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Sheri Nayeri
Cell: (817) 229-5513
Seeking a full-Time or Part-Time position as a Farsi/Persian Instructor.

Masteras Degree in Sociology
University of Texas at Arlington
Arlington, Texas, August 2006
For my Masteras research project, I studied the challenges that academic advisor
s face with students from diverse racial and cultural backgrounds and how those
challenges can be overcome.
Bacheloras Degree in Sociology
University of Texas at Arlington
Arlington, Texas, May 2001
Work Experience:
Farsi/Persian Instructor
Since January 1988 to the present time (Over 20 years), I have taught Farsi priv
ately for at least ten hours a week at different levels, from very beginners to
advanced. For most of my students, Farsi was their second language and they di
d not have any academic background prior to my teachings.
Sociology Lecturer
August 2007 to May 2009
College of Liberal Arts
Department of Sociology and Anthropology
University of Texas at Arlington
Job Description:
a Prepare course syllabus and teaching Introduction to Sociology and Contemporar
y Social Issues using PowerPoint presentations.

Student Development Specialist III

July 2005 to February 2007
College of Engineering
University of Texas at Arlington
Job Description:
a Academic advisor for freshmen, transfer, and probation students including inte
rnational students
a Provide information to prospective engineering students about UT Arlington and
College of Engineering
a Severed as Peopleas Soft (MyMav) instructor for all faculty, staff, and studen
ts at the College of Engineering (Lead Advisor and Liaison)
a Responsible for training the College of Engineering faculty for their Research
Expertise profile
a Responsible for hiring and supervision of the student math tutors at the Colle
ge of Engineering Counseling and Advising Center
a Assist in hiring and training of Engineering Graduate Research Assistance (GRA
) working in the College of Engineering Counseling and Advising Center
a Supervision of the Discoverer data system and responsible for all student data
processing for the College of Engineering
a Creation and management of different database at the College of Engineering fr
om special recruiting to retention purposes
a Supervision of info@engineering email site (This is an email site that can be
accessed by students abroad, specially designed to respond to studentsa question
s and concerns about specific Engineering program as well as the university rule
s and regulations)
a Managing the survey correspondence with all prospective, freshmen, as well as
transfer students interested or attending the UT Arlington College of Engineerin
a Responsible for the PowerPoint presentation at the College of Engineering orie
ntation and registration sessions
a Responsible for advising students in the Maverick Orientation Advising and Reg
istration sessions (MOAR)
a Perform student retention and recruitment process for the College of Engineeri
ng (Preview Days, Engineering Students Organizations, College Nights, and Commun
ity College Transfer Fairs)
a Assigned to special research projects by the Associate Dean for Academic Affai

Outreach Coordinator/Academic Advisor II

February 2004 to July 2005
UTA/Community College Transfer Consortium Texas TWO-STEP Project and Interdiscip
linary Studies (INTS)
University of Texas at Arlington (UTA)
Job description:
a Give presentations to faculty, advising staff, and students about the Texas TW
O-STEP Project
a Recruit and advise prospective community college students, and evaluate their
academic transcripts for transferring their appropriate credits to the universit
a Provide students with different career opportunity information about the degre
e they plan to acquire at UT Arlington
a File weekly report for the director of the project
a Assist the director in writing quarterly reports( Texas Two-STEP Project was a
grant founded office)
a Conduct weekly orientation sessions (group advising sessions)for interested st
udents and informing them about INTS and UTA rules and regulations as well as po
tential opportunities with different degrees obtained at UTA
a Hold one-on-one advising meeting with students for the purpose of building ind
ividualized degree plans and informing them about different career opportunities
that relates to the specific degrees at UTA

Substitute teacher
August 2001 to December 2003
Arlington Independent School District (AISD)
a Substitute teacher at all grade levels for AISD and private schools in Arlingt
on, Texas
Assistant Director
Gregory System
Minneapolis Minnesota
February 1995-March 1997
Job Description:
a Staff management
a Recruit clients for the company
a Train and supervision of technicians
a Coordinate of advertisement and marketing of product/services
a Clientele support
Mathematics Tutor
University of Minnesota
February 1995-May 1997
a Tutored Algebra and Trigonometry courses to the university Students
Mathematics Tutor
University of Mississippi
August 1990-May 1994
a Tutored Algebra and Trigonometry courses to the university students

Qualifications and skills:

a Exceptional teaching skills as documented by student evolutions
a Excellent rapport with students through academic advising responsibilities
a Familiar with many diverse cultures and experienced with counseling students f
rom different ethnic backgrounds
a Ability to understand complicated regulation and convey them to the students
a Recognized by UTA students as an outstanding advisor of the year (2004)
a Able to work independently and perform multitasking
a Excellent verbal and written communication skills
a Exceptional presentation skills
a Exceptional customer service and public relation skills acquired through worki
ng experience at large corporation
a Exceptional managerial and group interaction skills
a Computer skills: PeopleSoft (MyMav), Microsoft Word, Excel, Access, Outlook, P
owerPoint, and student database (i.e., data gathering, data coding, and data int

Academic Organizational Affiliations:

a Chair of Communication Committee for Staff Advisory Council (SAC)
a Member of the Campus Communication Forum
a Member of NACADA
a Executive committee member of the UTA Advising Associations Conference for two

Dr. Beth Anne Shelton
Director of Women's Studies Program
Professor, Sociology
University of Texas at Arlington
Phone: 817-272-3131
Dr. Ben Agger
Director of Center for Theory
Professor, Sociology and Humanities
University of Texas at Arlington
Phone: 817-272-2640
Dr. Lynn L. Peterson
Associate Dean of Engineering for Academic Affairs
Professor, Computer Science and Engineering
University of Texas at Arlington
Phone: 817-272-2571

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