.”
In response to an urgent appeal the sanctions, ban the export of get any further on the question of E.U. last week announced it would The summit showed the bloc In the end, the statement from
from Ukrainian President Volod- E.U. luxury goods to Russia, stop providing fighter jets to Ukraine, a offer Ukrainians up to three years divided on the question of wheth- E.U. leaders “acknowledged the
ymyr Zelensky for fast-track Euro- new E.U. investment in the Rus- previous pledge from Borrell that of “temporary protection,” allow- er Ukraine should be admitted as European aspirations and the Eu-
pean Union membership, E.U. sian energy sector, and block the has been followed with finger- ing them to avoid a lengthy asy- a member under a special pro- ropean choice of Ukraine” and
leaders concluded a two-day crisis import of key products in the iron pointing and limited enthusiasm. lum application process. Those cedure. promised to “strengthen our
summit at France’s Palace of Ver- and steel sector. E.U. leaders also discussed a fleeing the war who are not Ukrai- In a speech to the European bonds and deepen our partner-
sailles with talk of Ukraine being “Russia cannot grossly violate plan announced earlier this week nian citizens have been left in a Parliament last week, Zelensky ship to support Ukraine in pursu-
part of the European family, but international law and, at the same to cut Russian gas imports by more murky status. delivered an impassioned plea to ing its European path” without
the E.U. did not appear ready to time, expect to benefit from the two-thirds this year. Though the Von der Leyen said the Euro- be allowed to join the bloc of offering specifics on what that
substantively depart from what is privileges of being part of the in- move falls short of the total boy- pean Commission was setting up a 27 nations, saying Ukrainians are means.
typically a years-long process, a ternational economic order,” von cott announced by the United “solidarity platform” to coordi- not just fighting for their lives, but “Ukraine,” the statement con-
reminder that Western support der Leyen said in the statement. States, Europe imports far more nate the reception of refugees and for European values. cluded, “belongs to our European
for the Ukrainian fight has limits. To support the defense of Russian energy, meaning it could would use parts of the E.U. budget The virtual address made an family.”
In a statement coordinated Ukraine, Josep Borrell, the top have a significant impact, both in to finance housing, schooling and E.U. interpreter emotional and
with the White House, European E.U. diplomat, said the E.U. execu- Russia and within the E.U. counseling to the tune of “several was greeted with a standing ova- Quentin Ariès contributed to this
Commission President Ursula von tive body had proposed earmark- At the summit, it was clear that billion euros in the coming years.” tion. Some E.U. countries, such as report.

Bombings, repeatedly provided diplomatic

cover and logistical aid to Presi-
dent Bashar al-Assad when Syr-

bloodshed ian forces used chemical weapons

against opposition-held neigh-
borhoods. The Syrian chemical

intensify in attacks, intended to undermine

rebel morale and drive insur-
gents out of urban barricades,

urban hubs included sophisticated and high-

ly lethal nerve agents, as well
ordinary industrial compounds
such as chlorine. In the worst
WEAPONS FROM A1 attack, in August 2013, deadly
sarin gas seeped into basements
assassination attempts against used by Syrian families as bomb
political foes of President Vladi- shelters, killing an estimated
mir Putin in the past three years, 1,400 people.
including at least once outside its The Syrian attacks often were
borders, Western intelligence accompanied by false-flag claims
agencies concluded. — repeated frequently by Russian
Because the U.S. and European officials — suggesting that rebels
officials declined to describe the themselves were behind the at-
nature of the intelligence point- tacks.
ing to a possible Russian chemi- According to the NATO official
cal attack in Ukraine, it was who described the growing angst
impossible to determine how sig- about potential chemical attacks
nificant it might be. U.S. officials in Ukraine, the concern is being
have been warning publicly for driven by new “intel, and also
days that Russia might carry out a Russia’s previous record of the
false-flag operation, after the tactics.”
Kremlin alleged the United States The official described the tac-
had supported a bioweapons pro- tics as consisting of “heavy bom-
gram in Ukraine. bardment, flattening of cities,
“It’s more than an urgent con- then chemical weapons use to
cern,” one European official said clean basements of fighters, then
of the prospects for a Russian denying and planting false flags.”
chemical attack. “Clearly there’s A second European official also
been an increase in the threat.” cited new intelligence suggesting
A senior NATO official added FELIPE DANA/ASSOCIATED PRESS possible preparations for a chem-
that Russia “is preparing the ical attack but declined to elabo-
ground for a chemical or bio- rate. U.S. officials declined to
weapons attack.” comment on intelligence assess-
Elsewhere on Friday, Russian ments. A senior Defense official
forces intensified a relentless said that Ukraine’s government
bombing and artillery campaign has not requested protective
against cities and towns across a equipment for defending against
widening swath of southern and a chemical attack.
central Ukraine. Four Ukrainians Ukrainian forces, facing slow
were killed and six others were but steady advances from Rus-
wounded Friday in missile at- sian troops, have urgently ap-
tacks by Russian forces on a pealed for other assistance, in-
military airfield in Lutsk, said cluding advanced weaponry.
Yuriy Pohulyayko, governor of the NATO countries want to help,
surrounding Volyn region. An- officials say, but can only provide
other military airfield in Ivano- what Ukraine’s troops can actual-
Frankivsk, in western Ukraine, ly use based on their existing
was also struck by missiles. New training.
satellite imagery, meanwhile, The most useful weapons sys-
showed a massive Russian con- tems are Soviet- and Russian-
voy outside Kyiv maneuvering in made ones that are in the arse-
possible preparation for an as- nals of former communist coun-
sault against the capital. tries in Eastern Europe. Among
According to the latest figures other things, Ukrainian officials
from the United Nations, 564 are seeking stepped-up deliveries
civilians have been confirmed of antitank weapons because they
killed and 982 injured, though see it as the only way to break the
the true toll is probably far high- progressive encirclement of their
er. cities, according to a senior Euro-
Russian forces continued to pean diplomat. The weaponry
suffer substantial losses, as would be used to create humani-
Ukrainian troops armed with an- tarian corridors in and out of the
titank weapons and armed cities, the diplomat said.
drones beat back invading forces Putin, meanwhile, on Friday
along several fronts. But the me- approved recruiting foreign “vol-
thodical demolishing of Ukraini- unteers” to reinforce the Russian
an urban centers by Russian mis- military’s invasion of neighbor-
siles and artillery has contributed ing Ukraine.
to a mounting humanitarian ca- “If you see that there are peo-
tastrophe, according to Ukraini- ple who want to come voluntarily,
an officials and international re- especially free of charge, and help
lief agencies. The mayor of Mari- people living in the Donbas, you
upol described his besieged need to meet them halfway and
southern port city as going GLEB GARANICH/REUTERS help them move to the war zone,”
through “Armageddon.” TOP: Galina helps clean a neighbor’s house that was damaged by a Russian bombing Friday in Baryshivka, east of Kyiv, Ukraine. Putin told his defense minister,
The United Nations’ human ABOVE: A wide swath of cities in southern and central Ukraine have been hit by relentless bombing and artillery campaigns by the Sergei Shoigu, during a televised
rights office said it has received Russians, leading some to evacuate their homes, as the invasion on the country escalates and the risk of a chemical attack increases. Russian Security Council meet-
“credible reports” of Russia using ing Friday.
cluster bombs, including in the extremist organization — actions said were at least 30 Ukrainian Cold War under the Pentagon’s “Russia is attempting to use Donbas is a region of eastern
key eastern city Kharkiv, which that show how the Kremlin is laboratories working on diseases Cooperative Threat Reduction the Security Council to legitimize Ukraine where Moscow-backed
could constitute war crimes. Al- increasingly willing to censor free including anthrax, cholera, and Program. Ukraine has five biolog- disinformation and deceive peo- separatists have declared inde-
most 2.5 million refugees have expression and retaliate against “the plague” with funding and ical research centers that are ple to justify President Putin’s pendent “republics” and where
fled Ukraine during Moscow’s tech companies. oversight by the U.S. military. He focused on disease prevention war of choice against the Ukraini- Putin has baselessly accused
attack, according to the U.N. Fears that Moscow might in- said the “reckless” activity includ- and treatment, under guidelines an people,” Linda Thomas-Green- Ukraine of committing a geno-
In the latest economic salvo troduce nonconventional weap- ed research related to diseases set by the Biological Weapons field, the U.S. ambassador to the cide against Russian speakers.
against Russia, President Biden ons into the Ukrainian conflict born by birds, lice and fleas. Convention and approved by U.N., said at Friday’s Security Shoigu said that Moscow has
called on Congress Friday to end have intensified in the wake of The claim recycled unproven countries around the world, in- Council meeting. She also ac- received “a colossal number of
normal trade relations with Rus- Russian failures to quickly to accusations voiced by Russian cluding Russia, current and for- cused China of echoing the false applications” from across the
sia and announced a new slate of capture major Ukrainian cities. officials since the start of the mer Pentagon officials said. On allegations, effectively “spread- world to join what it is calling a
bans on Russian imports and As the war’s momentum has Putin era, and amplified by state- Friday, the U.N.'s high representa- ing disinformation in support of “Ukrainian liberation move-
exports. Meanwhile, YouTube slowed, Russian diplomatic and run Russian news media. No veri- tive for disarmament affairs, Izu- Russia’s outrageous claims.” ment.” The defense minister said
joined a growing number of West- military officials have stepped up fiable evidence has ever been put mi Nakamitsu, said the world Britain’s representative to the the Kremlin got more than 16,000
ern companies to restrict busi- accusations about supposed se- forward to substantiate the alle- body was unaware of any biologi- United Nations, Lady Barbara applications, of which most came
ness in Russia, announcing that it cret biological weapons laborato- gations, which a Pentagon official cal weapons program in Ukraine. Woodward, called the bioweap- from the Middle East.
was blocking Russian state media ries in Ukraine. dismissed on Friday as “absurd Still, Russia’s sudden vehe- ons claim “utter nonsense.”
channels worldwide. The move On Friday, Russian representa- and laughable.” mence in repeating the accusa- “Russia is sinking to new Adela Suliman in London, and
followed an announcement by tive to the U.N., Vasily Nebenzya, The United States helped tions has stoked fears that Mos- depths today, but this council Timothy Bella, Maite Fernández
Russia that it intended to block told the body’s Security Council Ukraine improve security at sev- cow may be creating a pretext for must not get dragged down with Simon and Dan Lamothe in
the social media platform Insta- that Russia had discovered “truly eral Soviet-era biological re- its own use of chemical or biologi- it,” she said. Washington contributed to this
gram and to declare Facebook an shocking facts” related to what he search facilities at the end of the cal agents in Ukraine. During Syria’s civil war, Russia report.

war in ukraine

Heavy costs
for military
as assault
drags on

among commanders plus viral

images of downed Russian planes
and tanks set alight — has reset
expectations for how the conflict
will unfold.
And it probably has raised the
ultimate cost — to both Ukraine
and Russia — of any eventual
Russian victory, especially as
Moscow appears to have aban-
doned plans for a lightning ad-
vance, relying instead on shelling
besieged cities and launching un-
guided bombs from the sky.
“What’s the number of civilians
killed by days and days and days
of artillery? What’s the number
that leads to a more favorable
Russian position?” Pavel asked.
“I’m really worried about that.”
While the invasion has turned
into a bloody slog in the face of a
fierce Ukrainian resistance, Rus-
sian forces have continued to
make slow advances around mul-
tiple cities — particularly in the
south, where several major cities
appear in danger of falling in the
coming days. Only one major city,
Kherson, has so far been taken by
the Russians.
In the north, progress has been
tougher to discern.

said Friday that Russia appeared

to be repositioning its troops As of March 11, 3:00 p.m. EST “The logistics are pathetic. The
north of the capital and could Active nuclear soldiers are definitely not moti-
soon launch new operations Russian-held areas power plants with vated,” he said. “It’s not what you
against Kyiv, after a protracted BELARUS power-generating would call a steady advance.
and troop movement
stretch in which a long column of capabilities There is actually very little terrain
Russian vehicles had stalled. Sat- occupied.”
ellite images, meanwhile, ap- R U SSI A Dominique Trinquand, a re-
peared to show the column break- tired French general and former
ing up into smaller contingents. head of the French military mis-
A senior U.S. defense official, Russian forces have failed sion to the United Nations, said
who spoke on the condition of POLAND Chernihiv to advance after the Russians are primarily gain-
anonymity because of the sensi- Ukrainian counterattacks ing ground in the south of
tivity of the issue, had said Thurs- Kyiv Sumy in Sumy Oblast. Ukraine, where there appear to be
day that leading elements of that A Russian convoy fewer Ukrainian troops.
advance were nine miles from the remained stalled outside The Russians have a strong
center of Kyiv, down from about Kyiv, while front-line units footprint in that part of the coun-
12 miles for the prior several days. resupplied. Dnip Kharkiv try, including an accumulation of
The official described the er tanks, artillery and protected in-
movement of the column as fantry. “And they are attacking
“creeping” and said it was “very from two sides, from Crimea and
difficult” to predict how long it U K R A I N E from Donbas,” Trinquand said.
could take for Russian forces to He said he expects the Ukraini-
make a more serious movement. an city of Mariupol to fall to the
Another advance on Kyiv from Russians within the next four or

the east was just under 20 miles five days. Other Ukrainian cities

from the city center. Separatist- in the south, including Odessa,

Airstrikes, meanwhile, target- controlled are also at risk of Russian advanc-

ed sites in western Ukraine, au- Mikolayiv area es. “In Odessa, they will be able to
thorities said Friday, signaling the attack from the sea, from the land

possible expansion of the war be- Odessa and from the air,” he said.
yond the country’s east and cen- ROMANIA Kherson Trinquand said Kyiv — where a
The siege and
ter. As of Thursday, the Russians S e a o f bombardment of Mariupol large-scale evacuation of civilians
had launched 775 missiles at A z o v continues. The Mariupol city
is underway — will be far trickier.
Ukraine since the invasion began, He does not expect Kyiv to be
the senior defense official said. council said Friday that bombed in the same way as Syria’s
The number continues to climb Annexed by Russia
nearly 1,600 civilian Aleppo was destroyed. It is more
by a few dozen per day. in 2014 residents have been killed likely, he said, that Russia will use
100 MILES Black by Russian forces.
But Britain’s Defense Ministry the military pressure it’s already
said Thursday that there had been Sea putting on the capital as a bar-
a “notable decrease” in Russian gaining chip in negotiations with
air activity over Ukraine in recent Ukraine, “meaning: ‘We’ve cap-
days. In an intelligence briefing, tured the south, we are putting
officials said the slowdown prob- Sources: Institute for the Study of War, Post reporting HINGTON
STT pressure on the capital, and now
ably was due to the “unexpected let’s talk,’” he said.
effectiveness and endurance of After a call between Macron
Ukrainian air defense forces.” Destroyed tanks sit on a main and Putin last week, a senior
Officials added that the large road near Brovary, north of French official said his country’s
Russian column north of Kyiv had Kyiv, Ukraine, on Thursday. assessment is that Putin wants to
“made little progress in over a Russian forces have continued take control of the entire country.
week and is suffering continued to make slow advances around But Trinquand said he is not
losses.” multiple cities — particularly in sure that is the Russians’ aim.
British Defense Secretary Ben the south, where several major “They've got roughly 200,000
Wallace told Parliament on cities appear in danger of troops now, to occupy a country
Wednesday that Russia had near- falling in the coming days. Only which is as large as France,” he
ly twice the number of battalion one major city, Kherson, has so said. “They don’t have the forces.”
tactical groups at its disposal than far been taken by the Russians. Nor, apparently, do they have
did Ukraine when the war began, the dominance in the skies that
and that air superiority tilted the equipment. But they have a tre- had been widely forecast.
balance even further toward an mendous amount of equipment Malcolm Chalmers, deputy di-
“overwhelming” Russian advan- to begin with, and many of the rector general of RUSI, a London-
tage. But Wallace said nearly all of things they’ve lost are actually based think tank, said he’s been
Moscow’s objectives in Ukraine pretty replaceable,” Kofman said, surprised at the “very poor per-
have remained unfulfilled. noting that Russia still possesses formance” of the Russian air
“President Putin’s arrogant as- the majority of its best jets, all of force, which has yet to knock out
sumption that he would be wel- its submarines and a variety of all Ukrainian air assets and de-
comed as a liberator has deserv- other weapons. fenses — something he had
edly crumbled as fast as his The senior U.S. defense official thought would take a matter of
troops’ morale,” Wallace said. said Thursday that Russia has days.
Ukrainian officials have held a “greater than 90 percent of their The Russian air force, although
series of news conferences in re- available combat power” still old, consists of several hundred
cent days in which captured Rus- available for use in Ukraine. The high-end fixed-wing aircraft that
sian soldiers have said they re- official added that the Pentagon are roughly equivalent to their
gretted their parts in the war and has seen no signs of the Russians Western counterparts. But the
did not know they would be in- sending reinforcements. Russians, he said, “don’t seem to
vading Ukraine until a day before The past two weeks have be able to coordinate the use of
the attack began. before the invasion began. in Afghanistan, 2,461 U.S. troops looking at exhaustion of their shown that just because Russia them together, and deconflict
Assessing the exact number of It was not immediately clear died. About an additional 4,500 force in the next several weeks,” has the tools of war, that does not them and ensure they aren’t
Russian losses in combat has been whether the losses of soldiers in- U.S. troops were killed in the U.S. Kofman said. “They’re probably mean commanders know how to shooting each other.”
complicated by the fog of war and clude both dead and wounded war in Iraq from March 2003 to going to reorganize and replen- effectively use them. Still, he cautioned against un-
the difficulty of interpreting a troops, as well as those taken as December 2011, according to De- ish.” François Heisbourg, a French derplaying Russia’s strength. It
steady string of photos and videos prisoners of war. fense Department statistics. Replenishing is something political analyst who used to ad- may not have taken the skies or
flashing across social media that On Tuesday, senior U.S. intelli- Michael Kofman, director of Russia can still do. vise President Emmanuel Macron advanced quickly on the ground,
depict weapons and vehicles that gence officials said they assessed Russia studies at CNA, a think After an erratic showing by the on national security, said the Rus- but Russia does have the firepow-
were seized by Ukrainian forces, that 2,000 to 4,000 Russian sol- tank outside Washington, said the Russian military during a brief sian advances have been striking- er to do immense damage to
destroyed or abandoned. diers have been killed, while add- U.S. figure probably is closer to war in the republic of Georgia in ly limited. Ukraine.
The Ukrainian military posted ing the caveat that they have “low the truth than the Ukrainian one, 2008, Putin went on a spending “They’ve only taken one re- “Having painted the Russians
on Facebook on Wednesday that confidence” in those numbers which he said appears to be exag- binge. Moscow has spent about gional capital out of the 26 which as 10 feet tall compared with
since the invasion began, the Rus- based on the limited information gerated. Still, he said, that scale of $154 billion annually on defense were free of Russian influence Ukrainians, now some people are
sians had lost 12,000 people, 526 they have. loss is significant — especially in recent years, according to Rus- before Feb. 25,” Heisbourg said. painting them two feet tall,” Chal-
vehicles, 335 tanks, 123 artillery Even the lower American esti- when coupled with the loss of sian state media, though analysts And with a fight looming mers said. “It’s somewhere in be-
systems and 81 helicopters. If mate would mark an extraordi- hundreds of vehicles, including caution that both corruption and against dug-in Ukrainian troops tween. They are still a formidable
those numbers are accurate, the nary loss of life for the Russian about 160 tanks, according to a lack of transparency in the in each of the cities that remain, it adversary.”
Russians have lost nearly 7 per- military, which was expected to open-source reporting he has re- Kremlin make it difficult to assess is unclear whether Russia has the
cent of the 190,000 troops they overwhelm Ukrainian forces. viewed. that figure. capacity — or the will — to suc- Adam reported from London and
had arrayed at Ukraine’s border During the entire 20-year U.S. war “Probably we’re going to start “Yeah, they’ve lost a lot of ceed. Noack from Paris.

war in ukraine

Number of dead or injured remains unclear amid chaos

have announced high civilian information game . . . and as a Haines said the war’s human toll
death tolls that were not possible consequence, the U.S. and Ukrai- is already “considerable, and only
U.N. estimate of 549 to independently verify. In the nians are trying to push back.” increasing.”
civilian casualties is seaside hub of Mariupol, the tar- What’s clear is that Russia’s The brutal sustained bombard-
get of relentless Russian shelling losses on the battlefield took ments by Russia have produced a
probably an undercount in recent days, an adviser to the many by surprise. Russian Presi- near-endless stream of images
mayor said that 1,300 people have dent Vladimir Putin sent more depicting the growing human
been killed in the city alone and than 100,000 troops to the border cost: an airstrike on a maternity
BY E RIN C UNNINGHAM that at least 3,000 more have with Ukraine for what he thought ward; cluster bombs at a pre-
AND S AMMY W ESTFALL been injured. would be a swift victory allowing school; and a trench filled with
In Ukraine, as in many war his forces to march straight to bodies marking one of the first
As Russia’s invasion of Ukraine zones, reporting systems have Kyiv, according to U.S. officials. mass graves.
enters its third week, military and broken down and hospitals and But poor logistics and plan- The United Nations says most
civilian casualties are mounting morgues are overwhelmed. The ning, and Ukraine’s surprisingly of its recorded casualties were
— but no one, not even the United government, fighting for its sur- fierce resistance, buoyed in part caused by the use of explosive
Nations or the Ukrainian govern- vival and also locked in an infor- by weapons shipments from the weapons “with a wide impact
ment, can provide an accurate mation war with Russia, has lim- West, have helped hobble the area,” including shelling from
count of how many people have ited access to authoritative infor- Russian leader’s agenda. heavy artillery and multi-launch
been injured or killed. mation and every incentive to “I think they had a bad plan. rocket systems, as well as missiles
According to the U.N. High minimize its own losses while HEIDI LEVINE FOR THE WASHINGTON POST
And I think their logistics support and airstrikes.
Commissioner for Human emphasizing any victories. A Ukrainian Territorial Defense Force member by the bodies of two is not what it needs to be,” Lt. Gen. Tracking those who are killed
Rights, which has been tracking “It’s very difficult to gather Russian soldiers in Irpin, Ukraine, on Thursday. Ongoing fighting Scott D. Berrier, director of the and corroborating their deaths
civilian casualties, at least 549 good information in the middle of has made counting casualties in the war a painstaking struggle. Defense Intelligence Agency, said “is objectively difficult if you’re
civilians have been killed and violence because there’s chaos; of Russia’s military in testimony trying to get it right,” said Baruch
another 957 wounded since Rus- it’s dangerous to walk around and seemed improbable but has and 1,597 wounded. to House lawmakers this week. Fischhoff, a professor at Carnegie
sia invaded on Feb. 24. actually count how many casual- formed the basis of Ukrainian Moscow also says at least 2,870 According to Berrier, the best Mellon University’s Institute for
It’s a figure the office concedes ties, how many injured, how claims about Russian casualties Ukrainian troops have been estimate of Russian fatalities in Politics and Strategy.
is probably a significant under- many killed,” said Charles Kup- ever since. killed and more than 3,500 Ukraine is between 2,000 and “The people who are trying to
count. For independent observ- chan, a senior fellow at the Coun- This week, Ukrainian authori- wounded — figures Ukraine’s 4,000. But he said he had “low do it are trying to keep them-
ers, the ongoing fighting across cil on Foreign Relations. ties said more than 12,000 Rus- government disputes. confidence” in the assessment selves alive or trying to keep other
much of the country means the In the first few days of the war, sian soldiers had been killed, a “It’s particularly difficult be- because it relied on both intelli- people alive,” he said. “Everyone
effort to count the dead and for example, Ukraine claimed number that could not be inde- cause we’re in a war where both gence sources and “open source” deserves to have their death re-
wounded has become a painstak- that its forces had already killed pendently verified. For its part, sides are attempting to win hearts information. corded and honored, and it’s im-
ing but necessary struggle. more than 3,000 Russian troops Russia has admitted to just 2,095 and minds,” Kupchan said. “Rus- At the same hearing, Director portant to know what the scope of
In some regions, local officials — a staggering number that casualties, including 498 deaths sians are very good at playing the of National Intelligence Avril the suffering is.”

UKRAINE FROM A1 The trust — and the sense of

unity — has become a source of
In interviews across the nation, strength even among those who
Ukrainians described unthinkable once felt weak.
changes in their lives that would With only a five-day supply of
have seemed absurd less than a her antidepressants left, Sasha
month ago, when President Volod- Diachenko, 24, joined a line snak-
ymyr Zelensky was still reassuring ing outside a jam-packed pharma-
his country that Russia would not cy in central Kyiv on Thursday.
launch a full-scale invasion. Ahead of her was a crowd of
In some places, much of life is shivering civilians who had been
now happening underground: Ba- lined up for hours in freezing con-
bies are being born in basement ditions. With supplies dwindling,
maternity wards. Wounded fight- they prayed that the medications
ers are being treated in bunkers. they needed would be in stock.
Entire apartment buildings full of Two weeks ago Diachenko was a
families have relocated their lives film student. Now she is volun-
to subterranean parking garages. teering as a kitchen worker to help
The cities of Kharkiv and Mari- feed volunteer troops.
upol have been crushed as Despite the horrors of the war
Ukraine’s enormous neighbor unfolding around her, taking on
continues its devastating cam- her new role “was actually the first
paign of shelling across the coun- time I felt less depressed,” she said,
try. Once known for their grand glancing at the yellow tape stuck
boulevards and architecture, to her jacket sleeve, signaling that
these cities have joined Dresden she belonged to the volunteer ter-
and Aleppo as symbols of the utter ritorial defense forces. “I just
destruction of war. knew what I had to do.”
More than 2 million people In Lviv, the historic western city
have fled Ukraine — with count- now filled with the displaced,
less more displaced inside the Halyna Butenko, 65, smiled as she
country — in the fastest and most recounted her 650-mile journey
thorough exodus Europe has seen from Kharkiv, focusing on the sil-
since World War II. Lviv and other ver linings.
cities in the west, and even tiny After decades working as an
villages in the Carpathian Moun- anesthesiologist, she lived alone.
tains, are overrun with people PHOTOS BY KASIA STREK FOR THE WASHINGTON POST Her husband had died, her son
who have abandoned their homes had emigrated to New Zealand. A
elsewhere. soldier had helped her get to the

Half of Kharkiv’s population city’s railway station, where thou-
has fled, as have hundreds of thou- sands frantically jostled for space.
sands more from the capital, Kyiv, In her retirement, she had
and the cultural capital and sea- taught herself how to embroider

upended by
port of Odessa, which are bracing by watching YouTube videos, and
for brutal sieges that seem all but she carried a suitcase full of her
inevitable. creations, which she hoped to sell
Amid the chaos, even the most to keep cash in her pocket. But it

war, find trust

basic facets of life have changed. was too heavy. She deserted it on a
No one says “Hello” anymore; they staircase. And amid the crush of
say “Glory to Ukraine.” Adults people, she almost gave up.
don’t have offices. Children don’t Then, on the platform, “an an-

in one another
have schools. gel appeared,” she said. At first,
In Kyiv, once-teeming squares Butenko was so exhausted that
are almost empty at midday as air she didn’t notice 25-year-old
raid sirens blare and Russian Maryna’s fuchsia-dyed hair. But
troops work to encircle the capital. the unlikely pair — the punk girl
Most streets are blocked by make- and the “babusia” — stayed to-
shift barriers to slow down the gether on the train until Lviv.
tanks most believe will soon flood TOP: The Ukrainian flag There, Maryna left Butenko at a
the city. flies this week over shelter in a converted warehouse
Grocery stores and pharmacies Fountain Square on where, before the war, Goths and
are the only businesses open. Sales Vicheva in Ivano- geeks and techno-heads threw
of alcohol, in a country that loves Frankivsk, Ukraine. raves and made art.
to drink, are banned. Bars have Butenko is now under the tute-
become bunkers. ABOVE: Halyna Butenko, lage of Sasha Horondi — a man
Posters from before the war — 65, disheartened among who has the Chinese character for
opera schedules stretching into the throngs fleeing “respect” tattooed on his neck and
the spring, reminders to wear Kharkiv, abandoned a who would not look out of place in
masks indoors — have been plas- heavy suitcase full of her Brooklyn or Berlin. He ran a huge-
tered over with exhortations to embroidery creations. But ly successful business making
join the resistance. she didn’t lose everything. fashionable backpacks. His sew-
People from all walks of life A purse she made was still ing machines are now devoted to
have learned to handle Kalashnik- in her backpack. Now in stitching body-armor vests for the
ov rifles. Lviv after a 65o-mile front line.
Throughout western Ukraine, journey, she sees the purse “I’m an old woman now,” Buten-
where Russian shelling is less reg- as a good-luck charm. ko said. “But the war has meant
ular, every bed and couch is occu- that I’ve kept learning. I’ve
pied as virtually everyone helps LEFT: After getting help learned how to distinguish the
host and feed the unending from strangers as she fled sounds of different missiles. I’ve
stream of refugees who arrive Kharkiv, Butenko, right, learned how to survive without
each day from the east. has opted to stay in Lviv, my husband and my son. I’ve
It took just days for Maryna helping Sasha Horondi — learned how to make these vests.”
Potikha, 48, to transform into a who has turned his A grin spread across her face
warrior. backpack business into a and she said, “Let me show you
She was an experimental artist, wartime operation — make something.” She reached into her
not given to patriotism. She de- body-armor vests. backpack and pulled out an em-
scribed herself as motherly — and broidered purse. Somehow, one of
she still drives around the city of her creations had made it, she said
Bila Tserkva, 50 miles south of with wonder. It would become a
Kyiv, spreading cheer with her and I’m ready to kill violently,” she her realize how beautiful her mother from the city of Odessa to You just reach out your hand and good-luck charm.
wide smile and enveloping hugs, said, even though she had not country and countrymen are. the Moldovan border, at least a help.” “The most important thing I’ve
delivering homemade pickles, taken up a weapon yet. “That’s “I knew it before,” she said. “But three-hour journey each way. Trust, once hard-won, is now learned,” she said, “is that being
cured pork fat and freshly baked something new for me.” now I really feel it.” But she said only he could do it. freely given and received out of Ukrainian means fighting to the
bread to soldiers manning check- Potikha is typical of a national Volodymyr Iksar would have She said she trusted him fully, that necessity. Some have become end.”
points. She has cleared out her art transformation in which people normally found it strange that his she knew he was the right choice. guardians of family heirlooms be-
studio, where soldiers now sleep have shifted from normal lives to high school classmate Valya, He did it without hesitation. longing to people they barely Khurshudyan reported from Kharkiv
on the floor. But the thought of all spending every minute on the war whom he had seen only occasion- “This is the time where people just know. Fighters on the front lines, and Odessa. Siobhán O’Grady and
the children who are suffering en- effort. Suddenly, everyone is will- ally over the past 40 years, called help without asking questions,” he at the request of worried mothers, Sudarsan Raghavan in Kyiv and
rages her. ing to help one another. to ask him to do something dan- said. “It doesn’t matter how well never let their sons out of their Loveday Morris in Zaporizhzhia,
“I’m ready to kill for my country, Potikha said the war had made gerous — to drive her elderly you do or don’t know the person. sight. Ukraine, contributed to this report.

war in ukraine

Pentagon explores sending more advanced weapons

give Ukraine a chance to sustain
its resistance — particularly in the
Biden administration skies, where Zelensky’s forces are
faces backlash for nixing trying to prevent Russia from
achieving superiority.
jet deal with Poland “Short of MiGs, they need more
advanced ground-to-air missile
systems,” Crow said, noting that the
BY D AN L AMOTHE, Stingers provided to Ukraine work
M ICHAEL B IRNBAUM well against helicopters and planes
AND K AROUN D EMIRJIAN conducting low-altitude bombing
runs, but aren’t enough to ground
The Biden administration, un- the Russian air force. “They need
der pressure to expand the arsenal something that can reach out and
of weapons that Ukraine has in its conduct regional air defense, high-
conflict with Russia, is working er altitude air defense.”
with European allies to expedite Rep. Michael Waltz (R-Fla.),
more sophisticated air-defense who has served in Special Forces
systems and other armaments units and also signed the letter,
into the war zone, U.S. officials said that transferring S-300 sys-
said Friday. tems and components of them,
Discussions were ongoing such as radar, could be helpful.
ahead of Defense Secretary Lloyd Among Western weapons, the
Austin’s planned trip next week to Ukrainians also could benefit
meet with NATO allies in Brussels from the Avenger system, which
and Slovakia, which along with allows Stinger missiles to be
Poland and Romania has indicat- mounted to vehicles, he said. Oth-
ed a willingness to transfer mili- er American air-defense systems,
tary aid to its embattled neighbor. including Patriot missiles, require
Slovakia also possesses the S-300 too much training to make them
surface-to-air missile system, practical in the near term.
which is used to shoot down en- The Ukrainians could benefit,
emy aircraft and is familiar to the too, from counter-battery radar
Ukrainians. systems, which scan for the origi-
Pentagon spokesman John Kir- nating locations of incoming artil-
by told reporters that the United lery fire, and its equipment
States is committed to arming the they’ve asked for before, Waltz
government in Kyiv with “the said.
kinds of capabilities that we know ALEXEY FURMAN/BLOOMBERG NEWS “At a minimum, once the Rus-
the Ukrainians need and are using Civilians engage in a military training exercise inside a bomb shelter in Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine, on Friday. The United States is working sians know you have that, they
very well.” He declined to specify with European allies to get more advanced air-defense systems in the hands of Ukrainians to fend off the Russian air force. won’t be able to just sit there and
what types of weapons could be lob round after round after
included in the next wave of ship- systems, which is ongoing with nology from falling into the hands round,” Waltz said. “It degrades
ments. the international community,” of the Russians,” lawmakers said in their ability to just sit there and
“Some of that material we have said Air Force Gen. Tod Wolters “We are not providing offensive capabilities the letter, which was first reported pummel you. They have to move,
and are providing. Some of that the chief of U.S. European Com- by Politico. obviously, because now you have
material we don’t have but we mand. “The Ukrainians are mak- because Ukraine is not on the offense, all they’re They also urged the president to the ability to counter-battery.”
know others have, and we’re help- ing excellent use of these weapons reconsider the Polish MiG deci- The Ukrainian military has 56
ing coordinate that as well,” Kirby now.” doing is fighting for their survival and trying to sion and said the Biden adminis- fighter jets left and is using them
said. NATO countries have been lim- tration should look for ways to just five to 10 hours per day, a
The administration is facing ited in what they can send to maintain their democracy against a Vladimir Putin send more armed drones and Su- senior U.S. defense official said
backlash over its decision earlier Ukraine due in part to the Ukrai- 25 aircraft to Ukraine. The jet is Friday. The official, speaking on
this week to scuttle Poland’s pro- nian military’s training, which invasion.” used by a handful of U.S. allies and the condition of anonymity under
posal that would have sent a num- centers heavily on Soviet- or Rus- Rep. Jason Crow (D-Colo.), a former Army Ranger partners, including Bulgaria, a ground rules set by the Pentagon,
ber of its MiG-29 fighter jets to sian-made weapons that exist in NATO nation. cited that as one reason the admin-
Ukraine via a transfer “free of dwindling stock. The lawmakers signing the let- istration had decided against
charge” to the United States. Ukraine has sought the S-300 Austin’s upcoming visit to Slo- Russians had achieved air superi- ter Friday included numerous U.S. transferring the MiGs to Ukraine,
Washington, citing concerns that surface-to-air missile system, said vakia could be used to secure addi- ority over the Ukrainians. That veterans. noting that Russian surface-to-air
Russia would view the move as a a senior European official familiar tional agreements to use its rail- went farther than U.S. defense of- Rep. Jason Crow (D-Colo.), a for- missile systems can reach just
provocation from Washington, with the situation. There are on- ways to facilitate faster transfers ficials, who have noted the Rus- mer Army Ranger who is among about anywhere over the war zone.
said the offer from Warsaw was going talks about that possibility, of humanitarian aid and fuel into sians have a significantly larger air the signatories, said the adminis- U.S. officials continue to speak
not “tenable.” the official said, but questions re- Ukraine, the European official force but had been unable to con- tration was drawing a nonsensical to the Ukrainians regularly, the
Ukrainian officials, including main about whether there are any said. Unlike some other countries trol the skies over Ukraine. distinction between acceptable defense official said, and the
President Volodymyr Zelensky, that can be spared. nearby, Slovakia has a shipping “Russia’s advantage in this do- weapons and those it considers “things they need the most” are
have pleaded for the MiG-29 “Nobody wants to mishandle hub that operates on both Euro- main could soon develop into air potentially too escalatory. antiaircraft and antiarmor weap-
transfer. And while they have sup- expectations,” said the official, pean standard-gauge rail and the dominance if the Ukrainians do “I don’t believe there is a dis- ons, such as Javelin missiles. For
port from a bipartisan group of who like others spoke on the con- wider-gauge rail used in Ukraine, not receive necessary military tinction between providing a MiG items the Ukrainians need that
U.S. lawmakers, the Biden admin- dition of anonymity because of the making it an appealing option. aid,” the lawmakers said. and providing a Javelin and a the United States does not have,
istration, citing assessments from sensitivity of the issue. Assessments of how long the The lawmakers called for the Stinger,” he said. “These are defen- the administration is working
senior American military com- Ukrainian troops also are Ukrainians can continue to hold continued delivery of Stinger mis- sive systems; we are not providing with allies and partners “who
manders in Europe, has said the trained on the Buk surface-to-air out against the Russian onslaught siles, man-portable antiaircraft offensive capabilities because might have inventory.”
additional aircraft would offer missile system — the same type of are intertwined with what weap- weapons, but also called for the Ukraine is not on the offense, all “We’re trying to help them fur-
only minimal value to Ukraine weapon that shot down a Malaysia ons they already have. United States to facilitate the they’re doing is fighting for their ther that defense in ways and with
given the contested nature of its Airlines civilian jet over a part of On Friday, a bipartisan group of transfer of S-300 systems. survival and trying to maintain systems that they know how to use
airspace. eastern Ukraine held by Russian- lawmakers in the United States “Providing Soviet-era platforms their democracy against a Vladi- already,” the official said. “They’re
“We believe the most effective backed separatists in 2014. Some sent a letter to President Biden that Ukrainian servicemembers mir Putin invasion.” good at it, and it’s having effect on
way to support the Ukrainian mili- eastern European countries pos- asking him to transfer manned have previously operated and Crow also said that while the the Russians.”
tary in their fight against Russia is sess both systems, but in small and unmanned aircraft to maintained will be essential to provision of Javelins and Stingers
to provide increased amounts of numbers, the European official Ukraine, saying that “despite he- their success on the battlefield and has been useful thus far, the West Ashley Parker contributed to this
antitank weapons and air defense said. roic and skilled resistance,” the will also protect U.S. defense tech- must step up its contributions to report.

U.S. plans to provide $14 billion in aid amid worsening humanitarian crisis
Ukraine parliament who sits on Western assistance to Ukraine
the body’s tax and finance com- is already making a difference.
Odessa, primary source mittee. “The only way our econo- The European Union late last
of all imports, has been my survives currently is the help month provided Ukraine with a
from the West.” loan worth 1.2 billion euro (about
closed off by Russia The challenges facing the $1.3 billion) in macroeconomic
Ukrainian war economy are im- assistance, and the World Bank
mense. Almost all of Ukraine’s has mobilized a separate effort of
BY J EFF S TEIN imports by sea, the No. 1 source of about $723 million in loans and
imports overall, come through other economic aid. The Interna-
The White House and Congress the port of Odessa — a channel tional Monetary Fund also an-
are rushing to enact an emergen- that is now closed because of the nounced Thursday that it has
cy foreign-aid package to stabilize war. Russian forces have de- approved a separate $1.4 billion
Ukraine’s besieged economy, a stroyed many of the nation’s emergency loan for the “urgent
dramatic bipartisan effort that roads, buildings, hospitals, facto- financing needs” of the Ukrainian
reflects the economic challenges ries, bridges and train routes. government and stave off a bal-
facing the country following its Ukraine’s government must ance of payments crisis, or when a
invasion by Russia. find a way to provide food, shelter nation does not have enough re-
Up-to-the-minute data on and medicine to large numbers of serves to meet its necessary im-
Ukraine’s economy is impossible people who have fled from the port payments.
to collect during the war, but country’s east to its west for Among Ukrainian officials’
Ukrainians have reported short- safety. The Ukrainian central chief concerns is that the Rus-
ages of food, medicine, gas and bank said in a statement that sians have obstructed the “hu-
other necessities. Russia’s war “direct hostilities and massive manitarian corridors” for aid
effort has choked off Ukraine’s shelling” have hit 10 regions that workers to deliver food and medi-
primary source of imports, collectively produce more than cine to hard-hit parts of the coun-
caused mass displacement within half of the nation’s total economic try’s east, said Maria Mezentseva,
the country, and destroyed vital output. a member of Ukraine’s parlia-
parts of its infrastructure. Over 2 Ukrainian officials have re- ment who represents the city of
million people have fled, accord- cently discussed the lack of citrus WOJCIECH GRZEDZINSKI FOR THE WASHINGTON POST Kharkiv, one of the hardest hit in
ing to the United Nations, leaving fruits available for consumption Displaced people from the Zaporizhzhia region arrive at a shopping mall Wednesday to receive aid. the war. The amount of money
displaced family members be- in the country due to a break- Ukrainians have reported shortages of food, medicine, gas and other goods since Russia’s invasion. approved by the West will be
hind. down in supply chains, said largely irrelevant if Ukraine can-
On Wednesday, the House of Dmytro Shymkiv, a former vice- passengers, not cargo and prod- Ukrainian government in exile, if tance for Ukraine and its refu- not deliver the assistance to those
Representatives approved an ap- chairman of the Ukrainian presi- ucts, said Misha Gannytskyi, necessary; and, among other gees. in need.
proximately $14 billion assis- dential administration and the head of the Ukrainian Independ- buckets of money, $125 million to Ukraine’s economy has been “We have issues delivering
tance package to support chair of one of its biggest pharma- ent Information Agency of News. support Ukraine visa applica- hit hard because of the invasion, food and drinking water where
Ukraine’s military and humani- ceutical companies. The Russians have shut down tions and other immigration is- but tightening sanctions imposed Russians are blocking humani-
tarian assistance efforts. The Sen- Shymkiv also said the distribu- commercial aviation. sues. by the U.S. government and other tarian corridors,” Mezentseva
ate passed the measure Thursday tion of pharmaceutical drugs has “The economy was very, very The legislation includes $6.5 countries have hit Russia’s econo- said. “This is a humanitarian
night, and President Biden is proved highly difficult in the hard hit,” Gannytskyi said. “Fi- billion for the Defense Depart- my hard as well. crisis which poses a bigger issue
expected to swiftly sign it into country due to a decline in im- nancial relief is crucially impor- ment, which consists primarily of The United States has attacked than the absence of food and
law. ports and the unwillingness of tant for us to keep our economy $3 billion for the European Com- Russia’s central bank and West- water — we have it.”
The legislation includes as some firms to deliver to danger- alive.” mand operations and an addi- ern firms have left the country in Congressional lawmakers
much as $3 billion for Ukraine’s ous areas. He cited shortages of For the State Department, the tional $3 billion to replenish U.S. huge numbers, choking Russia off quickly assembled the aid pack-
emergency food and health-care Pampers, personal hygiene items legislation includes roughly $1.4 military equipment sent to the international financial sys- age in close communication with
needs, as well as billions more in and other fruits and vegetables billion for humanitarian assis- Ukraine. The bill also includes tem that is now mobilizing to key members of the Biden admin-
energy and macroeconomic sup- caused by supply chain challeng- tance for refugees; $1.1 billion for $2.65 billion for the U.S. Agency help Ukraine. Russia’s currency istration. The White House’s re-
port and other sums to provide es and the blocking of imports a fund for European and Asian for International Development to has lost about 40 percent of its quest to Congress for funds —
emergency aid to refugees. from Odessa. allies to coordinate macroeco- provide food, medicine and other value against the dollar since the which started out around $6 bil-
“Basically all of our economic Oil plants across the country nomic support for Ukraine; $647 critical supplies, as well as $100 war began, compared with only a lion — quickly ballooned to $14
activity has stopped,” said Mary- are also not currently working. million for an economic support million for the Agriculture De- few percentage points for billion as news of atrocities
an Zablotsky, a member of the Railroads are primarily taking fund that can help support a partment to provide food assis- Ukraine. mounted.

Economy & Business

○ DOW 32,944.19
DOWN 229.88, 0.7% ○ NASDAQ 12,843.81
DOWN 286.15, 2.2% ○ S&P 500 4,204.31
DOWN 55.21, 1.3% ○ GOLD $1,985.00
DOWN $15.40, 0.8% ○ CRUDE OIL $109.33
UP $3.31, 3.1% ○ 10-YEAR TREASURY YIELD 2.0%
UP 0.44%
$1=109.33 YEN, 0.92 EUROS

Oil price shock

upsets delicate
global recovery
largest oil producers, so higher
prices boost oil company profits
Europe to bear greatest and investor returns.
costs, while inflation One oil stock index has gained
29 percent this year while the
fight in U.S. gets tougher broader S&P 500 fell by more
than 11 percent.
Still, Capital Economics says it
BY D AVID J . L YNCH would take oil prices of $200-plus
to trigger a U.S. recession. One
The highest oil prices since the reason is that U.S. households
2008 financial crisis are dealing a together have an ample $2.5 tril-
heavy blow to the global economy, lion savings cushion, dwarfing
slowing Europe’s pandemic re- the estimated $150 billion to
covery to a near stall and compli- $200 billion cost to consumers of
cating the fight against inflation higher pump prices, Ian Shep-
in the United States. herdson, chief economist of Pan-
China, the world’s largest oil theon Macroeconomics, said.
importer, will probably strain to Though Russia accounts for
reach this year’s economic just 2 percent of the world econo-
growth target, while developing my, it is a major player in global
countries in North Africa and the energy markets. Russian wells
Middle East confront the danger supply 11 percent of global oil
of social unrest over rising energy consumption and 17 percent of
and food costs, economists said. natural gas usage, according to
The interruption of Russian oil Goldman Sachs.
shipments, including the U.S. im- Russian gas pipelines are criti-
port ban that President Biden cal to Europe’s economy, meeting ALESSIA PIERDOMENICO/BLOOMBERG NEWS

announced Tuesday, represents 40 percent of European needs. A gas station in Rome posts higher prices for fuel. The war in Ukraine has resulted in surging gas prices around the world.
one of the largest supply disrup- Russian oil flows to refineries in
tions since World War II, accord- Poland, Germany, Hungary and buys as well. the past two years. In the corona- Thursday that euro-zone output currency.
ing to Goldman Sachs. With other Slovakia. As a result, the hit to “We must become independent virus pandemic’s first months, will shrink in the second quarter. On Thursday, the ECB sur-
major oil producers unable or growth from higher oil and gas from Russian oil, coal and gas. We prices actually turned negative as Eric Winograd, a senior econo- prised investors by accelerating
unwilling to increase output in prices will be four times larger in simply cannot rely on a supplier a glut of oil left traders offering to mist at AllianceBernstein, puts plans to withdraw its extraordi-
the short run, the per-barrel price Europe than in the United States, who explicitly threatens us,” Eu- pay storage facilities to take sup- recession chances at better than nary financial stimulus, saying it
of Brent crude, the global bench- Goldman said. ropean Commission President plies. Prices have marched steadi- 50 percent. Others see higher would begin reducing its bond
mark, hit $128 earlier this week, For now, continued growth in Ursula von der Leyen said Tues- ly higher over the past year as the energy costs pushing Europe per- purchases in May and consider
up nearly 65 percent since Jan. 1. the United States, China and In- day. economy gained ground. ilously close to the brink. ending them this summer.
After falling Wednesday on dia — accounting for nearly half Even without additional gov- There is little prospect of easily “Maybe growth is not negative, Euro-zone inflation hit 5.8 per-
hopes for a negotiated settlement of world output — should be ernment action, traders at com- replacing lost Russian barrels. A but it kind of kills the bounce cent last month, and the Ukraine
in Russia’s war on Ukraine, Brent enough for the global economy to panies like France’s TotalEnergies resumption of Iranian exports is back from covid,” Sergi Lanau, war represents “a substantial up-
slid further Thursday, closing just avoid an outright recession, econ- are shunning Russian crude. stalled by Moscow’s demand that deputy chief economist of the side risk” to price stability, ECB
shy of $110. But the likelihood omists said. Finnish refiner Neste has said it its trade with Tehran be exempt- Institute of International Fi- President Christine Lagarde told
that oil prices will remain elevat- “It’s going to be significantly shifted to non-Russian sources of ed from allied financial sanctions. nance, said. reporters in Frankfurt, Germany.
ed for the rest of the year is slower growth,” Shepherdson crude. And fear of running afoul Venezuela's dilapidated facilities Central banks traditionally re- Central banks in many emerg-
expected to reshape consumer said. “Nothing like 2008 or the of allied sanctions on Russia would need to be refurbished sist reacting to oil price move- ing markets — including Russia,
spending, weigh on financial covid hit. But it’s going to be a prompted China’s largest two before they could fill the void. ments, seeing them as a tempo- Brazil, Mexico, Pakistan and Hun-
markets and strain government marked slowdown.” state-owned banks to decline to Near-term prospects for higher rary influence on price levels. But gary — already have raised bor-
budgets in dozens of countries. The outlook is clouded, howev- finance new purchases of Russian U.S. production are likewise lim- with U.S. inflation at a 40-year rowing costs in recent months.
“This is going to feel pretty er, by the possibility that Europe’s oil. ited. Burned by the last oil bust — high of 7.9 percent, and labor As the Fed begins tightening,
grim,” said Neil Shearing, chief worst conflict in more than 75 This “self-sanctioning” could and alert to Washington’s push market conditions tight, the Fed many of them will be under pres-
economist for Capital Economics years could spill into a more idle 3 million to 4 million barrels for a transition to more environ- is almost certain next week to sure to act again to slow economic
in London. “It’s not going to feel damaging war at any time. a day of Russian oil, roughly mentally friendly fuels — Wall raise its benchmark lending rate activity, even though their pan-
like the Roaring ’20s.” Predicting the future of Rus- 70 percent of the country’s total Street has been unenthusiastic by a quarter point. demic recoveries are not yet com-
Rising oil prices effectively re- sian oil sales — and global prices crude exports, according to the about funding expanded oil pro- Reacting to Thursday’s infla- plete.
distribute income from oil-con- — is especially hazardous. If U.S. Oxford Institute for Energy Stud- duction. tion news, Biden blamed rising At current levels, oil prices
suming nations in Europe and allies in Europe overcome their ies. Keeping that much supply off The number of oil rigs in serv- energy prices, which he labeled could cut a full percentage point
China to producers such as Saudi economic worries and agree to a the market could add $25 to the ice has climbed steadily over the “Putin’s price hike,” one of four off economic growth rates in ma-
Arabia, Russia and Canada. As a complete embargo on Russian cost of a barrel of oil. past year, but remains almost times he name-checked Russian jor oil-importing countries such
group, producing nations spend energy, oil prices could hit $160 a Oil prices, which hovered one-quarter below pre-pandemic President Vladimir Putin in a as China, Indonesia, South Africa
less of each additional dollar than barrel, according to Capital Eco- around $65 a barrel in early 2020, levels, according to Baker five-paragraph statement. and Turkey, according to World
do consuming countries, mean- nomics. Bjornar Tonhaugen, an traced an extraordinary arc over Hughes, a Houston-based oil field Higher oil prices could cause Bank estimates. For South Africa
ing higher oil prices tend to re- analyst with Oslo-based Rystad services company. the Federal Reserve to move less and Turkey, that would slash pre-
duce overall economic activity, Energy, told clients this week that “If this continues to escalate, aggressively on its rate-hike cam- war growth estimates in half,
Shearing said. oil could hit $240 this summer in “If this continues to we are looking at the ’70s,” said paign, Goldman said earlier this while China and Indonesia would
The price jump since Jan. 1 — if a worst-case scenario, according Robert McNally, president of week. Fed Chair Jerome H. Powell see projected growth drop to
sustained for a full year — would to a Bloomberg report. escalate, we are looking Rapidan Energy Group in Wash- faces a tricky challenge: He must about 4 percent.
transfer more than $1 trillion Reaching those stratospheric ington. “It’ll impart a sustained, cool off the highest inflation in Governments in countries like
from consumers to producers. levels would require more com- at the ’70s. It’ll impart a grievous blow to the economy.” decades even as most economists Jordan, Lebanon and Tunisia,
And that figure does not include prehensive energy sanctions than Europe will be hit hardest. On expect it to decline over the rest of which protect consumers by sub-
petroleum products such as die- have been imposed so far. sustained, grievous Thursday, the European Central this year. And he must do so sidizing electricity prices, will
sel, gasoline or fuel oil. To date, the United Kingdom Bank acknowledged the war without tipping the $23 trillion struggle to afford those escalating
For the United States, higher has said it will wean itself from blow to the economy.” would have a “significant nega- U.S. economy into recession. costs. In January, Fitch Ratings
prices are a mixed bag. Drivers Russian oil imports by year’s end. tive impact” on the euro-area The balancing act may be even warned that efforts to reduce fuel
Robert McNally, president of
fumed this week when the aver- The European Union announced economy and cut its 2022 growth tougher in Europe, where the and utility subsidies “could spark
Rapidan Energy Group in Washington,
age price of a gallon of gasoline a plan to cut its Russian gas forecast by half a percentage economy began the year with less social and political instability,
speaking about slim prospects for
surged to a record $4.32. But the purchases by two-thirds before point, to 3.7 percent. momentum, and yet consumer particularly in Tunisia,” where
expanded oil production
shale oil revolution has made the 2030 and said it will take unspeci- Some private assessments are price inflation is at its highest the 2011 Arab Spring protests
United States one of the world’s fied steps to eliminate oil and coal gloomier. Goldman Sachs said since the introduction of the euro began.


TECHNOLOGY E.U. antitrust chief Margrethe have alleged in an antitrust providers to create
Vestager said in a statement. complaint against Google that opportunities for success,” FedEx
Alphabet, Meta face While one angle of the E.U. the deal with Facebook was said.
probes of ad deal investigation focuses on the struck as part of its effort to — Bloomberg News
deal, another looks at whether counter header bidding, which
European Union and British Google abuses its dominance; publishers wanted to use to ALSO IN BUSINESS
antitrust authorities launched Facebook could be off the hook if make more money from U.S. consumer sentiment
parallel investigations Friday this is found to be the case. advertising on their websites. tumbled in early March to the
into a 2018 online display- “This is a publicly — Reuters lowest level since 2011, and year-
advertising deal between Google documented, pro-competitive ahead inflation expectations
and Facebook, adding to a long agreement that enables PACKAGE DELIVERY rose to a four-decade high in the
list of regulatory challenges Facebook Audience Network aftermath of Russia’s invasion of
facing the U.S. tech giants. (FAN) to participate in our Open FedEx contractors Ukraine. The University of
Alphabet unit Google and Bidding program, along with demand higher pay Michigan’s sentiment index
Facebook, whose parent dozens of other companies,” dropped to 59.7, from 62.8 in
company is now called Meta, Google said in response to the FedEx delivery contractors are February, data released Friday
defended the “Jedi Blue” deal, investigations. demanding higher pay and showed. The median estimate of
which the E.U. said may thwart “Meta’s non-exclusive bidding changes to operations, stung by economists in a Bloomberg
ad tech rivals and disadvantage agreement with Google and the rising costs and a drop in JORGE GUERRERO/AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE/GETTY IMAGES
survey called for a reading of 61.
publishers in online display similar agreements we have with compensation for the most A Spanish shepherd, Cristobal Jesus Calle Lopez, 39, watches his Consumers expect prices to rise
advertising. other bidding platforms, have recent holiday season. herd of sheep on his farm in Montejaque. The invasion of Ukraine 5.4 percent over the next year,
“Header bidding” allows helped to increase competition Payments to the small and the resulting sanctions on Russia are affecting farmers and the the highest reading since 1981,
publishers, such as news for ad placements,” Meta said in companies that deliver packages rest of the global economy, causing costs for commodities such as according to the data.
providers, to offer ad space to a statement. for FedEx’s Ground unit were wheat, fertilizers and metals to surge.
multiple ad exchanges and Google — which has been hit 20 percent higher during the Discovery shareholders voted
networks simultaneously, with more than $8.8 billion in 2020 peak season than last year, Friday to approve the media
potentially generating more ad E.U. antitrust fines in the past according to a petition signed by company’s $43 billion merger
revenue. decade — and Facebook are both more than 800 of the operation’s with WarnerMedia, moving the
The Jedi Blue agreement being investigated by the bloc’s roughly 6,000 contractors. necessary to get the extra fees FedEx. The move follows deal one step closer to
enables Meta, via its Meta executive over other issues and “In some markets, we have they usually receive, after FedEx changes over the last two years, completion. Shareholders
Audience Network, to could face fines of as much as delivered more in 2021 but we set targets too high, according to such as a shift to seven-day approved various measures,
participate in Google’s Open 10 percent of their global made far less money,” said the the petition. It also said that service, that have squeezed such as charter amendments
Bidding program, which is a turnover for breaching its rules. petition, which was reviewed by staffing shortages at sorting contractor profits. and a share issuance proposal,
rival to header bidding. Britain’s antitrust authority is Bloomberg News. “Making less hubs delayed loading and that “As our industry undergoes related to the transaction. They
“A competing technology to also investigating the ad deal, money for adding more drivers volume predictions by the new and unprecedented also supported golden-
Google’s Open Bidding may have and the E.U. competition and trucks is not an acceptable courier’s new software system challenges brought on by the parachute payments to
been targeted with the aim to watchdog said it intends to business practice.” were often incorrect. explosive growth of e-commerce executives in case the
weaken it and exclude it from cooperate closely with its British The decline was largely The petition is the first and rapidly shifting market transaction fails to close.
the market for displaying ads on counterpart. because contractors last season concerted effort by contractors dynamics, we remain committed
publisher websites and apps,” Texas and 15 other U.S. states didn’t hit the thresholds to demand concessions from to collaborating with service — From news services

war in ukraine

Tit-for-tat between Silicon Valley and Russia escalates

META FROM A1 this week. day Russians to communicate with
Former Facebook chief security their families. Russia’s Internet
called for the death of Russian officer Alex Stamos said that de- regulator then said it would begin
leader Vladimir Putin. The coun- spite tech companies’ hesitancy to limiting access to Facebook ser-
try had previously blocked Face- do so, in geopolitical events in vices.
book, which has a much smaller which thousands of people are Facebook, YouTube and others
audience in Russia than Whats- dying, “it’s okay to pick a side. In responded by blocking the ability
App or Instagram. fact it’s the only reasonable thing of Russian state media services to
The incremental escalations you can do. Because if you don’t buy advertising. Then the Euro-
over the past two weeks between pick a side, you’re actually picking pean Commission announced
Russia and the tech giants has the side of the powerful over their that it was banning state media
forced the companies to rethink victims.” services RT and Sputnik, and they
the ways they police speech on- Tech companies have long asked the tech companies to com-
line, rewriting their rules as they championed protecting free ply with the regional ban.
go in response to the fast-moving speech and have been hesitant to The tech companies complied,
conflict. Social platforms are criti- take down political content as and also said they would be fur-
cal tools for the public to commu- long as it wasn’t overtly violent. ther limiting the reach of Russian
nicate and share information dur- That hands-off stance has shifted government-backed outlets
ing wartime, but Russian propa- in recent years, but researchers around the world.
ganda outlets have also used them have repeatedly shown that tech A week ago Friday, Russia an-
to spread disinformation about companies struggle to consistent- nounced it was fully blocking
the war. And the companies are ly police content and often fail to Facebook. But the Russian Inter-
weighing pressure from world enforce their rules. Some say the net regulator did not extend the
leaders to increase Russia’s isola- companies have been too permis- block to the more popular Insta-
tion against potential retaliation sive with state media. gram or WhatsApp.
by the country itself. The coronavirus pandemic is a On Thursday, a Facebook con-
In the wake of Russian interfer- major example, said the Atlantic tent moderator leaked new guide-
ence in the 2016 election and a Council’s Brookie. Tech compa- lines that showed that Facebook
global pandemic, companies in- nies for years said they would not had decided to break its own rules
cluding Facebook, Twitter and block misinformation on their to allow for some calls to violence
YouTube have moved away from a platforms because they did not against Russian invaders. The
historically hands-off approach to want to be arbiters of truth, but company confirmed the leak.
policing the content on their plat- ASSOCIATED PRESS
then they began removing content Russia’s top prosecutor said Fri-
forms, creating new rules to at- Family members walk past a portrait of Russian President Vladimir Putin, a sign reading “Go Russia!” regarding the coronavirus that ex- day that the government was
tempt to halt the spread of misin- and the letter Z, a symbol of the Russian military, displayed in a library window in St. Petersburg. perts said went against public opening a criminal case against
formation that they said could health guidelines. Meta and is seeking the classifica-
cause real-world harm. Instagram head Adam Mosseri States and Europe also receive amid international condemnation That extended to RT, whose ini- tion of the company as an “extrem-
But the Ukrainian conflict has tweeted Friday that Instagram funds from government or other of Russia’s invasion and Russia’s tials once stood for Russia Today, ist organization and the prohibi-
prompted a flurry of new rule- had 80 million users in Russia who public sources. Instead, the com- retaliation against Silicon Valley which media watchers have point- tion of its activities” on Russian
changing and policymaking as the will be cut “off from one another panies chose in 2018 to label me- services, in what some are calling ed out was pushing different nar- territory, alleging the platform
companies have banned state me- and from the rest of the world, as dia outlets that receive the bulk of a new digital iron curtain. Increas- ratives about the coronavirus pan- was used to incite “mass riots ac-
dia outlets and allowed some [about] 80% of people in Russia their funding from governments. ingly, the companies are willing to demic depending on who its audi- companied by violence.”
speech previously considered to follow an Instagram account out- As a result, state-owned chan- pick a side. ence was. Domestically, it was sup- The invasion and the flurry of
be hateful. side their country. This is wrong.” nels have hugely capitalized on State media outlets have inac- porting mask-wearing and demands about taking down cer-
“This is clearly a crisis informa- Facebook also temporarily sus- social media. With more than curately described Russia as liber- vaccines, while on its English, tain content has sparked an emer-
tion environment, and tech com- pended its hate-speech policies 16 million followers for its Eng- ating Ukrainian people who sup- French, Spanish and German gency for the tech companies, so
panies are making many decisions last year, allowing Iranians to call lish, Spanish and Arabic channels port Russia and protecting them channels, it was pushing stories the relatively rapid changes in pol-
on the fly,” said Graham Brookie, for death to the country’s leader, combined, outlet RT has claimed from Ukrainian Nazis. The Rus- about how mask mandates were icy make sense, said Daphne
senior director of the Atlantic Ali Khamenei, for two weeks dur- to be the most-watched news net- sian government doesn’t refer to an attack on people’s freedoms. Keller, who was associate general
Council’s Digital Forensic Re- ing a period of government repres- work on YouTube and boasted the war as a “war,” instead calling (Last year, YouTube cracked down counsel for Google until 2015 and
search Lab. sion. more than 10 billion views over it a “special operation” to “demili- on two German RT channels as a now directs the Program on Plat-
The companies say there is YouTube enacted a policy time. RT’s YouTube English chan- tarize and de-Nazify” Ukraine. result of pushing covid misinfor- form Regulation at Stanford Uni-
some precedent for the last-min- against “denying, minimizing or nel gained 130,000 more followers (Ukraine’s government and its mation, prompting the Russian versity’s Cyber Policy Center.
ute decisions and that it is neces- trivializing well-documented vio- in the weeks leading up to the Jewish president were democrati- government to vow to take “retal- “When it’s a crisis situation, do-
sary to stay nimble during fast- lent events” in 2019, and cited the Ukraine war. cally elected, and a recent poll run iatory measures.”) ing something exceptional that
paced world events. Holocaust and the 2012 Sandy The companies argue that in by a Kyiv-based agency showed The tit-for-tat between the com- isn’t already covered by law or isn’t
“I want to be crystal clear: Our Hook school shooting in Connecti- places where the government con- nearly 80 percent of Ukrainians panies and Russia started in the already covered by the platform’s
policies are focused on protecting cut as examples. On Friday, the trols the news media, Western so- oppose making concessions to early days of the invasion, when discretionary policies makes
people’s rights to speech as an company said it would take down cial media services are often one of Russia and 67 percent said they Facebook began to fact-check mis- sense,” she said.
expression of self-defense in reac- Russian state media worldwide the few places where people can were willing to put up armed resis- leading articles on Russian outlets. But the resulting Russian retali-
tion to a military invasion of their “in line with that policy.” organize and express opinions tance against Russia.) Facebook also quickly changed its ation has negative downstream
country,” said Nick Clegg, Meta’s Companies have long resisted more freely. Services like Insta- In shutting down outlets like hate-speech policies to allow effects, Brookie said.
president for public affairs. “The cracking down on Russian state- gram and YouTube are hugely pop- RT and Sputnik globally, YouTube praise of a previously banned neo- “Creating a digital iron curtain
fact is, if we applied our standard backed channels — despite their ular with the Russian public and is knowingly risking a retaliatory Nazi group in Ukraine that was that shuts off the Russian people
content policies without any ad- known propensity for spreading have been a place where some shutdown in Russia. Facebook fighting against Russia. from a global information envi-
justments, we would now be re- propaganda — because they criticism of the invasion has been was also willing to risk a total The Russian government asked ronment will make it harder to
moving content from ordinary feared being shut out of the coun- able to find a platform, despite shutdown of Instagram and Facebook to remove those fact- hold the Russian government ac-
Ukrainians expressing their resis- try. The companies also worried harsh penalties for dissent inside WhatsApp when it hastily instat- checks, but Facebook refused, countable for its actions,” he said.
tance and fury at the invading about being perceived as inconsis- Russia. ed the temporary policy allowing Clegg said in tweets last week. The
military forces, which would be tent, because news outlets like But the calculus for social me- people to call for death to Putin company argued that its services Craig Timberg, Ellen Francis and Mary
rightly viewed as unacceptable.” PBS and the BBC in the United dia companies is quickly changing and to Russian invaders earlier are critical for activists and every- Ilyushina contributed to this report.

Dozens of corporations are still in Russia. It’s getting harder to leave.

BY A ARON G REGG tinuing reputational damage way,” O’Rourke said.
AND J ACOB B OGAGE while missing out on profits and “If McDonald’s pulls out of Rus-
Experts say time is risking their high-priced assets. sia and closes its 850 stores, those
Hundreds of multinational running out to protect Korean automaker Hyundai stores are not going to remain
corporations have cut ties with announced Friday it had sus- empty forever or even for very
Russia as its military assault on
assets, reputations pended operations at its factory long. If the government national-
Ukraine intensifies, bolstering in St. Petersburg. But sales may izes those stores and hands them
the effects of Western economic continue at independent dealer- to friends of the government to
sanctions and redirecting their The question is underscored by ships in Russia, Sonnenfeld said. run, the folks in Chicago are not
operations to serve desperate the now-viral spreadsheet com- LG Electronics said in a state- going to be able to make them
Ukrainian refugees. piled by Yale professor Jeffrey ment that it was “deeply con- take down the golden arches.”
But for the dozens of compa- Sonnenfeld and his research cerned for the health and safety of PepsiCo and Mondelez have
nies that remain in Russia, it’s team, which had CEOs racing to all the people who are suffering pledged to stop making and dis-
getting increasingly difficult to avoid being added to the roster of during this period of conflict,” but tributing certain luxury items in
leave, experts say. “Companies That Remain in Rus- did not say whether the company Russia, including soft drinks,
Consumers watching the hor- sia With Significant Exposure.” As would change its business prac- cookies and candy.
rific humanitarian toll of the in- of Friday, roughly 35 such compa- tices in Russia. In a letter to PepsiCo employ-
vasion have registered their dis- nies have made no public state- It presents a situation similar ees, CEO Ramon Laguarta wrote
approval of the businesses that ment signaling any intent leave to that of fast-food restaurants, that the war meant “we must stay
remain in Russia, vowing boy- the country. And even those who Sonnenfeld said, which are often true to the humanitarian aspect
cotts on social media. But compa- have committed to leaving have operated by franchisees. of our business,” suggesting that
nies that leave now, experts say, partial ties to Russia that will be “The dealerships are like the halting the company’s operations
could be seen as pandering, or hard to sever. franchises of the hotels and on items such as baby food, for-
worse: prioritizing profits and “The risk calculus in recent things. The arrangements give MARIO TAMA/GETTY IMAGES mula and dairy products would
shareholders above human suf- days has been to your reputation them almost no control,” he said. PepsiCo has pledged to stop making and distributing certain luxury create unnecessary hardship for
fering. scores,” O’Rourke said. “It ap- “The branding and the marketing items in Russia, including soft drinks, cookies and candy. ordinary Russians.
The corporate quandary is test- pears now for many of those large is all the automakers and the Mondelez CEO Dirk Van de Put
ing the mettle of some of the businesses that the calculus is fast-food companies can do.” told The Washington Post on Fri- a custodian” to clients with busi- said his company would help
world’s most powerful brands, now to your assets, and you just That lack of control, though, day that it was “in the process of ness there. “maintain continuity of the food
and the long-held business credo have to realize that you’re no provides even greater incentive winding down” its remaining Putin on Thursday endorsed a supply during the challenging
that countries that trade together longer in control.” for companies to cut ties with business in Russia while helping plan to nationalize foreign- times ahead.” The company also
don’t wage wars with one an- Food producers such as Pepsi- Russia, experts say. Putin’s threats international clients reduce their owned businesses that leave be- makes Halls cough drops and an
other. Co and Mondelez, the brand be- toward businesses make a strong investments in the country. cause of the invasion. But in some array of baked goods.
“I would say to any corporate hind Oreo cookies, Ritz crackers case that executives can’t trust “There won’t be any new business cases he may not need to. Some The pronouncements were
executive, you have to do what and other snacks, maintain they the Kremlin to backstop the Rus- in Russia,” the spokesperson said. corporations are bound to Russia largely met with approval on so-
you think is right,” said James don’t want to withhold food and sian economy or to protect pri- A day earlier, Chief Financial by complicated franchising ar- cial media, and some experts said
O’Rourke, a professor of manage- beverage staples from Russian vate property rights. Companies Officer James von Moltke told rangements through which Rus- the positions were a stable middle
ment at University of Notre citizens. Goldman Sachs, JP Mor- ought to consider writing off their CNBC that leaving Russia was not sian owners operate the stores. ground: they could protect the
Dame’s Mendoza College of Busi- gan and Deutsche Bank say they Russian assets as lost causes, an immediate option because, Subway and Burger King have brands from consumer blowback,
ness. “In the end, you have no want to wind down operations, O’Rourke said, and get out of the “We’re there to support our cli- both said they don’t actually own prevent ordinary Russians from
control over what [President but they are bound by complicat- region. ents.” Nor would it be the right any of their Russian stores, which suffering the consequences of the
Vladimir] Putin or the central ed client relationships. Others “If Vladimir Putin thinks he thing to do, he added, in terms of are owned and operated by local war and protect Russian workers
government will do. But if you like Burger King and Marriott are can do a better job at the deep “helping them manage their situ- franchisees. In both cases, the from lost wages and public criti-
want to keep doing business in tied down by complicated legal fryer, let him have it. If he can flip ation.” stores are managed by an inde- cism.
the rest of the free world, you have agreements as they struggle to some burgers, great,” Sonnenfeld Although Goldman Sachs says pendent “master franchisee.” “For the moment, that looks
to pay attention to what they [the reconcile two conflicting legal re- said. “What exactly are they seiz- it will “wind down” its business in Restaurant Brands Interna- noble,” O’Rourke said. “If they
rest of the free world] think of gimes. ing that is of such great value? A Russia, its statement announcing tional, the U.S.-based corporate want to appear fully noble, they
you. Manufacturing companies face small part of this is physical as- the pullout left open the possibili- entity behind Burger King, has can donate the excess profit from
“This may be one of the mo- frightening prospects if they pull sets.” ty that some clients might choose taken steps to cut off corporate those lines of business to humani-
ments in history in which proac- out of Russia, experts say. The Several major banks have an- to “manage” their preexisting ob- support for its franchisees but has tarian causes in Ukraine.”
tive disinvestment is the best op- Kremlin has threatened to na- nounced plans to draw down ligations there as opposed to clos- made no move to close them. It But those stances also risk
tion. You’re invested there now. tionalize assets of corporations their Russian business, citing ing them out. has committed $3 million to sup- blunting the efficacy of western
You hope that this remains a that leave the country over its both investment priorities and JPMorgan is “actively unwind- port Ukrainian refugees and gave sanctions, whose aim is to isolate
stable, predictable nation, but assault on Ukraine. moral duty. But experts say their ing” its Russian business and is out $2 million in Whopper meal Moscow and make the Russian
what I would tell anyone still Consumer goods manufactur- fiduciary responsibility to clients not pursuing any new business vouchers for refugees leaving public feel the effects of the inva-
doing business in Russia right ers face an even steeper chal- may prevent them from fully cut- there, a spokesperson said. But it Ukraine. Subway also promised sion. The purpose, Sonnenfeld
now is that it’s really hard. If you lenge: Just because they shut ting ties, and none have provided remains engaged in helping cli- to redirect any profits from Rus- said, is to create sufficient finan-
can’t move money in and out of down factories, retailers may con- a firm date by which they will ents “address and close out preex- sia to humanitarian aide. cial chaos in Russia that the pub-
Russia in a convertible currency, tinue selling their wares. It leaves leave. isting obligations,” and manage “These are not war profiteers lic holds the nation’s leaders ac-
what’s the point of being there?” those corporations open to con- A Deutsche Bank spokesperson Russia-related risk and “acting as nor are they exploitative in any countable.

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Close Close Close
36,800 17,000 4,800
'21 '21 '21
32,944.19 12,843.81 4,204.31
5D % Change 5D % Change 5D % Change

-2.0% -3.5% -2.9%

34,610 4,330
YTD % Change
Y D % Change YTD % Change
-9.3% -17.9% -11.8%

32,420 12,000 3,880

Dow Jones 30 Industrials RATES S&P 500 Industry Group Snapshot
Company Close
5D % Chg %
Company Close
5D % Chg % Bank Prime 30-Yr Fixed mtge '21 10-yr note Weekly
Y -49.4% Chg % 1Yr +49.4%
3M Co 140.96 -3.9 -20.6 J&J 169.35 -0.1 -1.0
3.25% 4.32% Yield:
Industry Group % Chg
Construction & Engineerng 13.0
AmerExpCo 167.90 -2.9 2.6 JPMorgan 128.89 -4.1 -18.6 Federal Funds 15-Yr Fixed mtge Energy Equipment & Svcs 10.8
Amgen Inc 228.85 -1.7 1.7 McDonald's 226.87 -3.8 -15.4 0.25% 3.55% 5-yr note Power Prodct & Enrgy Trdr 1.7
Apple Inc 154.73 -5.2 -12.9 Merck & Co 78.26 0.6 2.1 Yield: Oil, Gas, Consumable Fuel 1.1
Boeing 176.23 -2.5 -12.5 Microsoft 280.07 -3.4 -16.7 LIBOR 3-Month 1-Yr ARM 1.95% Divers Financial Svcs 0.4
Caterpillr 214.83 9.8 3.9 NIKE Inc 122.63 -6.5 -26.4 0.80% 2.78% Tobacco -8.9
Chevron 170.90 7.7 45.6 Prcter& Gmbl 143.22 -7.7 -12.4 2-yr note Personal Products -7.5
Coca-Cola 57.92 -7.4 -2.2 197.90 -2.5 -22.1 Consumer Rates Yield:
Household Products -7.4
CscSys /DE 54.69 -3.2 -13.7 Travelers Cos I 173.73 0.2 11.1 Money Market Natl 5Yr CD Natl 1.74% Beverages -7.1
Dow Inc 60.91 3.5 7.4 UntdHlthGr 482.87 -3.2 -3.8 0.08 0.50
Health Care Eqp & Suppl -7.0
Gldman Schs 327.00 -0.8 -14.5 Verzn Comm 53.04 -3.8 2.1 6Mo CD Natl New Car Loan Natl 6-month bill
Hnywll Int 182.24 -2.8 -12.6 Visa Inc 196.71 -1.8 -9.2 0.16 3.57 Yield: Gainers and Losers from the S&P 1500 Index
5D % 5D %
Home Depot 316.79 -2.3 -23.7 Walgreens 47.44 -0.6 -9.0 1Yr CD Natl Home Equity Loan Natl
0.73% Company Close Chg Company Close Chg
IBM 123.96 -2.1 -7.3 Walmart 142.07 -0.5 -1.8 0.32 6.62 Ebix Inc 39.00 58.0 Fossil Group Inc 8.70 -34.1
Intel Corp 45.83 -4.7 -11.0 Walt Disney 131.75 -6.4 -14.9 Oil States Intl 7.41 26.0 Barnes & Noble Edu 3.87 -23.1
Currency Exchange PBF Energy Inc 25.28 25.1 Comtech Telecom 15.83 -20.3
Bed Bath & Beyond 19.99 23.5 Etsy Inc 121.23 -20.0
COMMODITIES EU € Japan ¥ Britain £ Brazil R$ Canada $ Mexico $
DMC Global Inc 33.10 23.1 Tactile Sys Tech 16.76 -19.0
Futures Close 5D % Chg Futures Close 5D % Chg 0.92 117.27 0.77 5.07 1.27 20.94 SunPower Corp 20.50 21.9 Century Aluminum Co 23.95 -18.8
Copper 4.63 -6.3 Silver 26.16 1.4 Chart Industries Inc 175.07 21.8 NeoGenomics Inc 15.89 -18.6
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YTD % Chg Dril-Quip Inc 40.30 21.6 Chico's FAS Inc 4.04 -17.7
Natural Gas 4.73 -5.8 Wheat 11.07 -8.5 Weekly Amphastar Pharma 34.30 19.8 STAAR Surgical Co 64.51 -17.6
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Americas Close % Chg Avis Budget Group 208.00 19.1 Anika Therapeutics 25.58 -17.6
BRAZIL IBOVESPA INDEX 111713.10 -2.4 RPC Inc 11.46 19.0 GameStop Corp 92.69 -17.0
$1000 invested over 1 Year $1000 invested over 1 Month S&P/TSX COMPOSITE INDEX 21461.83 0.3 ChampionX Corp 25.34 18.6 Calavo Growers Inc 36.13 -16.9
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Exchange-Traded Europe -14.1% +14.1% Core Laboratories NV 31.78 17.1 Fortinet Inc 279.13 -16.8
$882 $1729 NOV Inc 21.15 15.4 ScottsMiracle-GroCo 115.05 -16.7
(Ticker) 5D % Chg STXE 600 (EUR) Pr 431.17 2.2
Coffee (COFF.L) -1.0 CAC 40 INDEX 6260.25 3.3 Myriad Genetics Inc 26.12 15.2 Ciena Corp 54.98 -16.6
Copper (COPA.L) -4.9 DAX INDEX 13628.11 4.1 Sunrun Inc 29.40 14.8 Cardiovascular Sys 18.46 -15.8
Corn (CORN.L) -1.3 FTSE 100 INDEX 7155.64 2.4 HCI Group Inc 66.91 14.6 Cooper-Standard Inc 8.98 -15.5
Cotton (COTN.L) 1.9 Helix En Sol Grp 5.07 14.2 Seagate Technology 87.33 -15.4
Asia Pacific -12.9% +12.9%
Crude Oil (CRUD.L) -0.8
S&P/ASX 200 INDEX 7063.60 -0.7
Gasoline (UGAS.L) -3.0 Data and graphics by: Note: Bank prime is from 10 major banks. Federal Funds rate is the market
CSI 300 INDEX 4306.52 -4.2 rate, which can vary from the federal target rate. LIBOR is the London
Gold (BULL.L) 1.1 Bloomberg Interbank Offered Rate. Consumer rates are from Bankrate. All figures as of
HANG SENG INDEX 20553.79 -6.2 4:30 p.m. New York time.
Natural Gas (NGAS.L) -3.3
NIKKEI 225 25162.78 -3.2
Silver (SLVR.L) 2.0

FLOORING Biden, European allies move to strip
Russia of international trade status

President Biden said the United

States and its allies would strip
Russia of trade benefits enjoyed
by most nations, adding to finan-
cial pressure designed to punish
ability to borrow from the Interna-
tional Monetary Fund and the
World Bank.
“Putin is the aggressor and he
must pay the price,” the president
Friday’s actions will ratchet up
Commission, the union’s execu-
tive arm, announced a plan to cut
European imports of Russian nat-
ural gas this year by two-thirds.
Russia provides roughly 40 per-
cent of E.U. gas supplies, with
Germany, Poland, Finland and


Russian President Vladimir Putin the allies’ “maximum pressure Hungary especially dependent
for invading Ukraine. campaign,” though they pale upon Russian sources. Austria
The European Union and the alongside measures already im- and the Czech Republic get all of
other Group of 7 nations plan to posed, including a ban on U.S. their gas from Russia, according
implement similar measures, purchases of Russian oil, accord- to IIF.
which would have a more dramat- ing to Elina Ribakova, deputy “Russia cannot grossly violate
ic impact. chief economist for the Institute of international law and, at the same
CARPET HARDWOOD LAMINATE VINYL Biden called the actions “an-
other crushing blow to Russia’s
International Finance.
In a largely symbolic move, the
time, expect to benefit from the
privileges of being part of the in-
economy,” which has been pum- administration also plans to ban ternational economic order,” Eu-
meled by comprehensive financial imports of Russian seafood and ropean Commission President Ur-
sanctions announced in the after- alcohol, which totaled $550 mil- sula Von der Leyen said Friday in
math of Moscow’s invasion of its lion last year. And Biden intends Versailles, France, previewing a
neighbor. The United States and to prohibit U.S. exports of luxury fourth European sanctions pack-
Europe have cut off major Russian goods favored by the Russian oli- age to be introduced on Saturday.
banks from global financial chan- garchs who support Putin. Allied sanctions imposed to
nels, blocked the country’s access The United States has already date already have taken a toll on
to advanced technologies, and halted purchases of Russian oil the Russian economy. The ruble
blacklisted wealthy business exec- and energy products, which made has lost nearly half its value, the
utives who back Putin’s rule and up about 60 percent of the $26 country’s stock market has been
profit from it. billion in goods imported from shut for more than a week, and
“The free world is coming to- Russia in 2021. Biden’s announce- foreign corporations are fleeing.

Mention Promo Code “WAPO” gether to confront Putin,” the

president said in remarks from
the White House.
ment will have a limited effect on
future U.S. orders from Russian
companies, according to Ed Gress-
The war is taking a toll on the
U.S. economy, too. Gasoline prices
hit a record $4.23 per gallon this
To Save An Additional $100 Amid Ukrainian President Vo-
lodymyr Zelensky’s pleas for mili-
er, who led the U.S. Trade Repre-
sentative’s economic research
week, which will aggravate infla-
tion that already is at a 40-year
tary support, the coordinated al- unit until last year. high. And on Friday the University
lied initiatives were a fresh sign That’s because the policy of Michigan consumer confidence
that Biden remains intent on us- change, if approved by Congress, reading dropped to 59.7 from 62.8,
CALL TODAY! ing financial weapons to thwart
what he called Putin’s “merciless
would reinstate the import levies
set in the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act
as Americans grew increasingly
gloomy about the outlook.

assault” on Ukraine. of 1930. The measure, which many As the Russian economy crum-
The battered Russian economy economists say deepened the bles, Putin has begun talking
will shrink by at least 15 percent Great Depression, imposed high about retaliating. On Thursday, he
this year, according to the Insti- tariffs on foreign-made manufac- endorsed a legislative proposal to
tute of International Finance, an tured goods. But it left raw materi- nationalize the assets of foreign
association of global banks. The als largely unscathed, to benefit corporations that have quit the
White House said Friday that American factory owners. Russian market since the war be-
30 years of Russian integration “Russia is quite unusual as a gan. At least 350 multinational
with the global economy have large complex economy that is a corporations have abandoned or
been erased in just weeks. natural resources producer,” said frozen their operations in Russia,
“It’s undeniable that allied Gresser. according to a tally by Jeffrey Son-
sanctions have had a severe effect For some critical Russian prod- nenfeld, a professor at Yale Uni-
ME TO Y on the Russian economy and it’s ucts — such as palladium — tariffs versity’s School of Management.
CO O important to remember, they will remain at zero, Gresser said. Even some who support the fi-
E would remain in place for some
time to come even if the war in
The industrial metal is used to
make catalytic converters for au-
nancial salvos against Russia wor-
ry they could accelerate an unrav-

Ukraine ended today,” said Daniel tomobiles. Other imports such as eling of global trade rules that
FREE Tannebaum, global head of sanc-
tions for Oliver Wyman. “And
there are still more levers yet to
plywood, which enter the United
States on a duty-free basis, would
be hit with a 30 percent import fee.
generally prohibit punitive tariffs.
President Donald Trump in 2019
threatened to impose an escalat-
pull.” European policymakers could ing series of tariff increases on
The president needs congres- hurt Putin more. goods from Mexico to force its
IN-HOME sional approval to alter Russia’s Two-way trade between the Eu- government to crack down on im-
ESTIMATES trade status, ending what’s called ropean Union and Russia migration, but subsequently
“permanent and normal trade re- amounts to about $281 billion a dropped the idea.
Sale Applies To AlI Carpet, Hardwood, Laminate, and Vinyl. lations” and treating the country year, roughly 10 times U.S.-Russia Chad Bown, an economist with
Offer Good Through March 31, 2022. as a pariah along with nations like trade. (Canada last week an- the Peterson Institute for Interna-
Cuba and North Korea. The Euro- nounced it would strip Russia and tional Economics, said Friday’s ac-

What’s for dinner?

pean changes also must be ap- Belarus of their most-favored na- tion could set an unfortunate
proved by national legislatures. tion status, subjecting goods from precedent for handling routine
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi those two countries to a new 35- commercial disputes.
said the House next week will take percent tariff.) “This thing today with Russia is

up legislation to formalize the pol- The key question is what the unequivocally okay,” Bown said.
Search our database of tested recipes by icy shift. European Union does about tar- “It’s just, does this make it too easy
ingredient or name. The president said the allies iffs on Russian energy products. to resort to something like this in
also will seek to deny Russia the Earlier this week, the European the future?”

Free For All

The headline jumped the gun We should
not use
The headline on Robert Kagan’s Feb. 22 Opinions
essay, “What we can expect after Putin’s conquest of
Ukraine,” was a bit premature. As I write this letter, it
is 5 p.m. on Feb. 28 and Ukraine remains a sovereign
nation. If The Post is truly concerned that democracy language that
alienates our
dies in darkness, why help push Ukraine into
Russian hands with this inaccurate headline? Please
do better.
Carol Russo, Ivoryton, Conn.

President Biden rightly chose to de-escalate re-

marks on Russian President Vladimir Putin’s escala- In the Feb. 25 front-page arti-
tion to nuclear alert. The Post nonetheless chose its cles about Ukraine, the writing
Feb. 28 front-page headline: “Russian nuclear forces stopped me in my tracks —
on alert.” mid-sip of coffee, to boot. It
Yes, The Post has a duty to inform, but not to scare wasn’t the content of the articles
us to the bunkers when our president is acting — although they were, unfortu-
rationally. nately, a bit jaw-dropping. It was
Naomi Salus, Washington two words that, in my decades of
writing, reading and trying to
live up to my English-major
A picture needed in print background, I have never seen.
They are so obtuse, I was sure
The Feb. 17 front-page article “A convict got a spellcheck had checked out. One
second chance. Then he was gone.,” about Kevin was “irredentist” [“Putin’s toler-
Flythe was disturbing. ance for risk catches some by
I was equally disturbed there was no photograph surprise”]. The next: “revan-
of Flythe provided in the print edition of the article. AL DRAGO/BLOOMBERG NEWS chist.” What the heck?
The online version did supply a color photograph of Ketanji Brown Jackson, President Biden’s nominee for a seat on the Supreme Court, on Capitol Hill on Wednesday. Of course, I looked them up.
this missing man, but it was nearly a decade old. That helped but didn’t answer
Flythe is now 52.
Assuming the purpose of the article was not only
to underscore lapses in prison release protocols but
‘What’s in a name?’ my question: Why would The
Post use these words to begin
with? Were these articles intend-
also to help the family locate a relative victimized ed for experts in international
by those protocols, an accompanying picture in the As a regular reader of columns by Michele L. Norris, I found Perhaps Norris knows several Ashoks, Xiomaras and Eun- history or your general reader-
print edition was a must, in my opinion. I agreed with most of her March 1 op-ed, “What Ketanji Brown Woos but not many with the other three names. If the ship? I’m having a hard time
Emory Damron, Alexandria Jackson’s guidance counselor missed.” However, I was puzzled implication is that the three names that begin with K are imagining reporters on the
by the following sentence: “I hope to see a world where names distinctly African American and that the others are not, I ground in Moscow pulling those
like Ketanji and Kamala and Kizzmekia roll off the tongue as believe that I’ve already shown that linguistically this is not words out of the hat as they’re
Family ties, not tied family easily as Ashok, Xiomara or Eun-Woo.” correct. If the suggestion is that the names that begin with K hurrying to make deadline. An
I am unsure about what to make of it. Ketanji, the best that I are not as well accepted, I wish the writer had said so erudite editor with the luxury of
I greatly enjoyed “Paul Ryan’s familial link to can tell, is an Indian name whose one meaning is “home.” specifically. Google nearby? Why not take a
court nominee,” the deft Feb. 26 Style article Kamala is an Indian name meaning “lotus.” Kamala is derived I think we can all agree that guidance counselors should few extra words to explain what
charting the very few degrees of separation from Sanskrit, as is Ashok, which means “one without sorrow.” provide proper encouragement to any student whether the is meant?
ironically connecting Supreme Court nominee Xiomara means “ready for battle” in Spanish. I learned that student is named Ashok, Kizzmekia, Andy, Hiroshi or Karen. Ellen Ternes,
Ketanji Brown Jackson and former House speaker Eun-Woo is Korean for “merciful” and “outstanding.” Rama K. Kotra, Herndon Fayetteville, Pa.
Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) as one big happy family. But I
suspect that it meant to portray Jackson’s hus-
band’s twin brother, William, as a “big shot” in
Goodwin Procter’s “litigation” team, and not its
“ligation” team, unless being tied up in court The sound
of ‘hame’
might have an unusually personal meaning at the
Mike Reis, Silver Spring

John Kelly’s March 2 Metro col-

umn, in which he commented on Carl
Bernstein’s “Warshington” accent,
“How (a pre-Post) Bernstein learned
the D.C. beat,” led me to recall a long-
ago reference to the distinctive Balti-
more accent. In a classic Sports Illus-
trated article, “A Wink at a Homely
Girl,” published just before the Ori-
oles swept the Dodgers in the 1966
World Series, the palindromically
named Baltimore native Mark Kram
penned a melancholy tribute to his
hometown. Kram noted that the Bal-
timore (“Balamar” or “Balmer”) ac-
cent, which might better be termed a
dialect, “makes a New Yorker, by com-
JULIO CORTEZ/ASSOCIATED PRESS parison, sound like Laurence Olivier.”
Maryland guard Diamond Miller works the floor Kram observed that “the Irish are
against Indiana on Feb. 25 in College Park. the Ahrsh, one does not dial a num-
ber — one dolls. A place of business is
Consistently inconsistent coverage a bidness, and an accelerator is an
exhillerator, and you don’t go to a
Again, the Maryland women’s basketball team drugstore, you go to a drukstore. MIKE STEWART/ASSOCIATED PRESS

gets subpar coverage compared with the men’s Dusk is dust, Druid Hill Park is Dru- Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene at a rally in Rome, Ga., on March 5.
team. No. 13 Maryland upset No. 10 Indiana while idl Park, a man’s paramour waits for
playing only six players. Where was the article
published? Feb. 26 on Page 6 of the Sports section.
him on the lawn every evening. Our
is air, barbed wire is bobwar, home is It should not be a challenge to judge Greene
When the men’s basketball team upset Ohio State,
its article was published Feb. 28 on the section
hame, a bureau is a beero, the gov-
ernment is the gummint, a car is a
koor, a cruller is a crawler, asphalt is
by her own words
As much as The Post touts its equal coverage, the asfelt, orange juice is arnjoos, and
proof is in the proverbial pudding, and the media in any citizen who thinks this article is Catherine Rampell’s March 1 op-ed, “Marjorie Taylor only quotation from Greene was the “gazpacho police” bit
general continues to fall far short in coverage and garbage will call it gobbidge.” Greene wants to be judged by her own words. Challenge (with the hilarious “soup d’etat” rejoinder). The rest was
support of women’s sporting events. Rarely, if ever, A great writer, especially on boxing, accepted.,” failed utterly to meet that challenge. paraphrases by Rampell or some other source, but not
does the media lead with a story regarding the Kram died in 2002 at age 69. “A Wink The first half of the piece was an irrelevant discussion of Greene’s words.
women in any sport. at a Homely Girl,” which references a events where Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) spoke and If one is to judge Greene by her words, one must cite the
Coverage of women’s sporting events remains quote from his fellow “Balmerian” the radical sponsors of those events but contained not one specific words that incur the judgment, not the words of her
consistently inconsistent. The struggle continues. H.L. Mencken, lives on, howev- word of her speeches. The only quotation from Greene was associates and not some hearsay version of her words. There
Steven Parker, Laurel er. Now, as then, local accents and her dismissal of the “guilt by association” attacks that the might, of course, be good reasons for not quoting Greene, not
dialects provide much-needed spice preceding eight column inches represented. The second half the least of which is that she deserves no attention. Rampell’s
in the sameness of everyday life. of the op-ed provided the (purported) gist of Greene’s past words have demonstrated that she can do much better.
Newton’s law and Ukrainian force James D. Regan, McLean statements on several topics, but not in Greene’s words. The Ed Barkmeyer, Silver Spring

George F. Will should be careful with his

science-based analogies. In his March 3 op-ed on
the Ukrainian situation, “For Putin, a refresher in
physics — and judo,” he suggested that Newton’s
third law of motion implies that a force exerted
will provoke an opposing force to rise up in
response. This is not what the law means. If one
local tales
side is stronger, part of its force is consumed in
accelerating the point of contact toward the I truly enjoyed the March 1
weaker side. The latter can be overrun, just as one Metro article regarding the un-
would expect without consulting Newton, even veiling of the new statue of Pierre
though at every moment the forces at the moving L’Enfant in the Capitol,
front balance. “D.C. leaders hail L’Enfant statue
But this matter is more serious than pedagogy, at Capitol as a step toward state-
and I hope it is the Ukrainian people who will prove hood.” However, the article
stronger and will accelerate the Russian invaders stopped a bit short by failing to
outward and back to their own country. But that mention the work of Benjamin
won’t be force; it will be fortitude. Banneker, following L’Enfant’s
Steve Lowe, Sudbury, Mass. departure from the United States
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Monday in Kyiv. as the architect of the Capitol by
Animals are ‘killed,’ not ‘harvested’ George Washington in 1792.

The repeated use of the euphemism “harvest” by The negative use of the word ‘propaganda’ As the story goes, when
L’Enfant left the project, he took
the governor of Montana’s spokeswoman in de-
scribing the shooting of a collared mountain lion by must have been propagandized all the designs with him, leaving
the project in disarray. This left
the governor tells you much of what you need to surveyor Andrew Ellicott and
know about this deplorable incident [“Montana The photograph that accompanied the March 1 news article Continuing my search for a more conclusive answer, I even- others in a bit of a quandary as to
governor shoots collared mountain lion,” news, “Forecasts of cyber onslaught don’t play out as expected” had a tually came across a March 2010 HuffPost blog article by Nancy how to proceed, thinking they
March 2]. If a mountain lion can be linguistically caption that I thought had a negative slant. It said “the absence Snow, “Positive propaganda,” in which the author writes that might have to start from
equated to a vegetable, then killing the lion (in of major disruptions . . . has allowed Ukraine’s president, Volod- “propaganda is actually a value-free term” and that “propa- scratch. Banneker surprised
whatever manner) has no moral import. But if the ymyr Zelensky, to deliver propaganda coups with little more ganda has been used to further positive agendas. One such them when he asserted that he
lion is seen for what he actually was — an than a smartphone and a data link.” The use of the word agenda was the American Revolution. Samuel Adams, one of the could reproduce the plans from
intelligent creature with thoughts and feelings — “propaganda” jumped out at me. Didn’t that imply negative leaders of the early revolutionary movement, is considered by memory and, supposedly, did
then terrorizing him for hours before shooting him messaging? While I pondered that, I read the next article, many historians to be a master propagandist.” just that in two days. Granted,
in a tree becomes far more difficult to justify as an “Platforms ban Russian state media,” in which the phrase Obviously, Snow felt a need to write her article. It helped me to many are left wondering if this
ethical matter. “misinformation and propaganda” was used. realize that there is difficulty in using words that have evolved really happened, but one must at
Proponents of hunting may try to defend the I knew The Post would not want to characterize Zelensky’s into accepted meanings beyond their academic ones. However, least include this portion of the
practice on various grounds, but contorting lan- efforts as negative. I was in a quandary. I began Googling the I, for one, am always grateful when reading the morning paper story. After all, isn’t the entire
guage to pretend that a sentient being is the same term. I checked for synonyms and found “publicity” and “advo- pushes me to do a little research. So, I ask The Post’s forgiveness history of D.C. filled with myths,
as a carrot cannot be one of them. The mountain cacy” but also “brainwashing” and “indoctrination.” I was not for my skepticism and will try to reframe and embrace my newly tall tales and exaggerations?
lion was killed, not “harvested.” satisfied. Mentally, I was more comfortable with the negative expanded understanding of the word “propaganda.” Fred C. Lash,
Eric R. Glitzenstein, Washington meanings. Veronica Mevorach, Silver Spring Springfield


AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER Ms. Bethune’s firsts continue these autocrats, but sometimes the end
does justify the means. The end in this
The March 6 Retropolis article “Famed case is to ratchet up the pressure on Mr.
educator advised Roosevelt on ‘problems Putin, making the economic pain so high
EDITORIALS of my people’ ” [Metro] was a great piece that he might feel compelled to stand

Cancel blanket cancellations

about an amazing woman, Mary McLeod down in Ukraine or at least settle for much
Bethune. Born in 1875, the 15th of 17 chil- less than a total capitulation. Though this
dren, a child of former enslaved people, probably won’t force Mr. Putin’s hand, it is
she walked five miles to the only school worth trying. Even if Mr. Biden’s coordi-
available to her and became the first per- nated international strategy does not ulti-
son in her family to learn to read. The mately save Ukraine, it might well dis-
Not all Russians deserve being blacklisted because of Mr. Putin’s war. article did a good job of describing how she suade the Russian autocrat from follow-

went on from the proverbial humble be- ing through on any other expansionist
OPRANO SUPERSTAR Anna Ne- We applaud those steps. But there are and restitutions have been made.” ginnings to incredible accomplishments ambitions.
trebko, who reigned supreme at thornier issues at play when Russian- Perhaps the Met and Ms. Netrebko as an educator, civil rights leader, entre- To tweak an old saying, the president's
the Metropolitan Opera after born individuals are singled out and were right to agree to cancellations of her preneur and the only woman in overtures to regimes he once viewed with
singing nearly 200 performances ostracized. Some, such as Mr. Gergiev, upcoming appearances. But it is discom- Roosevelt’s “Black Cabinet.” alarm and disdain validates the notion that
over 20 years, is no longer welcome have been cheerleaders for Mr. Putin’s fiting that U.S. cultural institutions, with Soon, her statue will be installed in the geopolitics makes strange bedfellows.
there. Washington Capitals captain Alex aggressions; they deserve to be shunned their proud traditions of free and diverse Capitol as one of the two statues represent- Ken Derow, Swarthmore, Pa.
Ovechkin, one of the league’s most by Western institutions. Others, such as speech, would think it right to compel ing Florida, replacing a previous Florida
heralded players as he seeks to best piano prodigy Alexander Malofeev, have statements by leading artists and ath- statue of a Confederate general. It will be The Post deserves credit for its consis-
Wayne Gretzky’s scoring record, is now seen their engagements canceled even letes. What constitutes a sufficient repu- the first statue of a Black American repre- tent support of international human
being greeted with boos and jeers. after they spoke out against the war, diation, given Mr. Putin’s sometimes senting any state. But this first is not her rights norms, but its March 6 editorial
Renowned maestro Valery Gergiev was simply because they are Russian; that is murderous response to criticism? only first. There is a wonderful statue of calling for seizure of the property of Rus-
dismissed as chief conductor of the unjustified. And still other cases are Mr. Ovechkin, for example, reportedly her in Lincoln Park, the first statue of an sian oligarchs, “No escaping on fancy
Munich Philharmonic. Formula One more complex. had plans to change the profile picture American woman on public park land in yachts,” forgot that even oligarchs have a
driver Nikita Mazepin was fired by the Ms. Netrebko, a singer with unparal- on his Instagram account showing him D.C. (Not the first woman — there is a right to due process.
U.S.-owned Haas team. leled talent, posted on social media her with Mr. Putin to a symbol of world peace statue of Joan of Arc in Meridian Hill Park.) There is a difference between imposing
Russian musicians, artists, athletes opposition to “this senseless war of but was advised against it because his Elva Card, Fairfax sanctions on governments, politicians
and other cultural figures are facing aggression” and called on Russia “to end wife and children are in Russia. and companies and depriving individuals
broad backlash as Russian President this war right now, to save all of us.” But “I am not in politics. Like, I’m an of even ill-gotten gains. It is not an inter-
Vladimir Putin has continued to press his Ms. Netrebko, whose ties to Mr. Putin athlete,” Mr. Ovechkin said in a Feb. 25 Don’t restrict learning national crime to have “significant assets
relentless and increasingly brutal inva- span decades, including her endorse- news conference in which he tried to abroad” or to be a member of a kleptocra-
sion of Ukraine. Much of the world is ment of his election in 2012, refused to thread a political needle with a plea for I read Kali Nicole Gross’s Feb. 28 cy, and there is no evidence that even the
outraged and repulsed by the assault on a denounce him. In one post, later deleted, peace but no renunciation of Mr. Putin. op-ed, “The real truth about women who worst of the oligarchs advocated the inva-
democratic country and is making clear it she chided as hypocrites those in the Mr. Ovechkin launched the PutinTeam burned at the stake,” with great interest. sion of Ukraine or the bombing of its
wants nothing to do with anything Rus- West seeking repudiation of Mr. Putin. social movement in 2017 to support the Ms. Gross is to be commended for her civilians. Both the European Court of Hu-
sian. Crippling economic sanctions were “There was no way forward,” said the dictator, so his comments seem disingen- research uncovering this horror. The man Rights and the European Union’s
imposed by the United States and its opera company’s general manager, ex- uous as well as disappointing. Still, in practice of burning women of color in Court of Justice have held that there must
allies. Russian vodka was stripped from plaining the organization would no lon- America, they should not be disqualify- colonial America was also documented be a minimum level of due process before
American liquor store shelves. U.S. com- ger work “with artists or institutions that ing. That is one of the things that should in Terry Barkley’s book “Eve’s Wail.” a country can lawfully apply even a
panies suspended operations in Russia. support Putin or are supported by him — distinguish us from Mr. Putin’s Russia: Mr. Barkley detailed several burnings of U.N. Security Council-ordered sanction
Russian teams have been banned from not until the invasion and killing has Tactics he uses to keep people in line enslaved women in the 1700s. An en- against an individual terrorist suspect.
international competitions. been stopped, order has been restored should have no place here. slaved woman named Eve was burned at If the United States were serious about
the stake in 1746 in Orange County, Va. corruption and money laundering, its list
She was accused and convicted of poison- of targets should include Saudis, Emiratis,
ing her owner to death. Mr. Barkley listed Chinese and many others, as well as Rus-
several such burnings starting as early as sians. No one should have sympathy for

Protecting little kids from Big Tech 1610 in Jamestown. According to his
book, “In South Carolina in 1741 a Negro
doctor was burned.” In 1714, about 30 en-
oligarchs losing their yachts, dachas or
London mansions, and sanctions that re-
sult in their losing money are welcome
slaved people were burned or hanged in and appropriate. However, being general-
Mr. Biden’s agenda for regulating social media is a great start. But more must follow. New York. ly supportive of the Putin regime is not

I'm sure there is a lot more to uncover, automatically equivalent to supporting
BEVY of proposals to constrain as historical research is always bringing aggression in Ukraine.
Big Tech are moving through the new information to light. We should all Witch hunts, even if well-intentioned,
legislative process or have stalled be comforted knowing that there are do not set good precedents.
out somewhere along the way. scholars who are doing the difficult work. Hurst Hannum, Cambridge, Mass.
Many are bipartisan, yet none has earned Of course, if the current push to limit
the endorsement of the White House — education to what is not “disturbing” is
until the State of the Union. successful, this story will never be told. A rich embarrassment
In that address, President Biden gave Nancy Radcliffe, Lusby
his imprimatur to an agenda to, in his Karen Attiah’s March 7 op-ed, “The At-
words, “hold social media platforms ac- lantic elevates MBS’s lies,” should be an
countable for the national experiment The war in Ukraine embarrassment not only to the Atlantic but
they’re conducting on our children for also to its parent company, Emerson Col-
profit.” Each of the policy items he out- I was thankful for Yonat Shimron’s lective, founded by Laurene Powell Jobs.
lined has a counterpart bill already intro- March 5 Religion essay on Jews in What’s even more ironic, in a tragic way,
duced on Capitol Hill: boost privacy Ukraine, “For many Jews, memories of is that the Atlantic’s cover theme, “Absolute
protections, ban targeted advertising, pogroms, hate and horror.” She described Power,” should be about Russian President
build safety into products’ design. Taken a Ukraine today very much unlike one Vladimir Putin, rather than Mohammed
together, the changes would be transfor- with a haunting past for its Jews. The bin Salman.
mative. The ideas also have something in culmination of that torment came during Carmela Vetri, Washington
common: They’ve been discussed as the Holocaust, when 1.5 million Ukraini-
methods for protecting everyone online, an Jews were murdered at the hands of the
but in the face of congressional gridlock, Nazis, with collaborators among Ukraini- The goals of ‘test to treat’
they’ve gone next to nowhere. ans. The defining moment of the persecu-
If even the most modest tweaks to the tion came at the slaughter in the ravine in During the State of the Union address,
status quo for all Americans have proved Kyiv known as Babyn Yar. I knew nothing President Biden announced the “test to
impossible to achieve, the thinking goes, of it until, in the mid-1960s, Yevgeny Yev- treat” initiative to allow patients to get
why not make them more modest still — tushenko, the Russian poet who wrote an tested for the coronavirus at pharmacies
by focusing only on the most vulnerable epic poem about it, was invited to lecture and, if positive, receive oral antiviral pills
(and most sympathetic) victims of Silicon at my college. The poem became assigned immediately at no cost [“White House
Valley’s overreaches? We can’t fix things reading. ‘test to treat’ plan garners praise, raises
for the whole country, so let’s fix things I am no stranger to European Jewish questions,” Politics & the Nation, March
for kids. persecution. My parents were refugees 5]. This is an important acknowledgment
The concept is attractive. In a fact JABIN BOTSFORD/THE WASHINGTON POST who were fortunate to have been given of pharmacy accessibility and capability,
sheet released ahead of the address, the President Biden delivers his first State of the Union address earlier this month. sanctuary in the United States. My grand- and I commend the administration’s rec-
administration put its efforts in the con- father was not and was murdered in Mu- ognition of pharmacy and its value to
text of what it calls a mental health crisis addiction. It also allows advertisers to (R-Tenn.) recently unveiled the sweeping nich during Kristallnacht. So, when I saw public health. As we now know, timely
for the country’s youths. The science on exploit this addiction to market products. Kids Online Safety Act. the onslaught of Russia on Ukraine, I could testing and treatment are essential to
the precise effect increased screen time Sens. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) All these proposals deserve consider- not help but think of the plight of its Jews curb the spread and reduce hospitaliza-
has on children’s well-being remains un- and Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.) have ation, and require some refinement. Cer- and the Ukrainian past. There was cogni- tions. Though this initiative is a positive
certain — but Facebook’s own research reintroduced the Kids Act to ban features tainly, lawmakers should be able to man- tive dissonance for me. I saw the naked step forward, we must address the legisla-
has shown, for instance, how Instagram such as autoplay, push alerts and like age at least this much: chipping away at aggression and human suffering to satisfy tive hurdles that will challenge the long-
can exacerbate body image issues by counts for consumers under 16; Mr. Mar- the worst excesses of the surveillance Russian President Vladimir Putin’s dubi- term viability of the “test to treat” model.
directing teens who consume harmful key and Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-La.) have a economy when it comes to the country’s ous geopolitical designs. But I also thought First, the emergency-use authoriza-
content to more of the same. More gener- proposal to update and bolster the Chil- youths. But they should also be able to of Ukraine’s past. How to resolve the disso- tions for the oral antivirals limit pharma-
ally, the mass collection of hyper-specific dren’s and Teens’ Online Privacy Protec- manage more. The White House, too, nance? I focused on the humanitarian dis- cists’ ability to prescribe, despite Prep Act
information about who is looking at what tion Act limiting how companies can should view any efforts to protect kids on aster for all Ukrainians. The suffering and authorizations. That leaves pharmacies
content where on the Internet allows collect, process and share data; Mr. Blu- the Internet as merely the start of some- hope for peace overwhelm everything. And unable to dispense unless they have a
platforms to push users further toward menthal and Sen. Marsha Blackburn thing bigger. Ms. Shimron’s words are proof for me that I prescriber on site and a collaborative
am right. Long live a free Ukraine. practice agreement in place — this is more
Rob Klein, Gainesville common at large retail stores than inde-
pendent pharmacies, which many rural
Regarding the March 9 front-page arti- communities rely on. Second, the Prep Act

‘No red flags’ cle “Democrats embrace risky political

President Biden has made diplomatic
currently authorizes pharmacies to ad-
minister coronavirus clinical services
such as tests, vaccinations and antibody
overtures to autocratic leaders he had treatments, but this is all temporary. Fur-
Colleges and parents should communicate better about the mental health of students. previously kept at arm’s length. These thermore, no established reimbursement

leaders are Venezuelan President Nicolás vehicle exists within Medicare to compen-
INA AND Steven Meyer saw “no might never be understood; experts organization believes in a public health Maduro and Saudi Crown Prince Moham- sate pharmacists for services such as this
red flags.” Their daughter Katie caution that there is rarely any one strategy, in which everyone on campus med bin Salman. The reason is no secret. in perpetuity.
was a senior at Stanford Univer- reason for any suicide but rather a has a role to play in supporting student It is part of Mr. Biden’s strategy to further More than anything, giving pharma-
sity, where she seemed to be multitude of factors. But that doesn’t emotional health. It encourages all those isolate Russian President Vladimir Putin cists the permanent ability to test, pre-
thriving. She became captain of the lessen the need for Stanford and other who come into contact with students — and simultaneously secure access to scribe and dispense antivirals for the cor-
women’s soccer team after leading the universities to develop better strategies from security guards to coaches to greater supplies of oil to reduce our need onavirus would level the access hurdles
Cardinal to the 2019 national champion- for dealing with the struggles of the academic advisers — to be alert to early to import Russian oil and to inflict pain on that exist today.
ship. She was studying international young people entrusted to their care. signs of trouble in a student’s life, and to Mr. Putin. Jennifer Zilka, Conshohocken, Pa.
relations, she had made the dean’s list, Katie Meyer was reportedly the fourth know how and when to recommend Fair-minded people can debate the mo- The writer is president of Good Neighbor
and in recent weeks she had written a Stanford student to die by suicide in the professional help. rality of the United States cozying up to Pharmacy, a part of AmerisourceBergen.
series of upbeat social media posts. past 13 months. There has been a spate of Just days after his daughter died,
Among them was this tweet about a suicides at other colleges, and although Mr. Meyer urged parents to talk to their
recent surgery on her knee: “Health is
wealth, and I’m in great spirits and
there is no definitive data about campus
suicides, experts at the Jed Foundation, a
children openly about their mental
health, no matter their age. “You may
excited to be caring for my body.” national nonprofit that works to im- have somebody who has been loved to FREDERICK J. RYAN JR., Publisher and Chief Executive Officer
Last week, just hours after talking via prove the emotional health and prevent the ends of the earth and back from the News Editorial and opinion Officers
FaceTime with her parents, the 22-year- suicides of young people, say mental day she was born,” he said. “You can love SALLY BUZBEE RUTH MARCUS JAMES W. COLEY JR.........................................................Production
Executive Editor Deputy Editorial Page Editor L. WAYNE CONNELL............................................Human Resources
old was found dead in her on-campus health challenges have steadily grown them fully, but you may not understand CAMERON BARR KAREN TUMULTY KATE M. DAVEY.....................................................Revenue Strategy
residence, and authorities determined among college students over the past five them fully.” In opening up about their Senior Managing Editor
Deputy Editorial Page Editor
ELIZABETH H. DIAZ....................Audience Development & Insights
GREGG J. FERNANDES..........................Customer Care & Logistics
she died by suicide. The death has left years. The pandemic has had a profound daughter’s death, the Meyers have start- Chief Product Officer & ME Associate Editorial Page Editor SHANI GEORGE......................................................Communications
her family as well as the university impact, forcing students to confront ed a conversation about the need for Managing Editor STEPHEN P. GIBSON.....................................Finance & Operations
KRISTINE CORATTI KELLY.....................Communications & Events
community reeling and in search of isolation, uncertainty, financial stress better communication between colleges TRACY GRANT
Managing Editor JOHN B. KENNEDY...................................General Counsel & Labor
answers. “We are struggling to know and other challenges. The return of and parents about the mental health of KRISSAH THOMPSON MIKI TOLIVER KING.................................................................Arc XP
SHAILESH PRAKASH....Digital Product Development & Engineering
Managing Editor
what happened and why it happened,” students to campuses after two years of students — one that we hope will spare SHARIF DURHAMS MICHAEL A. RIBERO....................................................Subscriptions
her mother said during an emotional remote schooling has overwhelmed other parents the pain of losing a child to Deputy Managing Editor
JOY ROBINS.........................................................................Revenue

interview on NBC’s “Today” show. some university mental health centers. a preventable suicide. Deputy Managing Editor
Mr. and Mrs. Meyer raised the possi- Stanford provides a variety of mental Deputy Managing Editor
bility that a pending disciplinary action health services, including a 24-hour If you or someone you know needs help, call SCOTT VANCE
Deputy Managing Editor
against their daughter — about which crisis line, and it is in the second year of the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at BARBARA VOBEJDA
Deputy Managing Editor
few details are known — might have working with the Jed Foundation in 800-273-TALK (8255). You can also text a
been a factor. The “whys” behind the developing a comprehensive approach crisis counselor by messaging the Crisis Text The Washington Post
death of this vibrant young woman to the mental well-being of students. The Line at 741741. 1301 K St. NW, Washington, D.C. 20071 (202) 334-6000

Kyiv vs. Kiev,
Putin’s Russia Zelensky vs.
is not the Zelenskyy, and the
Soviet Union meaning of ‘the’
he Russian airstrike on a maternity hospital in
Mariupol was atrocious, but prepare to view BY B ENJAMIN D REYER

continued televised horrors as Vladimir Putin
steps up his attacks across Ukraine. Despite kraine, not ‘the Ukraine,’ ” I’d jotted down
fierce Ukrainian resistance, and Western economic and in my to-do notebook a couple of weeks
military assistance, the devastation and death will ago. “Kiev/Kyiv.” “Zelensky(y).”
continue until the Russian guns fall silent. This column should have been a slam-
Ukrainians alone cannot make that happen. But they dunk: a little copyeditorial erudition and explication, a
are on their own militarily because the United States few historical quotes for context and support, perhaps
and NATO are firmly against getting into a direct and a digression into Bombay and Mumbai, or Burma and
costly conflict with nuclear-armed Russia. Ukrainian Myanmar, maybe a joke or two — how about a sly
President Volodymyr Zelensky can issue pleas, but there reference to the 1953 novelty pop hit “Istanbul (Not
will be no U.S. or Western military forces fighting on the Constantinople)”? (“If you’ve a date in Constantino-
ground or in the air above Ukraine. Putin knows that, ple / She’ll be waiting in Istanbul.”)
too. It should have been simple to say: Things (and
Whether he knows how badly he has miscalculated a people) change, including the names of things (and
bloody conflict of his own making, however, is people), and innocuous-looking shifts in nomencla-
unknown. ture can carry significant content, and one does well to
Like two of his predecessors in the Kremlin — Soviet keep up.
leaders Leonid Brezhnev, who crushed reform-minded But then other things changed, too, and conflict
communist Czechoslovakia in 1968 with the backing of turned into invasion turned into war turned into war
the Warsaw Pact countries, and Nikita Khrushchev, who BY MATT DAVIES FOR NEWSDAY crimes allegations turned into humanitarian cata-
put nuclear missiles in Cuba in 1962 — Putin has set his clysm, and the potential jokes palled and I wondered
country on an untenable path. whether it’s even worth the keystrokes to explain the
Putin’s nuclear saber-rattling might help clarify some imperialist smell of the simple article “the.”
of the circulating narratives about past nuclear stand- I’m not a global sociopolitical expert (or an epi-
offs between the United States and Russia. demiologist, as so many people are these days); I’m a
One account holds that the United States stood by and copy editor. When I find Major Ideas bubbling up in my
watched Russian tanks snuff out the liberalizing Prague brain, I tend to reach for the delete key. When I stare at
Spring in 1968 because of the risk of war with a a photograph of four Ukrainian teenagers newly
nuclear-armed Soviet state. Not exactly the case. volunteered for combat, three of them wearing skaters’
The second is that the U.S.-Russia Cuban missile crisis kneepads and one carrying a yoga mat, I have no Major
was spawned by feared Soviet incursions in the Western Ideas, just an inchoate, looming sense of despair.
Hemisphere. So, quickly, then, before I lose my nerve and some-
On Aug. 20, 1968, I was in West Germany as an attache thing even worse happens than has already happened:
at the U.S. Embassy in Bonn when Soviet-led Warsaw Ukraine is an independent country and has been so
Pact forces invaded the rebellious satellite Czechoslova- since it declared itself free of the moldering, moribund
kia. Years earlier, in 1962, I was the overnight duty officer Soviet Union in 1991 — more than 30 years ago, I
at Fort Niagara in Youngstown, N.Y., when President underline. It is not “the Ukraine” — that is, not a
John F. Kennedy announced the “quarantine” to prevent province, not a territory, which is indeed the whiff
Soviet shipments of military equipment to Cuba and given off by that “the,” as in, reaching back into history,
ordered U.S. military forces into high-alert Defense “the Levant” or “the Crimea.”
Condition 3 (Defcon 3). The Czechoslovakia and Cuba “The ‘the’ is gone,” noted the Ukrainian Weekly
crises and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine are completely (published out of Jersey City) in its issue of Dec. 8, 1991.
different matters. “It is just Ukraine,” diplomat William B. Taylor Jr.
To be sure, watching Russian troops rolling through told Time in 2014 after President Barack Obama
Ukrainian towns invokes an unshakable sense of having referred to “the situation in the Ukraine.” “It is
experienced before what we are witnessing today. And incorrect to refer to ‘the Ukraine,’ ” Taylor went on,
the deployment of U.S. troops to NATO countries “even though a lot of people do it. . . . It kind of denies
neighboring Ukraine calls to mind my task as post BY NICK ANDERSON FOR REFORM AUSTIN NEWS their independence, denies their sovereignty.”
adjutant deploying a Fort Niagara specialist to a Florida Even as recently as late last month at the Screen
installation to assist in a possible Cuban conflict. But the Actors Guild Awards, the majestic Brian Cox, accepting
similarities don’t run deep. an award on behalf of the ensemble of the series
In 1968, the United States was positioned, diplomati- “Succession,” made mention of “what’s going on in the
cally and militarily, to counter Western incursions by Ukraine” before, twice, hitting the standalone
Warsaw Pact nations, including from neighboring East “Ukraine” loud and clear.
Germany. But Czechoslovakia was in the Soviet orbit. Look, it’s an easy stumble, and I’ve caught myself a
But this was not a new Russian push into the Western number of times these past weeks. Perhaps you have,
sphere. too.
What’s more, in 1968, we were a shattered nation. But this ostensible sliver of a difference, this “the,” is,
President Lyndon B. Johnson, worn down by public to borrow an idea attributed to, of all people, Vladimir
opinion and a political casualty of a Vietnam War Lenin, the difference between “who” and “whom”: who
tearing the country apart, abruptly announced he would does and to whom it is done, who owns whom, or
not seek reelection. America was bloodied by the asserts that they do.
assassinations of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. and As to Kiev and Kyiv, that’s simpler: Kyiv is the
Sen. Robert F. Kennedy. Our cities and towns were appropriate transliteration of the Ukrainian name of
engulfed in riots; universities were consumed by anti- the country’s capital, whereas Kiev is the name of the
war protests. The same month that Soviet tanks rolled city in Russian. (An online campaign — KyivNotKiev —
into Prague, police and Illinois National Guardsmen was started in 2018 by the Ukrainian Ministry of
went on a rampage outside the Democratic National Foreign Affairs.) It doesn’t take a big thinker, I think, to
Convention in Chicago, clubbing and tear-gassing hun- understand why the Ukrainians would prefer the one
dreds of demonstrators, news reporters and bystanders. over the other.
In 1962, we did confront the fear of engaging in the About chicken Kiev, a dish that was more than likely
mutually assured destruction that would have been the invented, a century or two ago, neither in Russia nor in
likely outcome of a direct U.S.-Soviet nuclear weapons BY ANN TELNAES Ukraine but in Paris, and that seems to exist mostly to
clash. But it was not because the Soviets were moving to squirt lava-hot butter onto your shirtfront: I’m not
bring Fidel Castro’s fledging Communist government certain that renaming it chicken Kyiv, as the British
newly into their orbit. supermarket chain Sainsbury’s has just done, makes a
Kennedy announced the quarantine in 1962 because statement any more effective than “freedom fries” did
Khrushchev intended to deploy ballistic missiles in in 2003 when someone was mad at the French, as
Cuba — creating a nuclear threat only 90 miles from the someone always seems to be.
U.S. mainland. What about the surname of Ukraine’s president,
We now live in a different world with different Volodymyr Zelensky, or Zelenskyy, depending on
strategic interests. which U.S. publication you’re reading? (The Post and
The Warsaw Pact? Formally dead 1991. The Union of the New York Times, among others, prefer the single
Soviet Socialist Republics? Dissolved 1991. Germany “y,” while USA Today, the Associated Press and others
was reunified in 1990, and Czechoslovakia was dissolved go with “yy.”) To some people, I’ve read, the single-y
in 1993, creating Czech Republic and Slovakia. spelling reflects a more Russian approach, with the
Cuba is now an orphan nation. double-y appearing more Ukrainian. One notes that
Today’s Russia finds itself ensconced on a globe of the president of Ukraine’s Twitter handle is
interdependent nations from which it is diplomatically @ZelenskyyUa.
isolated and being punished by sanctions, boycotts and Those of us who follow publishers’ usages and
near-universal disdain. standards at least as much as we set them out will
Yes, Russia’s nuclear capabilities remain a threat. But continue to watch the Zelensky(y) matter with interest
nuclear posturing cannot save Russia from the destruc- — and will be reminded that words, even “the” small
tive course set by Putin. Ukraine and Ukrainians are ones, even their smallest components, can carry a big
now bearing the brunt, tragically and devastatingly. But meaning.
maternity wards, homes, farms, bridges and factories
will be rebuilt. There’s no stopping that. The United Benjamin Dreyer is Random House’s executive managing
States and the West must hold firm. As with past Russian editor and copy chief and the author of “Dreyer’s English: An
tyrants, a day of reckoning will come for Vladimir Putin. BY DREW SHENEMAN FOR THE STAR-LEDGER
Utterly Correct Guide to Clarity and Style.”


Two questions to ask before joining the culture war on Russia

ity the Cardiff Philharmonic Orchestra. whether it felt right to play “Marche Slave” and the glomerate that owns the brand, not Russian industry. with the film industry, as the Cannes and Venice film
Earlier this week, the well-regarded as- “1812 Overture” — both celebrations of Russian It’s more encouraging to see bars stocking up on festivals have done, than deny dissident filmmakers
sembly of nonprofessional musicians based military prowess — as Russia ravages Ukraine. And Ukrainian beers and liquors and customers turning a platform.
in Wales announced it was canceling a con- the musicians didn’t want to offend Ukrainians by out to restaurants such as New York City’s Veselka. At Similarly, Netflix was correct to pull out of Russia
cert of works by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky. The playing Tchaikovsky’s “Little Russian” symphony, minimum, such efforts help Ukraine feel more rather than be forced to carry government television
reason? A sense that the program was “inappropriate given that the term has come to be associated with tangible and specific to Americans who started networks. This was a welcome rediscovery of back-
at this time” because of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. efforts to deny Ukraine a distinct national identity. paying attention to the country only after Russia bone for an industry that all too often appears
The Internet promptly reached for its smelling salts. That list doesn’t make for a snappy headline, but it attacked it. And in the most hopeful scenario, if invertebrate before authoritarian regimes. Braver
Inspired by a piece from BBC Music Magazine — does demonstrate good sense — a quality that has Ukraine remains independent, and if Americans still would be for Netflix to commit some of the
which unhelpfully implied that the long-dead Tchai- been in short supply as people and institutions rush come away from the war appreciating the country’s $19 billion it’s projected to spend on content in 2022
kovsky was being “canceled” along with contempo- to make gestures in support of Ukraine and in food and drink, those new enthusiasms could power to terrific, independent Russian-language projects —
rary figures, such as Putinist conductor Valery opposition to Vladimir Putin’s war. a future tourism industry or provide a boost to even if that content might reach ordinary Russians
Gergiev — critics denounced the Welsh musicians as When it comes to fighting this culture war, it’s rebuilding efforts. only by illegal torrents, a kind of samizdat for the
everything from “plain racist” to emblematic of “the worth distinguishing between acting for the sake of Second, does a decision distinguish between the streaming era.
stupidest and most dangerous moral panic . . . ever acting and making a real contribution to the cause of Russian government and Russian people who op- A culture war is a long game, and winning it
witnessed.” Ukrainian freedom. The international cultural pose Putin and his invasion? The Ukrainian Film requires more than showboating. Denying Russians
It’s a shame these moralists didn’t bother to ask crackdown on Russia would be more effective if Academy has called for an international boycott of a new Pixar movie won’t make them rise up against
the orchestra to explain its reasoning. If they had, the people would first pause to ask two simple questions Russian films, with Ukrainian director Nariman Putinism. Dumping out a handle of Smirnoff will do
participants in this tizzy might have realized that the before plunging into the fray or judging someone Aliev going so far as to say that such an effort “is an more for your liver than for the people of Ukraine.
Cardiff Philharmonic is doing exactly what cultural else’s efforts: attempt to cleanse the world of the propaganda of a But culture can keep alive the idea that there is more
institutions everywhere should: making hard deci- First, does the gesture affect the people and terrorist state.” to Russia than Putin, and that Ukraine is worth
sions about global events with nuance and grace. institution it’s intended to target? Early on, some bar I sympathize with the anguish of Ukrainian film- fighting for.
As the orchestra’s director, Martin May, explained owners emptying bottles and governors who tried to makers who have seen their homes, and in some As for the Cardiff Philharmonic, it’s not giving up
to me in an email, the philharmonic weighed several get Russian vodka out of state liquor stores relied cases their work, destroyed. But even some filmmak- on Russian music. “We have no plans to change our
factors in deciding to cancel the concert. One was more on stereotypes than on the state of the booze ers who accept Russian government funding manage summer and autumn programmes,” May wrote,
that “a member of the orchestra has family directly business. Shunning Stolichnaya vodka, for example, to produce tough, independent movies. It makes “which contain pieces by Rachmaninoff, Prokofiev
involved in the Ukraine situation.” A second was hits Latvian distillers and a Luxembourg-based con- more sense to blacklist Russian officials involved and Rimsky-Korsakof.” Thank goodness for that.

Coming Up This Week

MON. MARCH 14 AT 12:30 P.M.
Fatih Birol, Executive Director, International Energy Agency

Birol addresses the impact of the Russian invasion of Ukraine on the global energy economy.

MON. MARCH 14 AT 2:00 P.M.

David Malpass, President, World Bank Group

Malpass discusses the global financial implications of Russia’s war in Ukraine and what support is being offered to the people of the region.

TUES. MARCH 15 AT 12:30 P.M.

Author, “Searching for Peace: A Memoir of Israel”

The former Israeli prime minister talks about his efforts to negotiate peace in the region, the future of the Middle East and the position he believes Israel should take
on the war in Ukraine.

WED. MARCH 16 AT 10:00 A.M.

Marie Yovanovitch, Former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine

The former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine shares her story, as written in her new book, “Lessons from the Edge,” and speaks about what the future holds for Ukraine.

WED. MARCH 16 AT 12:00 P.M.

Wil Haygood, Author, “Colorization: One Hundred Years of Black Films in a White World”

As the Oscars approach, the author dissects the past, present and future of Black representation in front of and behind the camera.

WED. MARCH 16 AT 1:30 P.M.

Gen. David H. Berger, Commandant, U.S. Marine Corps

The commandant of the U.S. Marine Corps assesses the latest developments in Ukraine and the impact the conflict has on the future of warfare.

WED. MARCH 16 AT 3:00 P.M.

Amanda Nguyen, Founder & CEO, Rise

Nguyen discusses the rise in anti-Asian hate crimes since the coronavirus pandemic and her organization’s work in raising greater awareness.



Joyce Bromberg, Managing Principal & Co-Founder, Vanguard Collaborative and Sandy Speicher, CEO, IDEO
Content from JLL Technologies: Mihir Shah, Co-CEO, JLL Technologies

Industry leaders examine how human-centered design and technology can facilitate collaboration, encourage creativity and increase productivity as employees return
to the office after remote work.

THURS. MARCH 17 AT 1:30 P.M.

Rep. Michael R. Turner (R-Ohio)

The ranking Republican on the House Intelligence Committee discusses the additional steps he supports to boost Ukraine, including lethal aid.

THURS. MARCH 17 AT 3:00 P.M.

Mikko Hautala, Finnish Ambassador to the United States

Finland’s Ambassador to the United States addresses how the war in Ukraine has led his country to rethink its relationship with NATO, pushed Europe to cut its
dependence on Russian energy and upended the international order.

FRI. MARCH 18 AT 9:00 A.M.

The Post’s Jonathan Capehart, Ruth Marcus and George F. Will

A smart, inside take on the day’s politics – a reporter debrief followed by a roundtable discussion with Post opinions columnists.

To register for upcoming events and watch recent interviews with Washington Post Live, visit or scan code:

approx. 12 a.m.
The war in Ukraine is D.C. public schools will A Fairfax County high
8 a.m. Noon 4 p.m. 8 p.m.
44° reviving beliefs about end their mask mandate school’s “holistic”
Precip: 95% Russia and end-times Wednesday, in another admissions policy remains
44 36 32 28
° ° ° ° Wind: NW
12-25 mph biblical prophecy. B2 covid protocol rollback. B3 invalid after challenge. B3

Two dead after SUV crash outside Northwest D.C. restaurant Virginia
At least 9 injured when
vehicle runs into outdoor
hospitals, including the two who
died, authorities said. Three peo-
ple remained in critical condi-
tion Friday evening. The crash
The gray Subaru SUV sudden-
ly appeared to accelerate onto
the patio, one witness said,
where about 16 diners were sit-
patrons at the Parthenon occurred about 12:15 p.m. out-
side the Parthenon, on a street
lined with shops and other res-
taurants that typically teem with
ting. “It was going super-fast,
like police-car fast,” said Becky
Pulles, who was seated with a
friend at an outdoor table at a

Two women died and at least

pedestrians and motorists.
Police said it appeared the
SUV’s driver lost control while
heading north on Connecticut
Starbucks about 75 feet from the
Michael Harrison, a manager
at the restaurant, said he was at a
hit back
nine other people were injured Avenue. Most of the victims, window inside the lounge area as
when the driver of a small SUV police said, were having lunch on the SUV barreled toward the
crashed into patrons outside a the Greek restaurant’s outdoor patio. The driver “looked like he YOUNGKIN URGED TO
restaurant along Connecticut patio, under its signature blue- was confused as to why he END PARENT TIP LINE
Avenue in Northwest Washing- and-white awning that juts out couldn’t stop,” Harrison said. “I
ton at lunchtime Friday, accord- over the sidewalk, enjoying a saw the car hop the curb and
ing to D.C. police and fire offi- sunny day before a potent winter start plowing everything in its CRAIG HUDSON FOR THE WASHINGTON POST Purge of ‘divisive’ ideas
cials. storm was threatening snow Sat- way,” he said. Police said it appeared the driver lost control in Friday’s crash must halt, officials say
Eight people were taken to urday. SEE CRASH ON B6 outside the Northwest Washington restaurant around 12:15 p.m.


richmond — All 133 Virginia

Buds before the bloom public school division superin-

tendents have urged Gov. Glenn
Youngkin (R) to scrap the “tip
line” set up to let parents com-
plain about teachers and princi-
pals and have asked him to stop
his campaign against the teach-
ing of “divisive” content in
The superintendents voiced
their concerns in a letter Thurs-
day to Jillian Balow, the state
superintendent of schools, say-
ing a recent administration re-
port that rooted out policies
aimed at racial equity was mis-
guided and prepared without
input from school districts
around the state.
“Division superintendents dis-
agree with your assumption that
discriminatory and divisive con-
cepts have become widespread in
Virginia school divisions,” states
the letter from Howard Kiser,
executive director of the Virginia
Association of School Superin-
It faults Balow for condemn-
ing and discontinuing a slate of
racial equity programs “without
having involved educators in for-
mulating that position or with-
out having provided evidence to
support that position.”
In a written statement, Balow
responded that the letter “fails to
reflect the good faith efforts”
that she and Virginia Education
Secretary Aimee Guidera en-
gaged in with the superinten-

Md. county

Alonso McBryde, a National Park Service

tree worker, trims twigs from a cherry tree
at the Tidal Basin in Washington on
could bring
Friday. The Park Service is projecting that
this year’s peak bloom for the cherry
police back
blossoms, when 70 percent of them are
open, will be March 23-25.
to schools
Effort renews debate in
Montgomery as violence
increases on campuses


Less than six months after

Maryland’s largest jurisdiction
pulled police out of its public
schools, Montgomery County of-
ficials are weighing a plan that
would bring officers back into

Filings: Bowser besting Robert White Teen acquitted of most school buildings, reviving a testy
debate in the liberal county over
school security and student well-


Reports otherwise paint
charges in Taser case $816,737 — while White spent
more than twice as much as the
Under the new plan, which
Montgomery County interim su-
Mayor Muriel E. Bowser (D) mayor out of his campaign chest perintendent Monifa McKnight’s
outraised challenger Robert C. a competitive picture of in February and early March, BY S TEVE T HOMPSON “That’s punishment enough as administration introduced at a
White Jr. in February and early trying to spark his bid. far as I’m concerned, and I hope meeting last month, police offi-
March as she seeks a third term
many June D.C. elections Bowser touted her fundraising A Black teenager whose force- he learned a lesson from that,” cers would be given “work sta-
as D.C. mayor. And with three lead on Twitter, trumpeting her ful arrest along Ocean City’s said Judge W. Newton Jackson tions” in county high schools,
months to go until the June “grassroots campaign.” Robert boardwalk last summer was cap- III, a Wicomico County Circuit instead of being called in only
primary and just weeks left to member Robert White (D-At White also put a positive spin on tured in a viral video, eliciting Court judge who was filling in at during emergencies, as is cur-
qualify for the ballot, it was not Large) reported more than his numbers, noting that he had outrage from civil rights activists the Maryland District Court in rently the case. They would wear
clear how much the other coun- $56,000 in contributions for his more individual contributions and concern from state officials, Ocean City. plain clothes instead of police
cil member challenging the may- mayoral bid. After including from D.C. residents than in the was acquitted of most charges Griffin, who had been visiting uniforms, to make them appear
or, Trayon White Sr., raised be- funds from the city’s public cam- last report at the end of January Friday. from Cecil County to celebrate his more approachable. And they
cause he did not submit an paign financing program, which — in which he outraised the A judge convicted Taizier Grif- high school graduation when po- would handle investigations of
on-time campaign finance re- multiplies donor dollars, Bowser mayor’s donor contributions by fin of disorderly conduct after lice stopped him, walked out of specific types of criminal activity,
port. also has significantly more cash $3,268. “I’ve been in races where tossing more-serious charges court with a fine and court costs such as sexual assault and inci-
Bowser reported more than on hand going into the final I’ve been outraised before and pressed by officers who alleged he adding up to $257.50. He plans to dents in which guns are used, but
$182,000 in contributions from months of the primary campaign I’ve won because no amount of had assaulted them and resisted appeal. stay out of other disciplinary
individual donors from Feb. 1 to — more than $2.7 million, com- money can beat a movement of arrest, noting police shot Griffin “The only lesson to be learned issues like possession of marijua-
March 10, while D.C. Council pared with Robert White’s SEE CAMPAIGN ON B4 with a Taser. SEE TRIAL ON B4 SEE POLICE ON B4

Why Russia’s invasion of Ukraine holds significance in end-times circles
BY S ARAH P ULLIAM B AILEY scales,” he said. “Whenever Rus- some of these leaders have fo-
sia gets involved, it’s like, ‘Ah here cused on “Islamic terrorism,” par-
The war in Ukraine has reignit- it is, it’s the final conflict.’” ticularly on the role of Iran be-
ed beliefs among some conserva- Some evangelicals once be- cause of how Persia is described
tive evangelicals that Russia lieved that Mikhail Gorbachev, in the Old Testament. And any-
could help fulfill biblical prophe- the former leader of the Soviet thing involving Israel especially
cies about the end of the world. Union, was the Antichrist, in part provokes commentary about
These evangelicals, particularly because he had a birthmark on God’s active role in the world.
charismatic Christians who focus his forehead that conjured up “There are a lot of people who
on end-times theories, have long concerns that it could be “the are cheaply saying [Russia’s war
believed that Russia has a special mark of the beast,” a biblical sign in Ukraine] is prophetically sig-
role to play in the end times and for Satan in the end times. nificant,” Hummel said. “You get
are sharing new theories about Perhaps Putin is “an Antichrist some credibility for saying pro-
why the invasion of Ukraine of our current time,” said Jeff phetic things are happening, but
might be part of God’s plan. Kinley, who writes on biblical they lose credibility if they try to
Earlier this month, California prophecy and lives in Harrison, specify anything. A lot of these
megachurch pastor Greg Laurie, Ark., in a recent interview with people don’t have a clear sense of
who was part of President Donald the Christian Broadcasting Net- what the U.S. should be doing, but
Trump’s inner circle of pastor-ad- work. However, Brown said he they want the credibility of saying
visers, told his followers he saw a thinks Putin is unlike the Anti- they’re on the right side of inter-
“prophetic significance” to what christ because most of the world preting these things.”
is happening in Ukraine. And appears hostile to Putin while the Recent events have given rise
Christian Broadcasting Network Antichrist as described in the to older narratives about Russia,
founder Pat Robertson suggested Bible will bring the whole world but they’ve also scrambled them,
Russian President Vladimir Putin under his sway. said Amy Frykholm, a senior edi-
was “compelled by God” to attack A Feb. 20-24 Washington Post- tor for the Christian Century
Ukraine. Since then, people who ABC News poll found that White magazine and author of “Rapture
engage in prophecy have been evangelical Christians were just FILIP SINGER/EPA-EFE/SHUTTERSTOCK Culture: Left Behind in Evangeli-
giving their own biblical interpre- as negative toward Russia and Ukrainian refugees arrive at Berlin Central Station on Wednesday. Some American religious cal America.” Frykholm said re-
tations of global events, particu- supportive of sanctions as Ameri- conservatives have framed Russia’s invasion of Ukraine as part of the Bible’s end-times prophecies. cent events have complicated
larly around Russia’s role in trig- cans overall. Among White evan- how people see Russia’s role in
gering the end of the world. gelicals, 47 percent said Russia is moved by fear,” Brown said. “It north,” described in the Book of literal reading of the Bible called the end times, including how
A Rapture Index that tracks an enemy of the United States provided an insight into how we Daniel, as Russia. Hal Lindsey’s dispensationalism, said Chris- some right-wing commentators
what it sees as end-times activity and another 33 percent said it is could quickly get to a situation 1970 bestseller “The Late Great tians would write in the 1840s have been more complimentary
recently increased its index to 187 unfriendly. Similarly, 68 percent where everyone agreed world- Planet Earth” also popularized and 1850s about Russia using of Putin’s actions.
out of 200. The index hit 182 after supported sanctions and 51 per- wide to certain standards. If you the idea that Russia was the land literal connections between the Within the past decade,
Sept. 11, 2001. In its most recent cent said they would still support don’t do this, you can’t partici- of Magog, the prophesied invader Bible and what would happen in Trump’s rise to power also had
update, it notes climate change, them if energy prices went up. pate in real life.” of Israel in the Book of Ezekiel. the future. Other Christians tend- some altering prophetic predic-
the coronavirus and the rise of oil White evangelicals were also Based on some Christians’ in- In their best-selling 1995 book ed to see biblical descriptions as tions, she said, because he didn’t
prices as factors for recent chang- much more likely to say they terpretation of Revelation, the “Left Behind: A Novel of the more symbolic or allegorical. fit with past narratives about how
es. disapprove of the way President New Testament’s final book, Jesus Earth’s Last Days,” Jerry B. Jen- Christians using a more literal the world was going to end and
Conservative Christians have Biden has handled the situation will return to Earth, believers will kins and the late evangelical pas- interpretation draw connections Christians would be raptured, and
long looked at world events and with Ukraine (75 percent) than be raptured to heaven and will tor Tim LaHaye cast Russia as between Russia and biblical he didn’t also quite represent a
pointed to biblical references as Americans overall (47 percent). leave unbelievers behind. Magog in a modern-day version prophecy and look to a reference theology where conservative
signs that what is happening in Brown said he understands For many White evangelicals, of the Book of Ezekiel. “Left Be- in the Book of Ezekiel where it Christians seek power themselves.
the world could fulfill biblical why recent global events, includ- Russia is part of that narrative, hind” opens focusing on Israel, speaks of the Prince of Rosh, “For so much of the 20th cen-
prophecy, and this time is no ing the pandemic, seem to disturb said Matthew Avery Sutton, a but then Russia attacks Israel for which sounds like Russia. During tury, it felt like for a lot of evangeli-
different, said Michael Brown, some conservative evangelicals. Washington State University his- a new technology, setting the the Cold War, Christian leaders cals, everything that happened felt
host of the Charlotte-based Chris- Many, he said, are concerned tory professor and author of stage for the end times. would apply American under- like it fit the prophetic pattern:
tian radio show “The Line of Fire.” about vaccine mandates and the “American Apocalypse: A History “The apocalyptic obsession ebbs standings of good and evil, view- Israel becoming a nation, the Cold
“When you have Christians World Health Organization as of Modern Evangelicalism.” and flows in moments of crisis,” ing Communism as an evil force. War and the way it was divided in
who already think about how possible preparation for a one- Literature from people such as Sutton said. “We’re at another mo- In recent decades, Christians, good vs. evil, and the atomic
we’re living in the last days and world government, or one inter- John Nelson Darby after the Civil ment where prophecy is invoked to especially those in Pentecostal or bomb,” Frykholm said. “It was built
they see the continual moral de- national leader who will make War, and the Scofield Bible in make sense of current events.” charismatic traditions, have seen on reading the news as if it was the
cline of America, they see the decisions for the globe. 1909, have tied Russia to biblical Daniel Hummel, a historian of global events, such as the modern Bible and reading the Bible as if it
Church being marginalized, it “We got a sneak preview on a narratives. The Scofield Bible religion who is working on a book state of Israel, as a fulfillment of was the news. I’m not sure you can
doesn’t take much to tip the small level for how people can be identifies a “kingdom of the about a system that emphasizes a God’s prophecies. Since 9/11, do that with this current situation.”

Faith groups oppose Texas order to criminalize gender-a∞rming care

who they are?” chives of Sexual Behavior in Janu- that said “criminalize child transi-
Church leaders are The pastor’s opposition to the
governor’s move is also personal:
ary found that 81.1 percent of
evangelical Protestants disagreed
tions.” Neidert recorded the inter-
action in a now-viral video.
offering refuge to young Kanter’s 21-year-old son is trans- or strongly disagreed that adoles- “Obviously, we were frustrated
transgender Texans gender.
“My son is one of the most well-
cents should be able to transition
with hormones or surgery if they
that Jeff didn’t get to speak, but I
guess everyone being interested in
adjusted and life-affirming people I identify with another gender. It what happened, and everyone see-
know. He has thrived in his life since also found that nearly half (49.4 ing how these students and pro-
BY K ATHRYN P OST his transition and has dedicated his percent) of self-identified main- testers were acting, we take that as
life to service in health care and line Protestants disagreed or a win,” Neidert said.
When Gov. Greg Abbott (R) of helping people thrive,” Kanter wrote strongly disagreed with the state- As the protest went on, the Den-
Texas directed his state’s Depart- in a letter published March 2 in the ment, as did 69.1 percent of Pente- ton Wesley Foundation, an affirm-
ment of Family and Protective Ser- Dallas Morning News. “As a person costals, 80.3 percent of Mormons, ing United Methodist campus
vices to investigate medical treat- of faith, I know that God’s creation, 24.4 percent of liberal Protestants ministry, opened its campus center
ments for transgender adolescents which includes people of various and 39.4 percent of Catholics. as a place for trans students, some
as child abuse last month, the Rev. gender identities, should be treated Abbott’s action has brought of whom were disturbed by the
Daniel Kanter, senior minister of as sacred and dignified and holy.” more faith groups into the contro- events on campus, to safely gather.
First Unitarian Church of Dallas, Other clergy are also speaking versy. Last week, students at the First United Methodist Church of
called the news a “gut punch.” out against Abbott’s order. The Rev. University of North Texas (UNT), Denton also provided food and vol-
The governor’s directive, which Lisa Hunt, rector of St. Stephen’s ERIC GAY/ASSOCIATED PRESS in Denton, turned out to protest a unteers to care for the students.
Friday was blocked in a temporary Episcopal Church in Houston and A judge on Friday blocked Gov. Greg Abbott’s order for officials to speech by Jeff Younger, a candi- The campus ministry sees sup-
injunction issued by a Texas judge, board president of the church’s investigate transgender youths’ medical treatment as child abuse. date for the Texas House of Repre- porting trans individuals as a
had convinced hospitals in the school, published her own letter to sentatives who has vocally op- chance to show students the
state, including the largest pediat- the editor in the Houston Chroni- Leaders at Celebration Church, and providers who offer gender- posed gender-affirming surgeries. church as a welcoming presence.
ric care center in the United States, cle objecting to the governor’s dic- an Evangelical Lutheran Church in affirming care,” said Amber Har- Younger was invited to the cam- “We had lots of students that we
to stop administering puberty- tate. Hunt told RNS: “We are a America congregation in Cypress, bolt, ministry coordinator at Cel- pus by UNT’s Young Conservatives hadn’t met before that got to have
suppressing drugs and hormones. church-based school, and I was Tex., seek to be hospitable toward ebration Lutheran. “To hear that of Texas (YCT) branch, but he and a positive experience of a religious
The governor’s letter said teach- very committed to making sure our LGBTQ individuals through mis- in a Christian context, particularly one of the event’s organizers, Kelly community that some of them
ers, nurses, doctors and other li- families knew there were others sion partnerships, support groups in a state like Texas, and in any Neidert, left the venue with a police have never had in their whole life,”
censed professionals could face standing in solidarity with them. and by expressly welcoming people rather conservative area like Cy- escort after the speech drew some said the Rev. Marianne Brown-
criminal penalties for failing to “The fact that children would of every gender identity and sexual press, is itself an act of resistance.” 60 protesters inside the event with Trigg, a campus minister and the
report the treatments. be used as a weapon . . . it’s violent, orientation in Sunday liturgy. The By and large, Christian leaders another 500 gathered outside, ac- foundation’s executive director.
“I’m talking to parents of trans- in a rhetorical way, and in a civil Sunday after Abbott issued his di- only rarely support transgender cording to Neidert’s estimate. “That’s what’s been important
gender kids in our church. All of a discourse kind of way,” Hunt said. rective, the service included a people’s rights. A July 2021 Pew Re- Neidert told RNS the event was for us,” Brown-Trigg added, “is just
sudden they are lawyering up and Hunt said families with trans prayer for trans youth, their par- search Center survey found that just planned before the governor is- being a witness that God loves
thinking about moving out of the children in her community are ents and families, and for those who 12 percent of Protestants and 19 per- sued his directive and was intend- trans kids and God loves trans
state,” Kanter told Religion News also considering moving out of provide gender-affirming care. cent of Catholics believe greater ac- ed to be an internal YCT meeting young adults, and trying to erase
Service (RNS). “They are in part Texas because of safety concerns “I think we can underestimate ceptance of transgender people is introducing a local candidate. the narrative that so many church-
asking the question, what kind of and said others are asking wheth- the impact of prayer and explicit very good for society, compared with However, in the weeks leading up es have written before us in the
Texas is this, that targets them for er it is still safe to display LGBTQ- statements in worship in support 39 percent of unaffiliated people. to the event, a student confronted lives of these students.”
trying to help their children be affirming flags. of trans youth and trans families A study published in the Ar- Neidert as she was printing a flier — Religion News Service

All Virginia school superintendents ask Youngkin to end tip line for complaints
SCHOOLS FROM B1 paign last year to end the teach- teachers or principals exposing cept. “Your use of ‘equitable op- it’s based on an “inaccurate as-
ing of critical race theory, an students to materials deemed portunities’ in lieu of ‘equitable sessment” that schools are sub-
“The specific requests listed in academic framework for study- objectionable. outcomes,’ without considering par.
the letter are actions that the ing systemic racism. The concept The Balow report said it found those factors that impact student “Again, by most measures, Vir-
Secretary and I offered to the has never been in the Virginia evidence of critical race theory in achievement in underserved ginia ranks near the top and
superintendents as a way to keep K-12 curriculum, but Youngkin training and other resources in communities, can set public edu- surpasses most states through-
open productive channels of tapped into grievances from con- the Virginia education system, cation back many years,” they out the country,” the letter says.
communication that could lead servative parents focused on the and it suspended those pro- wrote. “Quality education in Vir- The superintendents call on
to partnership and ensure we are issue. grams. It also took aim at the ginia has to be more than provid- the administration to conduct
serving all students in Virginia,” The first executive order concept of “equity,” asserting that ing opportunities and hoping for regular meetings with school di-
Balow wrote. Youngkin issued within hours of the term means all students de- the best.” vision leaders and keep them in
The superintendents were re- being inaugurated Jan. 15 was serve the same outcome when The letter also faulted the the loop on future studies and
acting to an interim report that aimed at banning critical race they should, instead, be offered Youngkin administration for re- reports. And the tip line, they say,
Balow issued last month aimed at theory. He later announced the the same opportunity. peatedly claiming that it is “re- “impedes positive relationships” STEVE HELBER/ASSOCIATED PRESS

fulfilling promises Youngkin establishment of a tip line for The superintendents pushed storing excellence” to the state’s and therefore “needs to be termi- Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin
made during the political cam- parents to tell the state about back strongly against that con- public education system, saying nated.” (R) at an interview last month.

Music to our ears: Free tickets to Tank and the Bangas on March 21 at 9:30 Club
“[The] Grammy-nominated, New Orleans-based R&B band [is] fronted by Tarriona Ball (aka Tank), a singer and poet who can
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Subscriber Exclusives Red Balloon, is set for release on May 13. “It’s going to make you bop and think and love, hopefully, and even love people that
look different,” notes the band. “There’s no leaving a Tank and the Bangas performance in a bad mood” (
See details at


Arlington jail personnel, health-care provider sued over man’s 2020 death
BY R ACHEL W EINER needed.” for an alleged violation of proba- time that day, at 6:59 a.m., and demeanor; his next court date is damages for emotional and finan-
Since Becton’s death, Arlington tion for unauthorized use of a that he was not given the medica- in May. He is also named in the cial costs, alleging negligence and
When Darryl Becton was has hired a different jail health- motor vehicle. According to the tion he was already prescribed for lawsuit. His defense attorney de- violations of his federal civil
brought into the Arlington, Va., care provider and the county pros- court record, a deputy noted Bec- hypertension. For the next nine clined to comment. rights. Relatives described Becton
jail, according to a lawsuit filed by ecutor has charged a nurse with ton reported recent opioid use hours, Becton is reported once as A spokeswoman for Arlington as a warm and supportive son,
his family, he told staffers he was falsifying medical records. But Ju- and heart problems, adding that vomiting and once as giving a Sheriff Beth Arthur declined to grandson, nephew, uncle, father
coming off opioids and had high lius Spain Sr., head of the Arling- he “believes he will experience “grunt” at lunch. Jail records indi- comment, saying the lawsuit had and grandfather who made cook-
blood pressure and heart prob- ton branch of the NAACP, says the withdrawals.” A similar report cate that he “refused” medica- not yet been served on the office. ing seafood or buying school sup-
lems. But, the lawsuit says, he was county has failed to properly ad- was logged by a different deputy tions at 2:34 p.m., but none of the Corizon Health did not immedi- plies a memorable event.
ignored for hours as he under- dress the problem. Seven men of the following day, after Becton required documentation for such ately respond to a request for “Darryl’s life mattered,” his
went severe withdrawal, left to die color have died — one by suicide — appeared in court. a refusal was provided. comment. aunt Ramona Pugh told reporters
in a cell. in the Arlington County Deten- That lawsuit asserts that al- Becton was found unrespon- Arlington County Board Vice Friday. “Darryl was loved.”
Becton died on Oct. 1, 2020, of tion Facility in the past seven though the jail staff was directed sive at 4:18 p.m. by a counselor Chair Christian Dorsey (D) said in They said they received no de-
what a state medical examiner years. The most recent death by a nurse to follow procedures for with the Department of Human a statement that it would be “inap- tails or support from officials,
described as hypertensive cardio- came last month, after Corizon’s monitoring opioid withdrawal, no Services who looked in on his cell. propriate” to comment on a law- leaving them struggling to under-
vascular disease complicated by departure. one recorded Becton’s vital signs He was not breathing, according suit pending against the sheriff’s stand what happened to Becton
opiate withdrawal. His sister Mo- The Arlington NAACP is plan- at any time on Sept. 30, 2020. to the records, had no pulse and office and Corizon Health. and why. Krudys said that, as is
nique Ford, who administers his ning to ask the Justice Depart- Early the next morning, the was “cool to the touch.” He was “The members of the Board often the case, responses came
estate, announced Friday that she ment to open a civil rights investi- lawsuit says, nurses recorded Bec- pronounced dead 30 minutes lat- remain committed to thorough only through his investigation
is suing the Arlington sheriff, gation of the Arlington County ton’s blood pressure as “alarming- er. and professional investigations in and that he did not yet have full
health-care provider Corizon jail. ly high” and he was given Tylenol, Antoine Smith, the nurse these circumstances, as well as documentation.
Health and several jail staffers, “Justice has not been served Pepto Bismol and medications for charged with falsifying a medical necessary reforms to ensure the Becton’s mother, Florence
saying they are responsible for the yet, and there needs to be some anxiety, nausea and hypertension. record, documented visiting Bec- utmost care for our community Pugh, remains angry and dis-
46-year-old’s death. level of accountability,” Spain His blood pressure remained ton’s cell around 9:50 a.m. Sept. 30 members,” he added. “We will con- traught.
“This is a tragedy that did not said. “We cannot sit idly by and high, the suit says, and he report- and seeing “no acute distress.” tinue to be responsive to the needs “I hurt every day,” she said. “I’m
have to occur,” her attorney, Mark watch our citizens die in this jail- ed tremors, vomiting, diarrhea, According to jail records, the law- of our residents in order to live up so mad. I’m hurt. And I’m disgust-
Krudys, said at a news conference house.” headache and severe body ache. suit says, Becton was in court at to our belief that ‘each person is ed and I’m fed up.”
Friday outside the jail. “He did not Becton was brought into Ar- The lawsuit says that his vital the time Smith said he checked on important.’ ”
receive the medical care that he lington custody on Sept. 29, 2020, signs were taken only one more him. Smith is charged with a mis- Becton’s family is asking for Teo Armus contributed to this report.


School system lifts mask mandate Judge deals blow to admissions policy
with parents determining if their gile” students and staff and is still BY H ANNAH N ATANSON
children need to remain home if assessing whether it will change AND R ACHEL W EINER
Charters can decide someone in their classroom tests its mask policies.
whether they want to positive. In recent weeks, as the CDC A federal judge has denied the
“It is essential for our students loosened its guidance, school of- request of Fairfax County Public
keep their requirements to be fully up to date on their ficials said they received an up- Schools for a stay of his order
vaccines, including their booster tick in feedback about the mask invalidating the admissions sys-
shots, to protect themselves from mandate, both from people who tem at prestigious magnet school
BY P ERRY S TEIN COVID-19 AND to remain in the wanted to keep it and those who Thomas Jefferson High School for
classroom if they are identified as wanted it lifted. Science and Technology, marking
The District’s public school a close contact of an individual The D.C. State Board of Educa- another serious blow for Vir-
system will no longer require with COVID-19,” Ferebee wrote in tion said ahead of Ferebee’s an- ginia’s largest school system.
students and staff to wear masks a letter to families Friday. nouncement that its members The stay, if granted, would have
indoors, Chancellor Lewis D. Fer- Ferebee struck an agreement believe that schools should keep allowed the school district of
ebee announced. The optional with the Washington Teachers’ the mask mandate in place. 180,000 to proceed with the cur-
masking policy will go into effect Union on how to reopen schools in “We believe, that for the near rent admissions system, a “holis-
Wednesday. the fall that states that masks are future, the mask mandate should tic review” process that takes into
The announcement Friday ar- required inside school buildings. remain in place for indoor spaces account factors such as socioeco- KATHERINE FREY/THE WASHINGTON POST

rives days after the city’s health But — now contradicting that — in schools to protect our young- nomic status, for applicants to the Fairfax schools sought to have Thomas Jefferson High School keep
department changed its guidance the agreement also says that the est students,” the board’s state- Class of 2026. its “holistic review” process in place to increase student diversity.
for education facilities, giving pub- school district should align with ment reads. “We strongly support The Thomas Jefferson admis-
lic and private schools and child guidance from the Centers for increasing District efforts to pro- sions cycle for these students is He ordered Fairfax to cease using board, argued there isn’t time to
care facilities the choice of making Disease Control and Prevention, mote vaccination of all eligible “already well underway,” Fairfax its revised admissions system. start over this month when 2,500
masks optional. And it marks the which does not recommend children, to expand high-quality School Board Chair Stella Pekarsky Hilton was ruling as part of a students have already started ap-
latest rollback of covid protocols masks inside school buildings in masks and at-home Covid tests to said previously, and U.S. District lawsuit challenging changes to plying under the revised Thomas
in schools as case numbers contin- the vast majority of the country. increase robust outdoor educa- Judge Claude Hilton’s failure to the Thomas Jefferson admissions Jefferson admissions system.
ue to drop across the country. Jacqueline Pogue Lyons, presi- tion options for every school to grant a stay would cause “distress system, which were enacted in Rewari also said “the court’s
The new guidance could result dent of the Washington Teachers’ help reach a negligible rate of and uncertainty” for these students. 2020 in hopes of boosting diversi- decision breaks new legal
in more quarantining and virtual Union, said she would support community spread.” But at a hearing Friday, Hilton ty at the school. The school is often ground,” and that “the Fourth
learning for unvaccinated stu- lifting the mask mandate so long D.C.’s youngest learners — 3- denied the school board’s request, ranked the top public high school Circuit could well reach a differ-
dents. The school system is stop- as the school system reinstates it and 4-year-olds — are still not saying there might be “some mi- in the country but has historically ent conclusion in this case.” Hil-
ping detailed contact tracing. The if case numbers rise. eligible for coronavirus vaccines. nor inconvenience” involved in enrolled single-digit percentages ton said there was some “likeli-
new rules require students and Charter schools, which edu- The school system sends these changing the admissions system of Black and Hispanic students. hood of success” for the school
staff who are unvaccinated to quar- cate more than 40 percent of the children home with rapid tests immediately but “I just don’t find The lawsuit was brought by the board on appeal, but that the
antine for at least five days if they city’s public school students, can when someone tests positive in irreparable harm.” He added that parent and alumni advocacy possibility wasn’t enough to con-
are a close contact of someone in a decide whether they want to keep the classroom. They can return to “this is not a new subject” and the group Coalition for TJ, which op- vince him to grant the stay.
classroom who tests positive for their mask requirements. school without quarantining school “studied this many times.” poses the admissions changes Erin Wilcox, representing the
the virus, even if they are masked KIPP DC, the city’s largest char- with proof of a negative test. Asked Friday what Fairfax will and is being represented pro bono Coalition for TJ, said in court that
and more than three feet away ter school, said it will survey staff Most of the District’s neighbor- do regarding current applicants, by a California-based conserva- if the school board was struggling
from the person who tests positive. and families next week to deter- ing counties have already school spokeswoman Julie Moult tive legal group with a history of now it was because they “ignored
Just 25 percent of eligible D.C. mine if they want to drop the dropped their mask mandates. said, “On that specific point, we fighting affirmative action. this court’s warning” six months
children between the ages of 5 and indoor mask requirement. Ray- The Montgomery County Public are looking at options and would Fairfax’s revisions to admissions ago that an alternative might be
11 are vaccinated, with vast dispar- mond Weeden, executive director Schools Board of Education voted hope to have some clarity soon.” included removing a $100 applica- necessary.
ities in vaccination rates by ward. of Thurgood Marshall Academy — unanimously Tuesday to drop the She added that school board tion fee and a notoriously difficult Asra Nomani, a founder of Co-
The city has not released school- a public charter high school in mask mandate effective immedi- members have said failing to test. In the first and only year the alition for TJ and an alumni par-
by-school vaccination data, but Southeast Washington — said the ately for the school system of challenge Hilton’s ruling “would new system took effect, for the Class ent, said outside court that many
based on vaccination rates by school’s mask mandate will remain roughly 160,000 students. Fairfax be tantamount to abandoning all of 2025, the admitted class saw its admissions tests exist that would
ward, students who attend school’s intact for now. The school will County, Virginia’s largest district, race-neutral diversity efforts percentage of Black and Hispanic in no way be discriminatory. She
in the most low-income wards are gather feedback from staff, parents has also dropped its mandate. within our school community as a students grow while the percentage was responding to Fairfax school
the least likely to be vaccinated. and students on its next steps. Prince George’s County has whole.” She said the board is of Asian admits fell from a typical officials asserting they cannot go
Since schools do not track who Friendship, the second largest said that it would drop its mask reviewing its options. 70 percent to about 50 percent. back to administering the admis-
is vaccinated, they will rely on an charter network, said it has a mandate once the county’s vacci- “This ruling is so inconsistent Earlier this month, Fairfax offi- sions test offered before the 2020
honor system for quarantines, high number of “medically fra- nation rate reaches 80 percent. with current law on diversity ef- cials, who have denied all charges changes because that test is no
forts that we cannot stand by and of discrimination, filed a court longer available.
allow it to go unchallenged,” Peka- petition asking Hilton for a stay of “Just pick another test,” No-
rsky said in a statement Friday. his order. Pekarsky said at the mani said. She called the ruling
L O TTER I ES L OC AL DIGEST “We cannot walk away now after time that Hilton’s ruling “is not “remarkable” and “wonderful,”
making so much progress toward supported by law” and that Fair- while adding it was “unconsciona-
Results from March 11 a fair and equitable system.” fax is considering appealing. She ble” that the Fairfax school system
In February, Hilton found that also said, “Fairfax believes that is continuing to defend an admis-
DISTRICT THE REGION submitted his intention to retire Fairfax’s holistic review admis- our new application process will sions process deemed unconstitu-
Day/DC-3: 0-1-0 later this month after three sions system at Thomas Jefferson eventually be proven to meet all tional by a federal court. “This is
DC-4: 5-0-2-2 Metro reports eighth decades of service, a police constitutes an illegal act of racial legal requirements.” what civil rights are about,” she
DC-5: 2-9-8-8-2 workforce covid death spokesman said. balancing and discriminates At the hearing Friday, Sona said. “The school system has been
Night/DC-3 (Thu.): 6-9-9 WJLA-TV on Thursday aired a against Asian American students. Rewari, representing the school engaging in systemic racism.”
DC-3 (Fri.): 1-0-9 An eighth Metro employee has news story documenting
DC-4 (Thu.): 1-5-5-2 died after contracting the FitzGerald, on five separate
DC-4 (Fri.): 0-0-2-5 coronavirus. occasions over two weeks in
DC-5 (Thu.): 6-5-0-9-6 Transit agency officials said February, being picked up and THE DISTRICT
DC-5 (Fri.): 0-3-1-9-7 Friday that a 34-year-old dropped off in marked police

Day/Pick 3: 1-0-5
Metrobus operator died Jan. 17.
Metro only recently logged her
death on its website, which
vehicles and an unmarked
District-owned SUV while going
from his apartment to a bar and
Friday betrayed no hint of a predicted storm
Pick 4: 2-5-8-2 includes a tally of employee home again. He was dressed in
Pick 5: 7-9-4-7-1 infections and deaths. Metro civilian clothes and appeared to BY M ARTIN W EIL day that seemed to offer a surfeit golden light and happy warmth of
Night/Pick 3 (Thu.): 7-5-9 didn’t identify the employee. be off-duty at the time. of atmospheric benevolence. a steadily strengthening sun.
Pick 3 (Fri.): 6-3-8 The agency has taken steps to Confronted by a reporter, Perhaps our ancestors had in- Little about our alluring Friday A glance at the sky turned up
Pick 4 (Thu.): 9-7-8-0 protect workers during the FitzGerald said it was wrong and stincts that could warn them that seemed to call for wariness or say only a few wisps or streaks of pale
Pick 4 (Fri.): 4-4-7-8 pandemic, such as reducing that he would not do it anymore. springtime splendor of Friday’s it did not really presage a steady and unforeboding cloud.
Pick 5 (Thu.): 2-9-8-5-3 service, lowering the number of FitzGerald declined to sort could give way to a snowy, procession of fine spring days. Passersby seemed calm and
Pick 5 (Fri.): 1-7-0-5-8 employees on shifts and comment when reached by The stormy Saturday. Not only did our high tempera- relaxed, possibly refusing to be
Multi-Match (Thu.): 3-9-24-34-35-43 enforcing rear-door-bus boarding Washington Post. But it seemed unlikely that ture reach 63 degrees, eight above fearful on Friday of what some
Bonus Match 5 (Thu.): 2-14-19-23-36 *32 for nearly a year. In September, — Clarence Williams many of us, unaided by forecasts, average, but it did so under blue suspected could face us on Satur-
Bonus Match 5 (Fri.): 12-14-18-24-33 *38 Metro became one of a handful of could see incipient menace in a skies, on a day filled with the day.
public transportation agencies to
VIRGINIA require its employees to be Toddlers found in car
Day/Pick-3: 5-3-9 ^1 vaccinated or get tested weekly. after slaying, police say
Night/Pick-3 (Thu.):
4-8-8-7 ^7
9-2-6 ^5
— Justin George
Pick-3 (Fri.): 2-9-2 ^5 THE DISTRICT Thursday evening in Northeast
Pick-4 (Thu.): 0-4-2-6 ^1 Washington, and with her in a
Pick-4 (Fri.): 8-6-4-4 ^6 Police commander vehicle were two toddlers, ages 1 ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUNCEMENTS
Cash-5 (Thu.): 12-17-19-23-36 facing probe retires and 2, in the back seat, D.C. police
Cash-5 (Fri.): 12-18-23-30-38 said.
The commander of the D.C. Officers identified the woman
MULTI-STATE GAMES police’s 5th District has opted to as Deshaun Cupid, 30, of Advertise your
Mega Millions: 24-28-39-44-66 **25 retire after the internal affairs Northeast Washington. * Weekly Services * Special Events
Megaplier: 3x department launched an The children were unharmed, * Guest Speakers & Lectures * Bible Study
Cash 4 Life: 6-21-31-36-59 ¶1 investigation and he was placed said Officer Sean Hickman, a * Volunteer Openings
Lucky for Life: 9-22-29-30-47 ‡10 on administrative leave when police spokesman. It was at least *Church & Pastor Anniversaries * Retreats * Concerts
police officials learned he was the the fourth time this year that a * Employment Listings & More
*Bonus Ball **Mega Ball ^Fireball subject of “an investigative news person has been killed in the
¶ Cash Ball ‡Lucky Ball story,” police officials said in a District in front of children. To advertise, email:
For late drawings and other results, check statement Thursday. — Clarence Williams Cmdr. William FitzGerald and Peter Hermann

Bid to return police to Montgomery schools met with relief and frustration
POLICE FROM B1 how to balance mounting con- “I’m wondering why it has to
cerns over security with de- be either-or when it should be
na, school administrators said. mands from activists to address both-and,” Delgado said. “The
The proposal, which came a what they call the over-policing county has the means to do both
few weeks after a school shoot- of underrepresented students. — police and mental health re-
ing in Montgomery County, has The District has kept a school sources.”
been met with relief from some police program in place even Montgomery County Police
parents who say that a stronger though a Police Reform Commis- Chief Marcus Jones said he has
police presence will help to keep sion appointed by the D.C. Coun- always believed in the merit of
their children safer on campuses cil recommended that officers be the county’s SRO program and
amid an uptick in violence. More removed from campuses. In supports McKnight’s new plan to
students have brought weapons Northern Virginia, Alexandria bring police back into schools.
into schools in the past academic City Council members voted in Having a “highly visible” police
year, according to county data. October to reinstate its school presence can help to deter crime
And reports of verbal and physi- resource officer program, revers- on campus, he said.
cal attacks have nearly doubled ing a decision it had made five McKnight’s proposal isn’t sub-
since 2019. months before. ject to a vote by the Board of
But student and community Last year, Montgomery Coun- Education or the County Council.
activists who pushed to remove ty became the first jurisdiction in Rather, the final plan will be
school resource officers (SROs) Maryland to pull police from decided between school adminis-
from campuses last year say schools when Marc Elrich (D), trators and the police depart-
there are ways to improve secu- the county’s top official, an- ment, which were working out
rity without turning to law en- nounced as part of his annual the details late last week. School
forcement. budget proposal that he would officials have said they plan to
They say bringing police back be redeploying school resource meet with more community
into schools would negatively officers to other roles, effectively members and school principals
affect students of color and stu- ending the program. He and before an agreement is complet-
dents with disabilities, who are several members of the all-Dem- ed.
disproportionately targeted by ocratic County Council champi- Council President Gabe Albor-
police on campus. According to oned the removal of police from noz (D-At Large) said in a news
state data, Black students ac- schools last year, intensifying briefing last week that he “trusts
counted for nearly half of all their advocacy on the issue after the leadership” of McKnight and
arrests made in Montgomery video emerged of county police YOUNG PEOPLE FOR PROGRESS
other Board of Education mem-
schools from 2016 to 2019 de- in 2020 handcuffing and berat- Student and community activists protest a Montgomery County proposal to bring police back into bers on the issue of school safety
spite making up only a fifth of ing a Black 5-year-old. school buildings during a county Board of Education meeting in Rockville, Md., on Feb. 24. and that “the council will not
the student body. Elrich, who oversees the police intervene in individual school
“Students have been clear on department, asserted at the time Zakiya Sankara-Jabar, a co- policies.”
what we want, which is no police that while there would be offi- founder of the activist group But council member Will
in schools,” said Amari Mbong- cers in the neighborhoods “I’m at a point where I’m not sure exactly what Racial Justice Now and a parent Jawando (D-At Large) said there
wo, 18, a senior at Albert Einstein around school clusters, “they’re of a second- and ninth-grader in are still ways lawmakers can
High School in Kensington, Md., not going to be parked on the we can do. We’ve presented the data; we’ve done the school system, agreed. “It exert their influence on the
and an activist with the group parking lot, and they won’t be on just seems like MCPS caved too school system. Along with coun-
Young People for Progress, “but the grounds.” the protests; we’ve testified at every possible quickly, and despite the fact that cil member Hans Riemer (D-At
it seems [officials] are choosing He appeared to back away they haven’t done what they Large), Jawando introduced leg-
after all this time to ignore the from this commitment in a news hearing. . . . After all that, they’re literally going needed to do around increasing islation in 2020 that would bar
people with the most stake in conference last month, when he the mental health support in the police from being stationed in
this issue.” said he supported McKnight’s back to the same exact program that we’ve been schools,” she said. schools.
School administrators said proposal to bring police back Other parents, however, say He halted the bill when Elrich
they wanted to review safety into schools. “This is first and fighting against.” McKnight’s proposal doesn’t go removed the SRO positions from
practices, given the increase in foremost a school question,” he Kyson Taylor, senior at Richard Montgomery High School far enough to boost school safety, his budget last spring, but
violence. National staffing short- said. “They’re the ones who have and lead organizer for MoCo Against Brutality given a recent shooting at Jawando said he’s prepared to
ages prevent other options — like to run the schools.” Magruder High School that left revive it if it seems like the only
using security staff employed by Elrich did not respond directly one student critically injured. way to stop police from return-
the school — from being possi- to questions about clarifying his this, to remove these positions ing in more mental health re- The student charged in the ing to school buildings.
ble. But a program that has position last week, saying only from the budget. Where is that sources for students. shooting was armed with a “My position has not
groups of police, called “commu- that he planned to review the now? And what has changed?” he The school system pledged “ghost gun” that he assembled at changed,” said Jawando, who has
nity engagement officers,” patrol final agreement between the said. last year to hire 50 social work- home, police said. been a vocal advocate for dra-
the areas around schools was school system and the police Taylor co-chairs a work group ers, but as of last week, 17 had “What we want is the re-ad- matic police changes in Mont-
already in place. department. that was convened by lawmakers been hired. More are expected ministration of the SRO program gomery. He added that he isn’t
By expanding that program, Kyson Taylor, 17, a senior at last year to study the issue of this school year, officials said. with improvements,” said Eric surprised that the debate over
the school system would not be Richard Montgomery High student safety and well-being, “I’m at a point where I’m not Delgado, a Montgomery father of police in schools has returned so
“encouraging or offering the po- School and a lead organizer for and the group concluded in a sure exactly what we can do,” two who advocated against the quickly, given the recent uptick
licing of students in any way, the group MoCo Against Brutal- report released in October that Taylor said. “We’ve presented the removal of school resource offi- in crime, but that he hopes
shape or form,” Ruschelle Reu- ity, said many student activists the county should decrease po- data; we’ve done the protests; cers last year. He recently trans- officials avoid the “knee-jerk re-
ben, the district’s chief of teach- feel frustrated by what they see lice presence in schools. Taylor we’ve testified at every possible ferred his seventh-grade daugh- action” of returning to old sys-
ing, learning and schools, said at as an about-face from elected and other student activists say hearing. . . . After all that, they’re ter from a county school to a tems such as the SRO program.
a recent meeting. officials on the issue. they believe there are ways to literally going back to the same private Catholic school in part “Change is hard,” Jawando
Across the nation, school sys- “My message to [Elrich] is: tackle school violence without exact program that we’ve been because of concerns for her safe- said. “We have to stay the
tems have been grappling with You took agency last year to do turning to police, such as invest- fighting against.” ty, he said. course.”

Filings show competitive D.C. races Defendant plans to sue Ocean City

people demanding new leader- is: Stop coming on the boardwalk

ship. This campaign is exceeding down here if you expect to be
our own financial goals on every treated fairly by the police,” one of
report and is on track to win in Griffin’s lawyers, William “Billy”
June,” White wrote in an emailed Murphy, said after court. “He
statement. learned that lesson.”
As reports due on Thursday The encounter on June 6 began
evening continued to appear on when Corwin Vincent, an Ocean
the Office of Campaign Finance’s City bicycle officer, spotted Grif-
website on Friday, Trayon White fin exhaling a cloud of vapor
(D-Ward 8) had yet to provide along the boardwalk as he walked
one as he continues his bid for with several companions. (Vap-
mayor. The last report showed ing on the boardwalk is prohibit-
Trayon White far behind Bowser ed by town ordinance.)
and Robert White, with $4,479 Vincent testified in November
on hand as of Jan. 31. Trayon that he stopped his bike and put
White did not respond to a his arm in front of Griffin’s path.
request for comment Friday. He said the teen walked into his
arm and pushed past, and he STEVE THOMPSON/THE WASHINGTON POST

showed in February that Bowser The John Wilson Building, which houses D.C.’s mayoral and considered that an assault. He Taizier Griffin, center, with defense lawyers Malcolm Ruff, left,
holds a strong lead in the mayor- Council offices, on Jan. 15, 2020. said he grabbed Griffin by the and William “Billy” Murphy, speaks after his trial in Ocean City.
al race, with 47 percent of regis- back of his shirt, and things
tered Democrats saying they cur- who was endorsed Thursday by ers using public financing in- escalated until another officer
rently plan to vote for her for a Racine — took in more than clude former Bowser appointee shot Griffin, then 18, with a
third term, compared with 19 $52,000, with more than half of Faith Gibson Hubbard, who Taser. Judge W. Newton Jackson III offered Taizier Griffin
percent supporting Robert his contributions coming from raised $7,775; Ward 5 Democrats Video taken by a friend of
White and 17 percent supporting people outside the District, and chair Gordon-Andrew Fletcher, Griffin’s begins with him facing “probation before judgment,” which would have
Trayon White. spent more than $60,000. Both who raised $6,469; and former officers with his hands up. Sec-
Thursday’s filing deadline for Schwalb and McDuffie are par- Council member Vincent B. Or- onds later, the teen appears to allowed him to avoid a criminal record. The teen
campaign contribution reports ticipating in the public campaign ange, who raised $3,710. Lauren reach for his backpack strap. He is
painted a picture of many of the financing program. That leaves Rogers raised $970, including shot with a Taser and collapses. declined, preserving his right to appeal.
competitive elections in June. In both with cash on hand — $500 from the Stage Hand Officer Joseph Laughlin testified
her bid to unseat Council chair- Schwalb with more than Union. that he deployed his Taser “to end
man Phil Mendelson (D), advi- $119,000, and McDuffie with Taking into account public the altercation.” neously” drew Tasers showed that Murphy said of the disorderly
sory neighborhood commission- more than $744,000 to spend matching funds, which all but Vincent testified that the al- both perceived a threat. conduct conviction: “That’s like
er Erin Palmer raised just over before the June 21 primary. Rogers are accepting, Gibson leged assault — Griffin’s pushing Jackson, in delivering his rul- rolling a spare, one bowling pin
$10,000 during the reporting Attorney Bruce Spiva, who is Hubbard spent the most during past his raised arm — was more ing, did not elaborate on why he remaining, and we’re going to get
period, while Mendelson, who is not participating in the public the period and Parker has the dangerous than officers shooting found Griffin not guilty of as- that knocked down on appeal.”
not accepting public funding campaign financing program, most cash on hand. the teen with a Taser. On Friday, sault, resisting arrest, obstruc- Griffin said he was glad to have
and thus has a much higher limit collected far more during the In Ward 3, most candidates Murphy and another lawyer for tion and carrying a concealed the trial behind him. “I didn’t
on individual contributions, period: more than $143,000, all declared their intention to run in Griffin, Malcolm Ruff, called that weapon (a kitchen knife police know what was going to happen,”
took in more than $85,000 from but $1,000 of it from individuals February after incumbent Mary statement “a whopper” and used said they found in Griffin’s back- he said. “What I went through, no
individuals during the same rather than companies. Many M. Cheh (D) dropped out of the it to attack the officer’s credibili- pack). one should go through.”
time. gave Spiva the maximum contri- race and had little time to set up ty. The judge said Griffin did fail Murphy and Ruff have notified
Palmer’s contributions will be bution of $1,500. Schwalb and a campaign and start drumming Vincent “clearly has no sense of to identify himself to police and Ocean City of their client’s plan to
multiplied five-to-one by the city. McDuffie are limited to contribu- up donations. Still, several in the what a reasonable force is if that obey their orders, and he merged sue for more than $1 million in
By choosing not to receive public tions of no more than $200 to wealthy ward outpaced the Ward is his gauge,” Ruff said. those charges into the disorderly physical and mental damages.
matching funds, Mendelson is receive the public matching 5 candidates. The Ocean City Police Depart- conduct charge in imposing the The lawyers on Friday also
also allowed to solicit corporate funds. The fundraising leader in the ment cleared the officers in the fine. Afterward, Murphy and handled the case of another teen-
donations. He raised almost Ryan Jones, who is also run- ward was local activist Matthew incident, saying routine use-of- Worcester County State’s Attor- ager, Brian Anderson, whose vio-
$12,000 from companies and ning for attorney general, had Frumin, who collected more than force reviews determined that no ney Kristin Heiser disagreed on lent arrest along the boardwalk
corporate and labor-sponsored not filed his report as of early $18,000 in a month. Ward 3 further inquiry was warranted. how many convictions that was captured in viral video last
PACs. afternoon Friday. Democrats chair Phil Thomas Griffin’s brother and three oth- amounted to. Heiser said three; summer days after Griffin’s. The
The candidates in the city- Several more candidates and advisory neighborhood com- er companions testified in No- Murphy said one. video shows Officer Daniel Jacobs
wide race for attorney general failed to file their reports on missioner Ben Bergmann each vember that the officers’ accounts The judge offered Griffin “pro- kneeing Anderson hard in the rib
are spending comparably to time, including council member raised more than $10,000 (in- of what happened before the vid- bation before judgment,” which cage.
those in the mayor’s race. Coun- Anita Bonds (D) and some of cluding more than $2,000 that eo were inaccurate. They said would have allowed him to avoid After the verdict in Griffin’s
cil member Kenyan R. McDuffie the people running against her Bergmann’s own family contrib- when Vincent first approached a criminal record. The teen de- case, Farlow agreed to drop as-
(D) took in more than $40,000 for her at-large seat on the uted), and Palisades community Griffin he grabbed the teen by the clined, preserving his right to sault and resisting arrest charges
from individual donors and council. leader Patricia Duncan followed arm, and Griffin reflexively appeal. against Anderson in exchange for
spent more than $98,000 as he Among those who filed in the close behind. pulled away. During the proceeding, Griffin a guilty plea for disorderly con-
seeks to succeed outgoing attor- crowded Ward 5 council race, The next campaign finance Michael Farlow, an assistant conceded guilt to a civil citation duct. He received a fine and court
ney general Karl A. Racine (D), State Board of Education Presi- filing required of all candidates state’s attorney for Worcester for vaping along the boardwalk. costs of $257.50 and accepted
outpacing the mayoral candi- dent Zachary Parker led the is due on June 10, shortly before County, said that Griffin yelled he After the verdict, Murphy and probation before judgment,
dates in February and March pack in individual contributions the primary. Those receiving would kill the officers and that Ruff posed smiling for photos which means he can avoid a crim-
spending. during the reporting period, tak- public financing must also file the fact that officers Vincent and with Griffin and his mother and inal record but waives his right to
Attorney Brian Schwalb — ing in $8,461 from donors. Oth- reports in April and May. Laughlin “virtually simulta- brother outside the courthouse. appeal.

(Age 76)
Of Sylvania, OH, passed away on Sunday,
March 6, 2022.
Surviving are her two sisters, Naomi DeLoretta
of Wheeling, WV and Betty Palmer of Toledo,
She will be interred alongside her parents at
Mt. Calvary Cemetery, Wheeling, WV.
Online condolences may be made to the family


(Age 32) Of Bethesda, MD, Age 93, devoted wife, moth- On Wednesday, February 2, 2022, Randy Lewis Passed in peace on Sunday, February 13, 2022, Dorothy Samels London, 94,
The son of Maureen and Ken Glassmacher, er, grandmother, and great grandmother, Graves of Lanham, Maryland entered into eter- at her daughter's home in Bowie, Maryland. passed away on March 3,
passed away suddenly on March 8, 2022, after peacefully passed away February 28, 2022, sur- nal glory at the age of 72. Born in Washington, DC., on February 18, 1928, 2022, in her home in Silver
a long battle with a muscular dystrophy-like rounded by her family. She was predeceased Randy was born on August 6, 1949, in Shirley is the daughter of James H. Jeffery Spring.
syndrome, Glassmacher Syndrome. Born Jan. by her beloved husband, Charles J. Alexander, Yanceyville, North Carolina. He graduated from and Gladys Norwood who resided at Sargent
25, 1990, in Fairfax, VA, Brian was the youngest and is survived by her five loving children Caswell County High School in 1968. He fought Road in Chillum, MD, at the time of their death. She was a beloved wife to the
of four children. He is survived by his parents, and their spouses, Lynn Alexander (Cindy) for our country in Vietnam from April 1970 - Her only brother, James H. Jeffery, Jr., preceded late Milton London and predeceased by
Maureen (Scully) and Ken Glassmacher of Fair- of Rockville, MD, Susan H. Alexander (Jim June 1971. Shortly after returning home from her in death. her cherished husband, Joseph Samels.
fax Station, VA; sister, Meghan (Tim) Cromwell Gammill) of Belmont, MA, James A. Alexander the service, he married his lovely wife of Shirley graduated from McKinley High School
of Centreville, VA; brother, Mick Glassmacher (Lynn) of Chevy Chase, MD, John C. Alexander 49 years Carmen Jane Graves (deceased) in in 1945 and then attended the University of She was a devoted mother to Louis and
of Gainesville, VA; sister, Kailyn Glassmacher of (Gretchen) and Robert M. Alexander (Melchora) Washington, DC. Maryland. After her husband's death in 1968 - Matthew Samels and stepmother to How-
Fairfax Station, VA; nieces, Bridgette and Fiona of Potomac, MD; 13 cherished grandchildren, He worked at The U.S. Government Printing Herbert C. Howard of Lowell, MA, she returned ard London and Janis Horn. She was a cher-
Cromwell, and nephew, Mikey Cromwell; and four great grandchildren, her sister-in-law, Lois Office (GPO) in Washington, DC as a Press to college and received her Nursing degree ished grandmother to Judith, Scott, Josh,
a host of beloved friends and family. Family Alexander, and three nieces. Operator specializing in Web Offset Printing for from PGCC. She later retired from the U.S. Shanna, Erin, Rachel, and David. Her legacy
and friends are invited to the Fairfax Memorial She was born in Baltimore, MD, but spent 36 years. During his tenure at GPO, Randy also Postal Service headquarters in Washington, DC also lives on with her eight great-grandchil-
Funeral Home, 9902 Braddock Rd., Fairfax, VA, JOSEPH JAMES MAGNINO JR. the whole of her life in Washington, DC, and led an apprenticeship program for newly hired in 1996. dren: Hunter, Hope, Emma, Ethan, Justin,
on Monday, March 14, from 1 to 3 p.m.or 5 On Sunday March 6, 2022, the surrounding area. She graduated from press operators. He loved watching sports Shirley is survived by two daughters, Karen; Dylan, Zev, and Arthur.
to 8 p.m. and to a Mass of Christian Burial Joseph James Magnino, Jr. Bethesda Chevy Chase High School in 1946 and TV shows, reading his paper, chatting and Leslie (Dan Gentry); her grandsons, William
on Tuesday, March 15, at 10 a.m. at Nativity of Montgomery Village, MD. and in 1950 graduated with highest honors with family and friends, nature, fishing, bird J. Howard (Kelley); Noah D. Kallish; and a great- A graveside service was held at 1 p.m. on
Catholic Church, 6400 Nativity Lane, Burke, VA. Beloved husband of Agnes from Wellesley College, where she met her watching and eating good home cooked meals. granddaughter, Eve. March 6 at King David Memorial Gardens
Interment will immediately follow at Fairfax M. Magnino and the late Pa- future husband at the Halloween mixer her He is survived by his brother Lawrence Graves; where Dorothy was laid to rest.
Memorial Park. tricia Keefe; Loving father of freshman year. They were married in 1951 son Cory Graves; daughters Shannon Graves A memorial service was held on February 22,
Jay (Laurie), John (Theresa), Kathy (Kim) and remained inseparable soulmates until his Jones (Andre) and Monica Graves-Thompson 2022, at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- In lieu of flowers, contributions may be
Park, Debbie (Jay) Watkins and Randy (Tam- death in 2012. (Juan); and grandson Donovan J. Wesley day Saints in Bowie, MD. made to the Alzheimer’s Association or the
mie) Connellee; brother of Gerchan Armi- After graduation from college, she and her Thompson (Monica). American Cancer Society. Arrangements
stead and the late Nancy. Also survived husband returned to Washington, DC and she Funeral arrangements will be held at 9:30 a.m. Interment will be at Arlington National Ceme- by Hines-Rinaldi Funeral Home.
by 13 grandchildren, Jason, Kellie, Julie, worked at the Congressional Quarterly, until on March 19, 2022 at JB Jenkins Funeral Home tery, Virginia, at a later date.
Sarah, Luke, Erin, Jake, Joey, Tatiana, Ash- taking a break to raise her five children. During in Landover, MD.
ley, Ryan, MacKenzie, and Kyle; and three these years, she was an active PTA volunteer
great-grandchildren, Harper, Sawyer, and
Jackson. Friends may call at St. John Neu-
at each of her children’s schools, served as
PTA President of Bethesda Elementary and
Pyle Junior High, tutored students for whom
mann Church, 9000 Warfield Road, Gaith-
ersburg, MD 20882 on Friday, March 11, English was a second language, served as team
mom for numerous youth football teams, and He was a 1951 graduate of Edward Little
2022 from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. where a Mass High School and the University of Maine in
of Christian Burial will be offered at 2 p.m. was a long-term parishioner, vestry member,
lay eucharistic minister, and devoted Sunday 1956. He served 20 years in the U.S. Army
Please sign the family guest book at: including tours in Korea, Germany, and Viet- school teacher at All Saints Church, Chevy
Chase, MD. After her youngest children nam (2). He then served as the National Sec-
retary/Treasurer of National Sojourners, Inc.
DEATH NOTICE entered high school, she taught and served
as Chair of the Social Studies Department at HALL for 37 years.
He was a Mason for 68 years and was a Past

JAFFIN MARWICK the Chelsea School for 20 years.

A memorial service will be planned for a later
date. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions
Master of Semper Paratus Lodge No. 49 in
the District of Columbia and a member of
may be made to All Saints Episcopal Church, 3 Tranquil Lodge #29 in Auburn, ME. He was a
CLAIRE S. MARWICK Chevy Chase Circle, Chevy Chase, MD 20815. member of the Order of Eastern Star in Pine
ANN MARIE JAFFIN (Age 77) On Thursday, March 10, 2022, Cone Chapter #26 in Auburn, ME and Faith
On Monday, March 7, 2022, CLAIRE S. MARWICK, 100, Chapter #177 in Annandale, VA for 66 years.
of Silver Spring, MD. Beloved long-time resident of Chevy He was a York Rite Mason and Scottish Rite
wife of the late Stanley Jaffin; Chase, MD. Mother of Dr. Da- in the District of Columbia for 62 years,
mother of Roberta “Bobbi” vid (Judy) Marwick and Ellen where he received his KCCH. He was a Past
Rossi; grandmother of Jennifer (Dr. Mark) Zimmerman. Grand- Sovereign of the Red Cross of Constantine,
and Jonathan Rossi. Friends mother of five; great-grandmother of 18. a Past Grand Tall Cedar of the Tall Cedars of
may call at Collins Funeral Home, 500 Uni- Graveside funeral services were held on Lebanon. He was the recipient of the DeMo-
versity Boulevard West, Silver Spring, MD,
on Thursday, March 17, from 10 a.m. un-
Friday, March 11, 2022 at Judean Memo-
rial Gardens, Olney, MD. In lieu of flowers, DEMPSEY NELSON O. NEWCOMBE
lay Legion of Honor, National Sojourners Le-
gion of Honor, and the Silver Beaver of the
til time of service at 11 a.m., with recep- contributions may be made to Hadassah MAJ, USA (RET.) Boy Scouts of America.
tion to be announced. Interment Miranda ( or Ben Gurion University Nelson O. Newcombe passed away on Friends welcome at Demaine Funeral Home,
Cemetery-Huntingtown United Methodist of the Negev (in, would be March 9, 2022. He was the son of the late Springfield on Wednesday, March 16 from 6
Church in Southern Maryland will be pri- appreciated. Arrangements entrusted to Walter Owen and Edna Newcombe of Au- to 8 p.m. He will be interred at Arlington Na-
vate at a later date. Memorial contributions TORCHINSKY HEBREW FUNERAL HOME, burn, Maine. He was predeceased by his tional Cemetery at a later date.
may be made to The Brooke Grove Founda- 202-541-1001. wife, Carole, in 2014. He is survived by Wal- In lieu of flowers, please make a donation
tion, 18100 Slade School Rd., Sandy Spring, ter O. (June) Newcombe, Jeffrey A. (Rebecca) to the National Sojourners Endowment Me-
MD 20860. Newcombe, Dawn E. (William) McGraw, and morial Fund (SEM). Please mail checks to: NANCY SCHAFER HALL, PhD Judy (Bill, deceased) Saccardi. He has seven National Sojourners Headquarters, 7942 R
TEASLEY Nancy Schafer Hall, PhD, 79, of Harrington,
DE, and formerly Annapolis, MD, passed away
grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Cluny Court, Springfield, VA 22153.

on Sunday, February 6, 2022 after a brief,
but valiant fight with ovarian cancer. She was


born to John and Louise Schafer of Dover, DE
on March 28, 1942. She earned Bachelor’s VENTERS
Helen Coleman Ledsky, retired State Depart- and Master’s degrees from the University of
ment secretary and widow of retired Foreign Delaware and subsequently taught math there often wondered why and how things could
Service Officer Nelson C. Ledsky, died February at all levels for more than 50 years. A lifelong be different for her. Looking back, I see a
9, 2022, in Washington, DC, at the age of 87. scholar, Nancy earned another Master’s through line from my childhood concern for
She was born in Baltimore, MD and educated in degree and a Ph.D. from the University of my mother’s safety to my choosing a career
suburban Maryland outside of DC. Mrs. Ledsky Maryland, College Park, in 2002. She is sur- where I partner with clients to build inclu-
held a range of assignments as a senior sec- vived by her brother John D Schafer III of Key sive and safe workplaces. I always marveled
retary in the Department. She enjoyed travel, CRESSA CLARKE BEAUDRY DEMPSEY West, FL; dear friend Pat Lewis of Denton, at how my mother moved through life with
was an Anglophile, and enjoyed trips to the 1931-2022 MD; one daughter, two sons, and four grand- dignity and kindness, no matter the obstacle
non-Russian former republics of the Soviet Cressa Clarke Beaudry Dempsey, 90 years children: Rebecca Hall of Arlington, MA; Eric placed in front of her. Her influence in my life
Union. Mrs. Ledsky leaves no immediate sur- young, passed from this earth on February 21, Hall and wife Carrie and their children Ben cannot be overstated.”
vivors. Internment is private. 2022, in the company of her family. Devoted and Abby of Hamilton, VA; Ken Hall and wife When granddaughter Ashley was born, El-
wife, loving mother, nurturing grandmother Moriah and their children Kayla and Jeremy of len accepted what Grace presented as a
and kind friend, Cressa “June” is survived by Cockeysville, MD. She was preceded in death short-term gig “helping out” while she and
her children Carol Cressa Robinson (Robert), by her husband, Jay S Hall. The family has new father, Nate, juggled parenting, and
Bradford Todd Dempsey, Jr. (Sally), Elizabeth chosen to have a small gathering at a later the demands of burgeoning legal careers.

When the
Todd Payne (Leonard) and Dorothy Anne Lud- date. In lieu of flowers, the family requests Ellen would return to Philadelphia most
wig (Karl); grandchildren Joan Theresa Robin- those who wish to express sympathy consider weekends, becoming as much a fixture on
VERNIE M. TEASLEY son, Fallyn Anne Ludwig (fiancé Patrich), Jes- making a donation to the Junior Appalachian Amtrak as was then Senator Joseph Biden.
Entered eternal rest on March 4, 2022. A Musicians in Nancy’s name. You can make Ellen continued her “temporary assign-

need arises,
sica Lauren Dempsey, Karl “Trey” Ludwig, III,
visitation will be at 10 a.m., with service to Zackary Todd Ludwig (Emily), and Erin Todd a donation and read more about her life at ment” after grandson Hank was born, mak-
follow at 11 a.m. on Wednesday, March 16, Dempsey (fiancé Wilber); great-grandchild ing her weekend runs back to Philadelphia
2022, at Mentrotone Baptist Church, 5126 Finnley; and brother Ralph C. “Boots” Beaudry. ELLEN GRACE VENTERS to check on her house and worship with her

let families
B Street SE, Washington, DC 20019. Inter- June was preceded in death by her beloved The family of Ellen Grace Venters announc- church family at her beloved First Colored
ment at Fort Lincoln Cemetery. husband of 49 years, Bradford Todd Dempsey, es with a heavy heart the passing of their Wesley Methodist Church (currently known
Sr. beloved mother and grandmother on Friday, as Fellowship Community Wesley Methodist

find you in the WOODSON

Cressa Beaudry was born in Springfield, Massa-
chusetts, in 1931 to Ralph and Cressa Beaudry,
and was a member of Eastern Star. After
When the February 25, 2022. She was two months shy
of her 97th birthday.
Ellen was an extraordinary woman who
Her family was ecstatic when, after years
of commuting, Ellen sold her Philadelphia

need arises,
marrying, June raised her family in many stared down life’s challenges without blink- home and accepted a permanent residency


June 23, 1968 - February 26, 2022
places, to include Davenport, IA, Richmond, VA,
Jacksonville, FL, Centreville, VA, Linglestown,
PA, settling back to Centreville, VA in 2004,
ing. She was born in Atlantic City, NJ on April
28, 1925, and was the oldest of Robert and
Josephine Keels ‘six children. When she was
as Speights House Manager and Chief Hap-
py Officer. Selfless, kind, and charming, Ellen
was blessed with intelligence, a megawatt

Directory. La’Shawn worked for the Federal Government

until she retired after 27 years. She was a
where she was a resident of Forest Glen.
All her life, June’s superpower was to help
younger people learn and grow. This began
let families 14, Ellen’s parents died tragically in a train
accident and she and brothers Franklin, Ar-
thur, Warren, and Carl were separated and
smile, quick wit, and a sense of humor that
made her the fan favorite of visitors to the
Speights home. It did not hurt that she was

find you in the

dedicated member and volunteer of Noah’s when she formed “Miss June’s School” to placed in foster care. (A sister, Audrey, had also a great cook whose fried chicken was
Ark Inc. La’Shawn regularly attended Baptized get her children ready for first grade. She sadly preceded their parents in death). legendary.
Believers Church and as a member of Michigan continued on as a Girl Scout leader, cookie At the age of 16, a determined Ellen suc- In addition to showing up for her very busy

Funeral Services
cessfully reunited the family and became grandchildren’s activities, Ellen had many
To be seen in the Park Christian Church. coordinator, and Cub Scout den mother. To
support her neighborhood schools, she vol- her brothers ‘primary caregiver, sacrificing interests and hobbies of her own. She loved
tending her beautiful flower garden and was
La’Shawn was preceded by her grandparents, unteered as Safety Patrol and class mother, her own dreams of pursuing an education
Funeral Services James and Zellen Cook and Fannie Woodson. chaperone, and choral booster. This civic and career to encourage theirs. All four a voracious reader who valued her quiet

Directory, please call

Left to mourn her loss are her parents Zellen
and Leotha Woodson, Sr.; children, Tyler and
Taylor Woodson and bonus son Jamal White;
awareness continued well into her 80s, with
volunteer work at Deer Park Elementary School
and teaching youngsters to knit at “Centreville
Directory. brothers went on to distinguished service in
the military. More than just their surrogate
mother, Ellen was her brothers’ superhero.
Although she carried “grace” in her name,
time on the back porch with a hot cup of
coffee, a good book and one of many pam-
pered family pets in her lap. Until an injury
in later years limited her mobility, Ellen en-
paid Death Notices siblings, Karen Godwin, Leotha Woodson, Jr.,
La’Shena Reed and Leigh Smith (Tiffany); nieces
She found she loved to play, and win, at Ellen was driven by “faith” and her family’s joyed traveling with family and friends and
showing off her signature moves on the
cards and Bingo, helping new friends learn how health and happiness were her top prior-
at 202-334-4122. and nephews, Asia Godwin-Williams, Zachary
Reed, Aiden Reed, Aneska Smith and Nadia to play. June regularly attended Floris United
Methodist Church with her “adopted” daughter To be seen in the ities. She raised daughter and namesake,
Grace Ellen Speights, as a single parent,
dance floor.
Ellen was a model parent who had an im-
Teel; godparent, Gertrude Cook as well as
pouring everything she had into nurturing measurable influence on three generations
a host of aunts, uncles, cousins, family and
Jody Adams-Bilas, becoming known as the lady
of many hats in the third row. Funeral Services her daughter’s talents, while building her
of family placed under her watchful guid-
ance and protection. She saw each of their
June prized family time and it was appropriate
La’Shawn Woodson’s viewing is on Saturday that she celebrated her 90th birthday with her
four children on a very special train trip to
Directory, please call Never boastful, Ellen watched with quiet
pride as Grace rose above their humble be-
gifts, brought them to light and magnified
them. Says Grace,”My mother was loved in
12Mar 10 to 11:30 a.m. and funeral 11:30 to
12:30 p.m. at The Way of the Cross Church
of Christ, 1800 Hazelwood Dr., Capitol Heights,
Springfield, Massachusetts in October 2021.
Her favorite time of year, Christmas, was
paid Death Notices ginnings to become the Global Chair of Mor-
gan Lewis ‘Labor and Employment Group,
life and will be missed in death. While her
labor did not lead to great material wealth,
DEATH NOTICE MD 20743. also celebrated together with family at Graves
Mountain in Virginia in January. Moments that at 202-334-4122.
the 2019 American Lawyer of the Year, and
one of the leading experts on fixing MeToo
she gifted us her work ethic, resilience,
compassion and the power of faith and
will be forever cherished by her family. and other workplace culture issues. purpose. For those things we are eternally
DIX A memorial service will be held on Monday,
March 21, 2022 at Floris United Methodist
Grace gives all credit to her mother for in-
stilling in her the values and confidence
needed to position her for success. In re-
grateful and rich beyond measure. Her lega-
cy is one that we proudly carry.”
Ellen was the last surviving of the Keels sib-
Church at 2 p.m. For those who wish but can’t
join in person, the service will be live-streamed flecting on her childhood Grace observed lings. She leaves to mourn daughter Grace
officer, Dennis played basketball and foot- that, “[G]rowing up, I was the center of my Venters Speights (Charles Johnson); grand-
ball for the USMC and performed with the at
In lieu of flowers the family requests that dona- mother’s world, and she mine. Mom be- children Ashley Speights and Nathaniel
men’s choir, most notably on The Ed Sullivan came a single parent and our sole provider (Hank) Speights IV; their father, Nathaniel
tions be made to Capital Caring Health and
Show. After honorably serving his country
and finishing graduate school at The Amer- Floris United Methodist Church. DEATH NOTICE when I was 3 years old. Despite working
endless hours in harsh factory conditions to
Speights III, and a host of nieces, nephews,
and friends.
ican University, it was perhaps only natural support us, her earnings were not enough A Celebration of Life will be held Sunday,
that “Mr. Nice Guy” would enter association
work. First came the National Crushed
Stone Association, The American Nursing
COLLINS to lift us out of poverty. I got to view life
through my mother’s eyes on the many
March 20, 2022 at 2 p.m. at Joseph Gawler’s
Sons Funeral Home, 5130 Wisconsin Ave-
occasions I accompanied her to work on nue, NW Washington, DC.
Home Association, then The United States Saturdays and holidays because there was
Chamber of Commerce. For just shy of 30 Brother, Eddie L. McDonald and sister Mona
Lee Tippins survive her. An ardent traveler, no one else to take care of me. I came to
years, Dennis headed the Outdoor Pow- accept as normal her daily routine of shed-
er Equipment Institute in Alexandria from Joan left many family and friends in England,
Ireland and Scotland. ding from her clothing and skin, the fiber-
which he retired as President. During that glass to which she was exposed on her job.
time, he led this international organization I knew things were tough and as a child I
through significant changes not only in the Joan taught RCIA classes at St. Michaels
power equipment industry, but in associa- Church and was a member of the Calvary
tion management generally. The trade show Methodist church, both of Mt. Airy. She was
a life member of American Legion Auxiliary
Dennis and other industry leaders founded
in the 1980s was named the sixth largest Unit 191 where her husband was a Legion IN MEMORIAM IN MEMORIAM
trade show in the United States. Outside of member. Joan was a member the Mt. Airy
DENNIS CHARLES DIX (Age 86) Historical Society where she was inducted
On Sunday, December 12, 2021, minutes be-
fore his Green Bay Packers were set to take
work, Dennis doted on his family. He also
loved politics and current affairs, a proud
victim of Potomac Fever. Dennis is survived
into the hall of fame in 2004. She was a
member of St. Andrews Society, Kiwanis
the field against the Chicago Bears, Dennis by his beloved wife of 57 years, Clare Neu- Club, the 55 Plus Club, Belles of Mt. Airy,
the Red Hat Society, and Singing Seniors at he recruited her (in 1969) to be Technical
Dix went peacefully to be with the Lord (and berg Dix; sons Matthew (Laura Friedrich) Advisor to the Manager of what was then
get the best seat in the house). Dennis, son and Mark (Heidi Reester); granddaughters the Senior Center – all of Mt Airy. She was
also a member of the Women’s Civic Club the Technical Department. She and her new
of Charles A. and Dorothy Riese Dix, was Kaley, Erika and Reese, and grandson Luke. boss, Cecilio Morales, got along quite well
born in Milwaukee on April 18, 1935. From A memorial service will be held Saturday, of Bethany Beach, where she once enjoyed
a home. More globally and when she was and they eventually married, in 1971, result-
1945 to 1953 he was educated at the Berlin March 19 at 10 a.m. at Emmanuel Luther- ing in Ann’s needing to find a job with another
American School where he witnessed first- an Church, 2589 Chain Bridge Road, Vienna, living in Silver Spring, Maryland, Joan was a
member of the Japan-America Society, the agency.
hand the Berlin Airlift and reconstruction of Virginia 22181. The family suggests that you JOSEPHINE ANN COLLINS That agency turned out to be AIFLD, American
Europe; they were formative memories. Fol- consider making donations in his name to Beloved wife of Henry James Collins III, China-US Peoples Friendship Association of
Washington DC and the Indonesian American Institute for Free Labor Development, an
lowing graduation from the College of Wil- the USO or Emmanuel Lutheran Church. On- passed from this life on January 16, 2022. organization founded by the AFL-CIO and
liam & Mary, Dennis was commissioned as a line condolences and fond memories may She died of cancer in Mt. Airy, Maryland. She Society, serving as the first Treasurer for
School of the Deaf in Jakarta, Indonesia. funded by AID, who’s purpose was to aid
Second Lieutenant in the United States Ma- be offered to the family at: volunteered, passed and left many friends at Latin American unionists through training
rine Corps. When not serving as an artillery Lorien Mt. Airy. Joan, Jim and daughter Patti hosted kids
from Belfast, Ireland thru Project Children. labor leaders and sponsoring cooperative
Joan was Volunteer Woman of the Year for housing and other social projects for union
Joan was mother to Jonathan A Collins, members.
Thomas J Collins, and daughters Patricia the state of Maryland 1998-1999. No doubt,
MARTIN A Ellison and Patricia M Rogers. She was
predeceased by her husband and two sons.
she loved serving. While working for AIFLD, Ann was a consul-
tant and an Assistant Director of Program
Beloved daughters-in-law Elizabeth B Collins Joan taught cooking in Montgomery County
Schools, worked for the US government at Unfortunately, her husband, Cecilio, passed
Samuel Pruett in 1999, her second husband, (Tom) and Betsey S Collins (Jon) continue away in 1981. Ann subsequently returned
Dr. John O. Martin in 2019, son Charles Pru- this life as does her favorite son-in-law David the Navy Yard, National Ordinance Labora-
tory and was secretary to the General, US IN REMEMBRANCE OF to IDB in 1983, where she served in several
ett 2007, and sister Donna Fink in 2014. A Ellison (Patti). Joan was blessed with five positions including Senior Operations Evalua-
She is survived by one son, James Pruett grandchildren and their spouses, Thomas J. Marine Corp G-1 Plans and Policies, and G- ANN MORALES
2 Intelligence in Los Alamos, New Mexico tion Officer and Deputy Manager of Budget
(Brenda) of Collierville, TN; one daughter, Collins II (Susan), Keith W Collins (Stacey), March 12, 1937 to August 19, 2021 and Services. During this time, she was
Sarah Shamlal (Sunil) of Vienna, VA; six George W Rogers (Liz), Amanda M Willis (Jon), where her husband, Jim, was serving during
World War II. Ann Kieswetter Morales enjoyed helping also a member of the IDB’s Credit Union’s
grandchildren (Lorien Peer (Sam), Jonathan and Michael D Ellison (Ann). She would be others. Her long career in the US government Supervisory committee and at some time
Pruett (Ashlie), Carter Pruett, Emerson Pru- known and loved as “Granny” to seven great- gave her the opportunity to do this, especially served as its president.
ett, Sumaire Shamlal, and Sabir Shamlal), grandchildren, Gavin, Meagan, Justin, and Services and celebration for Joan will be held
on June 25, 2022, 11 a.m., at St Michaels working with people in Latin-American coun- After Ann retired in 1999 and was able
and seven great grandchildren. Dody is also Ava Collins; Taylor and Addison Rogers; and tries. to become more active in her church, she
survived by three stepchildren, Tim Martin more recently Clara Ellen Willis. Growing up, Church in Mt. Airy, Maryland. A private family
internment will follow. March 12, would have been her 85th birthday. worked on a team with others each year
(Kathy) of Newark, DE, Michael Martin of Vi- the Collins grandchildren and great-grand- She was born on Long Island but became a to organize the annual church bazaar as a
enna, VA, and Peggy Suggs (George) of Myr- children shared her hometown of Mt. Airy, long-time resident of Washington, DC and way of raising funds to support social justice
tle Beach, SC, four step-grandchildren, and and all grandchildren were local (and acces- In lieu of flowers, Joan requests donations
to one her favorite charities, The Salvation Bethesda, MD. and action causes, all the while donating
four step-great-grandchildren. sible!) to the DC area. Ann grew up in Manhasset, NY, and after generously to deserving organizations. She
Visitation will be held at Farmwell Hall at Army (she was a “Life Changer” member), or
World Central Kitchen who are now serving graduating from Manhasset High School served on a pastoral search committee, was
Ashby Ponds Senior Living Community in Born in Princeton, Indiana on June 28, 1928 attended Vassar College. She later attended an usher and deacon, took part in Middle East
Ashburn, VA on March 18, 2022, at 9:30 a.m. (there is some dispute over the year…) to Ukrainian refugees and responders. Two
weeks before she died, Joan spoke of a “war Johns Hopkins School of Advanced Interna- committee conversations and study groups
followed by a memorial service at 10:30 her much-beloved father John B McDonald tional Studies. and more.
a.m. Interment will take place the next day (MacDonald/McDonald depending on where coming” soon. She had dreamed of it; and
the people it would kill, wound, and displace Possibly inspired by a father who traveled When she passed away last August, Ann was
at Monte Vista Park Cemetery in Bluefield, they were living) and mother Flora Lee who extensively in South and Central America a resident of the Ingleside at Rock Creek
DIANNE PRUETT MARTIN “Dody” WV. died at the ages of 95 and 94. Her haunted her. Joan counted the former USSR
for the US Rubber Company and a couple CCRC. She’s fondly remembered by her
Dianne “Dody” Thyra Pruett Martin, 91, born In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may guardian/adoptive mother (and loving grand- in her travels, and she loved the people
of Eastern Europe, counting many a friend of older step-uncles who worked on the brother Chico Kieswetter, Her nephew, John
on June 9, 1930, in Minneapolis, Minnesota be made to the ARIC-Comstock Center at mother to Joan’s kids) Corrine A Rall (Taffy) Panama Canal, in 1962 she went to work for H. Kieswetter and her two stepchildren Maria
along with her best friend and twin sister, Johns Hopkins University via https://publi- died at age 102. Joan is predeceased by among them. Having seen the evidence of
Hitler’s atrocities through her privileged work the Latin American Bureau of the Agency for Springer and Christian Morales, as well as the
Donna Fink, passed away in Ashburn, VA on brother’s Rex B McDonald, Charles D McDon- International Development (AID). two children of her long-time partner Rice
March 2, 2022. A full obituary can be found at ald (Dale) and Rev. Robert A McDonald (Bob- at Los Alamos, she was keenly attuned to the
long suffering invaded people endured. Soon after her manager at AID left to work Odell, Denise Odell and Colin Odell.
Preceding her in death are her first husband, Jack), and her sister Caroline Sue Leonard. for the International Development Bank (IDB),

The Weather

Colder and snowy Today Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday O FF I CI A L REC O RD
Rain, snow Partly sunny Partly sunny Mostly sunny Mostly cloudy T‑storms
Temperatures will fall to near possible Temperatures AVERAGE RECORD ACTUAL FORECAST

freezing by midmorning, with

moderate to heavy snowfall, which is
expected to taper around noon.
Expect temperatures to fall further,
into the 20s, with winds around 20 to 30 mph out
of the northwest that could gust to 45 or 50 mph.
44° 21 ° 44° 34 ° 58° 41 ° 67° 46 ° 64° 50 ° 63° 52 °

FEELS*: 37° FEELS: 38° FEELS: 59° FEELS: 69° FEELS: 63° FEELS: 61°
CHNCE PRECIP: 95% P: 0% P: 5% P: 10% P: 25% P: 35%
WIND: NW 12–25 mph W: SSW 8–16 mph W: SSW 6–12 mph W: W 6–12 mph W: ESE 7–14 mph W: ENE 7–14 mph
HUMIDITY: Moderate H: Low H: Moderate H: Moderate H: Moderate H: Moderate
M Tu W Th F Sa Su M Tu W Th F Sa Su M
Statistics through 5 p.m. Friday

REGIO N NATION Weather map features for noon today.

Reagan Dulles BWI
High 63° 3:01 p.m. 64° 3:49 p.m. 60° 1:49 p.m.
Low 38° 7:00 a.m. 33° 7:00 a.m. 31° 6:36 a.m.
Harrisburg Philadelphia
46/21 Normal 55°/37° 53°/32° 53°/32°
38/19 Record high 79° 2021 79° 2021 79° 2021
Hagerstown Record low 15° 1960 13° 1996 6° 1960
45/19 Dover Difference from 30–yr. avg. (Reagan): this month: +5.1° yr. to date: +0.6°
Davis Cape May Precipitation PREVIOUS YEAR NORMAL LATEST
Washington Annapolis
25/7 44/21 49/27
48/22 OCEAN: 47°

Charlottesville Ocean City

43/18 51/25
OCEAN: 48°
51/20 Virginia Beach
60/29 Reagan Dulles BWI
Norfolk OCEAN: 49°
57/25 Past 24 hours 0.00" 0.00" 0.00"
Total this month 0.80" 0.47" 0.67"
Kitty Hawk
Normal 1.17" 1.17" 1.38"
OCEAN: 50° Total this year 6.81" 6.67" 7.25"
Normal 6.65" 6.72" 7.36"
Pollen: Moderate Air Quality: Good Snow, past 24 hours 0.0" 0.0" 0.0"
Grass Low Dominant cause: Particulates Snow, season total 12.3" 12.8" 14.0"
Trees Moderate
Weeds Low UV: Low Moon Phases Solar system
Mold Low 1 out of 11+
Rise Set
Sun 6:24 a.m. 6:12 p.m.
Blue Ridge: Today, cloudy. Periods of snow, accumulating Moon 12:29 p.m. 3:18 a.m.
T-storms Rain Showers Snow Flurries Ice Cold Front Warm Front Stationary Front Mar 18 Mar 25 Apr 1 Apr 9
2–4 inches in northern parts and a coating to an inch in Yesterday's National World
Full Last New First
Venus 4:07 a.m. 2:26 p.m.
southern parts; a bit of snow, rain, accumulating a coating High: Sebring, FL 91° High: Kolda, Senegal 109° Mars 4:22 a.m. 2:11 p.m.
Quarter Quarter
<–10 –0s 0s 10s 20s 30s 40s 50s 60s 70s 80s 90s 100s 110+ Low: Antero Reservoir, CO –34° Low: Suhana, Russia –41° Jupiter 6:16 a.m. 5:42 p.m.
to an inch in central parts. High 29 to 36. Winds northwest for the 48 contiguous states excludes Antarctica Saturn 5:07 a.m. 3:29 p.m.
10–20 mph.
NATIONAL Today Tomorrow Des Moines 33/26/s 57/35/s Oklahoma City 56/34/s 63/43/s WORLD Today Tomorrow Hong Kong 76/67/pc 75/68/pc Rio de Janeiro 86/76/c 86/76/t
Atlantic beaches: Today, heavy rain, a thunderstorm in the Detroit 26/17/pc 44/33/sf Omaha 40/31/s 64/36/s Islamabad 83/58/pc 87/63/pc Riyadh 89/63/pc 92/65/s
morning, then rain; heavy rain, a thunderstorm during the Albany, NY 35/16/sn 31/25/c El Paso 61/34/s 71/47/s Orlando 78/38/t 64/53/pc Addis Ababa 81/53/c 81/52/pc Istanbul 36/31/sn 40/30/sn Rome 56/39/pc 56/42/pc
morning followed by rain, then snow in the north. High 45 Albuquerque 57/30/s 64/36/s Fairbanks, AK 11/–15/s 10/–20/s Philadelphia 46/21/r 38/31/pc Amsterdam 55/48/c 59/44/c Jerusalem 46/41/c 50/44/pc San Salvador 89/67/pc 90/67/pc
to 57. Winds west 20–30 mph. Anchorage 37/20/c 31/10/pc Fargo, ND 25/24/sn 33/18/c Phoenix 77/51/s 81/53/s Athens 46/34/sh 47/37/pc Johannesburg 78/60/pc 75/62/pc Santiago 85/56/s 90/58/s
Atlanta 39/24/c 54/33/s Hartford, CT 41/19/r 38/27/pc Pittsburgh 24/12/sn 38/33/pc Auckland 79/64/c 82/59/pc Kabul 60/41/c 63/44/pc Sarajevo 36/11/s 44/20/s
Austin 59/28/s 65/48/s Honolulu 84/71/pc 83/70/pc Portland, ME 42/20/r 34/24/pc Baghdad 64/42/c 69/44/s Kingston, Jam. 86/75/pc 88/76/s Seoul 66/50/pc 59/46/r
Waterways: Upper Potomac River: Today, rain, then morning snow, Baltimore 45/19/r 41/29/pc Houston 59/35/s 66/52/s Portland, OR 56/45/sh 53/46/sh Bangkok 98/81/pc 97/82/c Kolkata 92/69/pc 93/70/pc Shanghai 78/63/pc 76/60/sh
snow this afternoon. Wind northwest 12–25 knots. Waves 3–5 feet. Billings, MT 54/36/c 49/31/c Indianapolis 26/19/s 50/35/s Providence, RI 48/22/r 38/28/pc Beijing 56/33/sh 53/33/pc Lagos 90/82/t 90/81/t Singapore 89/76/pc 90/78/s
• Lower Potomac and Chesapeake Bay: Today, rain, a thunderstorm, Birmingham 37/20/pc 54/33/s Jackson, MS 44/23/s 62/34/s Raleigh, NC 56/22/r 51/31/s Berlin 50/30/s 52/32/s Lima 77/67/pc 78/68/pc Stockholm 45/27/s 47/27/s
mainly early. Wind northwest 25–35 knots. Waves 2–4 feet on the Bismarck, ND 47/23/c 39/20/sn Jacksonville, FL 67/28/t 54/39/s Reno, NV 65/40/s 56/34/pc Bogota 65/50/sh 63/48/sh Lisbon 60/48/r 59/46/c Sydney 75/64/s 73/64/pc
Boise 61/39/s 51/32/pc Kansas City, MO 38/32/s 63/42/s Richmond 51/20/sn 48/31/s Brussels 56/48/c 58/43/c London 54/46/pc 52/39/sh Taipei City 83/63/s 85/64/s
Lower Potomac; 3–5 feet on the Chesapeake Bay.• River Stages:
Boston 47/23/r 38/30/s Las Vegas 69/47/s 75/51/s Sacramento 71/48/s 67/42/pc Buenos Aires 73/62/s 75/64/s Madrid 57/46/c 56/46/sh Tehran 62/51/c 66/54/s
The stage at Little Falls will be around 4.00 feet today, rising to 4.30 Buffalo 27/15/sn 34/33/sn Little Rock 46/32/s 63/40/s St. Louis 34/28/s 64/41/s Cairo 60/44/pc 62/44/s Manila 93/79/c 91/79/pc Tokyo 65/51/pc 64/59/pc
Sunday. Flood stage at Little Falls is 10 feet. Burlington, VT 36/14/sn 30/25/pc Los Angeles 79/49/s 72/52/pc St. Thomas, VI 82/74/pc 83/74/pc Caracas 77/64/pc 75/62/c Mexico City 78/45/s 79/51/s Toronto 26/15/pc 32/31/sn
Charleston, SC 66/26/t 52/35/s Louisville 32/22/s 54/38/s Salt Lake City 50/38/s 46/33/c Copenhagen 43/36/s 45/37/s Montreal 33/14/sn 24/22/pc Vienna 44/27/s 50/31/s
Charleston, WV 29/11/sn 45/30/s Memphis 38/27/s 58/39/s San Diego 71/50/s 65/49/pc Dakar 81/66/s 78/65/s Moscow 35/26/sn 40/33/c Warsaw 43/23/c 47/26/s
Today’s tides (High tides in Bold)
Charlotte 47/21/r 52/33/s Miami 88/56/t 74/66/c San Francisco 60/50/s 63/47/pc Dublin 49/43/r 51/39/r Mumbai 94/80/s 96/79/s
Key: s-sunny, pc-partly cloudy, c-cloudy, r-rain,
Washington 3:35 a.m. 9:36 a.m. 3:40 p.m. 10:52 p.m. Cheyenne, WY 46/30/s 50/28/c Milwaukee 24/20/s 48/33/pc San Juan, PR 83/72/pc 84/73/pc Edinburgh 51/42/r 53/42/r Nairobi 87/58/pc 86/59/pc sh- showers, t-thunderstorms, sf-snow flurries,
Chicago 24/21/s 52/35/s Minneapolis 25/23/pc 43/30/pc Seattle 55/43/sh 51/45/sh Frankfurt 55/35/pc 57/40/pc New Delhi 88/68/pc 92/68/pc sn-snow, i-ice
Annapolis 6:23 a.m. 1:21 p.m. 7:27 p.m. none
Cincinnati 27/18/c 50/36/s Nashville 33/20/s 54/35/s Spokane, WA 55/38/pc 49/36/c Geneva 55/37/c 55/38/c Oslo 43/21/c 45/20/c Sources:; US Army Centralized
Ocean City 2:49 a.m. 9:18 a.m. 3:06 p.m. 9:08 p.m. Allergen Extract Lab (pollen data); (air
Cleveland 24/16/sn 44/37/sf New Orleans 54/37/s 60/50/s Syracuse 29/18/sn 32/29/sn Ham., Bermuda 74/68/s 69/56/r Ottawa 27/3/sn 25/23/sf quality data); National Weather Service
Norfolk 4:46 a.m. 11:26 a.m. 5:15 p.m. 11:10 p.m. Dallas 57/37/s 67/49/s New York City 46/22/r 36/32/pc Tampa 76/39/t 68/54/s Helsinki 43/21/s 44/24/pc Paris 51/44/pc 51/38/r * AccuWeather's RealFeel Temperature®
combines over a dozen factors for an accurate
Point Lookout 1:57 a.m. 9:10 a.m. 4:11 p.m. 9:05 p.m. Denver 55/32/s 61/31/c Norfolk 57/25/r 45/36/s Wichita 53/29/s 66/41/s Ho Chi Minh City 94/79/c 98/77/t Prague 47/23/s 49/24/s measure of how the conditions really “feel.”

Police call fatal crash ‘truly an accident’


The crash toppled tables as it

sent rubble flying and people
scrambling to lift the SUV off
people who were on the ground.
Harrison rushed out to help
heave the front of the SUV off a
victim asking, “Where’s my
daughter? Where’s my daugh-
Duncan Bedlion, a D.C. police
commander who runs the 2nd
District station, described the
driver as an older man who was
alone in the vehicle. He was
cooperating with investigators
after the crash.
No charges had been filed as of
Friday, and names of the victims CRAIG HUDSON FOR THE WASHINGTON POST

were not made public. Police said Duncan Bedlion, a D.C. police commander, speaks to reporters at
they were trying to determine the scene of Friday’s crash, in which he said the driver lost control.
what lead up to the crash.
“It was truly an accident, from
what we can tell right now,”
Bedlion told reporters at the “[The driver] walked out. He was scared. You
crash site. “There is no indica-
tion this was intentional in any could tell it wasn’t intentional.”
form or fashion.” Christian Borjas, a nurse who helped at the scene of the crash
John Donnelly Sr., chief of the
D.C. Fire and Emergency Medi-
cal Services department, de-
scribed the events as “a tragedy.” District. Kristi Teems rushed Borjas said.
Officials said all the victims ap- from a nail salon when she heard The Parthenon’s owner, Pete
peared to be adults. sirens from the many emergency Gouskos, was at the dentist when
Eight people have now been vehicles converging on the block his son, Harrison, called him on
killed in D.C. traffic crashes so far and said it appeared the driver FaceTime and showed him what
this year, one more than at this narrowly missed a vehicle was happening. “Dad, we had a
time last year, according to po- parked in front of the Greek major accident here,” his son told
lice records. City data shows restaurant. him.
about 500 people have been The SUV crossed a sidewalk, Gouskos pulled up in time to
injured so far this year. careened through the patios of see the driver, who he said has
Last year, the District record- the Parthenon and its adjoining patronized the restaurant’s adja-
ed 40 traffic fatalities, the most Chevy Chase Lounge, and cent lounge for the past 15 years
since 2007, fueled by what au- plowed into the entrance of a dry to watch sports on television.
thorities say is a proliferation of cleaning shop. Broken potted “He was in shock,” Gouskos said,
unsafe driving during the coro- plants and chairs littered the saying the man seemed rattled by
navirus pandemic that reflects sidewalk. what happened. “I know him
an alarming rise in traffic deaths Pulles and Christian Borjas, very well. He’s a very nice guy. It
nationwide. who were at the Starbucks, said definitely was an accident.”
The Parthenon, a few blocks they could hear the SUV’s engine Gouskos said one of his wait-
south of the Chevy Chase Circle gunning. “It suddenly accelerat- ers was outside and saw the SUV
at the Maryland line, has had an ed,” Pulles said. “It looked like charging at the restaurant and
outdoor sidewalk cafe permit someone hit the accelerator in- jumped out of the way, mildly
since 2012, according to the D.C. stantly.” injuring his leg. Had his back
Department of Transportation. The SUV jumped over a curb, been turned, Gouskos said, and
Officials with that agency were at went in between columns of the he might have been killed.
the scene Friday to assist in the Parthenon Restaurant’s outdoor Harrison said it was a sad
investigation, including a team awning, and plowed into people. scene. “Bodies were everywhere,
from the Vision Zero office, “It was horrific,” Pulles said. bleeding, crying, screaming,”
which oversees the city’s strate- Borjas, a nurse from Califor- Harrison said. “It looked like a
gies to prevent traffic deaths and nia who is temporarily working war zone.” But he also said he
injuries. in the area, rushed over and saw “a strong community come
From the northbound lanes, helped lifted the SUV off an to help the injured and try to
the driver of the SUV would have injured woman. He then helped bring a calmness to the scene.”
crossed two lanes of oncoming open the door for the driver. “He
traffic on the busy street that walked out. He was scared. You Luz Lazo and Emily Davies
serves as a gateway into the could tell it wasn’t intentional,” contributed to this report.



then plunge
for the song
‘Pushin P’

Hit singles don’t come

stamped with expiration dates,
but it’s hard to remember a great-
er song with a shorter shelf life
than “Pushin P,” a highly perish-
able little masterpiece from Geor-
gia rappers Gunna, Future and
Young Thug that went extra-viral
almost instantly upon its release,
Jan. 7, A.D. 2022. The hype came
fast thanks to a social media
campaign involving the letter-P
emoji, plus some low-stakes in-
trigue surrounding the unknow-
able meaning of P itself — and
from that magic swirl of linguistic
mystery and pictographic fun,
Gunna’s latest album, “DS4Ever,”
debuted at No. 1 on the Billboard
200. But two months after the
song first appeared, we might as
well be talking about a Spartan
general who died at Thermopy-
“Pushin P” went too viral. Once
those little blue P tiles started
self-replicating all over social me-
dia, the corporate accounts
couldn’t resist poking their fin-
gers into the ambiguous new
slang. “We had an internal meet-
ing, and without getting into de-
tails, we’re pushin P all year,” Nike
tweeted, math-teacherishly.
“We’re always pushing Pancakes,”
tweeted IHOP. Deep in January, a DISNEY/PIXAR

Fox Weather meteorologist refer-

enced “Pushin P” while forecast-

The vitality of Disney moms

ing a cold front in Texas. You
could feel the song becoming
uncool on your skin. On and on it


With movies such as
exploring matrilineal lines — even within Disney,
which has long employed animated parental

pulls name Domee Shi recounts the emotional words of

her mother — the sentence she heard upon each
visit home after moving out: Oh, Domee, I wish I
‘Turning Red,’ parents in the
animated films move beyond
death as narrative device.
“We’ve always tried to make sure our films are
personal,” Pixar chief Pete Docter says. “We’ve

of reporter could put you back in my stomach so I knew

exactly where you were at all times.
“I always thought that was a such a sweet but
the tragic side story made other films centered around female charac-
ters, like ‘Brave’ and ‘Inside Out,’ but it’s been
great to really launch that even further with

from award very creepy thing to say to your daughter,” Shi,

laughing warmly, says during a recent Zoom call.
“I wanted to kind of understand where that In Disney and Pixar’s “Turning
Domee and ‘Turning Red.’ ”
Other mother characters have emerged as
vitally present in the past decade in such Pixar
feeling came from.” Red,” 13-year-old Meilin “Mei” hits as “Coco,” as well as Disney’s “Encanto,” which
BY P AUL F ARHI As an artist and filmmaker, Shi weighed the Lee transforms into a red panda is up for three Academy Awards this month.
creative possibilities of those words until a story when she gets too excited. Since the dawn of Disney animation, though,
Merriman Smith was a distin- sprung to life. Her mother’s phrase helped inspire Filmmaker Domee Shi mined stretching back more than eight decades, parents
guished White House correspon- Shi’s 2018 Oscar-winning animated short “Bao,” in her own life for a story set in have routinely been jettisoned or unaccounted for
dent for decades, but he cemented which an empty-nest mother eats her allegorical Toronto, as Mei rebels against — from such early Disney classics as “Snow White
his place in journalism history on dumpling of a son rather than let him go. the hovering control of her and the Seven Dwarves” to more modern hits such
a bright afternoon in 1963. That film’s success directly fueled Shi’s new mother. as “Frozen.” And sometimes, the death of the
Traveling in the press-pool car follow-up — a more complex tale also featuring a mother happens traumatically on screen, such as
as President John F. Kennedy’s protective mother of Chinese descent, as she in Disney’s “Bambi” and Pixar’s “Finding Nemo.”
motorcade wound through Dallas navigates her relationship with a strong daughter In the Tragic Kingdom, orphans abound.
that day, Smith heard the crackle at the onset of puberty. “Turning Red,” which was The reasons for creating a narrative that
of gunfire. He reacted instinctive- just released on Disney Plus, is not only the first disappears parents can include engendering em-
ly, grabbing the car’s “radiotele- Pixar film to be solo-directed by a woman. It also pathy, as well as setting a young hero off on a
phone” before other reporters to continues Pixar’s growth with personal stories SEE DISNEY ON C2
file a brief but world-shaking
scoop to his editors: “Three shots
fired at President Kennedy’s mo-
torcade today in downtown Dal-
He went on to report from a
hospital where he saw the presi-
dent slumped in the rear of his
limousine, “a dark stain spread-
ing down the right side of [his]
dark gray suit.”
Smith’s final dispatch from the
day of Kennedy’s assassination
was a masterpiece of deadline
writing, earning him a Pulitzer
Ukrainian dancers take o≠ ballet slippers, put on combat boots
Prize in 1964. He went on to win a
Presidential Medal of Freedom BY S ARAH L . K AUFMAN ballet dancers are making drastic,
several years later. And for the career-altering decisions — and
past 50 years, the White House Side-by-side photos of Ukraini- some are finding themselves, like
Correspondents’ Association has an dancer Oleksii Potiomkin, Potiomkin, in life-threatening sit-
honored print and broadcast re- posted recently on Twitter, cap- uations.
porters with an award that bears ture the stark irony of his life. In Among these is Lesya Vorot-
his name. Until now. one shot, he’s an elegant ballet nyk, also with the Kyiv ballet
The WHCA’s board voted unan- prince, snapped midair in a mag- company. She is identified as the
imously to strip Smith’s name nificent leap. In the other, he’s striking young woman in a recent
from its signature prize in Janu- standing in the snow, wearing Twitter post wearing a khaki mili-
ary after research revealed a more military fatigues and carrying a tary cap and holding a rifle in her
troubling side to the reporter weapon. slender fingers. (Her trigger con-
once known to colleagues and “The ballet dancer has joined trol has earned admiration from
presidents as “Smitty.” The vote up,” wrote Natalia Antonova, the followers.)
has not been publicly reported Washington-based journalist In Russia, two principal danc-
until now. who posted the photos, “like ers have broken ties, at least
After a review of its archives many people from all walks of life temporarily, with the famed
and other research, the organiza- in Ukraine.” Her post, from Bolshoi and Mariinsky compa-
tion’s board concluded that Smith March 2, has been shared about nies. Xander Parish has quit the
— who was twice president of the 25,000 times. Mariinsky, his artistic home since
WHCA — upheld restrictions on Potiomkin is a first soloist with 2010, when he became the first
Black and female journalists, ex- the ballet company of Kyiv’s Na- English dancer invited to join the
cluding them from membership tional Opera of Ukraine, where legendary St. Petersburg compa-
in the National Press Club, and he’s earned the title “honored ny, where such ballet royalty as
SEE MEDIA ON C4 artist of Ukraine.” At this point in Rudolf Nureyev, Mikhail Barysh-
any ordinary spring season he’d nikov and Natalia Makarova once
be in a studio rehearsing the danced.
leading roles in, say, “Swan Lake” “Tonight I was supposed to be
or “Giselle.” Needless to say, none performing ‘Giselle’ at the Mari-
of that is happening now. As the insky Theatre,” Parish wrote on
His girlfriend becomes a war in Ukraine is forcing the Instagram this week, “but in-
different person when world to fundamentally reassess NATASHA RAZINA/STATE ACADEMIC MARIINSKY THEATRE
stead, due to the awful crisis I
its actions and allegiances, artists While some dancers are taking up arms, others, such as Xander Parish, pictured dancing in the have taken the difficult decision
they’re out with friends. C3 are not immune. A number of Mariinsky Ballet’s production of “Apollo,” are breaking ties with Russian companies. SEE UKRAINE ON C2

With ‘Turning Red,’ Pixar tackles mom-daughter dynamic

DISNEY FROM C1 tively present but mostly silent. don’t know what to do with them
Ming, the grandmother and and you don’t understand why
journey of self-discovery — a the aunties in this movie are they’re not listening to you,” says
frequent arc that includes Dis- “directly inspired by the strong the “Killing Eve” actress, adding:
ney’s “Lion King” releases and women in my life who raised me,” “That’s hopefully what we can see
Pixar’s “The Good Dinosaur.” says Shi, who was a storyboard a little flavor with, with Ming, is
Countering that trend at Pixar artist on “Inside Out” before that difficulty that they both have
specifically, however, vivid moth- Docter began encouraging her of not wanting to lose the connec-
er characters have appeared in personal stories. (Her pitch for tion and the love, but under-
such stories as “Luca,” “Soul” and “Bao,” he says, stood out “as standing that that has to change.”
the “Incredibles” films. And two completely original and kind of For Shi, who co-wrote “Turn-
trailblazing female filmmakers shocking.”) ing Red” with Julia Cho, even
in the studio’s past decade — Chiang appreciates the depth following her animation dreams
Brenda Chapman and Shi — have of depicting a deep family tree in brought its own sense of internal
particularly plumbed the com- this tale. “Turning Red,” she says, concern over parent-child sepa-
plexities of mother-daughter re- “shows how history repeats itself ration.
lationships. in the generations.” “I definitely felt that guilt
Chapman, the first woman to Oh, whose parents emigrated when I first moved out to Califor-
co-direct a Pixar feature, told The to Canada from South Korea, nia when I got the job at Pixar,”
Washington Post in 2013 that she says she was drawn to the proj- says Shi of her relocation from
wrote the Oscar-winning picture ect’s rendering of matrilineal re- Canada to the studio’s Emeryville
“Brave” as “a love letter” to her lationships, especially within an campus. “I was the furthest I’d
daughter. The film centers large- Asian culture. ever lived away from my parents.
ly on the tug-of-war between the GARETH CATTERMOLE/GETTY IMAGES
“I think for those who went As an only child, I just felt: Oh no,
independent spirit of medieval From left, filmmaker Domee Shi, voice performers Rosalie Chiang and Sandra Oh, and producer through it as children, it’s like I’m leaving them and I feel really
teen archer Merida and the ex- Lindsey Collins attend a gala screening of Pixar’s “Turning Red” last month in London. trying to balance the level of love bad. But I also really, really need
pectations from her royal Scot- and loyalty that we have to our this — I need to leave.”
tish Highlands family. She and natural secret in this Chin- body, my emotions, my relation- before her family moved to Cana- parents and our culture, and the Making “Bao,” she says, was
her mother, Queen Elinor, strug- ese-Canadian family, though, is ship with my mom — I was da when she was a toddler. “Not stress that it can put kids under her creative way of “processing
gle to understand each other that Mei suddenly begins turning fighting with her every day.” just from my own perspective, to try to find themselves as well,” my own feelings of leaving the
even as they race against the into a giant red panda when her Thanks to Shi’s eye for detail, but my mom’s, too — and just says Oh, noting that even her nest, yet even after her trium-
clock after Merida’s impetuous emotions are inflamed. “Turning Red” resists easy carica- kind of look at growing up and choice to pursue acting meant phant eight-minute short, “I felt
wish turns mom into a bear. “I was her,” says Shi, who is in tures of parent-child squabbles, puberty through a fun, weird, overcoming hurdles within her like I barely scratched the sur-
For “Turning Red,” Shi mined her early 30s. “I was Mei when I instead finding emotionally true awkward lens and laugh at it, but family. face.”
her own life for a story set in was 13 — I was this dorky, confi- notes that feel rooted in the also celebrate it.” Oh says “Turning Red” can be “So when I was given the
early-aughts Toronto, as 13-year- dent, obsessive girl who thought specificity of experience. “Mak- The family dynamics grow appreciated from the mother’s opportunity to direct a feature
old Meilin “Mei” Lee (voiced by she had her life under control. I ing this movie is just me wanting more complex as other female perspective, too. “During that film, I was like: All right, here we
Rosalie Chiang) rebels against was her mom’s little perfect me to go back and understand relatives enter the picture bear- beginning time when hormones go! Mother-daughter relation-
the hovering control of her moth- daughter and then one day woke what was going on at that time,” ing their own family secrets — are racing and [adolescents] be- ship — let’s dive in and analyze it
er, Ming (Sandra Oh). The super- up, and everything changed: my says Shi, who was born in China while Mei’s father stays atten- come these crazy animals, you from every angle.”

Dancer: ‘We are one big ballet family’ ‘Pushin P’ ends up in dead letter o∞ce
UKRAINE FROM C1 and still has family there. ing this art form,” she said, “and NOTEBOOK FROM C1 many listeners got over “Pushin that appear within two enchant-
His decision and those of other then to have the complete oppo- P” as quickly as they got into it. ed minutes, many of which have
to leave Russia, at least until dancers protesting Russia’s ag- site, standing with a gun. It’s just went, until Feb. 24, when Gunna Nobody wants to share their fa- never been handled more deli-
peace comes. My heart goes out to gression have impressed Katery- unbelievable to see that that himself tweeted in response to vorite new song with pancake cately in a rap song: Peace, piece,
the people of Ukraine.” na Derechyna, a Ukrainian mem- would be your reality when one Russia’s invasion of Ukraine: “We people and the weatherman. pint, pills, pointers, Portuguese,
Italian dancer Jacopo Tissi has ber of the Washington Ballet who week ago you were dancing on- Pushin Peace.” All that said, “Pushin P” doesn’t presidents, private, paranoid.
left the Moscow-based Bolshoi grew up in Odessa and trained at stage. But that’s the fearlessness So P stood for peace now? Sure. deserve to go down in history as What if P means P? If words are
Ballet, writing on Instagram in the Odessa Ballet Academy. — doesn’t matter, women or men. For Gunna, the success of “Pushin some case study in hype-cycle containers for meaning, rappers
English and Italian: “I find myself “It really warms my heart to We are very strong and fearless. P” requires that the true meaning shrinkage or the half-life of cool. have spent 40-plus years expand-
unable to continue with my ca- hear of people helping,” Derechy- I’m not shocked that the women of P remain imprecise. “Being Over a Wheezy beat that seesaws ing those containers, changing
reer in Moscow, for the time na said. “Ratmansky has been are willing to do anything for Loyal is definitely P,” he tweeted between digital comet dust and the shapes in their minds and
being.” amazing, reaching out to dancers their country and their family.” the day before the song’s release, ghosts playing cello, Gunna coax- mouths, making them more capa-
The Bolshoi suffered another on social media all over the world. Derechyna spoke wistfully of framing P as a state of being, that, es his forebears into an allitera- cious and complex, occasionally
abrupt departure when Alexei Ballet is a highly international art the beloved Odessa National Aca- when you try to square it with the tive gymnastics routine for the swapping out the contents alto-
Ratmansky, the renowned St. Pe- form, and we are one big ballet demic Opera and Ballet Theater, lyrics, seems to involve an espous- ages. Future uses a wet palate and gether — a tradition going all the
tersburg-born choreographer family. So for us to feel like we where she danced as a teenager. al of integrity and the ownership a dry throat to propose a new way back to “Not ‘bad’ meaning
who once ran the company, could be at war with each other is “It’s the most magical place I’ve of multiple German sports cars. form of pansexuality by minting ‘bad,’ but ‘bad’ meaning ‘good’!”
stopped working on a ballet he surreal. I have never been in a ever been. The smell, the beauti- But whatever P means, there’s the word “pesbian.” Young Thug and even further. Here, Gunna,
was creating there and flew home ballet company where there ful chandelier, the red velvet seat- always going to be plenty of room nearly crosses Sesame Street — Future and Young Thug continue
to New York. According to the aren’t dancers from all over the ing, the balconies. It’s just so for interpretation, which makes “Three Ps, pop, pourin’, Porsches” that beautiful work, steering a
New York Times, Ratmansky de- world, and we all support each grand.” for the kind of fun that feels big — but ultimately finds the way parade of meanings into a single
cided to leave the day Russian other.” She worries about her mother, and broad enough for anyone to back to his native Twilight Zone. letter: P, meaning good, but more
President Vladimir Putin Derechyna said that when she who still lives in that city on the join in. That’s probably why so And here are some other p-words than that, too.
launched his invasion of Ukraine, saw the photos of the Ukrainian Black Sea. Her worst fear, she
and he’s not sure when he’ll re- dancers Vorotnyk and Potiomkin, said, is “not to be able to walk on
turn to the Bolshoi to finish the who is the father of a young child, the streets where I grew up.” Her Whatever P means, there’s always going to be plenty of room for
production. “I doubt I would go if she felt an instant bond. She voice broke off, and then she
Putin is still president,” he told understands the dancers’ added the sentiment that is surely interpretation, which makes for the kind of fun that feels big and broad
the Times. Ratmansky, who is strength and courage. animating her fellow artists who
artist in residence of American “It is unbelievable to go from have taken up arms: “Not to have enough for anyone to join in.
Ballet Theatre, grew up in Kyiv all the grace and beauty of creat- my country anymore.”

Too many cooks ruin the gumbo before Pink Siifu takes the stage at Songbyrd
BY T ETA A LIM slew of openers who mirrored his counterparts. He grew up be- ing charisma in a highlighter-or-
album’s extensive collaboration, tween Birmingham, Ala., and ange outfit. He also opened up
It takes a lot of ingredients to but with meandering results. Cincinnati, amassing musical the mosh pit, reigniting the dwin-
make an experimental, genre-de- “Gumbo!'s” 18-tracks — with an- knowledge through his family as dling stamina.
fying album. Multi-hyphenate other 28 on the 2022 deluxe they listened to mid-century jazz, And when he finally per-
artist Pink Siifu would know. version — felt like a worthwhile ’90s R&B and ’00s rap. As he formed after milling around in
“My genre is gumbo, but also journey through multilayered collected more influences and the crowd for some of the night,
this album is gumbo. My whole landscapes, but Pink Siifu’s show became a music polymath, he Pink Siifu sauntered onstage to
style is gumbo,” Pink Siifu told felt overstuffed, with the headlin- resisted genre constraint. “I the gentle sound of a pan flute.
Stereogum in a 2021 interview er’s 30-minute set cobbled onto didn’t want people to box me in,” He started off a bit slow, but he
promoting his latest album, the end of the show. he told the New York Times last ramped up the energy as the
“Gumbo!,” a hearty tribute to Perhaps offering a narrative summer. songs progressed, his flickering
Southern hip-hop in which the through-line or sprinkling per- On Wednesday, seeing Pink start making way for leaping
rapper, singer and producer trac- formances from Pink Siifu Siifu lit up onstage with his clos- flames. Eventually, a pit opened
es his sonic heritage back to the throughout would’ve helped sus- est collaborators evoked the joy and Pink Siifu joined in the churn
sounds of Atlanta’s Dungeon tain the show’s momentum. and communion of a shared of bodies.
Family and New Orleans’s Lil Though the openers did play meal. Rappers VonBeezy and Closing out the show with Peso
Wayne. relatively short sets, the down- Peso Gordon repped Ohio and Gordon and VonBeezy on the
He attempted to add even time between performances dis- brought a surge of energy when- beaming track “Bravo!,” Pink Sii-
more components to his show at rupted the evening’s flow. ever they appeared. Fellow rap- fu wove in a bit of warmth to steel
D.C.’s Songbyrd Music House on But it’s understandable why JESS OG
per Turich Benjy danced his way his audience for the cold March
Wednesday night, showcasing a Pink Siifu wanted to showcase his Pink Siifu’s 30-minute set came after a slew of opening acts. to a standout performance, exud- night.

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lost ledger of evidence he must which was rescheduled from USA Network (6:00) Movie: A League of Their Own ★★★ (1992) Paralympics Paralympics Hockey 2022 Winter Paralympics
provide to the FBI to get into the January. VH1 (5:25) Movie: Ride Along Movie: Friday ★★★ (1995) Movie: Next Friday ★★ (2000)
witness protection program. WNC8 ABC News Govt. Matters 20/20 News WJLA News Attkisson Armstrong
— Anying Guo LEGEND: Bold indicates new or live programs ◆ High Definition Movie Ratings (from TMS) ★★★★ Excellent ★★★ Good ★★ Fair ★ Poor No stars: not rated


1 Alaska’s flag
includes the
part of it
10 Stop orders
15 2002 Emmy
winner for
Lead Actor
in a Comedy
16 Caribbean
17 Bagel-shaped
18 First Japanese
tennis player
with a WTA #1
19 Cute
20 Shrink
22 Get it, in
23 Blinking aids
24 Fugu danger
26 Ars __:
29 Feline

Forget ‘real’ and ‘fake’ her. Accept her.

31 Jewish © 2022 Tribune Content Agency, LLC. 3/12/22
after Av 59 Literary work 23 Word in some 30 Tend 46 Batting
32 Go-ahead that sounds rap handles 33 Sports radio practice setting
35 Clay, beginning like two of its 25 Letters atop a host Jim 48 Freebie Carolyn Hax is forward. Any ideas? she reflects on you. It is just a
in 1964 letters face 34 Conclusion 49 The duck, in “Peter away. The — Annoyed hunch, but if you’re self-
36 Thingamabobs 60 Doves 26 Lake formed beginning and the Wolf” following is from conscious, too, then maybe it’s
37 Verbal by the Hoover 36 “IMHO ...” 50 It’s a wrap Dec. 9, 2007. Annoyed: None you want to grounds for a more forgiving
shrug DOWN Dam 39 LAPD unit? 51 Head Start hear, but that’s typical — few perspective on her antics.
1 Bing results 27 Utah’s state 40 Nod, at times class Hi, Carolyn: people need help seeing what And if I’m way off, then try
38 Means Carolyn Sometimes when they want to see. this: Does she relax as she
of filling 2 Something fossil 43 Deal with lawn 52 DEA agents
to travel by 28 Unpleasant
Hax we are out in a Your girlfriend’s actions aren’t acclimates to situations, like
up for less? thatch 54 Flight board group or with my “fake”; they’re awkward, maybe, bringing you home to her family?
40 Swain 3 “Resident Alien” journeys 45 Glazer of abbr. girlfriend’s close- unnatural-seeming, but not fake. You could find acceptance in a
41 Attacked network 29 Turned over “Broad City” 56 Scam knit family, I feel like my I don’t know her motivation, but combination of patience from
en masse 4 I won’t use it, girlfriend acts fake. Attention- what you describe is the you, honesty from her about her
42 Puts on but you will greedy, goofy, childish. As the behavior of someone social preferences, and a joint
5 Assembled FRIDAY’S LA TIMES SOLUTION months have passed and the uncomfortable in crowds. She is effort by you both to find ways to
a coat
44 Dazed artwork other parts of “us” have grown “different” with you alone, the circulate that make you both feel
6 “The Hill We and progressed, this thing has theory goes, because she’s not at ease.
45 Guaranteed, remained an issue. self-conscious with you. She’s That would require a
as a victory Climb” poet
7 Diner cupfuls I’m sort of famously neurotic comfortable. nondefensive conversation with
46 Surly sort and am struggling to not react so The common mistake here is her, though, and for that she
47 Like Oz, but 8 Torts taker badly to this. We go out, she does to see comfort as her “real” self needs to feel safe — in other
not Kansas 9 “Gilmore Girls” this act, I get so annoyed. She’s and awkwardness as the “fake” words, your message needs to be
50 Banana girl like a different person when we one. Most of us make that that she isn’t doing anything
Boat no. 10 Birds named are alone! mistake about ourselves. But the wrong by being herself. It may
53 Ram among for their I hate to hurt her feelings, and truth is, your “real” girlfriend not be for you, but that doesn’t
the stars sounds otherwise we are very in love. both relaxes around you and make it wrong.
11 Six-pack She gets very defensive and takes tenses up in groups. So she’s So, both approaches hinge on
55 Its formal it as an attack on her character, right — you don’t accept her your acceptance that she is who
name includes makeup
12 Phoenix and says I don’t fully “accept her.” I fully. she is. That means it’s time for an
“Patient don’t want her to change per se, If that’s what you want to do, honest reckoning with yourself,
Protection,” Washington,
e.g. but it drives me nuts. And then maybe this will help: I on whether you can ever love the
informally frankly, it makes me less suspect it’s a trait you have in whole thing.
57 Sanjay 13 Subjected to attracted to her to see her act like common. Although you may just
of CNN flak a 12-year-old with our friends. I find adult 12-year-olds annoying, Write to Carolyn Hax at
58 Kept track of 14 Uneven do want this to work with her; how a sentence of yours got my Get her
21 Rock or Rivers do I get past this? How do I talk attention: “It makes me less column delivered to your inbox each
to her about this? She just attracted to her to see her act like morning at
becomes angry and says I am a 12-year-old with our friends.”
Did you hear The Post today? trying to control her. We’ve been I get a whiff of someone who’s  Join the discussion live at noon
S0108 3x.5
Washington Post podcasts go with you everywhere Politics • History • Culture • More
talking engagement, and I want embarrassed by their girlfriend’s Fridays at
to figure this out before we move behavior. This is about the way chats.

Past of reporter whose name was on award is questioned

MEDIA FROM C1 president, Steven Portnoy, ac- Portnoy said. counted Smith’s role in a 2008 James Hagerty — President guess the [WHCA’s] current lead-
knowledged that the board had During his leadership of the speech to the National Press Club. Dwight D. Eisenhower’s press sec- ership.”
from attending the correspon- removed Smith’s name. WHCA, Smith actively opposed Smith argued that the all-male retary and a club member — to “I understand the rationale
dents’ annual dinner. “After 50 years of recognizing admitting female reporters to the affairs “were too dirty . . . and that “stay out” of the issue. Lautier, a and I think [Merriman Smith]
The group has renamed its Merriman Smith’s contribution to the men liked it bawdy and they reporter for the Baltimore Afro- might as well,” he said. “I don’t
Merriman Smith Award as the journalism, the board felt the weren’t about to change it,” American, was ultimately admit- begrudge the current leadership’s
WHCA Award for Excellence in time was right to retire his name Ritchie said at the time. ted with support from Hagerty right to make a statement.”
Presidential News Coverage Un- on our deadline reporting award,” “After 50 years of Women were finally admitted and Eisenhower. Smith said his father grew up in
der Deadline Pressure. Portnoy, a White House reporter in 1962 over Smith’s objection, The removal of Smith’s name Georgia and reported on the seg-
The decision is a small but for CBS News Radio, said in a recognizing according to the historian. The from the WHCA award drew ex- regated South of the 1930s, cover-
symbolic reassessment of a leg- statement. “Smith’s record of dis- late, legendary White House re- pressions of disappointment ing lynchings and Ku Klux Klan
endary journalist and is in keep- tinguished reporting under dead- Merriman Smith’s porter Helen Thomas, among oth- from his two surviving children (a rallies among other stories. “I
ing with recent reappraisals of line pressure continues to serve as ers, had advocated that President third, U.S. Army Captain Albert never detected any racism on his
other notable historical figures. a template for us all. But some contribution to Kennedy boycott the dinner if it Merriman Smith Jr., died in com- part growing up,” said the young-
Smith reported on every presi- elements of his legacy do not remained all male, and Kennedy bat in Vietnam in 1966). Both said er Smith, who was born in 1948
dent from 1941 to early 1970 — reflect the current values of the journalism, the agreed, leading to the change. they were unaware of the decision and served in President Jimmy
from Franklin D. Roosevelt to association nor its dedication to a Smith also opposed admitting until it was relayed to them by a Carter’s administration as a Jus-
Richard M. Nixon — for the Unit- diverse and inclusive press corps.” board felt the time women as members of the Na- reporter on Thursday. tice Department lawyer. Al-
ed Press wire service and its suc- Portnoy said questions about tional Press Club, despite Ken- “It makes me sad,” said Gillean though his father tended to keep
cessor, United Press Internation- Smith’s past first arose inside the was right to retire nedy’s advocacy, Ritchie said in Smith, his daughter. She said she his political views to himself, he
al. As the senior White House WHCA in 2019, but no action was his presentation. During a trip was skeptical of the WHCA’s re- said, “I don’t think he had much
reporter in the 1960s, Smith usu- taken at that time. In the fall, a his name on our aboard Air Force One, he told search. “Hopefully, I’ve learned in use for ultraconservatives or big-
ally ended presidential news con- board member Portnoy declined Kennedy the issue was “dicey” all my years as a human being not ots.”
ferences by saying, “Thank you, to identify raised the issue again, deadline reporting and joked that Kennedy should to jump to conclusions just be- Smith recalled that his father
Mr. President.” prompting the association to re- “stick to things you understand, cause someone says something is used his show-business connec-
He wrote five books on the search Smith’s history. “It’s fair to award.” like the Congo.” (Women first be- true. Have I read or seen this tions to help arrange entertain-
presidency (including one titled say institutions across our society Steven Portnoy, came members of the club in evidence? No. So I’ll take it with a ment for the 1970 correspondents’
“Thank You, Mr. President”), and have taken this moment to do president of the White House 1971.) grain of salt and wait. I have not dinner. Among those he signed up
was a noted raconteur, appearing some self-reflection,” he said in an Correspondents’ Association Smith also pushed backed in seen proof that all these things was singer Dionne Warwick.
frequently as a guest not only on interview. 1955, when the press club was on took place.” The event was held a few days
news programs but on entertain- The organization’s board voted the verge of admitting its first Tim Smith, who helped create after Smith died by suicide in his
ment shows such as “The Merv 9 to 0 to remove Smith’s name. It organization’s annual White Black journalist, Louis Lautier, the award after his father’s death, home in Alexandria.
Griffin Show.” based its decision on Smith’s in- House correspondents’ dinner, according to “The Eisenhower also said he was saddened by the Warwick sang “Bridge Over
Responding to an inquiry from volvement in several episodes according to former Senate histo- Years,” a book by Michael S. May- organization’s decision. But he Troubled Water” at the dinner,
The Washington Post, the WHCA’s over the course of his long career, rian Donald Ritchie, who re- er. Smith reportedly advised added: “I don’t want to second- dedicating it to his memory.

MOVIE DIRECTORY (!) No Pass/No Discount Ticket

Saturday, March 12, 2022

DISTRICT 2022 Oscar Nominated Shorts:

Animation (R) 11:05-9:30
Dog (PG-13) CC: 1:55-4:40-
Dog (PG-13) 12:15-5:00-6:00
Hotel Transylvania: Transfor-
Regal Germantown
20000 Century Boulevard
Radhe Shyam (Telugu) (NR)
The Batman: The IMAX 2D
Experience (PG-13) CC: 10:00-
Angelika Film Center Mosaic
2911 District Ave
Death on the Nile (PG-13)
Regal Kingstowne & RPX
5910 Kingstowne Towne Center
AMC Georgetown 14 2022 Oscar Nominated Shorts: Dune (PG-13) CC: 5:00 mania (PG) 1:00-5:45 The Metropolitan Opera: Radhe Shyam (Hindi) 11:10- 2:00-6:00-10:00 Spider-Man: No Way Home The Batman (PG-13) 11:40- The Lego Movie (PG) 11:10-
3111 K Street N.W. Documentary 3:50 Moonfall (PG-13) CC: 1:50 Ariadne auf Naxos (NR) 12:55 6:00-9:20 The Batman (PG-13) CC: (PG-13) 12:30-3:45-7:05-10:20 12:10-1:30-5:25-6:05-9:20-10:00 1:50
Hoyt's West Nursery
Uncharted (PG-13) CC: 11:40- 2022 Oscar Nominated Shorts: West Side Story (PG-13) CC: Cinema 14 The Lego Movie (PG) 10:05- Spider-Man: No Way Home 10:30-11:30-12:00-12:30-1:00- Uncharted (PG-13) 11:55-2:30- The Kashmir Files 5:50 Uncharted (PG-13) 10:25-
2:20-5:05-7:50-10:35 Live Action (R) 1:15-7:00 7:05 1591 West Nursery Road 11:20-1:50-4:40-7:10-9:40 (PG-13) 12:20-3:50-7:20-10:40 1:30-2:30-3:30-4:00-4:30-5:00- 5:05-7:30-9:30 Radhe Shyam (Telugu) (NR) 12:55-3:55-7:25
Death on the Nile (PG-13) CC: Scream (R) CC: 7:45-10:45 Uncharted (PG-13) 10:20-1:20- The Batman: The IMAX 2D 5:30-6:30-7:30-8:00-8:30-9:00- Death on the Nile (PG-13) 1:50-5:10-8:30
AMC Academy 8 Uncharted (PG-13) CC: 1:15- 9:30-10:30 Sing 2 (PG) 12:20
1:20-4:20-7:15-10:10 6198 Greenbelt Road Spider-Man: No Way Home 4:25-7:05-9:50 4:20-7:20-10:20 Experience (PG-13) 11:00-3:00- 10:50-1:45-4:30-7:30-10:15 Dog (PG-13) 11:05-12:05-
The Batman (PG-13) CC: 11:30- 7:00-11:00 Death on the Nile (PG-13)
Uncharted (PG-13) CC: 1:10- (PG-13) CC: 1:45-4:45-8:30- Sing 2 (PG) CC: 1:00-4:00-6:30 The Batman (PG-13) 10:00- AMC Potomac Mills 18 2022 Oscar Nominated Shorts: 5:30-8:10
3:30-7:30-11:30 10:30-11:00-11:30-12:00-12:30- 12:40-3:40-7:40-10:40
4:40-7:45-10:45 10:15 Death on the Nile (PG-13) CC: Regal Westview & IMAX 2700 Potomac Mills Circle Animation (R) 2:00-7:20 Spider-Man: No Way Home
Dune (PG-13) CC: 11:35AM 2:00-2:30-3:00-3:30-4:00-4:30- (PG-13) 11:55-6:50-10:25 The Batman (PG-13) 11:00-
Death on the Nile (PG-13) CC: Nightmare Alley (R) CC: 12:50-4:00-6:50-9:35
5243 Buckeystown Pike Uncharted (PG-13) CC: 11:20- 2022 Oscar Nominated Shorts: 3:00-7:00
West Side Story (PG-13) CC: 1:30-4:30-7:45-10:45 12:50-4:20 The Batman (PG-13) CC: The Metropolitan Opera: Ari- 2:20-5:20-8:20-11:20 Live Action (R) 11:15-4:25 Etharkkum Thunindhavan
3:00 8:30-9:00-10:00-10:30-11:00 (Tamil) 9:40 Dog (PG-13) 11:05-1:45-4:20-
The Batman (PG-13) CC: 12:30- The Batman: The IMAX 2D 12:45-2:00-3:20-4:35-5:50-7:10-
Dog (PG-13) 10:10AM
adne auf Naxos (NR) 12:55 Sing 2 (PG) CC: 1:45 The Batman (PG-13) 11:15-
Dog (PG-13) CC: 4:40-7:10-9:40 1:15-2:15-4:00-5:00-6:00-7:00- Experience (PG-13) CC: 11:00- 8:25-9:40 Uncharted (PG-13) 1:40-4:30- Death on the Nile (PG-13) CC: 12:15-3:15-4:15-7:15-8:15- The Adam Project (PG-13)
King Richard (PG-13) CC: 10:15 3:00-7:00-11:00 Radhe Shyam (Telugu) (NR) 12:35-3:40-6:45-9:50 9:15-10:15 1:15-4:00-6:45-9:30 Radhe Shyam (Telugu) (NR)
9:00-10:00-10:30 West Side Story (PG-13) CC: 7:40-10:30 1:35-4:45-8:00
Cyrano (PG-13) CC: 1:40-7:25 The Batman (PG-13) OC: 4:00 12:30-3:30-6:50-9:00 12:10-6:40-9:50 The Batman (PG-13) CC: 11:00- Cyrano (PG-13) 12:00-2:45- BTS PERMISSION TO DANCE
Dog (PG-13) CC: 1:50-4:30- Death on the Nile (PG-13)
Radhe Shyam (Hindi) 12:15- 7:20-10:40 AMC Montgomery 16 jackass forever (R) CC: 1:45- Radhe Shyam (Hindi) 3:20 12:10-3:20-6:30-9:40 3:00-7:00-11:00 5:30-8:30 ON STAGE - SEOUL: LIVE Radhe Shyam (Hindi) 12:50-
3:35-7:00-10:20 Spider-Man: No Way Home 7101 Democracy Boulevard 4:50-7:35-9:55 Spider-Man: No Way Home Dune (PG-13) CC: 6:20 I Am Here (PG-13) 11:00-1:00- VIEWING 4:30-8:30 4:05-7:20
Marry Me (PG-13) CC: 11:25- (PG-13) CC: 1:20-4:30-7:30- Dog (PG-13) CC: 1:20-4:15- (PG-13) 12:40-4:10-7:40-10:55 The Batman (PG-13) 12:00-
1:00-3:30-4:00-5:00-6:20-7:30- West Side Story (PG-13) CC: 3:00-5:00-7:00 Uncharted (PG-13) OC: 3:15 Gangubai Kathiawadi (Telugu)
Uncharted (PG-13) CC: 12:30- Etharkkum Thunindhavan
7:45 10:10 1:30-4:15-7:15-10:15 6:40-9:10 8:00-9:00-10:20 4:40 Bow Tie Death on the Nile (PG-13) 4:30-8:20
Spider-Man: No Way Home Marry Me (PG-13) CC: 1:05- (Tamil) 2:40-6:20-10:10 King Richard (PG-13) CC: 10:10 Reston Town Center 11 & BTX OC: 2:50 Spider-Man: No Way Home
AMC Center Park 8 Death on the Nile (PG-13) CC: Dog (PG-13) 11:10-1:40
(PG-13) CC: 11:55-3:15-6:35- 4:10-6:45-9:20 Etharkkum Thunindhavan Gangubai Kathiawadi (Hindi) The Batman (PG-13) XD: (PG-13) 1:10-5:05-8:35
4001 Powder Mill Rd. 1:00-4:15-7:15-10:15 (Telugu) 10:50AM Radhe Shyam (Telugu) (NR) 11940 Market Street
9:55 The Batman (PG-13) CC: Scream (R) CC: 1:40-4:40- 11:20-6:10-9:20 (NR) 12:10 11:10-12:45-3:05-4:40-7:00- The Batman (PG-13)
The Worst Person in the World Uncharted (PG-13) CC: 1:30- Aadavallu Meeku Joharlu West Side Story (PG-13) 8:35-10:55
4:40-7:40-9:50 12:00-1:30-2:30-3:00-3:30-4:00- 7:20-10:00 Radhe Shyam (Hindi) 2:45 jackass forever (R) CC: 5:30-9:20 12:00-4:00-8:00; 11:30-1:00-
(R) 4:25-10:15 11:10-2:20-5:50-9:10 12:00AM Spider-Man: No Way Home
Death on the Nile (PG-13) CC: 4:30-5:30-6:30-7:00-7:30-8:00- The Cursed (R) CC: 10:10 Tyson's Run (PG) 12:40-3:40- Uncharted (PG-13) 11:25-2:05- 1:30-2:00-2:30-3:15-3:30-5:00-
Drive My Car 6:30 8:30-9:30-10:30 Spider-Man: No Way Home Regal Hyattsville Royale 6:40-9:40 Dog (PG-13) CC: 11:40-1:20- (PG-13) OC: 3:20 5:30-6:00-6:30-7:15-7:30-9:00-
Licorice Pizza (R) CC: 4:35- 1:10-4:45-7:30-10:40 4:50-7:40-10:20
(PG-13) CC: 12:40-3:50-6:35- 6505 America Blvd. 4:00-6:40-9:20 BTS PERMISSION TO DANCE
10:35 The Batman (PG-13) CC: 1:00- West Side Story (PG-13) CC: Spider-Man: No Way Home Death on the Nile (PG-13) ON STAGE - SEOUL: LIVE
2:00-3:00-4:00-6:00-7:00-8:00- 1:45-3:45-7:30-9:00 9:30 The Lego Movie (PG) 11:40- (PG-13) 11:50-3:10-6:50-10:10 Marry Me (PG-13) CC: 11:00AM 12:20-3:30-6:55-9:50
Belfast (PG-13) CC: 11:10AM VIEWING 4:30-8:30 Regal Manassas & IMAX
10:00-10:30 Dune (PG-13) CC: 7:45 Blacklight (PG-13) CC: 1:30- 2:20-5:20 The Batman: The IMAX 2D Radhe Shyam (Hindi) 11:15- The Metropolitan Opera: Ari-
The Batman: The IMAX 2D 2:45-6:15-9:45 The Batman (PG-13) OC: 2:10 11380 Bulloch Drive
Dog (PG-13) CC: 1:40-4:10- jackass forever (R) CC: 12:15- 4:05-7:00 Uncharted (PG-13) 11:20- Experience (PG-13) 11:00-3:00- adne auf Naxos (NR) (!) 12:55
Experience (PG-13) CC: 10:45- 10:00 Studio 666 (R) CC: 4:55-7:30- 12:50-2:10-3:40-5:10-6:40-8:10- 7:00-10:50 Nightmare Alley (R) CC: 8:10 The Batman (PG-13) 11:00- Dog (PG-13) OC: 2:45 The Lego Movie (PG) 11:10-
2:30-6:30-10:30 7:20-10:50 1:50-4:20-6:40-9:10
Dog (PG-13) CC: 12:45-3:45- 10:05 9:50-11:00 BTS PERMISSION TO DANCE Tyson's Run (PG) 11:30-2:15- 2:40-6:30-10:10 Medal of Honor Theater -
I Am Here (PG-13) CC: 2:05- Spider-Man: No Way Home Uncharted (PG-13) 12:30-3:20-
(PG-13) CC: 1:20-4:20-6:50- 6:30-9:15 Blacklight (PG-13) 9:45 Death on the Nile (PG-13) ON STAGE - SEOUL: LIVE 5:00-7:45-10:30 Tyson's Run (PG) 11:10-2:00- NMMC
6:40-9:00 King Richard (PG-13) CC: 3:15 11:00-12:10-3:10-6:20-9:20 VIEWING 4:30-8:30 Spider-Man: No Way Home 18900 Jefferson Davis Highway6:10-9:20
The Batman (PG-13) CC: 10:10 Landmark 4:30-7:20-10:15
Marry Me (PG-13) CC: 1:15- Bethesda Row Cinema The Batman (PG-13) The Batman (PG-13) OC: (PG-13) CC: 12:40-4:10-7:40- Dog (PG-13) 11:15-1:55-4:25- Megan Leavey (PG-13) Death on the Nile (PG-13)
12:00-12:30-1:30-4:00-5:30- AMC Columbia 14 4:00-6:45-9:45 11:00-11:30-12:00-12:40- 11:30AM 11:10 11:45AM 12:40-3:40-6:50-9:50
8:00-8:30-9:30 10300 Little Patuxent Parkway 7235 Woodmont Avenue 7:10-9:40
The Cursed (R) CC: 12:45-6:45 1:10-2:00-2:30-3:00-3:30-4:00- Belfast (PG-13) CC: 12:25 We, the Marines (NR) 10:00- jackass forever (R) 11:40-2:10-
Death on the Nile (PG-13) OC: The Metropolitan Opera: Ari- Spider-Man: No Way Home West Side Story (PG-13) CC: 4:30-5:00-5:50-6:30-7:00-7:30- Xscape Theatres Cyrano (PG-13) 11:20-7:45-
(!) 12:30 Brandywine 14 Licorice Pizza (R) CC: 1:30- 10:30 11:00-2:30-3:30 4:40-7:10-9:40
11:15AM adne auf Naxos (NR) 12:55 (PG-13) CC: 1:00-3:30-7:00- 8:00-9:00-9:40-10:20-10:50 11:40
Dog (PG-13) OC: 2:10 BTS PERMISSION TO DANCE 7710 Matapeake Business Drive Spider-Man: No Way Home Regal Ballston Quarter The Batman (PG-13) 11:30-
Uncharted (PG-13) CC: 12:05- 10:30 jackass forever (R) 12:20-2:50- The Batman: The IMAX 2D 12:00-1:30-2:00-2:30-3:30-
The Batman (PG-13) OC: 4:30 3:05-6:05-8:50 ON STAGE - SEOUL: LIVE 5:30-8:20-10:55 Uncharted (PG-13) CC: (!) (PG-13) 11:45-3:40-6:50-10:00 671 North Glebe Road
The Worst Person in the World Experience (PG-13) CC: 12:00- The Batman (PG-13) 10:30-
I Am Here (PG-13) OC: 4:15 Sing 2 (PG) CC: 12:20-3:20 (R) 4:45-8:45
VIEWING (!) 4:30-8:30 Dog (PG-13) 11:10-1:50-4:50- 11:00-1:40-4:20-7:00-10:00 4:00-8:00-12:00 The Metropolitan Opera: Ari- 4:00-5:30-6:00-6:30-7:30-8:00-
Uncharted (PG-13) CC: (!) 2:00- Private Watch Party CC: (!) 4:30 11:30-12:30-2:10-3:10-4:10- adne auf Naxos (NR) 12:55 9:30-10:00-10:30
Angelika Death on the Nile (PG-13) CC: Nightmare Alley (R) CC: 5:15 7:40-10:30 BTS PERMISSION TO DANCE
2:10-5:10-8:10 4:35-7:20-10:00 Scream (R) 7:55-10:45 The Batman (PG-13) CC: (!) 6:00-7:00-8:00-9:35-10:35 The Lego Movie (PG) 10:45- Dog (PG-13) 11:40-2:20-5:10-
Pop-Up at Union Market Studio 666 (R) CC: 12:25-5:45 ON STAGE - SEOUL: LIVE
The Batman (PG-13) CC: 12:00- The Batman (PG-13) OC: 12:30 Death on the Nile (PG-13) CC: Spider-Man: No Way Home 11:50-1:50-2:30-3:30-5:30-6:10- VIEWING 4:30-8:30 CMX Village 14 1:40-4:20 7:50-10:40
550 Penn Street NE - Unit E
4:00-8:00 (!) 12:45-4:00-7:00 (PG-13) 11:05-12:30-3:50- 7:10-9:10-9:50 1600 Village Market Boulevard Uncharted (PG-13) 10:50-1:50- Radhe Shyam (Telugu) (NR)
The Batman (PG-13) OC: 5:15 Belfast (PG-13) CC: 12:00 The Batman (PG-13) CC: 11:30-
Dune (PG-13) CC: 5:00 Cyrano (PG-13) CC: (!) 1:30 7:20-10:40 Hotel Transylvania: Transfor- 12:30-1:00-2:00-2:30-3:30-4:30- The Metropolitan Opera: Ari- 4:40-7:40-10:40 4:30-7:40
All My Friends Hate Me (R) Licorice Pizza (R) CC: 12:15 Belfast (PG-13) CC: (!) 12:00
12:30-2:45-5:00-7:15-9:30 jackass forever (R) CC: 8:40 The Batman (PG-13) OC: 8:30 mania (PG) CC: 11:10-1:30- 5:00-6:00-6:30-7:30-8:30-9:00- adne auf Naxos (NR) 12:55 Sing 2 (PG) 11:40AM Spider-Man: No Way Home
West Side Story (PG-13) CC: Bow Tie Annapolis Mall 11 2022 Oscar Nominated Shorts: 3:50-6:30-8:50 10:00-10:30-11:30 Uncharted (PG-13) 1:10-4:10- Death on the Nile (PG-13) (PG-13) 11:30-2:50-6:20-10:20
The Batman (PG-13) 11:45- 1020 Westfield Annapolis Mall Live Action (R) (!) 4:55 Regal Laurel Towne Centre Blacklight (PG-13) CC: (!) 2:15-
1:30-3:20-7:00-9:00 3:15 5:45-7:15-8:45 11:50-3:10-6:40-9:50 Radhe Shyam (Hindi) 1:20
2022 Oscar Nominated Shorts: 14716 Baltimore Avenue 4:45-7:25-9:55 AMC Shirlington 7
Dog (PG-13) CC: 12:20-3:10- Uncharted (PG-13) 11:00-1:40- 2772 South Randolph St. Sing 2 (PG) 12:15-1:50-4:50 The Batman (PG-13) 11:00- The Batman: The IMAX 2D Ex-
Avalon Theatre 5:00-7:40-10:20 Animation (R) (!) 2:20 The Metropolitan Opera: Ari- Dog (PG-13) CC: (!) 1:45-4:15- 11:30-12:00-12:30-2:30-3:00- perience (PG-13) 11:00-11:00
5:50-8:20 adne auf Naxos (NR) 12:55 Uncharted (PG-13) CC: 1:30- Death on the Nile (PG-13)
5612 Connecticut Avenue Dog (PG-13) 11:50-2:10-4:40- Licorice Pizza (R) CC: (!) 3:45 6:45-9:15 3:30-4:00-4:30-5:00-6:30-7:00- The Batman (PG-13) 1:00-
Marry Me (PG-13) CC: 6:05 The Lego Movie (PG) 10:40- 4:20-8:00-10:45 12:55-4:20-7:30
The Worst Person in the World Cyrano (PG-13) CC: 12:00- 7:20-9:45 The Batman (PG-13) CC: (!) Scream (R) CC: 1:55-4:35- 7:30-8:00-8:30-9:00-10:30-11:00 5:00-9:00
(R) 1:15-4:15-7:15 Spider-Man: No Way Home 12:15-1:15-2:15-3:50-5:00-6:00- 1:20-3:50 7:15-10:05 Death on the Nile (PG-13) CC: The Batman (PG-13) 12:40- Dog (PG-13) 7:20-10:00
2:50-5:45 Uncharted (PG-13) 12:50-3:55- Spider-Man: No Way Home 12:00-3:15-7:10-10:40 4:35-8:30 The Batman: The IMAX 2D
Belle (PG) 10:00AM (PG-13) 12:00-3:30-6:40-9:50 7:00-7:45-8:30-9:00-9:30 Radhe Shyam (Telugu) (NR)
The Cursed (R) CC: 8:50 6:50-9:40 The Batman (PG-13) CC: jackass forever (R) 8:00 Experience (PG-13) 3:00-7:00
2022 Oscar Nominated Shorts: Shrek (PG) 10:35AM Old Greenbelt Theatre (PG-13) CC: 11:20-3:10-6:20- 3:40-7:10-10:20
Radhe Shyam (Hindi) 1:00- Death on the Nile (PG-13) 1:10- 9:30 12:10-1:00-3:10-4:45-6:10-7:00- Dog (PG-13) 1:40-4:25-7:20
Animation (R) 7:30 4:30-8:00 Sing 2 (PG) 12:10-2:40 129 Centerway Radhe Shyam (Hindi) 12:10 Regal Springfield Town Center
4:20-7:20-10:35 Gold (R) CC: (!) 11:40-2:20-4:50- 9:40-10:00 Cyrano (PG-13) 12:20-6:45
2022 Oscar Nominated Shorts: Spider-Man: No Way Home Death on the Nile (PG-13) 2022 Oscar Nominated Shorts: Spider-Man: No Way Home 6859 Springfield Mall
Documentary 1:00 10:30-1:20-4:10-7:10-10:00 The Batman (PG-13) 7:20-9:40 Cyrano (PG-13) CC: 12:20-4:00- Radhe Shyam (Hindi) 2:20- (PG-13) 11:20-2:50-6:20-9:40 The Metropolitan Opera: Ari-
(PG-13) CC: 1:15-4:45-8:15 Animation (R) 5:00 10:30-11:00-11:30-12:00- 6:50-10:50 5:40-9:00
2022 Oscar Nominated Shorts: Nightmare Alley (R) CC: 6:50 The Batman (PG-13) 11:40- 2022 Oscar Nominated Shorts: The Batman (PG-13) CC: (!) Etharkkum Thunindhavan adne auf Naxos (NR) 12:55
Live Action (R) 4:30 1:30-2:30-3:00-3:30-4:00-5:00- 11:20-12:20-3:00-4:05-6:40- Spider-Man: No Way Home Spider-Man: No Way Home
Belfast (PG-13) CC: 12:40 3:20-7:00-10:35 Documentary 7:45 (Tamil) 11:10-2:40-6:10-10:10 The Lego Movie (PG) 11:10-
5:30-6:30-7:00-7:30-8:00-9:00- 7:40-10:20 (PG-13) CC: 12:30-3:50-7:20- (PG-13) 12:30-4:05-7:35
Landmark Licorice Pizza (R) CC: 8:25 Cyrano (PG-13) 10:50-2:00 9:30-10:30-11:00 10:10 Bheeshma Parvam 6:00 Regal Dulles Town Center 1:50-4:40
Phoenix Theatres Marlow 6
Atlantic Plumbing Cinema The Batman: The IMAX 2D Private Watch Party 12:30 3899 Branch Avenue Dog (PG-13) 6:45-9:20 iPic Pike & Rose I Am Here (PG-13) CC: 1:05- Studio 666 (R) 3:45 21100 Dulles Town Circle Uncharted (PG-13) 12:40-3:50-
807 V Street Northwest Experience (PG-13) CC: 1:00- BTS PERMISSION TO DANCE Uncharted (PG-13) 12:05-3:00- Radhe Shyam (Telugu) (NR) 11830 Grand Park Avenue 3:20-5:40-8:30-10:40 The Batman (PG-13) 12:00- Uncharted (PG-13) 10:45-1:30- 6:50-7:20-9:50-10:20
Death on the Nile (PG-13) CC: 5:00-9:00 ON STAGE - SEOUL: LIVE 3:20-6:40-9:50 Uncharted (PG-13) 12:00-3:30- 12:40-1:25-2:10-3:05-4:35- 4:30-7:30-10:15 Death on the Nile (PG-13)
6:00-9:00 AMC Tysons Corner 16
(!) 12:30-4:20-7:00-9:50 The Batman (PG-13) CC: 12:30- VIEWING (!) 4:30-8:30 Sing 2 (PG) 11:00-1:35-4:15 Radhe Shyam (Hindi) 12:10 6:45-10:30
7850e Tysons Corner Center 5:20-6:05-7:00-7:50-8:30-9:15- The Batman (PG-13) 12:00-3:20-6:40-10:10
The Batman (PG-13) CC: (!) 3:00-4:30-6:00-7:00-8:30; 2:00 The Batman (PG-13) 10:40- Spider-Man: No Way Home Death on the Nile (PG-13) 10:45-11:30-12:00-12:15-
12:40-1:00-1:10-1:40-2:50-3:10- 11:10-12:45-2:20-2:50-3:50- The Batman (PG-13) 12:00- The Metropolitan Opera: Ari- 9:45-10:00 The Batman (PG-13) 11:00-
AMC DINE-IN Rio Cinemas 18 4:20-5:20-6:00-6:30-7:30-8:00- 1:00-2:00-3:45-4:45-5:45-7:30- (PG-13) 12:05-3:40-7:10-10:50 11:15-3:00-6:30-10:00 adne auf Naxos (NR) 12:55 Etharkkum Thunindhavan 1:00-1:45-2:30-3:15-4:45- 12:30-1:30-2:00-2:30-3:00-
4:00-4:30-5:00-6:10-6:30-7:30- Etharkkum Thunindhavan The Batman (PG-13) (!) 10:30- (Hindi) 9:30 5:30-6:15-7:00-7:45-8:30- 3:30-4:30-5:30-6:00-6:30-7:00-
9811 Washingtonian Center 9:00-9:35-10:05-11:05 8:30-9:30 Uncharted (PG-13) CC:
Uncharted (PG-13) CC: 12:30- Scream (R) 6:55-9:45 (Tamil) 10:50-2:40-6:20-10:00 11:30-12:15-1:45-2:45-3:45- 9:55-10:45-1:35-4:25-5:30-7:15- The Batman (PG-13) OC: 4:00
9:15-10:00-10:45 7:30-8:30-9:30-10:05-10:30
Landmark E Street Cinema Cinemark Egyptian 24 and XD 6:00-7:00-8:00-9:15-10:15 Dog (PG-13) 11:00-4:15-6:45- Dog (PG-13) 6:20-9:10
3:30-6:30-9:30 Spider-Man: No Way Home Regal Rockville Center Hotel Transylvania: Transfor- 8:15-10:05 Cinema Arts Theatre
555 11th Street Northwest 7000 Arundel Mills Circle (PG-13) 2:05-5:15-8:35 9:45
Sing 2 (PG) CC: 1:00-4:00-7:00 199 East Montgomery Avenue mania (PG) (!) 11:00-1:45 Sing 2 (PG) CC: 12:15-3:15 9650 Main St Radhe Shyam (Telugu) (NR)
Meatballs (PG) (!) 11:59 Death on the Nile (PG-13) CC: The Batman (PG-13) XD: The Metropolitan Opera: Ari- Dog (PG-13) 11:45-3:15-6:15- Death on the Nile (PG-13) CC: Death on the Nile (PG-13) CC; Radhe Shyam (Telugu) (NR) 4:20-7:40
12:00-3:55-7:50-10:55; 11:10- Regal Bowie 12:30-7:15-10:30
Licorice Pizza (R) OC: (!) 7:05 1:00-4:15-7:45-11:05 15200 Major Lansdale Blvd. adne auf Naxos (NR) 12:55 10:35-1:40-4:40-7:45-10:50 DVS: 10:00-1:20-7:10-9:45 Radhe Shyam (Hindi) 1:00
2022 Oscar Nominated Shorts: The Batman (PG-13) CC: 11:00- 3:05-7:00 The Metropolitan Opera: Ari- The Lego Movie (PG) 11:50AM BTS PERMISSION TO DANCE The Batman (PG-13) CC: 12:00- The Batman (PG-13) CC; DVS: Radhe Shyam (Hindi) 3:45
Spider-Man: No Way Home
Documentary (!) 4:00 3:00-7:00-11:00 Sing 2 (PG) 12:30-3:30-6:40 4:00-8:00 Spider-Man: No Way Home
Uncharted (PG-13) 12:40-3:40- ON STAGE - SEOUL: LIVE
The Rocky Horror Picture Dune (PG-13) CC: 11:00AM Death on the Nile (PG-13) adne auf Naxos (NR) 12:55
6:40-9:40 West Side Story (PG-13) CC:
9:40-11:25-1:00-7:15-7:40 (PG-13) 11:45-3:00-6:30-9:30 (PG-13) 11:40-3:40-7:10-10:40
The Lego Movie (PG) 1:10- VIEWING (!) 4:30-8:30 Cyrano (PG-13) CC; DVS: 9:40- The Batman (PG-13) OC:
Show (R) (!) 11:59 Gangubai Kathiawadi (Hindi) 12:40-4:10-7:35-10:40 4:20 Death on the Nile (PG-13) 12:45 12:05-2:35-7:30-9:55
Bheemla Nayak 11:15-2:45-
2022 Oscar Nominated Shorts: The Metropolitan Opera: Ari- 6:00-9:00
Animation (R) (!) 1:30-7:00-
(NR) 11:45-3:15-7:00-10:30
West Side Story (PG-13) CC: adne auf Naxos (NR) 12:55 Uncharted (PG-13) 12:50-3:50-
The Batman (PG-13)
VIRGINIA jackass forever (R) CC: 11:05 Belfast (PG-13) CC; DVS:
Dog (PG-13) CC: 10:20-1:05- 2:45-7:20
The Batman (PG-13) OC: 4:00 Regal Virginia Gateway & RPX
10:00 11:30AM Hotel Transylvania: Transfor- 10:00-10:30-11:00-11:30- AMC Courthouse Plaza 8 3:40-6:35-9:20 Regal Fairfax Towne Center 8001 Gateway Promenade Place
2022 Oscar Nominated Shorts: mania (PG) 11:25-2:00 The Batman (PG-13) The Worst Person in the World
Dog (PG-13) CC: 11:30-2:15- 12:00-2:00-2:30-3:00-3:30- 2150 Clarendon Blvd. Marry Me (PG-13) CC: 1:05- (R) CC; DVS: 10:10-4:40-9:25 4110 West Ox Road The Metropolitan Opera: Ari-
Live Action (R) (!) 1:20-4:00- The Secret Life of Pets (PG) 11:30-12:00-12:30-1:00-2:00-
4:45-7:15-9:45 2:30-3:00-3:30-4:00-4:30- 4:00-4:40-6:00-6:30-7:00-7:30- Uncharted (PG-13) CC: 2:40- 9:15 Drive My Car CC; DVS: 1:10 The Metropolitan Opera: Ari- adne auf Naxos (NR) 12:55
7:20 Pada 11:15-2:30-6:00-9:30 11:05AM 8:00-8:40-10:00-10:30-11:00 3:50-6:40-11:05
5:00-6:00-6:30-7:00-7:30-8:00- Radhe Shyam (Hindi) 9:45- Death on the Nile (PG-13) OC; adne auf Naxos (NR) 12:55 The Lego Movie (PG) 11:10AM
Cyrano (PG-13) CC: (!) 1:15- Marry Me (PG-13) CC: 2:30 Uncharted (PG-13) 11:45-1:30- Dog (PG-13) 5:00-7:40-10:20 Death on the Nile (PG-13) CC: 12:25-3:45-7:05-10:30
4:25-7:25-10:30 8:30-9:00-10:00-10:30 DVS: 4:10 Uncharted (PG-13) 1:20-4:30- Uncharted (PG-13) 11:40-2:40-
10:15 Radhe Shyam (Hindi) 11:45- Spider-Man: No Way Home 12:45-4:45-7:40-10:50 Scream (R) CC: 8:45 7:20-10:10
The Batman (PG-13) 11:40- Dog (PG-13) 11:40-2:10-5:10- The Batman (PG-13) OC; 5:40-7:40-8:40-10:50
The Worst Person in the World 3:15-6:45-10:15 7:50-10:25 (PG-13) 12:20-3:50-7:20-10:50 The Batman (PG-13) CC: 12:00- Cyrano (PG-13) CC: 10:15-6:05 DVS: 4:20 Death on the Nile (PG-13)
(R) (!) 1:10-4:10-7:10-9:55 3:35-7:30 Sing 2 (PG) 11:50-3:10
Scream (R) CC: 10:00 Moonfall (PG-13) 7:20-10:15 Radhe Shyam (Telugu) (NR) 1:00-2:20-3:40-4:00-6:10-7:00- Spider-Man: No Way Home Cyrano (PG-13) OC; DVS: 5:05 12:40-2:30-6:10-9:20 Death on the Nile (PG-13)
Drive My Car (!) 12:30-4:15-8:00 The Kashmir Files 9:40 2:50-6:10-9:30 7:30-9:30-10:00-10:35 (PG-13) CC: 12:10-3:55-7:20- Belfast (PG-13) OC; DVS: 5:00
Cyrano (PG-13) CC: 11:00-6:00 Radhe Shyam (Telugu) (NR) The Batman (PG-13) 11:40- 12:50-3:55-6:55-9:55
Licorice Pizza (R) CC: (!) 1:05- Dog (PG-13) 11:05-1:50-4:35- Radhe Shyam (Hindi) 11:20AM jackass forever (R) CC: 1:20- 10:45
Spider-Man: No Way Home 7:20-10:05 3:40-7:10-10:30 2022 Oscar Nominated Shorts: 12:10-3:00-3:40-4:10-5:00- The Batman (PG-13) 11:00-
4:05-10:00 (PG-13) CC: 12:00-3:30-7:00- Etharkkum Thunindhavan 5:30-8:00-10:35 The Batman: The IMAX 2D 6:00-7:10-7:40-8:10-9:00-
The Batman (PG-13) CC: (!) Radhe Shyam (Telugu) (NR) Radhe Shyam (Hindi) 12:20 Animation (R) 9:50-2:25-7:00 3:00-7:00-11:00
10:30 Scream (R) 12:10-7:40-10:20 (Tamil) 3:20-7:10-10:40 Dog (PG-13) CC: 2:50-5:20- Experience (PG-13) CC: 10:00- 2022 Oscar Nominated Shorts: 9:50-10:20
12:00-1:00-3:45-4:45-6:45-7:30- The Batman: The IMAX 2D Spider-Man: No Way Home The Lego Movie (PG) 12:30 7:50-11:15 2:00-6:00-10:00 Live Action (R) 12:00-4:30-9:05 Dog (PG-13) 12:20-4:20-7:00- Dog (PG-13) 11:45-2:25-5:05-
8:30-9:15 Experience (PG-13) CC: 12:00- Radhe Shyam (Tamil) 11:55- (PG-13) 11:50-3:10-6:40- Regal UA Snowden Square Spider-Man: No Way Home BTS PERMISSION TO DANCE 10:00 7:45-10:25
Cyrano (PG-13) OC: (!) 4:05 4:00-8:00-12:00 3:15-6:30-9:45 (PG-13) CC: 12:20-3:40-7:45- ON STAGE - SEOUL: LIVE Cinemark Centreville 12 Radhe Shyam (Telugu) (NR)
10:10 9161 Commerce Center Drive Radhe Shyam (Telugu) (NR)
Regal Gallery Place BTS PERMISSION TO DANCE Radhe Shyam (Hindi) 11:05- 10:20 VIEWING 4:30-8:30 6201 Multiplex Drive 11:50-6:30 3:30-6:40-9:50
2:20-5:35-8:50 Regal Cinemas The Metropolitan Opera: Ari- Radhe Shyam (Hindi) 12:10
701 Seventh Street Northwest ON STAGE - SEOUL: LIVE adne auf Naxos (NR) 12:55 AMC Hoffman Center 22 The Batman (PG-13) CC: 11:00- Uncharted (PG-13) 1:15-4:25- Spider-Man: No Way Home
VIEWING 4:30-8:30 Spider-Man: No Way Home Majestic Stadium 20 & IMAX 11:30-12:30-1:00-3:30-5:00- 7:20-10:30 (PG-13) 2:10-5:40-9:10 Tyson's Run (PG) 1:30-4:10-
The Metropolitan Opera: Ari- The Lego Movie (PG) 11:40- 206 Swamp Fox Rd.
The Batman (PG-13) CC: 11:30- (PG-13) 11:50-3:25-6:50-
900 Ellsworth Drive 7:00-7:30-9:00-11:00
adne auf Naxos (NR) 12:55 3:10 The Metropolitan Opera: Ari- Sing 2 (PG) 11:00AM Radhe Shyam (Hindi) 3:10 6:50-9:30
The Lego Movie (PG) 11:05- 12:30-2:00-3:30-6:00-7:30-8:30- 10:15 The Metropolitan Opera: Ari-
Uncharted (PG-13) 1:20-4:20- adne auf Naxos (NR) 12:55 King Richard (PG-13) 10:00AM Death on the Nile (PG-13) The Batman (PG-13) OC: 2:00 Spider-Man: No Way Home
10:00-11:30 Private Watch Party 11:00-
adne auf Naxos (NR) 12:55 The Batman (PG-13) OC: 3:00 12:50-4:00-7:10-10:15
1:35-4:10 11:20-2:30-2:50-6:00-6:20- 6:00-7:10-9:00-10:20 Uncharted (PG-13) CC: 11:15- Regal Fox & IMAX (PG-13) 12:20-3:50-7:10-10:40
The Lego Movie (PG) 12:20- The Batman (PG-13) 12:35
Uncharted (PG-13) 11:10-2:00- AMC Loews 9:30-9:50 2:50 Death on the Nile (PG-13) 2:15-5:15-8:10-11:00 AMC Worldgate 9 22875 Brambleton Plaza The Lego Movie (PG) 2:10
4:55-8:00-10:55 St. Charles Town Ctr. 9 Bheeshma Parvam 2:15-6:55- 11:50-2:50-6:20-9:30 Sing 2 (PG) CC: 12:30-3:15-6:00 13025 Worldgate Drive Dog (PG-13) 11:30-2:20-5:00- The Batman (PG-13) 10:30-
Uncharted (PG-13) 12:40-1:40- 7:40-10:20 The Lego Movie (PG) 11:10-
Death on the Nile (PG-13) 11115 Mall Circle 10:35 4:50-7:50 The Batman (PG-13) 11:00- Death on the Nile (PG-13) CC: Uncharted (PG-13) CC: 2:15- 1:50 12:00-12:30-1:00-2:30-4:00-
11:15-12:40-4:00-7:20-10:40 The Metropolitan Opera: Ari- Etharkkum Thunindhavan Radhe Shyam (Telugu) (NR)
Sing 2 (PG) 11:50-2:35-5:20 11:30-12:00-12:30-1:30-2:10- 10:30-1:40-4:45-7:45-10:45 4:45-8:00 Uncharted (PG-13) 11:40-2:40- 4:30-5:00-6:00-6:30-7:30-8:00-
The Batman (PG-13) 11:00- adne auf Naxos (NR) 12:55 (Tamil) 6:45-10:10 Death on the Nile (PG-13) 3:00-3:40-4:10-4:40-5:50-6:30- The Batman (PG-13) CC: 11:00- Death on the Nile (PG-13) CC: 11:40-10:10 5:40-8:40 8:30-9:00-10:00-10:30
3:00-7:00-11:00 Uncharted (PG-13) CC: 5:00- The Adam Project (PG-13) 7:00-7:40-8:10-8:40-9:40-10:30 3:00-7:00-11:00 1:00-5:00-8:00 Radhe Shyam (Tamil) 1:00
12:50-4:10-7:10-10:10 Death on the Nile (PG-13) Smithsonian -
Dog (PG-13) 7:10-9:50 7:45-10:30 11:00-1:45-4:30-7:15-10:00
The Batman (PG-13) 11:20- Dog (PG-13) 11:10-1:50-4:30- Dune (PG-13) CC: 8:45 The Batman (PG-13) CC: 1:00- Radhe Shyam (Hindi) 12:20 11:20-2:30-5:50-8:55 Airbus IMAX Theater
Radhe Shyam (Telugu) (NR) Death on the Nile (PG-13) CC: BTS PERMISSION TO DANCE 11:40-12:00-12:30-1:00-2:00- 7:20-10:40 West Side Story (PG-13) CC: 2:00-3:00-4:00-6:00-7:00-7:30 Bheeshma Parvam 3:20 The Batman (PG-13) 11:00- 14390 Air and Space Museum Parkway
3:15-6:40-10:20 11:45-2:45-6:00-9:00 ON STAGE - SEOUL: LIVE
2:20-2:40-3:20-3:40-4:00-4:30- Radhe Shyam (Telugu) (NR) 10:00AM Dog (PG-13) CC: 1:00-4:45-7:20 Spider-Man: No Way Home 3:00-7:00
Radhe Shyam (Hindi) 11:45AM The Batman (PG-13) CC: 1:15- VIEWING 4:30-8:30 12:10-3:30-6:50-10:10 Spider-Man: No Way Home (PG-13) 11:20-2:50-6:30-9:55 Journey to Space (2015) (NR)
5:00-5:30-6:00-6:20-6:40-7:20- King Richard (PG-13) CC: 5:15 Radhe Shyam (Telugu) (NR)
Spider-Man: No Way Home 2:00-2:45-5:15-6:00-6:45-9:15- The Batman (PG-13) Radhe Shyam (Hindi) 11:55- (PG-13) CC: 1:20-4:30-7:45 Etharkkum Thunindhavan 1:00
7:40-8:00-8:30-9:00-9:30-10:00; jackass forever (R) CC: 11:45- 1:30-4:45-8:00
(PG-13) 11:20-2:50-6:30-10:10 9:45-10:15 10:35-12:25-12:35-1:15-1:40-
10:20-10:40 5:35-8:50 5:15-11:00 Radhe Shyam (Hindi) 1:15- (Tamil) 6:45 To Fly! (1976) (NR) 1:35
Radhe Shyam (Hindi) 1:00-
Uncharted (PG-13) 12:30-3:40- Dog (PG-13) CC: 4:30-7:30- 2:05-2:30-5:10-5:35-6:00-
Dog (PG-13) 5:25-8:10-10:50 Spider-Man: No Way Home Dog (PG-13) CC: 10:25-1:15- 4:30-7:45 BTS PERMISSION TO DANCE 4:20-7:40 The Batman: The IMAX 2D
6:50-9:45 10:15 6:25-9:05-9:30-9:55-10:20;
jackass forever (R) 10:45 (PG-13) 12:20-3:50-7:30-10:50 4:00-6:45-9:30 Etharkkum Thunindhavan ON STAGE - SEOUL: LIVE Gangubai Kathiawadi (Telugu) Experience (PG-13) 4:00-7:30
The Batman (PG-13) 11:30- Spider-Man: No Way Home 11:10-3:05-7:00-10:55; 11:40-
Marry Me (PG-13) 8:05 Regal Waugh Chapel & IMAX Moonfall (PG-13) CC: 2:15-7:45 (Tamil) 1:10-3:30-7:15 VIEWING 4:30-8:30 11:50-3:20-6:50-10:20 Blue Planet (Il pianeta azzurro)
12:20-12:50-1:20-2:20-3:30- (PG-13) CC: 1:00-2:45-6:15- 3:35-7:30 Radhe Shyam (Telugu) (NR) 1419 South Main Chapel Way Radhe Shyam (Hindi) 11:15- Alamo Drafthouse Cinema - The Batman (PG-13) Etharkkum Thunindhavan (NR) 12:05
4:50-5:20-5:50-6:20-7:30-8:30- 10:30 11:10-12:10-1:10-2:10-3:05- The Dream is Alive (NR) 2:55
9:00-9:30-10:00-10:30; 4:20 1:15-4:45-8:15
Cinépolis Luxury Cinemas The Metropolitan Opera: Ari- 12:30-3:00-4:00-6:30-7:30-10:30 One Loudoun
(Tamil) 12:20-3:50-7:20
Uncharted (PG-13) 12:00 Gaithersburg
Radhe Shyam (Hindi) 11:00- adne auf Naxos (NR) 12:55 Scream (R) CC: 8:45 20575 East Hampton Plaza Bheemla Nayak 12:10-3:40
9:00-10:00 University Mall Theatre
Cyrano (PG-13) CC: 11:30-2:20-
MARYLAND AMC Magic Johnson
Capital Center 12
629 Center Point Way
Spider-Man: No Way Home
The Lego Movie (PG) 11:20-
2:10 5:10-8:00
The Batman (PG-13) 10:00-
11:00-1:00-2:00-3:00-3:35-4:00- BTS PERMISSION TO DANCE
Aaja Mexico Challiye 7:10-
10659 Braddock Road
Uncharted (PG-13) CC; DVS:
AFI Silver Theatre 800 Shoppers Way ON STAGE - SEOUL: LIVE (PG-13) 11:10-2:30-5:50-9:10 Uncharted (PG-13) 10:40-1:20- Tyson's Run (PG) 11:15-2:00- 5:00-6:00-7:00-7:35-8:00-9:00- ON STAGE - SEOUL: LIVE The Batman: The IMAX 2D 12:10-2:30-7:15-9:35
Cultural Center The Metropolitan Opera: Ari- VIEWING 4:30-8:30 Gangubai Kathiawadi (Telugu) 4:20-5:00-7:10-7:50-10:00-10:50 4:45-7:30-10:15 10:00-11:00 VIEWING 4:30-8:30 Experience (PG-13) 12:00-
8633 Colesville Road adne auf Naxos (NR) 12:55 The Cursed (R) CC: 10:50 Almost Famous (R) 12:30 Cinemark 4:00-8:00
Sing 2 (PG) CC; DVS: 12:15-
Uncharted (PG-13) 12:00- 12:10-3:50-7:30-11:00 Sing 2 (PG) 10:50AM 2:35
Monty Python and the Holy Uncharted (PG-13) CC: 1:30- 3:00-8:45 Etharkkum Thunindhavan Death on the Nile (PG-13) Encanto (PG) CC: 10:15AM Harry Potter and the Order of Fairfax Corner and XD Etharkkum Thunindhavan
Grail (PG) 8:45 4:30-7:30-10:30 Death on the Nile (PG-13) (Tamil) 11:30-3:10-6:50-10:30 12:40-3:40-6:40-9:40-11:20 Spider-Man: No Way Home the Phoenix (PG-13) 12:55 11900 Palace Way (Telugu) 12:50-4:50-8:20 The Batman (PG-13) CC; DVS:
Monty Python's Life of Brian Sing 2 (PG) CC: 12:15-1:15- 1:45-5:30-9:00 The Batman: The IMAX 2D The Batman (PG-13) 10:30- (PG-13) CC: 12:00-3:25-6:45- Uncharted (PG-13) 10:45-1:45- The Metropolitan Opera: Ari- Aadavallu Meeku Joharlu 12:50-7:00-7:40-10:15
(1979) (R) 10:45 4:15-7:15-9:00 Spider-Man: No Way Home Experience (PG-13) 11:00-3:00- 11:30-12:00-1:30-2:30-3:30- 10:15 4:45-7:45-10:45 adne auf Naxos (NR) 12:55 5:10-8:45 Uncharted (PG-13) OC; DVS:
The Conversation (PG) 4:15- Death on the Nile (PG-13) CC: (PG-13) 12:30 7:00-11:00 4:00-4:40-5:30-6:30-7:30-8:00- I Am Here (PG-13) CC: 11:15- Death on the Nile (PG-13) The Secret Life of Pets (PG) The Batman (PG-13) 1:05-1:30- 4:55
6:45-9:10 1:10-5:15-8:15-10:40 The Batman (PG-13) (!) 12:45- BTS PERMISSION TO DANCE 8:30-9:30-10:30 1:45-4:15-6:45-9:15 11:30-2:45-6:10-9:25 11:00AM 2:00-5:00-5:30-6:00-9:00-9:30- Sing 2 (PG) OC; DVS: 4:50
The Worst Person in the World The Batman (PG-13) CC: 12:00- 1:30-2:00-2:45-3:15-6:15-7:00- ON STAGE - SEOUL: LIVE Dog (PG-13) 11:50-2:20-5:10- Blacklight (PG-13) CC: 1:00- Spider-Man: No Way Home Uncharted (PG-13) 12:20- 10:00; 11:30-12:30-3:30-4:30- The Batman (PG-13) OC;
(R) 1:25 1:00-5:00-6:00-8:00-9:00-10:00 7:30-8:00-9:15 VIEWING 4:30-8:30 7:40-10:10 3:45-6:25-9:20 (PG-13) 12:15-3:05-6:40-10:15 6:10-9:05 7:30-8:30 DVS: 4:15




♠ 7643
♥ KQ87
♣ Q753
♠ Q52 ♠ J 10 9 8
♥ A32 ♥ 54
♣ J 10 9 8 ♣K
♠ AK
♥ J 10 9 6
♦ A83
♣ A642

The bidding:
1 NT Pass 2 ♣ Pass
2 ♥ Pass 4 ♥ All Pass
Opening lead — ♣ J

imple Saturday”
columns focus on
basic technique and logical
To play bridge well, you
must operate with a sense of
urgency in some deals and
with the patience of a cat
waiting beside a mouse hole
in others.
Against today’s four
hearts, West led the jack of
ing the queen from dummy,
but eventually he played the
three ... and East played the
king. Mentally congratulating
himself, declarer took his ace
and led a trump.
West grabbed his ace
and led the 10 of clubs, and
East ruffed dummy’s queen.
South then had two unavoid-
able club losers, and the
South fell victim to impa-
tience. He was so pleased
with his play at Trick One that
he lost focus: South must
let East’s king of clubs win.
South wins a spade shift and
leads a trump.
West can take the ace
and lead a second club, but
dummy plays low. If East
ruffs, he is ruffing a loser,
and South plays low from his
hand and loses only three
tricks in all.
You hold:
Your partner opens one
diamond, you respond one
heart and he bids two clubs.
What do you say?
ANSWER: This case is
close. Your partner might
card points, and if you pass,
you might miss a game. Still,
he might have as few as 12
points, and if you raise to
three clubs, he would bid
again with only 15 or 16.
Pass. I would raise to three
clubs with a hand such as 7
6 4 3, A 9 8 7, Q, K 7 5 3.
— Frank Stewart








Basically, you are a
gentle and easygoing
person who gets
along with others.
You are skilled with words
and know how to make others
feel comfortable. This year
you have a strong zest for life,
which is why you will enjoy
socializing and interacting with

restrictions to shopping or
important decisions today.
The Moon is in Cancer.
(MARCH 21-APRIL 19).
This is a lovely, upbeat day!
Even though you might prefer
to stay in the background,
you will have a pleasant day.
Some of you will cocoon at
home or have an important
conversation with a female
family member.
(APRIL 20-MAY 20).
FRAZZ JEF MALLETT CANDORVILLE DARRIN BELL Today you feel optimistic and it
shows. You will enjoy errands,
short trips and busy chores.
You also will enjoy touching
base with friends, especially
younger people, as well as
members of clubs.
(MAY 21-JUNE 20).
This is an excellent day for
business and commerce.
Explore financial negotiations
as well as ways for you to
perhaps boost your income. If
shopping, you might shell out
for big-ticket items.
(JUNE 21-JULY 22).
This is a feel-good day for you
because the Moon is in your
sign dancing with lucky Jupiter.
This means you will enjoy
interactions with family, as well
as tidying your home so that
you have a warm feeling in
your tummy.
(JULY 23-AUG. 22).
Today you are happy to keep
a low profile because it feels
better. You want to step
STEVE KELLEY & JEFF PARKER STAN LEE & ALEX SAVIUK outside of the busyness of your
DUSTIN THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN surroundings so you can catch
your breath.
(AUG. 23-SEPT. 22).
This is a wonderful day to
socialize with others because
everyone is more easygoing
than usual. People have
a friendly disposition and
are willing to converse. In
particular, you will enjoy
interacting with conferences,
conventions or clubs.
(SEPT. 23-OCT. 22).
impression on others today,
especially bosses, parents,
teachers and the police.
Because you look so good in
their eyes, this is obviously
the right time to make your
pitch or ask for permission or
approval for what you want.
(OCT. 23-NOV. 21).
Chances to explore further
education and training
appeal to you today. This is
also a good day to check out
opportunities in publishing, the
media, medicine and the law,
opportunities for you today.
(NOV. 22-DEC. 21).
When it comes to money and
assets, information is power.
This is an excellent day to
figure out what you owe and
what you own. Conversations
about shared property,
estates, wills and insurance
matters will be supportive and
beneficial to you.
(DEC. 22-JAN. 19).
LINCOLN PEIRCE BILL HOLBROOK With tact and tolerance, this
BIG NATE ON THE FASTRACK can be a positive day for you.
Someone close to you might
introduce you to a new friend.
Basically, people are warm
and friendly today; however,
because the Moon is opposite
your sign, you have to go along
to get along.
(JAN. 20-FEB. 18).
This is an ideal day to deal
with pets. It’s also a great day
to work. In fact, many of you
are involved in work-related
travel. Because people will
be supportive of you, this is a
to get any task done.
(FEB. 19-MARCH 20).
This is a playful, fun-loving day!
Enjoy social outings, sports
events, vacations, short trips
and fun activities with children.
This is also an upbeat,
romantic day. You’re willing to
reach out and connect with
others today.
— Georgia Nicols



More online: Feedback: 1301 K St. NW, Washington, D.C., 20071;; 202-334-4775.

A Houston grand jury declines to indict QB Deshaun Gregg Popovich wins his 1,336th game, the most in It’s championship week on the hardwood, and
Watson on charges of criminal sexual misconduct. D2 NBA history, as San Antonio rallies past Utah. D5 Hayfield’s boys, Madison’s girls capture Va. titles. D6

Vote by
reps not
big deal
MLBPA downplays
disagreement of stars,
rank-and-file on CBA


However baseball history re-

members the collective bargain-
ing agreement that saved the sea-
son Thursday, it undoubtedly will
look with fascination at the proc-
ess by which the union agreed to
it: The MLB Players Association
executive subcommittee — made
up of eight high-profile, highly
paid stars such as Max Scherzer,
Gerrit Cole and Francisco Lindor
— voted unanimously against the
owners’ proposal that eventually
led to a deal.
Player representatives from
each team voted 26-4 to approve
the offer, thereby ratifying it on
behalf of the union even though
the players who were most in-
volved with the negotiations vot-
ed against it.
In a low-key news conference
Friday morning, MLBPA Execu-
tive Director Tony Clark and his
chief negotiator, Bruce Meyer, ad-
dressed the natural questions:
JONATHAN NEWTON/THE WASHINGTON POST Had the players in the negotiating
Frequent linemates Nicklas Backstrom, left, and Alex Ovechkin, Capitals teammates since 2007, have been described as like “husband and wife” on and off the ice. room — six of whom are clients of
agent Scott Boras, all of whom
could afford to miss a few weeks’

A Ovechkin
pay given their career earnings —
lex Ovechkin and Nick- “Opposites attract,” former found themselves at odds with the
las Backstrom walked up Capitals coach Bruce Boudreau rank-and-file? Was the union,
the stairs at the Wash- said. which Meyer said repeatedly was
ington Capitals’ practice “You can’t help but talk about among the most unified he had

and Backstrom,
facility — together, like always. both of them in the same breath,” ever represented, experiencing
They were headed to yet another said Karl Alzner, their former significant division?
photo shoot, a routine they had teammate. “They go hand in “You call it a division; I call it a
down like clockwork. hand.” healthy dialogue and conversa-
The scene was a familiar one “It’s very rare, and we’re very tion,” Clark said. “At the end of the

‘a perfect combo’
for the Capitals, who drafted fortunate to be in the same SEE MLB ON D4
Ovechkin in 2004 and Back- organization for this long,” Back-
strom two years later. The duo strom said. “We know everything
hit a milestone in Calgary on about each other inside out. Just
Tuesday night, when Ovechkin
and Backstrom, the twin pillars
of hockey in the District, played
very fortunate to play like this for
this long.”
Boudreau, who was the first
their 1,000th game together. It’s
a mark they achieved by remain-
ing entirely themselves.
Caps duo played their 1,000th game together this week,
a milestone in a partnership of very different equals
coach to play Ovechkin and
Backstrom on the same line
during the 2008-09 season, de-
Ovechkin, a 36-year-old Rus-
sian star, is described by former
and current teammates as loud, BY S AMANTHA P ELL
scribed the pair as like “husband
and wife.” When he coached
them, he recalled, most days they
have plenty
flashy and boisterous. Back-
strom, a 34-year-old from Swe-
den, is described as quiet, laid- Islanders at Capitals | Tuesday, 7 p.m., NBC Sports Washington
would chat, going back and
forth. Other days, they needed
their own space.
to prove
back, thoughtful and composed. Online: Last night’s game at Vancouver finished late. Visit us at SEE CAPITALS ON D2
Kuzma, Caldwell-Pope
return to Los Angeles
for emotional matchup

los angeles — Kyle Kuzma

hasn’t played for the Los Angeles

An uncertain era awaits Hokies closing in on an NCAA berth Lakers in more than eight
months, but rivalries have a way
of working themselves into your

the blue bloods of the ACC VIRGINIA TECH 72, bones. Plunk the Washington
Wizards starting forward back in
sunny California, and he will be
NORTH CAROLINA 59 happy to remind that just be-
new york — It the Duke half. What happens cause Los Angeles’ two franchises
took only a half- next? share the recently renamed Cryp-
hour or so Friday “Jon Scheyer is going to be the BY G ENE W ANG Arena does not mean the
night for Mike next really good coach at Duke,” game day experience is the same.
Krzyzewski to Krzyzewski said Friday night. new york — Virginia Tech ar- Washington’s 115-109 loss to
walk off the court That’s the bet, anyway. On rived in Brooklyn with every in- the Clippers on Wednesday was
Barry at Barclays Center Saturday night, Krzyzewski will tention of winning the ACC tour- Kuzma’s first time back in his old
Svrluga and for Hubert coach for what would be his 16th nament and removing all doubt office since he and Kentavious
Davis to replace championship in this with regard to an NCAA tourna- Caldwell-Pope were traded along-
him, sitting on the same bench, tournament. If Scheyer and Davis ment berth. side Montrezl Harrell for Russell
coaching in a game with the same coach in 16 of these tournaments A convincing win against Westbrook over the summer. It
stakes. That was a transition on period, their tenures would have North Carolina, 72-59, in the was not, however, his first time
one night at the ACC been something of a success. semifinals Friday night at Bar- back home. That came Friday,
tournament. It’s just a sliver of Davis’s run at his first final ended clays Center, however, might just when Kuzma and Caldwell-Pope
the transformation afoot in this with a 72-59 loss to Virginia Tech allow the Hokies to breathe easy stood against their former team-
conference and this sport. on Friday night. The rivalry’s Selection Sunday regardless of mates in the second of a four-
That Krzyzewski is in the last history and intensity will remain. the outcome in the championship game West Coast trip. (The game
of his 42 seasons coaching Duke Its face is changing. game. JOHN MINCHILLO/ASSOCIATED PRESS ended too late for this edition.)
is the predominant storyline this The ACC is the rare college Behind a defensive onslaught Led by senior Keve Aluma, Virginia Tech pulled away from North “It’s a little different,” Kuzma
March. “I’m trying to get away conference that still relishes that left No. 3 seed North Carolina Carolina and will meet Duke on Saturday night for the ACC title. said, generously. “Clipper games
from all that,” he said after the basketball more than football — just 3 for 26 on three-pointers, the ain’t Laker games, so. It’s two
Blue Devils outlasted Miami, the sport that has devoured most Hokies secured their first berth in behind a game-high 20 points Keve Aluma had 18 points, four separate arenas, really, and now
80-76, in the first semifinal here. of the college athletic landscape the ACC tournament final, in from Darius Maddox. rebounds and three assists, and it’s Crypto. We’ll get the real taste
He can’t and he won’t. because it provides much of the which they will face top-seeded The sophomore guard and although no other Hokies player of this arena on Friday.”
To Krzyzewski’s left — here at college athletic revenue. So the Duke on Saturday night. The Bowie native came off the bench reached double figures, the team For Kuzma and Caldwell-Pope,
the ACC tournament, next week at fiber of the conference has long Hokies are the first No. 7 seed to to shoot 7 for 12, make 4 of 5 shot 9 for 20 (45 percent) from a return to Los Angeles is part
the NCAA tournament, all season been the constants who have reach the ACC title game since three-pointers and add six re- three-point range and forced business trip, part homecoming.
long — sat Jon Scheyer. This year, served as men’s basketball Georgia Tech in 2010. bounds. Maddox was the hero in SEE VIRGINIA TECH ON D4 SEE WIZARDS ON D5
Davis was entrusted with the coaches at not only its most Virginia Tech (22-12) won for the Hokies’ first game of the ACC
North Carolina half of the sport’s prominent programs but on the 12th time in 14 games in tournament, sinking a three- ACC final: Virginia Tech vs. Duke Wizards at Blazers
preeminent claw-each-other’s- down the standings. adding a third Quadrant 1 victory pointer at the overtime buzzer Today, 8:30 p.m., ESPN Today, 10 p.m., NBCSW
eyes-out rivalry. Next year, Dean Smith was already the and defeated the Tar Heels for the that beat Clemson, 76-75, and sent Big call for Evans: Terps AD braces Online: Last night’s game ended
Scheyer will take the clipboard on SEE SVRLUGA ON D3 first time in the ACC tournament Virginia Tech to the quarterfinals. for a pivotal basketball hire. D3 late. Visit us at


Ohio State lineman
Manchester United for its
Champions League decider.
Texans QB Watson will not face criminal charges
After struggling for most of
reveals suicide attempt the season, Atlético is playing at F ROM NEWS SERVICES the way for Watson to be traded by The lack of criminal charges $95 million in the first major per-
its best in months with a run of AND STAFF REPORTS the Texans in the coming days or could lead to several NFL teams sonnel move made by the new
Ohio State offensive lineman four straight wins in the weeks and for the quarterback to pursuing Watson in a potential regime of Coach Josh McDaniels
Harry Miller said he’s retiring domestic league only interrupted Houston Texans quarterback resume his NFL career in the 2022 trade. The Carolina Panthers, and General Manager Dave
from football because of mental by its 1-1 home draw with United Deshaun Watson will not face season, although he still faces ac- Pittsburgh Steelers, Philadelphia Ziegler.
health issues that pushed him to two weeks ago. criminal charges stemming from cusations by women in civil law- Eagles and Seattle Seahawks have l COWBOYS: Dallas waived
the brink of taking his own life. Atlético will visit Old Trafford allegations of sexual misconduct suits and possible disciplinary ac- been among the teams linked to tight end Blake Jarwin and re-
Miller made the retirement on Tuesday for the second leg of made against him by several wom- tion by the league. Watson in trade speculation. leased kicker Greg Zuerlein,
announcement in a two-page their round-of-16 matchup. . . . en, a grand jury in Texas deter- “When you stand on the Watson, 26, was selected to moves that bring modest savings
letter posted on Twitter on Defending champion Lille mined Friday. TRUTH, the LORD will FREE three Pro Bowls in his first four under the salary cap.
Thursday in which he shared drew, 0-0, at home to improving “After a Harris County grand you!” Watson tweeted Friday eve- NFL seasons with the Texans. He The Cowboys will save almost
details of his struggle with Saint-Etienne in the French jury was presented all the evi- ning. led the NFL in passing yards in the $4 million on the cap by dumping
mental illness and credited Ohio league and lost key midfielder dence and had the opportunity to A prosecutor presented the 2020 season. He requested a trade Jarwin and another $2.5 million
State Coach Ryan Day with Renato Sanches to injury. . . . hear from all witnesses, grand ju- criminal case to the grand jury from the Texans last year before by moving on from Zuerlein.
getting him help. The Ballon d’Or will now be rors declined to indict Deshaun Friday as Watson began giving de- the allegations against him be- l BEARS: Chicago is apparent-
Miller is a 6-foot-4, awarded based on performances Watson,” Dane Schiller, spokes- positions in the civil cases. came public. Watson did not play ly releasing versatile running back
315-pounder from Buford, Ga. A over the course of a regular man for the Harris County District Eight women who filed crimi- at all last season, when the Texans and return specialist Tarik Cohen,
backup center his freshman year European season rather than a Attorney’s Office, said in a state- nal complaints against Watson put him on their game-day inac- who was sidelined for nearly two
in 2019, he played regularly at calendar year, France Football ment. “Grand jury proceedings were subpoenaed to appear before tive list on a weekly basis. years because of a knee injury.
left guard in 2020 and was magazine said. are secret by law, so no informa- the grand jury. The Harris County — Mark Maske Cohen all but confirmed the
expected to compete to be the A reduction in the number of tion related to their inquiry may District Attorney’s Office investi- and Nicki Jhabvala move Friday on Twitter, posting,
starting center in 2021. voters was among other changes be disclosed.” gated the matter after 10 women l RAIDERS: Las Vegas signed “How do I file for unemploy-
“Prior to the season last year I announced, with the goal of The decision by the Harris filed criminal complaints last year star defensive end Maxx Crosby to ment?”
told coach Day of my intention to streamlining the process. County grand jurors could clear against Watson. a four-year extension worth about — Associated Press
kill myself,” Miller wrote. Day
put him in touch right away with TENNIS
professionals who helped him Andy Murray outlasted
get support.
“After a few weeks, I tried my
luck at football once again, with
scars on my wrists and throat,”
qualifier Taro Daniel, 1-6, 6-2,
6-4, in the first round of the BNP
Paribas Open in Indian Wells,
Calif., for his 700th career
Caps duo are a perfect pair of opposites
Miller wrote. “. . . They are hard victory.
to see, and they are easy to hide, Murray, who received a wild CAPITALS FROM D1
but they sure do hurt. There was card into the desert tournament,
a dead man on the television set, twice came from behind in the “There would be times when
and nobody knew it.” nearly two-hour match. He Nick would roll his eyes when
overcame a 1-3 deficit in the Ovi would be doing stuff, but in
SOCCER third set, winning five of the the end, they knew where their
The estranged wife of Andy final six games. bread was buttered,” Boudreau
Polo said in an interview that the said. “They know each other
Portland Timbers pressured her WINTER SPORTS better than two guys know any-
to drop domestic violence Slovakian skier Petra Vlhova body, and so it always came back
charges against the former dominated the penultimate to them. Just two amazing play-
player. Genesis Alarcon made women’s World Cup giant slalom ers.”
the allegations in an interview of the season, narrowing the gap The duo don’t play on a line
with ESPN. She said a woman on leader Mikaela Shiffrin in together every night, but when
and the team’s head of security the overall standings. they do, their chemistry is unde-
visited her two weeks after Shiffrin was sixth after the niable. Ovechkin is a goal scorer.
sheriff’s deputies were called to opening run in Are, Sweden, but Backstrom is a playmaker known
the couple’s home last May and improved to third, 1.70 seconds for his passing. When both are
Polo was cited. . . . behind Vlhova. The American on the ice, they create a difficult
João Félix kept up his fine had her lead over Vlhova challenge for opponents.
scoring form to help Atlético reduced to 77 points in the Mike Knuble, who played in
Madrid beat Cádiz, 2-1, at home overall standings with five races Washington from 2009 to 2012,
in the Spanish league before left. said he remembers facing the
Diego Simeone’s team heads to — From news services pair in the Stanley Cup playoffs
while he was with the Philadel-
phia Flyers.
“I was just like, ‘I just can’t
TELEVISION AND RADIO keep up with these guys,’ ”
NBA Knuble said. “They play on a
8:30 p.m. Milwaukee at Golden State » WJLA (Ch. 7), WMAR (Ch. 2) different level, and when you
10 p.m. Washington at Portland » NBC Sports Washington, WTEM (980 AM) play against them you almost
NHL feel helpless against them as a
12:30 p.m. St. Louis at Nashville » NHL Network
player. It’s a bad feeling. Love it
3 p.m. Philadelphia at Carolina » WJLA (Ch. 7), WMAR (Ch. 2) when they are on your team.”
7 p.m. Seattle at Montreal » NHL Network Ovechkin and Backstrom’s
opposite personalities comple-
11 a.m. America East, final: UMBC vs. Vermont » ESPN2 who was drafted by the Capitals
11 a.m. Ivy League, semifinal: Cornell vs. Princeton » ESPNU and spent nine seasons with
1 p.m. SEC, semifinal: Arkansas vs. Texas A&M » ESPN
Washington, called them per-
1 p.m. Atlantic 10, semifinal: Saint Louis vs. Davidson » CBS Sports Network
1 p.m. MEAC, final: Norfolk State vs. Coppin State » ESPN2
haps one of the best duos in
1 p.m. Big Ten, semifinal: Iowa vs. Indiana » WUSA (Ch. 9), WJZ (Ch. 13) NHL history because of their
2 p.m. Ivy League, semifinal: Pennsylvania vs. Yale » ESPNU contrasting skills and character-
3 p.m. SEC, semifinal: Tennessee vs. Kentucky » ESPN istics. Alzner said Ovechkin is
3 p.m. American Athletic, semifinal: Houston vs. Tulane » ESPN2 more “in your face,” while Back-
3:30 p.m. Big Ten, semifinal: Michigan State vs. Purdue » WUSA (Ch. 9), WJZ (Ch. 13) strom is more “wait in the
3:30 p.m. Atlantic 10, semifinal: Dayton vs. Richmond » CBS Sports Network weeds” before throwing in his
4 p.m. MAAC, final: Monmouth vs. Saint Peter’s » ESPNU comments here and there.
5 p.m. American Athletic, semifinal: SMU vs. Memphis » ESPN2
“They are a perfect combo,”
6 p.m. Mountain West, final: Boise State vs. TBD » WUSA (Ch. 9), WJZ (Ch. 13)
6 p.m. Big 12, final: Kansas vs. Texas Tech » ESPN
Alzner remarked.
6 p.m. SWAC, final: Texas Southern vs. Alcorn State » ESPNU In team meetings or closed-
6:30 p.m. Big East, final: Creighton vs. Villanova » WTTG (Ch. 5), WBFF (Ch. 45) door sessions after bad games,
7:30 p.m. MAC, final: Akron vs. Kent State » ESPN2 Alzner recalled, the same situa-
8 p.m. Big Sky, final: Montana State vs. TBD » ESPNU tion would pop up. Ovechkin
8:30 p.m. Conference USA, final: Louisiana Tech vs. UAB » CBS Sports Network typically would start with a loud
8:30 p.m. ACC, final: Duke vs. Virginia Tech » ESPN message, then Backstrom would TONI L. SANDYS/THE WASHINGTON POST
9 p.m. Pac-12, final: Arizona vs. TBD » WTTG (Ch. 5), WBFF (Ch. 45) usually follow it up with more Alex Ovechkin, often the recipient of Nicklas Backstrom’s passes, reciprocated with the Stanley Cup.
9:30 p.m. Southland, final: Texas A&M CC vs. Southeast Louisiana » ESPN2
reserved comments along the
10 p.m. WAC, final: New Mexico State vs. TBD » ESPNU
11:30 p.m. Big West, final: Long Beach State vs. TBD » ESPN2
same lines. They took different comes in cracking jokes, laughs here, but I think it became C APITALS’ NEX T THREE
approaches but had the same at himself, laughs at others, popular and more of a family
WOMEN’S COLLEGE BASKETBALL CONFERENCE TOURNAMENTS goal. doesn’t seem to ever be worried. tradition,” Carlson said. vs. New York Islanders
11 a.m. MAC, final: Buffalo vs. Ball State » CBS Sports Network “Two totally different kind of . . . Nick is one of those guys that Off the ice, Ovechkin said he
11 a.m. MAAC, final: Fairfield vs. Manhattan » ESPNews ways of messaging and certainly doesn’t need to be loud to be can tell when Backstrom is in a Tuesday 7 NBCSW
5:30 p.m. Conference USA, final: Charlotte vs. Louisiana Tech » CBS Sports Network on the ice two different types of heard.” good mood or bad mood and vice
players,” Capitals defenseman Knuble pointed out that nei- versa. They might not spend as at Columbus Blue Jackets
1 p.m. PGA Tour: Players Championship, early rounds » WRC (Ch. 4), WBAL (Ch. 11)
John Carlson said. “I think that ther Ovechkin nor Backstrom much time together outside of Thursday 7 NBCSW
1:30 a.m. LPGA Tour: LPGA Thailand, final round » Golf Channel helps with consistency with the has expressed any outward ani- the rink as when they were
(Sunday) team and made their relation- mosity toward the other and younger, but their bond is still at Carolina Hurricanes
ship pretty special. Two guys neither has felt as if he needed to apparent.
SOCCER from different countries playing be the only one in the spotlight. After a recent photo shoot, Friday 7 NBCSW Plus,
10 a.m. English Premier League: Burnley at Brentford » USA Network two completely different ways on They have shared their triumphs they fielded questions about NHL Network
11 a.m. French Ligue 1: Nice at Montpellier » beIN Sports the ice and come together to have in Washington, embracing every their time in Washington. They
3 p.m. French Ligue 1: Nantes at Troyes » beIN Sports
such special careers with each step. They also have helped grow again had similar answers but Radio: WJFK (106.7 FM)
3:30 p.m. MLS: LA Galaxy at Seattle Sounders FC » WTTG (Ch. 5), WBFF (Ch. 45)
7:30 p.m. MLS: Chicago at D.C. United » NBC Sports Washington Plus
other.” the game in the District. different ways of arriving there.
8 p.m. Mexican Liga MX: Mazatlan at Monterrey » Fox Sports 2 “Alex, I think he just loves life, “We are all getting to the age When asked what was the best face Backstrom.
very charismatic, unique in so where our kids are roped into the compliment each could give the “You’re so cute,” Backstrom
AUTO RACING many ways,” center Lars Eller second generation of crazy Caps other, the answers were simple. responded. Then they burst out
11:30 a.m. NASCAR Xfinity Series: United Rentals 200, qualifying » Fox Sports 1 said. “It seems like he never has a fans, and not that there wasn’t “You’re so beautiful, man,” laughing and walked down the
1:30 p.m. NASCAR Cup Series: Ruoff Mortgage 500, qualifying » Fox Sports 1 bad day in his life. He just always fans before Ovi and Nick got Ovechkin said as he turned to hall, together again.
2 p.m. NHRA All-Star Shootout » WTTG (Ch. 5), WBFF (Ch. 45)
4:30 p.m. NASCAR Xfinity Series: United Rentals 200 » Fox Sports 1

2 p.m. ATP/WTA: BNP Paribas Open, early rounds » Tennis Channel NHL ROUNDUP

Pittsburgh pulls away in third period to beat Vegas

7 a.m. Sled hockey, bronze medal game » USA Network
11 p.m. Sled hockey, gold medal game » USA Network
1:30 a.m. Slalom, women’s Para-Alpine skiing » USA Network
just over five minutes remaining, 30.4 seconds left in regulation to Stars give Pavelski extension
MEN’S COLLEGE LACROSSE PENGUINS 5, after the Penguins killed off back- rally Columbus in Ohio as it The Dallas Stars signed for-
Noon Georgetown at Richmond » NBC Sports Washington GOLDEN KNIGHTS 2 to-back penalties, sent the Gold- snapped a four-game losing ward Joe Pavelski to a one-year,
3:30 p.m. Notre Dame at Ohio State » Big Ten Network en Knights to their third straight streak. $5.5 million contract extension
loss. Chinakov also scored in the for the 2022-23 season.
A SSOCIATED P RESS Evan Rodrigues added an emp- first period, and Elvis Merzlikins The 37-year-old leads the Stars
6:30 p.m. Big Ten, semifinal: Notre Dame at Michigan » Big Ten Network
9 p.m. Big Ten, semifinal: Penn State at Minnesota » Big Ten Network
ty-net goal to seal it. Mike stopped 36 shots for the Blue in assists (37) and points (59) and
Mark Friedman’s first goal in Matheson and Jeff Carter also Jackets. is third with 22 goals in the final
WOMEN’S COLLEGE GYMNASTICS 10 months early in the third peri- scored for the Penguins. Tristan l ISLANDERS 5, JETS 2: Josh year of a three-year, $21 million
5 p.m. UC Davis at UCLA » Pac-12 Network od broke open a tie game and Jarry withstood a massive push Bailey scored twice and Brock deal he signed after spending his
Bryan Rust’s 20th goal of the by Vegas in the second period on Nelson added a goal and an assist first 13 seasons in San Jose.
season provided some late cush- his way to 39 saves as Pittsburgh as New York won in Elmont, N.Y. The Stars also announced
4 p.m. Virginia at Duke » ACC Network
ion as the Pittsburgh Penguins slipped by the idle New York Anders Lee and Cal Clutter- standout defenseman Miro Heis-
4 p.m. Texas at South Carolina » SEC Network
7 p.m. Boston College at Miami » ACC Network
beat the visiting Vegas Golden Rangers and into second place in buck also scored, Anthony Beau- kanen, 22, is out indefinitely after
Knights, 5-2, on Friday night. the crowded Metropolitan Divi- villier and Jean-Gabriel Pageau being diagnosed with mononu-
COLLEGE SOFTBALL Friedman, a defenseman who sion. each had two assists and Semyon cleosis.
Noon Mississippi State at Florida » SEC Network has bounced in and out of the Jake Eichel scored his fourth Varlamov stopped 27 shots in the Heiskanen has missed the past
2 p.m. Tennessee at Missouri » SEC Network lineup this season, fired a wrist goal in less than a month since Islanders’ second win in two three games with what had been
7 p.m. Texas A&M at Auburn » SEC Network shot off the rush that zipped over making his Vegas debut. nights. New York’s Barry Trotz described as a non-covid-19 ill-
9 p.m. Alabama at LSU » SEC Network Laurent Brossoit’s stick 3:49 into l BLUE JACKETS 3, WILD 2 became the third coach in NHL ness. He participated in the
RUGBY the third for his first goal since (SO): Yegor Chinakhov scored history to reach 900 wins, joining morning skate Tuesday before a
Midnight New Zealand Rugby: Parramatta at Gold Coast » Fox Sports 2 last May. the shootout winner after Zach Scotty Bowman and Joel Quenn- 2-1 loss at Nashville. Now he’s on
Rust’s power-play marker with Werenski tied the game with eville. injured reserve.

college basketball

For Terps AD, it’s time to take his shot


No. 4 Bears serve notice

in Big 12 tourney opener With coaching hire, Evans will try to restore a storied men’s program to its place among nation’s elite
BY E MILY G IAMBALVO development of players and re-
cruiting. When he watches
semifinals. Damon Evans doesn’t need to games, Evans pays close atten-
BAYLOR 76, Fourth-seeded Oklahoma be reminded of the importance of tion to how teams play out of
OKLAHOMA STATE 36 (24-7), which picked up its first his upcoming hiring decision. He timeouts.
conference tournament victory has spent the past few months It is “crucial,” he said, that the
since 2016, avenged a 73-67 loss at hearing similar comments from next coach can build relation-
F ROM NEWS SERVICES home against the Jayhawks last Maryland basketball fans: “Hey, ships with local high school and
AND STAFF REPORTS Saturday in its regular season fi- you’ve got to get this one right,” AAU coaches, particularly given
nale. he said they tell him. “This will be the talent in this area and the
Big 12 player of the year NaLys- Zakiyah Franklin paced Kansas your legacy.” powerhouse Washington Catho-
sa Smith scored 15 points, Baylor (20-9) with 15 points and five as- Evans, the athletic director at lic Athletic Conference. If the
shut out Oklahoma State into the sists. Maryland, soon will hire a men’s head coach doesn’t have ties to
second quarter, and the No. 4 l PRINCETON 72, HAR- basketball coach to take over the the D.C. area, he would need to
Bears cruised the rest of the way to VARD 67: Abby Meyers (Whit- program at a critical juncture in build a staff that can fill that void.
a 76-36 blowout Friday in the man High) scored 22 points, Ellie its history. Evans says he embrac- And Evans wants “someone
quarterfinals of the Big 12 tourna- Mitchell had 11 points and 16 re- es the weight of this moment, and who wants to be here for a long
ment in Kansas City, Mo. bounds for her sixth double-dou- now that the Terrapins’ season time and understand that Mary-
Ja’Mee Asberry scored ble, and the 24th-ranked Tigers has ended, he can close in on land is a top-20 program and can
16 points for the top-seeded Bears beat the Crimson in the final game naming the coach who will lead JONATHAN NEWTON/THE WASHINGTON POST
build off that rich history and
(26-6), who appear intent on con- for coaching icon Kathy Delaney- this team into what Evans and Athletic Director Damon Evans, second row left, has heard from tradition and to embrace this fan
tinuing their dominance of the Smith in Cambridge, Mass. fans hope is a bright future. many anxious fans about who should be Maryland’s next coach. base,” he said.
Big 12 under first-year coach Nicki Delaney-Smith, the winningest Mark Turgeon, the previous Evans admits that winning in
Collen. They easily advanced to basketball coach in Ivy League coach, held on to a fraying rela- tion rather than candidates who When Evans speaks with peo- any fashion is a way to engage the
play No. 21 Oklahoma as they history, will retire from Harvard tionship with the school, and are using the opening as leverage ple invested in the program, he fans, but he said style of play is
pursue their 10th tournament ti- (13-14) with 11 conference cham- discontent from a segment of the to receive a raise or extension at said he asks more about their important. He also understands
tle in the past 11 years. pionships and six trips to the Big fan base grew until he stepped their current school. Evans said expectations and the characteris- the appeal of high-profile non-
The Cowgirls (9-20), playing Dance — including the one that down in December, eight games he intends to move quickly with tics of an ideal coach rather than conference matchups, citing
their final game under longtime produced the biggest upset in into the 2021-22 campaign. After the hire. gauging their interest in specific Michigan State as a team that has
coach Jim Littell, missed their NCAA women’s tournament his- that, the Terps navigated a season “We’ll see when individuals candidates. built attractive schedules. Even
first 13 field goal attempts, fell tory in 1998 when 16th-seeded in limbo under interim coach that we’re interested in start fall- “I can’t get caught up in trying with a balanced slate that allows
behind 41-14 by halftime and nev- Harvard stunned top-seeded Danny Manning, a longtime ing by the wayside in the tourna- to do something that’s flashy or for development, “there’s plenty
er made a run. Stanford. friend and former teammate of ment,” he said. “And you want splashy for the fans,” Evans said. of room in there to play some
l TEXAS 72, KANSAS STATE Princeton (23-4) advanced to Turgeon who joined the program people to go far, but my job is to “Do I hope that the fans like who, very, very good teams,” Evans
65: Lauren Ebo tied a career high the championship game of the Ivy less than a year ago. The players make sure that I can get with at the end of the day, I decided to said. “And those are my inten-
with 17 points, Rori Harmon had League tournament Saturday clawed back from massive defi- those individuals as soon as pos- go with? Of course I do. But I have tions moving forward.”
16, and the seventh-ranked Long- against Columbia (22-5), a 67-48 cits and picked up a couple of sible and identify the right to take a hard look and say: ‘Does Maryland is one of the only
horns upended the Wildcats in winner over Yale. marquee wins, but those games coach.” this individual meet the criteria? major conference schools with-
the quarterfinals of the Big 12 mostly felt like relatively inconse- The program’s goal is to consis- And can this individual get us to out a separate practice facility,
tournament. Montana St. snags NCAA bid quential moments separating the tently compete for Big Ten and the mountaintop?’ ” even though plans to build one
Aliyah Matharu scored 15 and Darian White scored 17 points, program from the start of its next national titles. Turgeon left Iona Coach Rick Pitino — who were announced in October 2019.
Joanne Allen-Taylor added 12 for Leia Beattie added 16 and second- era. Maryland during his 11th season has twice led a team to a national Evans said the athletic depart-
Texas (23-6), which advanced to a seeded Montana State (22-12) Maryland ended the season at the helm. In that time, he title, including Louisville’s 2013 ment has raised about $37 mil-
showdown with No. 10 Iowa State earned its third NCAA tourna- with a loss Thursday against compiled a 226-116 record, in- championship, which has since lion of the project’s $40 million
in a semifinal Saturday. ment berth with a 75-64 win over Michigan State in the Big Ten cluding five NCAA tournament been vacated — wrote on Twitter price tag. He is confident “we’ll
Ayoka Lee led Kansas State Northern Arizona (17-14) in the tournament. Its 15-17 finish is the appearances. The Terps ad- that Maryland’s next coach “will close this and that I’ll be able to
(19-12) with 16 points. Big Sky Conference tournament program’s first losing record vanced to the Sweet 16 only once not be me,” following speculation tell the new coach that we’re
l IOWA STATE 66, WEST championship game in Boise. since the 1992-93 season. Now and never made it further. Tur- around his candidacy for the going to move forward,” he said.
VIRGINIA 60: Emily Ryan and l ALBANY 56, MAINE 47: Evans and all those invested in geon led his 2019-20 team to a position. Other prominent coach- The Terps have advanced to
Lexi Donarski each scored Morgan Haney scored 20 points, the program can fully look ahead. share of the Big Ten regular es, including Bruce Pearl at Au- only one Sweet 16 since 2004, but
14 points to lead the 10th-ranked and the Great Danes (23-9) buried Turgeon’s early-season depar- season title, but he lost the oppor- burn and Andy Enfield at South- Maryland still can lean on its
Cyclones past the Mountaineers their last seven free throws in the ture left Evans with an atypical tunity to make a tournament run ern Cal, signed contract exten- tradition and success under Wil-
in the quarterfinals of the Big 12 final minute to beat the Black hiring timeline. Since December, when the postseason was can- sions that seemingly take them liams and fellow Hall of Fame
tournament. Bears (20-11) in the championship he has known he needed a new celed because of the coronavirus off the market. coach Lefty Driesell. The young
After being down by 21 in the game of the America East Confer- coach this offseason. That long pandemic. Maryland has the resources to generation of fans have grown up
third quarter, West Virginia ence tournament in Orono, Maine, runway, Evans said, offered plen- In recent years, Turgeon con- pay a “very, very competitive” in a time in which Maryland
(14-15) clawed back to within in to advance to the NCAA tourna- ty of time for research but also led sistently built tournament teams salary, Evans said, referencing often hasn’t been much more
four with 16 seconds to play after ment for the first time in five years. to months of speculation from that landed near the top of the Turgeon’s extension signed last than a first-weekend team in the
Esmery Martinez drilled a long impatient supporters. Maryland conference. But disgruntled fans offseason that would have paid NCAA tournament. So there is an
three-pointer. Bison to play for MEAC title hired Parker Executive Search, an believed that wasn’t enough, and the coach $3.3 million this year. urgency to bring in a coach who
But Donarski made three free Iyanna Warren matched her ca- Atlanta-based firm, to assist with Evans’s expectations for the next Turgeon had been among the top can elevate the program and
throws in the final minute to reer high with 21 points as top- the process, and that group has coach indicate that he agrees. 30 highest paid coaches in USA create new memories. Evans
thwart West Virginia’s comeback seeded Howard (19-9) dominated been able to gauge interest of Through the coaching search, Today’s most recent college bas- wants fans to feel proud of the
hopes. the glass to overcome a poor candidates and contact their rep- Evans has kept a tight circle of ketball salary database. Mary- program and engaged in Mary-
The Cyclones (26-5) went 11 for shooting performance to advance resentatives. confidants, and he said, “No one, land still owes Turgeon a buyout land basketball year-round.
13 from the free throw line and to the Mid-Eastern Athletic Con- “I feel like I have a good sense at least to my knowledge, really of $5 million, which will be paid “That’s what we need to do,”
shot 32 percent from the field for ference title game with a 68-54 of who might be interested in the knows where I’m headed or what in installments through the end Evans said. “And we need to do
the game. victory over Maryland Eastern job,” Evans said in an interview we’re thinking.” Former coach of his contract in April 2026. The that because that’s what we owe it
l OKLAHOMA 80, KANSAS Shore (12-16) in Norfolk. last week. “Nothing’s 100 percent. Gary Williams, who led the Terps payments decrease if Turgeon to the people who have come
68: Madi Williams had 19 points, Howard shot just 33.9 percent There’s a lot of things that you to a national title in 2002, still begins another job in basketball. before us, the Gary Williams of
11 rebounds and seven assists, from the field (21 for 62) but boast- have to work through.” works in the athletic department. Evans said he is looking for a the world, the Lefty Driesells of
Taylor Robertson also scored ed a 56-41 rebound advantage to He wants to talk with coaches When asked about Williams’s coach who can be “the CEO” of the world, the players that put it
19 points, and the 21st-ranked earn a date with Norfolk State on who he knows are “sincerely in- role in the process, Evans just the program, hiring and manag- on the line for us. It’s time for us
Sooners upended the Jayhawks to Saturday with an automatic bid to terested” and would have a “high said that Williams is someone he ing the right personnel. He wants to get back to where we rightfully
advance to the Big 12 tournament the NCAA tournament at stake. likelihood” of accepting the posi- has talked with. someone skilled in X’s and O’s, belong.”


With Williams gone and Krzyzewski leaving, the ACC is bracing for a new era
SVRLUGA FROM D1 nearly all ACC programs have
had coaches that defined them —
czar when Krzyzewski arrived, Dave Odom and Skip Prosser at
and the pair battled for two Wake Forest, Cliff Ellis and Rick
decades. Roy Williams eventually Barnes at Clemson, etc.
settled in as the long-term With Roy Williams already
successor in Chapel Hill, and he gone and Krzyzewski’s departure
and Krzyzewski fought over imminent, Syracuse’s Jim
similar players going after the Boeheim and Florida State’s
exact same stakes. Krzyzewski Leonard Hamilton count as the
will be lauded over the next league’s old heads. They are 77
month for his five national titles, and 73, respectively. The end may
more than any men’s coach not not be here. But it is nigh. The
named Wooden. It’s worth noting only ACC coaches for the 2022-23
that after Williams arrived at his season who have led their
alma mater in 2003, the national current programs to the Final
title tally read: Tar Heels three, Four are Boeheim and Virginia’s
Blue Devils two. Tony Bennett — who both have
That’s the history part of it all, national titles. (Miami’s Jim
and it hangs over everything. Larrañaga coached George
What awaits Scheyer next year Mason to the Final Four in 2006
and is already upon Davis in his — five years before he left to lead
first season as Williams’s the Hurricanes.)
replacement is some Williams’s retirement came
combination of caretaking the without a victory lap. Krzyzewski
traditions that have been built by is now trying to protect his team
others and forging ahead with an from the fallout of his. Either
identity of their own. Walk that way, legends can’t depart quietly,
tightrope above the Brooklyn without impact.
Bridge. There’s no net below. “It’s really too much,”
“The foundation of who Krzyzewski said Friday night as
Carolina is, I believe in it,” Davis he sat next to freshmen A.J.
said before the season even Griffin and Paolo Banchero and
started. “It’s been tried. It’s been sophomore Mark Williams. “It’s
tested. It’s been proven their season. It’s all about them.
successful. I believe in what It is. I don’t want to be a
Coach Smith taught. I believe in SARAH STIER/GETTY IMAGES
distraction to them. This is their
what Coach Guthridge taught. I Mike Krzyzewski is coaching Duke in the ACC tournament for the final time, a year after North Carolina’s Roy Williams called it a career. season — especially now.
believe in Coach Williams, how Especially now. They only get it
he ran the program. how difficult — impossible? — Williams, then the Kansas coach, run to the nation’s No. 1 ranking, stature are nearly leaguewide. once. I’ve had it numerous
“And I’ve said before that I this is to do without tactile seams initially turned down the job at bottomed out with an 8-20 Think back to the 1989-90 times.”
want to travel the same road. I’m or even outright tears in the his alma mater, the Carolina season that remains the worst in season, when the ACC boasted no However it ends — Saturday
just going to do it with my own program’s fabric. family turned to Matt Doherty, the program’s history but ended fewer than six coaches who either night here for an ACC title, next
personality and my own shoes.” That history is worth one of Jordan’s teammates on with the recruiting class that had or would lead their current week and beyond for the larger
Those shoes are Jordan reviewing. Smith retired on the Smith’s 1982 national title team. became the bedrock of the 2005 school to a Final Four — Smith prize — it will be the last time.
Brands, by the way, the most eve of 1997-98 season, setting up Doherty came from Carolina team Williams coached to the and Krzyzewski, of course, but Next year, head-to-head, will be
famous sneakers named after the a handoff to Bill Guthridge that cloth. But when he tried to put national title. Bobby Cremins at Georgia Tech, Jon Scheyer and Hubert Davis’s
most famous player in history — served as a reward for his his own, bold stamp on the That’s not to say that’s what Terry Holland at Virginia, Jim first. The jerseys, the colors, the
who happens to be a Tar Heel. No longtime assistant. Guthridge’s program — bringing in an awaits Davis or Scheyer. But it is Valvano at N.C. State and Gary fight songs, the rivalry will
pressure. two Final Four appearances in entirely new coaching staff, etc. instructive. And it provides Williams at Maryland. That’s remain. The most important
Davis’s assessment of the task three seasons provided some — he ruffled feathers and further emphasis that change is three-quarters of the coaches in figures will be different, and
makes perfect sense. It’s just so cover for the fissures that were weakened his support. The in progress at the two programs an eight-team league. Yeah, it’s a there’s no telling how the two
delicate to pull off. Carolina has a starting to develop in the result: a tumultuous three- that are the pillars of the league, specific snapshot in time, and it’s programs will be different
much more recent example of program’s foundation. When season tenure that began with a but the differences in coaching more than three decades ago. But because of that.


After first taste of free agency, Kershaw returns to Dodgers on one-year deal
F ROM NEWS SERVICES dium in 2008, and he won a World en days’ paid leave July 2 after a was ineffective in his one playoff He spent the past two years with is 105-117 with one playoff berth.
Series with Los Angeles in 2020. woman accused him of sexual as- start against the Houston Astros the Nippon Ham Fighters of the l MISC: Players who are not
The Los Angeles Dodgers Kershaw isn’t at his peak any- sault. MLB and the union have in the division series. Japan Pacific League, recording a vaccinated against the coronavi-
agreed to a one-year deal with more. The soon-to-be 34-year-old since agreed to several extensions. l RANGERS: Veteran left- 3.49 ERA in 39 games. rus won’t be allowed to travel to
Clayton Kershaw on Friday, end- had a 3.55 ERA across 22 starts l GIANTS: Left-hander Carlos hander Martin Perez is set for a l CUBS: Chicago agreed to a Canada to face the Toronto Blue
ing the left-hander’s first stint as a and 1212/3 innings in 2021. A signifi- Rodón agreed to terms on a two- reunion with Texas, according to a one-year, $4 million contract with Jays and won’t be paid for those
free agent, according to a person cant elbow injury ended his sea- year, $44 million contract with person familiar with the deal. slick-fielding shortstop Andrelton games.
with knowledge of the situation. son before the playoffs and nearly San Francisco, pending a physical, Perez, who turns 31 in April, has Simmons, a person familiar with Canada’s government requires
The deal will be official once Ker- required Tommy John surgery. according to a person with knowl- a 4.71 ERA in 221 career games. He the situation said. a second vaccination dose — or
shaw passes a physical. But, when healthy, Kershaw re- edge of the negotiations. pitched the past two seasons for The 32-year-old Simmons won one dose of Johnson & Johnson —
Kershaw wasn’t a guarantee to mains among the better starting Rodón, 29, spent his first seven the Boston Red Sox, putting up a the most recent of his four Gold at least 14 days before entry. . . .
return to Los Angeles. He serious- pitchers across the majors. major league seasons with the 4.65 ERA while starting 34 of his Gloves in 2018. He hit just .223 Odalis Pérez, a former all-star
ly considered signing with his — Los Angeles Times Chicago White Sox. He is coming 48 games. with three homers in 131 games left-hander who threw the first
hometown Texas Rangers, accord- Dodgers right-hander Trevor off a career year in which he post- l CARDINALS: Right-hander last year and is a career .265 hitter pitch at Nationals Park, has died.
ing to multiple people with knowl- Bauer’s administrative leave was ed a 2.37 ERA, a personal best, over Drew VerHagen signed a two-year over 10 seasons with the Atlanta He was 43.
edge of the situation. extended for a week by MLB and 24 starts and made his first all-star contract with St. Louis after two Braves, Los Angeles Angels and Pérez’s attorney, Walin Batista,
And yet imagining Kershaw in the players association. team as Chicago won the Ameri- seasons abroad, the team an- Minnesota Twins. . . . told ESPN the pitcher apparently
another uniform was always diffi- The extension begins Sunday, can League Central. nounced. Manager David Ross agreed to a fell off a ladder at his house.
cult. The Dodgers are the only the mandatory reporting date for But Rodón, who has been ham- The 31-year-old VerHagen was contract extension through 2024 Pérez had a 4.46 ERA across
franchise he has ever known. They spring training, and runs through pered by arm and shoulder trou- drafted by the Detroit Tigers in with a club option for 2025. 10 seasons with the Braves, Dodg-
drafted him in 2006, he made his March 19. bles, pitched just 28 innings in the 2012 and posted a 5.11 ERA in In the two years since he was ers, Nationals and Royals.
major league debut at Dodger Sta- Bauer was originally put on sev- last two months of the season and 127 games over six MLB seasons. hired to replace Joe Maddon, Ross — Associated Press

Rank-and-file players union members broke with big stars

MLB FROM D1 brainstorming sessions. make good-faith financial efforts mitted later they obviously didn’t comfortable with the deal we to play a full season seemed signif-
The prevailing thoughts in the to compete. want. They may still have to deal have. Whether more can be ac- icant. Had the negotiations gone
day, each player — player reps, the hours after the deal was that the Ultimately, the players were not with draft pick compensation, the complished in the future, we’ll longer, players probably would
teams they represent, the execu- players got about as many conces- able to negotiate those massive process by which teams who sign have to see. I think so.” have had to negotiate how much
tive subcommittee — all had a sions as they could have from an changes to arbitration and free top free agents lose a draft pick for Clark waved aside any notion of their 162-game salaries would
common goal in improving the ownership bloc that had far more agency, and their broader propos- doing so, thereby suppressing free that division in the union was a have been paid for a shorter sea-
system. . . . Rest assured, the inter- leverage. After a series of CBAs al to alter revenue sharing was agent spending in the players’ problem or that the discrepancies son. Service time for curtailed
ests were the same.” they felt tilted economic power dropped, too. But MLB did agree view. But while wholesale change in Thursday’s votes meant any- schedule also would have had to
Ultimately, the numbers be- firmly toward ownership, the to reward small-market teams was the goal, something that felt thing significant. have been negotiated. Like so
hind the vote were secondary to players began these negotiations that build their own revenue with more than incremental was the “Our process is one that affords many of the points negotiated
the outcome, and membership asking for massive changes, such more revenue-sharing money — outcome. everyone an opportunity to weigh over the past few months, those
could look different five years as reducing the tenure required an incentive-based shift rather “It’s difficult, but we’re never in and offer their input. From our issues affect different player
from now when it is time to do the for players to reach free agency than punitive one. It also agreed to going to give up on some of those standpoint, the process worked,” groups differently. Any wedges in
whole thing again. Multiple peo- and arbitration by a year each, a draft lottery with limits on how things,” Meyer said. “This is the Clark said. “. . . We had a very the union could have widened.
ple who were in the negotiating increasing the luxury tax thresh- many years in a row a team can labor process. We had determined spirited dialogue from start to fin- But as of Friday, none of that
rooms during the week-plus re- old to a point that it would be qualify for it. The players secured adversaries on the other side, all of ish.” was an issue at all. Executive sub-
treat to Jupiter, Fla., said some of almost irrelevant to most teams a new bonus pool for those who whom are billionaires and have As players headed for spring committee members and player
those meetings included so much and using changes to the revenue- have yet to reach arbitration. They enormous resources. Our players training camps that opened on a representatives and rank-and-file
player input from so many voices sharing system and amateur draft also conceded a fourth luxury tax did an incredible job of sticking voluntary basis Friday morning, union members alike were headed
that they sometimes felt like to penalize teams that do not surcharge, something Meyer ad- together, and ultimately we’re just getting an agreement in time to spring training.

Hokies step closer Storm Murphy barely beat the

shot-clock buzzer and produced
the final points of the first half
with 20 seconds remaining, giv-

to tournament bid ing Virginia Tech a 32-26 lead

going into the locker room.
Any jitters from their first ap-
pearance in the ACC tournament
semifinals in 11 years eased when
VIRGINIA TECH FROM D1 Tempers flared on the North Murphy’s three-pointer several
Carolina bench midway through minutes into the first half trig-
11 turnovers that resulted in the second half when officials gered a series of fluid possessions
12 points. Virginia Tech commit- assessed Hunter Cattoor with a resulting in clean looks at the
ted just seven turnovers. flagrant-one foul when the basket.
“Man we had an edge to us all Hokies guard clotheslined R.J. The Hokies made 4 of 5 field
night defensively. We had good Davis during a fast break. Tar goal attempts to claim an early
pop,” Coach Mike Young said. Heels assistants sprung out of lead following a three-pointer
“Only three turnovers in the first their seats pleading for a call and from Nahiem Alleyne while get-
half was significant. I thought our then glared at the Virginia Tech ting Aluma touches in the painted
defense really carried us. We bench. area and Bacot defending in a
made a couple shots, but our Davis made both foul shots, matchup of two of the most
defense carried us to get some and the Tar Heels scored nine skilled post players in the ACC.
separation and make a little hay.” straight points to whittle their But as the half continued to
The outcome gained final clari- margin to 54-43 with 9:25 left. unfold and Virginia Tech cooled
ty with 5:45 to play when Maddox But the Hokies responded with considerably, including
made his final three-pointer to Justyn Mutts’s turnaround floater 11 straight missed shots, it leaned
expand the lead to 65-45, blunting that rolled around the rim and on defense to stay attached. Alu-
a comeback attempt from North through the net and Maddox’s ma, in one sequence, stepped into
Carolina. The Tar Heels (24-9) four-point play to grow the lead to the lane to draw a charge on
were seeking to win their 19th 60-43 with 8:19 to play. Davis, preventing a layup that
ACC tournament championship. Virginia Tech emerged out of would have given the Tar Heels
Armando Bacot had 19 points halftime with three consecutive the lead.
and 14 rebounds before fouling crisp possessions yielding baskets JOHN MINCHILLO/ASSOCIATED PRESS Aluma also made a gentle turn-
for the Tar Heels, who swept Vir- as part of eight consecutive points Keve Aluma had 18 points, four rebounds and three assists as Virginia Tech throttled North Carolina. around jumper that got the
ginia Tech during the regular sea- for a 41-26 lead with 18:05 to go, Hokies started again offensively,
son by a combined 18 points. leading first-year Tar Heels Coach three-point play after Mutts kept his teammate. Cattoor followed shot from behind the arc. leading to a 9-3 surge that opened
Three other North Carolina play- Hubert Davis to call a timeout. the possession alive with a rugged with a three-pointer, his first of Aluma’s three-pointer from the a 27-22 advantage with 3:55 to
ers finished with 10 points. The rush began with Aluma’s offensive rebound and passed to the game, and Mutts also sank a left corner off a quick pass from play before intermission.


Surging Aggies knock o≠ No. 4 Tigers to bolster case for NCAA tournament
Oscar Tshiebwe posted his seeded Spartans (22-11) past the Houston. Jeremiah Davenport
TEXAS A&M 67, 14th straight double-double and No. 12 Badgers (24-7) in the Big and John Newman III each
AUBURN 62 26th of the season — tying a Ten quarterfinals. scored 13 for eighth-seeded Cin-
program record — with 12 points Brad Davison led second-seed- cinnati.
and 14 rebounds for third-seeded ed Wisconsin with 23 points. l IOWA 84, RUTGERS 74:
A SSOCIATED P RESS Kentucky. Jordan Wright led Johnny Davis, the Big Ten player Keegan Murray had 26 points
11th-seeded Vanderbilt with 27 of the year, played through an and eight rebounds to lead the
Texas A&M isn’t done reviving points. ankle injury, finishing with No. 24 Hawkeyes (24-9) past the
its season after a month-long l KANSAS 75, TCU 62: Ochai 11 points. Scarlet Knights (18-13) in the Big
tailspin threatened its chances of Agbaji scored 22 points, and the l ARKANSAS 79, LSU 67: Ten quarterfinals.
making the NCAA tournament. No. 6 Jayhawks (27-6) cruised to Au’Diese Toney had 22 points, JD Jordan Bohannon and Tony
The Aggies improved to 7-1 a victory over the Horned Frogs Notae added 19, and the No. 15 Perkins each tallied 16 points for
since an eight-game skid, bolster- (20-12) in the Big 12 tournament Razorbacks (25-7) beat the Tigers fifth-seeded Iowa. Geo Baker
ing their case for an at-large semifinals in Kansas City, Mo. (22-11) in the SEC quarterfinals. paced fourth-seeded Rutgers
berth with a 67-62 win over No. 4 Mitch Lightfoot had 15 points Chris Lykes added 18 points as with 23 points.
Auburn in the SEC tournament in extended minutes for top- fourth-seeded Arkansas won for
quarterfinals in Tampa on Friday. seeded Kansas. Chuck O’Bannon the 15th time in its past 17 games. Rutgers extends Pikiell
Tyrece Radford led all scorers had 15 points to lead fifth-seeded Darius Days had 14 points and Rutgers extended the contract
with 19 points and Henry Cole- TCU. ANDY LYONS/GETTY IMAGES 10 rebounds for fifth-seeded of Coach Steve Pikiell through
man III added 16 for eighth-seed- l DUKE 80, MIAMI 76: Paolo Texas A&M was blown out by Auburn in their sole regular season LSU. the 2029-30 season, the school
ed Texas A&M (22-11). Jabari Banchero recorded 18 points and matchup, but the Aggies got revenge in the SEC tournament. l INDIANA 65, ILLINOIS announced hours before the
Smith led top-seeded Auburn 11 rebounds, and the No. 7 Blue 63: Trayce Jackson-Davis hit two Scarlet Knights’ Big Ten tourna-
(27-5) with 17 points, and Walker Devils (28-5) held off the Hurri- SIPPI STATE 59: Josiah-Jordan 11th-seeded Penn State. free throws to give his team the ment loss.
Kessler scored 16. canes (23-10) in the ACC tourna- James led five players in double l CREIGHTON 85, PROVI- lead and added another foul shot Rutgers entered the top 25
l ARIZONA 82, COLORADO ment semifinals in New York. figures with 16 points as the No. 9 DENCE 58: Alex O’Connell had to seal the ninth-seeded Hoo- during the 2019-20 season for the
70: Azoulas Tubelis had 20 AJ Griffin added 21 points as Volunteers (24-7) pulled away for 18 points, Arthur Kaluma scored siers’ (20-12) upset of the No. 16 first time in 41 years, then made
points and 11 rebounds, and the top-seeded Duke earned its a victory over the Bulldogs (18- 17 and Ryan Kalkbrenner added Illini (22-9) in the Big Ten quar- the NCAA tournament in 2021
No. 2 Wildcats (30-3) beat the 22nd ACC title game appearance 15) in the SEC quarterfinals. 15 points and nine rebounds as terfinals. for the first time in 30 years.
Buffaloes (21-11) in the Pac-12 under Coach Mike Krzyzewski. Kennedy Chandler had the fourth-seeded Bluejays (22- Kofi Cockburn had 23 points Despite a top-four finish in one of
tournament semifinals in Las Kameron McGusty had 24 points 11 points despite missing time 10) routed the No. 11 Friars (25-5) and 10 rebounds for top-seeded the nation’s toughest conferenc-
Vegas. for fourth-seeded Miami. after what appeared to be a right in the Big East semifinals. Illinois, which was hoping to es, Rutgers is considered a bub-
Top-seeded Arizona played l VILLANOVA 63, CON- foot or ankle injury. Shakeel Al Durham had 21 points on a repeat as conference tournament ble team this year.
without Kerr Kriisa, who NECTICUT 60: Jermaine Samu- Moore led 10th-seeded Mississip- rare off night this season for champions. l MISSOURI: Coach Cuonzo
sprained his right ankle in the els had 21 points and 12 rebounds pi State with 15 points. top-seeded Providence, which l HOUSTON 69, CINCINNA- Martin was fired after the Tigers
quarterfinals. Jabari Walker led to help the No. 8 Wildcats (25-7) l PURDUE 69, PENN STATE won its first regular season Big TI 56: Fabian White Jr. scored 18 capped a 12-21 season with a
fourth-seeded Colorado with 19 beat the No. 20 Huskies (23-9) in 61: Jaden Ivey scored 17 points to East title after 43 years as a points as the No. 18 Cougars second-round SEC tournament
points. the Big East tournament semifi- lead the No. 9 Boilermakers charter member. (27-5) overcame a 10-point deficit loss.
l KENTUCKY 77, VANDER- nals in New York. (26-6) past the Nittany Lions l MICHIGAN STATE 69, to beat the Bearcats (18-15) in the Martin finished with a record
BILT 71: TyTy Washington Brandon Slater added 15 (14-17) in the Big Ten tournament WISCONSIN 63: Marcus Bing- American Athletic Conference of 78-77 in five years at Missouri.
scored 25 points, and the No. 5 points for second-seeded Vil- quarterfinals in Indianapolis. ham Jr. matched his career high tournament quarterfinals in Fort l RHODE ISLAND: Coach
Wildcats (26-6) held off the Com- lanova. Tyrese Martin led third- Zach Edey added 15 points for with 19 points and Tyson Walker Worth. David Cox was fired after four
modores (17-16) in the SEC quar- seeded U-Conn. with 19 points. third-seeded Purdue. Jalen Pick- scored nine of his 11 points in the Jamal Shead added 15 points seasons. Cox went 64-55 without
terfinals. l TENNESSEE 72, MISSIS- ett scored 16 points to lead final 1:35 to send the seventh- and seven assists for top-seeded an NCAA tournament berth.


Popovich becomes league’s winningest coach after Spurs rally Play again
SPURS 104, is stopped
Gary Trent Jr. scored 42 points,
and Toronto held off Phoenix,
the Celtics.

JAZZ 102
the road. on wet day
beating the NBA’s leading team on

Trent was 8 for 11 from three-

ETS 100: Luka Doncic scored
30 points, Dwight Powell had 26,
and Dallas built a big lead and

Gregg Popovich is the win-

at Sawgrass
point range and 13 for 21 from the
field. He fell just short of his career
high of 44 points set last season.
coasted to a road victory over
Spencer Dinwiddie added
ningest coach in NBA regular sea- Pascal Siakam added 25 points 16 points and seven assists to help
son history after getting his and 10 assists for the Raptors. the Mavericks win for the sixth A SSOCIATED P RESS
1,336th victory when the San An- l MAGIC 118, TIMBER- time in seven games.
tonio Spurs rallied to beat the WOLVES 110: Mo Bamba scored l GRIZZLIES 118, KNICKS The Players Championship de-
Utah Jazz, 104-102, at home Friday 27 points, Markelle Fultz and Mo 114: Ja Morant keyed a fourth- livered only four hours of golf
night. Wagner did most of Orlando’s quarter rally by scoring 15 of his Friday before rain saturated TPC
Popovich broke a tie with Don scoring in a big second-half rally, 37 points in the period to lead Sawgrass in Ponte Vedra Beach,
Nelson, the friend and mentor he and the last-place Magic beat Min- Memphis past visiting New York. Fla., assuring the PGA Tour’s pre-
served as an assistant under while nesota to end the visiting Timber- Ziaire Williams and Jaren Jack- mier event will not end until Mon-
with Golden State for two seasons wolves’ winning streak at six son Jr. each finished with day.
beginning in 1992. The milestone games. 13 points. So much for Saturday being
came in Popovich’s 2,030th game During a 23-4 run over a stretch l HORNETS 142, PELICANS “moving day.”
and 26th season with the Spurs, of eight minutes, Fultz scored five 120: Miles Bridges had 27 points Based on the forecast of over-
the only franchise with which he points and Wagner had the final Spurs Coach Gregg Popovich earned his 1,336th victory Friday, and nine assists, Terry Rozier night rain and raging wind, the
has been a head coach. seven, leaving the Magic (18-50) making him the winningest coach in NBA regular season history. highlighted his 27-point perform- tour said there was no chance of
“It’s just a testament to a whole with a 107-95 lead after it had ance with seven three-pointers, even making the cut until Sunday.
lot of people,” Popovich said. trailed by 18 in the first half. four months after Morris suffered play-in tournament. The Clippers and Charlotte put on a shooting Play was stopped at 11:15 a.m.
“Something like this does not be- l HEAT 117, CAVALIERS 105: whiplash in a scuffle with Denver’s are eighth in the West. exhibition to beat undermanned The conditions and the forecast
long to one individual. Basket- Bam Adebayo had 30 points and Nikola Jokic on Nov. 8. l CELTICS 114, PISTONS 103: New Orleans on the road. were so bad the first round was
ball’s a team sport.” 17 rebounds, Jimmy Butler added l HAWKS 112, CLIPPERS Jayson Tatum had 31 points and not scheduled to resume until
Dejounte Murray, who has 24 points, and a pair of big third- 106: Trae Young scored 27 points eight rebounds, Jaylen Brown Simons sidelined for a week 11 a.m. Saturday, and that was
emerged as the team’s newest star, quarter runs helped host Miami to lead six Atlanta scorers in dou- added 22 points and eight re- Portland guard Anfernee Si- described as a best-case scenario.
had 27 points and nine rebounds beat Cleveland. ble figures, and the Hawks held off bounds, and Boston beat Detroit mons will miss at least a week “The golf course has just
to lead the Spurs past the Jazz. Earlier on Friday, a person with visiting Los Angeles. at home for its fifth victory in a because of mild patellar tendinop- reached a point of saturation, and
Murray made two free throws knowledge of the situation said The Hawks, who snapped a two- row. athy in his left knee. unfortunately the weather condi-
with 4.8 seconds and 1 of 2 with a Heat forward Markieff Morris re- game losing streak, began the Marcus Smart added 20 points Simons has played in 57 games tions are not providing us any
second remaining to seal the win. ceived clearance to return to the night 10th in the Eastern Confer- and Robert Williams III had this season, averaging 17.3 points, relief,” said Gary Young, the chief
l RAPTORS 117, SUNS 112: court. The move comes more than ence, holding the final spot in the 12 points and nine rebounds for 2.6 rebounds and 3.9 assists. referee of the event.
Puddles formed on the putting
surfaces when play was stopped,
and the rain kept coming. Young

In Simmons’s Philadelphia return, the game loses said the Stadium Course — for-
merly a swamp before the late
architect Pete Dye worked his
magic — had received some three
inches of rain over a period of 36
philadelphia — tasted their first dose of to 48 hours.
On Ben Simmons adversity with Harden, they still It will be the eighth Monday
the NBA walked through a have a better sense of what they finish since the Players Champi-
MICHAEL LEE tunnel and onto are in the homestretch of the onship began in 1974 and the first
the court at Wells season than Brooklyn. since 2005. All the Monday finish-
Fargo Center as if Simmons’s addition provides es have occurred in March. The
he were going blindfolded into a hope for the future of the Nets’ Players was held in May for
dark alley. There was no better franchise, but the present 12 years until it returned to its
time, no better way, to confront remains filled with a lot of earlier date in 2019.
his demons and to confront a questions and not much time. But it has never been as dis-
crowd full of fans who had spent Irving is still waiting for New jointed as this.
the previous nine months York to loosen its vaccine The opening round was de-
clearing their throats for the mandate so he can play in home layed an hour at the start and then
chance to boo and belittle him. games. Brooklyn doesn’t know was suspended 4 hours 15 min-
Simmons wasn’t preparing to when or whether Simmons will utes. Thursday ended with Ian
play a game. He had come to return. The talent says title Poulter running from tee-to-
take his medicine. contender, but a record barely green on the par-3 17th so he
In a sports town that can be above .500 screams of a team could tee off on the 18th and
unmerciful in its vitriol, needing everything to break assure his group could finish be-
Simmons, traded from perfectly for it all to come to fore darkness.
Philadelphia to Brooklyn last fruition. There’s a good chance Poulter
month, fist-bumped his new If they qualify for the play-in might not hit another shot until
teammate Kevin Durant. Then tournament, the Nets also have a Sunday morning.
he began rebounding and high probability of facing Only 96 players from the 144-
passing to fellow Australian Toronto, where Irving isn’t man field have finished 18 holes.
Patty Mills. A few fans shouted, allowed to play. And if they can Tommy Fleetwood and Tom
“He won’t shoot,” to some reach the seventh seed, their Hoge finished Thursday, and each
laughter. But the rancid cough first-round matchup may well be posted a 6-under par-66. At best,
syrup he probably expected to the defending champion they won’t start the second round
swallow turned out to be little MATT SLOCUM/ASSOCIATED PRESS Milwaukee Bucks, the only until late Saturday afternoon.
more than a spoonful of honey James Harden, center left, traded by the Nets for Ben Simmons, falls into ex-teammate Kevin Durant. Eastern Conference contender Brice Garnett holed out for an
with a drop of lemon. that can lean on what it has eagle from the fourth fairway and
As the night wore on and as figure Louis Vuitton sweater and obstinate anti-vaccine stance Durant and Irving had tried to done, not what it might do. will be at 6 under with five holes
his new team wore out his old enough jewelry to light up the while his organization continues downplay the significance of a Harden could smell the to play when he returns Saturday.
one in a 129-100 victory, the arena in a power outage, as 76ers to squeamishly acquiesce to his regular season game in March trouble brewing, but now that he Daniel Berger was among those
chants of “F--- Ben Simmons” fans eventually turned their whims. and with good reason: The Nets got what he wanted — a reunion at 5 under par, and he was the first
made him smile and bob his anger toward their own team. It’s the game that lost as the have spent most of the season as with the team president who sign the conclusion of the opening
head as if he was hearing a sweet “It’s hard to chant at Ben downside of the so-called player the betting favorites to win the believes in him more than any round might have to wait. He was
serenade. Simmons when you’re losing by empowerment movement has title, but they have been a better other NBA executive — he will just short of the par-5 11th green
When he last played in this that much,” Durant said revealed itself in embarrassing idea than a reality. Philadelphia, have to deliver for Philadelphia when he called for an official
arena, in Game 7 of last season’s afterward. fashion this season. meanwhile, had won its first five in a way that he couldn’t for because of water in the area
conference semifinals, Simmons left his old home, The petulance of disgruntled games with Embiid and Harden, Oklahoma City, Houston or where he wanted to land his pitch.
Simmons’s fear of shooting in head held high. But there were stars can’t detract entirely from a big-little combo that will Brooklyn, for fans who want to Out came the squeegees and a
the fourth quarter — either no sympathetic figures in this the heartwarming developments ideally resemble something close love him but won’t hesitate to delay waiting for them to move
because he didn’t want to miss contest and no heroes, either. of this NBA season — Ja to a new age Shaq and Kobe. turn on someone who comes up away the water. Jordan Spieth’s
or didn’t want to get fouled and 76ers fans were booing an all- Morant’s ascension, Stephen But Durant and Irving made it short. second shot into the 12th was in
miss free throws — was so star for quitting on their team, Curry’s sustained show, the known, early and often, that Simmons knows this all too the middle of a puddle, and he
glaring that he passed up an easy but the all-star they acquired in international big-man brilliance there might not be a more lethal well. But he’s in Brooklyn now, stood over his mark as the squee-
dunk or layup. He became the exchange, James Harden, had all of Nikola Jokic, Giannis offensive duo in the NBA. And as where the expectations remain gee crew cleared away the water.
scapegoat for the 76ers’ collapse. but done the same, apparently Antekounmpo and Embiid — but much as the Nets wanted to rally high but the pressures don’t Dustin Johnson had three bird-
Then he stubbornly surrendered because one of his own it has produced plenty of around Simmons, they also compare. The Nets also won’t ies in his opening four holes and
nearly $20 million in salary teammates, Kyrie Irving, was wincing. Still, it’s hard to fault wanted Harden to see again ask Simmons to be what he’s not, went out in 32 before the wet
during a holdout this season, unwilling to make an individual Simmons or Harden for taking what he had left behind. They because what he has to offer — greens twice fooled him and led to
determined to never wear that sacrifice for the good of a extreme measures to say made his night miserable. playmaking ability, versatile three-putt bogeys — a 40-foot putt
uniform again. franchise’s championship goodbye. There are too many Harden is supposed to make defense — fits what they need. he left well short on the 10th and a
Intentional or not, Simmons, aspirations. examples of players raising hell 76ers fans forget about As he walked off the floor for the downhill putt from 30 feet that
who has said he is nursing a In the end, Simmons won or leaking like faulty faucets to Simmons, to provide lighter final time, most of the 76ers fans ran six feet by on the 13th.
back injury, had the best possible because he got away from an make sure they get traded. fluid to their reunion boos, but had already rushed to the exits. Berger figured them out. He
reintroduction to Philadelphia. environment that had soured his Harden has now done it twice in they might encounter similar A smiling Simmons strutted holed a 40-foot birdie putt from
With no pressure on him to love for the game. Harden won, the past two seasons. frustration in a different package back under the tunnel, looking the fringe on No. 12 and, just as
perform, he heard the boos only too, because he moved up the Once the controversial layers — not someone afraid to shoot like a man who had experienced important, hit a beautiful lag putt
sporadically during timeouts. standings to team up with an of Thursday’s game were peeled but someone unable to shoot the best kind of revenge. His from 50 feet on the 13th. He
And they got quieter as the Nets’ MVP favorite in Joel Embiid. back, a competition remained. accurately at critical points in team won, and his teammates followed with birdie putts from
lead grew. Simmons could only And Irving won because he And only one side, Simmons’s big games. showed they were there for him. 18 feet and 15 feet to reach 5 under.
smile on the bench, in his four- never had to budge off his side, was up for that part. But while the 76ers have “Ben’s safe here,” Irving said. l LPGA TOUR: Oh Su eagled
her final hole to grab a share of the
lead alongside Nasa Hataoko af-
ter the second round of the LPGA

L.A. trip means more for Kuzma, Caldwell-Pope Thailand in Conburi.

Oh, who represents Australia
but was born in South Korea, had
five birdies through 15 holes be-
fore play was suspended because
WI Z A RD S’ N E X T T H RE E “I wanted to be able to be who I seen him play at a high level. He’s could. of weather at Siam Country Club
say I am,” Kuzma said. got to cut down on the turnovers, “He’s a quiet leader. I think his Pattaya Old Course. After the hour
Kuzma stayed at his own home, at Portland Trail Blazers The 6-foot-10 forward re- I think is a big piece. But his focus, his approach has been of interruption, she nearly holed
not the team hotel, during the turned as an integral cog in the usage rate has jumped dramati- great for our group, his work out from the fairway on the par-5
Wizards’ five-day stay, in part so Today 10 NBCSW Wizards’ machine, surprising cally from where it was a year ethic,” Unseld said. “But he’s also 18th before tapping in for an eagle
he could oversee renovations on even Unseld as he evolved into ago. It’s just an area of growth for got a fiery side. He’s shown that for a 7-under 65.
his guesthouse and his pool. at Golden State Warriors the team’s third-leading scorer him. Just, he’s got to get more side a couple of times this year. Both she and Hataoko (65) lead
Caldwell-Pope and his wife at- Monday 10 NBCSW (17.2 points per game) and top comfortable.” It’s not just in his voice but also at 16-under 128 overall.
tended business meetings before rebounder (8.7). With Bradley If Kuzma perhaps has over- his play. When he amps up his “I kind of had a really good
she ran the kids past their old vs. Denver Nuggets Beal out for the season following achieved in Unseld’s eyes, intensity, it brings us along with yardage to that back pin. Didn’t
house for nostalgia’s sake. wrist surgery and Kristaps Por- Caldwell-Pope has been exactly him.” matter how hard I hit my 3-wood;
At game time, a little added Wednesday 7 NBCSW zingis freshly arrived, Kuzma what Washington wanted: a Unseld reminded Kuzma and it wouldn’t have carried on top, so
juice was expected. Los Angeles leads Washington (29-35, 11th in workhorse on both ends of the Caldwell-Pope that Friday’s game I think that helped,” said Oh, who
selected Kuzma with the No. 27 Radio: WTEM (980 AM) the East entering Friday) as it court whom the Wizards trust wasn’t about individual match- is looking for her first top 10 finish
pick in the 2017 draft, molding scraps for a spot in the play-in with their trickiest individual de- ups but was a contest between since she tied for seventh at the
him into a valuable role player. Wizards Coach Wes Unseld Jr. tournament. fensive assignments. two teams with plenty at stake. ShopLite LPGA Classic in Octo-
Caldwell-Pope arrived as a free addressed the matchup with the On Wednesday, he took re- The 29-year-old guard is a The Lakers are fighting for their ber.
agent the same year, two seasons team, understanding it’s human sponsibility for the disorganiza- quiet, understated leader for own spot in the play-in tourna- Hataoka finished with seven
before both helped Los Angeles nature for Kuzma and Caldwell- tion in the fourth quarter that Washington who fit in with the ment. birdies, including on the 18th.
capture an NBA championship. Pope to want to make the Lakers cost Washington a win. Unseld franchise right away, sliding “It’s one of those things you “She made birdies a lot, so I had
“It means a lot. Emotions are regret giving them up. Kuzma thought of him as a catch-and- neatly into the roster and relish- have to address,” Unseld said. to try to hit more birdies, too,”
going to be there because of the said he has felt as if he has shoot role player with the Lakers ing his new living situation for “They know it, but you’re fighting Hataoko said.
championship, the team dynamic something to prove since he ar- and now thinks an all-star turn one reason — the tree-lined D.C. human nature. They want to Celine Boutier (64) and Nanna
that we had,” Caldwell-Pope said. rived in Washington, both to might not be far off. suburbs reminded him of home prove something, and I get that. Koerstz Madsen (64) were tied for
“But it’s going to be fun at the end those who follow the NBA and, “The level of consistency has in Georgia more than palm trees You’ll have an opportunity to do second, one stroke behind the
of the day.” more importantly, to himself. been there,” Unseld said. “We’ve and beachfront property ever that if you play the right way.” leaders.

high schools


With rout, Hawks fulfill potential — and then some

pion. schedule for his Alexandria pro- on the big stage,” junior forward
HAYFIELD 67, With a 67-47 win over Battle- gram and set the bar higher than Greg Jones said. “We just had to
BATTLEFIELD 47 field, No. 5 Hayfield captured the
first state title in program history
ever before. Poindexter knew his
team had the talent to win a state
shake that off, and once we did, it
was over.”
and earned the perfect finish to a championship, and by early De- The Hawks took a small lead in
BY M ICHAEL E RRIGO perfect 32-0 season. cember, he acknowledged, “We’re the second quarter, and in the
“It’s been big for this communi- ready to level up.” second half they unleashed the
richmond — There are a million ty,” senior point guard Braylon The Hawks beat Washington most dangerous version of them-
ways for a championship-caliber Wheeler said of this season. “We Catholic Athletic Conference selves. At its best, Hayfield plays
team to spoil its potential and only had four buses of students here teams, Class 5 contenders and with an inspiring amount of free-
one real way to fulfill it. today. . . . We wanted to make southern Virginia powers. Against dom, relying on overwhelming
Plenty of programs have seen them proud.” local opponents, they developed a athleticism and the leadership of
their windows of opportunity Last winter, Hayfield gave winning formula and blew out Wheeler to generate offense.
come and go, but the Hayfield Northern Virginia a glimpse of the opponents. In the playoffs, they The Hawks proved unstoppable
boys’ basketball team was deter- destruction to come when a young proved the legitimacy of that for- once they started playing loose RYAN M. KELLY FOR THE WASHINGTON POST
mined to seize its moment. Over Hawks team made it to the state mula and blazed their way down and getting out into transition Fri- Hayfield trailed Battlefield after the first quarter, but the Hawks
the course of four dominant semifinals. The group felt it was to Richmond. day. They outscored Battlefield pulled ahead in the second quarter, then ran away after halftime.
months, the Hawks went from ahead of schedule then and that But against the Bobcats (20-7) 21-10 in the third quarter and ran
promising group to area contend- the playoff run would provide fine on Friday, the Hawks came out away with the title. Jones led the away from a delighted huddle of was one thing, but it’s another
er to full-on sensation. On Friday preparation for the true test of this tight and trailed at the end of the way with 23 points, while junior players just long enough to take thing to go out there and prove it,”
afternoon at Virginia Common- season. first quarter. forward David King added 12. the bottom of his orange polo shirt Poindexter said. “On a night-in,
wealth University, they earned the So Coach Carlos Poindexter “This game had so much riding In the midst of the postgame and use it to wipe away the tears. night-out basis, these guys proved
last available label: state cham- built a rigorous nonconference on it. We were timid early, playing celebration, Poindexter broke “Me knowing we could be good it.”

Western guard Ny’Ceara Pryor, right, scored 40 points against Guard Sadie Shores (33) and Woodgrove (29-1) were overwhelmed Madison won its third consecutive Class 6 championship Friday in
London Turner and Clarksburg at Xfinity Center in College Park. by the Monarchs’ athleticism at VCU’s Siegel Center on Friday. Richmond after finishing the season with a 27-2 record.


Guard’s 40-point night In pursuit of perfection, For a third straight year,

halts the Coyotes’ run Wolverines hit the wall Warhawks finish on top
first chance to play on her future dominant local campaign that “Playing defense is fun,” senior
WESTERN 81, home court against Western MENCHVILLE 59, went to the next level in the MADISON 38, forward Mia Chapman said. “The
CLARKSBURG 68 (21-2).
In March 2020, Clarksburg’s
WOODGROVE 36 postseason. In the state quarterfi-
nals, the Wolverines (29-1) made
OSBOURN PARK 29 rebounds, the steals, the turn-
overs — it’s exciting.”
season ended against the Doves in a statement by holding off Rich- Coach Kirsten Stone listened
BY K YLE M ELNICK the state quarterfinals. Since then, BY M ICHAEL E RRIGO mond power Highland Springs. BY M ICHAEL E RRIGO with a smile on her face.
Nelson has grown five inches and But it was in that game that the “I brainwashed them,” Stone
When Clarksburg fouled West- become one of the country’s top richmond — Sadie Shores wove team’s perfect season took a less- richmond — On Friday after- said afterward.
ern girls’ basketball guard recruits. Still, her goal of winning through multiple defenders, than-perfect turn. Senior center noon at Virginia Commonwealth Grace Arnolie led the War-
Ny’Ceara Pryor with 3.5 seconds the state title — and beating West- looking for space to breathe let Ashley Steadman went down University, the Madison War- hawks with 11 points, and Chap-
remaining Friday night, Western’s ern in the process — remained. alone run an offense. It was with an injury. A two-year cap- hawks had the look of a high man added 10. Osbourn Park’s
players smiled and cheered as the But when Western went to a midway through the second tain and the program’s all-time school basketball dynasty. Hailey Kellogg finished with a
Baltimore school’s fans stood on zone defense, it maintained a de- quarter of Friday night’s Virginia scoring leader, Steadman was They entered the Class 6 cham- game-high 15 points.
their feet and pulled out their fender on Nelson. The junior fin- Class 5 championship game, and forced to watch from the bench as pionship game lugging around Friday’s game was a rematch of
phones. ished with 16 points on 7-for-17 already Menchville’s defense had her team engineered a thrilling weighty expectations, and then last year’s Class 6 championship,
Western was seconds from win- shooting while Maryland Coach made baskets hard to come by for comeback victory over Briar met them with confidence and in which Madison beat Osbourn
ning the Maryland 4A champion- Brenda Frese watched from the Shores and her Woodgrove team- Woods in the state semifinals and poise. With a 38-29 win over No. 11 Park, 54-48, to earn the program’s
ship, 81-68, at the University of baseline. After winning every oth- mates. then lost steam in Friday’s meet- Osbourn Park, the No. 8 War- second consecutive champion-
Maryland’s Xfinity Center. The er game by double digits, Clarks- The sophomore guard spun ing with Menchville (24-3). hawks earned a third consecutive ship. The program claimed a
foul offered Pryor the chance to burg came out flat Friday and fell out of the beginnings of a double “Everybody had to adjust to state title and finished off another share of the title in 2020’s pan-
step to the free throw line and cap into early foul trouble. team, found some open court and that, and it’s part of the game,” season in which all Northern Vir- demic-shortened season.
her dominant performance by Still, for Clarksburg Coach Sissy streaked to the hoop. There, she Woodgrove Coach Derek Fisher ginia public programs looked up Coming off last year’s title, the
reaching 40 points. Natoli, Friday was surreal. When met three purple-clad defenders said. “But mostly we’re just sad in their direction. Warhawks quickly established
Pryor accomplished that by she began coaching Clarksburg at eager to block her shot. She went for Ashley and disappointed she On Friday, the Warhawks (27-2) themselves as the best public
sinking her second free throw be- its opening in 2006, her team was up once, twice and then a third wasn’t able to experience this won with defense, as they have all school team in Northern Virginia
fore the senior joined her team- the county’s doormat. As her time, her series of offensive re- after four years of being a major year. They came into the state title again this winter. They beat every
mates in celebration when the squads improved each year, expec- bounds cut short by the referee’s reason for the team’s success.” game having held public school public school opponent on their
buzzer sounded moments later. tations grew. merciful whistle. As she went to Without their center, the Wol- opponents to 28.9 points per schedule by double digits, includ-
Clarksburg (25-1) had been on “Sometimes you have to take the free throw line, Shores verines were outscored 30-12 in game. So as they worked their way ing an 18-point victory over Os-
the right side of these festivities baby steps before you take those checked her left eyebrow for the paint. They never found a way through a physical and disjointed bourn Park in late December.
and stellar performances all sea- giant steps,” said Natoli, whose blood. to overcome the long arms and first half in which twin sisters Those efforts led them to VCU’s
son as it cruised through Mont- squad won the inaugural Mont- It was that kind of start for the quick reflexes of a talented Mon- Grace and Alayna Arnolie — the Siegel Center, where in many
gomery County. But in the Coy- gomery County title last month. No. 10 Wolverines, and it archs defense. Woodgrove trailed team’s two leading scorers — went ways they faced an unfamiliar
otes’ first state championship “Being able to see our program wouldn’t get any easier as the by 11 at the end of the first scoreless, they relied on their de- stage. The program’s last two ti-
game appearance, Pryor out- grow and mature over the 16 years, physicality and athleticism of the quarter, and the margin grew fense to keep the game in hand. At tles were won in the tempered
shined Clarksburg’s stars. it’s been fantastic.” Monarchs were too much to han- from there. The 36 points repre- the half, the Warhawks led 15-8. environment of a pandemic, so on
“Even though we couldn’t finish At the buzzer Friday, after Pryor dle. Woodgrove saw its undefeat- sented their lowest scoring out- “You focus on defense and let Friday afternoon, they soaked up
with the win . . . everyone in Mont- proved herself as the best player ed run end with a 59-36 loss at ing of the season. the offense come to you,” Grace the scene as they lifted a large
gomery County is going to remem- on the court, Nelson crouched at Virginia Commonwealth Univer- “It wasn’t anywhere near our Arnolie said. “That’s something championship trophy to a wall of
ber this group of girls,” said Clarks- midcourt and pulled her white sity’s Siegel Center. best, but we didn’t give up,” we say before every single game supporters.
burg guard Mia Smith, who scored jersey over her head. “Compared to the regular sea- Fisher said. “And there have been and every single practice.” “Our entire team is like a fam-
a team-high 28 points. “We’ll go “We fell short, but this is defi- son, that team was very fast, very so many accomplishments [this The offense picked up in the ily,” Alayna Arnolie said. “So to be
down in history for a long time.” nitely just going to be motivation physical, and we definitely strug- year]. One day is not going to ruin second half as Madison pulled able to come here and get the full
Clarksburg’s other star, Mary- for next year,” Nelson said. “We’re gled against that,” Shores said. a season’s worth of accomplish- away from the Yellow Jackets experience — the huge student
land commit Riley Nelson, was going to come in stronger and The Purcellville program was ments. There are not a lot of (23-3). In their postgame news section, the whole thing — and be
named Maryland Gatorade player faster just so we can come in here making its first state champion- teams, not a lot of schools that conference, Madison players es- able to do that as a family, it
of the year this week and had her and win this.” ship appearance, the reward for a have a 29-win season.” poused the joy of defense. makes it mean that much more.”


After wild equalizer, Bulldogs claim 10th championship in double overtime

hockey career. late in regulation. With less than punching the air with his arm in sixth tally of the playoffs galva- victory.
CHURCHILL 3, Murira’s double-overtime tally 20 seconds left and the Bulldogs’ celebration with one knee bent. nized a usually high-scoring “We weren’t playing like our-
OAKDALE 2 (2OT) won the Maryland Student Hock- goalie pulled, Churchill’s Jack Pog- When he reached the Churchill Churchill team. selves,” Pogorelc said. “But with a
ey League championship Friday orelc attempted a quick shot off goal, his teammates mobbed him “It was crucial,” Mrvos said little bit of encouragement and
night for Churchill, which defeat- the faceoff that ricocheted off the against the glass. Pogorelc skated about Pogorelc’s goal. “We needed good coaching, everything came
BY V ARUN S HANKAR ed Oakdale, 3-2. The Bulldogs Oakdale goalie’s pads to the left over to the Churchill student sec- something. . . . We couldn’t cash full circle.”
staged a late comeback at Gardens side of the goal. There, sophomore tion and waved his arms in the air, in. We needed some way to change The game was the last for a host
Ngari Murira didn’t know he Ice House in Laurel, scoring two forward Samuel Strand gathered calling for an already boisterous momentum.” of seniors and Mrvos, who, after 16
had scored. third-period goals en route to it before knocking in the rebound. crowd to continue its thunderous The first two periods were frus- seasons and nine MSHL titles,
The Churchill senior defense- their 10th MSHL title. “We know we’re not going to cheers. trating for the Bulldogs, who said Friday would be his final
man grabbed the puck along the “It’s actually crazy,” Murira said. probably beat that goalie clean,” The senior captain started the pounded shots on goal but were night behind the Bulldogs’ bench.
right side and fired a shot wildly at “It just felt like everything went Churchill Coach Samuel Mrvos Churchill comeback in the third unable to beat Bears sophomore “To be able to go out like this
the net. Then he saw his team- right with the season, and all the said. “We had to create a rebound period with his team down 2-0. Devin Brown. Mrvos and his team and know that the program has
mates staring at him with wide way till the end, everything went drive to the net, create traffic and Pogorelc knifed through the mid- remained in his locker room for left with numerous players that
eyes, heard the goal horn go off perfectly.” try to find that the puck.” dle of the Oakdale defense before slightly longer than usual in the now know how to win a champi-
and realized he netted the last and The Bulldogs made it to over- Strand skated with a furor firing a wrist shot that sneaked second intermission as the team’s onship is very rewarding,” Mrvos
biggest score of his high school time thanks to a miraculous goal down the far side of the rink, past the Bears’ goaltender. His leaders tried to find a path to said.

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NBA Heat 117, Cavaliers 105 NHL Sharks 4, Kings 3 (OT) NCAA men PGA Tour
Miami ...........................................45 23 .662 — MIAMI ................................ 28 30 27 32 — 117 Florida .......................... 58 40 13 5 85 243 170 SAN JOSE .......................... 1 1 1 1 — 4 At TPC Sawgrass; In Ponte Vedra Beach, Fla.
Milwaukee....................................42 25 .627 21/2 Tampa Bay ................... 57 37 14 6 80 197 166 LOS ANGELES .................... 2 1 0 0 — 3 ACC Purse: $20 Million
Philadelphia..................................40 25 .615 31/2 CLEVELAND: Markkanen 6-12 1-1 15, Wade 2-4 1-1 5, Toronto ........................ 58 37 16 5 79 217 176 SEMIFINALS Yardage: 7,256; Par: 72
Chicago .........................................40 26 .606 4 Mobley 7-12 5-6 19, Garland 4-17 15-16 24, Okoro 4-9 0-0 Boston.......................... 58 35 18 5 75 177 158 FIRST PERIOD Duke 80, Miami 76
Boston ..........................................41 27 .603 4 9, Love 4-5 2-2 11, Osman 3-8 0-0 8, Stevens 2-8 1-1 5, Detroit.......................... 58 24 27 7 55 170 218 PARTIAL FIRST ROUND
Scoring: 1, San Jose, Burns 6 (Couture, Karlsson), 2:39 Virginia Tech 72, North Carolina 59 Suspended because of weather
Cleveland......................................38 28 .576 6 Davis 0-0 0-0 0, Brown 1-1 0-0 2, Goodwin 1-1 0-0 2, Ottawa ......................... 57 21 31 5 47 151 183
(pp). 2, Los Angeles, Danault 17 (Moore, Athanasiou),
Toronto.........................................36 30 .545 8 Nembhard Jr. 0-0 2-2 2, Rondo 1-2 0-0 3. Totals 35-79 Buffalo ......................... 59 19 32 8 46 157 210
5:58. 3, Los Angeles, Athanasiou 9 (Maatta, Moore), 6:06.
AMERICAN Tommy Fleetwood ............................. 33 33 — 66 -6
Brooklyn .......................................34 33 .507 101/2 27-29 105. Montreal ...................... 57 15 35 7 37 140 217 QUARTERFINALS Tom Hoge ........................................... 31 35 — 66 -6
Atlanta .........................................32 34 .485 12 MIAMI: Butler 7-14 10-12 24, Tucker 1-6 0-0 2, Adebayo SECOND PERIOD Houston 69, Cincinnati 56 Kramer Hickok ................................... 33 34 — 67 -5
Charlotte ......................................33 35 .485 12 11-16 8-8 30, Lowry 1-4 0-0 3, Robinson 3-6 0-0 9, METROPOLITAN GP W L OT Pts GF GA Memphis 85, Central Florida 69 Joaquin Niemann ............................... 32 35 — 67 -5
Scoring: 4, Los Angeles, Moore 11, 10:40 (sh). 5, San
x-Washington ..............................29 35 .453 14 Highsmith 0-1 0-0 0, Strus 6-13 0-0 17, Dedmon 1-4 1-1 Carolina ........................ 57 40 12 5 85 193 134 SMU 83, Tulsa 58 Keith Mitchell .................................... 33 34 — 67 -5
Jose, Bonino 7 (Dahlen, Middleton), 12:13 (pp).
New York......................................28 39 .418 161/2 3, Yurtseven 1-1 0-0 2, Herro 8-15 4-5 22, Oladipo 2-6 1-1 Pittsburgh.................... 59 35 15 9 79 193 158 Tulane 69, Temple 60 Anirban Lahiri .................................... 32 35 — 67 -5
Indiana..........................................22 45 .328 221/2 5, Vincent 0-0 0-0 0. Totals 41-86 24-27 117. N.Y. Rangers ................ 58 36 17 5 77 173 150 THIRD PERIOD Brian Harman .................................... 32 36 — 68 -4
Detroit..........................................18 49 .269 261/2 x-Washington .............. 59 31 18 10 72 193 166 ATLANTIC 10 Sam Burns ......................................... 32 36 — 68 -4
Orlando.........................................18 50 .265 27 Three-point Goals: Cleveland 8-25 (Osman 2-5, Mark-
Columbus ..................... 59 29 27 3 61 193 218
Scoring: 6, San Jose, Barabanov 9 (Hertl, Karlsson), 1:21. QUARTERFINALS Abraham Ancer .................................. 35 33 — 68 -4
kanen 2-6, Rondo 1-1, Love 1-2, Okoro 1-2, Garland 1-6, Davidson 74, Fordham 56 Taylor Pendrith .................................. 34 34 — 68 -4
N.Y. Islanders............... 55 23 24 8 54 148 154 OVERTIME
Wade 0-1, Stevens 0-2), Miami 11-35 (Strus 5-11, Dayton 75, Massachusetts 72 Kevin Kisner ....................................... 33 35 — 68 -4
WESTERN CONFERENCE W L Pct GB New Jersey .................. 58 21 32 5 47 177 207
Robinson 3-6, Herro 2-4, Lowry 1-4, Butler 0-1, Dedmon Scoring: 7, San Jose, Hertl 23, 1:13. Saint Louis 57, St. Bonaventure 56 Harold Varner III ................................ 34 35 — 69 -3
y-Phoenix .....................................53 14 .791 — Philadelphia ................. 57 18 29 10 46 144 199
0-1, Highsmith 0-1, Oladipo 0-3, Tucker 0-4). Fouled Out: Richmond 75, VCU 64 Will Zalatoris ..................................... 33 36 — 69 -3
Memphis ......................................46 22 .676 71/2 Cleveland None, Miami 1 (Dedmon). Rebounds: Cleve- SHOTS ON GOAL
Golden State ................................45 22 .672 8 Louis Oosthuizen ............................... 35 34 — 69 -3
land 40 (Mobley 12), Miami 42 (Adebayo 17). Assists: CENTRAL GP W L OT Pts GF GA SAN JOSE ........................ 14 7 8 1 — 30 BIG EAST
Utah..............................................41 25 .621 111/2 Cameron Smith .................................. 34 35 — 69 -3
Cleveland 25 (Garland 10), Miami 28 (Lowry 10). Total Colorado ....................... 59 41 13 5 87 230 170 LOS ANGELES .................. 16 10 10 0 — 36 SEMIFINALS
Dallas ...........................................41 26 .612 12 Jon Rahm ........................................... 34 35 — 69 -3
Fouls: Cleveland 23, Miami 26. A: 19,600 (19,600) St. Louis ....................... 57 33 17 7 73 201 157 Creighton 85, Providence 58
Denver ..........................................40 27 .597 13 Power-play opportunities: San Jose 2 of 6; Los Angeles 0 of 4. Jhonattan Vegas ............................... 35 34 — 69 -3
Minnesota.................... 57 34 19 4 72 216 187 Villanova 63, Connecticut 60
Minnesota ....................................38 30 .559 151/2 Goalies: San Jose, Sawchenko 1-1-1 (36 shots-33 saves). Los Alex Noren ......................................... 34 35 — 69 -3
Nashville ...................... 57 33 20 4 70 180 157
L.A. Clippers .................................35 34 .507 19 Angeles, Quick 15-11-7 (30-26). A: 14,228 (18,230). T: 2:28. Andrew Putnam ................................. 34 35 — 69 -3
Dallas ........................... 56 32 21 3 67 166 162 BIG 12 Sam Ryder ......................................... 36 33 — 69 -3
x-L.A. Lakers ................................28 37 .431 24 Winnipeg...................... 59 26 23 10 62 178 184 SEMIFINALS
New Orleans.................................27 40 .403 26 Russell Henley ................................... 33 36 — 69 -3
Chicago......................... 59 21 30 8 50 155 205
San Antonio .................................26 41 .388 27 Hornets 142, Pelicans 120 Kansas 75, TCU 62 Jason Day ........................................... 33 36 — 69 -3
Portland........................................25 40 .385 27
Arizona......................... 57 18 35 4 40 146 207 S O C C ER Texas Tech 56, Oklahoma 55 Maverick McNealy ............................. 38 32 — 70 -2
CHARLOTTE ....................... 25 36 42 39 — 142 Francesco Molinari ............................ 37 33 — 70 -2
Sacramento..................................24 44 .353 291/2
NEW ORLEANS .................. 24 31 27 38 — 120 PACIFIC GP W L OT Pts GF GA BIG SKY
Oklahoma City..............................20 46 .303 321/2 K.H. Lee .............................................. 36 34 — 70 -2
Calgary ......................... 57 35 15 7 77 201 140 MLS SEMIFINALS Sebastian Munoz ............................... 35 35 — 70 -2
Houston........................................17 50 .254 36 CHARLOTTE: Bridges 9-15 4-5 26, Washington 2-5 0-0 6, Montana State 69, Weber State 66
Los Angeles.................. 59 32 19 8 72 175 166 Jimmy Walker ................................... 34 36 — 70 -2
x-Late game; y-Clinched playoff spot Plumlee 4-4 1-1 9, Ball 6-12 3-4 17, Rozier 9-17 0-0 25, Vegas ........................... 60 32 24 4 68 188 177 Paul Casey ......................................... 31 39 — 70 -2
Martin 6-7 2-3 15, McDaniels 0-3 4-4 4, Thor 0-0 0-0 0, Edmonton..................... 58 31 23 4 66 189 186 EAST W L T Pts GF GA BIG TEN
QUARTERFINALS Joel Dahmen ...................................... 36 34 — 70 -2
THURSDAY’S RESULTS Harrell 7-9 2-3 16, Oubre Jr. 4-7 0-0 10, Richards 0-0 0-0 x-Vancouver................. 58 29 23 6 64 169 168 New York ............................2 0 0 6 7 2
Corey Conners .................................... 35 35 — 70 -2
0, Thomas 5-8 0-0 14. Totals 52-87 16-20 142. Anaheim....................... 60 27 24 9 63 176 191 D.C. United .........................2 0 0 6 4 0 Indiana 65, Illinois 63
Brooklyn 129, at Philadelphia 100 Tyrrell Hatton .................................... 36 34 — 70 -2
San Jose....................... 57 25 25 7 57 149 182 Columbus............................1 0 1 4 7 3 Iowa 84, Rutgers 74
Golden State 113, at Denver 102 NEW ORLEANS: Hayes 4-10 4-4 13, Marshall 5-10 2-2 14, Lanto Griffin ...................................... 36 34 — 70 -2
Seattle ......................... 60 17 37 6 40 155 217 Orlando City........................1 0 1 4 2 0 Michigan State 69, Wisconsin 63
Valanciunas 4-12 2-2 10, Graham 7-14 1-1 19, H.Jones Pat Perez ........................................... 35 35 — 70 -2
FRIDAY’S RESULTS New England ......................1 0 1 4 3 2 Purdue 69, Penn State 61
3-6 6-8 12, Murphy III 12-20 1-2 32, Hernangomez 6-6 3-4 x-Late game Peter Malnati ..................................... 35 35 — 70 -2
Philadelphia........................1 0 1 4 3 2
Washington at L.A. Lakers, Late 15, Alvarado 2-7 0-2 5, Snell 0-1 0-0 0. Totals 43-86 19-25 BIG WEST Scott Piercy ....................................... 34 36 — 70 -2
THURSDAY’S RESULTS Atlanta ...............................1 1 0 3 3 4
at Orlando 118, Minnesota 110 120. SEMIFINALS Chesson Hadley ................................. 36 34 — 70 -2
Chicago ...............................0 0 2 2 0 0
at Atlanta 112, L.A. Clippers 106 Winnipeg 2, at New Jersey 1 Long Beach State 67, UC Santa Barbara 64 Talor Gooch ........................................ 36 34 — 70 -2
Three-point Goals: Charlotte 22-47 (Rozier 7-13, Thom- New York City FC................0 1 1 1 0 1
Arizona 5, at Toronto 4 (OT) Russell Knox ...................................... 37 34 — 71 -1
at Boston 114, Detroit 103 as 4-6, Bridges 4-8, Washington 2-4, Oubre Jr. 2-5, Ball Toronto FC..........................0 1 1 1 2 5
CONFERENCE USA Beau Hossler ...................................... 37 34 — 71 -1
Charlotte 142, at New Orleans 120 2-7, Martin 1-2, McDaniels 0-2), New Orleans 15-39 at Carolina 2, Colorado 0 Inter Miami CF....................0 1 1 1 1 5
SEMIFINALS Aaron Wise ........................................ 36 35 — 71 -1
at Miami 117, Cleveland 105 (Murphy III 7-12, Graham 4-10, Marshall 2-6, Hayes 1-3, at Buffalo 3, Vegas 1 CF Montréal........................0 2 0 0 1 4
Louisiana Tech 42, North Texas 36 Doc Redman ....................................... 37 34 — 71 -1
Dallas 113, at Houston 100 Alvarado 1-4, Snell 0-1, Valanciunas 0-1, H.Jones 0-2). at Ottawa 4, Seattle 3 (OT) Charlotte FC .......................0 2 0 0 0 4
UAB 102, Middle Tennessee 98, 3OT Richy Werenski .................................. 35 36 — 71 -1
Fouled Out: None. Rebounds: Charlotte 38 (Bridges 8), at Boston 4, Chicago 3 Cincinnati ...........................0 2 0 0 0 6
at Memphis 118, New York 114 Sergio Garcia ..................................... 35 36 — 71 -1
New Orleans 40 (Murphy III 9). Assists: Charlotte 41 at Florida 6, Philadelphia 3 MAAC Erik van Rooyen ................................. 36 35 — 71 -1
at San Antonio 104, Utah 102 (Ball, Bridges 9), New Orleans 31 (H.Jones 8). Total
Minnesota 6, at Detroit 5 (SO) WEST W L T Pts GF GA SEMIFINALS Ryan Palmer ...................................... 37 34 — 71 -1
Toronto 117, at Phoenix 112 Fouls: Charlotte 23, New Orleans 21. A: 16,838 (16,867)
at N.Y. Islanders 6, Columbus 0 Austin FC............................2 0 0 6 10 1 Monmouth (N.J.) 72, Rider 68 Adam Long ......................................... 34 37 — 71 -1
SATURDAY’S GAMES LA Galaxy ...........................2 0 0 6 2 0 St. Peter’s 64, Quinnipiac 52 Viktor Hovland ................................... 37 34 — 71 -1
at St. Louis 6, N.Y. Rangers 2 Los Angeles FC ...................1 0 1 4 4 1
Washington at Portland, 10 Gary Woodland .................................. 34 37 — 71 -1
at Nashville 4, Anaheim 1 Nashville.............................1 0 1 4 2 1 MAC Chris Kirk ........................................... 36 35 — 71 -1
Cleveland at Chicago, 8 at Calgary 4, Tampa Bay 1 Real Salt Lake ....................1 0 1 4 1 0
Spurs 104, Jazz 102 SEMIFINALS Cameron Young ................................. 34 37 — 71 -1
Indiana at San Antonio, 8 San Jose 4, at Los Angeles 3 (OT) Colorado..............................1 1 0 3 3 3 Lee Hodges ........................................ 37 35 — 72 E
Akron 70, Toledo 62
Minnesota at Miami, 8 Sporting KC ........................1 1 0 3 2 3 Kent State 67, Ohio 61 Mito Pereira ....................................... 37 35 — 72 E
UTAH .................................. 33 26 15 28 — 102 FRIDAY’S RESULTS
Milwaukee at Golden State, 8:30 SAN ANTONIO ................... 30 20 14 40 — 104 Portland..............................0 0 2 2 3 3 Sungjae Im ......................................... 37 35 — 72 E
Sacramento at Utah, 10 Washington at Vancouver, Late Minnesota United ..............0 0 2 2 2 2 MEAC Martin Laird ....................................... 35 37 — 72 E
Toronto at Denver, 10 UTAH: House Jr. 3-8 1-2 9, O’Neale 2-8 0-0 5, Gobert 2-3 at Pittsburgh 5, Vegas 2 FC Dallas.............................0 1 1 1 1 2 SEMIFINALS Cameron Champ ................................. 37 35 — 72 E
9-10 13, Conley 2-14 3-3 8, Mitchell 10-23 0-0 24, Gay 3-8 at Columbus 3, Minnesota 2 (SO) Houston ..............................0 1 1 1 0 1 Norfolk State 72, Morgan State 63 Patrick Cantlay .................................. 36 36 — 72 E
SUNDAY’S GAMES 0-0 9, Whiteside 6-7 1-5 13, Alexander-Walker 0-1 0-0 0, at N.Y. Islanders 5, Winnipeg 2 San Jose .............................0 1 1 1 4 6 Coppin State 79, North Carolina Central 73 Brandt Snedeker ................................ 36 36 — 72 E
New York at Brooklyn, 1 Clarkson 7-14 1-3 17, Forrest 2-6 0-0 4. Totals 37-92 Vancouver...........................0 1 1 1 0 4 Matthew Wolff .................................. 35 37 — 72 E
L.A. Clippers at Detroit, 3 15-23 102. SATURDAY’S GAMES Seattle................................0 2 0 0 0 2 MOUNTAIN WEST Hank Lebioda ..................................... 37 35 — 72 E
St. Louis at Nashville, 12:30 SEMIFINALS Hayden Buckley ................................. 38 34 — 72 E
Dallas at Boston, 3:30 SAN ANTONIO: Johnson 5-15 2-3 13, Richardson 3-7 5-6 SATURDAY’S RESULTS
Philadelphia at Carolina, 3 Boise State 68, Wyoming 61 Keegan Bradley .................................. 37 35 — 72 E
Philadelphia at Orlando, 6 11, Poeltl 6-11 3-6 15, Murray 9-23 8-12 27, Vassell 3-7 D.C. United 1, at Cincinnati 0
Anaheim at New Jersey, 7 Mackenzie Hughes ............................ 37 35 — 72 E
Houston at New Orleans, 7 1-2 8, Collins 4-7 5-5 15, Wieskamp 0-0 0-0 0, Landale 0-2 at New England 1, FC Dallas 0 PAC 12 Jason Kokrak ..................................... 36 36 — 72 E
Indiana at Atlanta, 7 0-0 0, Jones 2-3 0-0 4, Walker IV 2-10 6-9 11. Totals Arizona at Boston, 7 SEMIFINALS
New York 4, at Toronto FC 1 Wyndham Clark ................................. 35 38 — 73 +1
Memphis at Oklahoma City, 7 34-85 30-43 104. Chicago at Ottawa, 7 Arizona 82, Colorado 72
at Sporting KC 1, Houston 0 Kevin Streelman ................................ 34 39 — 73 +1
L.A. Lakers at Phoenix, 9 Three-point Goals: Utah 13-40 (Mitchell 4-11, Gay 3-4, Detroit at Calgary, 7 Roger Sloan ....................................... 37 36 — 73 +1
Philadelphia 2, at CF Montréal 1 SEC
House Jr. 2-6, Clarkson 2-7, Conley 1-6, O’Neale 1-6), San Seattle at Montreal, 7 Patrick Reed ....................................... 40 33 — 73 +1
Antonio 6-29 (Collins 2-3, Vassell 1-4, Murray 1-5, N.Y. Rangers at Dallas, 8 Patrick Rodgers ................................. 35 38 — 73 +1
Washington at Golden State, 10 Walker IV 1-6, Johnson 1-7, Landale 0-1, Richardson Orlando City 0, at Chicago 0 Arkansas 79, LSU 67 Kevin Tway ........................................ 39 34 — 73 +1
Los Angeles at San Jose, 9:30
L.A. Clippers at Cleveland, 7 0-3). Fouled Out: None. Rebounds: Utah 57 (Gobert 16), at Colorado 3, Atlanta 0 Kentucky 77, Vanderbilt 71 Dylan Frittelli .................................... 40 33 — 73 +1
Tampa Bay at Edmonton, 10 Tennessee 72, Mississippi State 59
Denver at Philadelphia, 7:30 San Antonio 54 (Poeltl 11). Assists: Utah 20 (Mitchell 6), New York City FC 0, at Vancouver 0 Shane Lowry ...................................... 38 35 — 73 +1
San Antonio 15 (Murray 4). Total Fouls: Utah 26, San SUNDAY’S GAMES Nashville 1, at Minnesota 1 Texas A&M 67, Auburn 62 Ian Poulter ......................................... 39 34 — 73 +1
Portland at Atlanta, 7:30
Antonio 20. A: 15,753 (18,581) Carolina at Pittsburgh, 1 LA Galaxy 1, at Charlotte FC 0 SOUTHLAND Henrik Norlander ............................... 36 37 — 73 +1
Charlotte at Oklahoma City, 8
at Real Salt Lake 1, Seattle 0 Brian Stuard ...................................... 36 37 — 73 +1
Minnesota at San Antonio, 8:30 Toronto vs. Buffalo at Tim Hortons Field, 4 SEMIFINALS Lee Westwood ................................... 39 34 — 73 +1
Chicago at Sacramento, 10 Montreal at Philadelphia, 7 SUNDAY’S RESULTS Southeastern Louisiana 74, New Orleans 65 Cameron Tringale .............................. 36 37 — 73 +1
Milwaukee at Utah, 10 Raptors 117, Suns 112 Nashville at Minnesota, 7
Vegas at Columbus, 7
at Austin FC 5, Miami 1
Texas A&M CC 71, Nicholls 64 Thomas Pieters ................................. 33 40 — 73 +1
Toronto at L.A. Lakers, 10:30 Portland 1, at Los Angeles FC 1 SWAC J.J. Spaun ........................................... 37 36 — 73 +1
TORONTO ........................... 30 26 40 21 — 117 Winnipeg at St. Louis, 7 SEMIFINALS Hudson Swafford ............................... 39 34 — 73 +1
PHOENIX ............................ 24 28 30 30 — 112 Anaheim at N.Y. Islanders, 7:30 SATURDAY’S MATCHES Charley Hoffman ............................... 35 39 — 74 +2
Alcorn State 69, Alabama A&M 64 Kyle Stanley ....................................... 37 37 — 74 +2
Calgary at Colorado, 8 Chicago at D.C. United, 7:30 Texas Southern 73, Grambling State 54
TORONTO: Barnes 7-17 0-0 15, Siakam 10-24 3-4 25, Garrick Higgo ..................................... 37 37 — 74 +2
Birch 2-4 0-0 4, Trent Jr. 13-21 8-8 42, VanVleet 3-11 2-2 Florida at Los Angeles, 10 Montreal at New York City FC, 1
WAC Lucas Glover ...................................... 40 34 — 74 +2
Magic 118, Timberwolves 110 10, Achiuwa 3-8 4-4 11, Banton 0-0 1-2 1, Young 2-5 1-1 Tampa Bay at Vancouver, 10 Toronto FC at Columbus, 1:30
SEMIFINALS Matt Fitzpatrick ................................ 36 38 — 74 +2
5, Boucher 2-4 0-0 4. Totals 42-94 19-21 117. MONDAY’S GAME Los Angeles FC at Inter Miami, 1:30 James Hahn ....................................... 34 40 — 74 +2
MINNESOTA ...................... 36 29 28 17 — 110 LA Galaxy at Seattle, 3:30 New Mexico State 75, Grand Canyon 70
PHOENIX: Bridges 7-16 2-2 18, Crowder 5-9 1-1 13, Arizona at Ottawa, 7:30 Ryan Brehm ....................................... 36 38 — 74 +2
ORLANDO ........................... 24 36 37 21 — 118 Vancouver at Houston, 6:30 Webb Simpson ................................... 38 37 — 75 +3
Ayton 8-11 0-0 16, Booker 9-18 1-2 22, Payne 9-18 3-4 24,
MINNESOTA: Edwards 9-19 3-3 25, Vanderbilt 1-3 0-0 2, Craig 1-4 1-2 3, McGee 1-3 1-2 3, Biyombo 1-1 2-2 4, Salt Lake at New England, 7:30 Nick Watney ...................................... 37 38 — 75 +3
Towns 6-14 8-8 21, Beverley 3-4 0-0 9, Russell 4-12 2-2 Holiday 2-3 2-2 7, Shamet 1-5 0-0 2. Totals 44-88 13-17 Cincinnati at Orlando City, 7:30 Virginia Tech 72, Tony Finau ......................................... 38 38 — 76 +4
Brian Gay ........................................... 38 38 — 76 +4
13, McDaniels 6-9 0-0 12, Prince 2-7 0-0 4, Reid 2-7 0-0 4, 112. Penguins 5, Golden Knights 2 San Jose at Philadelphia, 7:30 No. 25 North Carolina 59 Matt Wallace ..................................... 40 36 — 76 +4
Beasley 3-10 0-0 8, Nowell 5-5 0-0 12. Totals 41-90 13-13 Three-point Goals: Toronto 14-32 (Trent Jr. 8-11, Nashville at Dallas, 8:30
110. VEGAS ..................................... 0 2 0 — 2 Harry Higgs ........................................ 39 38 — 77 +5
Siakam 2-5, VanVleet 2-8, Achiuwa 1-2, Barnes 1-3, Kansas City at Colorado, 9 Virginia Tech (22-12)
PITTSBURGH ........................... 1 1 3 — 5 Adam Schenk ..................................... 41 37 — 78 +6
ORLANDO: Carter Jr. 7-15 4-5 20, F.Wagner 3-10 2-2 8, Young 0-1, Boucher 0-2), Phoenix 11-36 (Booker 3-7, Austin at Portland, 10 Aluma 6-14 5-5 18, Mutts 4-7 0-0 9, Alleyne 1-3 2-2 5,
Adam Scott ........................................ 39 39 — 78 +6
Bamba 10-15 2-2 27, Anthony 5-11 3-4 15, Suggs 2-7 0-0 Payne 3-9, Crowder 2-4, Bridges 2-6, Holiday 1-2, Ayton FIRST PERIOD Cattoor 1-5 0-0 3, Murphy 3-8 0-0 7, Maddox 7-12 2-3 20,
SUNDAY’S MATCHES Brandon Hagy .................................... 40 38 — 78 +6
5, Okeke 1-4 0-0 3, M.Wagner 5-8 6-6 18, Ross 1-5 0-0 2, 0-1, Craig 0-3, Shamet 0-4). Fouled Out: Toronto None, Pedulla 2-5 4-4 8, N’Guessan 1-2 0-0 2, Ojiako 0-1 0-0 0,
Scoring: 1, Pittsburgh, Matheson 8 (Crosby, Rust), Matt Jones ......................................... 38 41 — 79 +7
Fultz 4-8 5-6 14, Hampton 2-3 0-0 6. Totals 40-86 22-25 Phoenix 1 (Payne). Rebounds: Toronto 48 (Trent Jr., Charlotte FC at Atlanta, 4:30 C.Johnson 0-0 0-0 0, Kidd 0-0 0-0 0, Varga 0-0 0-0 0.
18:54. Totals 25-57 13-14 72. The following players did not finish:
118. VanVleet 8), Phoenix 40 (McGee 8). Assists: Toronto 19 Minnesota at New York, 7 Brice Garnett
(Siakam 10), Phoenix 27 (Booker 7). Total Fouls: Toronto SECOND PERIOD North Carolina (24-9) Daniel Berger
Three-point Goals: Minnesota 15-45 (Edwards 4-11, 19, Phoenix 23. A: 17,071 (18,422) SATURDAY, MARCH 19 Manek 4-10 2-2 10, Bacot 9-9 1-2 19, Davis 2-10 5-6 10, Dustin Johnson
Beverley 3-4, Russell 3-8, Nowell 2-2, Beasley 2-9, Scoring: 2, Pittsburgh, Carter 14 (Puustinen, McGinn),
D.C. United at Toronto FC, 3 Love 3-17 2-2 10, Black 2-5 0-0 4, P.Johnson 1-4 1-1 3, Scottie Scheffler
Towns 1-5, McDaniels 0-1, Prince 0-2, Reid 0-3), Orlando 2:36. 3, Vegas, Eichel 4 (Marchessault, Pacioretty), 4:19.
Miami at Cincinnati, 1 McKoy 0-1 0-0 0, Walton 1-1 1-1 3, Dunn 0-2 0-0 0, Styles Patton Kizzire
16-40 (Bamba 5-8, Hampton 2-3, Carter Jr. 2-4, M.Wag- 4, Vegas, Pietrangelo 8 (Stephenson, Marchessault),
Philadelphia at New York City FC, 1 0-0 0-0 0. Totals 22-59 12-14 59. Doug Ghim
ner 2-4, Anthony 2-5, Fultz 1-1, Okeke 1-4, Suggs 1-4, 8:19.
Ross 0-3, F.Wagner 0-4). Fouled Out: None. Rebounds: Warriors 113, Nuggets 102 Orlando City at LA Galaxy, 3:30 Halftime: Virginia Tech 32-26. Three-point goals: Vir- Brooks Koepka
THIRD PERIOD ginia Tech 9-20 (Maddox 4-5, Mutts 1-1, Alleyne 1-2, Xander Schauffele
Minnesota 37 (Towns 13), Orlando 49 (Bamba 12). Late Thursday CF Montréal at Atlanta, 4
Cattoor 1-3, Aluma 1-4, Murphy 1-4, Pedulla 0-1), North Lucas Herbert
Assists: Minnesota 24 (Russell 7), Orlando 31 (Fultz 7). Scoring: 5, Pittsburgh, Friedman 1 (Boyle, Carter), 3:49. Sporting KC at Chicago, 6
Total Fouls: Minnesota 24, Orlando 11. A: 14,557 GOLDEN STATE .................. 30 21 37 25 — 113 6, Pittsburgh, Rust 20 (Guentzel), 14:49 (pp). 7, Pitts- Carolina 3-26 (Love 2-10, Davis 1-6, Dunn 0-1, Black 0-2, C.T. Pan
New England at Charlotte FC, 7
(18,846) DENVER .............................. 29 31 24 18 — 102 burgh, Rodrigues 17 (Letang), 17:43 (en). P.Johnson 0-2, Manek 0-5). Fouled out: Bacot. Re- Jordan Spieth
San Jose at Minnesota, 8 bounds: Virginia Tech 32 (Maddox 6), North Carolina 34 Sepp Straka
GOLDEN STATE: Moody 1-2 3-3 5, Wiggins 3-11 0-3 7, SHOTS ON GOAL Portland at FC Dallas, 8:30 (Bacot 13). Assists: Virginia Tech 14 (Murphy 7), North Justin Thomas
Looney 5-5 0-0 10, Curry 11-21 7-7 34, Thompson 7-20 Colorado at Houston, 8:30 Carolina 14 (Love, Black 4). Total fouls: Virginia Tech 15, Max Homa
VEGAS ..................................... 5 22 15 — 42
2-3 18, Bjelica 0-1 0-0 0, Kuminga 7-12 2-2 18, PITTSBURGH ......................... 16 7 10 — 33 Nashville at Real Salt Lake, 9:30 North Carolina 15. Justin Rose
Toscano-Anderson 0-2 0-0 0, Lee 0-1 0-0 0, Poole 8-13 Marc Leishman
Hawks 112, Clippers 106 1-2 21. Totals 42-88 15-20 113.
Power-play opportunities: Vegas 0 of 2; Pittsburgh 1 of
3. Goalies: Vegas, Brossoit 10-8-3 (32 shots-28 saves).
SUNDAY, MARCH 20 Zach Johnson
Columbus at New York, 2 Denny McCarthy
DENVER: Gordon 2-11 5-6 10, Je.Green 3-5 5-5 11, Jokic Pittsburgh, Jarry 28-12-6 (42-40). A: 18,341 (18,387). T:
L.A. CLIPPERS .................... 24
ATLANTA ........................... 33
21 — 106
22 — 112 9-21 5-6 23, Morris 8-14 0-0 19, Rivers 1-6 0-0 2, 2:29. Seattle at Austin FC, 4:30 NCAA women Michael Thompson
Vancouver at Los Angeles FC, 10 Brendan Steele
Ja.Green 2-5 2-2 6, Cousins 3-6 3-6 9, Campazzo 0-0 0-0 CONFERENCE TOURNAMENTS Emiliano Grillo
L.A. CLIPPERS: Batum 5-13 0-0 13, Morris Sr. 4-12 4-4 0, Forbes 1-5 3-3 6, Howard 0-0 0-0 0, Hyland 4-8 1-2 10,
Cam Davis
13, Zubac 10-13 4-4 24, Coffey 3-6 0-1 8, Jackson 9-20 Reed 2-3 1-2 6. Totals 35-84 25-32 102. AMERICA EAST Branden Grace
3-4 24, Hartenstein 1-2 0-1 2, Mann 3-7 0-0 6, Boston Jr.
1-3 0-0 2, Kennard 4-6 3-3 14. Totals 40-82 14-17 106.
Three-point Goals: Golden State 14-42 (Curry 5-12, Blue Jackets 3, Wild 2 (SO) TEN N I S CHAMPIONSHIP Billy Horschel
Poole 4-7, Kuminga 2-5, Thompson 2-8, Wiggins 1-7, Albany (N.Y.) 56, Maine 47 Seamus Power
MINNESOTA ...................... 1 1 0 0 — 2
ATLANTA: Collins 3-8 3-3 9, Hunter 5-7 2-2 12, Capela Bjelica 0-1, Lee 0-1, Moody 0-1), Denver 7-31 (Morris Si Woo Kim
COLUMBUS ........................ 1 0 1 1 — 3
7-9 0-0 14, Huerter 6-12 0-0 16, Young 8-17 10-12 27, 3-5, Reed 1-2, Gordon 1-3, Hyland 1-3, Forbes 1-4, ATP/WTA BIG 12
Adam Hadwin
Gallinari 5-12 0-0 13, Okongwu 2-6 2-2 6, Bogdanovic Cousins 0-1, Ja.Green 0-1, Rivers 0-4, Jokic 0-8). Fouled COLUMBUS WON SHOOTOUT, 1-0 Danny Lee
5-12 0-0 11, Williams 1-6 0-0 2, Wright 1-1 0-0 2. Totals Out: None. Rebounds: Golden State 36 (Curry 9), Denver FIRST PERIOD BNP PARIBAS OPEN Baylor 76, Oklahoma State 36 Joseph Bramlett
43-90 17-19 112. 49 (Jokic 12). Assists: Golden State 26 (Poole 7), Denver At Indian Wells Tennis Garden; In Indian Wells, Calif. Iowa State 66, West Virginia 60 Collin Morikawa
19 (Jokic 9). Total Fouls: Golden State 25, Denver 20. A: Scoring: 1, Columbus, Chinakhov 7 (Bean, Domi), 13:31 Purse: $8,584,055 Oklahoma 80, Kansas 68 Matt Kuchar
Three-point Goals: L.A. Clippers 12-32 (Kennard 3-3, (pp). 2, Minnesota, Kaprizov 30 (Zuccarello, Fiala), 19:34
19,520 (19,520) Surface: Hardcourt outdoor Texas 72, Kansas State 65 Scott Stallings
Batum 3-8, Jackson 3-8, Coffey 2-2, Morris Sr. 1-6, (pp). Matthew NeSmith
Boston Jr. 0-2, Mann 0-3), Atlanta 9-31 (Huerter 4-8, MEN’S SINGLES — ROUND OF 128 BIG SKY
Gallinari 3-7, Young 1-4, Bogdanovic 1-7, Hunter 0-1, Emil Ruusuvuori, Finland, def. Philipp Kohlschreiber, CHAMPIONSHIP Bubba Watson
Williams 0-1, Collins 0-3). Fouled Out: None. Rebounds: Scoring: 3, Minnesota, Zuccarello 19 (Hartman, Spur- Germany, 6-3, 6-3; Oscar Otte, Germany, def. Richard Montana State 75, Northern Arizona 64 Rory McIlroy
L.A. Clippers 36 (Zubac 12), Atlanta 47 (Capela 11). H I G H S C HO OL S geon), 13:33. Gasquet, France, 6-2, 1-6, 6-3; Andy Murray, Britain, def. Henrik Stenson
Assists: L.A. Clippers 22 (Jackson 5), Atlanta 28 (Young Taro Daniel, Japan, 1-6, 6-2, 6-4; Jaume Munar, Spain, BIG WEST Charl Schwartzel
11). Total Fouls: L.A. Clippers 20, Atlanta 19. A: 16,862 THIRD PERIOD def. Juncheng Shang, China, 6-3, 6-4; Dominik Koepfer, SEMIFINALS Troy Merritt
PRIVATE Scoring: 4, Columbus, Werenski 10 (Bjorkstrand, Ny- Germany, def. Benoit Paire, France, 2-6, 7-5, 6-4; Jordan Hawaii 69, UC Riverside 55 Robert Streb
ALHAMBRA CATHOLIC INVITATIONAL quist), 19:28. Thompson, Australia, def. David Goffin, Belgium, 4-6, UC Irvine 84, UC Davis 75 (OT) Taylor Moore
Mount St. Joseph 89, Gonzaga 82 7-5, 7-6 (7-3); Miomir Kecmanovic, Serbia, def. Liam Sahith Theegala
SHOOTOUT Broady, Britain, 6-4, 4-6, 6-4; Holger Vitus Nodskov CAA Stewart Cink
Celtics 114, Pistons 103 Rune, Denmark, def. Ugo Humbert, France, 6-3, 6-2; QUARTERFINALS Stephan Jaeger
Columbus 1 (Nyquist NG, Chinakhov G), Minnesota 0
(Zuccarello NG, Fiala NG, Kaprizov NG). Tommy Paul, United States, def. Mikhail Kukushkin, College of Charleston 70, Elon 59 J.T. Poston
DETROIT ............................. 34 28 28 13 — 103 Kazakhstan, 6-4, 6-4; Facundo Bagnis, Argentina, def. Delaware 61, William & Mary 35 Brendon Todd
BOSTON ............................. 32 29 31 22 — 114 SHOTS ON GOAL Drexel 60, Hofstra 39
B OYS’ B A SKE TB AL L Henri Laaksonen, Switzerland, 6-3, 7-6 (7-4); John
Millman, Australia, def. Jan-Lennard Struff, Germany, Towson 58, Northeastern 49
Chez Reavie
DETROIT: Bey 3-7 2-2 9, Grant 6-17 5-5 20, Bagley III MINNESOTA .................... 10 12 11 5 — 38
COLUMBUS ...................... 14 3 10 1 — 28 7-6 (8-6), 6-4; Steve Johnson, United States, def. Daniel
9-15 2-2 20, Cunningham 10-27 4-4 27, Joseph 1-4 4-5 7, Altmaier, Germany, 6-3, 7-6 (7-3); Kamil Majchrzak, CONFERENCE USA
Livers 0-2 0-0 0, Pickett 3-4 0-0 8, Olynyk 1-1 4-4 6, Garza TOP 20 Power-play opportunities: Minnesota 1 of 5; Columbus 1 SEMIFINALS
1-1 2-2 4, Lee 1-5 0-0 2. Totals 35-83 23-24 103. of 4. Goalies: Minnesota, Kahkonen 12-7-3 (28 shots-26
Poland, def. Aljaz Bedene, Slovenia, 6-1, 7-5; Botic Van
de Zandschulp, Netherlands, def. Tennys Sandgren, Charlotte 66, North Texas 63 LPGA Tour
MOUNT ST. JOSEPH 89, NO. 8 GONZAGA 82 saves). Columbus, Merzlikins 20-15-3 (38-36). A: 16,399 Louisiana Tech 80, Middle Tennessee 72
BOSTON: Horford 3-8 0-0 6, Tatum 13-27 3-3 31, (18,500). T: 2:41.
United States, 6-4, 6-2. LPGA THAILAND
Williams III 5-7 2-4 12, Brown 8-22 5-7 22, Smart 6-10 MSJ (29-6)Totals 0 0-0 89. At Pattaya Old Course; In Chon Buri, Thailand
G (18-11) Dinkins 28, Turner 14, Batties 12, Clark 12, WOMEN’S SINGLES — ROUND OF 64 IVY LEAGUE
6-7 20, Fitts 0-1 0-0 0, Hauser 0-0 0-0 0, Martin 0-1 0-0 0, SEMIFINALS Purse: $1.6 Million
Williams 2-4 3-3 7, Theis 0-1 0-0 0, Pritchard 1-2 2-2 4, Lewis 7, Dixon 5, Gilmore 4 Totals 18 16-22 82. Sorana Cirstea (26), Romania, def. Ajla Tomljanovic, Yardage: 6,576; Par: 72
Halftime: Mount St. Joseph, (33-30). Australia, 6-4, 7-5; Simona Halep (24), Romania, def. Columbia 67, Yale 38
Stauskas 0-0 1-2 1, White 4-7 2-2 11. Totals 42-90 24-30 SECOND ROUND
114. Three-point goals: G 10 (Dinkins 4, Dixon 1, Lewis 1, Islanders 5, Jets 2 Ekaterina Alexandrova, Russia, 6-2, 4-6, 6-2; Petra Princeton 72, Harvard 67
Turner 3, Batties 1). Martic, Croatia, def. Tamara Zidansek (19), Slovenia, Nasa Hataoka .................................... 63 65 — 128 -16
Three-point Goals: Detroit 10-34 (Grant 3-9, Cunning- WINNIPEG ............................... 1 0 1 — 2 7-5, 7-6 (8-6); Iga Swiatek (3), Poland, def. Anhelina
MAAC Su-Hyun Oh ....................................... 63 65 — 128 -16
ham 3-10, Pickett 2-3, Joseph 1-3, Bey 1-4, Lee 0-1, N.Y. ISLANDERS ...................... 1 2 2 — 5 Kalinina, Ukraine, 5-7, 6-0, 6-1; Danka Kovinic, Monte- SEMIFINALS Celine Boutier .................................... 65 64 — 129 -15
Bagley III 0-2, Livers 0-2), Boston 6-32 (Smart 2-3, negro, def. Karolina Pliskova (7), Czech Republic, 2-6, Fairfield 75, Niagara 38 Nanna Koerstz Madsen ..................... 65 64 — 129 -15
FIRST PERIOD Manhattan 72, Quinnipiac 59
Tatum 2-9, White 1-3, Brown 1-8, Fitts 0-1, Martin 0-1, 7-5, 6-4; Clara Tauson, Denmark, def. Beatriz Haddad Xiyu Lin .............................................. 64 66 — 130 -14
Pritchard 0-1, Williams 0-2, Horford 0-4). Fouled Out: Scoring: 1, N.Y. Islanders, Nelson 23 (Beauvillier, Dob- Maia, Brazil, 6-4, 6-3; Emma Raducanu (11), Britain, def. Brooke Henderson ............................. 65 67 — 132 -12
None. Rebounds: Detroit 42 (Bagley III 11), Boston 47 AUT O RA CI NG son), 6:38 (pp). 2, Winnipeg, Connor 36 (Ehlers, Pionk), Caroline Garcia, France, 6-1, 3-6, 6-1; Liudmila Samsono-
Jennifer Kupcho ................................. 65 67 — 132 -12
(Williams III 9). Assists: Detroit 21 (Bey, Cunningham, 16:58. SEMIFINALS Carlota Ciganda ................................. 66 67 — 133 -11
va (28), Russia, def. Ann Li, United States, 4-6, 6-4, 6-3;
Joseph 6), Boston 23 (Tatum 6). Total Fouls: Detroit 22, Alison Riske, United States, def. Garbine Muguruza (8), Ball State 71, Toledo 66 Alison Lee .......................................... 65 68 — 133 -11
Boston 19. A: 19,156 (18,624) NASCAR Cup Series SECOND PERIOD
Spain, 0-6, 6-3, 6-1; Anna Kalinskaya, Russia, def. Alize Buffalo 82, Akron 43 Minjee Lee ......................................... 69 64 — 133 -11
Scoring: 3, N.Y. Islanders, Bailey 5 (Palmieri, Pageau), Cornet (33), France, 6-4, 0-6, 6-2; Daria Kasatkina (23), MEAC Esther Henseleit ................................ 63 71 — 134 -10
SCHEDULE-WINNERS 1:09. 4, N.Y. Islanders, Lee 20 (Nelson, Beauvillier), 1:49. Hyo Joo Kim ....................................... 69 65 — 134 -10
Russia, def. Katie Volynets, United States, 6-4, 4-6, 7-5; SEMIFINALS
Feb. 6: x-Clash at the Coliseum Heat Race 1 (Kyle Busch) Harriet Dart, Britain, def. Elina Svitolina (12), Ukraine, Jeongeun Lee6 ................................... 66 68 — 134 -10
Feb. 6: x-Clash at the Coliseum Heat Race 2 (Tyler THIRD PERIOD Howard 68, Maryland Eastern Shore 54 Gaby Lopez ......................................... 68 66 — 134 -10
2-6, 6-3, 6-3; Kaia Kanepi, Estonia, def. Belinda Bencic
Mavericks 113, Rockets 100 Reddick)
Feb. 6: x-Clash at the Coliseum Heat Race 3 (Justin
Scoring: 5, Winnipeg, Wheeler 8 (DeMelo, Stastny), (22), Switzerland, 6-4, 6-3; Coco Gauff (16), United
Norfolk State 53, Morgan State 51 Jaravee Boonchant ............................ 70 65 — 135 -9
0:20. 6, N.Y. Islanders, Bailey 6 (Pelech, Pageau), 7:14. 7, States, def. Claire Liu, United States, 6-1, 7-6 (7-4). MISSOURI VALLEY Hannah Green .................................... 70 65 — 135 -9
DALLAS .............................. 31 36 29 17 — 113 Haley) Danielle Kang ..................................... 66 69 — 135 -9
N.Y. Islanders, Clutterbuck 6 (Cizikas), 15:16 (en). QUARTERFINALS
HOUSTON ........................... 23 21 28 28 — 100 Feb. 6: x-Clash at the Coliseum Heat Race 4 (Joey MEN’S DOUBLES — ROUND OF 32 Min Lee .............................................. 67 68 — 135 -9
Logano) SHOTS ON GOAL Aslan Karatsev and Andrey Rublev, Russia, def. Roberto Illinois State 68, Loyola Chicago 52
So Yeon Ryu ....................................... 69 66 — 135 -9
DALLAS: Bullock 3-9 0-0 8, Jo.Green 4-10 1-1 10, Powell Feb. 6: x-Clash at the Coliseum Last Chance Qualifying Bautista Agut and Alejandro Davidovich Fokina, Spain, Missouri State 63, Drake 49
WINNIPEG ............................... 6 9 14 — 29 Hinako Shibuno ................................. 67 68 — 135 -9
9-11 8-9 26, Dinwiddie 6-13 3-4 16, Doncic 9-19 7-10 30, Race 1 (Denny Hamlin) 6-7 (7-4), 7-6 (8-6), 10-5; Andrey Golubev, Kazakhstan, Northern Iowa 63, Valparaiso 39
N.Y. ISLANDERS .................... 11 11 16 — 38 Amy Yang .......................................... 66 69 — 135 -9
Bertans 2-10 1-2 6, Kleber 0-1 0-0 0, Brown 1-3 0-0 2, Feb. 6: x-Clash at the Coliseum Last Chance Qualifying and Alexander Zverev, Germany, def. Daniel Evans, Southern Illinois 77, Indiana State 61
Power-play opportunities: Winnipeg 0 of 0; N.Y. Island- Megan Khang ..................................... 69 67 — 136 -8
Marjanovic 0-1 0-0 0, Burke 6-11 2-2 15. Totals 40-88 Race 2, (Ryan Preece) Britain, and Karen Khachanov, Russia, 7-5, 6-3; John A Lim Kim .......................................... 67 69 — 136 -8
22-28 113. Feb. 6: Clash at the Coliseum (Joey Logano) ers 1 of 4. Goalies: Winnipeg, Hellebuyck 19-21-9 (37 SOUTHLAND
shots-33 saves). N.Y. Islanders, Varlamov 4-12-1 (29- Isner and Jack Sock, United States, def. Nikola Mektic QUARTERFINALS Jeong Eun Lee .................................... 68 68 — 136 -8
HOUSTON: Gordon 0-2 4-4 4, Martin Jr. 5-13 1-2 11, Feb. 17: x-Duel 1 at Daytona (Brad Keselowski) and Mate Pavic (1), Croatia, 7-6 (7-2), 3-6, 10-7; Lucy Li ................................................ 67 69 — 136 -8
Feb. 17: x-Duel 2 at Daytona (Chris Buescher) 27). A: 17,255 (17,113). T: 2:27. Incarnate Word 90, McNeese State 63
Sengun 3-9 0-0 6, Ja.Green 5-11 1-2 11, Porter Jr. 7-11 Feliciano Lopez, Spain, and Stefanos Tsitsipas, Greece, Southeastern Louisiana 80, New Orleans 66 Yu Liu ................................................. 66 70 — 136 -8
0-1 17, Nwaba 3-4 0-0 7, Fernando 8-8 0-0 16, Christo- Feb. 20: Daytona 500 (Austin Cindric) def. Raven Klaasen, South Africa, and Ben McLachlan, Leona Maguire ................................... 70 66 — 136 -8
pher 8-17 0-1 17, Mathews 1-4 4-5 7, Nix 0-1 1-2 1, Feb. 27: Wise Power 400 (Kyle Larson) Japan, 7-6 (7-5), 6-4; Wesley Koolhof, Netherlands, and SWAC Lizette Salas ...................................... 66 70 — 136 -8
March 6: Pennzoil 400 (Alex Bowman)
Schroder 1-6 1-2 3. Totals 41-86 12-19 100.
March 13: Ruoff Mortgage 500k, Avondale, Ariz.
Predators 4, Ducks 1 Neal Skupski (7), Britain, def. Simone Bolelli and Fabio SEMIFINALS Lindsey Weaver-Wright .................... 65 71 — 136 -8
Fognini, Italy, 6-4, 6-4; Federico Delbonis, Argentina, and Alabama State 74, Grambling State 59 In Gee Chun ........................................ 68 69 — 137 -7
Three-point Goals: Dallas 11-36 (Doncic 5-11, Bullock March 20: QuikTrip 500, Hampton, Ga. Late Thursday Cameron Norrie, Britain, def. Gonzalo Escobar, Ecuador, Jackson State 59, Southern U. 46 Stacy Lewis ....................................... 67 70 — 137 -7
2-8, Burke 1-2, Jo.Green 1-2, Dinwiddie 1-4, Bertans 1-7, March 27: Texas Grand Prix, Austin and Ariel Behar, Uruguay, 6-1, 6-3; Nick Kyrgios and Emily Pedersen .................................. 70 67 — 137 -7
Brown 0-1, Kleber 0-1), Houston 6-30 (Porter Jr. 3-7, April 3: Toyota Owners 400, Richmond ANAHEIM ................................ 0 0 1 — 1
NASHVILLE .............................. 1 1 2 — 4 Thanasi Kokkinakis, Australia, def. Marcelo Melo, Brazil, WAC Madelene Sagstrom .......................... 68 69 — 137 -7
Nwaba 1-1, Mathews 1-4, Christopher 1-6, Nix 0-1, April 9: Maximum Pain Relief 400, Ridgeway, Va. and Ivan Dodig, Croatia, 7-5, 1-6, 10-2. SEMIFINALS Sarah Schmelzel ................................ 68 69 — 137 -7
Schroder 0-1, Gordon 0-2, Ja.Green 0-2, Sengun 0-2, April 17: Dirt Race, Bristol, Tenn. FIRST PERIOD Patty Tavatanakit ............................. 71 66 — 137 -7
Martin Jr. 0-4). Fouled Out: None. Rebounds: Dallas 47 WOMEN’S DOUBLES — ROUND OF 32 Grand Canyon 64, Cal Baptist 60
April 24: Geico 500, Talladega, Ala. Scoring: 1, Nashville, Duchene 28 (Forsberg, Granlund), Atthaya Thitikul ................................ 70 67 — 137 -7
(Doncic 14), Houston 39 (Fernando 11). Assists: Dallas Stephen F. Austin 68, Utah Valley State 42
May 1: Drydene 400, Dover, Del. 10:53 (pp). Storm Sanders, Australia, and Caroline Dolehide (8), Marina Alex ....................................... 71 67 — 138 -6
20 (Dinwiddie 7), Houston 29 (Schroder 7). Total Fouls: May 8: Goodyear 400, Darlington, S.C. United States, def. Lyudmyla Kichenok, Ukraine, and Matilda Castren ................................. 70 68 — 138 -6
Dallas 21, Houston 23. A: 15,060 (18,500) May 15: NASCAR Cup Series at Kansas, Kansas City, SECOND PERIOD Jelena Ostapenko, Latvia, 6-1, 4-6, 10-7; Ajla Toml- Moriya Jutanugarn ............................ 70 68 — 138 -6
Kan. Scoring: 2, Nashville, Forsberg 28 (Duchene, Ekholm), 11:41. janovic, Australia, and Maria Sakkari, Greece, def. Petra
May 22: x-NASCAR All-Star Open, Fort Worth Martic, Croatia, and Shelby Rogers, United States, 4-6, No. 4 Baylor 76, Kaitlyn Papp ......................................
Yuka Saso ..........................................
68 70
68 70

May 22: NASCAR All-Star Race, Fort Worth THIRD PERIOD 6-4, 10-2; Monica Niculescu and Irina-Camelia Begu, Oklahoma State 36 Emma Talley ...................................... 69 69 — 138 -6
May 29: Coca-Cola 600, Concord, N.C. Scoring: 3, Anaheim, Henrique 13 (Mahura), 14:14. 4, Romania, def. Dayana Yastremska and Ivanna Yastrem- Brittany Altomare ............................. 68 71 — 139 -5
Grizzlies 118, Knicks 114 June 5: NASCAR Cup Series Race at Gateway, Madison, Ill. Nashville, Sissons 6 (Benning, Jeannot), 17:30. 5, ska, Ukraine, 6-1, 6-1; Lucie Hradecka and Marie OKLAHOMA STATE ............. 0 14 7 15 — 36 Pajaree Anannarukarn ....................... 68 71 — 139 -5
June 12: Toyota/Save Mart 350, Sonoma, Calif. Nashville, Duchene 29 (Forsberg, Josi), 18:19 (en). Bouzkova, Czech Republic, def. Ulrikke Eikeri, Norway, BAYLOR .............................. 23 18 25 10 — 76 Wei-Ling Hsu ..................................... 69 70 — 139 -5
NEW YORK ......................... 30 26 40 18 — 114 June 26: Ally 400, Lebanon, Tenn. and Erin Routliffe, New Zealand, 4-6, 6-0, 10-7; Asia Rina Tatematsu ................................. 69 70 — 139 -5
MEMPHIS ........................... 34 27 26 31 — 118 July 3: Kwik Trip 250, Elkhart Lake, Wis. SHOTS ON GOAL Muhammad, United States, and Ena Shibahara (7), Oklahoma State (9-20) Angel Yin ........................................... 71 68 — 139 -5
July 10: Quaker State 400, Hampton, Ga. ANAHEIM .............................. 10 11 7 — 28 Japan, def. Katerina Siniakova, Czech Republic, and Clara Collins 3-11 1-2 7, De Lapp 3-4 3-5 9, Dennis 1-4 0-0 3,
NEW YORK: Barrett 9-25 4-7 23, Randle 11-27 11-13 36, Perrine Delacour ................................ 67 73 — 140 -4
July 17: Ambetter 301, Loudon, N.H. NASHVILLE ............................ 10 14 6 — 30 Tauson, Denmark, 6-3, 7-6 (7-4). Fields 0-11 0-2 0, Keys 2-10 0-0 5, Jackson 0-0 0-0 0,
Robinson 5-8 0-2 10, Burks 6-11 4-5 18, Fournier 3-8 3-3 Ariya Jutanugarn ............................... 74 66 — 140 -4
July 24: Explore the Pocono Mountains 350, Long Pond, Pa. Power-play opportunities: Anaheim 0 of 3; Nashville 1 of 2. James 1-6 0-0 2, Reeves 0-1 0-0 0, Winchester 0-1 0-0 0, Yealimi Noh ....................................... 71 69 — 140 -4
12, Gibson 1-2 2-2 4, Sims 0-0 0-0 0, McBride 0-1 0-0 0, July 31: Verizon 200 at the Brickyard, Speedway, Ind. Goalies: Anaheim, Gibson 17-17-8 (29 shots-26 saves). Boyd 0-1 0-0 0, Notoa 1-3 0-0 3, Rodrigues 2-2 0-0 5,
Quickley 3-8 4-5 11. Totals 38-90 28-37 114. Jennifer Song .................................... 69 71 — 140 -4
Aug. 7: FireKeepers Casino 400, Brooklyn, Mich. Nashville, Saros 28-17-3 (28-27). A: 17,159 (17,113). T: 2:38. Garza 0-2 0-0 0, Udoumoh 0-1 2-2 2, Totals 13-57 6-11 36 Aditi Ashok ........................................ 70 72 — 142 -2
MEMPHIS: Jackson Jr. 4-9 3-3 13, Williams 5-9 0-0 13, Aug. 14: Federated Auto Parts 400, Richmond Baylor (26-5)
Adams 2-7 2-4 6, Bane 4-15 2-4 12, Morant 14-33 8-10 Aug. 21: Go Bowling at the Glen, Watkins Glen, N.Y. T RAN S AC TI ONS Na Yeon Choi ......................................
Chella Choi .........................................
73 69
71 71

Smith 5-15 5-6 15, Egbo 6-12 3-3 15, Andrews 4-6 0-0 9,
37, Anderson 3-4 0-3 6, Clarke 5-8 0-0 10, Jones 4-6 2-4 Aug. 27: Coke Zero Sugar 400, Daytona Beach, Fla. NHL LEADERS Caroline Masson ................................ 68 74 — 142 -2
Asberry 6-9 2-2 16, Lewis 3-6 2-2 9, Bickle 1-5 0-0 2,
11, Konchar 2-3 0-0 4, Melton 3-9 0-1 6. Totals 46-103 Sept. 4: Southern 500, Darlington, S.C. Mel Reid ............................................. 71 71 — 142 -2
Entering Friday’s games. Owens 2-6 0-0 5, Gillispie 2-4 1-2 5, Katramados 0-0 0-0
17-29 118. Sept. 11: Hollywood Casino 400, Kansas City, Kan. NFL 0, Totals 29-63 13-15 76 Jasmine Suwannapura ...................... 73 69 — 142 -2
Sept. 17: Night Race, Bristol, Tenn. GOALS GP G Giulia Molinaro .................................. 71 72 — 143 -1
Three-point Goals: New York 10-25 (Randle 3-6, Fournier Chicago Bears: Released RB Tarik Cohen with an injury Three-point goals: Oklahoma State 4-18 (Dennis 1-2,
Sept. 25: Automotive 500, Fort Worth Chanettee Wannasaen ...................... 73 70 — 143 -1
3-7, Burks 2-5, Quickley 1-1, Barrett 1-6), Memphis 9-26 Auston Matthews, Toronto................................. 55 44 designation. Released DT Eddie Goldman. Claimed RB Fields 0-4, Keys 1-5, James 0-2, Boyd 0-1, Notoa 1-2,
Oct. 2: YellaWood 500, Talladega, Ala. Jaye Marie Green ............................... 74 70 — 144 E
(Williams 3-7, Jackson Jr. 2-4, Bane 2-6, Jones 1-1, Leon Draisaitl, Edmonton.................................... 58 38 Darrynton Evans off waivers from Tennessee. Rodrigues 1-1, Garza 0-1), Baylor 5-15 (Smith 0-1,
Oct. 9: Roval 400, Concord, N.C. Mina Harigae ..................................... 68 76 — 144 E
Morant 1-4, Melton 0-4). Fouled Out: New York 1 Chris Kreider, N.Y. Rangers ................................. 58 38 Cincinnati Bengals: Re-signed LB Joe Bachie to a Andrews 1-2, Asberry 2-5, Lewis 1-2, Bickle 0-3, Owens
Oct. 16: South Point 400, Las Vegas Jenny Coleman .................................. 73 73 — 146 +2
(Gibson), Memphis None. Rebounds: New York 54 Alex Ovechkin, Washington ................................ 57 36 one-year contract extension. 1-2). Assists: Oklahoma State 9 (Dennis 2, Fields 2,
Oct. 23: Dixie Vodka 400, Homestead, Fla. Prima Thammaraks ........................... 71 75 — 146 +2
(Robinson 16), Memphis 53 (Adams, Anderson 9). Kyle Connor, Winnipeg ........................................ 58 35 Dallas Cowboys: Released K Greg Zuerlein and WR Notoa 2), Baylor 17 (Lewis 5). Fouled out: None.
Oct. 30: Xfinity 500, Ridgeway, Va. Albane Valenzuela ............................. 71 75 — 146 +2
Assists: New York 23 (Randle 6), Memphis 23 (Morant Alex DeBrincat, Chicago ...................................... 59 34 Robert Foster. Waived TE Blake Jarwin with an injury Rebounds: Oklahoma State 36 (Collins 9), Baylor 42
Nov. 6: NASCAR Cup Series Championship, Avondale, Ariz. Ashleigh Buhai .................................. 77 70 — 147 +3
8). Total Fouls: New York 31, Memphis 27. A: 17,188 David Pastrnak, Boston ....................................... 58 33 designation. Waived DB Reggie Robinson and RB Ito (Egbo 13). Total fouls: Oklahoma State 15, Baylor 8.
x-Non-points race Wichanee Meechai ............................ 75 74 — 149 +5
(18,119) Smith. Technical Fouls_None. A: 3,642.


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Special Notices
Come Join Us! Newspaper Delivery Carriers Come Join Us! Newspapers carriers 1. AllCare Family Medicine & Primary Care Public Notice for
are needed to deliver needed to deliver
Newspaper Delivery Carriers needed to deliver Newspaper Delivery Carriers needed to deliver 3500 Wisconsin Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20016
The Washington Post
The Washington Post and other publications
The Washington Post and other publications The Washington Post Capital Healthcare, P.C. d/b/a AllCare Family Medicine & Primary Care
(“AllCare”) is applying for a Certificate of Need to provide primary care
Routes available in the following areas medical services on both a scheduled and walk-in basis, including

For positions/routes in Burke & Fairfax, VA

in internal medicine, family medicine, pediatrics and behavioral health
services. A Letter of Intent will be filed with the District of Columbia
S.E. and N.E. Washington D.C. For routes in Hyattsville and Adelphi, MD State Health Planning and Development Agency (“SHPDA”). The
Contact Mr. Michael Lauter at 703-928-0757 Zip codes 20032, 20020, 20019 DC, MD and VA area location for the facility is 3500 Wisconsin Avenue, NW, Washington,
DC 20016 in Ward 3. For additional information contact the SHPDA at
Excellent PART-TIME Income! Please contact Monique Reddy
Contact Mr. Williams at 202-321-6415
Early delivery hours (3AM-6AM-everyday) at 301-505-1383 Great part-time income opportunity! 2. AllCare Family Medicine & Primary Care Public Notice for
Must have reliable transportation Excellent PART-TIME income!
Early a.m. delivery hours Transportation required. 315 H St. NE, Suite A, Washington, DC 20002

Cars 815
Legal Notices Must have reliable transportation Excellent PART-TIME Income! Capital Healthcare, P.C. d/b/a AllCare Family Medicine & Primary Care
(“AllCare”) is applying for a Certificate of Need to provide primary care
medical services on both a scheduled and walk-in basis, including
U.S. DISTRICT COURT Early a.m. delivery hours internal medicine, family medicine, pediatrics and behavioral health
Official Notices 275
Merchandise Wanted To apply, go to services. A Letter of Intent will be filed with the District of Columbia
2:22-CV-00099-AWA-LRL Must have reliable transportation State Health Planning and Development Agency (“SHPDA”). The
Pontiac 2005 Bonneville GXT
63,000 miles, exc cond, $13,500.
Shenzhen Street Cat Tech. Co.
The Department of Permitting
Services is required to calculate
WANTED: Stamp dealer paying top
dollars for stamp collections and
accumulations, Call 410-757-5800 or 610 610 location for the facility is 315 H St. NE, Suite A, Washington, DC 20002
in Ward 6. For additional information contact the SHPDA at (202)-442-
Ltd., et al.
v. the Enterprise Fund Stabilization
Factor each year to be applied on email Dogs for Sale Dogs for Sale 5875.
Shenzhen Yilian Youchuang Net- for information. AKC GSD Puppies, parents imported
1408 Antiques & Classics work Co. Ltd July 1 of the upcoming fiscal year
from West Germany, up to date on
1- 2 years old, parti colors, current 3. AllCare Family Medicine & Primary Care Public Notice for
to each fee set under Executive
Regulations 11-17, 26-16, 20-
Garage Sales, VA vaccine and deworming. $1800 full on shots, $1000-1500 703-408-6027
AKC, $1200 limited, Call or text Eric
07AM, 15-16, 12-12, and County
CLASSICS - Especially Mercedes,
Porsche, Jaguar. Lexus, Datsun Z,
Highest prices paid for the very
TO: Shenzhen Yilian Youchuang
Network Co. Ltd
Council Resolution 18-317. The
EFSF is the factor by which the
fee calculation is adjusted, up or
Everything must go! Household Items or Denise, 240-516-4091
in Alexandria,Furniture Dishes, beds,
appliances, tables and much more! Bernedoodle Puppies, ready for new
MALTESE PUPPIES, pure bread,
white, 2 males, 8wks old, REG
asking for $1800 703-670-0001
Come Join Us! 1710 Rhode Island Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20036

Capital Healthcare, P.C. d/b/a AllCare Family Medicine & Primary Care
best examples. Call for an appointment 703-477-3771 loving home. 540-908-0744 (“AllCare”) is applying for a Certificate of Need to provide primary care
Call Bob 703-966-0122 You are hereby notified that a down, to cover DPS labor and
operating costs and to manage Reg AUSTRALIAN SHEP PUPPIES Newspaper Delivery Carriers needed to deliver medical services on both a scheduled and walk-in basis, including
360 (MINI) - Males, vet checked, S&W,
1485 Vans
lawsuit has been filed against
you in the U.S. District Court, the DPS reserve policy under the
2002 Principles of the Fiscal Man-
Estate Sales BOSTON TERRIER PUPPIES. ready 3/18. $1800 - 540-392-9707 The Washington Post and other publications
internal medicine, family medicine, pediatrics and behavioral health
services. A Letter of Intent will be filed with the District of Columbia
Eastern District of Virginia in VET CHECKED, 1ST S&W. State Health Planning and Development Agency (“SHPDA”). The
2013 CHEVY EXPRESS - CARGO, which plaintiff prays for: (1) non- agement of the Permitting Ser-
vices Fund. In FY23 there will
12220 St. James
blk/wht/brindle. Red/wht/brindle. You, too, could have location for the facility is 1710 Rhode Island Ave. NW, Washington,
shelving & rear camera, a/c pwr
wndws & locks, crusie cntrl, well
infringement of US patent
10,939,504; (2) invalidity of the be no change with our Enterprise Ethan Allen pine furniture, political
$500-700 443-938-7266 home delivery. DC 20036 in Ward 2. For additional information contact the SHPDA at
maintind. 4.8 V8 - $11,900 504 Patent; (3) Violation of Lan- Fund Stabilization Factor, current and civil war items, books, vintage, Cavachon Puppies in Virginia Routes are now available in the following
fees will remain the same with tv, record player, jewelry, antique 1-800-753-POST
301-928-1801 ham Act; (4) Tortious interference
with Contractual Relations; and no adjustments. swords. Antique German mugs
Adorable baby doll faces Ready
weekend. M/F. Local breeder SF areas in NW/DC 4. AllCare Family Medicine & Primary Care Public Notice for
Healthcare - General (5) Intentional Interference with
and much more.
March 11th, 12, 13th 9-3pm.
raised in home. 703-362-8718 Location:
Prospective Economic Advan-
BC/BE Rheumatologist
Jackson Hospital & Clinic, Inc.
tage. Roommates 602
Found COCKAPOO PUPPIES Buff males Home delivery Adams Morgan/ Columbia Heights/
1050 K Street, NW, Suite 101 Washington, DC 20001

is seeking a BC/BE Rheuma- You are further notified that the females, vet checked, shots, wormed, Capital Healthcare, P.C. d/b/a AllCare Family Medicine & Primary Care
tologist. Must have M.D.; court has entered an order per- SE DC Furn room to rent, pvt home FAIRFAX CO. ANIMAL SERVICES ready NOW, $1300. 540-392-9707 makes good Mt Pleasant (“AllCare”) is applying for a Certificate of Need to provide primary care
mitting service of process of the Blacksburg, can meet
completion of U.S. Fellowship
training in Rheumatology; and
case through (1) emails to
F pref., share kit & ba, close to metro.
$750/mo. 301-922-6393
If you have lost an animal in the
Fairfax County/Washington Metro sense. medical services on both a scheduled and walk-in basis, including
internal medicine, family medicine, pediatrics and behavioral health, Nancy- area: Please call the Fairfax Co. English Golden Retrievers AKC 10 services. A Letter of Intent will be filed with the District of Columbia
possess AL medical license., and jlam- MARYLAND Animal Shelter at 703-830-1100 or weeks old, vet checked, dewormed, State Health Planning and Development Agency (“SHPDA”). The
Location: Montgomery, AL If Contact Mr. Lloyd John at 301-412-2751
interested, email resume to:; and (2) a
single published notice of the Roommates online for found animals at
shots updated microchipped. $2250.
703-378-7535 1-800-753-POST
location for the facility is 1050 K Street, NW, Suite 101, Washington,
DC 20001 in Ward 2. For additional information contact the SHPDA at action in The Washington Post. Excellent PART-TIME Income! (202)-442-5875.
Within 21 days after this notice Capital Heights-Sr.'s & disabled rehab
Ask me about home delivery! of action you must serve on the home. Furn rms. 2 baths, 2 kits, If you have lost an animal in the LAB RET CROSS PUPS & ADULTS Early a.m. delivery hours 5. AllCare Family Medicine & Primary Care Public Notice for
$350 sec dep. $700mo. W/D. prkg Howard County/Washington Metro 8 weeks - 5 yrs. Vet checked, parents If only you had home delivery.
plaintiff’s attorney (and file with
1-800-753-POST SF the court) an answer or motion + sec fence. Util incl. Nr Metro. area: Please call Howard Co. on prem, health guar. 240-620-2013 Must have reliable transportation
under FRCP Rule 12: Bayramoglu N/S inside. Text/Call 202-568-0792 Animal Control at 410-313-2780 W W 1-800-753-POST SF 150 I Street, SE, Washington, DC 20003
Law Offices LLC 1540 West Warm Capital Healthcare, P.C. d/b/a AllCare Family Medicine & Primary Care
Springs Road, Suite 100; Hender- CAPITAL HEIGHTS - House to share. MONTGOMERY CO. ANIMAL SHELTER
Close to shopping & Metro. If you have lost an animal in the (“AllCare”) is applying for a Certificate of Need to provide primary care
Home delivery
Did you hear The Post today?
son NV 89014; in@bayramoglu- medical services on both a scheduled and walk-in basis, including $175 & up each Friday. 240-840-6308 Washington Metro area: Please call
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is convenient. If you fail to respond, judgement
Capital Heights - House to share, priv
bath. Sec dep req. Walk to metro
at 240-773-5960 or online for found services. A Letter of Intent will be filed with the District of Columbia
State Health Planning and Development Agency (“SHPDA”). The
by default will be entered against animals at
$175/wk. 301-957-1400. location for the facility is 150 I Street, SE, Washington, DC 20003, in
you for the relief demanded in
the compliant. Dogs for Sale Ward 8. For additional information contact the SHPDA at (202)-442-

1-800-753-POST Ask me about home delivery! FORT WASHINGTON - Lg house to

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SF share. Free cable. Close to MGM. shots/dewormed/vet checked, par-
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Montgomery Village, Gaithersburg - Capital Healthcare, P.C. d/b/a AllCare Family Medicine & Primary Care
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services. A Letter of Intent will be filed with the District of Columbia
sense. Roommates State Health Planning and Development Agency (“SHPDA”). The
location for the facility is 4340 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Washington,
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41ST ST.
bad because it’s a whole mall and LLARD AVE .


nothing from the ground floor on RI
up is open,” Bender said. VE



The mall was bought by devel-



oper Tishman Speyer. The com-





pany has said it will build rental Fort Reno



housing and retain retail space Heights

and an underground parking ga- TENLEYTOWN-A
rage. M Detail
Nearby retail has had
“I haven’t seen renderings. S. NW NE


E. D.C.
They were planning to do apart-
setbacks, but new

ments, but they haven’t updated SE

developments planned

me in a couple of months, so 1/4 MILE
anything’s possible,” Bender said.
BY O LIVIA M C C ORMACK The former Fox 5 building also
is being developed. Donohoe De-
The corner of 44th and Fessen- velopment plans to build 210 Heights in 1993, never bothered
den streets in Northwest Wash- units, of which 11 percent will be to obtain her driver’s license until
ington is home to the artistry of affordable-housing units, at the last month. She said pandemic-
Friendship Heights. The Little site. The company recently re- induced “cabin fever” caused her
Gallery displays works of art cre- ceived zoning approval, which to take the test. But for the most
ated by neighbors of all ages in means the project could break part, she managed just fine with-
different mediums. ground by the end of the year. The out it. The access to the Metro and
Sidney and Betsy Edelmann, building will have an LEED Gold Metro buses gave her the freedom
who have lived in Friendship designation, solar panels, green to move around the city without a
Heights since 1994, found their roofs, 1,500 square feet of retail car.
art projects piling up during the space and electric vehicle charg- “Everything you need for day-
pandemic. Although the couple ing for residents. to-day living is within walking
initially were looking only for a Bender is hopeful Friendship distance,” she said.
space to share their work, specifi- Heights can reap the rewards of According to Vial, her Tudor-
cally Betsy’s pottery, with their new development. style home will be celebrating its
neighbors, they soon discovered “We need more residents, we 100th birthday next year. She
an abundance of artists sur- need more housing overall, espe- refers to the homes on her block
rounding them. cially affordable housing,” he of Fessenden Street NW, a mix of
“There were so many talented said. bungalows, Federals and Tudors,
people in the neighborhood do- Friendship Heights is home to as having “good bones.”
ing things during the pandemic, one of the 10 projects selected by Living there: Friendship
and they really had no outlet,” Sid the D.C. Department of Housing Heights’ boundaries are fluid.
Edelmann said. and Community Development to “It gets into a murky area there
The Little Gallery allows for add more affordable housing to of where does AU Park end? What
pandemic-proof communication the District. The development is called Tenleytown? And what is
between neighbors. Edelmann will add 93 units to the Lisner- Friendship Heights?” Rice said.
leaves a pad of paper at the Little Louise-Dickson-Hurt Home, a Buyers “don’t care what you call it
Gallery so passersby can leave senior living facility in the neigh- as long as you call it convenient.”
reviews and comments. He often borhood. This is the first project The generally agreed-upon
takes a picture of the comments selected in Ward 3 and is part of boundaries are River Road to the
and sends them to the artists, so D.C.’s push for more homes for southwest, Western Avenue to the
they can get feedback on their low-income residents. northwest, 41st Street NW and
work. Dana Rice, a real estate agent Belt Road to the east and Chesa-
Part of the Little Gallery is an at Compass, doesn’t think the peake Street to the south.
audio gallery, allowing visitors to downturn in the business district According to Rice, 64 homes
hear and experience different me- is affecting potential home buy- sold in Friendship Heights last
MARCH 12, 2022

diums — such as 6-year-old Max, ers. year. The most expensive was a
who tells jokes. “I understand that it’s an issue, five-bedroom, six-bathroom
and I understand that people house that sold for just over
Edelmann said. “And one day, I FROM TOP: The Friendship Heights neighborhood in Northwest expect more, but I believe that the $2 million. The least expensive
was out there and this couple was Washington has a mix of housing styles, including Tudor. Kliti Nuri lack of housing is overcoming was a condo that sold for
pushing their kid in a stroller. and Andi Zyka walk Luka in Friendship Heights. Kids play on a that particular objection right $325,000. Five homes are for sale.
And the kid was old enough to bounce house during a birthday party. now,” Rice said. “The people that Schools: Janney Elementary,

talk, and they said that he wanted are buying Friendship Heights Alice Deal Middle and Woodrow
to come by there every single day [want] convenience, location. Wilson High (The D.C. Council
to push the button and respond to [The lack of retail] isn’t scary to voted to rename the school Jack-
the knock-knock joke.” access to Metro. them.” son-Reed High. The measure is
Edelmann, who is the creator, Bender, like other residents, “Everything you need Friendship Heights’ conven- awaiting approval from the may-
curator and carpenter of the Lit- has noticed changes to the busi- ient location was a top reason for or.)
for day-to-day living is

tle Gallery, has exhibits planned ness district. Vial moving to and staying in the Transit: The Friendship
until April. But he’s always look- “It maybe feels a little bit more neighborhood. Heights Metro station is on the
ing to showcase talent from his apocalyptic here than it does oth- within walking “Number one was being close Red Line. The Tenleytown-AU
and nearby neighborhoods, par- er places, just in terms of the to the Metro. Number two, it was Metro station, also on the Red
ticularly audio works. urban landscape,” he said. distance.” very safe, and number three, it Line, is just south of the neighbor-
Jonathan Bender, ANC chair- Lord & Taylor, Neiman Marcus was within walking distance from hood. Metro buses run along Wis-
Catherine Vial, who moved to
man for 3E, has been a Friendship and other Friendship Heights sta- Rodman’s [a specialty grocery consin Avenue.
Friendship Heights in 1993
Heights resident since 1995. He ples closed their doors during the store and pharmacy and Wash-
moved from Dupont Circle and pandemic. ington institution since 1955],” If you’d like your neighborhood
was drawn to the neighborhood “It’s kind of depressing when Vial said. featured in Where We Live, email
because of the house prices and you walk on Wisconsin Avenue to Vial, who moved to Friendship

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House of the Week
A Georgetown house with a complicated history
1524 33rd St. NW,
Washington, D.C.
The past on the plaque
has staying power; Price: $4 million
Bedrooms/bathrooms: 5/5
too bad it’s not true Approximate square-footage:
Lot size: 0.22 acre
Features: The circa 1795 house
The plaque outside this house probably started as two houses
in Georgetown tells of a colorful with an alleyway between them. At
history. It claims that the house some point, the houses were
was once the Yellow Tavern and joined. The house has five
later the White Horse Inn and fireplaces. The terraced backyard
that it was “a popular meeting has a swimming pool. There is
place of Thomas Jefferson and parking for four cars.
other notables. Here Mayor John Listing agent: Nora Burke,
Cox entertained General Lafa-
McEnearney Associates
Unfortunately, none of that is
true, even though it has been
repeated numerous times over
the years in newspaper articles, front door of the house as the
advertisements and books. cover image for her 1940 book
According to a 1909 story in the “Washington Doorways,” wrote:
Evening Star, the White Horse “Before the Revolution, tobacco
Tavern was at Wisconsin Avenue and cotton drays rumbled
and Q Street NW, a block from the through this one-time driveway
house. The tavern was built by PHOTOS BY HOMEVISIT to the rear courtyard of the White
Jacob Holtzman, a landowner From top to bottom: One of the two fireplaces in the living room at 1524 33rd St. NW in Georgetown; Horse Tavern. Foot-weary horses
with several properties in the terraced yard behind the late 18th-century house, which probably was made by joining two houses were rested while teamsters im-
Georgetown. Holtzman may have separated by an alley; a plaque that presents an interesting, but not an accurate, history of the house. bibed the spirits and conviviality
owned the house on 33rd Street, of the taproom.”
which could explain why it was sponsibility was to have the Old Georgetown Beer men-
confused with the tavern. Many plaque cast and placed outside tioned it in an advertisement:
people coming to town to sell the house of her friend Mrs. “Gentlemen will please remove
enslaved workers at the market at Small. Mrs. Peter gave Temple- their boots upon going to bed.
32nd and Q streets stayed at the man the information for the text, The Yellow Tavern on Market St.
tavern, where enslaved workers telling her that she and her hus- (now a private home on 33rd St.)
were confined in the cellar. band had authenticated its verac- is said to have had such a rule.”
The Evening Star article goes ity. According to Peabody Room
on to state that a “mulatto and “I later realized that I should records, Deering Davis, Stephen

ex-slave” named Burgess later have personally rechecked the P. Dorsey and Ralph Cole Hall,
owned the tavern, calling it the documentation,” Templeman who wrote the book “Georgetown
Yellow Burgess Tavern. “Yellow” wrote. Houses of the Federal Period,
was a term used to describe a Not long after the plaque was 1780-1830,” date the house to circa
light-skinned Black person. installed, Templeman wrote, its 1795 (not 1788 as the plaque
For many years, before the errors were brought to her atten- states). The house was likely an
building was destroyed, it was tion. She reached out to Mrs. oyster shucker’s home, according
home to what the Evening Star Peter and offered to pay for a to Peabody Room records. It
termed a “colored” Baptist corrected plaque. But Mrs. Peter probably started as two houses
MARCH 12, 2022

church. vetoed her suggestion. with an alleyway between them.

If the tavern was not on 33rd “Knowing that this marker is At some point, the houses were
Street, how did the house come to incorrect, I feel duty-bound to joined.
have the plaque? It seems that attempt to straighten out the er- Although its lineage is more
Mrs. Sydney Small, who owned ror, including my personal re- modest than the plaque implies,
the house, wanted to enhance its sponsibility in the matter,” Tem- the house is nonetheless stately,
prestige, so she persuaded her pleman wrote. “I believe we with an English bond (not Flem-

friend Mrs. Freeland Peter to should retrieve the plaque and ish bond as the plaque states)
commission the plaque. have it destroyed.” brick pattern on the facade and
In a 1968 letter that Eleanor The plaque was not destroyed, an oversize entry with an arched
Lee Templeman wrote to Theo- and it remains to this day outside transom and six-panel sidelights.
dore French, she describes what the house. And the myth of the The spacious living room has
happened. The letter is on file at house’s history has lived on. two fireplaces, the dining room

the Peabody Room of the George- A 1942 Evening Star article has one. There are two more
town Library. proclaimed: “Where a govern- fireplaces on the upper levels. The
According to Templeman, Mrs. ment official now lives and enter- terraced backyard has a swim-
Peter, who was president of the tains the leaders of today’s de- ming pool. There is parking for
District of Columbia chapter of mocracy, weary travelers used to four cars.
the National Society of the Colo- stop before the United States was The five-bedroom, five-bath-
nial Dames of America, appoint- born.” room, 4,000-square-foot house
ed her to serve as chairman of Annabel Paxton, who used Hel- on a 0.22-acre lot is listed at just
historical activities. Her first re- en Gatch Durston’s sketch of the under $4 million.

Buying New Lennar at Rippon in Woodbridge, Va.


Lennar at Rippon
1300 Rail Stop Dr.,

Lennar plans 118 townhouse-style

condominiums, and most are still
available for purchase. Prices start
in the $470,000s for the Brighton II
and the $510,000s for the
Chatham II.
Builder: Lennar
Features: Most rooms are
carpeted; vinyl-plank flooring is
Views inside and outside a model unit at Lennar at Rippon Landing, a development of 118 townhouse-style condos in Woodbridge. entry foyer. Kitchens have a five-

Townhouse-style condos by the VRE

burner gas stove, a French-door
refrigerator and crown molding.
Most Chatham II units have
fireplaces. Units have a Ring video
doorbell, a Ring alarm kit and an
eero WiFi system that Gould said
Development is minutes from Va. rail station and near nature preserves along the Potomac River works like a “booster so you don’t
have any dead spots.” A Honeywell
smart thermostat can be
BY H ARRIET E DLESON Landing is near Featherstone Na- The slightly larger Chatham II such as video doorbells and alarm
controlled via the Ring app from
tional Wildlife Refuge and Occo- has three bedrooms, four bath- kits — helps secure the units, and
Lennar at Rippon Landing is a quan Bay, where the Occoquan rooms (including two half-baths) it gives residents the power to anywhere. A garage door app
community of 118 townhouse- River joins the Potomac. And, not and 2,226 square feet. The config- monitor and control thermostats, makes it possible to monitor and
style condominiums in Wood- far away, Neabsco Regional Park’s uration is similar to the Brighton garage doors and other devices control access to the garage with a
bridge, with convenient access to outdoor attractions include the II’s, but the Chatham II comes from anywhere. smartphone. Each unit has a one-
public transit and recreation, as Neabsco Creek Boardwalk standard with a den and a half- “Our business model is ‘every- vehicle garage and enough


well as prices that may be attrac- through a wetland preserve and bath, on the ground level, along thing’s included,’ ” Gould said. driveway to accommodate a
tive to first-time buyers. Rippon Landing Neighborhood with the garage. The open-con- Schools: Leesylvania Elemen- second vehicle.
“Basically, it’s vertical living,” Park. cept main level has the kitchen tary, Rippon Middle and Freedom Bedrooms/bathrooms: 3 / 3 or 4
said Carl Gould, new home coun- The Rippon Landing condos and island, a great room, a half- High. (including one or two half-
selor with the developer, Lennar. come in two models: Brighton II bath and enough space for a small Transit: The development is bathrooms)
“They’re condos, but they live like and Chatham II. Both have four dining table. On the two bedroom not far from Route 1 and Inter-
townhomes.” levels and a one-vehicle garage, levels, the Chatham has essential- state 95. It is near the Rippon Square-footage: 1,843 for the
The community is situated on with enough driveway space to ly what the Brighton has. Most station on VRE’s Fredericksburg Brighton II; 2,226 for the
10 acres just a few minutes’ walk park a second vehicle. Chatham II units have fireplaces. Line, whose other stops include Chatham II
from the Rippon station on Vir- The Brighton II has three bed- Prices start in the $510,000s. Franconia-Springfield, Alexan- Homeowners association
ginia Railway Express’s Freder- rooms, three bathrooms (includ- Units at Lennar at Rippon dria and Crystal City in Virginia fee: $205 a month, includes

icksburg Line, which has stops in ing a half-bath) and 1,843 square Landing come with interiors and L’Enfant and Union Station water, trash removal, snow removal
Prince William, Fairfax and Ar- feet of floor space. The four levels, painted a neutral light gray. “It’s a in D.C. to the front door, exterior
lington counties, and Alexandria, from the ground up, are: the blank canvas so [buyers] can Nearby: Featherstone Nation- maintenance, lawn care.
on the way to D.C. garage; the open-concept main make it their own once they move al Wildlife Refuge; Neabsco Re-
Sales: Internet sales for Lennar,
“That’s the reason we’re here,” level, with the kitchen and island, in,” Gould said. gional Park, with its wetland
Gould said. “That’s the reason the a breakfast area, a great room and Most rooms are carpeted, with boardwalk and neighborhood
MARCH 12, 2022

parcel of land was picked” — a half-bath; a bedroom level with a choice of five colors. The main park; Stonebridge at Potomac
access to public transportation. two bedrooms and a bathroom; living level and the entrance foyer Town Center, with banks, restau-
“VRE is the amenity.” and the owner’s bedroom suite have vinyl plank flooring, with a rants, a supermarket, a variety of
This part of Prince William with en suite bathroom and a choice of five neutral colors — other stores, an ice-skating rink
County also has much to offer laundry. Prices start in the grays and browns. and a movie theater that serves
nature lovers. Lennar at Rippon $470,000s. Smart home technology — food and drinks.


Luxury home
sales soar to
new heights

$48 million $15 million

A $48 million property set the pace for (LIST PRICE $60 MILLION)
1139 Crest Lane, McLean, Va.
the region amid market momentum 7979 E. Boulevard Dr., Alexandria, Va.
Bedrooms/bathrooms: 5/7
BY K ATHY O RTON Bedrooms/bathrooms: 7/13
Square footage: 8,300
Square footage: 16,000
Much like the rest of the housing market in the Lot size: 3 acres
Washington area, the luxury market exploded the past few Lot size: 16.5 acres
years. Prices are skyrocketing. Houses that once would Listing agents: Wetherly Barker Hemeon and Karen
have sat on the market for a year or two are now going Listing agent: Heather Corey, TTR Sotheby’s International TTR Sotheby’s International Realty
under contract within weeks, if not days. Realty
Features: The 2017 modern house was designed by
“I always have defined the luxury market as over Features: The property, known as River View, was once part Thomson and Patrick Cooke of D.C.-based Thomson
$5 million,” said Heather Corey, a senior vice president at of George Washington’s Mount Vernon estate. This portion of Cooke Architects for former Washington Nationals pi
TTR Sotheby’s International Realty. “But what I am seeing
the property remained in Washington’s family until 1859. The Max Scherzer and his family. It is perched high on a s
now, I think what we’re all seeing, is these numbers over
newly constructed, Federal-style home runs parallel to the unfurls toward the Potomac River. A wall of glass at t
$10 million — which used to be a little bit scary when you
got a listing up there — now we’re seeing them in the Potomac River, with water views from almost every room. of the house provides abundant natural light and exc
$20 [million], $30 [million], $40 million [range], and When Robert Stevens, former chairman and CEO of Lockheed views of the riverscape. At the back of the house is a
they’re not as scary. And they used to take forever to sell, Martin Corp., bought the property in 2014 for $18.6 million saltwater infinity pool. The three-car garage has char
and they’re not taking forever to sell.” from Gerald “Jerry” Halpin, developer of Tysons Corner, he stations. The Scherzers worked with landscape arch
Corey was the listing agent on the most expensive house demolished the house and spent five years constructing a Joseph Richardson to revitalize the grounds.
ever sold in the area. River View, once part of George new one. The four-level home has a library, game room,
Washington’s Mount Vernon estate on the Potomac River, exercise room, resistance pool, steam and sauna rooms, a
sold for a record $48 million last fall. The sale surpassed the media room and a three-car attached garage with three
previous record set in 2020, $45 million for the late Jim electric charging stations. A separate carriage house has
Kimsey’s estate in McLean. Two years before that sale, the parking for four cars and a studio apartment. In addition to
Merrywood estate in Virginia sold for $43 million. 400 feet of waterfront, the property has landscaped grounds,
On this year’s list of most expensive homes sold in the private walking trails and a dock. The sales price set a record
D.C. region, which was compiled with the help of Black for the D.C. area.
Knight and Bright MLS, nine of the 10 properties sold for
$10 million or more, tying last year’s record for the most
eight-figure sales in one year. Only residential properties
with houses were considered. Multifamily residential and
commercial sales were not included.
Washington’s high-end market still pales in comparison
with New York City, Los Angeles, Miami or Silicon Valley.
But gone are the days when D.C. was a government town on
a GS pay scale. Although private wealth has been increas-
ing for some time now, the past couple years have seen a
surge of affluent individuals.
MARCH 12, 2022

“Honestly, in the last two years, it’s been the wealth effect PETER

of the stock market,” Corey said. “There’s so much money

chasing so little inventory right now.”
Corey admits three or four years ago, she would not have
priced River View at $60 million. But even at that price, five
$11.5 million
people qualified to view the property and she received two
letters of intent to purchase the property in less than a year. 4530 Cathedral Ave. NW, Washington, D.C.

“We priced it where we did because we saw the

momentum in the market,” she said. “We saw that the pool Bedrooms/bathrooms; 7/10
of buyers for that kind of property had really grown.”
Square footage: 11,300
One of the reasons River View commanded such a high
price is because it is on the Potomac River, as were the two Lot size: 0.51 acre
previous record-holding properties.
Listing agent: Ben Roth, Washington Fine Properties

“It all comes back to scarcity,” Corey said. “How many

waterfront properties do we have here? Not that many. . . . Features: The three-level house in the Wesley Heigh
People are enamored with water.” neighborhood was built in 2010. It has five fireplaces
swimming pool and a three-car garage.
Top five most expensive homes
sold in the District

2850 Woodland Dr. NW

$13 million
Listing agent: Michael Rankin,
TTR Sotheby’s International Realty

4530 Cathedral Ave. NW

$11.5 million
Listing agent: Ben Roth,
Washington Fine Properties

3120 Woodland Dr. NW

$10.9 million
Listing agents: Robert Hryniewicki,
Washington Fine Properties

$13 million $12 million 2525 Belmont Rd. NW

$9.6 million
Listing agent: Sold off-market
2850 Woodland Dr. NW, Washington, D.C. 2337 Zulla Rd., Middleburg, Va.
3150 South St. NW, PH2A
Bedrooms/bathrooms: 7/10 Bedrooms/bathrooms: 7/7 $9.5 million
Listing agents: Christopher Ritzert and
Square footage: 10,300 Square footage: n/a
Christie-Anne Weiss, TTR Sotheby’s
Lot size: 1.01 acre Lot size: 240 acres International Realty
n Barker, Listing agent: Michael Rankin, TTR Sotheby’s International Listing agent: John Coles, Thomas and Talbot Estate 1344 30th St. NW
Realty Properties $9.5 million
y Neal Features: The farm, which is known as Green Pastures and Listing agent: Eileen McGrath, Washington Fine
Features: The 1927 Beaux Arts mansion in the Woodland
and Ardarra, is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Properties
Normanstone neighborhood of Northwest Washington has a
tcher swimming pool, library, 12-person home theater, catering The Colonial Revival manor house was designed by New York Top five most expensive homes
slope that kitchen and staff quarters. Former commerce secretary architect Penrose V. Stout for industrialist and fox hunting sold in Maryland
he back Wilbur Ross bought the house from entrepreneur and enthusiast Robert Earl McConnell and built about 1931. The 945 Melvin Rd., Annapolis
ceptional philanthropist Adrienne Arsht in 2016. Politico’s Ryan Lizza property includes a stable, two tenant houses, a guesthouse, $11 million
heated and Daniel Lippman reported that the new owner is Peter a gazebo, a swimming pool, a tennis court and a large pond. Listing agent: Michael Rutledge, Berkshire
rging Thiel, co-founder of Paypal and Palantir. The Virginia Outdoors Foundation holds a conservation Hathaway HomeServices Homesale Realty
itect easement on the property.
1441 Sharps Point Rd., Annapolis
$10.5 million
Listing agent: Glenn Sutton,
TTR Sotheby’s International Realty

9210 Fox Meadow Lane, Potomac

$8.5 million
Listing agent: Wendy Banner, Long & Foster

6909 Armat Dr., Bethesda

$7 million
Listing agent: Marc Fleisher, Compass

869 Childs Point Rd., Annapolis

$6 million
Listing agent: Amber Krause,
TTR Sotheby’s International Realty
Top five most expensive homes
sold in Virginia


$48 million
Listing agent: Heather Corey,
$11 million $11 million TTR Sotheby’s International Realty
1139 Crest Lane, McLean
. 1005 Founders Ridge Lane, McLean, Va. $15 million
945 Melvin Rd., Annapolis, Md. Listing agents: Wetherly Barker Hemeon and
Bedrooms/bathrooms: 6/12 Karen Barker, TTR Sotheby’s International Realty
Bedrooms/bathrooms: 5/8
Square footage: 20,000
2337 Zulla Rd., Middleburg
Square footage: 7,600
Lot size: 1.26 acre $12 million
Lot size: 6.12 acres Listing agent: John Coles,
s Listing agent: Mark Lowham, TTR Sotheby’s International Thomas and Talbot Estate Properties
Listing agent: Michael Rutledge, Berkshire Hathaway Realty
HomeServices Homesale Realty 1005 Founders Ridge Lane, McLean
s, a Features: The French provincial manor in the Reserve
Features: Located on a deep-water peninsula of Aberdeen enclave was built in 2008 and has a grand colonnade with $11 million
MARCH 12, 2022

Listing agent: Mark Lowham,

Creek, the house was built in 1983. It has four fireplaces and five sets of French doors that open to a vaulted gallery. A
TTR Sotheby’s International Realty
a three-car garage. The grounds include a swimming pool. The chandelier hangs from the domed ceiling above a marble
property has 175 feet of waterfront and there are three docks. staircase. The house has an indoor swimming pool, an indoor 1020 Langley Hill Dr., McLean
basketball/racquetball court, a ballroom, a wine cellar, a $8.5 million
media room, a billiard room, a sauna and massage room, and Listing agent: Andre Amini and Mark Lowham,
an elevator. The six-car garage has hydraulic lifts. TTR Sotheby’s International Realty
Consumer Advice

How to find a good solar-panel installer

rebate for low-income home-
owners you must use an “author-
Prices of such firms in ized” company. Ask how long the
the Washington area company has been installing so-
lar energy systems. Has it com-
varied by $10,000 pleted at least 100 projects? Does
it have experience getting per-
mits approved in your jurisdic-
BY K EVIN B RASLER tion and approvals to connect
AND J EFF B LYSKAL systems to your electricity utili-
ty? You don’t want your home to
A generous federal tax credit, be a guinea pig for an inexperi-
lucrative local incentives avail- enced installer.
able to homeowners in the Dis- Make sure any installer you
trict and Maryland, more effi- consider has an electrical con-
cient panels and systems, and tractor’s license, then verify it
eco-conscious homeowners con- with the licensing authority. Also
tinue to spur interest in residen- ask for proof that companies and
tial solar energy. any subcontractors carry liability
Although recent pandemic and workers’ compensation in-
supply-chain kinks have bumped surance.
up prices of panels and other Find out how long it will take
equipment — and created wait to get things done and when
lists — solar panels sold today you’ll have to pay. As with most
cost less than those available just home improvement jobs these
five or six years ago, yet they days, solar projects often take a
produce more electricity. That while to complete because of
means most homeowners can supply-chain delays.
install fairly small projects to DAVID PAUL MORRIS/BLOOMBERG NEWS
Look for a long-term work-
cover their electricity needs. Make sure the installer has an electrical contractor’s license, then verify it with the licensing authority. manship warranty that will pro-
Still, the biggest obstacle for Ask for proof that firms and any subcontractors carry liability and workers’ compensation insurance. tect you if your system breaks
most families remains price: A down or doesn’t operate as effi-
typical-size solar project in the loans, or you can obtain a home abode and its roof are good fits what you need: ciently as promised. Installers’
Washington area runs about equity line of credit. But that for solar. Homes with roofs that l The PVWatts Calculator from warranties can vary from one to
$15,000. But you’ll get your mon- adds thousands of dollars in have unobstructed southern ex- the U.S. Energy Department 10 years; the longer, the better.
ey’s worth. A 26 percent federal interest charges to your total posures are the best sites. Be- ( If you can, avoid making a big
tax credit and various state and cost. In some areas — especially cause solar panels last for 25 l Google’s Project Sunroof deposit before work starts. Usu-
utility incentives will help pay for in the District — there are also years or more, and because your ( ally, $1,000 or more is due when
a chunk of upfront costs and, generous grants and low-interest shingles will need equal longevi- l Solar-Estimate you sign the contract, and then
over time, you’ll cover the rest by loan programs available to ty, ask a good roofer if you should ( another payment is due when
avoiding expensive electricity low-income families. replace shingles where you plan If you’re planning to buy an installation begins, with the bal-
bills. Alternatively, D.C. and Mary- to install panels. If your roof is electric vehicle in the next few ance upon completion. By with-
Because governments and util- land homeowners can sign on years, add about 2.5kW of capac- holding as much money as possi-
ities in D.C., Maryland and Vir- with a company that supplies ity per car to your system size. ble until work is complete, you
ginia offer different levels of equipment via a lease in ex- Next, collect proposals from retain maximum leverage to
incentives, how quickly you’ll change for paying it a flat month- solar companies to supply and make sure the work is done
recover your upfront costs de- ly fee — typically $40 to $100 — install your desired system. correctly and promptly.
pends on where you live. and letting it collect the tax credit Start by making Checkbook’s undercover shop- Consider other steps to reduce
D.C. residents will see the and incentives. (Solar leasing pers collected prices for two your home’s energy consump-
fastest payback period. Because isn’t yet available in Virginia.) sure your abode homes with typical projects and tion. Most of our homes unneces-
its generous Solar Renewable At, we discuss found big company-to-company sarily waste lots of energy. Often,
Energy Certificate (SREC) pro- the pros and cons of leasing; in and its roof are price differences for each. For the combined effects of making
MARCH 12, 2022

gram pays out high rates for general, we don’t think these one home, prices ranged from inexpensive improvements,
electricity produced by solar arrangements represent good good fits for solar. $12,240 to $22,464 for a 4.8 kW adopting better habits and buy-
projects, most homeowners with deals. (Washington Post readers system; for the other, prices ing better products will provide
roofs that get a lot of sun will can access our full solar energy ranged from $14,280 to $23,408 large savings.
break even within just three report, and all of Checkbook’s for a 5.6 kW system. At, we detail 32
years. ratings of local service providers The lesson? Collecting several changes you can make around
In Maryland, where the incen- and related consumer advice, newer and still covered by a prices to identify reasonably your home that will save energy.

tives aren’t quite as generous, until April 1 via manufacturer’s warranty, ask priced installers can mean saving
break even would occur within washingtonpost/solar). your roofing contractor for writ- $10,000 or more. Kevin Brasler is executive editor and
about eight years. Of course, many homeowners ten acknowledgment that the Here are some tips: Jeff Blyskal is a senior writer at
In Virginia, because want to minimize their homes’ installation of solar panels will Thoroughly vet solar contrac- Washington Consumers’ Checkbook
direct-dollar incentives remain impact on the environment, re- not invalidate the warranty. tors you consider. Skeptically re- magazine and, a
small, the payback wouldn’t hap- gardless of any cost-benefit cal- Because Checkbook’s under- view any marketing materials — nonprofit organization with a mission

pen for about 12 years. culation. If you are in this group, cover shoppers found some in- some companies promise overly to help consumers get the best
After that, because systems solar for sure is for you. stallers recommended systems optimistic scenarios. Carefully service and lowest prices. It is
provide free electricity for years, No matter your motivations, that were too large — and more read the contract and ask the supported by consumers and takes
most area residents over 20 years you’ll have to make several deci- costly — than needed, get your company to clarify anything you no money from the service providers
will come out ahead on their sions, and those decisions will own estimate of the system size don’t understand. Check for cer- it evaluates. You can access
energy bills by $10,000 to affect how much you’ll spend you need. Gather your electric tification (to get Maryland’s re- Checkbook’s solar energy report,
$46,000, depending on where upfront, how much you’ll spend bills for the past 12 months and bate, you must use an installer and all of Checkbook’s ratings of
they live. over the life of the system and tally how much power you used certified by the North American many types of local service
You can finance a solar project whether you’re eligible for tax and what you paid for it. Then Board of Certified Energy Practi- providers, including HVAC, plumbers,
purchase and avoid the big up- breaks and other incentives. use various calculators offered by tioners (NABCEP). roofers and more, free until April 1 at
front spend. Installers offer Start by making sure your three handy websites to estimate In the District, to get the

Cover Story EZ


$10.9 million $10.5 million $9.6 million

3120 Woodland Dr. NW, Washington, DC 1441 Sharps Point Rd., Annapolis, Md. 2525 Belmont Rd. NW, Washington, D.C.

Bedrooms/bathrooms: 6/9 Bedrooms/bathrooms: 6/8 Bedrooms/bathrooms: 6/7

Square footage: 11,500 Square footage: 9,200 Square footage: 7,000
Lot size: 0.5 acre Lot size: 8.8 acres Lot size: 0.15 acre
Listing agents: Robert Hryniewicki, Adam T. Rackliffe and Listing agent: Glenn Sutton, TTR Sotheby’s International Listing agent: Sold off-market
Christopher R. Leary, Washington Fine Properties Realty
Features: The three-story house, which is on the same street
Features: The 1920s brick house was designed by Porter & Features: The 2006 house on Whitehall Creek was recently where former president Barack Obama lives, backs onto Rock
Lockie and renovated by Coba Properties. The house is the redesigned by Alt, Breeding, Schwarz Architects and finished Creek Park. According to tax records, it has two fireplaces.
former home of Mary Sizer Puller Gould, a friend of first lady by Pyramid Builders. The house has an open floor plan, The house was built in 1924 for Carl Voegtlin, director of the
Bess Truman. Gould entertained ambassadors and diplomats radiant heat, geothermal heating and cooling, an emergency National Cancer Institute. Rodier & Kundzin were the
in the home before renting it to the Lebanese government to generator, security guard house with electric entrance gate architects and Carl Markham was the builder.
be the residence of the Lebanese ambassador to the United and an eight-car garage with a one-bedroom apartment above
States. Past owners include financial consultant Richard H. it. There are two deep-water piers with a boat house, boat lifts,
Medley, former U.S. ambassador to Italy John R. Phillips and jet ski lifts, a swimming pool, outdoor kitchen and two barns.
Linda D. Douglass, former director of communications for the The monthly HOA fee is $500.
White House Office of Health Reform in the Obama
administration. It has a catering kitchen, media room,
exercise room, family room, wine cellar and swimming pool.

Buyers chase a sparse inventory of multimillion-dollar homes

HOMES FROM T6 ry in this price range,” Corey said. market these days have also bal- part of the process and they want-
“That’s the biggest thing I’ve no- “If we can get enough looned. Sales of houses priced ed that, they wanted that custom-
But River View also had some- ticed is the amount of buyers in $5 million-plus have gone from 25 ization. That’s definitely shifted.”
thing neither of the two McLean that price range.” inventory, it would be in 2019, to 45 in 2020, to 88 in Next year could be just as
estates had. The buyers tend to be local and 2021, according to Bright MLS strong in the luxury market.
“In this case, those other not from outside the DMV. Al- stronger than last year. data. Sales of houses prices be- Three sales for more than


homes that sold did not have though Corey said she had two tween $2 million and $4.9 million $10 million have already been
direct water access for boating,” international buyers express in- I would be excited to get have gone from 850 in 2020 to recorded in the first two months
Corey said. “Many of the people terest in River View, the ultimate 1,417 in 2021. this year, three listings for
who looked at it liked the idea of buyer was someone who grew up another high-end The pandemic hasn’t really $10 million or more are under
having their own boat there.” in the area, Washington Com- changed what luxury buyers are contract, and eight properties are
As the sale of River View and manders owner Daniel Snyder. property on the market seeking when buying a house. on the market for $20 million or
other properties in the multi- Washington hasn’t seen an influx Just as before covid-19, they want more. Corey doesn’t see the luxu-
million-dollar range show, the of international buyers like some this year. I think I can security, privacy and space. But ry market slowing down anytime
luxury market has flipped from parts of the country have. the supply chain disruptions have soon.
being a buyers’ market to a sell- “Of course, there’s the crypto sell it much faster than I made them less willing to buy “I think the wealth is there,” she
ers’ market as the fear of missing billionaires, which we haven’t fixer-uppers. said. “If we can get enough inven-
thought the last time I

out is causing high-end buyers to seen a lot of,” Corey said. “But “They would rather [have] tory, it would be stronger than last
snap up properties. we’ve seen a little bit of, not move-in [ready] than build,” year. I would be excited to get
“This is the first time in my billionaires, but people making put one on.” Corey said. “Everybody seems to another high-end property on the
over 40-plus-year career — I think money there.” want it now. Whereas before, the market this year. I think I can sell it
Heather Corey, senior vice president
all the partners at TTR would Home sales at prices just below project of building the dream much faster than I thought the last
at TTR Sotheby’s International Realty
agree — I’ve seen limited invento- what is considered the luxury luxury home for themselves was time I put one on.”
MARCH 12, 2022
Town Square Real Estate News & Notes

You can paint brick, but it’s usually an irreversible choice


As the spring real estate mar-

ket kicks into gear, homeowners
often look at their homes with
new eyes.
Whether they want to sell now
or are fixing up their home to
maintain its value, homeowners
need to make countless choices
about improvements that would
appeal to them and future buy-
ers. One common decision is
whether to paint a brick exterior.
We asked the following ex-
perts for advice: Annie Elliott,
owner of Annie Elliott Design in
Washington; Luke Olson, a sen-
ior associate with GTM Archi-
tects in Bethesda; and Lindsay
Reishman, founding partner of
Pareto and the Reishman Group.
They replied by email, and their
responses were edited.

How do you determine if it’s

a good idea to paint the brick
on your home’s exterior?
Elliott: Painting your brick
home is entirely your decision.
However, it’s pretty irreversible.
Removing paint from wooden
trim is a time-consuming task,
but it’s possible. Once you paint
brick, though, you’re stuck.
Olson: The first thing to keep
in mind when considering paint-
ing your brick is that it is very
likely a permanent change. Once KEVIN WEBER/GTM ARCHITECTS

it is painted, it will always be If you want to paint your home, you should check with a mason to confirm that your brick is in a suitable condition and whether you
painted and there is no going should repoint it beforehand. Painted brick also needs to be repainted to keep it looking fresh, probably every three to five years.
back. You can try to remove it
with chemicals, but you probably structed with true masonry walls white it out. This can be done or brick the same color. Like any climate. You should also check
won’t be able to get it all off and (multi-wythe brick, brick and lightly to provide more of a other material, you treat the with a mason to confirm your
you risk damaging your brick. block, etc.) don’t have this fea- whitewashed look or can be used brick to provide a consistent look brick is in a suitable condition to
The second is that painted ture. These walls are designed to in combination with a stained based on the surrounding con- paint and if you should repoint it
brick does require more mainte- act as a moisture reservoir that brick to provide a more consis- text. beforehand. You want your brick
nance in that you will need to allows the water to disperse over tent look similar to painted Typically we look at painting to be in optimal shape before-
periodically scrape and repaint the entire surface area of the brick. the exterior brick when we are hand, as any issues will only
to keep it looking fresh, likely masonry wall and dry back out. planning to add onto a house and become harder to address after
every three to five years. This While painting the brick will Is there a rule of thumb want to provide a consistent look you paint.
MARCH 12, 2022

also depends on the condition of provide an effective water bar- when to paint brick? Does it from the existing house to the Reishman: We often debate
your brick. Some older brick isn’t rier to prevent any more water depend on the style of the addition, especially when the this same topic. Painting brick
really meant to be painted. from getting in, any moisture home? addition will utilize a different adds maintenance costs in the
You also need to make sure that is left in the wall after Elliott: There is no rule of material like painted lap siding long-term, so it is inefficient in
you are using an exterior paint painting or makes its way in at a thumb as to whether you or when we can’t find an exact that regard, and when there’s
rated for use on masonry and later date is essentially trapped “should” paint a brick exterior. I match to the existing brick, al- already a lot of diversity in look
that you paint it at the right time. and will have nowhere to go but think that traditional colonial though we can often resolve this and color of home exteriors with-

It needs to be several days after into the house. houses, especially if they’re his- by staining the brick. in a block, it’s less impactful. But
the last rainstorm so the brick A better option is to use a brick toric, look amazing in natural when there’s a lot of red brick,
has some time to dry out com- stain that provides a similar look brick. If you want your home to Does a painted brick exterior paint can really help your house
pletely and you don’t trap mois- but is still breathable to allow look fresh or playful — you have better resale value? stand out and we have seen a
ture in your brick, which will any moisture that makes its way should go for it. No pressure but Olson: The benefit of painting positive impact when painting in
lead to peeling paint and has the into the wall to escape. Romabio remember that the personality of the brick is that you now have the those scenarios.

potential for other more serious is one company that offers this a homeowner really comes ability to change the color palette While the value may increase
issues. sort of stain. through with the choice of paint of your house to match your because of curb appeal, painting
This is less of a concern if your Another option would be a color; you can hide behind natu- design style. Before painting, I’d brick can cause issues. Paint can
house is constructed with brick lime wash, also referred to as a ral brick. recommend looking in your trap moisture and damage the
veneer over wood frame with whitewash, which provides a neighborhood to see if there are brick in the long-term. It also can
proper weep holes, waterproof- more rustic, old-world look. A Do you need to paint the other similar painted brick hous- appear dirty and need to be
ing and an air gap between the third option we’ve seen a lot of brick fireplace in the house, es. If it is a pretty common power-washed, unlike unpainted
brick and the wood wall to interest in recently is a German which matches the exterior, feature, it likely won’t hurt your brick. I often think it’s a good
provide drainage for any mois- schmear, which is a technique the same new color? resale value. More important, idea when prepping to sell, but
ture that makes its way into the where you smear mortar mixed Olson: No, you don’t need to you’ll be able to see how the not necessarily as a long-term
walls. Older homes that are con- with cement over the brick to paint the interior and the exteri- painted brick holds up in your investment.

Mortgage Rates EZ

Rates resume their ascent, driven higher by inflation

BY K ATHY O RTON After hitting 2.05 percent in tions.”
mid-February, the yield on the 10- The MBA also released its mort-
After two weeks of declines, year Treasury sank to 1.72 percent gage credit availability index
mortgage rates resumed their up- to start the month. It has steadily (MCAI) that showed credit avail-
ward march this week. climbed back toward 2 percent, ability increased in February. The
According to the latest data re- closing at 1.94 percent on Wednes- MCAI rose 1 percent to 126 last
leased Thursday by Freddie Mac, day. With Thursday’s news about month. An increase in the MCAI
the 30-year fixed-rate average in- inflation, long-term bond yields indicates lending standards are
creased to 3.85 percent with an are anticipated to continue their loosening, while a decrease sig-
average 0.8 point. (A point is a fee upward march. Because mortgage nals they are tightening.
paid to a lender equal to 1 percent rates tend to follow the same path “Credit availability increased to
of the loan amount. It is in addi- as Treasury yields, they are also its highest level since May 2021,
tion to the interest rate.) It was expected to rise. driven by growth in jumbo loan
3.76 percent a week ago and “The flight to safety caused by programs, as well as those that
3.05 percent a year ago. events in Ukraine is, at least tem- include allowances for ARMs and
Freddie Mac, the federally char- porarily, turning into a flight to expanded credit score and [loan-
tered mortgage investor, aggre- opportunity with capital flowing to-value] requirements,” Joel Kan,
gates rates from about 80 lenders from equities and other harbors of FREDERIC J. BROWN/AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE/GETTY IMAGES
an MBA economist, said in a state-
across the country to come up safety into Western currencies Gas prices hit over $6 per gallon in Los Angeles last month. “Oil ment. “In a period of rising mort-
with weekly national averages. and commodities instead of into prices and even gas prices at the pump have been rising drastically, gage rates, affordability challeng-
The survey is based on home pur- 10-year Treasury notes,” said Ken said Michael Becker, branch manager at Sierra Pacific Mortgage. es, and declining volume, lenders
chase mortgages. Rates for refi- H. Johnson, real estate economist have made efforts to slightly
nances may be different. It uses at Florida Atlantic University. er than they would be otherwise, Becker, branch manager at Sierra broaden their product offerings.”
rates for high-quality borrowers Consumer price index data, re- the rise in oil prices is renewing Pacific Mortgage. “Oil prices and Fannie Mae released its quar-
with strong credit scores and large leased Thursday morning, showed and strengthening their concerns even gas prices at the pump have terly mortgage lender sentiment
down payments. Because of the prices rose 7.9 percent in February, about inflation,” said Michael been rising drastically. This focus survey Thursday. It showed three-
criteria, these rates are not avail- compared with a year ago, as infla- on possible future inflation will quarters of the lenders it surveyed
able to every borrower. tion remained at 40-year highs. Weekly averages for cause bonds yields and mortgage expect their profit margins to de-
The 15-year fixed-rate average Inflation causes fixed-income in- rates to rise.” crease as mortgage rates rise, up
rose to 3.09 percent with an aver- vestments such as bonds to lose popular mortgage types Meanwhile, mortgage applica- from 65 percent in the fourth
age 0.8 point. It was 3.01 percent a value, which is why investors de- tions picked up last week. The mar- quarter of 2021. The top reasons
week ago and 2.38 percent a year mand more in return for holding ket composite index — a measure the lenders cited for why they ex-
ago. The five-year adjustable-rate them. When yields rise, it’s because 5-Year ARM of total loan application volume — pect a decline in profitability were
average grew to 2.97 percent with investors want to be paid more for increased 8.5 percent from a week competition from other lenders,
an average 0.3 point. It was lending long term. 5% earlier, according to Mortgage market trend changes and con-
2.91 percent a week ago and “The spike in oil and other com- Bankers Association data. sumer demand.
2.77 percent a year ago. modity prices will lead to addi- The refinance index rose 9 per- “Rising interest rates, lack of
“The Freddie Mac fixed rate for tional inflation — but not the type 4 cent but was down 50 percent supply and strong home price
a 30-year loan rebounded this of inflation the Fed can fix,” said from a year ago. The purchase appreciation have reduced refi-
week, following the jump in the Greg McBride, chief financial ana- 3.09% index also went up 9 percent. The nance activity and further con-
10-year Treasury,” said George Ra- lyst at “Inflation is 3 refinance share of mortgage activ- strained home purchase afford-
tiu, manager of economic research a bond investor’s worst enemy so ity accounted for 49.5 percent of ability, which, of course, is damp-
at “Investors worried this is the dominant risk to mort- applications. ening lenders’ expectations of fu-
about mounting inflation. . . . All gage rates.” 2 “Applications to refinance and ture business activity,” Doug
eyes are on the Federal Reserve, which puts out a buy a home both posted solid Duncan, Fannie Mae’s chief econ-
meeting next week, as we expect weekly mortgage rate trend index, weekly gains,” said Bob Broeksmit, omist, said in a statement. “Nu-
the bank to increase the [federal] found nearly three-quarters of the MBA’s president and chief execu- merous uncertainties, including
funds rate. The big question on experts it surveyed expect rates to tive. “MBA expects mortgage rates heightened inflation and the Fed’s
many analysts’ minds is whether a rise in the coming week. to be volatile in the weeks ahead, monetary policy reaction, which
25 basis point hike will be enough “While the Russian invasion of as inflationary pressures and in- must now also account for the
given the significant shortage of Ukraine is still on the minds of March 11, 2021 March 10, 2022 vestor concern due to the conflict inflationary impact of Russia’s
labor and inflation at levels not bond traders and investors, keep- in Ukraine move the 10-year war on Ukraine, suggest increased


Source: Freddie Mac
seen since the 1980s.” ing yields and mortgage rates low- NICK MOURTOUPALAS / THE WASHINGTON POST Treasury yield in competing direc- market volatility.”

“Artsy vibe” Discover great area


neighborhoods in
“Where We Live,”
Saturdays in Real Estate.
MARCH 12, 2022


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Dianne Van Volkenburg 703-757-3222 Lilian Jorgenson 703-407-0766 Marina Krapiva 240-800-5155

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MARCH 12, 2022

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