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Movie Report:

"Joy" directed by David O.



Movie Report: Joy
The movie takes place in New York City, specifically, in Long Island. About the
environment that is shown, most of the scenes are recorded on inside spaces and the
light is always kind of low. The story is set in the 90s, so everything matches the
period , when talking about clothing, technology and infrastructure.
Character Description:
Joy Mangano is the main character of the movie. Joy is a young adult woman, she
has a slim build, is not that tall and has long straight blonde hair. During the first part
of the movie, she seems like a tired woman who is not interested on investing time to
look good, so her outfits are very basic and oversized, and her hair is kind of messy.
Then, when she starts to become successful her appearance gives a 360-degree
turn; she cuts her hair, starts wearing tighter clothes and looks a lot more
About Joy's personality, she is a woman who's been through a lot of traumas, which
caused her to develop many insecurities and fears. She was a miserable person, who
was not happy with her life and felt like she was a failure. Also, Joy is a very introvert
person but at the time very passionate about her creations and family. She is a strong
woman and very decisive.
Joy is the story of a businesswoman who started from scratch. Since little, Joy was
very creative and had a big imagination, she used to build stuff and create products
just for fun. During her childhood she suffered a lot, her parents got divorced, she was
separated from her sister and her mom fell into a huge depression which made her
take important decisions and sacrifices, as staying in her hometown to take care of
her mom, help her dad out with his business and not going to the university she
As she grew up, she met a musician she fell in love with, had 2 kids and tried so hard
to build a happy family, but the economic difficulties brought so many problems to her
marriage that she got divorced. After that her whole life was a mess, she was
unhappy and so tired of working in something she didn’t like. One day, Joy and her
family went on a boat trip and because of the high tide a wine glass broke and while
she was cleaning it, she cut her hands and realized how hard it was to clean. For that,
she got the idea of creating a mop that you could squeeze without touching it.
She started to work on the idea, got the financial support to invest in the production
and sold it to the public. She tried to sell it on her own but was having a lot of trouble,
so she decided to sell her product on TV, and after 2 tries, her product was a success
and people wouldn´t stop ordering it. When her business was on its peak, the
producer scammed her leading her into a huge debt, and when she thought that
everything was over, she got all encouraged and offered a deal to get her company
After that moment, she realized how powerful she was, and decided to start a new
business where she could support new inventions and place them into the market;
basically, she started facilitating people the process that she went through. She
became rich, happier, bought a beautiful house, and kept supporting her family.
Personal Thoughts and Feelings:
I sincerely liked this movie, originally, I was not expecting much from it, mainly
because I didn't understand exactly what was it about, but since Jennifer Lawrence
was on it I was open to give it a chance. At first, I felt like the story was going very
slow, and I was getting a little desperate because nothing interesting was happening,
but once she started designing her idea I started to get where the movie was going. I
think that it is a very well made movie and the story of achieving success when you
come from not having much is very inspirational. Even though I liked the movie and
got so excited when she started selling on TV, I think that the performance of the
actors was not that good, even though they are all very famous, I feel like some of
them were not the right ones for their roles, for example I didn't like Joy's mom and
sister, because they looked kind of forced. At the end, I would say that I am satisfied
with the movie, I enjoyed it and it somehow left the message of "keep dreaming and
working for what you desire" to me.
Personal Characteristics of a Successful person:
I consider that to be a successful person you must develop the temper to put up with
all the pressure and challenges that come with the process. I think that successful
people are not always the smarter ones or the most skilled, but I think that they are
not afraid of mistakes and do not care how many times they fall as long as they are
learning, they will keep trying over and over again, and I think that is the most
valuable characteristic someone can own. Being persistent and tenacious is not
easy, but people who are destined to be successful are so passionate about their
goals that they become so ambitious (in a good way) and no one can stop them from
believing. For me, successful people are confident with themselves and they transmit
trust; they are authentic persons who have gained what they have based on work and
honesty, and they try to inspire others to get to where they are.

My favorite scene was when Joy decided to sell her product herself on TV. She was
so nervous at first but then, with a little help from her friend, Joy could start talking
about how incredible and useful her mop was. Once she started showing how it
worked, phones started ringing and from that moment on sales raised up to 50,000
units. I got so excited with this scene, I even got goosebumps when she reached the

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